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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  October 11, 2010 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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2nd. the president will headline two fund-raisers in florida. and all this week president obama will campaign six out of seven days. yesterday, 18,000 plus attended a blowout rally with the president in philly where he also accused republicans of illegally using foreign money in a campaign. >> it could be the oil industry. it could be the insurance industry. it could be foreign-owned corporations. you don't know because they don't have to disclose. >> new polls including our latest nbc news poll secrete journal poll shows democrats are making a ground. more than 100 house seats are "in play." and joining me now, true player in washington, senior white house adviser valerie jarrett. thank you for joining us on our first show here. the president likes to use a car analogy. if we're looking at the job situation as a car, you may see we're neutral.
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but, as i medical examinntioned the democrats seem to be closing the gap. what is working with the president's message? >> well, i think the message is very clear. we can move in a forward direction, a positive direction. we have now had nine straight months of private sector job growth. that is showing momentum compared with losing nearly 4 million jobs in the last six months of the prior administration. we still have a long way to go. we have to roll up our sleeves and work hard. the president had governors and mayors across the country listening to the report from sam skinner, former transportation secretary under republican president. under both a republican and a democratic president all sayi sayingisaying we need infrastructure.
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so this will be what keeps america competitive as we compete on a global platform. it's also going to put people to work right now, people who need the jobs desperately will be able to go back to work. we have a very strong message today. he's looking forward to going to miami. he had a great time in philly. you mentioned the terrific rally. we're closing the gap coming into the homestretch and feeling very optimistic. >> let me talk more with you about the infrastructure plan -- the president is trying to lobby support from republicans. it's $50 billion on transportation projects. you can go to any city or state and point out something that needs to be improved, and where all of us could suggest the money be spent. you have house majority leader john boehner saying we can't spin our way into propriety. >> i wouldn't consider it spending. i would consider this investing in our nation's future. our roads, our rails, our runways are vital for us to be
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competitive. we could invest and make our country strong. we don't want to come in second to any country. they recognize it. we need to recognize it, too. another point is this is an issueç that is historically received bipartisan sport. this is not a partisan issue. this is about what's good for the nation and it's about rebuilding the nation. that's something that everybody can come together around. that's why it was important today that the president brought together a bipartisan group of people who are experts in the field. mayors and governors out there on the front line every single day seeing how hard it is to rebuild infrastructure. we need to invest the dollars now. and they will create jobs that are so important. the jobs will be created are the
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ones with the highest job loss. whether this construction, manufacturing, retail, those are the middle class jobs that we need desperately to rebuild our country. >> i want to get back to the midterms and play a clip from "meet the press" yesterday. a very heated debate. let me play the exchange. both have credibility questions. >> if you look at any bank, a bigger bank. you'll find hundreds -- >> that's not what i'm asking. >> i didn't know the extent of their activity. i made mistakes with regard to my military experience. i learned a painful and humbling lesson. >> you have a lot of analysts who say this race is personal for the president. it's his old seat. what can you tell me his reaction to what he saw yesterday with alexi? >> he's done a really good job in the state treasurer's office. he will bring a breath of fresh air. he's committed to helping not
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just the citizens of illinois, but those all across the country. he's fugt hard to improve the financial situation. he's absolutely committed to coming and helping the people. he brings the breath of fresh air to washington. he's concerned about issues important to the american people. and he'll be a good partner for us to have here in washington representing the state of illinois. we strongly support him. the president has been to illinois in supporting his candidacy. he he would feel the seat very well. >> i have to get you on record on the hot topic.ç "the new york times" and others saying president obama ratchets up tone against the gop, accusing the gop of using special interest money, including money from foreign companies. you have some wondering just 22 days out why are the democrats picking up on this story line? how do you get traction out of the allegation? >> what the president is saying, what members of the administration is saying, look,
