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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  November 15, 2010 2:00pm-3:00pm EST

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we have live pictures out of ohio where police are expected to give an update on a sthoir that began unfolding after the weekend when a 13-year-old was found bound and gagged in a basement. her brother, mother and a family friend are still all missing. thomas robert joins us live with the latest. >> we only have information about the little girl involved in this. her name is sarah maynard. she's recovering in a hospital outside of columbus, ohio, after she was found inside the basement of a 30-year-old's home. his name is matthew hoffman. her mother tina herrmann, brother kody maynard and friend stephanie sprang were all missing. when police investigated the home they found blood but nobody was there. police have not revealed what led them to the home of matthew
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hoffman. but hoffman, who is only 30 years old has a talenty and disturbing criminal history. he is a convicted arsonist. he set fire to an apartment complex in ohio. he was sentenced eight years and court records show he only paid back $5,000 towards that debt. in the current ohio neighborhood where sarah was found, neighbors describe him as a loaner and a weirdo in their words. neighbors report he would sit in a hammock in a yard and he would stare and listen to people's conversations. today police closed and started searching a lake in fountain park. this is a public park with a lake a few blocks from hoffman homes. neighbors report hoffman walked there daily. an officer patrolling the park found clothing he thought had blood in it. it tested negative for human blood. more charges are expected against hoffman. as for now he is charged with the kidnapping of sarah maynard.
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she's listed in good condition, but we are still waiting to hear from police and envis gators to how they were able to find her and what happened to the three other missing people. >> we also understand there may be family members at this news conference. as soon as it starts we will certainly bring you the developments out of this story in ohio. now to the series of dramas unfolding on capitol hill as the lame duck congress returns. among the dramatic things, the ethics tripe of charlie rangel just elected to his 22nd term but kicked off with fireworks after he walked out shortly after the trial started. >> 50 years of public service is on the line. i truly believe that i'm not being treated fairly, and that history will dictate that knot withstanding the political calendar, i am entitled to a lawyer during this proceeding. >> congressman rangel said his
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lawyer quit on him and he's not had time to since find a new one, but the ethics committee denied his request to delay the trial. luke, the show went on without him, but the question is, where was congressman rangel? >> congressman rangel after he made quite a public exit retreated to his officer where his spokesperson said he will not be par it pating in the ethics trial at all. they're watching it play out on c-span and watching the developments as they occur. essentially we saw from the house ethics committee, running the trial, is the trial went out without rangel. the draf director was very interesting. within this ethics trial, eptive butterfield of north carolina, asked the guy who is essentially the prosecutor here, do you think that charlie rangel is corrupt, and he answered no.
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he also went onto say he did not believe charlie rangel sought to enrich himself by any of the things he's accused of wrongdoing. such as not paying taxes. and essentially what this prosecutor said is that rangel is guilty of very sloppy accounting. just not being organized with his finances. but that he himself is probably not guilty of trying to do any of this sengsly. it will be interesting to see when that holds up when sentencing happens later in the week. the trial is set from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. rangel says he will not show up because he's already paid his lawyers from new york city over $1.6 million. they say they want another million dollars to go to this trial. rangel says he cannot afford to pay that. he could use his campaign funds, but those have been washed up, but he could use personal funds. he says he does not have the
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money. saying it's not fair for me to go to trial without a lawyer or counsel present. the man who said he want ad trial to occur more quickly was charlie rangel. the trial is happening now. he wants no part of it. well now that president obama is back from asia ya, there's a looming battle with the gop over tax cuts. plus a potential dramatic fight for leadership in the house. mark wihitaker is washington bureau chief. this is another thing democrats don't need on their plate as they try to lick their wounds and get it together after the midterms. >> and the reason he doesn't have money left to pay his lawyers is that for a long time he wasn't taking the advice of his lawyers, which was to settle this case. now i think he's taking a position of sort of throwing himself on the mercy of the court.
