tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC October 25, 2010 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT
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attention. you don't want to miss that one. hi, everybody. great to have you with us. i'm thomas roberts. president obama is heading to another part of obama country right now. he's in route to rhode island. it's the seventh state he's visited in the past week where he won with big margs backin '08. it's an attempt to rally the democratic base. chuck todd, nbc's chief white house correspondent. explain the verbiage. what part of the country is obama country? >> well, what he's been doing is when you go around and you look at the last, and this is now seven places, seven counties in a row he's campaigned in the last week. we went and did the math on this over the weekend. in las vegas with 59%. he's going to places, minneapolis, san francisco, seattle, now providence where he won 70, 75, 80, 83% of the vote
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i think it is in providence because we are now in the turnout portion of the campaign. this is about in general midterm elections can be battles of the bases. and democrats in particular are struggling with their base and trying to motivate them to come out. the best use of the president's time most people believe is doing that. in addition, providence has a decent amount of money. one of the best fund-raisers of anybody running for congress on the democratic side. they wanted to use his prowess on that with the president. >> explain what's the message as we go into the homestretch, just seven days left. >> basically, both parties, generic democrat for congress is
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going to. the general message on the republican side is pelosi/obama, check on the the democrats in washington. clean house on washington change. so in this environment republicans seem to have the easier closing message to make. they're saying you have to change things in washington. the democratic argument is tougher to make. you look at the polls and the public is clearly unhappy. they say, you may be unhappy, but you don't want the other guy. >> it seems as we tighten up, are democrats still confident they can hang onto the senate? especially using that type of message? >> they're certainly confident about the senate. in a couple of races in particular. west virginia is making a move in the democratic party's direction these days. they feel a little bit better about the two west coast races. washington state and california. but i have to tell you, when i say they feel better, like this much better. republicans feel better about pennsylvania.
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pat toomey looks like he has momentum back. they feel better about illinois. colorado is a total coin flip. in the coin flip races privately strategists from both parties will say if it's a coin flip in the polls they assume the advantage is then to the republican republicans. >> so who has the double-headed quarter. >> right now the republicans have the double-headed quarter because the national environment is on their side. the places where they're struggling, it's because they have a bad nominee. they have a nominee that has given them problems. whether it's kentucky and rand paul. ken buck in colorado. even mark kirk in illinois. some of it is tea party related. some of it is their own receive inflicted wounds. john raese in west virginia has made a few personal gaffes that has given manchin new life. every one of these races on the senate side that has moved at
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all in the democratic direction has been because of candidate error on the republican side. >> chuck todd, great to see you. thanks. >> you got it. now to the three-way senate race in alaska that's keeping all of us guessing. lisa murkowski is the write-in candidate. at the first debate last night he made her presence known by taking on both of her opponents pretty quickly. >> scott is not ready to lead. joe is not fit to lead. i have been leading this sta state -- i have been leading this state for eight years. >> when you're appointed by your dad to office, the debt was $6 trillion. you now have a debt of $13.5 trillion and climbing. you deserve to take responsibility for that. >> lee cowan has more now from anchorage, alaska.
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>> reporter: there's a lot more from where that one debate came from. there's another one on tomorrow and then one on wednesday. senator lisa murkowski, the incumbent write-in candidate is on the defensive trying to seize what she thinks are mistakes that joe miller, the candidate who won the primary has made. it was revealed he used government computers for his own use violating ethics policy. he apologized for that. his take on it was it made him a better candidate because it made it morale. murkowski said that makes him unfit for office. the more practical concern is making sure voters now how to write her in. it's not a matter of writing her name in the blank spot on the ballot. they have to spell it at least largely correctly. they also have to fill in the oval next to the name. that's two potential areas where voters could make a mistake an make the bat lol not count.
