tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC November 16, 2010 11:00am-12:00pm EST
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to stay fit, you might also want to try lifting one of these. a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ good morning, i'm chris jansing. this is a special edition of "jansing & company" live from capitol hill here in washington, d.c. joining the discussion today republican strategist frank donitelli and alicia menendez and eril southers. let's start with all these royal developments everybody is buzzing about this hour. we are expecting prince william and kate middleton to appear in their first photo-op since announcing to the the world they're getting engaged. the first royal wedding and already parallels are being made
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between this coming wedding between prince charles and princess diana. now, kate middleton's parents just talked about the upcoming nupti nuptials. >> carol and i are absolutely delighted by today's announcement and thrilled of a prospect of a wedding some time next year. as you know catherine and prince william have been going out together for quite a number of years which is great for us because we have got to know william very, very well. we all think he's wonderful and extremely fond of him. they make a lovely couple, great fun to be with and we had a lot of laughs together. we wish them every happiness together. >> robert joins us from london and i have to give you credit, you called this one. you knew this was coming. i want to see what other inside information you have. where is the wedding going to be, where is it going to be held? >> they're still deciding
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exactly before they announced that, they're still deciding exactly where it is going to be. it is going to be in london, westminster abbie. but that would make the most sense. i don't think they're going to do another charles and diana. westminster abbie is where the queen was married and where andrew and furnlgy got married. it will be a big, glamorous event, no doubt about that. >> what's everybody on pins and needles about? who is going to design the dress and who is going to get invited? obviously, the hottest invitation around the world. >> so impatient. the fact that they haven't announced any of that yet. a few, i'm sure, the isa is a designer that kate particularly favors and perhaps she's singled out for the designing of the dress. they'll tell us all those sort of things. a long thrill of an engagement. usually engagements are a couple months and this one will be six,
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seven months and that's a long, long time for us to work out all the details. but i'll tell you one thing, a huge event. there will be thousands of people in the streets behind me there waiting and i'm sure the queen and william, charles and kate will all be on that balcony behind us. they will be joining in with all the events of the day. so, i think we're in for a big occasion. all the talk of recession and things being down but i think everybody is a good news, happy story and the focus of media attention will be on london. >> i'm dying to find out, too, the details about this engagement because it actually happened last month. i guess they went on kind of a secret vacation, a safari in kenya. did he get down on one knee? what does the ring look like? i want all those details. >> i'm afraid we're still going to have to wait because this is a very secretive couple. they went to a wedding the other day, a friend of theirs and they
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weren't technically ingaengaged. there was no ring on her finger. it did take place in kenya. they were on a safari there and on holiday there and nice link there that is where the queen was discovered she was going to be queen when she was in kenya on a royal tour. they love that country and prince william, particularly, loves africa. >> robert johnson, nice they were able to keep it quiet, even for a few weeks. let's get back to washington where this story is developing. senate republicans getting ready to vote for their new leaders and also waiting for a news conference where they'll wait for the results of that meeting. hold on to his position of minority leader even though republicans picked up seats they are still in the senate minority, of course. two democrats are taking their place on the hill this morning. new senators from west virginia andd and delaware.
