tv The Ed Show MSNBC November 17, 2010 4:00am-5:00am EST
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it will give the league a sense for whether helmet to helmet hits decrease and for fans make watching third stringers and practice squadore interesting. the nfl loves dressing players in vint ajs throwback jerseys each sunday. go vintage by removing the mask once next preseason. that's "hardball." now. thanks for being with us. good evening, americans, welcome to "the ed show" tonight from new york. these stories are number one hitting my hot buttons and on the table tonight. well, the tea party has succeeded in breaking mitch mcconnell on earmarks, he caved. now they are hoping to break the democrats on tax cuts. the president, harry reid's's emergency tonight, you cannot cave on this. commentary on that in a minute. rush limbaugh's racist remarks for democrats cannot go unchallenged. he is attacking several african-american members of
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congress. congresswoman shelia jackson lee was one of the target he is. she will fire back at rush in tonight's battleground story. a newly elected republican, you will love this one, who rode abashing the public option, he can't just get enough of this government-funded health care. he just can't get it fast enough. i tell you what, they are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites. this is a story i love. we will get to it later. and this just in i have a source on capitol hill reporting that a democratic aide has seen a letter circulated by congressman dennis kucinich, citing the threat darrell issa poses to the oversight and government reform committee process and stating that he, kucinich, intends to seek the position of ranking member of the oversight committee. we will touch on that a little bit later on in the program. first this had is the story that has me fired up tonight. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, i guess could you say is buckling to the tea party on government spending. mcconnell trying to break his billion dollar addiction to pork barrel spending. this is what he said about earmarks. >> nearly every day that the
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senate's been in session for the past two years, i have come down to this very spot and said that democrats were ignoring the wishes of the american people. when it comes to earmarks, i won't be guilty of the same thing. >> wishes of the american people? we will get to that in a moment. mcconnell, well, he now has sainthood amongst his colleagues because he is going after earmarks, interesting after over $1 billion went to kentucky on his behalf. eventually, folks, you know what this is going to do? this is going to gut middle america if they are successful on that and destroy america's infrastructure even further. the party that gave us two unfunded wars, tax cuts for the wealthy now thinks that doing projects for the american
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people, well, that's just too much. folks, you won't recognize rural america in five years if they get their way. it's all part of the plan to get smaller government in their world and, listen to me, justify even more tax cuts in the future. look this big conversation we are having actually right now about the bush tax cuts and got to be extended and permanent and all that stuff? no. the republicans, mark my words, they want more. well, president obama broke out here come the olive branches for mcconnell after he swore off earmarks, so the president says this i welcome senator mcconnell's decision to join me and members of both parties who support cracking down on wasteful earmark spending which we can't afford during these tough economic times. how dumb are the republicans going to be on this one? this is all part of their plan, the righties. where do these earmarks stop? anybody got an end game on this one? taxpayers, here is the deal, you are going to be paying for international intervention, but not projects in your own backyard. that's not the republican way. we can't do that.
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that's pork barrel stuff. meanwhile, the tea party republicans are hell-bent on extending the tax cuts for the top 2% while millions of americans are, yes, suffering. "psychotalker" michele bachmann is trying to act like she is looking out for the little guy. this is what she said on "good morning america," believe it. >> it is a massive tax increase and it is on the people who are the job creators and people want to think that these are millionaires sitting in leather chairs lighting their cigars $100 bills. that is not what we are talking about. these are people who are carpet layers who maybe employ two or three other guys or a plumber shall maybe himself and his brother and it's $250,000 in gross sales for their business. they are the ones that are looking at massive tax increases. >> congresswoman, why don't you produce one of those carpet layers from your district, with that scenario you just pointed out, and meet these hard-working
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americans claim you are sticking up for. that is as bogus as it gets, my friends. bachmann and the republicans, they want the american people to think eliminating tax cuts for the top 2% is going to hurt joe the plumber. i think the democrats should let all the bush tax cuts expire, end it, it's over, make them do it, make boehner and mcconnell try to write their own bill. let's see where their priorities are. if they did the american people will clearly see that they only want to protect the super rich in this country. now the republicans' fixation on tax cuts has done incredible harm to the middle class and the working poor. over 15 million people run employed ant republicans want to eliminate their benefits. 42 million americans, well, they need food stamps and the united states department of agriculture just reported nearly 50 million americas have had trouble
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finding enough food to put on the table in the last year. is this the america you want? is this the priority list? president obama needs to look mitch mcconnell and the tan man right in the face this week and tell them that there will be no room for compromise when it comes to giving tax cuts to millionaires, when millions of americans can't afford to eat. the american people are not addicted to pork, they just need help bringing home some real bacon. and one other issue that i think that the democrats, the majority party in this lame duck session what they really can do for the american people, and i have been inundated with e-mail and calls on this subject. 15 million americans in this country who are unemployed, many of them have their credit shot just trying to keep their head above water. you know it is no fault of their own but they have exhausted their benefits, they have exhausted their savings, they have dug into their 401(k), they can't get back into the economy. and so what do they do?
