tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC November 12, 2010 12:00pm-1:00pm EST
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ad, for every 52 cars korea ships here the u.s. can export one. >> this agreement would go a significant way toward helping the administration to promote u.s. exports. >> the two countries hit roadblocks on car tariffs and beef from older cattle. the president shook hands but left seoul empty handed. >> i'm not interested in trade agreements for the sake of trade agreements. >> the president accused china oi of keeping its currency undervalued. >> it is undervalued and china spends enormous amounts of money intervening in the market to keep it undervalued. >> the u.s. is facing major economic disagreements with other global partners, britain, germany and brazil. the president refuses to see the
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south korean trip as a failure. >> instead of hitting home runs sometimes we are going to hit singles. they are really important singles. >> the president is in tokyo attending a business summit with japanese and australian leaders. mike joins us now. >> reporter: there is a lot on the table the press conference you played before the president left seoul, he had to answer questions from the amican press like has your presidency been weakened and are foreign leaders less anxious to meet you and have photo-opes with you over two years since you first became president? the interpretation from the g-20 meeting in seoul is there is a weakened presidency, he was unable to come back with an agreement with south korea and the chinese currency issue is still out there.
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the hard targets the united states wanted to come out of the communique out of the g-20 were not met. the president put the best face on it. saying it was good to have the discussions. he lands in japan. u.s./japan relations are difficult. they are about to wake up there in japan to the president and traveling entourage of press and staff. there is controversy over a military base in okinawa. it cost the prime minister his job. there are territorial disputes over islands in the south china sea that japan believes is theirs, china believes is theirs. add to that the rising nuclear power of noefrk and their refusal to go along with the six-party talks. japan very anxious. the president has bilateral meetings with the president there when he gets up this morning.
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>> thank you for the update. lawmakers on capitol hill are lining up, fighting back against proposals to slash the national debt by raising the social security age. slices and dices pork projects. check out where things stand with the national debt. $13.7 trillion dollars and counting. the numbers rolling so fast you can barely keep track. the committee came up with ideas that offend leaders in both parties. a few lawmakers are defending at least the work. mark udall is one of them. he is is a colorado senator. senator udall, good to see you. i got an e-mail from your office praising the work the panel has accomplished. there are a lot of controversial ideas. how do you move forward on these ideas that might end up being
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politically unpopular. >> contessa, thanks for your interest in this. what we need to do is begin to have the conversation. that is what irskin bowles did when releasing the plan. if we don't respond to this fiscal crisis we run the great risk of handicapping our economy, making it more difficult to do what we need to do on the national security front and don't set the stage for our economy to take off again. this is the beginning of an adult conversation. there are a lot of sacred cows that will be gored across the board this is the first step in getting our fiscal house in order. >> what do you consider sacred cows? >> there are a lot of them. people on the left think we should spend without any limits, on the right those think there shouldn't be revenue changes. we have to cut back on spending.
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the federal government has to do its part, federal employees have to be a part of the solution. we have to look at strengthening social security, medicaid and medicare and have to look at the revenue side. we can simplify the tax code and generate more income for the federal government. all three of those approaches have to be part of an integrated plan. that is what mr. bowles and mr. simpson's plan is about the base closing proposal makes nobody happy but is an approach that works really well. >> i asked my viewers yesterday whether it is time for americans to embrace these austerity measures. a large number of responses, senator, question why struggling americans would face any cuts.