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this will go down to the wire and still don't count the democratic candidate out. he's been coming up in the polls. that's the latest from anchorage. thomas, back to you. >> lee, thank you, sir. so if you are president obama, what's the best way to close the deal for the democratic party just eight days before this election? keep in mind voters are angry. 15 million are currently unempl unemployed. the country is fighting two wars abroad. so here's the question that i want to pose to my next two panelists. if the white house hired you, what advice would you give? karen finney is an msnbc contributor. karen, i want to start with you. realistically speaking as we ramp up into the homestretch, with just days to go, what does the president have to do? >> you know, i think the president needs to continue to do what he is doing. that's two things. number one, appealing to the
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base of the party. as chuck was pointing out, turnout is really critical. and then second, reminding people about why they voted for change in the first place. we've said from the beginning it's hard to disprove a negative in campaigning. but what you can do is lay out for people and remind them, this is the vision that we had. this is what we're trying to accomplish together. this is what you voted for, and if you stick with me and you stick with democrats, we're going to get there. and obviously it is taking more time than anybody would like. >> so how do you grab the voter's attention. especially because the obama administration was so successful at that in 2008 with some 15,000 surge voters. how do you get them reengaged? >> president obama has to use the same message vehicles he used during the election. he was successful in amplifying and magnifying his successes and what he proposed to do, what he
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planned to do in office. he's not fully executed to use the same message vehicles since he's been in office. clearly he's had dual jobs and he's had to work hard for the american public at the same time. really engage them and keep the transparency of the office. but he has to do a better job of keeping them fully engaged and aware. >> does he have a strong brand? >> absolutely. he's had more success than some presidents have had in eight year nsz office in two shorts years. he really has to focus on reengaging the demographic of grass root supporters that really gave them the gravity that he had during the election. >> nike has just do it. mcdonald's has the golden arches. what does have? >> it still stands for hope and change. our country is facing an economic situation much worse than anybody expected. so there are so many great
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things that i know he wanted to do and campaigned on in 2008 that to some degree had to get put off because we were on the brink of going over the financial cliff. a couple things i would say is i i think it's important that obama -- the brand is strong. it's important that obama continue beyond this election to campaign for his ideas. i do sympathy that he sort of lost a little bit of the connection with people who initially voted for him. again, reminding people that this is a long term prospect that we voted for in terms of hope and change. and reminding people what the stakes are if we bring the republicans back to power. >> thank you for joining me. the presidency of the united states may be the most powerful job in the world. it comes with the pressure and stresses that most of us can only imagine. president martin van buren said of the job, as to the presidency, the two happiest days of my life were those on my entrance upon the office and my
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surrender of it. a quick look at the first two years of the obama presidency suggests things have not changed much since van buren held the job in the 1830s. here's a look at the president just after he was elected then again in a photo taken last month. the photos truly speak for themselves. do other baby boomers age just as quickly, or is the incredible responsibility of the oval office unique when it comes to aging at such a rapid rate? doug brinkley is a presidential historian, author and professor. he joins me from austin, texas. how has obama aged in the first two years compared to that of several other presidents that we've known over a lifetime? >> i think he does well because he stays in great shape playing basketball. he's had a bit of a smoking problem, but he's a physically fit president, as was george w. bush. the stress factor gets so high on these presidents. if you look at people like warren harding who had scandals around him.
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he died in office of a bad heart. richard nixon in watergate. you can watch him almost melt before your eyes the stress was so great. the key thing is all the pressures of the worlds are on you, but you have to stay relaxed. find some r&r time. ronald reagan was very good at doing that. he was a parking light who would not work past 9:00 to 5:00. >> if we can show that picture of president obama when he was freshly elected. the side-by-side comparison. explain how much is physical and how much of it is mental effect? >> it depends on the president. we now have a field called presidential illness. look at dwight eisenhower with a heart attack or john kennedy grappling with addison's disease. having a feel good doctor at his side. lyndon johnson having heart problems and gull bladder operation. it is unbelievably stressful. we're making it more and more important that presidents tell
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us about the health. it's demanded now. when roosevelt was president he had polio. there are only two pictures ever showing him in a wheelchair with braces on because photographers didn't do it. these days we want to know what shape a president is in. it's inhuman what we ask of him to do. he knows what's really going on in afghanistan, president obama. he knows the truth about the climate change. he has all of these pressures on him that are even worse than we're getting fed in the news industry. >> so you're saying the demands of this job are much more difficult today than they were for a president 50 or 100 years ago? >> yeah. theodore roosevelt. when he started feeling stressed, he disappeared to colorado for a week, ten days. leave the press behind. get rev joouf nated. president obama can't leave for 24 hours. he goes to to hawaii and the media is clambering for a statement.