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we believe in disclosure and transparency. you have $75 million floating around supporting candidates around the country. it's important for people to know where the money comes from. he believes that the american people have a duty and have a responsibility to know who is funding these campaigns. there's a lot at stake here. we believe we're moving the country in a positive direction. this is an issue of people understanding who is funding these campaigns and what is behind it. that's what the president was trying to say. let's be open. let's have transparency so we understand where the dollars are coming from. >> good luck to you, tamron. >> thank you, valerie. after months of being trap ad half mile underground, the chilean miners are closer than ever to seeing the light of day. crews just finished reenforcing
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the narrow escape shaft. now they're testing the cage to be used in the incredible rescue. if all goes well, the miners could begin their assent as soon as tomorrow night. doctors have put the miners on a special diet so they don't have a heart attack on the way up. kerry sanders is live right now in chile. he's been there covering the progress. what is the latest, kerry? >> reporter: wellwell, the real good news is they ran a test inside the shaft reinforced with the metal pipes at the top. they took the capsule and lowered it down and stopped about 40 feet shy of the final exit where the men will climb in at the bottom there. then they brought it back up and they said it worked flawless they. they said they didn't even see any dust on the outside. so they know it works. the reason they were jocking they didn't go all the way down is because they didn't want the men jumping in too soon. the reason they don't want them to come up tooç quickly, that piece of equipment, that escape
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capsule is on a cable. and it's going up over to a wench, and it's about a half on the. they're waiting for some concrete that is the anchor for that winch and the crane arm that the cable goes over to make sure it's secure. let me give you a picture of the excitement going on here. i'm going to take you first down main street. we call it main street here in camp hope because it's become that. clearly we're in the middle of the driest desert in the world here. this is what now develops. there are more than 1,500 journalists here from 180 nations. more arriving every day. that's mostly journalists you see walking up and down on the streets. to the sides and some tents, there are family members who have been camped out here for quite some time. i take you up the hill and you look up there, you can see two men posted on horses just above where the flags are. there are 33 flags there. 32 from chile, one from bolivia.
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the gentlemen on the horses are on patrol making sure nobody tries to cross over the mountain and come in the backside where the miners will come out of the hole. now as i bring you back over here towards where the hole is, it will reveal to you the work that's taking place fwhirnd me where they're actually completing the efforts on that hole. i'm going to step out of the way and show you up the hill there. they have put up a black tarp, now they have dropped the black tarp. that area with the yellow cranes, that's where they're putting together the final preps, putting the winch in place. it appears the stage is set for the rescue of the 33 miners trapped down there for 68 days. an incredible 68 days. if everything goes as planned, and it is certainly falling in extremely late on tuesday or early wednesday morning. >> this is extremely exciting.
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thank you very much. we certainly wish the best,that this all works out as planned. thank you very much. we're hearing horrific details of the beating and torture of three young men rumored to be gay. new york city police say members of a gang called çlatin kin kinking goo king goonies attacked one of their own after hearing he had sex with a man. it all comes as the nation is stunned by a rash of anti-gay bullying. sharon, thanks for joining me. >> thank you for having me. >> if first of all, the details are unbelievable. >> it's gut wrenching. elementary, middle school, high schools across the country. why so many cases now? do you think? >> i don't think we're seeing more cases now. >> are they being reported more now? >> i think we're seeing more severity in cases. at the anti-violence gatherings,
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we know there's an increase. >> what are the numbers of increase that you're seeing in? >> in 2008 we had the most dangerous year for lgtb people where 22 people were murdered because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. >> today is national coming out day in florida. there are special prayer services held in honor of the young people who have taken their own lives because they were gay or perceived to be gay. what message needs to be heard? what? a month into the school year. >> i think what we have to talk about is how we talk about gay people in the country. when children hear that it is wrong or bad to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, they are going to internalize that and think they are bad if something happens. we need to say, stop with that talk. >> you have a new movie coming out. vince vaughn, very popular actor.