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>> and freshman orientation. the new blood hoping to shake up washington as so many aspire to do as they walk through the capitol and get acquainted with the new digs, if you will. >> this is a ritual every two years. all the people who have run against washington now coming to see what washington is really like. 20 years ago there was a young insurgent named john boehner from ohio and was part of the gang of seven and contract for america and so forth. now he's the likely leader of the now house will have to deal with the people who were basically there 20 years later. >> and one thing as we mentioned, the president is preparing to deal with is the tax cut issues. you have david axle rod on "meet the press" not wanting to use the words compromise. he was asked repeatedly if the president was ready to compromise on tax cuts. he would not agree to the wording. what are we hearing as the
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president is expected to meet with the other side. >> the president ran to extend the tax cuts for only people earning under $250,000 a year and to repeal them for everybody else. probably he is going to compromise on that. so there are three scenarios. one is he allows the extension for everybody but limits the time period for the rich. second is that he raises the cap and says, okay, we'll extend tax cuts except to everybody who earns more than a million and require that the republicans fight for tax cuts for millionaires. and third is a mark warner proposal to take some of the money and target it to small business. >> how is the preponderate expected to deal with, for example, nancy pelosi who has a clear different stance on this, as she also faces a possible challenger in her leadership? >> well, remember, nancy pelosi will be still the speaker during
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the lame duck. but then she loses her power. she'll be a voice at the table, but not as strong as before. one of the surviving blue dogs who won re-election said during the campaign that he would challenge her if she ran again, and it sounds like he may make good on the promise. he's an ex-nfl quarterback. she has the votes. but in schuller's case he'll have to go before north carolina voters, and he wants to show that there isn't just a nancy pelosi wing of house democrats. >> all right, mark, thank you very much. a lot to talk about. thank you, mark. and new information on the obama administration's plan to end the war in afghanistan. this week the u.s. will share details of a schedule to end combat operations by 2014. afghan president karzai says u.s. troops need to reduce their presence in the country. he says now their presence is
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putting them at odds with many including david jen petraeus. general petraeus is saying that these comments from karzai and others undermine the effort right now with the u.s. troops on the ground. >> absolutely. that's the word going around right now. president karzai had strong words in an interview to the "washington post." an interview released on sunday. he stated he wanted the u.s. military footprint to be smaller and pretty much right away what it seemed to be by this article, by this interview is he was trying to appease to the taliban leadership. the same leadership that he's trying to talk with right now. the leadership he wants to bring back into the government. but these rubbed washington and certainly rubbed general petraeus the wrong way. president karzai talked about having the military and nato forces stay in the bases and
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only come out when it's to fight the insurgency, which contradicts the counter inser gener insurgency strategy of general petraeus. they want to win their hearts and minds and gain their trust. so obviously petraeus is not happy with president karzai's words. and that's not good for president karzai. he already has a very strained relationship when it comes to the obama administeratioadminis. president obama himself. as well as the u.s. special envoy to pakistan and afghanista afghanistan. >> thank you. and up next, we'll talk with a man who sporked a 30-minute standoff with the tsa after refusing to go through one of those, you know, full body screening procedures. plus -- >> it's just none of his
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flipping business. >> who was she talking about? sarah palin's reality tv debut. will her new show help or hurt her political future? >> it means a lot to me. it was really nice that all these people are supporting me. >> a major show of support for a little boy told he could not fly his american flag on his bike that he rides to school. "news nation" is back after this. as a manager, my team counts on me to stay focused. so i take one a day men's 50+ advantage. it's the only complete multivitamin with ginkgo to support memory and concentration. plus vitamin d to help maintain healthy blood pressure. [ bat cracks ] that's a hit. one a day men's. boss: and now i'll turn it over gecko: ah, thank you, sir. as we all know, geico has been saving people money on rv, camper and trailer insurance...
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welcome back. "news nation" is following breaking news out of knox county in ohio where police are giving us an update on a suspect matthew hoffman. he's been charged with kidn kidnapping 13-year-old girl sarah maynard found in his basement. her mother, brother and friend
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are still missing. >> the knox county sheriff's office, the federal bureau of investigation, bc i&i and the ohio attorney general's office. that's where we are today. i will take questions now, and i will remind everyone like i do every time when we get to this point in the media briefing, this is a very active investigation. there's a lot of sensitive information that could impede the successful prosecution, so some questions i obviously will not be able to answer, but i'll take questions now. >> what led us to foundation park is most of you know that matthew hoffman lives a t 49 columbus road. right directly across from that address is the street that accesses foundation park.
