tv The Ed Show MSNBC November 17, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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equals $1233, the total cost. here's what it looks like. you get $414 for the six chairs or $69 per chair. the episode left me contemplating a different answer for this and any other math problem that our son should bring to me in the future. son, i shall say, your mom is upstairs. that's "hardball" for now. thank you for being with us. right now it's time for "the ed show" with ed schultz. >> good evening americans and welcome to "the ed show." tonight from new york these stories are hitting my hot buttons. on the table that the hour, what republican leaders are disrespecting president obama. when the president calls a meeting in the white house aren't you supposed to show up out of respect for the office? boehner and mcconnell decided to push the meeting back. i think their behavior is appalling. plus reaction from steny hoyer in a moment.
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what house democrat is calling republican hypocrites on the carpet? joe crowley says any republican lawmaker who wants to deny affordable health care to americans should ditch their own health care in congress. more blatant race baiting from rush limbaugh. his targets the president of the united states and little old eddy, me. he had things to say about reverend al sharpton. the rev is here to blast back. this is the story has me fired up tonight. now, we're in the midst of record unemployment, two wars, we haven't figured out how to pay for and a financial mess, economy that's struggling, mitch mcconnell and john boehner, they decide to dis the president. apparently they are too busy to get over to the white house for dinner. it took them two weeks to figure that out? boehner and mcconnell said they couldn't meet with the president thursday night due to scheduling conflicts in organizing their
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caucuses. they just have to teach everybody how to say no all over again. i think that is complete garbage. traditionally when the president of the united states invites you to the white house and gives you two-week notice you normally show up. in my opinion it's obvious that mcconnell and boehner are trying to stick it to the president, one more time, to prove a point. the white house summit has been moved to november 30th which happens to be the same day that 800,000 americans will lose their unemployment benefits. and by the end of the year that number will be 2 million. just adding to the pile of americans who are in the unemployment line right now. mcconnell and the tan man don't have enough respect for the opportunity look him in the eye at a meeting, asap and explain why the republicans don't want to help these americans. this is all about respect. the president has been disrespected by this crowd time and time again. >> if we're able to stop obama
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on this, it will be his waterloo. it will break him. >> the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> lie. >> not true. >> just so we don't forget how they act in high profile positions. i think mcconnell didn't want to explain his agenda at the white house because the president might ask him, isn't it more important that we get things done than you try to see if i'm a one-termer or not? that's all he wants to do is make barack obama a one-term president. the republican party has been missing in action when it comes to solving problems in this country for years. instead they spent all their time trying to destroy president obama. that's all they're about. democrats never turned down a white house meeting with president bush. when he was in the oval office. so we see the midterms were just a snapshot in time but the republicans are acting like they got some unbelievable mandate from the people.
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well, mcconnell and boehner are obviously trying to run the clock out of the democratic majority and if they can drag this thing out long enough, the republicans will be able to kill just about any progress nancy pelosi and harry reid can make during this lame duck session. there is more evidence of all of this republican obstruction today. senator jon kyl threatening to block a treat we the russians. president obama spent a lot of time 0 on this. kyle and the republicans don't want him to get a win on anything. even though when this treaty was put up before three republican presidents in the past none of the democrats objected. if the republicans can't agree on this issue, which is reducing nuclear arms, how in the hell are they going to come to a compromise on the tax cut policies that were put in place by the bush administration. i want democrats to call their bluff, just threat tax policy ride itself out. just let it sunset.
