tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC October 25, 2010 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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8h, rockefeller center. you know what that is, roger? >> a good clue. vegas. >> doing that today. >> i can hardly wait. >> what did you learn? >> henry winkler is -- henry winkler was to you, huey louis is ato me, alive and kicking. >> apologies to minority leaders. >> minority leader. >> mitch mcconnell wants to win so he can start focusing to on an election two years away. i don't think that's good enough. anyway, to be continued. >> yeah. >> way too early what time is it? >> "morning joe." >> right now, time for the daily run down with chuck and savannah. scott is not ready to lead, joe is not fit to lead. i have been leading this state -- i have been leading this state. >> from alaska to florida the final stretch and as races get closer, the tone, of course is getting nastier.
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and campaign ad overkill you won't believe how many political ads are fighting for your attention in some media markets. we know because we counted. and twisters rip through an area south of dallas, uprooting home he is and schools, we will take you there live. it is monday oct -- boy, october -- nine days away, eight days away from the election, i'm chuck todd. whoo. >> what day it? i'm savannah guthrie. >> all running together. >> yes, it is. at some point, you know, the days run into each other. coming up this morning, our exclusive interview with jerry brown circumstance pulling away from meg whitman in california's governor's race in the latest polls appear to say yes. let's get right to the run down though. and at the top for us, that wild senate race up in alaska. two republican rivals, joe miller who won't primary, and senator lisa murkowski, who hung in the race as a write-in candidate, they clashed in the first of four strict debate with
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us. jonchts is he not fit to lead, i have been leading this state -- i have been leading this state -- for eight years. i will continue to do so. >> with all due respect, senator, when you were appointed by office, your debt was $6 trillion. you now have a dealt of 1375 trillion and climbing and you deserve to take some responsibility for that. >> lee cowan is following the race from anchorage. if it is that nasty it is pretty tight? >> a lot more of those debates to go savannah, one today, one tomorrow, one wednesday. don't necessarily expect the tone to change. you saw senator murkowski going on the offensive, write-in campaign more successful than people thought and comes at the same time joe mill her a couple of bad days, most recently over the weekend, a court ruled that more of his personnel record also to be released because of
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accusations he had misused government computers when he was working for the state, something he admitted to last night in the debate, his tact on that this makes him a better candidate, more real and voters should accept him, warts and all, he's put t all this going on at the same time the democrat in the race, scott mcallen -- scott mcadams on the sidelines, tried his best to keep above the fray between those two but all along in this campaign, it has really been this feud between the two gop candidates that have drawn most of the headlines as it did last night again. the question is what happens in this write-in campaign, neck in neck in the polls, it is hard to poll something like this when it is a write-in campaign. some people point to the fact that there are really two things that the voters have to do here. they have to fill in the oval and actually have to write in lisa murkowski's name that has been her campaign tact all along for her ads, any ways, telling people how to spell her name, reminding them they do have to fill in the oval but two chance there is for voters to sort of mess that up. >> yep.