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in this every minute cycle of the news. fdr spent 40% of his time on water just sailing or being in yachts. that's impossible with the modern presidency. >> do you think because obama ran on the theory of change that he has such higher expectation on him, and maybe we're not seeing the changes we expect in today's instant gratification society? >> yeah, he had these great high expectations. president obama is the first african-american president, not wanting to let the previous generation down. meaning nelson mandela or martin luther king. so there's that kin of pressure. owe don't want to become the first african-american president and be a failure. i've had conversations with president obama. the main problem that you see is today with the global economy he could do all the economic stimulation you want in the u.s., do all the programs, and
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if collapses were hurt here in the united states. every day you wake up having to prepare for the worst. and the crucial thing is to find ways to destress through athletics or working out, jogging, whatever it is. >> give us one of how two presidents handled the crisis in different ways. their approaches. who comes to mind? >> well, ronald reagan after he was shot and his body was weak. he decided he kwuwasn't going t get rattled. he would sleep in. do a little work with his pajamas on. john f. kennedy used to do a lot of his work in bed. theodore roosevelt would live on a train and have such energy he almost burned his organs out. it's amazing he lived to be 60. now we have a younger president. obama is in his 40s. a lot of times we're electing
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men in their 60s and 70s. you're naturally going to have health problems and the kind of hyper stress doesn't help. you see michelle obama talking about diet a lot. that's an important component, too. eat right. his biggest problem is the stress of being president in a time of economic recession. the burdens of the world fall upon his shoulders. >> thank you for being on today. >> thank you. help for unemployed and underempl underemployed. after the break, the top five things you need to know or if someone you know and love is locking for a job. gecko: good news sir, i just got an email from the office and word is people really love our claims service. gecko: 'specially the auto repair xpress. repairs are fast and they're guaranteed for as long as you own your car. boss: hey, that's great! is this your phone?
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gecko: yeah, 'course. boss: but...where do you put...i mean how do you...carry... waitress: here you go. boss: thanks! gecko: no, no i got it, sir. anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. challenge the need for such heavy measures with olay. new regenerist micro-sculpting serum for firmer skin in 5 days. pretty heavy lifting for such a lightweight. [ female announcer ] olay regenerist.
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it's not to late to gain control. to jobs are there if you know what to do and you know where to go and get them. mia joins us now from forbes magazine. what is at the center of the problem? is it that we're losing jobs and not gaining jobs fast enough or both? >> i think it's a combination of both. thank you for taking the time to speak with me. it's a combination of both. you have to be creative and tactful to find jobs. >> so what are things people can do now to find the jobs they're looking for? >> you have to keep the two 0's in mind. make your your entire social network knows you're looking. more and more employers and recru
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recruiters are combing through social networks to find the candidates for potential jobs. i would courage everyone to get an account. don't put up a headline that says i.t. consultant. responsible for increasing efficiencies by 25%. the problem with most people, it's sloppy. what does it mean you were responsible for increasing sales? i say make sure you quantify and not just qualify. >> what is your advice? i found this to be interesting in the read. go after companies who may not be advertising or at least put a hand out to reach out to them. >> absolutely. one of the best ways to do that is find the business school in your city. go onto the website. find a professor who is known for that type of research. e-mail that professor. often times these professors are on the boards of major corporations. they have advice start up companies.
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most start up companies aren't advertising. why don't you hire me? think about how i can help you in x, y and z. if you don't have a business school in your city, go online. go to this the business club of whatever city you're in. many clubs offer webinars that have professors on air talking about that expertise. give them an e-mail. tell them you heard what they said. you were impressed. ask for the job. you can't just hope they'll help you. tough be specific. >> the internet is a big help nowadays. explain for the people who want to use the internet to their benefit but have the difficulty of relocating or region plays an important part in this. explain about certain cities that would be important to move to if you really wanted to find the perfect job zm. >> sure. i honestly believe you can find a job in any city. often times you don't have to relocate. the best thing to keep in mind is the cities on top of forbes' list are cities in texas.