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put mcconnell and boehner and the righties in charge of the next move of the economy. because if the democrats sign onto this, they're going to be tagged along with it, you know, you didn't go far enough, it's your fault, too. so i think it's time for the democrats, just sit back and be patient on this one. let their tax policy expire. let them have the next move on the economy. we all know we're not bleeding 800,000 jobs a month and we know we have turned it around and moving adding jobs to the private sector. so if the republicans think that the tax cuts of the top 2% are going to turn things around, prove it again. it won't and the democrats will have a better shot in 2012. i want to know what you think. tonight's text survey question, do you think republicans are being disrespectful to president obama? text a for yes, b for no. we'll bring the results later on in the show. a man true to his word would give us his first interview,
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once this leadership issue in the house was settled, joining us now is majority leader steny hoyer. congressman, good to have you with us. >> hi, ed. >> you are going to be the democratic whip with the new congress getting into session. a lot of people want to know about your relationship with jim clyburn and the rub that took place if there was any. there are those on the right trying to make this an issue of race. how are you working together? >> well, i wasn't an issue of race at all. it was an issue we lost the majority, therefore we have one less leadership spot, and mr. clyburn and i had discussions about it. we're good friends, we've been friends for 45 years, we're still very good friends. we're going to work together. it was obvious that we had to do something other than run against one another and that happened and i'm pleased about it and i look forward to working with jim clyburn who is a very effective leader of our caucus, well respected within our caucus. >> congressman, the night of the
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election, president obama reached out to the republicans and said let's get together. and then 48 hours out from that meeting which was scheduled for tomorrow night, november 18, they say no, we got caucus issues we can't make it. are they disrespecting the president? >> i can't remember a time when president bush invited me and democratic leaders to come for a meeting that we didn't even if it was a 24-hour notice redo our schedules to make it. i think it was unfortunate. the american public have sent a pretty clear message they want us to work together. they aren't too happy with either one of us. obviously we lost control of the house, but the message we should be getting from the american people is look, you guys need to find common ground to solve our problems and stop playing politics. >> it goes from november 18th to november 30th. is that critical time? >> it certainly is time we could use for planning on what we're going to do during the week of
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november 29th, in terms of some very important issues. taxes being one of them, certainly, as that you've referenced. but the fact of the matter is i think it sends a message very early on that we're not going to be responsive to the president's requests to come down and talk. >> are they disrespecting the president? >> think it is on behalf of the leadership. it's hard to believe the organizing caucuses are now out of the way, it's hard to believe that two weeks out that they couldn't make themselves available tomorrow to meet with the president of the united states. >> congressman, what about all of this talk of compromise. where are the democrats and how far are you willing to go in the house, you and nancy pelosi, when it comes -- speaker pelosi, when it comes to tax cuts and this policy in place now, this legislation could sunset. why not go down that road? how do you feel?
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>> we feel strongly, ed, that the only texases we want to keep from increasing are the taxes on those 250,000 and under, middle class families. we want to make sure in this economy that is growing jobs now, as you pointed out, but still not moving at the pace we want to move to create the kinds of jobs we need to replace the 8 million lost under the bush administration, we feel that that -- keeping those decreases in place is important thing to do. >> where is the line for wealthy? >> we don't believe, however, we ought to add $700 billion to the deficit, have our grand children paying for those of us who are well off. that's not a penalty on those of us who are better off. it is a statement that americans also want fiscal responsibility and fiscal balance. and we need to get that. >> where is the line drawn for the wealthy? is it 500 grand, a million dollars, is there any line