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their credit gets shot, no fault of their own. they have been outsourced. and so now when they go to apply for a job and get back into the economy, they are marked as a person, an american, with bad credit out of no fault of their own this is something that congress could do in the lame duck session and nobody is talking about t this is a real problem on the kitchen table for a lot of americans right now. their credit's gone. just because they are trying to keep their head above water. they are not concern about the deficit and earmarks. you got millions of americans out there who are trying to survive, trying to keep their credit. that's the story. tell me what you think on our telephone survey tonight. the number to dial is 1-877-ed-msnbc. my question tonight is do you think the republican attack on pork barrel spending will improve your life? press the number 1 for yes, press the number 2 for no we will bring you the results later on in the show. now, we are fixated with this
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conversation what are we going to do with the bush tax cuts? joining me now is senator mark warner, a member of the joint economic committee and budget committee. senator, good to have you here tonight. >> thanks for having me on. >> you can speak with authority. you are a successful business person. our compassionate man. what should we do about taxation in this lame duck session? >> here is where i feel like both sides have kind of got to be willing to maybe listen to some other alternatives. i mean, what the -- some in our party and some in the republicans proposed is a two-year extension for the top. everybody agrees the 98% of americans below 250 ought to get their tax cuts made permanent. the top end what we are fighting about the problem with the two-year extensions, tell me that congress is going to have more courage two years from now to take on this issue and the independent analysis giving folks like me, office very successful business guy and an additional tax break now not the best way to spend the money. here is my alternative suggestion.
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you know, we got to recognize in certain ways, government has used its tools. we have lowered interest rates as far as we can, ed, whether we like it or not, the appetite for more additional federal spending in terms of stimulus has been pretty much dried up. the one good pest of news out there that doesn't get vorpd a larger american corporations are actually more profitable today than they were before the recession. they have got more than $2 trillion in cash sitting on their balance sheets right now. so my idea is rather than -- go ahead and let the top end expire for the top 2% and for the two years of revenue that we were going to collect, about $65 billion, why don't we go ahead and use that for targeted business tax cuts to engage -- to get that $2 trillion off the sidelines, back reinvesting in america and creating jobs. stimulus, but a private sector stimulus with the cash that's already out there. >> but senator, you're banking on the goodwill of a lot of small business people out there who might not want to see president obama succeed when it
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comes to creating jobs. you give them a break, they sit on it. >> but that's where i'm saying, this -- some of these would be targeted toward small business, some would be targeted toward larger business. the fact is if we are going to be pro-job growth, which i absolutely am i spent both my whole career in the private sector and public sector, you got of the business community pulling in the same direction. my sense is that there was a way here to get this cash off the sidelines. these companies have more cash on the balance sheets today than they did before 2007. we need to get that reinvested. >> senator, the question in a cbs poll is what should the new congress focus on first. 56% say the economy and jobs and only 4%, budget deficit and national debt. and this conversation we are having about earmarks, are we disfocused? is the congress disfocused on this subject? >> i know folks are hot about earmarks, i think you will see a lot of the new members, particularly who got elect opted republican side, their campaign rhetoric is going to hit reality.