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many people say the areas in austin are becoming the next silicon valley. the fact that in are huge schools that are graduating up to 25,000 people per year that are looking to be part of the workforce. these people are eager and excited. you don't always have to travel to a different city. tap into every network available for you. >> how much emphasis should be placed on networking out there? >> i would say 99%. >> 99%. >> it's all about who you know and not what you know? >> and it's more important about who you know online and in person. online relationships are becoming the way people are interacting. there are so many ways to navigate the space. facebook is another example. you don't have to find people who have interests on facebook. you can find people that have the job that you want to have. another thing about facebook. make sure that you control what you put on. in this day and age, your friends could be your future
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boss. it could well be the case as work spaces become more flat that your boss is overlooking your facebook page because they're working for that person. be careful. >> you have to control your personal brand. right? >> you never know who your boss could be in the future. >> all right, thanks, mia. american troops on the brink. they put their lives on the line for their country only to later take their own lives. new steps to save mentally distressed soldiers from themselves. ♪ [ upbeat instrumental ]
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topping the news now, wild weather is moving in the deep south after spinning tornadoes in texas. one twister cut across the highway in the town of rice. at least four people were hurt and five homes destroyed. an elementary school was also damaged. an ancient disease is killing hundreds. up next, what's being done to stop the cholera outbreak? plus, actor randy quaide,
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the dow jones industrial is up by 86 points. s&p 500 is up eight points. some good news on the homes front. sales of previously occupied homes rose last month. but still 19% down from last year. if you hate getting stuck in traffic behind trucks because of the exhaust, you'll love hearing this, the white house pushes forward the first fuel efficiency rules for garbage trucks starting in 2014. new vehicles will have to reduce greenhouse emissions and fuel
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consumption by 20%. and the end of an era. sony is still making walkmans. one-time must have gadget is officially retired. the last batch of cassette players has been shipped. that is it from cnbc. we are first in business worldwide. thomas, back to you. >> i used to have a bright yellow sony walkman. >> i did not have a walkman. >> you didn't? we still have time to get you one before the era is over. >> the last shipment just come out. i'll grab me one. >> thanks so much. at this hour we are still learning new information about violence, detainee abuse and civilian deaths during the war in iraq. and it's all because over 400,000 secret documents were stolen and leaked. the wikileaks website has posted these documents, and that has the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff angry and letting the world know about it via his twitter account. admiral mike mullen sent out a tweet saying another irresponsible posting of stolen
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classified documents by wikileaks put lives at risks and gives adversaries valuable information. jim miklaszewski is live to talk about this with us. >> these were raw battlefield reports for the ground commanders. those trigger pullers actually involved in many of the actions, so you can only imagine because they were unadulterated, unedited, that they were grim and gruesome. what has u.s. military officials upset is they reveal the tactics and techniques of the military soldiers. they think if the information, and leerily it will fall into the hands of the enemy, that could make troops vulnerable in future fights. >> the documents suggest that the u.s. knew that the situation in iraq was a lot worse than what they were letting on. what kind of impact do you think this will have on them. backlash that is?
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>> it's hard to say. they'll probably get criticism initially. the military thinks this is going to blow over in fairly short order. much of the information is reported in some detail. the problem is, there's so much of it now and so in mump greater detail. >> should we expect more of these leaks? >> well, u.s. military and pentagon officials are gurting if the next tranche to be released over the week. wikileaks officials announced after releasing 400,000 documents that they have more than 1,700 more documents that relate to the war in afghanistan. what makes that problematic is the war in iraq is winding down for military forces while the war in afghanistan is just really gearing up. >> are these documents all
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related to the earlier leaks? are these from him as well? >> he is the primary suspect. the u.s. military from the get go had been looking at the possible release of 400,000 documents. so by the time wikileaks rewleesrewlees released it, hay had already gone through the documents. they went to private manning's personal computer, did the forensics on it to see what he may have had, what may have downloaded. and u.s. military officials say that's where they got the head start on the wikileaks document. it's pretty damning evidence. although he has not been charged or accused directly in the latest leak of documents yet. >> okay. jim miklaszewski at the pentagon for us. thank you. u.s. soldiers are trained to kill the enemy. after nine years of nonstop war in afghanistan and iraq, the
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alarming number of u.s. service members taking their own lives is cause for great concern within the armed forces. troops see multiple tours of duty. an internal army review found 80% of suicides are committed by those who serve just one tour or none at all. still, the numbers are tragic. 125 military suicides through august of this year alone. that comes after last year's record of 162 service members who killed themselves. one of those was major john roka, a decorated marine and father of two sons who served his country as a pilot in iraq. he had been home just three months when he took his own life while getting ready to serve another tour. his wife kim is the manager for suicide outreach and education programs at the tragedy assistance program for survivors. our sympathies to you and your families and our deepest gratitude for your husband's service. i need to ask you, what does it say about the issue when a
