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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  October 14, 2010 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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you're not paranoid. they may be really monitoring you. good day, everyone. i'm tamron hall. the news nation is following troubling new numbers out today that show that more americans are losing their homes. banks seized 102,000 properties in september. it's the first time foreclosures topped 100,000 in a single month ho. more than 816,000 homes were seized this year in the first nine months. among those now fighting to hold onto her home is this single mom in florida, who said she repeatedly tried to work things out with her bank, but has only gotten the runaround. >> i have two daughters also in limbo. because they go to school here. and it's really hard on my kids. >> this all comes a day after all 50 state attorney generals announce they're launching an
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investigation of foreclosure practices. the states are accusing some banks ofç using faulty documen to evict people. a new york times report cites incompetence, disorganization and sheer laziness by some banks. diana olick joins us now from washington. this is one of the hottest topics you can find these days. people are talking about it on the internet. they're talking about it in the neighborhoods. what can we learn from these latest numbers about the number of people who are getting kicked out of their homes? >> what we find, tamron, is even though the big banks are halting or delaying foreclosures, that doesn't mean foreclosure actions aren't still taking place. the numbers you said were for september, before the freeze by many banks. so you saw the record number. it just tells us that people are still in trouble. people are not able to pay. and they are getting to that final stage, which is the repossession stage, when the banks take the home back. for borrowers like the one you just showed, it's very possible she's going to get something of a stay of execution, as in she
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may get three, four, five or six months to stay in her home before final foreclosure because the banks are going over the documents over and over again making sure everything was done correctly. we have to remember that one-third of all home sales in august were of distressed properties. that is foreclosures or short sales. that's all grinding to a halt. when we get the numbers out of what's selling in the housing market, it's going to drop off a cliff. you're not going to have the distressed properties selling. is that good or bad for the market? you could make two arguments. without the distressed properties bringing markets down, it may stabilize home prices. but everyone knows the foreclosures are still coming. that means we're going to see the pain in the future, if not now. so is there any confidence? will any buyers get back into the market? >> i have to ask you about "the new york times" and other reports saying lenders knew of foreclosure problems. they were hiring people not qualified and who were robosigning or not knowledgeable
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enough to know what they were signing when it came to the foreclosures. >> well, there are going to be plenty of allegations going around because of what's happening now. we don't know the answer of whether it was happening or not. we know the banks were faced with just a huge number of foreclosures to process. we talk about the big banks, but servicers take on many, many loans. they're designed to take in your payments and make sure theyç g to the right place. these banks were not ready for this amount of foreclosures. clearly you're see wing where t corners were cut. to what extent, i'm sure we'll find out. >> now to the politics of what's happening with this incredible number of foreclosures and the debate over the possible freeze. i'm joined by huffington post senior writer, you wrote about this. some lawmakers are being suspiciously silent regarding this issue that affects so many americans. >> absolutely. and right now we're seeing a lot more democrats are speaking out.
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about at least ten democrats have called for investigations. another 10 have said that we need to have a moratorium. really only one or two republicans have said anything. we have senator shelby from alabama saying that he supports investigations. john boehner said that we need to get to the bottom of this. and congressman erefrom virgini said it's a totally bad idea. many would like to say you're either with keeping people in the home or siding with the banks. >> but you have the obama administration saying it would hurt the housing market. >> it's frustrating a lot of progressives. they would like to see some thof the candidates run to the left of obama and say, look, this is somewhere where we do disagree with him. we don't agree with the fact that he's against a moratorium. this is something that we would like to see and, you know, you shall press him on that. >> what would be the motivation for lawmakers not to voice an
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opinion or a thought on this? this is after all the housing market. we're still in a bad situation. it doesn't matter if your home is in foreclosure or if you're at risk of losing your home. this can still affect your home, the value and when you decide to sell. >> it seems like a nonpartisan winning issue on both sides of the aisle foreclosures are affecting people. some people may be unwilling to speak out if they're looking to wall street to get more money. this is something that many on wall street don't, they don't support. right now wall street money is going much more heavily to republicans than democrats. >> h >> amanda, thanks for joining us. >> thank çyou. >> tune in to "the dylan ratigan show" later this afternoon. he'll speak with a family from california whose attorney told them to break in, move back into their home after they were foreclosed by mistake and evi evicted. disappointing new jobs numbers out today. new claims for unemployment