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ann henderson, how exactly is it going to hurt the top 2% the only people who have seen their wealth grow over the last few years. i don't see anything in the plan other than more tax cuts for the wealthy and for corporations. dan writes what i don't get is why or how anyone can think of cutting social security insurance. i'm disabled. without this, we will lose our home. you have proposals here in the case of social security, the whole point is gradually to raise the age for social security benefits, but people hear touching social security, that is off limits. to them that is a sacred cow. at some point something's got to give. do you think there is the political will to make this happen on capitol hill? >> i think there has to be the political will otherwise all we hold dear, support of our military or social security or all the other ways in which government makes our lives better will be hollowed out. the point about social security if you look at much of the
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proposal is it strengthens social security, separates it from the general fund and the general activities of the federal government and remains progressive in the sense that it supports those at the lower income level, those who have been widowed, injured on the job. if you look carefully at this proposal, it supports and enhances and strengthens social security for the long run. that is certainly my goal. >> you mentioned following the model of the base closes commission. the proposal, if we look at proposal b, three-year pay freeze for federal employees, a 10% pay cut. we have been in an era of how do you spend enough money to keep the economy going. if you look at cutbacks are you concerned about a dire consequence for the economy? >> well, i think it is important to acknowledge the federal government stepped in through the american recovery and
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reinvestment act and prevented us from falling into a great depression. i believe you have to phase in these changes and cutbacks. i know the federal work force is willing to do its part. those of us in the congress understand we have to tighten our belts and look to limit federal spending where it makes sense. the point is to begin the process this is a two decade undertaking at a minimum. if we start now we will increase the confidence in the financial markets, increase flexibility when it comes to the federal government's role. it is an area where i focussed a lot of my attention in the house of representatives and now in the senate. >> senator udall, i hope you will keep coming on with us as the operation unfolds and we look at the surgical cuts. thank you. >> thank you, contessa. it is important to have an adult conversation. everybody has to come to the table.
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>> we'll see if they show up. do you think your lawmakers will have the will to make tough choices even if they are politically unpopular. find me on facebook, twitter or send me an e-mail. what a relief, a chance for a hot meal, a shower after the vacation from hell. now passengers are sounding off about losing electricity, air conditioning and toilets. here is a home video from a passenger and just listen as the staff tries to keep people calm. many passengers are praising the crew but describe their cruise to nowhere in one word. nightmare. >> the toilets started to back up. the food ran out. it smelled like rotten milk. >> i have never seen hotdog salad or green bean sandwiches. >> they were giving everybody
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free alcohol which helped a lot. >> we were in it together the crew wasn't eating anything different than we were and they had to d do a job. >> miguel almaguera is in san diego. >> reporter: not necessarily what these folks signed up for. when people go on cruises they expect gourmet all you can eat buff buffets. a lot of people dieted before they got on the cruise so they could eat until they were content. the splendor had a fire in the aft come apartmentment, the ship lost its power, the ability to cook and serve food, air conditioning, restrooms and toilets stopped working.
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the "uss ronald reagan" delivered some 60,000 pounds of food, canned spam, canned crab meat, bread, milk. not what folks thought they would be eating. they got back to port yesterday. they jumped off the boat. many said they couldn't wait for a hot shower, a hot meal. now they apparently have had it. >> where do we stand on the investigation about why it happened, miguel? >> reporter: originally the ntsb was going to head the investigation. but the vessel is registered in panama. panama officials are on their way here with carnival cruise line officials. that may take a few days, maybe weeks until we have a cause for the fire. a woman wasted no time capitalizeding on the doomed cruise. she is selling t-shirts. people snapped them up.
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20 bucks a pop. a lot of the passengers and a carnival spokesman said no one was ever served spam. hotdog salad, yes, spam, no. three murders over a 30-year period miles apart. why would l.a. police think a serial killer is roaming free? and dirty dancing. how bad does it have to get for a school to say no more? not just no more dirty dancing but no more dancing period? >> paul wanted to turn his love for whitewater river rafting into a business. he approached the owners of three companies and they merged into adventures on the george. knows how to make things