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>> whether or not -- how that is all going to play out, we are still going to have to wait and see, going to be handwriting issue, voter intent issues. so, it could be a long one, something that may not be decided on election night. back to you. >> lee cowan in anchorage, alaska, glad you're reminding people of those debates. folks in alaska are very tuned into this race, those debits getting pretty decent ratings, thanks very much, check in with you later on another aspect of this campaign. anyway, president obama hits the campaign trail in rhode island today, took a short break sunday after that four-day west coast swing. but there mr. were plenty of high-profile democrats on the road, including former president bill clinton. mark murray is nbc news's deputy political director. he joins us with more. bill clinton in michigan. tell us about it. >> chuck, it wasn't michigan, he was campaigning for john dingell, the longest serving house member ever who has won comfortably in past elections, 71% in 2008, but in in a sign that democrats are very nervous, even democrats like john
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dingell, bill clinton was stumping for him over the weekend. take a listen. >> but i'm not just here on a personal mention and i'm not just here for a whoopty do. i like all this enthusiasm, but frankly there are a few things about this election that have gotten me somewhere between disturbed and ticked off. >> well, recent detroit poll had dingell up -- ahead with 53% of the vote, above that important 50% threshold but democrats, as you can see, are clearly nervous. >> yeah. and you can tell by that backdrop, though, that the dingell campaign hasn't done a big event in a long time, sort of an odd backdrop there mark, i want you to stick around. i want you to listen to this soundbite this is the rhode island democratic nominee for governor, frank caprio in a radio interview this morning having to do with president obama's visit and nonendorsement
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of the candidate in rhode island later today. listen. >> i never asked president obama's endorsement. you know, co-take his endorsement and really shove it, as far as i'm concerned. i will wear it as a become of honor and a badge of courage that he doesn't want to endorse me as a democrat because i am a different kind of democrat. >> mark, what's going on there? >> a little context in that governor's race, a three-person race in addition to the democratic candidate who is just speaking there, independent lincoln chafee, a one-time republican senator hone doored president obama in the 2008 presidential contest, clearly obama would be fine with either caprio, the democrat, or chafee the independent winning, he isn't endorsing, as you can hacker the democrat in that race isn't taking that too kindly. >> not at all. mark murray at in our newsroom in washington, thank you. down in texas, their first look at the damage caused by massive tornadoes that destroyed he several homes and knocked
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cars right off the road. >> the community of rice is greatly in danger, it will be hit. rice is going to be hit. >> nbc's jay gray is live in rice about an hour south of dallas. jay, what's it look like there? >> savannah, rice was hit and some of the worst damage here at the middle school. obviously, no classes today in this small community. look behind me, let's show you some of what the twister did here. you can see the metal support beamed pushed down toward the ground that used to be a covered walkway, the cover has been ripped away and thrown off. you push past that and look at the cement wall, cinder block wall behind it, that was the classroom area, you can see is falling in there and continued to see it fall throughout the day, there is significant structural damage here. again, most agree this is one of the hardest hit areas from this tornado. there is spotty damage across north texas and with the first
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light of morning, swheegt cleanup is going to be here. it is going to be extensive. but understand also, with this intense storm it is hard to believe, no significant injury here. that's the good news behind all of this as they begin the cleanup here. savannah, chuck? >> all right. well, it is quite the storm this morning, thanks very much out of dallas. coming up next, will it be a wave or a tsunami? we are sticking with the weather themes here, or none of the above, one week out, the races are tightening all aroundful we will tack you behind the latest poll numbers and go from there. and still ahead, from the west coast, our exclusive interview with the once and perhaps future california governor jerry brown n a year when incouple sbent a four-letter word, brown is proving what's old may be new again. is he one week away from the governor's mansion again? but first, a look ahead at the president's schedule and other campaign events today. the president going to rhode island where i'm betting the democratic candidate for
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governor is probably going to apologize for the remarks this morning considering how well they are being received up there by the way, joe biden campaigns with alan grayson in orlando today. any way, you are watching "the daily rundown" on msnbc. at we like to say we deliver everything but the baby. my name is marc lore and in 2005 we lnched a business out of our garage. back then nobody was selling diapers or formula online with overnight delivery. for us that a real opportunity. we've been using the american express open plum card. basically anything we can put on that card, we do to take advantage of the early pay discount. so far we've saved over a million dollars with the plum card. booming is saving every time you spend.