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benefits rose last week for the first time in three weeks. that increase was expected as cash-strapped state and local governments continue to cut jobs. the nevada desert often name to big host boxing events and mma fights inside the octagon. tonight a political slug fest is going to go down with harry reid and sharron angle going toe-to-toe for the first and only debate in the deadlock race. once thought a long shot contender, sharron angle is now essentially tied with harry reid in the polls. thanks to the money she reports in third-quarter fund raising. i'm joined by editor in chief joan walsh. thank you for joining me. >> my pleasure. >> sharron angle raised the most money by a republican candidate in nevada ever. how do you explain the staggering amount of money she's been able to bring in? $14 million. >> yes. and it's coming from outside of
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nevada. i think the republican party and the the tea party has certainly nationalized this race. it would be a huge coup for them to bring down harry reid in november. so a lot of people are getting involved. there's so much shady money in this election cycle. it's really depressing. she's going out and she's raising it. she made it a priority. she will not talk to reporters. she was really frank about it. she'll go on fox news. she'll go to where to tell people to send money. that's her strategy. i think she's too extreme for nevada. i ultimately think harry reid will pull this out. but she's made a great race of it. >> how is that possible? those who support harry reid, they called her crazy. they pointed out some of her views. that certainly may not settle well with voters considered in the middle or mainstream, but she's still, if we're going to continue to use the boxing analogy here, she's still kicking butt. she's still swinging.
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>> she's swinging. she's landed punches. harry reid is in a tough fight for a lot of reasons. some of them in his control. some of them çnot. it's a bad climate for incumbents. it's very bad climate for people perceived as status quo. >> are people voting for her or against harry reid? >> i think there's definitely that story line. whoever it was. look, if it was a mainstream candidate, i think they would be doing better against harry reid. i'm not sure, though. she's really riding a wave of anger and extremism. there's a whole climate in the country now where people are questioning social security. they're questioning the minimum wage. they're questioning basic fair labor. anti-child labor laws. sharron angle is part of the movement. i think it will be rejected, but she's making it more fun in nevada. >> but there are obviously people who at some point agree with her in that they are writing the checks and sending in the money. but let me ask you about the the debate tonight. it's the one and only debate. what should we be looking for?
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>> i'm very excited. i'm glad the giants aren't playing tonight so i don't have to choose. we need to look for harry reid to point out how out of the mainstream she is. she's not fast on her feet. she's not really in full charge of her material or of the facts. clearly he is. but, you know, the bar is very low for her. and this is a problem for harry reid. if she doesn't have a christine o'donnell moment, if she doesn't come off really crazy there will be people who say she won. that's tough for him. it's also tough fighting a woman candidate, nongetting in low blows or things perceived as unfair in ha certain gender way. we've seen that in other races. he needs to stick to the facts and really make clear to the people of his state she is way, way outside of the nevada
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mainstream. it will be exciting. >> it will be exciting to watch. thank you. greatly appreciate you coming on with us. a san diego superior court judge could be tossed from the bench because of her antics in the courtroom. judge deanne calcido was so eager to get on television she allegedly videotaped her hearings as an audition tape for a reality show. the judge played it for the camera, telling one defendant wave if he violated probation. joining me now, michael smerconish, msnbc contributor, nationally syndicated talk show host. michael, what do you make of this? you're an attorney. this sounds crazy. >> well, she wants to have a courtroom television program, and tamron, after i just read judge judy is pulling down $45 million a year, i want one, too. but the problem with her is she didn't go out and shoot a pilot, as you've already mentioned. she used real cases. she didn't get the permission of the court system.
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she didn't notify the litigants. then she stacked her cases. in other words, in an e-mail to an entertainment lawyer she says i'm setting them all up on a particular day. i'm paraphrasing, but these will be the good cases. it's as if she had someone writing good lines for her backstage. there's a public urination case. and she says something to the effect of this gives new meaning to zip it. so it appears she's playing entirely for the camera. as a lawyer, here's the damage. if you have a compliant in front of her that day, you wonder was your client prejudiced by the process? did she come up with some form of adjudication that suited the camera but not the case? >> she said she had bad judgment with her comments, but said her humor and tough love approach helps defendants clean up their lives. she threatened one person with jail time if he drank budweiser instead of heinekin.