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joe manchin to fill robert by byrd's old seats and his race was one of the most hotly contested in the country and chris coombs and to take the seat formerly held by vice president joe biden. the new class of new kids on the block are 90 new congressmen and women. they are looking to make their mark in this 112th congress. luke russert is looking at who some of these new members are. luke, they are nothing, if not a diverse group. >> certainly diverse and dynamic group. let's look at some of this by the numbers here. we have about 39 members affiliate would taffi affiliated with the tea party. 5 served in congress and 35 lawyers. one was a reality tv star, one was a former ex-nfl lineman and
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a few were funeral home directors pizza shop owner, a gospel singer and an auctioneneer and a pilot. sean duffy from wisconsin, he won in an open race and very power democrat he was on the "real world boston" back in the '90s and john ronion played for the philadelphia eagles and mr. schilling a guy who owned a pizza parlor right outside of illinois. what a group there. >> we'll talk more about that and tap new information on that breaking news from ohio state university. a news conference going on right now. let's listen in. >> i also need to share with you that this is an open investigation and, so, therefore, there are some things, some data, some facts some other unconfirmed
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information that we will not be able to share with you. and in terms of the details that are available and ask chief denton to share those with you. >> good morning, everyone. the buildings involved in this incident this morning are the thompson memorial library, mcpherson chemical lab, smith lab and scott lab. the occupants of all those buildings were evacuated and directed to areas of safety. the roads have been closed to vehicle traffic in that general area. it's 17th between tuttle and college and 18th and 19th between neal and college. those will remain closed until these facilities are secured. we take any threats of this nature very seriously and respond with appropriate protocols which is assessment of
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the evacuation. we secured the buildings and conducting a search and will continue to investigate the nature of the threat. >> we're going to continue to listen in to this. in the meantime, richard lui has been following it for us. richard, what can you tell us? >> we were listening to this briefing. it started about five minutes ago. you might be able to hear it over my shoulder. they are canceling some of the classes in three of the buildings until later this afternoon, somewhere in the 4:00, 5:00 p.m. time range. they'll let the classes continue, though, in other parts of the university according to what the spokesperson has just said. again, this is at ohio state university, columbus, ohio, chris. about 55,000 students. this is a very big place and, of course, there's concern and that's why they sent out all the text messages earlier. 3 so some 30,000 students to let them know about it. back here in washington we're talking about this big freshman class. let's bring in alicia.
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alicia, 42% of these new members of congress are affiliated with the tea party. are they the ones to watch? >> i definitely think they are an interesting story to watch. they came in on a mandate to change the way the things in washington work. to confront leaders of their parties who may have strayed from core, conservative valuables. these people haven't unpacked their bags yet. they are just getting to learn where their bathrooms and offices are. >> is there an argument to be made, frank, they have already changed washington. i mean, 100 new faces here. that's huge. a quarter of the people here are still going to be looking for staff members' bathrooms, all that. >> i think you're right, chris. they already have had an impact, as you know, republicans are going to vote on a rule that at least republicans are not going to pursue earmarks any more. that directly comes from these
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new freshman. but we are at the very early stages here. i mean, there's so much more to do. every one of these members were elected on a promise to rein in federal spending. this is the number one issue facing our country. we have to make deep reductions in spending all across the board and i think these members will lead that effort. >> republican leaders are talking right now on the hill. let's listen in for just a second. >> mentioned that she is going to go beyond folks in a particular caucus. >> indicating he is already going to do that and i think that's a good idea, yeah. >> you're giving up some of your constitution responsibilities -- >> i addressed that issue yesterday. >> senator mcconnell -- >> if the conference adopts the earmark, does that mean that any
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appropriations. >> we're going to discuss that issue this afternoon and i addressed that yesterday. >> senator mcconnell, can you talk about the first steps or group of steps you're going to take -- >> frank, this is exactly what you were talking about, earmarks. he has switched his position and gone over to demint's position and all the leadership has come out and said they're going to stop spending. that's what they feel their agenda item is here. so, i mean, that really means that the tea party has had an impact there, hasn't it? >> it is a very, very good start, but, chris, we have such a hole that we have to dig ourselves out of. trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. double digit increases in domestic discretionary spending across the board the last two years. i think these members real ize how difficult the situation is and i hope they're going to be uncompromising when it comes to really getting serious about
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reining in federal spending. >> although, when you saw some of the reaction to the deficit commission, people were howling. >> those show you large-scale changes that would have to happen. the truth of the matter is, this is a good start. but earmarks represent 1% of our discretionary spending. so, like you said, it's a start. but it certainly is not going to get us out of the hole we're in. i do think something that is interesting here is the fact that a lot of the same republicans are willing to extend the bush tax cuts on the wealthiest 1% of americans which will double the deficit in ten years. they are weighing different pieces against each other and they have to look at that as an additional burden. >> i think the deficit problem is so serious and the spending problem is so serious we can't get to a balance budget just by cutting spending. we have to grow the economy. and you don't grow the economy by raising taxes on small business in the middle of a recession like we are now. >> that's the ongoing debate over the next couple days.