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earmarks make up less than 1% of federal spending. so, we are talking about stuff around the margins. there's a lot of folks who campaigned saying if you got rid of earmarks, you will get rid of the deficit. at the end of the day if we got to get rid of the earmarks so to be if that takes that issue off the table. that isn't our focus that should be job creation, the private sector regenerating jobs and ought to be first, second and third. >> senator, good to have you with us tonight. i give you credit. >> i have an alternative that maybe gets both sides out of their corners and willing to start talking. >> senator mark warner of virginia, good to have you with us. >> thanks, ed. >> turning to a former republican congressman, now a fellow at the heritage foundation. ernie what about earmarks? heard the senators say, it is .3 of 1%. what is the big deal? >> the sweeteners that help spend more money. members of congress say i don't want to vote for a big spending
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package unless i have got something in it for me that is the problem, why mitch mcconnell was right to say it was the abuse of earmarks that has become the trouble. we can't get at the bigger spending unless we knock the earmarks out -- >> .3 of 1% is the big problem? >> that's what's used to pass bigger bills. people say i'm not going to vote for this big bill unless you give me some earmarks that is the problem. >> so you think a lot of legislation would not pass and the appropriations, the whole scope of it would change if these smaller percentage of earmarks -- >> yes. because a lot of members vote not base on the big part of the bill but just the little piece of the pie that they can take home, but the problem is the costs of their little piece of pie is you got to pay for the whole big picture. >> that would just make bills a heck of a lot smaller. they could just curtail you, voting on a lot more legislation. >> could. >> wouldn't be as big at the time. how does that change the spending? >> you change -- if you're voting on smaller legislation,
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ed, not spending as much money. i think you answered your own question. >> but wouldn't you be voting on more stuff? look, just introduce something on its own merit, you know how the back scratching goes, especially with the republicans on how to get deals cooked up. >> it happens with everybody. >> i don't see -- >> i was on the appropriations committee, i know. >> i don't see the fundamental change that would take place if we do this earmarking. i mean, personally -- >> let me give you the calculation, ed. >> the republicans are grand stand on this, that's what i'm saying. >> the people have spoken, listening to the public on this for example, if you as a member of congress say that you want $5 million to take home to your district -- >> wait a minute. back up a second. no. no. you say that -- you say -- >> each get $5 million. >> you say that the people have spoken. they have not spoken on. the people have not spoken on this because earmarking was not the big issue when it came into the election and you know that. >> it was an important issue. it was not the only issue. you are exactly right. >> how do you explain this poll that 4% of the people care about
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the deficit and the national debt? now that is a number. >> that is not the only people who care about that. >> okay. >> you are saying they care about both of those things, just because they care first about the economy and jobs doesn't mean that their concern about the deficit is small. i'm saying that -- >> it is secondary. >> you think that there is any doubt that this is grandstanding by mcconnell and the tea parties and until you have some real fundamental change on how you fund and you know because you were on appropriations -- >> that's right. >> really not any cut in spending. the only cut in spending is going to come is if you wipe out massive parts of programs, which the republicans want to do when it comes to social security and medicare and other entitlements that are out there that and of course the wars that they respect paying for. >> you have to wipe out this huge national debt that is going to crush our kids and grandkids. that's hanging over all of us. >> the best way to do that is make you rich guys pay a little bit more. >> no, create real jobs. >> not the job creators, that has not been proven that the top 2% -- >> free up private enterprise,
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take away the uncertainty the overkill with regulations and taxation. >> thanks. good to have you with us tonight two sides of the story on the ed show. coming up, the drugster, he can't seem to just spewing racist hate from his big mouth. a black congresswoman he attacked is furious. she sounds off at the bottom of the hour right here "the ed show." lisa murkowski just ripped caribou barbie, she maybe the most honest woman in washington. she said palin lacks intellectual curiosity. you think? and can't be president? that has fox's gretchen carlson all upset. funny how they all flock together, isn't it? plus, darrell issa has met his match, charlie rangel got convicted and michael vick what a night. you are watching "the ed show," stay with us. ♪ we all do it. but you don't have to. thanks to secret flawless renewal... with odor-absorbing micro capsules that capture... odor and release a fresh scent.