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i think you are going to see a wave, an unprecedented wave, on election day that's going to surprise a lot of people. >> these races are very close, but from this point forward, it's all about turnout and ground game and we are seeing good early voting trend he is and we have got work to do but we think we can do it. >> down to the wire as leaders of both parties make their closing arguments. new polling is giving us clues
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on the battle for the majority in the senate. >> meanwhile, in the states that we are getting ready to see a raft of new governors, some familiar faces may be among them. david gregory is moderator of "meet the press" and he joins us now. so david, let's go through some of the latest numbers and i want to start with a race that you and i are both following very closely and that is pennsylvania. we are going to get the fun little ipad app out here. >> looks good. very impressive. >> that is a plug, right, what we are going to use on election night. pennsylvania, seems to be a classic case of the environment on the republican side versus the get out the vote operation on the democratic side. >> the "philadelphia inquirer" endorsed sestak over the weekend and unloaded on toomey a guy inflicting a purity test on the right and wants to be seep a more moderate can cross the aisle kind of candidate. you are talking more moderate democrats and moderate republicans in the counties of philadelphia and all that i think sestak may have some edge there you look at this poll, it shows him behind this is why, as
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you know, turnout is everything in philadelphia and the envie rons. >> savannah? >> david and chuck, i hope you can keep up with those graphics on ipad. i want to ask dave of individual about a couple of the california races that i'm out here covering. let's start with the senate. this new usc/"l.a. times" poll came out and puts an 8-point lead between senator barbara boxer and carly fiorina. i can tell you the fiorina poll say this is an outlier and the feel this is a lot tighter than people think but i got to say if this wave were to take out somebody like senator barbara boxer that would be a total wipeout, right? >> it would be tremendous. that does look a little fishy if you look at some of the trending we have been seek in the poll bus if it is 8 points we know fiorina has been behind a bit. her people, as you say insist this is a much tighter race and that some of the typical trends would you expect in california, late deciders, including pro-choice women, would break for senator boxer, they say in this cycle, that's just not
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gonna hold true that will be an important test here. you know, if you have -- this is true in the governor's race as well, from people i talked to, savannah. those disaffected democrats, disappointed, maybe working-class democrats, unhappy with washington, unhappy with boxer or jerry brown, decide just not to vote at all it comes down to the stretch and does that ultimately hurt boxer in this race? again, you got to look at that edge and think the bluish tendencies, as chuck likes to say state of florida are coming home. >> let's talk about the governor's race, the front page of the "l.a. times" yesterday must have sent a chill down the spine of meg whitman it said brown had had doubled his lead the last month and you could almost look -- the line of demarcation seems to be that housekeeper scandal, there's the before and the after and she seems to really be bleeding support, in particular, among latinos. >> and women's people acknowledge that that has hurt. they have got to try to get some particularly disaffected democrats to get their heads
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around voting for a republican. i have also talked to somebody close to whitman who says, you know, you have to bear in mind, the anti-washington sentiment is a lot stronger than is the anti-jerry brown sentiment in california. he is a known quantity, a known name in california that still carries some weight with. and in this particular case, maybe helping him down the stretch. >> david, let's talk a little bit about money and politics, look at these numbers here, it was a great which of putting it, three self-funders, republican business votes, meg whitman, 163 million, rick scott, 60 million in florida linda mcmahon, 41.5 million. american cross roads have nothing on these three on what's coming out and yet all three, rick scott perhaps has the best shot of win withing of those he three but they all could lose. >> meg whitman had to spend a lot of money to get known, could you argue she could have fallen short of that and also a robust get out the vote operation, look what she is doing, trying to swim upstream as a republican in a state like california.