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that's going to be drawn? >> we have drawn it at 250,000. i talked to chairman levin of the committee, and is there room to talk about perhaps a different level? there is obviously talk about different levels in the senate, and frankly, the white house as well. we're very focused on the 250,000 figure. >> as it stands tonight, the democratic position is no doubt you will get something extended for the middle class. and those below 250,000. >> that is our effort. that's our objective. >> all right. thank you on that. the next issue is darrell issa is talking about power for inspector, subpoenas, investigating the obama administration. he has been on record saying this is the most corrupt president, then he backed off. what do you think his mission is? how concerned are you about darrell issa and government oversight, reform committee. >> let me say government oversight is absolutely
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necessary. we need to effect oversight of the executive department. that's one of the purposes of the congress of the united states. however, misusing that objective to harass and politically attack an opponent is wrong use, a misuse of that authority. i would hope that mr. issa uses the authority in an appropriate way. very frankly, we saw during the course of the clinton administration i think an abuse of investigative power. >> you think he is on the road to abuse? >> i think certainly if he believes this president is the most corrupt in history, he backed off but i thought it was absurd when he made it. clearly nowhere close to the truth. in fact, this president has adopted a number of reforms to make government more transparent and more honest and higher integrity. but the fact is, we need to watch what mr. issa is going to do. mr. issa is the chairman of the committee. >> you bet. >> hopefully, hopefully, i think
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the american people will want to see him proceed 18 judicious manner, in a fair manner. yes, we have to make sure the executive department is acting honestly and consistent with policies that the congress has adopted. but what we don't need is to have kangaroo court type of proceedings putting the administration through the griddle. >> always a pleasure. thanks for being with us tonight. >> thank you, ed. appreciate it. >> joining us is progressive activist and filmmaker robert greenwald. your response to what mr. hoyer said about darrell issa. >> i think he makes a good point. the last thing we need is kangaroo courts, ed. and the obscenity of this. it's truly an obscenity, the number of people who are in extraordinary pain. you know people, i know people, everyone in the audience does. they lost their jobs, their homes, their kids can't go to school and the notion that these
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politicians should hang out and play around like school yard bullies, it really boggles the mind. >> what do you think president obama should do in dealing with republicans when it's well documented they don't even want to go to dinner with the guy on his time. >> well, you know, that's quite a challenge on all levels because they are changing the rules as we sit here, ed. can you imagine a year ago or two years ago having this conversation about elected officials absolutely refusing to meet with the president of the united states because they are too busy. i'd love to see is several million unemployed people calling them and tell them we're not too busy and we're calling you to tell you do your damn job, meet with the president and focus on us. we need jobs, we need to go to work, we want to go to work and you're playing around like a school child. >> to the point and well put. always a pleasure. great to have you with us. coming up the drugster is a hater, plain and simple.
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his latest racist rant including calling president obama's presidency graffiti on the walls of american history. then he put this disgusting picture up on his website. reverend al sharpton will be here to set the record straight. sarah palin told barbara walters she thinks she could beat president obama in an election. sarah, please run. plus, ann coulter blows up over being patted down. stay with us. one who can stay in sync with their moves. my job at ge capital is to get bobcat all the financial and business support they need. we provide financing for every bobcat dealer in north america. together, we've rolled out over 100,000 machines to small businesses all over the country so they too can grow. ♪ ge capital. we're there for bobcat every step of the way. ♪
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>> it's put up or shut up time. a righty congressman who bashed what he called obama care went nuts because he had to wait for his government health care insurance in the congress. so this congressman is throwing down the gauntlext joe crowley says anyone who wants to repeal health care should ditch their own government insurance.
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i love it coming up. stay with us on "the ed show." re/max agents know their markets, and they care enough to get to know you, too. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today. we fill them with extraordinary craftsmanship. we fill them with amazing technology. and we fill them with inspired design. and now your chevy dealer wants to fill them with as much good will as we can. come see how chevy is giving more: right now, chevy's giving you no monthly payments till spring plus 0% apr financing. see how your dealer is giving at [ exclaims ] ...with...stage presence. ♪ a new phone with dolby surround sound speakers. only from at&t. rethink possible.