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>> truly, as i was reading the 20 or so page case that has been alleged against her, i was thinking of that case. >> what do you think should happen to her? >> i think she should be disciplined. i am not convinced she ought to be thrown off the bench. but this public reprimand may be in it of itself enough. >> all right, michael smerconish. interesting story there. thanks, mike. >> thank you. after two months trapped 2,000 feet beneath the earth, experts are concerned about how the miners in chile will readjust to life. a survivor of the pennsylvania quecreek mine cave-in will tell us why he passed upç offers. plus the new technology of the days when we could bring our own water on the plane. >> later, a racket of historic proportions. investigators say the scope of the scam put the mob to shame. details ahead. [ female annou] last year, the u.s. alone
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used over 39 billion plastic bottles of water. ♪ that's enough to stretch around the earth over 190 times. ♪ each brita filter can take up to 300 of those bottles out of the equation. it's a small step that can make a big difference. look for our coupon in this weekend's newspaper. called the humana walmart- preferred prescription plan. it's a medicare prescription drug plan that saves you an average of over $450 a year, with monthly plan premiums less than $15 and copays as low as $2. with savings like these, you have more time to remember what it's really all about. enroll starting november 15. ♪ go to for details.
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welcome back. one of the safety rules sparked by a foiled plot to blow up airlines with liquid explosives may soon be relaxed. new scanners that will detect whether a passenger is carrying liquid explosives. that means travelers may finally be able to bring sodas and full-sized shampoos back on board. michael boyd, aviation an alyst is joining us. the 311. just when we get it in our heads it may be a good thing for safety reasons. tell me more about this device. >> well, it can basically tell the molecular structure of a liquid. whether it's really good perfume or really cheap merlot. it's a move in the right direction. not just for passenger screening. it would be for air cargo screening and screening things on an airplane. it's a tremendous breakthrough. it's something that really needs to be accelerated. >> and you say accelerated.
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i'm reading the scanners won't be available for a few years. why would it take so long? >> i don't know. i remember having this discussion back in 2002 about the very same thing. this is not something we just dreamed up. but it's something that's really important. i'm getting of tired of showing everybody atç security i use grecian formula 13. >> i i this is worse for women because we carry more products when we travel. this rule about liquids. many people have wondered if it has made air travel safer. what do you say? >> nothing. it's silly. it's another reaction. it's all tsa does. something happens, they react. they're not proactive. if you have five or six things three ounces each, you can put it together and ka boom. it's really more eye watch than anything else. >> the scanners won't be
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available for a few years. the obama administration has committed tens of millions of dollars to the state of the art equipment for the airports in the country. is it about money? is that why we won't see something like this sooner than a few years from now? >> no. at the very top the tsa was net set up by security experts. we're the object patrol. we think if we screen a passenger we're safe. nechb was not a screening problem. it was a comprehensive security failure at all levels. we're not dealing with all levels. the real reality is we don't have good leadership. michael boyd, greatly appreciate it, aviation analyst. talk to you soon. >> liz lemon and tracy jordan hit the stage for a rare live performance. courtney hazlett has the full scoop coming up. you're watching "news nation." hi.
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you know, if we had let fedex office print our presentation, they could have shipped it too. saved ourselves the hassle. i'm not too sure about this. look at this. [ security agent ] right. you never kick off with sales figures. kicking off with sales figures! i'm yawning. i'm yawning some more. aaaaaaaand... [ snores ] i see your point. yeah. [ snores ] [ male announcer ] we understand.® you need a partner who delivers convenience. next time use fedex office.