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foundation park has ponds. it has -- it's a former gravel pit. that's why we're searching foundation park. >> was there anything more specific than the fact that he lives close by? >> no. >> he has been cooperative at all in your investigation? >> i don't want to comment on what he is or is not doing. >> we understand you had an alert deputy who actually contacted the suspect prior to your arrest. that's interesting. can you talk about ha at all? >> prior to his arrest? >> a field interview? >> okay, when -- when the f-150 pickup truck was recovered last thursday. >> yes, that was a deputy who was on his toes it sounds like. >> absolutely. >> what can you tell us about that? >> since it involved sames that are part of the investigation, i really can't get into it other than the identity of mr. hoffman
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being at that location when the truck was recover rd. >> was it approximately the same time they found the truck? >> yes. >> you said he was cooperating yesterday. why can't you clarify his cooperation or lack thereof today. >> because the investigators are talking with him. i think most people when they're initially arrested, they're maybe not too likely to want to talk, but because of the excitement and the way that the arrest took place with the s.w.a.t. team, but that's all i'm going to say about what he is orsy not doing. >> we are listening to the sheriff of mt. vernon. it unfolded when a 13-year-old girl was found bound and gagged in the home of 30-year-old matthew hoffman. her mother, her young brother, and a family friend are still missing right now, and police are saying there's a possibility
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that those three people still missing have been killed. they are searching a nearby park, near to the home of the suspect. we'll continue to follow this breaking news out of ohio and bring you any developments. we will be right back with more news nation. [ male announcer ] humana and walmart are teaming up to bring you a low-price medicare prescription drug plan called the humana walmart-preferred prescription plan. it's a new plan that covers both brand and generic prescriptions and has the lowest-priced national premium in the country of only $14.80 per month and in-store copays as low as $2. when you could save over $450 a year, you can focus on the things that really matter. ♪ go to for details. ♪ [ upbeat instrumental ] [ rattling ] [ gasps ] [ rattling ] [ laughing ] [ announcer ] close enough just isn't good enough.
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an arptd an airport confrontation caught on camera. >> if you touch my junk i'm going to have you arrested. >> he refused to walk through. >> i don't understand how a sexual assault can be made as a condition of my flight. >> the backlash over the controversial new screenings reaches a new level of outrage now on "news nation." well, the issue according to tsa is simple, go through a full body scan or be subject to aggressive pat downs at the airport. they are more vigorous than we
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experienced in the past. civil rights groups and some pilots unions say it's going too far. one california manmade the video you just saw while trying to board a flight from san diego to south dakota. he was thrown out of the airplane for refusing the pat down, and then threatened a civil suit. john joins me live via skype. john, thank you for joining us. >> hello. >> let me first of all -- when you went to the airport, did you know that there were full body scanners there? >> no, up until last night tsa's website said there were no full body scanners at san diego airport. >> so you went in thinking you would see the normal metal detector or screener we would go through at any airport? >> yes, exactly. >> and so when did you realize that things were not going to be the way you had wanted them, especially when coming to the
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full body scanner? >> well, when it reached the screening area they had the ait machines alongside the metal detectors. actually they checked my i.d. i got in line for the metal detector. what i assumed people were going ob is people were allowed to choose between the two machines. >> you decided i done want to go through the scanner. then you were gien the option to get the pat down. what bugged you about the pat down? >> specifically the groin check. i head new stories that the groin check was especially invasive. i read stories of other men who felt physically sick to their stomach because the officer had been so rough when they did the check. >> did you feel embarrassment? did you feel like, listen, you just didn't want someone touching you in your private
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areas? >> exactly. that was my big concern. i don't think some random stranger groping my private area should be a condition of my flight. >> janet napolitano did an article in the usa. she says pat downs have long been a security measure used by the u.s. to make air travel as secure as possible. i also want to play what tsa ad administrator said on the "today show." >> everyone wants that. the question is what is that blend or balance between security, safety and privatesy, and while we remain sentensetivo those people, we believe the system addresses the concern and provides the best possible security. >> so you have people who say this is about our security. if we want to keep terrorists from boarding the planes, like on christmas day, over detroit, we have to take the measures that in some cases may not be
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comfortable, but it is about safety. >> is it necessary? is that what you're asking? >> yes. >> i think we're in more danger than we have been in the past 10 years doesn't hold water. you're more likely being killed going to and from your car than you are in the air. the pat downs we have up until now are probably makes us just as safe as the new ones supposedly do. >> we appreciate you joining us. we apologize to the audience for the long delay via skype. we really wanted to hear you a in your own words. nationally syndicated radio talk show host michael smerconish. what do you think? does he have a point? he says he went online, saw the airport did not have the full
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body scanner. once he got there, he's one. >> he's concerned about his privacy rights, but if i'm a fellow passenger, if i'm in the jump seat next to him, what about my right to be safe? if there's an alternative, i would love to hear what it is, but this is apparently necessary in the opinion of secretary napolitano because of what happened tw the underwear bomber last ses 25. >> several groups online are calling for a boycott the day before thanksgiving saying boycott these body scanners. >> i don't like it. busiest travel day of the year. think f all the folks going home to see family and loved ones for thanksgiving and this voluntary effort is intended to do what, shut down american airports? i don't like that idea. >> i have to tell you, michael. i went through a body scanner. i thought what was the big until i got in the body scanner and your mind starts to wonder who is looking at my image. i don't know the man down below in the secret room. it makes you wonder, is this too
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much? is this going too far? >> having read what she said in this morning's newspaper? they tried to plan for ef eventuality. the person looking at the image has no ability to store the image. if someone saves it. >> what about the pat downs. you hear this guy say someone's hands all over your body -- too much. >> again, but they're providing a person from the same gender. if there's an alternative, let's get to the alternative. but these folks still want to kill us. but for whatever reason airports and airlines are still using as a means to do so. if we have the technology, let's use it. i want to do whatever is most able to get me to the gate quickest, and hopefully i can keep my shoes on. >> some lawmakers from new jersey, aclu and a couple of other places want a congressional hearing to take a look at whether this is the necessary step to keep us safe. thank you, michael.