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uncovered significant evidence. 10-year-old zahra vanished a month ago. her stepmother is charged with obstruction of justice. we are waiting on a news conference to see what police have unveiled this afternoon. teachers at a portland, oregon, high school are cancelling the winter formal because of dirty dancing. the principal said the grown-ups are tired of watching students bump and grind. chaperons have done everything to stop the inappropriate contact. nobody puts a baby in a corner. los angeles detectives think they might have a serial killer on their hand, someone who committed murder on three different women. here is the catch. the murders were committed 20 years apart, the victims found miles apart. christine pellichek wrote about the murders for daily beast. what did you find? >> i found the cases were linked
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through dna evidence. that is how they were linked. >> so here you have victim one, sonja smith, age 25, killed in 1980 and her body was found, naked, feet and wrist bound in l.a.'s industrial wasteland, victim number two, vanessa williams, age 25, found in 2000 east of l.a. naked, face down. and christy fields who was 27, she was found in riverside county in 2000, partially clothed. initially did police think there was anything linking these victims? >> well, no, not at first. back in 1980. the police thought there was about 30 or 50 murders back in the '80s. they believed it was the culprit a guy they called the southside slayer. they believed that sonia smith who died in 1980 was linked to
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those cases and thought she was murdered by the southside slayer. as the time went by they realized there were four or five serial killers working. they found the four or five serial killers. and sonia smith's case was never solved. 20 years later riverside and pomona realized when they found the bodies of vanessa williams and christy fields, there was dna left on the body and the dna was tested and those cases were linked. in 2007 the lapd was looking at dna found in the victims in the '80s and they put that dna into the system and it came back as a match to vanessa williams and christy fields. >> they have run that dna against whatever databases they can come up with to see if they
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have someone in custody for a different crime, but the same person. at this point, do they think there is still a murderer on the loose? >> well, they don't know. the guy's dna is not in the system. so that is how -- that is why they are not able to find out who he is. there is a good chance he is still around. they don't know. if he was 20 years old back in 1980, if he killed sonia smith, 30 years later he would be 50 or so, so he could definitely still be alive. >> keep us up to date. >> okay. i will. >> "newsweek" and the daily beast are joining forcing. the deal was finalized tuesday night. the joint venture will be called the "newsweek" daily beast company. the white house said it
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would not extend the bush tax cuts for the rich despite some reports. president obama sets the record straight. first a look at what is hot on the web. mccain versus mccain. >> our political and religious leaders tell lgbt youth they have no future. >> this makes for awkward pillow talk. cindy mccain is blasting don't ask, don't tell, as her husband senator john mccain defends the gay ban. the apple one is up for auction. it is one of the original computers that steve jobs shipped from his parents garage. it made its debut in 1976. it will be auctioned and could sell for $250,000. satan promotes a new church nor north carolina with a
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billboard. don't visit the website coming november the billboard is signed by, could it be, satan? that website is the home page for the bridge church. talk about reverse psychology. where is the church lady when you need her? [ advisor 1 ] what do you see yourself doing one week, one month, five years after you do retire? ♪ client comes in and they have a box. and inside that box is their financial life. people wake up and realize i better start doing something. we open up that box. we organize it. and we make decisions. we really are here to help you. they look back and think, "wow. i never thought i could do this." but we've actually done it. [ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach. at the walmart in marinette, wisconsin.
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that first job launched my career. since i've been with the company, i've been promoted ten times over the span of 11 years. today, i'm a divisional learning and development manager. we can actually help people develop in their own careers. my job allows me to make a difference in the lives of almost 100,000 associates in the northeast. if you think about it, that's almost 8 times the size of my hometown. my name is nick and i work at walmart. ♪ the doctor leaned over and said to me, "you just beat the widow-maker." i was put on an aspirin, and it's part of my regimen now. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go see your doctor now.
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if you live for performance, upgrade to castrol edge advanced synthetic oil. with eight times better wear protection than mobil 1. castrol edge. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. president obama says he is not caving on tax cuts for the richest americans. >> my number one priority is making sure we make the middle class tax cuts permanent. i continue to believe that extending permanently the upper income tax cuts would be a mistake. >> the white house bureau chief for politico.