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trained mental health provider, which you are yourself loses your husband to suicide? how should the rest of us interpret the signs we need to look for? >> well, it's very difficult for a family member to interpret the signs. a lot of times you look back on a circumstance and it's all very clear. but our military families are under tremendous pressure with their service member away a lot. when they come back they are exhausted. they have to still take care of things at home. often times transitioning back into communities and trying to find a job, and they're under pressure, too. so our families need to be included in information and resources on how to help service members when they come back. that's something the military is working hard at doing now. >> the majority of soldier who is have taken their own lives, about 80%, only had one deployment or none at all. the army's review shows because they are now accepting more
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recruits that could be prone to risky behavior and more prone to suicide. what's your reaction to that? >> well, we're trying to look at -- instead of responding to crisis and responding to emergencies with soldiers and marines, we're trying to look at a holistic approach. the marine corps started a new program. trying to start all the way from the beginning of when a service member joins the military, and looking at not only physical fitness, but also psychological fitness and spiritual fitness and helping them in issues of communication. helping them deal with stress as problem solving. some of those basic skills that sometimes some of these guys come in with. they know how to do their mission, but they come back and that's when difficulties start. when difficulties start with the families or at work, whether they've been deployed or not, sometimes they don't know how to solve the problem. and that's where we get into a
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crisis. >> how to properly cope. kim, i want to read you what a new york times columnist wrote this weekend. he wrote, we can get fired up about lady gaga and the tea party crackpots, we're into fantasy football, baseball playoffs and tweeting. but our american soldiers dying is such a yawn. do you think he's right? do the troops share that feeling? do they share the feeling that americans are going about nar daily lives while 1% of the population that makes up the military is doing the sacrifi sacrificing? >> when i came back to massachusetts after my husband died i was worried about how people felt about the war and those feelings. i started to get mad. i asked a good friend of mine, a good friend of my husband's, what do you feel about that he was on his fourth deployment. he believed in the cause. he believed in the fight.
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he knew he was doing the right thing. he said to me, isn't that the beauty of it? we can go and fight for people here, local people, they can go on about their business and not worry about their freedoms and having the the right to be able to go to a baseball game or a football game with their families and not worry about terrorism. and not worry about threats because our young men and women are over there serving and sacrificing so that they can go on and enjoy their lives. you know, these guys who die by suicide, they sometimes think, boy, what a dishonorable death. these are people, most of them are people who have stood up and sacrificed and served and been to war, and they've stood up and said, i will volunteer to do this. i think the country has to appreciate that and realize that these are heros. no matter how they died. let's think about how they lived, thousand they served. how they sacrificed and not focus on how they died.
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>> kim with taps. thanks for talking with us about your personal experience. >> thank you for having me. >> we appreciate it. >> thank you. at this hour, medical teams are rushing to contain a widening cholera epidemic in haiti. this has sickened more than 3,000 others. most of the deaths have occurred in rural central haiti. the fear is that the disease may reach port-au-prince, haiti's capit capitol. they are still living in tent cities ten months after the quake rocked the area. right now dr. nancy snyderman is in haiti driveg from the epicenter of the outbreak on her way back to port-au-prince. tell us about what you're seeing right now in some of the makeshift hospitals that you visited. >> reporter: hey, thomas. we've seen several things. mostly the people who can get transportation from the rural areas are making it into at least the hospitals in the small towns. we saw quite a few choppers
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being brought in today. vomiting and die rarrhdiarrhea. we've seen corpses along the roadside. it depends on sort of where you are as to what you're seeing. definitely the highest death rates have been in the rural areas where we believe the epicenter was. and the five cases reported in port-au-prince were people who traveled into the city. right now officials are talking about stabilization in the last 24 hours. have we turned the corner? i don't think anyone will feel comfortable calling that until tomorrow. >> nancy, explain to all of us, do doctors have the proper medical supplies they need to treat the influx of people? >> yes. yes. cholera is a bacteria that lives in contaminated water. it habit been present in outbreak form in haiti for over
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50 years. but the river where we believe this all started is rather polluted. a main water resource for where people wash their vegetables and get drinking water and bathe. but if caught early enough, you can treat people with oral dehydration treatments and in worst case scenarios antibiotics. but people lose so much fluid from the vomiting and diarrhea in such a short period of time, the whole vascular system collapses. you just don't have enough fluid in your body for your heart to keep pumping. so treating early can make a huge difference. i have several friends who really are infectious disease experts. they say if cholera epidemic can be in some weird ways one of the most gratifying ways to take care of people. when you intervene early, you can save so many lives. >> the infrastructure in haiti
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is broken and getting around is tough. >> i know what they're trying to do now is treat this medical issue as it is, as they're seeing it case by case. what are you seeing on the ground? as you mention the infrastructure. what is being done to treat this problem for the long run, to get them the proper clean water they need? >> that is the million dollar question. you hit the nail on the head. you get all the antibiotics in the world. if you send people back to dirty water you'll get more infections. at the hospital today they were trying to explain and teach people about chlorinating water and taking bad water and making it better. there aren't good water supplies. now the cholera has taken hold. it really has health care officials deeply concerned. >> dr. nancy snyderman reporting from haiti. thanks so much. appreciate it.