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we'll see. frank and alicia, you are with us throughout this hour. we'll talk more about what is next for charlie rangel. his fate behind closed doors this hour, but was there a strategy when rangel walked out of that hearing yesterday? and these are the things you and your kids eat every day, but the prices are skyrocketing and just in time for thanksgiving. richard lui is looking into that. richard? >> hey, chris. we're talking double-digit price hikes over a year's time. this includes things like this and this. what you need to know to keep your budget in line when buying these things. , five years after you do retire? ♪ client comes in and they have a box. and inside that box is their financial life. people wake up and realize i better start doing something. we open up that box. we organize it. and we make decisions. we really are here to help you. they look back and think, "wow. i never thought i could do this." but we've actually done it. [ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach.
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republic reporters as he came into work this morning. continuing house a day after rangel walked out on those proceedings. i'm joined by patrick gavin and michael mccoughal. hi, guys. thanks for coming. that is unusually brief for charlie rangel. michael, you have been covering him for years. what was up with him walking out yesterday? >> he thought about this quite a lot and the feeling in his office was that it worked oout very well. >> because he was saying for a year he wants his day in court, essentially. >> if he sat there yesterday, all the questions directed at him and his job to make his defense. instead, he had even the call on had republican side sort of questioning a little bit abt what the top council was saying and then he had the three democrats who jumped in a little bit on thhis defense and it wou have been difficult for him to do that sitting there. so, it plays well in his
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district, as well. >> so, strategically, he gets to go back to his district and say, it wasn't fair and i couldn't have my lawyer. >> the nice thing about what he did for him yesterday was that he sort of made this less about the details not only because he's right but also he made this about fairness and equal justice and the law and all these other things that aren't, actually, technically irrelevant to his case. but, i mean he's very popular in his district and re-elected overwhelmingly so and i think he did a very good job turning the subject a little bit. but i think people covered this for a long time. it was silly. there he is complaining about the fact that he didn't have time to have a lawyer and on the other hand he was trying to get this trial to hurry up and hurry up and if you studied it, it didn't make a lot of sense. if he brings it back to his district and make sense of public opinion, it would be there. >> pretty tough on charlie rangel. i'll read, mr. rangel chose to
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grand stand. if he apologized to the house, he would have been spared a hearing. now, he raised even more questions about his fitness to represent his district. of course, his district loves him. they re-elected him overwhelmingly. what will happen to him, michael? >> well, he is probably going to get some sort of reprimand. >> a knuckle wrap. >> i don't think a full censure. if you look at people who have gotten censures before, it's for crimes and things like that. but, in this case. >> this is not a traficant situation. >> there's no actual federal crime being violated here. he's actually not disputing what is happening. he is nit-picking on how this whole process has gone forward which is so ironic about this. the reality is the house will only give him a slap on the wrist. the fact that he has turned this into a big political drama does seem curious. why not apologize and let it go? it is being dragged on and dragged on and that's where the
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political intrigue comes into question. why is he choosing this strategy instead of walking away? >> i think he'll say something at some point. patrick, michael, thanks for coming in. we're just minutes away from the ceremonial start of construction on the george w. bush library in dallas, texas. former president, his parents, members of his administration all expected a that groundbreaking. we'll take you there live. maybe some protesters, as well. plus, the push back against pat downs and it's not coming just from passengers. pilots don't like this new security procedure either. we'll talk about that, as well. when i use expedia, my friends at work think there's more than one "me." ...because on our trips, i always get there faster.