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in the trailer, he said, that's gay. anderson cooper and others said this is an example of how acceptable it is to use "gay" as a disparaging remark. >> that's exactly it, tamron. people treat those remarks so casually. then what we've seen over the last couple of weeks is the very real impact they have on people's lives. something like that's so gay to the hate speech rhetoric we've been hearing lately, that all forms a culture that says it's not okay to be gay in the country. >> sharon staple, thank you for reacting to what continues to be an awful problem that we areç reporting on. it seems the cases are getting worse. related to a pm candidate for new york governor. carl paladino is responding to. paladino said he didn't want his children thinking homosexuality
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is okay. well, fast forward to this morning. he told matt lauer that even though he has a gay nephew and a gay staffer, he doesn't agree where the lifestyle and called what goes on at gay pride parades, quote, disgusting. >> i was trying to define myself very clearly as oo opposed to mr. cuomo. he took his daughters to a gay pride parade. is that normal? would you take your children to a gay pride parade? >> joining me now live is michael smerconish, nationally syndicated talk show host and msnbc contributor. what carl paladino is saying happens, he says at gay pride parades grinding. that's what he says happens. from his words he's never been there. i'm assuming he's online or something getting his images. he's not defending his comments, certainly not clarifying them either. >> i have three problems with it. problem one is when he speaks of
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the homosexual option, then he is implying that there's choice involved in this. i happen to think he's flat out wrong with his disparaging comments. the second point, quite obvious, the timing. listen to the story you just did about eight men who have been arrested for their gang assault on two or three individuals. the third is not getting enough attention. and it's this. he was a puppet. he was a puppet for that special interest group. he stood there like a bafoon reading a prepared statement that was obviously their handy work. imagine if you walked onto wall street and they said, here you are. you want to be the governor. read this statement. that's essentially what went on here. >> he says he had the time to edit some of it out. he took out a line, apparently, about homosexuality being dysfunctional. he wasn't a puppet. he was a willing participant because he had the presence of mind to take out one line. >> it would have been worse is what i think you'reç saying. but if you watch the tape, the
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way he was pausing and stuttering and stammering suggests he was making the decision as he goes hay long. >> but he's not alone. he was in a room full of people. then he points out, the catholic church agrees with him. so he's not on this planet all alone. >> no, he's certainly not. i had telephone calls all day long from people saying he speaks for me. i don't think he speaks for the majority. we're about to find out. >> we'll see what voters have to say. he's already down 24 points in the recent polling. pakistan opens border with afghanistan after being closed for 11 days. what does this mean for the strained relationship between pakistan and the u.s.? i'll check in with richard engel. plus major banks putting a freeze on foreclosure. the white house is not very happy about it.
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a major development that could ease tensions between the u.s. and pakistan. pakistan opened a kree border crossing allowing trucks to deliver fuel and other supplies to u.s. and other nato troops in pakistan. pakistan kept the crossing closed for 11 days to protest the death of pakistanis in u.s. drone attacks. richard engel joins me now. he's in new york with us. richard, we know the drone attacks will continue. situations certainly can happen where where people who aren't targeted are killed. what is the threat of thisç happening again? >> i think this shows how fragile the relationship is between the u.s. and pakistan. it also shows how important they are. 40% of nato supplies to afghanistan go through pakistan. these are considered nonlethal
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supplies, mostly fuel, weapons and other things like that are mostly air lifted. it wasn't because of the drone attacks. american helicopters, real helicopters with american soldiers inside crossed the border into pakistan and killed two pakistani soldiers by accident. now, that was going above and beyond the drone attacks. pakistan has been able to turn a blind eye, sometimes encourage the drone attacks that have been targeting militants in the border area. this created such a pr disaster for pakistan that the government and military felt it had to react to appease the pakistani people who felt they were under
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attack. >> could this possibly happen again? it's hard to blink your eyes and pretend the 11 days did not happen. >> the hidden hand are really the pakistani media. relations between the u.s. military and the pakistani military are strong, and have remained strong, despite this difficult incident, which really stopped the supply line. but in pakistan itself, there is a lot of anti-american sentiment. and this incident with american helicopters going into pakistan was captured by the more than a dozen very aggressive pakistani news channel. it became a big domestic story. could that happen again? certainly. >> richard engel is live for us today. good to see you. the search for a missing north carolina girl tops the news around the nation. she's hearing impaired. she has a prostheticç leg, and