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[ cheering ] >> a scene of jubilation as the last miner. luis urzua is pulled from the depths of the earth where he and his 32 comrades were trapped for 70 days. the miners may have a tough job readjusting to life on the surface. one doctor at the hospital says the youngest miner, 19-year-old jimmy sanchez seems depressed and doesn't want to speak much. some of the miners could walk out of the hospital as early as today. they'll be walking into the pressure of newfound fame, international fame. already they're getting new job offer and book and film contracts are being hurled in their faces. they've been inundated with gifts. apple's steve jobs is sending
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them all ipod. a local businessman is giving them $10,000. and even the $450 sunglasses were donated by oakley. one man who knows all too well what's in store for the miners is tom foye who was trapped underground for three days back in 2002. thank you so much for joining us, tom. >> caller: thank you. >> as you know, we all watched this story yesterday. we know life becomes a real thing for the miners now. they have a lot offers in their faces. what do you think is going through their minds now? i know you can't speak for them, but based on your own experience? >> caller: well, the boys are worth everything they get them. i'm telling you now for spending that many days. i mean, it's really hard to say what they're worth. i mean, there's no amount there, you know what i'm saying. it's hard to believe they stayed
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together like that for 69 days. it's definitely a miracle. >> it is a miracle. people say, of course, these things are made for tv. there was ha movie made about the experience of you and the miners in pennsylvania back in 2002. the movie was based on the real life experience. it was called nine for nin did you sign off on that movie? >> yeah, we was in on that. >> you rwgret it? >> caller: no. i don't regret it. i mean, it really shows what really happened in. it was real close. we had a couple guys go to the studio and help film it. we just wanted to show people what kind of stuff we went through so you don't think whatever, so. >> well, you were offered, i understand, other deals that you passed on. what advice would you have for the miners with their being flooding with so many offers. >> if i was them boys i would take what they get.
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the fame only lasts so long. then after that she's only back to work. >> so no deal is worth walking away from? >> caller: no. no it isn't. >> that's interesting. some people feel the celebrity will become overwhelming. one of the miners, before he was really joined with his family, he was offered a trip to graceland because he was a big elvis presley fan. you feel like anything they're offered, take it. strike while the iron is hot? >> caller: they deserve anything they need. if they want to go to graceland. i'm a race car fan myself. they gave us a couple races. i enjoyed every minute of it. >> what about the emotional highs and lows while they're trying to enjoy every minute of it? tell us about the highs and lows that come along with that? >> ain't, too many lows. you enjoy all this stuff, because like you say, we're just poor coal miners. you work for a living. you get something like this, you take advantage of it.
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you don't turn something down like this. >> it's life changing. >> it's just like a movie star. they offer you a billion dollars, you take it. >> all right. greatly appreciate you calling in to talk to us. the california governor's race is neck and neck. up next, john harwood sits down with republican candidate meg whitman. and five years later the man shot in the face by former vice president dick cheney. well, he's talking about what really happened. and later, who is watching who on facebook? should the feds be poking around your profile page? that's going to go right in your glove. ohhh.
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oh. see that? great job. ok, now let's get ready for the ball... here it comes... here you go. good catch. perfect! alright now for the best part. let's see your pour. ohhh...let's get those in the bowl. these are way too good to waste, right? oh, yea. let's go for it... around the bowl and... [ male announcer ] share what you love...
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with who you love. mmmmm. kellogg's frosted flakes... they're g-r-r-reat! good catch, dad. [ laughs ]
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welcome back to "news nation." a tight race for california governor meg whitman has poured millions of his own money into her own campaign. and it is a medicare scam
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like no other. coast to coast, $163 million and more than 70 charged. plus, live from new york, "30 rock" taking it to another level. courtney hazlett talks about it in the scoop. and facing down a critical midterm election. the president is ready to appeal to the young voters out there. how does he do it? and he's going on mtv. is that even cool anymore? the blogosphere is a buzz with speculation that meg whitman is making a run for the white house in 2012. yes, i know that's premature. but it's what people are talking about because they're overlooking a glaring detail. the businesswoman from california is currently still in the race for governor of the golden state. to win that, she must contend with a formidable opponent, jerry brown. tuesday night's fiery debate pit them up face to face. >> i've been in the kitchen. i've taken the heat. i know what it is to say yes and what it is to say no. she's been in the bleachers
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looking from the internet company about what's happening in government. >> my track record is creating jobs. my business is creating jobs. your business is politics. >> i'm joined by john harwood. you just interviewed meg whitman. you're waiting at this restaurant. she's expecting any time soon. john, was she very confident? >> well, i tell you, tamron. the billionaire, former çebay o meg whitman is about to come in here and get a philly dog at this lunch place. this is port of an attempt to do retail politicking, emphasize the message of jobs, which she's carried throughout the campaign. but also connect with average californians in a race that has gotten very close. she's fallen behind a couple points in the public polls. in part because of a controversy over a housekeeper that she employed who was an illegal immigrant. lately she's got momentum from
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the controversy that you know of, tamron, where an aide to jerry brown was captured on a private telephone call using the word "whore" in a conversation about meg whitman. it's a very tough race. i gave meg whitman the tubt to put the issue to rest. she shows she knows how to play politics. she's trying to squeeze it further. she says it's up to the average voters to decide if he was insulting me and women. >> i'm sure there's blogosphere run about her running for president in 2012. talk about putting the cart before the horse. but did she talk with you about the the incredible amounts of money she spent in hopes of winning this race? >> she did. she said she thought she had gotten her money's worth worth. this is substantially a blue state. she spent a lot of money. she's been very successful in
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pulling close to this experience. jerry brown could tell you from his own past experience, he's run for president three times. anyone elected governor of california, by definition, is a plausible, credible candidate for president. i think it would be unlikely she would turn around and run in 2012. you look around the field of republican candidates, and it's possible if she gets elected, which is a big if, a big hurdle to get over. she may wake up and say, why not me? >> we're looking forward to seeing your interview. i know it will air a little later. a web seat reveals more evidence the chamber of commerce is raising foreign moneys, in its effort to helpç republican candidates win in november. the latest revelation involves $885,000 in funds from more than 80 companies based overseas. the details are in the chamber of commerce's own documents.