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policy institute. nbc janet sham bleen is at the groundbreaking for us and what do we expect to see in just a couple minutes? >> hi, chris. we're expecting a big crowd. there are 2,500 invited guests here today including a large chunk of the bush administration. we're expected to see barbara spelling and karen hughes and we've already seen vice president dick cheney. he came out a few minutes ago and i will tell you, we are all aware he has medical problems but he looks very frail here today. he will be speaking, as will the president. this is the 13th presidential library to be constructed. it will be the second largest after the reagan library in semi valley, california and the third in texas. we have lbj's library in austin and president bush's father's library in college station. $300 million project, as you mentioned. it's going to be an interactive
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museum and include the archives which are being housed in a warehouse 30 miles from here. we'll see the opening in about 2013, according to the construction estimates. but today is mostly ceremonial. a lot of people here from the bush administration and a lot of friends of the family here to see the groundbreaking of this center at smu in dallas. >> janet, thank you so much. spending projects, you know, they're called earmarks and part of politics on capitol hill forever. now the man who sponsored more than $450 million in earmarks over just the last three years wants to ban them and the question is, can washington survive without earmarks? also, her mom lost her bid for the vice presidency, but bristol palin is still in the running to win "dancing with the stars." defying all odds. sarah palin has been her daughter's biggest supporting tweeting all over the place
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about it. bristol is listedastine advocate on the show and she opened up with her mom and her pregnancy and the scandal that rocked the 2008 campaign. >> our little world stopped spinning the day that bristol came to us and told us that she was pregnant. naive us thought it couldn't happen to our family, you know. it wasn't long after that that i was tapped to be the vice presidential nominee for the republican party and here bristol with her baby bump on the world stage for everyone to see. >> thinking that i was just trashy, disgusting girl that was knocked up. oh, look at that sleaze. she's 17 and pregnant. i had an off and on boyfriend and definitely a challenge to go through that. >> bristol defied expectations and she'll find out tonight if she makes it into the top three. we'll be watching along with you. [ advisor 1 ] what do you see yourself doing one week,
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a major reversal from the leader establishment, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell did a 18 07b his support of earmarks. banning earmarks has really been a rallying cry for the tea party and mcconnell who requested a million have vowed to push for a moratorium now. >> there is simply no doubt that the abuse of this practice has caused americans to view it as a symbol of the waste and out of control spending that every republican in washington is determined to fight. >> let's bring in our company, again, frank donitelli and alicia menendez. this is symbolic out of out of control spending. as alicia was saying, it is 1% of the budget. >> it has come to be viewed that
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way. there's a lot of public passion on the issue. i think what senator mcconnell was saying is, look, this is a huge distraction. let's get past this because there's so much more that we have to do to bring federal spending under control. as long as we're just focusing on $15 billion, we're not getting to the bigger issues, which ewwe have to move on righ away. >> is there an argument to be made, i want him to bring stuff home and, frankly, as spending goes, this is pretty transparent kind of spending. i want to go back as a congressman and i want to throw a parade to tell my constituents where the money is going. >> there are constituents when their congressman is able to bring home the bacon. that is part of it. sometimes we really demonize these earmarks. we call them pork. i am sure some of it is wasteful and some less transparnent than it needs to be.