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michael smerconish will fill in chris matthews on "hardball" tonight. thank you, michael. >> thank you. coming up, cindy mccain stands by her husband's position on don't ask, don't tell, one day after publicly protesting the military policy. then jessica simpson is ready to walk down the aisle. she's announcing it just two weeks after her ex-husband says he's engaged. we've got the scoop an all these engagements.
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and facebook's big announcement. e-mail is a thing of the past. we'll tell you how they're changing the way we keep contact with our friends and family. and a british couple freed by somali pirates are now in kenya. paul and rachel chandler are expected to head home soon to britain. they had been held for more than a year after pirates hijacked their yacht after the coast of east africa. they demanded a huge ransom they were unable to pay. but a ransom was paid to win their freedom. we have the latest from london with tazeen ahmad. >> the chandlers are in kenya recovering from their 13 months in captivity. his poor father died in july. the last 24 hours have been full of high dra after the release in the early hours. they spoke at a press conference, and then flown to kenya. although they were well, they are weak and thin.
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zl happy to be alive. happy to be free. happy to be here. happy to see our friends and family. we lived for a year with criminal. it's not a very nice thing to be doing. >> during the ordeal they were forced to spend time in solitary confinement and pleaded for their lives at gunpoint on a number of occasions. they were moved around a lot, and they were given little to eat. they were freed after a ransom was reportedly paid. the british government has a strict policy of not paying for the releasing of hostages. there are unconfirmed reports that in the end almost a million dollar was raised by the family along with other private donors. >> tomorrow at the white house, staff sergeant junto will become the first living metal of honor recipient since the vietnam war.
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president obama will then describe sergeant giunta's historic reactions when he rescued a wounded comrade who had been dragged away by taliban fighters. today he talked with nbc news anchor brian williams. >> it's not for me. if i'm going to be the one that's up there and gets it, that's fine. but by no means is that mine. it's for all these people. from iraq and afghanistan. all these unsung heros. there are people who do incredibly brave things every day and run into bullets, and engage the enemy, and protect our nation abroad and protect their brothers in arms. >> you can see brian's full interview with staff sergeant giunta tomorrow night on nbc nightly news. reality tv is going rogue. sarah palin's new series debuted on tlc. did you see it? did you watch? fans and critics are split on
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whether the show is a commercial for her home state or the first installment of a political campaign ad. norah o'donnell is the chief washington correspondent. the latter part of the question, some saying this is an eight-part political campaign ad has a lot of folks upset. >> you're right. critics are calling it propaganda. but the producers of the show call it a family adventure show. it's also atizement for alaska that shows her a rugged outdoors woman. you may say these are all positive images that will shape her image as she runs for president. in the first episode of "sarah palin's alaska" she is the ultimate frontier woman, watching bears wrestle. >> it was amazing to watch. this mama grizzly, brown bear really, protecting her cub. >> fishing for salmon. >> so who's going to catch the first fish? >> even scaling dangerous glaciers. >> you've always wanted to be a
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rock climber, sarah? >> was it a rock climber or rock star? >> reporter: she's a tv star, too, with a studio in the home. and her husband playing camera man and confidant. >> business is about rolling the dice. >> living next door is the investigative journalist. >>ed to and his buddies got out and built a 14-foot fence and say this is what we need to do to secure our nation's border. mcguinness is writing a book on palin. >> it's just none of his flipping business. >> her critics see politics involved. >> this is effectively giving a campaign advertising for someone who perhaps to have a presidential bid coming up. >> and palin is heading out on a 16-stop tour, 14 states to promote her new book. the tour includes iowa and one in south carolina. they're key to the republican