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joseph, when we are talking about the tax cuts the bush tax cuts set to expire september 31st. the democrats put off a real vote on this issue. will we see them tackle this? >> they will have to. the tax cuts expire december 31st, when they sunset. they have to make a decision one way or another otherwise taxes will rise for everybody. >> the president said in his interview with matt lauer he was prepared to go to the table, to talk to republicans, to work out compromises. is this a compromise that is going to have to happen between the president, democrats and republicans? >> something is going to have to happen. i think that what the news that broke on this that david axelrod that the president was open to letting the tax cuts extend to the richest earners, that was a
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trial balloon because lately the white house has been walking it back. the democrats are urging him to fight on to use this as a political wedge issue with the republicans. the white house is signalling at the very least they will talk about some kind of extension. it may not be permanent, but a temporary extension is seeming more and more likely. >> will you see more on cis on obstinance on the part of the republicans? >> people are saying this is a complete nonstarter from the liberal base on up. the problem the president has is
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the same people urging the fight on, other people in his party urging him to cut a deal, extend it higher beyond $250,000 to give the republicans something of what they want. the president seems to be taking the signal from the midterms he is bound and obligations to compromise. it remains to be seehow it plays out. there are a lot of moving parts. >> joseph, it is great to talk to you. i breesht you being here. >> my pleasure. photos from space. hey, who needs satellites these days. three british space buffs sent that balloon 2300 miles before the surface of the earth and captured these shots before the balloon burst. here is the airplane. made of straws and covered in paper. food fight. more than 400 students and staff
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took to throwing pies to raise money and get in the guiness world record. they are pretty confident they accomplished that. kids in san francisco might have something to be happy about. plus we now know who ratted out the russian spies caught in the united states and who he was working for. we'll be right back. everyone has someone to go heart healthy for. who's your someone? campbell's healthy request can help. low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. it's amazing what soup can do. until the combination of three good probiotics in phillips' colon health defended against the bad gas, diarrhea and constipation. ...and? it helped balance her colon. oh, now that's the best part. i love your work. [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. heartburn that keeps coming back ?
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then you're ready for zegerid otc. zegerid otc is the first 24-hour treatment ever with two active ingredients: prescription-strength medicine plus a protective ingredient that shields the medicine from stomach acid so it's effectively absorbed. just one zegerid otc capsule a day can relieve your heartburn all day and all night. if you have frequent heartburn, try dual-ingredient zegerid otc. heartburn solved.
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palin case happened today. san francisco's mayor will veto the city's ban on happy meals with toys today. but the board of supervisors approved it tuesday by a vote of 8-3. it has enough votes to override any veto. joe miller is desperate. with the ballot counting in los angeles his camp is encouraging alaskans to call a hotline if they felt pressured at the ballot box or want to report vote fraud. he filed a lawsuit to stop the counting. still half of more than 90,000 write-in votes have been counted. 90% of thoesz go to murkowski.
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>> we are absolutely interested in maintaining the integrity of the process. >> the miller campaign is realizing they are not getting ahead with the challenge ballots. this is an act of desperation. nbc's kristin welker joins me from alaska. the count is ongoing ath this point. what other roadblocks may still be in the way? >> good question, contessa. yesterday a representative with joe miller's campaign came forward and said they are going to file a second lawsuit in juneau asking for voter rolls. they want to compare the voter rolls to the ballots being cast. they are alleging that a lot of people are calling joe miller and saying they were victims of voter fraud or intimidation. when we pressed him on this
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issue they couldn't give any real examples. the representative did hand us the affidavit from someone named rocky mcdonald who was a poll watcher who had concerns on election day. the ballot box was unsecured. there are no actual allegations of voter fraud. we did a little bit of pressing about who rocky mcdonald is. he is a supporter of joe miller but the voting or the counting of the votes is going to get under way in about a half an hour. republicans are celebrating their victories in the midterm election but voter reaction may be more subdued. less than half of americans, 48% are happy republicans won control of the house. 34% say they are unhappy. four years ago 60% americans
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said they were happy with the democrats winning full control of the congress compared to 24% who were unhappy. good to see both of you today. how democrats are unhappy the republicans won control of the house and regretting they didn't show up and vote on election day? >> i don't know how to answer that. >> good question, con tesa. >> it is a good question. the reason people don't show up to vote they are displeased with the choices or direction of the country. when i look at this election i think there was clear disaffection amongst democrats, frustrated or angry about decisions made politically in the congress, especially some that didn't go far enough. independents are frustrated about a lot of things the
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economy. republicans were clearly energized. what is interested about the pugh poll and the cbs poll that came out the other day, this is not an endorsement of the republican party or the republican philosophy. republicans are clearly celebrating, but this was not an election where the american people gave them a mandate. >> 41% of the people approving of the plans the gop has. the gop is seen as a leaderless party. 51% still say they don't know who leads the republican party. how problematic is that for the republicans? >> well, let me just say i completely agree with chris. this election was about barack obama and essentially white voters, moderate working class voters voted against barack obama. they didn't vote for the republican party. the leader of our party, from
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the standpoint of having a presidential leader we are going to go through that process in the course of next year, seeing a lot of new faces emerge, a lot of new governors are going to speak up for the republican party. there isn't a central focal point. no one went to the polls looking at the republicans' plans unlike the contract for america in 1994. there wasn't a specific focal point that republicans articulated. this was pretty much a vote against barack obama. >> i have to push back against that. >> sure. >> they weren't talking about barack obama but jobs. if they are coming out and saying i cast my vote on the economy and on jobs that is a failure of not only the administration but of their elected representatives as well. >> contessa, the fact is that the democrats controlled the house, the senate and the presidency. so there wasn't a way you could
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make the argument the republicans had the levers of the control of power. trusted institutions in our country is at an all-time low, the worst recession since the great depression. 9.8% unemployment. you have a country that is pessimistic and grumpy. you are seeing reflected the fact americans don't look to the republican party and say your message permeated to the core. this was principally about sending a message to the obama administration about direction and balance. >> chris, here is the thing. at this point you have democrats in the minority in the house. they have a lot of work to do if they are going to see themselves in a position to regain the majority in two years. how do they do that if they can't get behind one cohesive message? >> well, i think they are going to get behind a message, if you will, maybe not a united message. it is never going to happen.