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a new school in your community and a new public water system. so, when we talk about this, we need to understand that often these funds are used to build infrastructure within a community. funds that otherwise would not be able to get to a project in a specific state. >> we'll see how this plays out. we'll bring you back in in just a minute. thank you. here are some other stories making headlines we want to get you caught up on. the bells are going to ring for prince william and kate middleton. bucki ingham palace announcing e duo will marry next year. prince charles talked about the intense media scrutiny he has experienced. >> how could you advise your son embarking on this in a worse media environment? >> that's the problem, isn't it? because the constant lecturing
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and advice. so, it isn't very easy. >> he's under a microscope already and he's just a helicopter pilot. >> don't take the advice of the media. >> well, the happy couple is expected to make their first appearance together since announcing their engagement minutes from now at st. james palace. president obama awards the highest military honor today to a hero army staff sergeant who exposed himself to enemy fire to pull a fellow soldier back to cover during an insurgent ambush. he is 25 years old and a native of iowa, the first living service member from iraq or afghanistan to receive the medal of honor. and beatles fans, the wait is over. apple just announced it's finally snagged a deal with the beatles' record company to sell the best selling band's music on itunes. a 30-minute encounter with new airport screening has generated tens of thousands of views online. and now the man in the middle of
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it who tap under to a national nerve of a growing frustration could face a hefty fine for objecting to the enhanced pat down. >> if you touch my junk, i'll have you arrested. i don't understand how a sexual assault can be made a condition of my flying. >> managing director and also fbi special agent. this guy, has, indeed, touched into something. and the phrase touch my junk is being heard everywhere. what is going to happen here? what do you think about what turned into a standoff with security? >> well, this is very unfortunate. first of all, it needs to be clear about what the process is going to be. i know that secretary napolitano wrote an op-ed that was released yesterday and i think that's the beginning of a very important education piece that will form a level of cooperation and trust
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and understanding by the public. people need to understand that they have a right to same gender pat downs and they have the pat down in a private area, meaning a private location, if they choose to do so. and they can have a traveling companion. what we need is for people who are traveling to become partners in the security process and not adversaries of the security process. >> let me play devil's advocate for a second. a lot of people argue we are reyict and not proactive because a lot of this comes into being because of something that has happened. meantime the terrorists have moved on. yes, you can go into a secure area and an area where people don't have to watch you being patted down and there are people who feel that this is getting pretty close to a sexual assault. that hands are going into places where we don't want strangers' hands going, frankly. do you understand the argument? >> i do understand the argument. and i do believe that there are
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sometimes policies that are placed or don't seem to make sense and i heard the argument that we were addressing yesterday's threat. that is a concern. i would imagine you have a perfect storm here. a travel season at its peak right now and an attempt last month that was thwarted including cargo bombs and 11 months ago we had him try to get onboard and, in fact, he did get onboard and now this. so, the argument is valid. i think that what we have to do is understand there are all sorts of intelligence information that is being analyzed. we are trying to get to be more risk based. i am a traveler like anyone else and i just want to understand why these policies are in place and i think an education process here is going to be fruitful. travel is very important and a survey that came out just two years ago said that 41 million passengers avoided trips because of frustration of the security
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system and we can't have that because it's a tremendous loss in revenue and tremendous loss in the business. >> thank you, it's always good to talk to you. i want to bring frank donitelli and alicia menendez back in. arguments to be made on both sides, is education the answer, though? >> partially the answer, but i think what the gentlemen said is the key point here and that is that we have to, we have to help out in terms of trying to make these things work. it's a frustration and it's an intrusion and i got to take my watch off all the time and take my shoes off. i'm not going any farther than that. but you do it because we need a safe, we need a safe environment here where people can feel free to take airline travel. >> i guess the question a lot of people have with this, alicia, is this really making us safe? do you have to screen 100% of
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the american people to really be safe? are we taking, in a weird sense, the easy way out? >> i'm not a security expert. i will defer to the security expert we just heard from. but i would rather screen 100% of people and get on my flight knowing that everyone there has been screened rather than risk. i mean, when you take into account the cost benefit analysis, like you said, i'll take my shoes off if it makes me feel like my flight is safer. >> thank you so much. not going to end here. we'll be talking about this for a while yet. by the way, this afternoon, this is something we have been waiting for. president obama will present the medal of hawner to the first living soldier since vietnam. >> everyone congradilates me on doing such a heroic thing, but in my mind it is not that heroic. >> my interview with salvador in just about ten minutes. plus, your grocery bill is going up. you probably noticed that. why you pay more for staples like eggs, milk, sugar and could
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big crowd about 2,500 people on the campus of southern methodist university in dallas for the official groundbreaking for the complex that will include the george w. bush library, among the beepal that we have been seeing there is former vice president dick cheney. you know, he had a series of health problems, looking frail but expected to speak there at the ceremony. we'll keep watching that for you and dip in now and again. it will be a little while, we think, before the former president will speak. there he is. there is the former vice president making his way on the stage and, again, he'll be speaking there today at that groundbreaking. we've also been watching what is going on, obviously, in the economy, its implications for this new congress and one of the things that really is hurting a lot of families, grocery prices on everyday foods.