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she vanished on saturday. police question their father and stepmother and say there are inconsistencies in their statements. police don't know what caused 50 underage partyers to get sick at an off campus party. the students involved in the party could face sanctions. police think someone spiked the drinks. no drugs were found at the scene. they're waiting on drug tests to see what was put in that. and a new report says dropping out of college costs taxpayers billions of dollars. 6.2 to be exact. states put aside that much money to pay for the education of students who do not return after the first year. and nearly 60 million americans will not get a raise again this year for the second year in a row. i can tell you what we're talking about. and miley cyrus is 17 and some say, too sexy. in fact, some people want her to be disney's hanna montana from the rest of her life. from this video, it's obvious
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she wants something else. news nation is back after a quick break. ♪a young man with ambition ♪ met an old man at the top ♪ asked him if he d a secret ♪ ♪ and the old man stopped and thought and said: ♪ ♪ free 'cause that's how it ought to be my brother ♪ ♪ credit 'cause you'll need a loan for one thing or another ♪ ♪ score 'cause they break it down to one simple number ♪ ♪ that you can use ♪ dot to take a break because the name is kinda long♪ ♪ com in honor of the internet that it's on ♪ ♪ put it all together at the end of the song ♪ ♪ it gives you freecreditscore-dot-com, ♪ ♪ and i'm gone... >>offer applies with enrollment in triple advantage.® su liki just wish that all of the important information
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the new cadillac srx. the cadillac of crossovers. cadillac. the new standard of the world. well, the white house is resisting calls for a nationwide freeze on home foreclosures saying it could be bad for the housing industry. white house adviser david axelrod said valid foreclosures should go forward. all this leads to charges that major lenders may have committed fraudç while throwing thousand of people out of their homes. tara nelson is here with us. thank you for joining me. you have now possibly 40 states planning a coordinated investigation, tara, into the bank foreclosures. what would that look like? >> well, you're right.
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as many as 40 states' individual attorney generals are are collaborating about a multistate investigation for the signing of foreclosures against the major banks. rather than 50 scatter shot -- >> for people that don't know, what is robo signing? >> this is the primary allegation underlining the scandal. there are departments at the banks that just have a person sit at a desk and signs tens of thousands of documents at a time without reading them and ensuring them the facts underlying the foreclosure do exist. >> the white house, as i pointed out, is resisting calls for a nationwide freeze on the foreclosures. they're worried about the housing industry. if we have this freeze or investigation, what kind of impact do you think it would have on the housing market? i imagine some people are pretty afraid if you have a couple homes in foreclosure in your neighborhood and this is all up in the air.
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>> absolutely. >> i think a foreclosure freeze is not that unlikely. we're probably more than half way there with the number of banks and the banks at issues being the largest lenders. bank of america, jpmorgan chase. and there are three impacts we would see with the nationwide foreclosure freeze. first as you were saying, mr. axelrod said it really probably will delay the overall recovery of the housing market. for most of these people, delaying a foreclosure is delaying the inevitable. they are upside down and delinquent. that holds up the reset of the market and holds up the ability of the banks to resell the homes. one of the other things we're already starting to see is buyers become very hesitant to buy foreclosed homes. they're not sure if they do buy the homes that the sale won't be reversed if there's later proof the bank was wrong in the processing of theç foreclosurep
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front. the other thing i think could possibly happen which would be an upside, is these state attorney generals and even the federal attorneys general could really take this opportunity to leverage the banks into real significant true solutions in how they deal with loan modifications and short sales. there are really potential creative solutions that could come out of this. if we're just talking about a foreclosure freeze. it definitely could snowball the housing crisis. >> so many people affected by this. well, officials say there are no suspects right now in that alleged pirate attack in mexico. and still, they've not recovered the body of the missing man. what does that mean for the investigation at this point? plus, hungary's prime minister is blaming human negligence for the spill of the sludge that killed eight people. now there's a warning that this could happen again. you're watching "news nation." into the esophagus.