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nomination. >> let me ask you, are the ratings in yet for this show? >> there certainly was a lot of hype involved. i saw plenty tweets by sarah palin, so we should get them soon. >> and tonight on msnbc, a special trim time town hall meeting own one of the most divisive and complex issues we face today. maria theresa kumar joins us now from the university of san diego. maria, i imagine you're going to hear from beau sides in this conversation, but it is always the question is how do you elevate it. how do we move it forward when we have lawmaker who is seem to be afraid to take on immigration. >> that's the reason why it's such a great opportunity to have the conversation today and tonight, right sf as everybody saw in the november 2 eleion,
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latinos are engaged in the conversation and are tired of anti-latino rhetoric. the purpose of the conversation is to open it up to invite american latinos but americans in general. we condition find solutions if we're yelling at each other. we need to sit down and say this is nuanced. this is difficult. let's try to find the situation together. >> what do you hope people walk away with? just the ability to have a conversation that it seems we've had so often and for so long? >> more than anything, it's to take away the foreignness people soesz with latinos and try to see each other oes point of view and start pressuring them for solution. when you poll americans, they, over 60 pk of them want comprehensive immigration reform. they recognize the system is broken. we need to translate the message
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to politicians in congress and in the senate. >> well, we're looking forward to the town hall tonight. i want to head what your audience and panel has to say there. best of luck with that program, maria. don't miss it. beyond borderlines hosted by lawrence o'donnell and maria theresa kumar tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. you can e-mail in questions to be answered during the special. send them to msnbc town hall questions at nbc and a deadly explosion at a mexican resort hotel tops our look at stories around the "news nation" today. five canadian tourists and two hotel employees were killed at in the blast. investigators believe gas from a nearby swamp caused that explosion. and a man declared dead 16 years ago has been arrested in connection with a 12-year-old girl's kidnapping. thomas steven sanders kidnapped
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12-year-old lexis. and her mother is still missing. and shocking pictures of a 28-story high-rise fire apartment in china. 42 people dead. another 90 injured. witnesses say the building was being renovated and scaffolding caught fire. and rolls-royce will temporarily replace engines. leaking oil caused fire on qantas airline flight. >> still ahead, bill clinton's big screen cam ya. the former president's knew movie roll. here's a hint "hangover." first there's a lot going on today, here tr things we thought you should know. cindy mccain is back pedalling her criticism of the military's ban of publicly serving openly after speaking out. she tweeted i standby my
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husband's stance on dadt. senator mccain says now is not the time to repeal don't ask, don't tell. and this is cool. a new ipad app reveals a new look into jfk's presidency. the publishers created the new app called jfk 50 days. it features rare nbc news archive footage of his historic speeches and personal family moments. and you might say the rich seem to just keep getting richer. the "wall street journal" reports ceos of america's biggest companies took home bigger paychecks in the last fiscal year. the leader of liberty media groups tops the journal's list of highest paid c, os. that is four times his 2008 earn. and larry ellison came in number two at $68.6 million. those are the things we thought you should know. i'm a random windstorm.
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is e-mail past the prime? accordingi according to facebook, it is. he says texts and instant messages are just more fun than e-mail. and facebook's new service is what the future will look like. cnbc's julia boorstin is live in san francisco. the future is now. tell us how this will change our lives. >> what zuckerberg said is facebook is too limited. people communicate in all sorts of ways. within facebook. they text. they i.m. what is really revolutionary about what zuckerberg announced is the new messaging system will bring them all together. it brings together facebook messages, e-mail, ims and sms.