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so that becomes difficult. linda mcmahon, same thing, trying to as a republican ton win even in this environment in connecticut is proving more difficult. i think the realism. pact of the money and the politics, money and politics, are in smaller markets, where you have, say, a democratic congressman who all of a sudden is getting hit by some of these outside ads, where they are putting money that's really disproportionate to what's being spent had a race. >> amazing how many candidates for congress have outside groups outspending them where the republican nominee is not putting up their own ad a couple of the races, i want to talk about the national effect, republicans call washington state the 51st seat, that basically, they win washington, probably means this had wave has swept all the way across the country. look how tight it is right now. >> it is very interesting, actually patty murray was up at 50% at one point it has come down. never seem like she has been hit by the economic wave that's hitting other democratic candidates in washington state. >> better out there? >> a little bit better, she
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stood and delivered for washington state, but dino is a known figure in washington state, a moderate republican, not buoyed by the tea party movement here, this really is that fatigue with washington that is dragging murray down. she has pulled out all the stops. she has had michelle owe billion marks i believe president obama, biden, everybody has been through there, really counting on getting the vote out. >> by the way, we couldn't won't note results of this race by election night. the way washington state counts ballots, it could be election week. >> a all right of the early voting going on in parts of the country, this is something republicans are really counting on, 'cause we keep saying we are waiting for election day, this is the truth the moment people have voting in key states. >> one with chink in the armor for republicans, the state of illinois, the one canned dant underper forming more than any, but mark kirk in illinois has not put this race away, by all account, he should be well ahead and he is not. >> i think even within the white house, they recognize that giannoulias is a flawed candidate, handled some of this
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issue with the bank, so is kirk. his comments about his military service and this is a case where i think president obama and the democratic machine is helping turn, turnout there is so important, you have seen the impact. >> double-digit undecide, still double-digit undecided, not because the polling is bad, because people don't -- they have -- holding their nose. >> when we did the debate with him on "meet the press," that polling at that particular moment showed 16% that didn't trust either candidate. so there is a lot of holding their nose in this race. >> david gregory, going to see you all week. >> yes, sir with. >> going to be a long week with, every hour is a day, every day is going to feel like an hour. anyway, still ahead, 2010 election ad nauseam. wait until you see this. >> senator harry reid. for 27 years. >> sharon. >> sharon. >> you are too dangerous. >> to have real power. >> real power. over real people. >> well, if you think you have hit your limit with those political ads running of on every channel, wait until you
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see what voters in nevada, particularly las vegas, are being subjected to every hour that there is a newscast on. >> yeah, we actually counted, wait until you hear about this, but first, our washington speak today, super pac, the new breed of political action committee. super pacs are able to spend huge sums advocate kating for or against candidates. >> regular old political action committee has limits on the amount of money that they can raise and spend. by the way in this case, the donors are disclosed on the super pacs, american crossroads shall, the one karl rove is involved with is a super pac and crossroads gps wrarkts nonmouse donors go. >> keep it all straight. >> you there go send us an e-mail, daily round down at we will be right back. ♪ and i don't know
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well, with election day over a week away, there is one thing people of all political stripes can look forward to chuck, the end of all those campaign ads. >> you know what i don't look forward to it but fine, if you think you have had enough, you have got nothing on the folks in las vegas, nevada, where political ads are running at an average of every three minutes. we sent poor old nbc's lee cowan to sample what will a single 24-hour period looks and sounds like in good old las vegas. >> reporter: 6 a.m. on the strip, just been the desert sun puts hearty gamblers to bed. but people here are have enough ads to give a hangover a run for its money. >> senator harry reid, for 27 years. >> sharon, you're too dangerous. >> to have real power. >> over real people. >> reporter: ubiquitous barely
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describes it its ads are every where we should know. we counted. >> 6:00 this thursday morning, thank you for joining us. >> reporter: sampling one station for just three hours from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. >> good morning, wanted, women democrats. >> reporter: we found nevada's morning news routine was interrupted 63 times by political ads. >> you can't trust him. >> sharon angle is fine with wiping out your social security. >> reporter: 63 times. that is an average of over 20 an hour, most by either senate majority leader harry reid or his republican challenger, sharron angle. in fact, some commercial breaks about nothing but political ads. doesn't anyone advertise used cars anymore? to give you an idea of just how busy it really is we step stopped by the local station, get this, not even noon yet, they are already putting four brand new ads into circulation. they think they are going to get at least that many more just after lunch and that's on top of 20 brand new ads that are on the air just this week alone.