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it's still working, so you can stop checking. it'll cost a fortune to insure you. nationwide insurance, we need a freeze-frame here. let's give parents a break, right ? let the discounts they've earned be passed down to their teens. save mom and dad up to 25% versus the competition. we'll call it the nationwide family plan. here you go, and there you go. unfreeze ! keys ! savings ! ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ road trip ! a $100 cream. flabbergasted when we creamed a $500 cream! for under $30 regenerist micro-sculpting cream hydrates better than 23 of america's most expensive luxury creams. fantastic. phenomenal. regenerist. coming up, democrats need to show guts during this lame duck session. immigration reform is on the table and time to show republicans just hots about boss
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welcome back to "the ed show" and thanks for watching tonight. time for the priority list to be checked it is time for the democrats to get up off the mat and be counted and it may be time for a lot of elected democrats who are going back to washington on the skin of their teeth to do something in this regard. the latino community saved harry reid in nevada. and now they want the dream act.
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today, a group of hispanic lawmakers melt with president obama to talk about immigration and the bipartisan dream act that has been stalled in congress. congressman luis gutierrez met with the president today. he joins us. congressman this is a heavy lift. how can we go through months of negotiation and effort on immigration reform and then all of a sudden have the expectation, you know what during this lame duck session, we are going to get this thing done? what do you think? >> i think we can get it done. the votes exist, i believe if we put our focus and our energy, but ed, we have got to prioritize. we have got to think what's the priority what's the objective what's the goal? focus on that. and in this case, we have said to the president, look, we are for comprehensive immigration reform in this instance, we have got pelosi and harry reid. let's coordinate their efforts, get yourself involve sod that we can pass the dream act. that's part of -- as a down payment toward comprehensive -- >> and what did the president say to you. >> you know what he said? he said luis, as a down payment toward comprehensive immigration
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reform which i believe in i want to accomplish in my presidency, i am going to ask people to join you. so he is going to be focused singularly on the issue of the dream act. we got 2 million kids out there that can possibly benefit and become legallyized who are they? go to high school, college, the armed forces. they came here as children them shouldn't be held responsible for the actions of their parents. look, they are as american or you or my kids in all but that piece of paper and i think the american public is going to be with us on this. so the detail in this going to college, working your way to citizenship, to the military, say unequivocally after this meeting that you believe the president is full on board with this? >> absolutely. he was clear about saying the following, be very clear with you, try to get as close to what he said. he said i'm going to call and ask people to join in an effort toward comprehensive immigration reform. but in this moment, ask them to give me a down payment, america and congress give a down payment to comprehensive approving the dream act, he is going to focus exclusively on that in the lame duck session. >> the house isn't going to be a
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problemsome this not going to be a test for leader reid? the lad latino community saved him. the latino community saved him what about that? >> ed, you are absolutely dish >> ed, you are absolutely -- i spent three weekends as well, right two of them, i spent lots of time with harry reid but you got to give the man credit. >> i'm giving him credit. >> i'm just trying to say the more anti-immigrant, the more he embraced the immigrant cause, the more he embraced the cause of immigration reform. i congratulate reid from running the campaign did he he didn't runaway from latinos. >> he didn't. you think there are some republicans that come on board with this? a list of republican innocence the senate. >> what did he say?
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>> he said he was going to work on that list with us and harry reid. look, as democrats, our responsibility is to show leadership and to set the table, right, say here's the menu, come on down, we are having dinner at 6:00, the republicans don't show up you shall the american people are the ones that are going to see their look of corporation. >> okay, i'm all for that, but the republicans don't exactly have a track record of making sure you guys look good. >> you know what, you about this is about young men and women. okay, think about it. in the last congress of the united states, 11 of the senators that are currently in there were co-sponsors of the dream act. >> we will see. >> 15 of them voted in some measure. let's call them to the table and see if we can't get the spirit of bipartisanship on this critical issue. >> congressman gutierrez, good to have you on. >> always happy to be with you.