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welcome back to "the ed show." thanks for watching. it's put up or shut up time. republicans who railed against health care reform during the campaign, well they better watch out. one house democrat is calling them out for their hypocrisy. he is daring them to walk the walk and turn down their own benefit it is. congressman joe crowley wrote this let tear the house speaker john boehner. if your conference wants to deny millions of americans affordable health care your members should walk the walk, you cannot enroll in the very kind of coverage that you want for yourselves and then trn around and deny it to
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americans who don't happen to be members of congress. we look forward to your response in the coming days about exactly how many of the members in the republican conference will be declining their taxpayer-supported health benefits. congressman joe crowley joining us. why are you doing this? i love this. it does bring it out big time. i don't think anybody has done this. why are you doing this? >> i think it's a request to understand the ironic hypocrisy. what's going on is they ran against the health care bill that we passed. an opportunity to give our constituents including their constituents an opportunity millions of americans who don't have an opportunity to get health insurance to have options, to have choice, in their health care coverage. they want to deny them that opportunity and yet go on the public role themselves and get publicly sponsored health care in the house of representatives. i think it's hypocrisy and ironic. >> it's on an average that the taxpayers are forking out 10
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thousand $500 per member. their response is going to be hey, it's a job benefit like any other american. what do you say to that? >> i say that's exactly what every other american wants, they want a job, they also want health care. so many don't have. reality is if they come to congress and they want to walk the walk and speak the talk, they need to decline this health care. it's publicly sponsored. they don't have to take it. there is no requirement any member of congress must take the health care that's provided under this package. they can walk away. they can get their salary but they can pay for their health care on their own. >> you expect a response from boehner on this? >> i certainly don't at this point. there has been no response. i don't expect one. nice if we got one but i think at the same time the proof will be in the pudding. at some point, i think this is one of the first questions every person who campaigned against this health care bill should be asked. are you going to take the public health care plan provided by congress?
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>> what do you make of that doctor that made news a couple days ago and he stood up and he was whining about not having health care after leaving the hospital, a gap of no coverage there. i was thinking why the hell don't you pay for cobra. >> welcome to the real world. welcome to millions of americans who lose their job and have to wait, not 28 day, maybe two months, maybe go for a year without health care coverage. welcome to the real world. and you know, things are not getting better. they're getting worse. here is an opportunity to help people get health care coverage and he wants to repeal it but keep it for himself. >> congressman, let me switch subjects on you. do you think the republicans are disrespecting the president by backing up this meeting to november 30? >> no question about it. i think that's exactly what's going on trying to diminish the office of the presidency. i think the president was offering an olive branch, wants to see what we can agree upon moving forward if there is anything. we don't want to be the congress of no like they were to us.
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we want to have an opportunity. if it benefits the american people, let's work it out, talk about it and work cooperatively together. moving forward. i think this was very desire respectful what the republican leadership did in terms of pushing back this meeting. we'll get beyond it. we'll have to t. country will move on. >> your we responsible to nancy pelosi being the leader for the democrats again. >> i think it's important that we put behind us this election, we need to look forward and i think that no one begrudges or blames nancy pelosi for the loss of 60-plus seats. we know she is a strong leader, a strong party builder for us and i think that this caucus realizes we have to hit the ground running, no one knows how to do that better. >> congressman joe crowley, good to have you. coming up leave to the ann coulder to equate air support security patdowns to hitler's last revenge. i think her brain needs a scan. don't you? she'll fly into the zone next.
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at >> and in psycho talk tonight, the right-wingers on fox are going nuts over all of these tsa safety measures. they are lashing out at the obama administration over these full body scanners and the patdowns at security checkpoints. last night o'riley had av vags safety expert ann coulter to talk about it. ann cut to the heart of the
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issue. it's all about nazis. >> i think the point is, as many have said, this is hitler's last revenge. >> that's deep. you know, with this group of nut jobs there it always comes down to hitler, doesn't it. this from the same person who called the patriot act the most important piece of legislation passed since 9/11. so, warrantless invasion of privacy is fine when a republican is in the white house, but during a democratic administration, a security measure that directly protects americans is fascism? that kind of hypocrisy makes ann coulter guilty of high flying psycho talk. coming up darrell issa, you may want to slow down on the switch thing because there are folks that are going to push back hard on this. congressman dennis kucinich is ready to fixt he says issa is reckless, out of control and jumped into the ring to challenge him. i don't know what the heck this
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dancing show is all b. i never watched it. but you tell them what you think. it's so happens that palin's kid can't dance but she has a lot of people calling in to help her win. smell a tea party conspiracy. reverend sharpton will fire back at the racist rush limbaugh. and alvin green says he is ready to run. you're watching "the ed show." all in the next half hour. i was young, i was in shape, and i had a heart attack.