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>> it is close to it close to wall-to-wall. >> reporter: wendy shelton is the station's sales manager. while her bottom line is doing well, her nerves aren't. >> we see one with ad and we are like, wow, that's doozy, i can't imagine what the next one will be like and then the next one comes and it is like -- it is just absolutely amazing. >> reporter: amazing and inescapable, even during the morning commute. >> good morning. >> reporter: on talk radio, there's the ads themselves -- >> paid for by the committee to elect rob bear -- >> reporter: then the talk about the ads. >> are the ads worse than they have ever been? >> reporter: it all blares out at this diner, a popular hangout in the mornings where voters' tempers are growing as hot as the hot cakes. >> one ad after another ad after another ad after another ad, opposing candidates it is truly outrageous. >> reporter: some wonder just how effective all these ad does really be if they end up nothing
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but white noise. >> fast forward through all the negative commercials. >> reporter: the waitress here, jody garcia, perhaps summed it up best. when it comes to political ads, she knows she will end this day the same way she started. >> i probably see about 15 in the morning. >> before you go to work? >> before i even go to work. 30 before i go to bed. >> reporter: there is light at the end of the tunnel. november 2nd it will all be over. but remember, some of the very first ads for the 2008 presidential election started up before christmas of 2006. lee cowan, nbc news, las vegas. >> then lee did a tremendous job, you know, savannah, we brainstormed this idea, thinking about las vegas, orlando is another media mark that's gets saturated, denver is another. there are these media markets
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that have an overwhelming amount of swing voters in them and also don't cost that much money to sort of saturate. remember, las vegas covers something like 80% of statewide voters. >> yeah, a lot of bang for the buck. tough in a state like california, we have seen plenty of ads, a lot of campaign ads here in los angeles in my time here. i guess it is good for the local station managers. >> good for our business. right t is good for all of us. can't be beating them up too much but geez it is really -- if you live in las vegas, albuquerque, denver, i have had somebody tweeting me already, hey, come to cleveland, wait until you see this, i can only imagine. >> yeah everyone can relate. all right. well, coming up, state of emergency in haiti, the death toll mounts as health officials scramble to contain the spread of cholera to the heavily populated capital. plus, the florida teen made famous by a case of hiccups is now behind bars on murder
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charges. and our he can inclusive interview with california's jerry brown in the final days of the governor's race. he is now double digits ahead of meg whitman in one recent poll. but first, today's trivia question from the almanac of american politics, who is the highest-ranking former military officer ever actually elected to congress? the anticipate and more ahead on t"the daily rundown." you have more time to remember what it's really all about. enroll starting november 15. go to for details. let's raise a glass to cookies just out of the oven. to the morning bowl of cereal. and to lactaid® milk. easy to digest and with all the calcium and vitamin d of regular milk. [ female announcer ] lactaid®. the original lactose-free milk.
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bottom of the hour now, a quick look what the is driving the day. just over a week to go until the midterms, president obama is getting become on the campaign trail today after a break on sunday. he is going to attend events in rhode island today, including a fund-raising dinner for congressional democrats there. picking up the pieces after severe weather in parts of the south, at least one tornado tore
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through north texas sunday evening. several buildings were hit in the town of rice, including a local elementary school. four people were taken to the hospital. and a line of storms swept across central tennessee overnight. minor damage to some buildings but no serious injuries reported so far. heavy rain is expected throughout the morning. the opening bell ringing on wall street. stock futures have been up this morning after a pledge from world finance leaders to better balance global trade. earnings will roll in this week from the likes of exxonmobil, ford and microsoft. other stories making headlines on a monday, a cholera outbreak in haiti has now killed more than 250 people there and another 3,000 have been sickened. health officials are trying to keep the disease from reaching camps where earthquake survivors are living. haitian authorities, meanwhile, are optimistic that the number of cholera cases has been stabilized. 19-year-old jennifer me is under arrest in st. petersburg, florida, for first-degree murder
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in a robbery that went bad. she is the teenager who in 2007 had hiccups for five straight weeks and came to be known as the hiccup girl after multiple appearances on the today show she was eventually cured but she is back in the news now, reportedly having admitted to luring a robbery victim to a location where he was attacked by two men and shot. open toing statements will get under way today in the trial of the man accused of killing washington intern chandra levy in 2001. ingmar guandique kay, an illegal immigrant from el salvador is charged with that crime. levy's disappearance made headlines when she was linked to then california congressman gary condit. republican meg whitman's final message to voters certainly caught my eye in california. watch. >> i know many of you see this election as an unhappy choice between a long-time politician with no plan for the future and a billionaire with no government experience. >> leading with the phrase