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milk, eggs, skyrocketing and richard lui has been looking into this. why are these prices going up, richard? >> hey, chris, back to basics. we start thinking about the holidays. we go out shopping and it is this bad. we bought some things just to show you how the basket might look. turkeys. thanksgiving coming up next week and the price has gone up 30% this year. 30% more expensive for a turkey so enjoy every last slice. politicalic, of course, you have sericereal for your kids and mi expected 10% more and cereal up around single digits. for you folks who like eggs and bacon. eggs up 7% and bacon, listen to this, 16%. it will be that much higher and sugar, if you want to put something inside of your coffee, that is 9%. just hearing these prices, you know, i think about it, it's shocking. expect it, though, across the board. let me give you broader measures here. kraft saying it is raising
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prices on four out of ten of the products that it sells. cereal giant general mills, it's raising prices and, overall says the agriculture department, food prices p s expected to rise by . they're only estimating 2% to 3%, but let's hope for that latter estimate to be the accurate one. here's why these costs are ballooning for us. grain, it's what we eat and what livestock eats, as well. when grain prices rise so do grocery items. demand for grain, that's gone up as alternate fuel use increases and supply has gone down due to extreme summer weather. here's some things you can do. first of all, watch the package sizes. manufacturers might start to reduce the size and sometimes raise the price at the same time. so, what you have to do is read that shelf label that tells you how much you're paying per ounce and use your cell phone's
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calculator. you can go to, the to learn about sale cycles which happen about every five to six weeks. when you know that is going to happen, stock up your freezer and pantry and, of course, look at store brands which, as we know, are often manufactured by the brands that we normally buy, but they are cheaper. here's one for you. you can go old school. you can use the old food envelope to budget and monitor what you spend every month. put in the money what you're going to use for the month and when you take out money put in the receipt and at the end of the month, you know how much you spent and you know how much things have gone up over time. >> words to the wise, thanks, richard. >> sure. >> as frank and alicia are here listening to this. when i first heard this, if your teenager wants an ipad for christmas you can say, no, money is tight. no new coat or shoes, but you
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have to eat. kids have to eat. so, what are the political implications? these new members of congress, frank, are already feeling the pressure. if their folks back home are worried about putting food on the table, how much does that change the equation? >> well, it changes the equation a lot. look, we're very lucky as a country that inflation has not been a problem for almost 30 years since paul volcker and ronald reagan broke the back of inflation in the early 1980s. that dwarfs every other political problem. we've been concerned of a very expansive fiscal policy, the deficits we've been talking about. now, the fed is pursuing a monetary policy, which also adds to inflation fears and then the final thing, chris, you have to look at the ethanol mandate, which is taking an increasing amount of our feed stock, corn, diverting it to fuel and, so, the cost of feeding hogs and beef and cattal and so forth is going up. that's a direct cause as to why there are such high food prices.