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wouldn't support sarah palin for president. >> i just do not think that she has those leadership qualities, the intellectual curious that allows for building good and great policies. you know, she was my governor for two years and i don't think that she enjoyed governing. >> well this morning, gretchen was quick to defend her buddy, sarah. >> she gave a very interesting interview to katie couric of cbs yesterday where she went out of her way to attack sarah palin. i just get so tired of females attacking females. i mean, come on. first and foremost, hurt in same political party. i mean it is just -- it is ludicrous. the part that bothered me the most, i don't think she enjoyed governing. how do you know? >> exactly. >> how do you know? you are totally entitled to your positions and your feelings and your opinions but to get inside somebody else's head and say that you know what they're thinking?
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uncalled for. >> fortunately for us, we don't have to get inside sarah palin's head to find out if she likes governing. she showed us how much she loves governing when she quit being governor after only two and a half years. think there's a connection there, gretchen? more recently, palin had this to say about it. >> i'd rather be doing this than in some stuffy old political office. i would rather be out here being free. >> oh, yeah. the money, freedom, the hell with governing. so, gretchen attacking lisa murkowski for saying sarah palin doesn't enjoy governing when palin has made it clear she would rather gut fish on a reality show than govern her state of alaska, gretchen, that's clueless "psychotalk." coming up, the drugster, well, this guy continues to poison the air waves with all his racist hate. i'm sick and tired of this loser
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getting away it time and time again. so is one of his latest targets, congresswoman shelia jackson lee. we will rip into this story, coming up. i hope congressman darrell issa is watching the program tonight. he is in for a rude awakening. a source tells me that dennis kucinich is making his ways to be the ranking member on oversight. plus, charlie rangel's guilty. vick has a game for the books and a tea partying congressman, get this, who rallied against the health care bill, just flipped out when he went to congress on the day when they kind of tell everybody how things are going. he asked, where's my health care? oh, yeah. you are watching "the ed show" on msnbc. stay with us. trouble getting around, i
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the guests that we had on this show after i called him out for posting this image of house majority whip jim clyburn chauffeuring speaker pelosi. rush spent about ten minutes trying to defend himself but he didn't have a leg to stand on, so he resorted to taking a shot at reverend al sharpton. >> still with sergeant schultz, they went out and dragged in the river and sharpton. >> people say whatever they want but not on the air, not on federally regulated air waves and not when those licenses are very difficult to get and should be upholding a standard that they mock the standard. >> no it is not just me mocking the standard, misusing words, de, de mocking the standard. who dat? who dat say they mocking the standard? al sharpton say de mocking the standard. >> racist comments cost dr.
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laura and don imus their jobs, in the old day jimmy the break his job. rush limbaugh is too big to fail, i was told last night. here is just some of the things that he has said over the years that we have had to put up with. he once asked, "have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble jesse jackson." and mocked the naacp that the naacp should have riot rehearsal. they should get a liquor store and practice robberies and who could forget this gem? >> let me put it to you this way, the nfl all too often looks like a game between the bloods and the crips without any weapons. there, i said it. >> well, rush has shown a consistent pattern of racism, stretching across decades, and basically, as a broadcaster, i'm just asking the question what are the guidelines?
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i think a lot of americans are sick and tired of being subjected to this. now, i know it's the free market at work but is the free market anything goes? for more, let's bring in congresswoman from texas, shelia jackson lee, who has been one of the targets that limbaugh has gone after in the past. congresswoman, is there anything that the african community can do about this? the comments speak for themselves. or is limbaugh just too big to fail, in your opinion? >> first of all, ed, you have the right to ask any question you desire to ask and certainly, you need to ask pointed questions about what is the decorum, if you will, on the various radio stations of which rush limbaugh appears and i would never concede the point that he is too big to fail. i think the sad part about that, there are people who continue to listen to this die ya tribe and continue to list to misinformation, misstatement. the good news is and i think what irks mr. limbaugh so much, the fact that there was not the kind of conflict and racism that he tried dictate to the democratic caucus. in fact, we are getting along. we have resolved the issue and i
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expect, though i can't dictate what the democratic caucus will do tomorrow, but i expect tomorrow we will have a very reasoned debate and then an election of now-minority leader pelosi and all the others, including assistant leader mr. clyburn and, of course, minority whip hoyer and many others. so, that it's shamefulness of it. >> this in-house competition for the democrats jockeying for position, who was going to be responsible for what limbaugh clearly made this an issue of race. and there is no question that he has targeted you, jim clyburn, it's been deplorable, despicable what ever adjective you want to use. do you think that broadcast companies should be obligated to put out a position state on racism? now, on the clear channel website, they talk a lot about diversity, they have a lot of african-americans on the payroll, yet they allow this garbage on the air. what do you have to say about that?