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unhappy choice. wow. as we told you, a new poll shows whitman trailing jerry brown by 13 points among likely voters thanks to just a collapse among hispanics. >> yeah, of course, whitman's campaign is criticizing that poll, saying the vase actually a lot closer than that. the last few days, i spoke to jerry brown about the final dives this campaign and about the possibility of returning to the job he first held 35 years ago. i was reading a quote from you this morning back in 2008 saying that being governor of california is an impossible tax and anybody who does it will likely leave office being discrediteded which raises the question, why would you want this job again? >> maybe i have some masochistic tendencies, but not really, because i think there is something to be accomplished. the breakdown is so total that it really paves the way for a breakthrough. after people fight and argue and blame and finger point, at some point, they say, gee, enough
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already, let's collaborate. >> what is it about you that would be able to do what governors before you, including you, perhaps have failed to do. >> the fact that people have failed so much before paves the way for actual success. and i think at some point, it is like a war. some point, the war end he is and i believe this stage of my life, all that i know about governmental politics, i could help end it and pave wait for real collaboration and a real common purpose going forward. >> but our different person than you were when you were governor the first time around. how have you changed? >> i don't have all that pretty hair i used to have. that's gone. i have a few more wrinkles. i have 36 years more of life and experience, seeing things, learning thing i have been a mare, i have been a mayor of a really great city and i think that would really help me a lotfi do become the next governor. >> you think a thicker skin now? >> i always have pretty thick skin, but i react. i mean, i'm not insensitive to things that happen, but i have been around.
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you know, i have my scar tissue, so i don't need to take things beyond what they really need. >> you know what people say, he's career politician, that you have spent essentially your life in state politics. and when they say that they don't mean it as a compliment. >> well, let me tell you something, it is better to know what you're doing than not know i have never heard where ignorance really helps. why do people think, i can be governor, i have a blank resume? i think it those know. >> you talked about inexperience, clearly, you were talking about your opponent, meg whitman. do you think she is not qualified to be governor? >> she didn't vote for 28 years. she didn't go to any school board meetings that i know of. she never took an interest. and there is a complexity here. there's the politics there is the bureaucracy. there's the rules. there's the press. there's the legislature, which is a colloquial branch, the lawsuits. >> not like running a business? >> not like running a business. business has one thing, they have to make sure they got more
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money coming in than they have going out. that's profit. that's shareholder value. >> you have criticized her for spending so much money on this campaign. she says, look, it is my own money, i'm behold ton in one. do you have to raise money from the labor unions, from some special interests. >> yes. >> doesn't she have the better of the argument? >> no in fact, if you watch my commercial, what she is saying about not behold ton anyone, arnold schwarzenegger said anything, that doesn't tell wluk do the job or no. >> one of your aides was recorded using an unflattering word for ms. whitman and you apologized but do you really feel all that bad about it? >> look, i have talked about this so much it is really borg, so i'm not going to talk about it anymore. >> your friends and allies say they worry a little bit about you being off the cuff and unscripted. do you feel like you are to be monitoring your words any more closely? >> i'm on message discipline. tell me don't say anything too controversial. search that hard for? >> yeah i like to say what i
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think and i do think the fact that i'm not scripted and she is and her script is already set it is not original. >> this issue of the housekeeper, she unknowingly hired an illegal immigrant as a housekeeper is this an important issue in the race or is it a sideshow? >> i think everyone has to decide for themselves but i think it does raise questions, you know, about how she treated another human being with no power. >> speaking of accountability, are you saying you had no part in that coming to light? >> look, she hired her, she alienated this woman, this woman, from what i can see on television, was not very happy and that is a direct product of their relationship, which wasn't too good, evidently at the end. >> to become where we started, california and this perception it is ungovernable, you have talk about the budget, we know california's problem with the budget deficit, can -- it seems to me your position is let's get every be in a room together sooner to try to find consensus. does that really seem like a realistic way to attack this