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welcome back to "news nation." october is domestic violence awareness month. why are the victims getting younger? and what is being taught to teach young people that what they thing is young love is violence and sometimes it turns deadly. plus, still no suspects and no body. what next for the investigation? and brett favre plans to talk to the nfl about allegations of sending racy text messages to a reporter while on the team. plus, could there be another book out there in the enormously popular series thatç started wh "the girl with the dragon tattoo." first, revisiting the top story on news nation. an exclusive interview with white house adviser valerie jarrett. she defended obama's accusation that republicans may be spending foreign money in the election
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campaign. take a listen. >> this is an issue of people understanding who is funding these campaigns and what's behind it. that's what the president is trying to say. let's be open. let's have disclosure. let's have transparency so we understand where the dollars are coming from. also in the face of republican criticism, jarrett defended the president's plan to spend $50 billion on transportation projects around the nation in an effort to create jobs for middle class workers. and there are conflicting reports in the investigation of the disappearance of american tourist david hartley. he was allegedly shot and killed by mexican pirates on a lake that borders texas and mexico. police say there are no suspects. but a mexican newspaper reported two brothers linked to a drug cartel are under suspicion. david's wife tiffany spoke to matt lauer on the "today show" this morning. >> this is very frustrating. at one moment we do have suspects. at another moment they don't. either way, i hope they find
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somebody who can lead us to where david is. that's all we want. >> janet shamlian joins us from texas. why this inconsistency with what the newspaper is reporting and what tisofficials are saying ab the suspects? >> reporter: it's hard to say, tamron. but over the weekend one mexican official said there are suspects, they're brothers. they're members of the drug cart cartel. a number of newspapers reported that. late last night a high ranking mexican official denounced the report saying there are no suspects whatsoever. will they' whether they're trying to protect the investigation or there's no suspects, we don't know. the county sheriff following the investigation on this side of the border says he's not heard any word of any suspecteds. it's been 11 days. they still haven't found david hartley. this poor girl tiffany is nearby hoping for closure here.
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hoping they will bring her husband home, at least his body video. this is a stop by texas troopers of tiffany and david hartley and their truck as they were coming here. it was for an expired registrati registration. they were ticketed. he clarified they were headed on the lake. >> thank you for the latest on this one. the director for the company at the center of the toxic red sludge spill in hungary is under arrest. the government is freezing the company's assets to make sure money will be there to pay for the incredible cost of damage. as a result of this disaster, disaster crews are working to finish an emergency dam to prevent a second spill. they say it is possible this could happen again. seven people have died. one is missing after that sludge flooded towns last monday. and trouble news for social security recipients. the government is expected to announce this friday there will
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be no cost of living increase next year. it will be the second straight year that the nation's 58 million social security recipients get no increase in their monthly benefits. oprah winfrey said she's disappointed after a woman accused of beating children at her school was acquitted. they accused her of trying to kiss and fondle some of the girls at the school right after the opening in 2007. she was accused of assaulting one teenager as well as a fellow supervisor. winfrey said she's committed to providing a nurturing educational environment for female students. and miley cyrus' sexy new video sparks outrage. and what do lady gaga and tony soprano have in common? it is time for the scoop with courtney hazlett. >> happy monday. maybe not so happy for the miley
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cyrus camp as they continue to get blistering criticism for a new video. the song is called "can't be tamed" featuring, of course, miley cyrus. parents tv counsel is saying it's a really unfortunate video. saying she's acting too sexy. >> why do i feel like i've seen this video before? >> or we've heard the story before. i think this isdridiculous. she's a performer. she's 17 years old. she's not longer on a disney show. >> she's 18 on the 23rd. >> might i remind you when britney spears was 17 she was on the of her first "rolling stone" cover in hot pants and a push up bra. this is what performers do: her audience is older now. it's not 6-year-olds watching hanna montana repeats. that was the other one. this is the new video.