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potentially the most critical vote regarding the new congress. he says congressman issa has made wild and unsubstantiated charges, which threaten to turn the principle oversight committee of the house into a witch hunt. we cannot stand by idle. it is a matter of highest importance that intemperate use of the power of the chair. dennis kucinich joins us. congressman, why are you suited to do this? i'm a fan, i know what you're all about, but i want to hear you say to the american people that you're going to be there on the watch as issa in my opinion is already off the rails. why do you want to do this? >> because i think that did oversight process has to be handled with a great deal of deliberation and calmness and fairness without any smears or innuendos, that we have to realize the real power of government on this committee is the power to destroy people's
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reputations. you have to proceed in a way that is dispassionate and that where fairs? your watch word. any attempt to use the power of the chair in a way that points a finger and accuses someone without facts is something that is very dangerous in a democracy and so i'm prepared to step forward to defend our democratic institution of oversight and do it in a way that is fair and vigorous. >> darrell issa's already commented about your attempt to be the ranking member on this committee. he commented that the dems, they aren't serious if they elect you. what do you feel about that? >> i think that it's unseemly for mr. issa to try to make any comments about this election. it's not up to him to pick who will be the democratic counterpart on the committee. it's up to the members of the democratic caucus. and i have throughout this day been in contact with members of the caucus to discuss the
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concerns i have about what would be an effective response to the approach -- mr. issa wants to use. this is a discussion that people are starting to have. so, people have to have a chance to breathe in the idea of a challenge to the way mr. issa apparently wants to do business. i'm a very fair person. but i'll tell you something. i cannot be rolled. i cannot have someone sit next to me, making base assertions or smears against people and let it rest. i will challenge anything like that at every turn in order to protect the institution of congress's oversight capacity. >> what about ed towns? he wants to stay in this position. would you do a better job than ed towns? >> he's a good man. ed towns is my friend. i'm talking about an approach which i think is going to be necessary to deal with mr. issa, the presumptive chair, because of the charges that he's already made about the white house, the
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charges that he's made equating the american recovery act money with walking around money, the recklessness to proceed with conclusions without gathering evidence, that's very dangerous. and i want mr. issa to know and he's my friend, that friend though we may be, i will challenge him at every turn. >> is he after president obama? >> well, i think he made it clear, on rush limbaugh's show what his intentions are with respect to the white house. and as a matter of fact it's not just mr. issa, it's senator mcconnell made it clear that the sole duty as far as he's concerned is to try to destroy the obama presidency. we cannot let oversight become a vehicle for the destruction of individuals or destruction of a presidency. we have to have facts follow where they may and then you draw the conclusion from the facts but when you start making unsubstantiated allegations that you then try to pass off as fact, that is not what oversight's about. that's something that's not democratic and i am determined
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to preserve congress's role as an effective oversight capacity without any -- without any hint of innuendo or smears of anyone. >> congressman dennis kucinich, always a pleasure. i hope you get it. >> i appreciate what you say. >> i think the base in this country needs a strong lefty that won't back down in a position. i'll tell you if it's not you, the democrats better come up with a real solid strategy on how to counterpunch all of this because in my opinion, this is all about 2012, this is all about slowing down the progressive agenda, it's all about getting rid of president obama and gumming things up, disfocusing the country. dennis, i hope you get it. good to have you with us. >> i'm going to take a stand. >> thank you, congressman. let's get rapid fire response from our panel on these stories. fox news president roger ales says president obama is a far left socialist who has a different belief system than most americans.