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but i think if you step back and analyze what happened in this election, what voters are saying to both parties is they want both parties to be grown ups, tackle the major problems this country faces, the deficit, the debt, spending, the economy and jobs and come up with reasonable solutions and sensible compromises. if it ends up being what i'm afraid it is going to be, particularly on the republican side, this partisan bickering battle and hold their ground and not compromise one iota to do what is best for the country, well will have the fourth change election in two years. this is the key message in this election. the american people are not in love with either party and punish either party they don't see doing the job of the american people. one of the bombs mailed from yemen went unchecked because of a communication breakdown.
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customs officials in germany wanted to search the package, but by the time the paperwork arrived the plane left the country without security checks. authorities found the explosives when the plane landed in england. another was found in dubai. latino families are leaving arizona in droves in part because of the controversial immigration bill. 100,000 hispanics may have already left arizona before the debate over the new law. the difficult economy could be playing a role here. be sure to watch msnbc's special town hall event, a two-hour discussion on immigration and latina america on msnbc. a judge in florida has denied bond for the girl once known for her uncontrollable hiccups. she first appeared on the
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"today" show three years ago. the 19-year-old and two other young men are charged with first-degree murder in the death of a 21-year-old man. her mother said her daughter had several problems. >> she was staying different places. she always had a roof over her head. >> living a transient lifestyle. >> yeah. she was living one place for a month, another place for a month. running with the wrong crowd. >> had she shown any signs that she might be capable of getting into the kind of trouble she is in now? >> not with me she hadn't. >> her lawyer says she is being treated in jail because her incessant hiccups have returned. nbc news is rocking it on "30 rock." first brian williams and andrea mitchell and now david gregory making appearances on the it is come. he shows up on a tv screen reporting on a story as alec
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baldwin's character watches. >> making political hay out of the wheat field that is the nbc cable town merger -- who wrote this? jared, honestly. amping up the rhetoric in a dead race. >> since we seem to be on a role i would love to be on "30 rock" but i don't want to play myself. i would like to play, i'm thinking liz lemon's trouble making sister? ♪ it's beginning to look at lot like christmas ♪ you have to sing it. you can't say it. here is the rockefeller center christmas tree, 74 feet tall, weighs 12 tons. the tree comes from new york state. the lighting ceremony takes place november 30th. i opened the office window and
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said it is beginning to smell a lot like christmas. another twist with the russian spies caught in the united states over the summer. it involves a double agent and a moscow hit team. want to be a gladiator? and who doesn't. a businessman just opened up a gladiator school in the small turkish town of serek. this guys get to wear costumes and body armor and hems. they use real swords presumably they are not fighting to the death. f money. that's great. so, your rich and hearty soups have made me, rich and hearty. that's funny. i'm hearty because of your juicy steak, your potatoes... you're really, rich and happy. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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get the flight you want with the venture card at [ loving it ] help! what's in your wallet? with the venture card at [scraping] [piano keys banging] [scraping] [horns honking] with deposits in your engine, it can feel like something's holding your car back. let me guess, 16. [laughing] yeeah. that's why there's castrol gtx... with our most powerful deposit fighting ingredient ever. castrol gtx exceeds the toughest new industry standard. don't let deposits hold your car back. get castrol gtx. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering.