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>> i was mentioning earlier, alicia, members of this new class coming in and saying, look, they are impatient our constituents. we don't have ten years or five years, we might have two years to at least show some significant progress. people start seeing that milk is going up, food is going up and, you know, inflation on food is 23%. it's pretty tough. >> i mean, it is tough. but we know it's tough out there. i want to make sure that we recognize that these are estimates that we are not sure how long this is going to last. we don't want people panickinging. at the same time, i would think we agree that the focus right now has to be on jobs, particularly jobs to the middle class because that is the primary concern. this is an issue. people do want to get food on their table, but the number one issue is getting a job to allow them to do that no matter what these food prices are. >> franks alicia, thank you. just a few minutes until we find out what is going to happen to charlie rangel. the 13 ethics charges against
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him. he said for the last year or so he wanted his day in court. yesterday he walked out from that trial and now we will find out what exactly will happen to him. will it be some sort of censure? we'll have it for you as soon as we get it. launch my watchlist -- a popping stock catches my eye. pull up the price chart. see what the analysts say. as i jump back, cnbc confirms what i thought. pull the trigger -- done. i can even do most of this on my smartphone. really, it's incredible. like nothing i've ever experienced. unleash your investing and trade free for 60 days with e-trade. >> ♪ >> ( laughing ) >> yay! no! no! no! no!
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13 counts of misconduct against charlie rangel. what will happen to him? let's listen in. >> that conduct was completely covered by the -- the statute for the executive and judicial branches. count six -- we found in violation by very convincing evidence. account seventh conduct and violence of the purpose law in la handbook, we found a violation
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by clear and convincing violation. count eight, that was proven by clear, convincing evidence. count nine, conduct and violation of the -- of the ethics and government act and house rule 26, the financial edition closure provisions, we found a violation by clear and convincing evidence. count ten, the code of ethics related to -- the committee found on conviction. count 11, conduct and violation for government service clause two. we found a conviction by clear and convincing evidence. count 12, conduct and violation, letter and spirit of house rules committee found that to be proved by clear and convincing evidence. count 13 conduct in violation of the code of conduct reflecting upon the house we found, the
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majority found that to be proven by clear and convincing evidence on a vote 7-1. i would note that that does conclude the deliberations of the administrative subcommittee. our deliberations are covered by rule seven of the committee on standards of official conduct which prohibits discussion of our liberations publicly and require us to keep the confidentiality of our session and i would ask members of the public to respect our obligations relative to the rules. before asking the ranking member if he would like to make a brief comment, i would just like to conclude by saying that none of the members of this committee are volunteers. this has been a difficult
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assignment. time consuming and we have approached our duties diligently and that included every member of this subcommittee. we have tried to act with fairness led only by the facts and the law and i believe that we have accomplished that mission and i do give thanks to each of the members who have worked so hard to do the right thing as well as the staff who have worked extraordinarily hard and many, many hours to present this case to us. with that, i'd like to turn to the ranking member, mr. mccall, for any brief comments he may have. >> as you mentioned, no one asked for this assignment. sitting in judgment of a fellow member, a colleague, is very difficult task, but i believe that you, madame chair and all
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the members of this subcommittee have handled yourself in a very nonpartisan manner. >> so, on all 13 counts. members of this commission found violations by clear and convincing evidence against charlie rangel. let's go to luke russert who is on the hill here. what happens next? >> well, after this, there would be a sanctions hearing, where the ethics committee as a whole will go back into their chambers and decide what the punishment could be for mr. rangel. bialis sounded like they found him guilty of 12 of the 13 charges, couldn't quite make it out with a audio being a bit muffled. that said, they'll figure out what will happen. they could recommend he leave the house of representatives. we don't exactly know. probably nothing that severe, but we're in limbo to see what the punishment will be for
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someone who's been in congress for 40 years. they said -- talked about the tax issue that rangel had, that he was not paying his taxes. that's something the gop has talked about a lot. the nation's highest ranking tax officer did not pay his taxes. interesting to see how it will play politicly. >> thank you very much and again, on all but one count. we had a little audio problem at the top, but clear and convincing evidence that charlie rangel violated house ethics rules. we're going to continue to follow this story. in the meantime, we've been watching wall street. the dow is down more than 200 points, for the first time in a month, going below 11,000. 195 points down now. the s&p and nasdaq in negative territory as well. so, a lot going on both here and on wall street. we'll be back here live again tomorrow. contessa brewer will pick up our
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