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the president calls a meeting on the tax cuts. republican leaders say yes. then they ask for it to be pushed back. after all of this wrangling about tax cuts and the media. i think it's proof they have no respect for the man in the oval office. our new poll shows that 52% want the congress not the president to set the agenda. with us tonight, laura flanders, editor of the book tea party and john fiery, president of the quinn gillespie communications. were you the president of that the last time you were on there? i don't remember that. >> i was, ed. i didn't get promoted. >> i thought being on the show might have elevated you. all right. let's talk about this poll first. what do you make of this? who should take the lead in setting policy for the country and 52% of the people say the
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congress. this is a strange number, is it not? >> it's very unusual, ed. usually the president proposes and a congress disposes. that's kind of how the system works in this country. but i think so many have lost faith with the president they want the congress to set the agenda and the agenda of many coming into congress and the tea party is to cut spending and create jobs. i think that's where a lot of people want this country to go. >> laura, where is this coming from? >> these numbers a month ago the same polls were showing that you had a majority of people thinking democrats were the right ones to deal with the crisis in this country. if we spent half the time that we spend talking about polls, trying to explain or explaining how deficits work, how stimulus works, our health care system, social security works, people might be smarter. we waste a lot of time talking about polls. >> they are part of the news culture, laura. and people do pay attention to them. and the question is, is this just a result of poor communication out of the white
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house and not telling the american people all the good things the obama administration has accomplished? >> well, i here your criticism is well placed but it also may be the wording of the polls. i know it's part of our culture but it can be a distracting and silly part of our culture. >> the wording of this one must have been a dandy because it is definitely in favor of the congress on this one. all right. john, why are the republicans pushing back a very important meeting at the white house when the president -- when the election took place, he calls the leadership over on the republican side. john boehner even talks about not having a slurpee and talking this stuff over. then it's backed up. aren't they disrespecting the president? stenly hoyer said earlier tonight that they are. what do you think? >> ed, i talked to mr. boehner's office about that. they say this is a scheduling snafu, they want to meet with the president, they want to talk about creating jobs, talk about the agenda, getting the tax cut
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issue off the table to give certainty to business but the scheduling didn't work out. and they actually blame the white house. they told the white house they couldn't meet on this day because of all of the orientation meetings. i do not think the answer to the question this is not about disrespect. this is scheduling. >> you know washington better that this is carefully stage managed. a snafu, i don't think so. there are two thing, one may be waiting out the clock on this congress and two, maybe the republicans remember that nasty meeting they had in baltimore in january with the president where he just wiped the ground with them talking about health care. i think they may be worried -- >> you think that baltimore incident has everything to do? >> i do. >> let me -- >> they're not going to bring cameras into this meeting so i don't think that's the problem. i do think it had to do with the scheduling. and frankly, what's going on on both sides of the congress, house and senate, democrats and republicans, they're trying to get organized for the new year
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and this is a bad time to have the meeting. >> a meeting, a meeting. that's all we heard. >> that's what i'm reporting. >> fair enough. you know, they did use a clinton term, snafu. they got to get their own stuff. here is the bottom line. we're losing critical days here from the 18th to the 30th. the american people are thinking what the heck's going on, we got an economy that needs help, we got unemployed americans coming up on their benefits. there's a lot to take care of. are they gaming the lame duck congress? >> of course not. the democrats still run the congress t. democrats are still in charge. the reason none of this work got done is because the democrats didn't do the work. >> the long ter gop holed out the longer they can say john's talking point. >> roger ales slamming president obama. he says the president has not been very successful. he has to be told by the french and the germans his socialism was too far left for them to deal with.
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he just has a different belief system than most americans. your response. >> i was going to laugh this off and then i remembered a response to michelle bachman's response. this is the head of a very powerful media organization. i think it's frightening, i think it's dangerous, distracting talk. i don't know. does roger want to be the new joe mccarthy. i think he would like his ghost on his network. >> welcome to 2012, john. >> let me say this. first of all, roger ales is a genius when it comes to television. i love the guy. is president obama a socialist, i disagree, i don't think he is but i think he's on the far left of the political spectrum. >> speak up against the red baiting, we've been here before. come on. doesn't have the same belief system. this is dangerous stuff. >> roger can say what he wants.