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and michelle obama is leading by example after urging voters to hit the booth early, she cast her ballot in chicago this morning not far from the home they still own there. the next stop is on a campaign trail including, colorado, california, and a stop in new york. the suspects in a brutal beating of three men believed to be gay appeared in court. it tops our stories around the news nation. the prosecutor says she's ready to present grand jury evidence against the ten suspects. the defendants appeared one by one before the judge. their lawyer says the defendants are innocent. it's being called one of the biggest medicare scams ever. more than 70 people from new york to l.a. are charged with running a $163 million racket. the armenian-american gang set up phantom clinics and submitted
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claims for care never given. and a teenager is out of the hospital after ea hen az friend were struck by lightning. a third teenager is still hospitalized with serious burns. people in the northeast are bracing for severe storms as the first nor'easter of the season is expected to hit later tonight. winds of up to 40 miles per hour, hail and heavy rain will will batter much of the east coast. bad weather hit d.c. and virginia with strong thunderstorms pounding the nation's capitol. we turn to samantha moore from the weather channel with more details on the storm. what's the update, samantha? >> it's just starting to get going, tamron, this morning and into the afternoon hours. as we head towards friday, conditions will worsen as our area of low pressure develops along the coast here. it will affect all our big east coast cities. philly into new york city as we head late into the evening. you can see the winds are picking up off the coast. the winds haven't gotten going yet. we're going to see them strengthen during the afternoon and evening hoursful we'll see
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heavy downpours across the nation's capitol in through philadelphia. then the winds on the increase throughout this afternoon and into tomorrow. the reason .1e is the low is really developing. as it strengthens we're going to end up seeing really strong winds. as the low moves up the coast, we're going to see winds on the increase. this is actually more of a nor wester. we're expecting the strongest winds to come out of the back side of the low. so they're going to be northwest winds. 35 to 45 miles per hour. if the low continues to develop, we could see gusts around 60 miles per hour. so the wind and heavy rain will be the main problems with this particular system. the nor'easter or nor wester. not so much beach erosion as the winds aren't going to be coming purely out of the northeast for the duration of the event it. it will be heading into new england, into coastal maine as we head into saturday. so the rainfall amounts will indeed be filling up the gauges
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here across the middle atlantic into the northeast. locally over two inches. we are expecting to see street flooding here, some urban flooding problems. so you could very likely come under flooded rays. friday always a big travel day. we have to be concerned about major delays as well. >> thank you. troubled hip-hop star saved a young man from taking his own life. rapper t.i. heard on an atlanta radio station that a 24-year-old man was threatening to jump off a 22-story office building. well, t.i. drove to the location and offered to help by recording a cell phone message. the man came off the ledge to meet the rap star and was then taken to the hospital. t.i. was released from prison after serving time for having weapons. he heads to court tomorrow to face a drug charge that could send him back to jail. live from new york it's "30
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rock." the award winning show will be live. and promises to have big sur prizes for its fans. let's get the scoop from tod's courtney hazlett. i hear you were hanging out with the cast. >> that's right. i got the chance to do this. this is a scripted episode of "30 rock." but there's definitely the opportunity for slip-ups. we caught up with the catch to talk about that potential. take a look. live from new york, it's "30 ç rock"? >> big time krecareer ending mistakes. >> tonight the emmy winning sitcom is taking over the the name sake building for the first live episode. >> we put all our stuff from the studio, put it in a bunch of trucks, stuck nit the snl stages. >> the cast will do live shows for both coasts. >> we're hearing about different jokes in the east coast and the the west coast. why? >> well, one, because we can.