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>> i say this, you know, i'm always committed to first amendment, because as you well know, you have been called a sergeant schultz, to i don't know that to be your name. you have a name that maybe ethnically connected to being sergeant, i'm not sure what that is, i find that insulting as well with. we should hold ourselves to a level of protocol that does not disrespect, if you will, the difference that people have. and i would say to rush limbaugh's listeners, we all have distinctive diction, southern sents, midwestern accents, accents that indicate you may have been an immigrant. i frankly find the take on various vernacular as absolutely outrageous and you are right. if dr. laura can be held accountable it is unfortunate that the advertising dollars are the only thing that drives the right for mr. limbaugh to stay on the air. and so -- >> but driving miss nancy, driving miss nancy is a clear shot at slavery, is a clear shot at demeaning black people in america. >> well that -- >> and putting this on his website with a chauffeur's hat
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on after all of the accomplishments that congressman clyburn has had, he went through the civil rights movement, it amazes me that -- how some broadcasters get fired for this stuff, but i guess limbaugh is just too big to fail. the victims in all of this is the african-american community that just has to put up with t. >> no we are going to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, if you will. we are used to confronting the obstacles in america that want to divide us and not unite us. frankly, however, i believe again, as i said earlier, he is going to be eating his own words, because we in the democratic caucus are going to survive. we are going to have strength in leadership. we in the african-american community are americans like anyone else and we will join with our caucasian brothers, hispanic brothers and sisters, asian brothers and sisters and we are going to be americans and i believe, ed that sooner or
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later, we are going to come to a point where enough is enough with that kind of divisive, distasteful talk and we are going to stand up together by either saying to the advertisers that we find your support of this kind of poor taste language this kind of caricatures, back in the 1920s, 1800 hads unacceptable. here's what i'm saying. they listen to you as well. you're very popular, more popular than those of us who are members of the united states congress. let's hope they are listening and will find the words and actions this commentator this anchor hateful and shameful. there is a major broadcast company in this country that allows racist comments on the air. i cannot believe that -- and then they purport on their website they are all about diversity and the people, yet
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they allow their employees to be offending in a whole race by a guy because he makes money and he is on how many stations, whatever, he is the big talker and we want to know why we have a race relations problem in this country? when this guy goes unchallenged. i tell you in my prng the black caucus can't stand up to this i don't know you why meet. i'm calling on america to stand up to this ed, and as well i'm calling to on advertisers and dollars not to be the only standard which we judge someone is relevant. the bad news about that right-wing talk that brings in race, there are a lot of clones around america it is distasteful and destructive. what i will say to you is keep weight and keep listening. they will, in turn, eat their own words they can find that we will be strengthened as a democratic caucus, as we look to ensuring that black farmers and indian farmers get their relief they have been owed by the federal government for however long, as we provide unemployment
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insurance why doesn't rush limbaugh talk about the millions of people, some his listeners, need unemployment insurance. why doesn't he castigate the other party who seems to be holding us back on that. >> i got to run, congresswoman. >> i believe he will eat his words and i believe there will be a stan doctored that will cause america to stand up against that kind of trash talk. >> i hope so congresswoman, great to have you with us tonight. >> a pleasure to be with you. now get some rapid fire response from our panel on these stories. the reaction to rush's racist tirade about the leadership fight in the democratic party. and it has been war between the incoming oversight chairman, darrell issa, and congressman dennis kucinich a source tells me that kucinich is running to be the ranking member of the committee because he thinks issa is going to make a mockery of the oversight process. with us tonight, joe madison, xm satellite radio talk show host and ron christie, republican strategist and author of the book "acting white, curious history of a racial slur." joe, your response to the story we just had. >> well, my response is something that shelia jackson