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the united nations in our world view today says it needs $164 million to beat cholera in haiti. 724 people have died in the earthquake ravaged country, 11,000 have been infected with cholera. a massive sandstorm is blanketing china. the thinking haze of smog causes problems for people trying to maneuver on their bikes. using masks and umbrellas. ariel sharon was moved from a hospital to his desert ranch today. sharon who is 82 remains in a coma since suffering two strokes five years ago. a tale of espionage is grabbing headlines in russia. a high ranking intelligence officer has defected to the united states, exposing a spy ring broken up. ten people were arrested on secret funneling information
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about the u.s. back to russia. the defector may be targeted for assassination. we are joined live from moscow. what are you learning about this defector? >> contessa, so far everything we know is from this story in a respected daily business newspaper and that is the reason it is getting so much play, unlike other stories in the tabloids. it names his a colonel. it doesn't give a first name. he worked in the department in charge of dealing with the russian sleeper agents in the u.s. it mentioned a number of red flags which the newspaper claims should have tipped off his own bosses. he has a daughter living in the united states for a number of years which should have disqualified him from this work and his son recently moved to the united states as well. he fled russia to go to the united states three days before
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president medvedev went to visit with president obama in june, a few weeks before the russia story broke with the spies. so far we haven't heard any confirmation. russian intelligence officials haven't said anything. today president medvedev on the sideline of the g-20 in south korea made interesting comments. he said when the story broke everything in it was already known to him. sort of like a vague confirmation to the general story. >> thank you for the update. president obama says the u.s. needs to make some tough choices to cut the country's deficit. we have been talking about whether our lawmakers have the will to make tough choices that may be politically unpopular. lee golden says i think the president is showing a lot of resilience by make ing somany tough choices. he hasn't been treated fairly. joe writes i would rather lose
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my $9 a week middle class tax cut than extend the bush tax cuts that would cost $700 million. and this, my republican lawmaker will make unpopular choices in cutting the debt. his is a multimillionaire. his choices won't affect him, his family or his anonymous donors. you can reach me on facebook, twitter and my e-mail is food prices on the rise. that includes what you are buying to serve on thanksgiving. wait until you hear how much turkey, stuffing, cranberrys, potatoes and pumpkin pies will cost. you might want to consider ordering a pizza. we know why we're here. to give our war fighters every advantage.
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time to talk some turkey. you may be seeing some sticker shock at the grocery store when you go to buy all of those thanksgiving trimmings. jane wells went shopping. are you poor now? >> poor, but i paid a lot more here than the national average. commodity prices have gone up, the price for a ten-serving thanksgiving dinner at the american farm bureau is only going up 56 cents to $43.47, a dollar less than two years ago. turkey prices, feeding turkeys high-price corn, they are down $1 for a 16-pound bird. i got this on sale for seven bucks. dairy prices have gone up, &s, $3.19 for three pounds. i had to pay $5.69 for &s.
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that is an outrage. last year there was a shortage of pumpkin pie mix. there is not a shortage this year and it is still more expensive. all this yesterday cost me 53 bucks with my discount card. that is $14 more than i paid at the same store last year but last year i bought two days before thanksgiving instead of two weeks. it pays to save. >> did you buy enough for a terin person thanksgiving dinner? >> this is what they say -- not ten people, ten servings. this is what is supposed to be enough for ten servings. a 16-pound bird. you have two pie shells and pie mix for two. condensed milk. you have enough -- here is the weird thing, you are going to want to want a one pound carrot and celery relish tray. not at my house. for thanksgiving do you have
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carrots and celery relish tray? >> my producer is admitting one serving, i go back three times. good for him. weight watchers after the new year. >> this is for three people like him. >> 53 bucks for a person like my producer. good for you, jane wells. thank you. on that note we wrap up this hour. thank you so much for the time you spent with me. see you back here. andrea mitchell reports next. should the bush tax cuts be extended for wealthy americans. she is asking senator mark warner. tune in. if you live for performance, upgrade to castrol edge advanced synthetic oil.
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