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he earned the right. do i agree or disagree, i don't know and i have no knowledge -- >> is it fair and bammed to make that judgment of the president when you're supposed to abnews organization? >> roger has earned the right to express his opinions. i think he has done that. >> he hasn't earned the right to cast aspersions on the president and pretend he knows about history. if we want to talk about who has made change in this country, we would be poorer without some of those on the left and the socialists who moved toward giving us safer roads an safer cars. we don't need this kind of divide and distract. it's dangerous. >> come on, laura. >> great to have both of you with us. thanks so much. coming up the drugster attacked me again today. i guess i'm good copy. he can't believe i'm calling him out for spewing racist garbage. then he put this disgusting picture on his website. what do you think, i'm going to back off? this is rotten is what it is.
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reverend al sharpton is also being targeted by the drugster. his call to action next. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea and powerful antioxidants. refreshingly good. [ breathes deeply, wind blows ] something wrong with your squeegee, kid? uh, i'm a little sick. sick?! you gonna let a sore throat beat you? you're fearless! ahhhhhhhhh! atta boy! [ male announcer ] halls. a pep talk in every drop.
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>> it's not too late to let us know what you think. do you think republicans are being disrespectful to president obama. a for yes, b to no. we'll bring you the results coming up. who's inundated with l the information coming at her concerning the medicare part d changes this year. so she went to her walgreens pharmacist for guidance and a free personalized report that looks at her prescriptions and highlights easy ways for her to save. because norma prefers her painting to paperwork. see how much you can save. get your free report today. expertise -- find it everywhere there's a walgreens. one month, five years after you do retire? ♪ client comes in and they have a box. and inside that box is their financial life.
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the drugster's stream of race baiting just continues. just days after posting this image of jim clyburn as the chauffeur in driving miss nancy, limbaugh has done it again, this time posted this photo shopped image of mount rushmore and called president obama's presidency, quote, graffiti, on the walls of american history. but rush keeps passing the blame onto everybody else. today he targeted congresswoman sheila jackson lee for what she
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said on this show yesterday. >> they are convinced here that calling sergeant schultz sergeant schultz is an ethnic slur. >> you have a name that may be ethnically select connected to being a sergeant. i would say to rush limbaugh's listeners we all have distinctive diction, accents. i find the take on various vernacular as outrage us. >> folks, i can't keep a straight face. play it again, sam. listen to this. if you can make sense of it, help me out here. >> well, it would help if you would watch the whole segment. the congresswoman wasn't talking about your sergeant schultz joke. when she said she was outraged by limbaugh's take on various vernacul vernacular. she was referring to this clip making fun of reverend al sharpton. >> it's not just me. it's day mocking the standard.
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who dat. who dat say they mocking the standard. al sharpton say day mocking the standard. >> i want to get response from reverend al sharpton. he joins us. the president of the national action network. reverend, good to have you with us. what's your response to in? >> i mean, i think that rush limbaugh, the seriousness of what he does aside from the comedic way he tries to play it is he is trying to use race to polarize this country and turn the country against the president at a time that we have very critical issues. to talk about the majority whip until january as a chauffeur, and miss nancy, the speaker of the house in the back seat, similar to how he played the obama is the good negro. when you keep having all of these racial tones, that is supported by federally regulated radio, remember, these stations
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that he is on go to the federal government to get consolidation, to get waivers, the government has a right to protect free speech but they also have an obligation to hold standards where american people are not subjected to this. >> the standard is he cannot be stopped. i mean, he is too big to fail. we had a consultant on here talk about that in the past. on numerous occasions. he is so big in the industry, even if you boycott his advertisers he has enough money to continue to be on the air. he goes unchallenged. i want your thoughts on this cartoon as they call it, on mt. rushmore. calling president obama's administration the graffiti on american history, what about this? >> i think this is as ugly as it gets. it disrespects not only this president, it disrespects the history of the country. it disrespects our putting presidents at that level. and i think that even if his