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lee probably can't say but i will say it. rush limbaugh is not too big to fail. what it is really going to require is black and white. i wouldn't put it all on the black caucus or black america. i think there are many white americans who are outraged by. this and ed what it boils down to is the marketplace. you identify the sponsors, you tell the spoon four is continue to financially support this type of action, these typeses of words, these insinuations, racial insults and he is not a satirist, he tries to impact public policy, let me make this clear, because that's what ron is going to say. >> yeah, ron paul. >> he impacts public policy, let's put it -- let's get to the bottom line. the reason everybody else went down is money. >> i think, look, this case is far overblown. i think there are far more important issues facing the country. as i said the other day when we had this conversation with you two gentlemen, i think the
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driving miss nancy thing was satire and it was a joke. i wasn't racially offended, i didn't look at it as being offensive. what i do find offensive is there seems to be a double standard about applying racial outrage when it deals with black democrats as it doles with black republicans. i don't remember any outrage on the air waves, on your show or on joe's show, when harry belafonte referred to colin powell and dr. condoleezza rice as house slaves. >> slow down, ron. slow down. >> hang on a second, i'm furnishing my point. >> you brought my name up. >> i brought your name up. i said i don't recall it. are you going to let me finish my point? >> america -- he didn't listen to my show. >> let me finish my point. >> no. >> my point of the matter is -- >> you said joe -- i did take on harry belafonte. so, correct yourself. >> i'm going to let you in when you stop -- my point s. >> correct yourself right now. correct yourself. >> outrage. >> all right, gentlemen. all right.
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>> my point is there's selective outrage in the media as it relates to black republicans. if you took that on your show, joe, good for you but if you are the one, i don't remember hearing any other voices out there. >> hold on a second, the standard has been set by certain companies. was there selective outrage when imus lost his job or dr. laura, you know, went through what she went through? the bottom line is this. limbaugh is too big to fail. that is the determines of many people. >> no he is not. >> and a company thought that just allows racist comments on the air. now, i graphiced up some of the thing these said. ron are they racist or not to say about -- >> i'm not here to defend everything that rush limbaugh said. >> answer the question, ron. answer the question. is it racist or not?
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>> for goodness sakes, are going to let me finish and just sit there and fill buster? >> no i'm going to insist you answer questions. >> you can insist all you want, joe there are people who have comments -- >> you dodge. you dodge, you dodge. >> i do not dodge. you know it is so -- >> gentlemen with, we need an hour to do this. >> so much racial outrage so many problems in this country and you guys just want to say, oh, rush limbaugh, why don't you deal with the fact of the matter is i think it is racist you can want to talk about racist, the democrats are running around trying to make up a position for james clyburn so he doesn't get pushed out. >> good to have you with us tonight. >> that's the outrage. joe madison. take care. >> a spirited discussion. >> answer the questions, ron. answer the questions. coming up, a shocking amount of americans think president obama will be packing his bags and going back to chicago in two years. he needs all progressives behind him t is time to fight. katrina vanden heuvel, editor of "the nation" sounds off next.