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problem? >> better to attack sooner than later and better for the governor to be personally engaged with the co-equal branch called the legislature, all 120 republicans and democrats. >> what does jerry brown 2.0 in the governor's mansion look like? >> look like just what we are seeing right now. this is the way it is going to be, open, transparent, exhaustive and very interesting. >> well, we will hear from meg whitman, the republican candidate, tomorrow "the daily rundown" and more of this interview with jerry rbi brown and meg whitman tonight on "nbc nightly news" with brian williams live from los angeles. chuck, i have to show you within thing we found in our research, chris donovan from nbc staff found the 1982 front page from the "los angeles times" shows jerry brown proclaiming "i shall return". >> just the opposite. he yeah. >> did he ever really go away? >> just the opposite of dick nixon, right, richard nixon in
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'62, lost to jerry brown's father saying you won't have dick nix ton kick around anymore. jerry brown never said that the only race he lost, to other than president, of course, '82 he ran for the u.s. senate, but i will tell you, the most fascinating thing he said there, i had not heard this metaphor out of him before, savannah, to you was, you know what some days wars have to end. it is almost as if this crisis in california, which frankly has felt like a couple of decades where they have been trying to get their arms around this budget process and how prop 13 tied their hands on property taxes and all sorts of issue these run here, said some day the war has to end and a war an nal jury i never thought i would hear that in the budget. >> yeah. and he is making this argument that because of his experience all these years in california politics, he is uniquely suited to come in here now the ripe old age of 72 years old and try to resolve what ultimately has been almost irresolvable for so long. so we will see.
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i will tell you one other observation, it was absolutely fascinating we did this interview, jerry brown is running a very stripped down campaign. he doesn't have a lot of handlers, doesn't have a lot of staff. i think there was one or two staffers hanging around when we did that interview. it is fascinating. i asked him, about to do this rally, do you have a stump speech? he says, new york i just kind of talk. i just say what's on my mind. store, is very it is a fascinating because we are used to a lot of candidates who have a a lot of handlers, very buttoned down and jerry brown is not doing that. >> not that but one thing we ought to remind folks, the way outside groups so helpful nationally to republicans, it is outside groups in california, particularly funded by labor unions out there that are the -- sort of the blocking and tackling portion of the campaign for jerry brown. so he has the luxury of being bare bones there i can't wait for meg whitman tomorrow. should be interesting. any way, well done, savannah. trivia time who is the highest-ranking former military
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officer ever elected to congress? savannah? >> somebody in the news, pennsylvania congressman joe sestak, who is a former navy vice admiral. of course, in a heated race for senate in pennsylvania. that thing's looking really tight. coming up, the stunning admission from afghanistan, how many millions is karzai's government taking from iran and what is the u.s. prepared to do about it? plus, wikileaks strikes again, dumping hundreds of thousands of military documents, now this time about the iraq war. reaction from the pentagon, next. but first, the white house soup of the day. wow. greek lentil stew, throw everything together and see what you get. you are watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc. tator ] lindsey vonn! she stays tough!
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filing possible espionage charges against wikileaks after the whistle blowing website disclosed an additional 400,000 classified iraq war documents over the weekend. >> chairman of the joint chiefs of staff mike mullin responded on twitter, posted, quote, another irresponsible posting of stolen classified documents by wikileaks puts lives at risk and gives adversaries valuable information. assistant deputy secretary of defense joins us now, jeff, i want to start with wikileaks a lot in the news having to do with both wars in iraq and afghanistan this morning, let's start with iraq, the wikileaks document show that according to pog accounting that what hnlt been released, 191,000 iraqis were killed in the iraq war, including 66,000 civilians. did the pentagon underreport this number or it was a number the pog always had and never reported out? >> chuck, let let me start of
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you by deploring this release of classified information that clearly our enemies are going to use to mine to find vulnerabilities, how our forces operate in the field and exploit them in attacks on our forces. that said, this notion that somehow we had some sense of what the casualty rate was in iraq or anywhere else, for that matter, an accurate count that we could have provided to the public is just not the case. our forces in this database were keeping tracks of thing these came across in the field, including civilian casualties. they were reported internally and shared with the united states congress and available for the public to see but never professed to have some sort of accurate count, all we could gauge are those incidents which we were a part of or came across in the immediate aftermath. we have no idea, for example, how many deaths were associated with that horrific time period where the sunnis and shia were going at each other and killing each other at alarming rate, of of it taking place outside the scope of our operations, out of