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>> oh, they're upset about this one as well. it opens up with her riding on a bed. then she's dancing at a club. and i understand that if you've got a little kid who loves hanna montana, which she's no longer doing live episodes of anymore. it could be confusing, but what 6-year-old is watching this video? at some point you have to make decisions about what your kids are watching. >> they said it was unfortunate she would appear in a sexualized video like this one. she built her fame and fortune on the backs of young girls. >> i see that. i hear you, sir. at the same point in time, her career is moving in this direction. miley is growing up. one story i love, love, love today. if you are a fan of "the girl with the dragon tattoo" that series, it sounds like there's another manuscript out there. right after the author, steve larson, he died before he could see any of the books published. recently there was talk there could be another manuscript. that rumor was spread by his
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long-time companion, angry she wasn't part of any financial benefit. people weren't sure if she was telling the truth. the brother says, yes, there is another manuscript. he says he was writing the fifth book. he skipped number four. he wanted ten books in the series and thought five would be bhr interesting to write right now. it's a long time before we see anything, but it sounds like the rumors out are true. >> thank you very much, courtney. for the latest entertainment news, log onto can you put up the lady gaga thing? >> yes.78pr(t&háhp &hc% and all brett favre wants to talk about right now. he says new york jets because his team plays tonight. but his days with the jets and those racy text messages he allegedly sent to a former sideline reporter? should he be answering those
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questions? but first, here are things we thought you should know. the number two gop leader in the house is criticizing an ohio ka candidate for congress. i ought to explain, he was dressed up to reinact world war ii battles. >> i'm you. and just like you, i have to constantly deny that i'm a witch. >> delaware candidate christine o'donnell is reacting to the snl skit. she tweeted it was really funny. and russian spy. some say sexy russian spy. anna chapman has a new job working for a russian bank to help with innovation and information technology. in the u.s. chapman was accused of using her technology salvvy n her work as a spy. mmmm.
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welcome back. october marks national domestic violence awareness month. tear we are focusing on the topic of teen dating abuse and domestic violence. listen to these numbers. two out of three teenagers, two out of three, is in an abusive relationship and don't tell anyone. less than 3% of students report the abuse to an authority
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figure. joining me now is conservatiste milva. also with her, brave young woman, a survivor of teen dating. i should say for the last two years i have hosted your annual event. first of all, stephanie, tell people about day one, why there's a need for an organization like yours. >> it's the only organization in new york focused on teen dating violence. as you know, it affects so many people. most people are aware of adult domestic violence, but aren't aware it affects nobody more than 16 to 24-year-olds. a lot of young people misinterpret the signals. as he's calling me 100 times and telling me what to wear, oh, he just loves me. >> young people don't have a lot to compare it to.
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something they mistake something that starts as emotional abuse that could turn to physical abuse later. >> you told your story and shared your story. how old were you? >> i was 14 when i entered into an abusive relationship. >> what was happening? you're 14. this is the time you're maybe supposed to be text messaging and talking about what videos are going on on mtv. you were in this destructive relationship. >> i met my abuser when i was 5 years old. he was my best friend. i was happy. i was in love. he was the one person i really trusted. later on things became abusive. >> in what way? >> it started off as suicide threats. he oftenç threatened to kill himself in order to control me and to control my behaviors. to get me to do what he wanted me to do. >> at its worst what happened? >> it escalated to become more physical. he became more and more aggressive.