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and in the playbook tonight, since the midterms, president obama has been talking about working with republicans, but i think he needs to focus on working with progressives it is the only way he can deliver on change that he promised us and the president needs all the help he can get. a new poll shows only 26% think president obama will be re-elected. let's bring in katrina vanden heuvel, editor of "the nation". what does this number mean? >> i recommend to your listeners, your viewers, they read the nation's national affair correspondent's william grader's piece, called "obama without tears" this is a turning point moment for obama. is' leader? will he use his power? ly stand his ground after two years of working with the republican party determined to dough voy his president, the grand obstructionist party? will he find a way to remobilize and re-energize his base and citizens of conscience? because i think the lessons of the midterm, ed, were
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misinterpret, it was not about obama overreaching it about obama not fighting hard enough for working people, middle class in this country and for working for those people who brung his, you know, the base, those who worked their heart and soul out for him and i think it is time to recalibrate and show yes stands, hoe stands with and show that he is not leading like a boy scout or mediating but he is a lead leader standing his ground. >> the question is do you think he has it in him to change? >> i think that the progressive community needs to work independently to organize and push this president, but i think he has it within him. this is a man who rose almost out of nowhere, audacity and the strength tot get elected as president of the united states and he must understand that he needs to recalibrate. some ways, someone said to william grader, rolled by the bankers, rolled by the jones, rolled by the blue dogs, rolled
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by the republicans, he is a man of intense intelligence. he has to see this is not a faith-based presidency. the reality is that it is time now to lay down bright markers to, fight for jobs, to fight for social security and to work where you can to find compromise, cut the defense budget with ron paul, rand paul but find ways to rebuild this country. americans voted on november 2nd for change, not the change republicans are talking about, but for a bold plan to find a which to avert the decline this country is facing and to help those who are in economic pain and the elite in this country is not offering solutions with their fixation on deficit reduction at the expense of creating job and reinvesting in this country's future. >> katrina vanden heuvel, artfully as always. thank you for joining us tonight. we should point out the tax
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cut meeting at the white house with mitch mcconnell and john boehner scheduled with the president on thursday has been delayed until november 30th, so the suspense continues. coming up, this freshman congressman fought tooth and nail against obamacare, he called it, but he is going bananas because he needs to wait a few more days for his government health care program to kick in the congress. bill can't wait to sound off on this one next on "the ed show." stay with us. d thinki about a new prescription drug plan, behold -- your window of opportunity is here. now until december 31st, you can enroll in an aarp medicarerx plan insured through unitedhealthcare. call now for free information or to enroll. see why over 4.3 million members are enrolled in these plans. i recently got this letter from my current drug plan. my premium's going up. this is the perfect opportunity for me to make a move. [ man ] aarp medicarerx plans include nearly all the
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welcome back to "the ed show." finally tonight, the new class of republican lawmakers, they have only been in washington for a couple of days, but they are already showing what a bunch of hippocrits they are. case in point, newly elected congressman, dr. andy harris of maryland, as if he couldn't afford it he rode to power by fear among berg obamacare. >> what i think we ought to do is just increase the choice that americans have for the health care insurance products, not go to a -- if we go to a government-option government-run insurance plan, we will look like canada and england. >> what was dr. no's first question at the congressional orientation monday meeting? the headline on politico, harris demanded to know why his government-subsidized health care plan takes a month to kick in. according to one person in the room, harris stood up and asked why it had to take so long what would he do without 28 dives health care? okay. he wants to know what he is supposed to do without 28 days
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of health care? well, doctor, remember, your advice to the millions of uninsured americans, just go to the emergency room. >> 46 million uninsured, we have kind of broken down the numbers. is there anybody that is not getting treatment? is there anybody that lacks health care? not health insurance but health care? >> no, brian, under current law, of course, if it is an emergency situation or urgent and you need care if you go to an emergency room, they can't turn you away they are going to treat you. >> joining me now, nationally syndicated talk show host bill prest. chew this had one up there is a hypocrite for you? >> yeah, another phony tea party hypocrite, ed. that is not the whole story, as you know. so then he says, okay if i have got to wait until february 1st for this to kick in, 28 days, whatever it is can i buy in ahead of time to get it any earlier for my family you know what that is, ed, that is the public plan option that this guy railed against.
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i mean, total hypocrite. here's what gets me ed, i did a little checking today. he is not the only one, i couldn't find one member of congress, democrat or republican, who voted against health care reform, right, who has since opted out of it. i think we ought to have a new rule, if you vote against it democrat or republican, you automatically lose it for your family. >> one other story tonight, charlie rangel convicted on 11 of 13 counts by the ethics committee. next up, have to decide what the discipline is. where is this going to go? >> you know what, ed, this is really sad. charlie a great career, hate to see it end this way, look, the guy abused his position. i don't think the democrats have any choice. i don't think house any choice. >> will he leave on his own volition, do you think? >> i don't think he is going to leave, i think he is going to have to stand and should in the well of the house and face a reprimand from the entire house and pay a fine, he will keep his job, hiss effectiveness in congress, sadly is over. >> bill press, great to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. >> thanks, ed. >> tonight in our
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