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it will bring those together. so if you get a text from someone but you don't lick to text, you want to respond via e-mail. you can send an e-mail back from you. it allows you to communicate in any means you want and brings it all together in one place. it really makes the mun kmags social. facebook is launching a social inbox to organize and priority messages based on your friends sochlt you f you put into facebook who your parents and siblings are and significant other and it will rank those e-mails accordingly. it will keep all of your conversations organized based on who you're communicating with. now your texts, ims and e-mails are all separate. it's hard to keep track of all those different conversations. now all of this has really conver converged. google's g-mail service has a
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priority inbox. facebook will prioritize based on who your family and friends are. e-mail is just one small part of it. >> wow. a simpler time is what i miss. thank you very much, julia. got to get on it. jessica simpson's boyfriend puts a ring on it. former president bill clinton makes a cameo in a film that mel gibson was taken out of. let's get the scoop from courtney hazlett is back after a lit time off. >> let's start with jessica simpson. she was indeed engaged to former nfler eric johnson. why is this breaking news? her ex-husband nick lachey just got engaged. a lot of people are saying this
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is very reactionary. she's only been dating him for six months. it must be a knee jerk reaction to nick and vanessa getting engaged. people say this was a special day of some sort. you can collect special days in six months. no wedding date set as of yet. >> no getting date. >> it's the end. >> moving right along. bill clinton. okay. over the weekend he was spotted on the set of "hangover 2" filmifilm ing bangkok. let me remind you mel gibson, the cameo he was supposed to do, he was supposed to be a bangkok tattoo artist. so was bill clinton there because of a coincidence and swung by the set to say hi? was he really filming a cameo? people will not confirm or deny it. >> which means he is. >> which often is a code for yes. however, if i'm part of the hangover team, ooi'm not going reveal these things.
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>> it's incredibly racy and funny. >> it would be a huge image shift. it remains s ts to be seen. finally the chilean miners. we follow the story of the 33 men for so long. we knew it was likely they would be selling rights to their story. whether it would become a movie, a book, brad pitt's production company has been going to chile trying to strike up a deal for millions and millions of dollars to get the story of the miners on the big screen. they want to make sure the right type of funds are set up so it would be distributed evenly, although hearing some miners may have a role on screen. some may not. >> for the latest entertainment news, log onto skoo
2:50 pm next a student proudly fires his american flag to school with a serious escort just days after school officials tell him to take down the flag. he brought backup. plus a high school formal canceled because officials say they can't get the kids to stop bumping and grinding. it is today's gut check. ♪ [ ted ] for years, i was just a brewer. until one of the guys brought in some fresh bread that he'd made from our pale ale. and from that first bite, i knew my business would never be the same. [ male announcer ] when businesses see an opportunity to grow, the hartford is there. protecting their property and helping them plan their employees' retirement. ♪ beer or bread? [ male announcer ] see how the hartford helps businesses at ♪ we need to finish those projections ♪ ♪ then output the final presentations ♪ ♪ sally, i'm gonna need 40 copies, obviously collated ♪
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welcome back to "news nation." or on facebook at a portland, oregon, high school is canceling the winter formal over shall we say, informal dancing. teachers lectured teenagers, went to school dances with a flashlight to bust offenders and
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made t-shirts that said no bump i ing. well, we have video after kids dancing. it gives you an idea of what they're talking about. now they're refusing to chaperon the dance. as a result the dance was canceled. a prior dance was canceled because the kids wouldn't keep it clean. but is it a fair way to deal with how teens express themselves on the dance floor? parents were outraged over elvis and the shocking way he moved his pelvis. and cameras stayed focused mostly on his waist up on hid premier on the ed sullivan show. a lot of people between elvis and now have bumped and grind. is it right for teachers to look out for kids who may be a little too foot loose. should dances be canceled if they feel the news are too close
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for comfort? and a "news nation" gut check update for you. a middle schooler told to stop flying the american flag got a huge show of support. he was escorted to his school by 500 flag-flying motorcyclists. cody was overwhelmed by the support. it. >> enmeans a lot to me. it's nice all these people are supporting me sfwlchlt what do you think of the message. >> everyone will remember this. >> cody's middle school told students they were complaining about flying the flag. after the story gained national tension last week the school district changed its mind saying it would allow cody to keep his american flag on his bike. take a look at what the "news nation" is saying about
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cody's story. 93% of you say cody should be able to fly the american flag on his bike. that does it for this monday edition of the "news nation." tomorrow i'll talk with white house drug policy director gill kerlikowske about why more minorities, particularly girls are turning to drugs. plus a hirj environmental initiative chris jenkins is involved in. yes, a new york jet on our set. cenk uygur picks up after a quick break. everybody has somebody to go heart healthy for. who's your somebody? eating campbell's healthy request can help. 25 delicious soups with low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. because heart healthy is good for your life... and the people in it. healthy request from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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