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actor randy quaide is in big trouble on a canadian vacation. we'll bring you that story next. guarantee me the best deal on my refinance loan, or pay me $1,000? that would be nice, not getting swindled. um...where are we? don't just think about it. put lendingtree to the test. get the best deal, or $1,000.
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year they've been arrested. once in texas, twice in california and now in canada. combined with eight skipped court appearances and two lawsuits they filed has made for a disastrous year in the court. tony potts is joining us. what startd this mess? a really downward spiral for the couple? >> yeah, thomas. it really is. i just got off the phone with their attorney in santa barbara. they don't talk about ongoing cases but he's going be in court to do a number of things i'm assuming. i know he has to be there on some matter. since they are supposed to be there, he's probably going to continue to try the case for a week or so. a leverage warrant is issued by judge on october 18th for quaides nquaid quaids. you talked about texas and
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california. now they're in canada. maybe mexico and europe. i have interviewed him a couple times. it seems like a couple in desperation and delusional. the place in california, we should tell the rueers to set up, the place they went into a guest house and were squatting there, they did own the house years ago and subsequently sold that but still thought they owned it. it will be interesting to see what happened. when your attorney in canada holds up a sign that says we are requesting an asylum for fr hollywood star wacers, that tends tome have people think you're whack. they seem whacky. unfortunately, they do. >> i think your mom is onto manager there. but what are the chances they could be granted asylum in canada. >> i did my research.
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there really isn't a chance. they have to show they are in danger in the united states. fearful for their lives, which they say they are. there are a lot of things in here they have to meet the eligibility as it were right here. i can plainly read what the requirements are as stated in canada on on the website. would like the public to believe they have a fear of danger, that their lives are in danger if they go back to hollywood, or be in california? >> yeah, and the people they say, hollywood is murdering its stars ar ad dollars. talking about accountants and what have you. the embezzlers in hollywood. they were asked, do you guys have a drug or alcohol problem and they said, no. when i saw that, it reminded me of a great line from david lee
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roth. i don't have a drug problem. i have money. i'm not sure what's going on there. it appears they don't have money and they're kind of rambling around both countries. if they need help psychologically, that they will get it because they may be a danger to themselves or others if they continue to squat. >> make a great point. tony potts, great to see you. thank you. >> thank you. what's topping the news now? that's after a quick break. stay with us. [ male announcer ] at e-trade, investing means taking action
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stuffed full of cash to karzai's aides. today in a press conference, karzai says, yes, they've been getting money from iran, but is part of a transparent process and used to pay official expenses. a spokesperson says while the united states does not question iran's right to provide financial aid, but adds that the u.s. is skeptical. in rhode island, a bomb squad destroys a suspicious package. it happened this morning. someone left the card board box under a mailbox next to one of the american corn and webbing factory. president obama is stopping by there for a tour today. and new york city is not only battling bedbugs, but bugged out tourists. vacation hot spots like the empire state building have been fighting the parasites. trip adviser shows a 12% increase this year in the bugs. city officials say they are
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good afternoon to you. i'm dylan ratigan. today, a bank error in their favor. nation's largest bank admitti t mistakes in the foreclosure paperwork. why washington and wall street are trying to turn the page on the housing scandal and why we won't let them get away with it as they try to drive our country in the ground. plus, should pro athletes be the ones taking pay cuts? how owner greed may reshape the nfl and nba. also, a men genetically
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