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hopefully people can go online and compare and contrast. >> this isn't the first time a prime time show has done this. e.r. and the west wing tried live shows. so did "will and grace." >> how wrong could this really go? >> wow, we're not thinking like that. how wrong could it go? it never goes wrong. they used to say that about "saturday night live." it didn't come on because it was ready. it went on because it was 11:30. >> we have never done anything like this before. it will be unusual to see what happens. >> any chance one of you may bail before thursday? >> my lawyers are in negotiations. >> i think he did say it may be played by kelsey grammer. >> that's funny. >> the plot and any guest stars are being kept under wraps.
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but mattday mo damon is said to there. >> how will you celebrate on thursday night? >> i will drink alcohol. >> there you have it. they were really fun to chat with. this is one instance where you got to see them as human beings. they're very excited about this. but there's definitely nerves at play as well. for people with such, such big backgrounds in improv. so many of them have done "saturday night live." tina fey said they're nervous about having too much time. they built in time for people to laugh. they're afraid if there's no laughter they're going to rush through and have extra time at the room to kill. so i think it will be a fantastic show. >> looking forward to it. you can't give me any secrets on surprise guests? >> they would have me taken out if i did something like that. >> you know it's my favorite
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show. >> i know. they're being equally tight lipped. he said maybe someone will get pregnant on tonight's episode. i think he was just being funny. >> you can never tell with him. for the latest entertainment news. log onto can president obama rock the youth vote in time to help his party hold onto power? this has news nation. here's the truth: safe drivers cost everybody less.
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that's why they pay less. but at allstate, they pay a whole lot less. in fact, safe drivers can save 45% or more on their car insurance. protect your home with allstate, too, and you can save an extra 10%. think allstate's expensive? think again. now that you know the truth, let the good hands give you a great price. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. [ female announcer ] last year, the u.s. alone used over 39 billion plastic bottles of water. ♪ that's enough to stretch around the earth over 190 times. ♪ each brita filter can take up to 300 of those bottles out of the equation. it's a small step that can make a big difference. look for our coupon in this weekend's newspaper.
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on november 2 we face another test. if the other side does win, they'll spend the next two years fighting for the very same policies that led to this recession in the first place. we cannot sit this one out. >> the "we" president obama is referring to includes the young voters whoç fueled his assent the white house in 2008. an hour from now the president is set to meet with and take questions from 250 young voters urging them to make history again at a town hall that will be simulcast on mtv, b.e.t. and cmt. a new poll found only 44% of college students approve of the
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job he's doing. mike viquera is here with us. is he ready to take questions from these young people? >> he's fielded a number of the questions. the president has taken to the backyard discussions he's had around the country, and a lot of people ask him the very question. but the hour is late now. we are less than three weeks for the election. the president and his surrogate still working feverishly to shore up the democratic base. we've heard a lot about it. the enthusiasm gap is for real. it starts with many of the youth voters that helped vault president obama here to the white house to begin with to begin with in 2008. you mentioned the poll that came out from the a.p. and mtvu. it shows disaffection and discouragement from the same voters. if democrats have a chance of holding their place in the house, they need the voters to
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turn out again. that was a big rally at the university of wisconsin. he's been down the street to george washington university. sunday a big event with none other than someone more popular than he and president biden, first lady michelle obama joins him another another college campus, ohio state university sunday night in columbus, ohio. so a converted effort by the president to shore up the democratic base. independents are leaning republican. they're trying to limit the damage here and perhaps save the house and senate. >> mike, let me ask you. the young voters not happy with the president's job so far, is it about policy? is it all surrounded with the issue of unemployment and what he's doing about jobs? >> well, i think number one, you're right. it's a reflection of the disaflexion and the çdisappoin many have about the economy. this election is all about the economy, number one. number two, it's structural in the matter of the calendar.