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our sight, out of our reach, so i don't think anybody could have an accurate count on what the death toll has been in iraq over the last seven years. >> jeff, the pentagon has obviously, as you say, deplored the release of these documents, what has the pentagon done since this happened to change its procedure so that a relatively low-level soldier cannot be in a position to release tens of thousands of classified documents? >> savannah, i'm not going to speak to whether this low-level soldier is responsible nor particular leak. we mentioned after the afghan leak back in july that he was a person of interest. he remains so back then, we started to take measures internally to try to clamp down on that kind of information to try to avoid a situation like this happening again in the future. the problem we have here is that intelligence has really been one of the big differencemakers in these conflicts it has enabled us to be very successful in the battlefield. we want to push as much information forward to our fighting men and womens a
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pozible so they can be more effective in the field. at the same time, though, we have to be mindful of safeguarding such classified information it is a balancing act, we are still working on it we clearly have not been perfect in this regard and need to do better. >> jeff, i wan to move to afghanistan and the news of the day there hamid karzai admits he gets bundles of cash from the government of iran. and says, frankly that this is a fairlyprocedure. so i've got to ask you this are we in a competition, of sorts, for influence over afghanistan? how troubling is this news that iran has such a financial now stake in the karzai government? >> chuck, i only know what i read on this subject, frankly. but i'm not terribly surprised. i think iran and afghanistan, as much as it has been in iraq, has been walk both sides of the street for years. on one hand, that's report indicates, trying to curry favor with the government, while at the same time on the other hand, training, arming, financing,
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directing anti-government forces. so our hope, of course, is that iran will make a decision to be a stabilizing influence in the region and be a force for good and help us in our effort to bring peace and stability to afghanistan, but thus far they clearly have not been playing that role. >> jeff, let me ask you about the statement by just-retired marine corps commandant conway, i think the thought process ought to be we're there until we win this thing. if you accept the deadline as conditions based the whole thing is more pat llatable, speev spe the drawndown of troops in july. does that reflect a widespread feeling of feelings in the military? >> i've got tell you, i was searching for the there there. the thrust of what the article was, was that he doesn't believe we should leave the south come july 2011. well, there is no plan to leave
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the south come next july 2011. the plan is, as the president made clear a year ago in december, we were going to begin the zrdraw-down but it's conditions based and general petraeus has made clear we're going to undertake a process where we drawn down in some case, transition to afghan security forces we don't abandon and return forces that we and can the u.s. and reinvest them elsewhere. no one is talking about abandoning from southern afghanistan come next july. >> jeff more rel, we've got to leave it there. we will check in with you again in the next week or so. thanks very much. all right. coming up, brett favre returns to his old stomping grounds in green bay and finally gets just desserts. >> yeah, i can't believe you pronounced his name correctly. you like to mess it up, on purpose.
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today of all days i take over the shallow end with sports. viking, packers, sun night. brett favre taking on his old team. he got booed. last chance for the vikings. favre slips after taking the snap but scrambles out of the pocket and sees randy moss notice back of the end zone. ball sails over his head. packs are 28-24. three interceptions including one returns for a touchdown. nfl is continuing its investigation into allegations that favre sent lewd photographs to a former jets employee. savannah, favre admitted to sending her e-mails but said he did not send those lewd photos. we shall see. the guys -- the guy's streak of
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starts could end with an nfl suspension, not by injury. go figure. >> i know, as far as sports is concerned, you're not objective about favre but the rest of it, we'll let the investigators take care of. that's it for "the daily rundown." >> next on msnbc chris "jansing and company." buh-bye. business travel forecast, i'm meteorologist bill karens. airport problems this week, a huge storm moving into the middle of the country, a big wind problem in the northern plains tomorrow into wednesday. today, a chance of thunderstorms in d.c. airports also down in atlanta. we're going to be watching on the west coast improving conditions after a stormy weekend. [ male announcer ] for fastidious librarian emily skinner,
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