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it sort of could my naculminate him punching me and hitting me when i didn't respond the way he wanted me to. >> did you tell anyone? >> i didn't. >> why? >> i was embarrassed in a lot of ways. i was raised to be a strong, independent person. suddenly i was in a position where i felt like i had become a victim. i was ashamed of that. i was scared that he was going to hurt himself. >> how did you break free? >> his family moved away. so the physical abuse ended then. and then he ended up committing suicide a few months after that. and i think -- i found day one as i was beginning to confront my experience. a few years later in college. through finding day one and knowing this organization existed, that i wasn't the only person who had gone through it was the most powerful experience. >> and we don't say victims, we
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say survivors. you survived and are sharing your story with other young girls and young women. stephanie, jean, thank you for coming on. i told you you could do it. be sure to check out i blogged for the first time on the grio about how domestic violence hurt my family. you can give me your thoughts and share your stories if you so choose. [ female announcer ] when you save an average of over $450 a year with the humana walmart- preferred prescription plan, you have more time to remember what it's really all about. enroll starting november 15. go to for details. may not be getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies the nutrients of a balanced breakfast to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start.
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welcome back. views from news nation. a lot of tweets this hour. one complimenting the young lady who came on with day one, talking about surviving domestic abuse at the age of 14. another guy sent in, i don't see brett favre trying to be a role model for kids.
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he owes his best performance on the gridiron. join me at "news nation." i'll be up all night reading a plethora of messages. keep it clean. time for the new segment. news nation gut check. we focus on hot button topics. today we're looking at brett favre. retirement may not be what will bring down this quarterback. alleged naughty texts could rurn his legacy. the allegations center around a sport blog claiming brett favre send lewd messages that included nude photos to a former new york jets reporter while playing with the team. now two more women have come forward accusing favre of making unwanted sexual advances. favre now plays for the minnesota vikings. favre said only this.
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>> i'm not getting into that. i got my hands full with the jets. >> so in light of the snowballing controversy, should brett say more? joining me now, editor of good to see you, mike. >> good to see you. good to be here. >> i went online. saw the story on the headline. i screamed. if his wife and children are seeing this, and fans, shouldn't he answer up? >> but what can he really say? >> true or not? >> but if it is true, i don't see him saying it. he's got to worry about an investigation that the nfl is currently inducting. >> what is the investigation? it's not criminal? >> it's not crimina&f the nfl has a personal conduct policy. things of this nature fall under that umbrella. especially when you get into a situation with multiple possible claims. when there are repeat offenses. so from brett favre's perspective, if he can't say anything other than that's my
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voice and i did that, it makes sense for him to say nothing until the nfl sorts it out. >> so then what happens? we found or did not find this true. >> if it's only one incident, i would be surprised if he's suspended. if they find multiple incidents, it raises the likelihood. as of tonight he will have started in 289 games with no injury. he could be derailed by this off field issue. >> i can't tell you how many times saying, you think it's true? does this hurt his image. >> it definitely hurts his image. the fact he's not saying anything makes it worse. i talk to people who know his voice. they heard that audio. they said it's definitely him. if he doesn't say it's not him, it's fair for us to assume that it is. >> well, what does your gut tell you? go to to vote. go with your gut. the first edition of "news nation". i'm tamron hall. cenk uygur picks up the coverage
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i am you? it's a popular man tra on the political trail right now. but do you really want someone just like you in congress? we'll show you why it's a good idea in some ways, and a disastrous idea in others. the fed going back to the printing press. where is all the the money going? will it help or hurt you? i'll let you know. hello, everyone. i'm cenk uygur. right now president obama is in the air, in route to miami, where he's headlining fund-raisers to bring in more money to democratic candidates. he's also doing his part in hitting the stump. but some aren't embracing the president's star power at all. chuck todd, news director and chief white house correspondent is here with us. why


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