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this is a midterm election. president obama is not on the ticket. this is the plea that president obama is making. he's saying i know that many of the things you were expecting we've been unable to achieve. we're working on that. he's still in the first quarter. you probably heard the metaphor for the car in the ditch. he said we still have a lot to do. i need you out there. but he's not at the top of the ticket. he's not there to inspire people to personally come out and pull the lever for president obama. >> mike viqueira live at the white house for us. and now a look at what government is perhaps doing online maybe to your facebook account. it is today's gut check poll. but first, there's a lot going on today. here are some things we thought you should know. harry winington talking to the "washington post" five years after being thought by then president dick cheney in a hunting accident. he says the injuries were more
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serious than first reported. he had a collapsed lung and suffered a heart attack in the hospital. he says he's still waiting for an apology. part of an iconic image of the 1960s is up for sale. tommy smith is auctioning off the gold medal he won at the 8 '68. he says he's selling the medal for the money. and the dalai lama for president? when a california student asked if he would ever want to be the president of the united states, the dalai lama laughed. he said he would make a lousy u.s. president and added within a few weeks the economy would face bankruptcy. those are the things we thought you should know. hey, did you ever finish last month's invoices? sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation
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at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get back to these invoices... which i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business. [ male announcer ] ever have morning pain slow you down? introducing bayer am, an extra strength pain reliever with alertness aid to fight fatigue. so get up and get goin'! with new bayer am. the morning pain reliever.
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with new bayer am. bankers are known to be a little bit in love with themselves.. trust me. are we going up? we can get the next one. i'd like to get your advice on hedging - risk... exposure. what makes us different? for 300 years we've chosen to focus on our clients. what a novel idea.
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when it comes to live, nice guys don't finish last. psychologists say traits like receivelessness are part of our genetic makeup overtaking qualities such as being fittest and strongest. okay. we have some views for the news nation. . we went to a commercial break on a song i never heard. apparently that means i'm not hip. kudos to the bump to the commercial with the far sides. if i were president. and a guy who calls himself the anti-joe says going on mtv is still way cooler than going on network news. all right. there you have it. join the news nation. e-mail me your news nation at tweet me at a lot of your talking about the foreclosure issue.
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why are the banks being treated like victims in this express foreclosure hustle? time for the news nation gut check. facebook, myspace and other social networking sites, you better beware if you're a user on the site. the government may be checking out your profile. the electronic foundation pr frontier received disturbing documents as a result of the freedom of information act lawsuit on surveillance of social networks. one document revealed an immigration service is specifically instructing agents to attempt to monitor their activities for suspected fraud. that includes evidence the relationship may not to live up to standards for a legitimate marriage. the eff acknowledges there are good reasons for government agencies and law enforcement officials to use all the tools at their disposal, including social networks to detect fraud and other illegal çconduct. one memo suggests there's nothing to prevent an offhand
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comment from quickly becoming the suggest of a full citizenship investigation. this is reported a networking center to log "items of interest." not just general networking sites like facebook and twitter, but sites that focus on demographic groups like black planet news sites and political commentary sites. it's not clear whether information collected was deleted following the information. should the government be monitoring social networking sites? what does your gut tell you about this one? go to and should residents be punished if they don't lock their cars?
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13% of you say yes that does it for this edition of "news nation." sure i'd like to diversify my workforce, i just wish that all of the important information was gathered together in one place. [ printer whirs ] done. ♪ thanks. do you work here? not yet. from tax info to debunking myths, the field guide to evolving your workforce has everything you need. download it now at plus the choice of every etf, 5-star service, and unmatched trading tools. there's price. there's value. don't confuse the two. e-trade. investing unleashed. but my allergies put me in a fog. so now, i'm claritin clear! claritin works great on all my allergies like dust, mold, pollen, or pets
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face time. christine o'donnell lets the zingers flow in the delaware debate. why is the small state getting so much attention? digital scraping. have you heard of this term before? if not pay close attention. it certainly knows about you and what you're doing online. >> and don't ask, don't tell. we're going to have more of rachel çmaddox's exclusive interview with u.s. military fighter pilot who is risked their lives in combat and say they are fed up with the policy that discriminates against them. rachel joins me live onset. hi, everybody. great to have you with us today. i'm thomas roberts and i appreciate your time. one of the most watched races in the country is in the second smallest state in the union. it's the new alaska, some may


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