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advertisers cannot be stopped with boycotts, the fcc must step in and deal with standards on how they give station clearances to people that just want to race bait. this is not about opinions, it's not about what you or i say in our college speeches or churches, this is on federally regulated airwaves that the fcc gives the license to stations to let them do this. >> the answer really is if he's too big to fail, that racism on america's radio stations is here to stay. >> if that's the case then i think we're at a sad place. i think the congressional black caucus, progressive caucus and others ought to take this up with fcc. there ought to be a line on race, on gender, on sexual status, there ought to be a line where people have the right to say what they want but do not have a right to use federally regulated air waves to malign people because of groups. i think mr. limbaugh and others
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should have to be subjected to that line as you and i and anyone else and he will have to deal with that. >> reverend al sharpton, do you personally -- is there -- how do you personally feel when he takes shots at you? >> i mean, let me tell you. if i worried about rush limbaugh taking shots at me i would have nothing else to worry about. i think that rush limbaugh does what he does. i think what bothers me is that there are stations and networks allowed to make money off of him desecrating the presidents of the united states on mt. rushmore. that bothers me. >> good luck on your show coming up. we want to tell our audience that you should know that reverend sharpton is going to launch a new sunday morning talk show called "education super highway." it is definitely needed in this country t. show premiers sunday, november 21, check your local listings. thank you, reverend. coming up, this momma grizzly might be gearing up for a
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presidential run. let me tell you, her kids are making headlines for conspiracies and slurs. stephanie miller gives care abu barbie a reality check next. ♪ ...and brains. ♪ a phone that gets you to the stuff you love faster. only from at&t. rethink possible. it means getting everything you need to invest for yourself, not by yourself. it means choosing from stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and every etf sold. plus 5-star service and research designed to increase your intelligence, not insult it. so you can wave good riddance to some high-priced joker churning out cookie cutter portfolios. price is one thing. value is another. don't confuse the two. e-trade. investing unleashed. whoa! that achy cold needs alka-seltzer plus!
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could you beat barack obama? >> i believe so. >> well, tea party faithful aren't waiting two years to vote for palin. they are rallying behind sarah's daughter bristol on "dancing with the stars." last night the audience vote sent bristol to the finals. even though she was the worst dancer left in the competition. now, i'm not an expert on dancing, but there are many that have a lot of things goinging on like voter fraud, entertainment website found posts urging tea partiers to take a glitch in the voting system w. these guys on her side maybe sarah does have a chance in 2012 to be. who knows. i think i need backup on this when it comes to entertainment. stephanie miller, you're smiling. did you vote in this? >> listen. with all of the right wing websites jamming the lines i couldn't get through.
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i don't know if it's a conspiracy. the fact that no offense but he sucks and is still on the show is probably evidence enough that maybe there might be something. there was a story a guy shot his television out her dancing was so bad. >> well, she's probably going to win the thing. >> we'll know, if she beats jennifer gray we know there is something fishy. nobody puts jennifer gray in a corner, ed. we'll know something's up. >> is she really that bad? i don't watch this show. i mean, i don't -- you know, it's not -- i don't watch this show. i don't know. i don't know what to judge her, i guess. you're telling me she's terrible. >> it's a professional term here in hollywood but she sucks. sucks is the word. yeah. >> now, we don't make a habit of talking about 14-year-old daughters but her daughter responded, according to tmz reported the 16-year-old daughter posted things on facebook last night. this is, you know, sarah palin
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has used her kids, put them out in a reality show, put them on the political campaign, put them up on stage s. this overboard to pay attention to what her kids are doing on facebook in your opinion? >> i think you know, in a climate, ed, honestly, where so many gay kids are killing themselves i think the decent thing for her to have made a statement that was wrong. i mean, you know look. you know that this is going to be public on facebook. i got to tell you, ed. you don't use those words unless you learn them from somewhere. and you know, i don't see how you can just excuse this. >> and back to her interview with barbara walters, does she really believe she can beat president obama? your thoughts. >> wow. well, i mean, maybe if they can get the same groups that are voting for her daughter for "dancing with the stars" perhaps. i don't think in the real world there is much chance of that. >> that's the key, the real world. she hasn't been
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