tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC November 18, 2010 9:00am-10:00am EST
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all right. so mika -- >> that's last night. go to if you want to take part in the rfk ripple of hope auction. >> willie, what did you learn today? >> i learned from mr. trump, chinese sheet rock is a disaster. the world of donald trump. >> all you need to know. mike? >> i learned that i've been in the wrong line at the tsa stop at the airport. >> we're past 9:00, i think we'll leave it right there. dr. sachs, thanks for being with us. >> check out americares online. >> andrew, if it's way too early, what time is it? >> it's "morning joe." >> now stay tuned for chuck and savannah. >> for chuck and savannah with "the daily rundown." watch the broadcast.
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test case, the embassy bomber acquitted of all but one charge. is this the first and last civilian trial for gitmo detainees? murkowski proves she's got the right stuff, winning the long shot write-in race for senate. but will her opponent give up the fight? that other alaska paw, the leaked excerpts from sarah palin's new book. who is she citing her sights on? good morning, it's thursday, november 18, 2010, i'm savannah guthrie. i feel like i haven't sat here in weeks. >> this is savannah guthrie, my partner at the white house. you haven't seen her in a while. >> in washington, d.c., it is a fine town. a lot has happened -- >> since we went on the long overseas trip. >> long trip we'll say. i'm chuck todd. also this morning, will taxpayers get their money back? the gm stock offering today will give us a good preview? plus "the daily run down" interview with a potential 2012
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candidate, texas governor rick perry. let's get to the rundown. at the top is that verdict in for the man charge washington, d.c. those embassy bombings, ahmed ghailani convicted of one count, acquitted of 279 others. is this the death for the obama administration's plans to try terror suspects in federal court? pete williams is nbc's justice correspondent. pete, what was on trial here? the obama administration's ability to bring these folks to justice in a federal court system or the fact that all of the evidence collected during the bush-cheney years makes it that you just can't do it? >> well, both of them i think were the questions. in addition to a complication in this case, this was ahmed ghailani, accused of a role in the 1998 afghan embassy bombings. the problem for the prosecution is one of the main witnesses they wanted to present who would have testified according to the government that he sold ghailani tnt to be used in the
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explosions, the judge excluded that witness because the government learned about him in the enhanced interrogation of ghailani or, as his lawyers would say, during his torture. that could be a problem for similar convictions and similar trials of other detainees from guantanamo bay depending on how they were treated when they were in activity. ghailani was questioned before he came to guantanamo bay overseas. already you're hearing that this proves that you can't put these folks on trial in civilian courts. congressman peter king of new york who will probably be the chairman of the house homeland security committee is calling this a travesty. he's saying it show this is is not going to work. of course, the big question is what about trying the main -- the main defendants in the 9/11 case, the khalid shaikh mohammed, those folks. there the justice department says you have to make a distinction because there's so much evidence against them, that they don't think the government would have a problem with excluding key evidence. but the government really got this prosecution by the skin of
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its teeth, chuck, even though the charge is a serious one, a minimum of 20 years and a maximum of life. >> but one can imagine a different result where he was acquitted of all counts and whether or not the u.s. would let someone like this go. >> the answer is probably no because they could continue to hold him as a detainee. >> exactly. obviously this hurts the political case for those who think these defendants can be tried in civilian court. as a legal matter, pete, would the witness that was excluded in the ghailani case that so devastated the federal case, would that witness have been allowed in a military commission? isn't that the central question here? >> that is a very key question. i'll tell you that the folks at the justice department say the answer is not at all clear, that they think there's a possibility that the witness would have been excluded there as well. that's what you'll hear from folks who advocate trying these people in military commissions. they'll say the rules are not as
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strict, more evidence can come in, especially evidence where there's questions about how evidence was obtained from these enhanced interrogation methods. there's a lot of people who advocate for civilian trial saying it's by no means a certainty you can get things into the military commission that is you can't in the civilian courts. >> yeah. jurors in a military commission setting as well. pete williams in our washington newsroom. thank you. alaska's lisa murkowski's long-shot write-in bid appears to paid off. nbc news declaring her the apparent winner in the alaska senate race. >> we made history. alaskans made history. tonight after eight weeks i think we can say our miracle is here. our miracle is here. >> nbc's kristen welker is live for us from anchorage this morning. kristen, i would say you can pack your bags and come on home. apparently joe mill ser vowing
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to fight on. >> reporter: that's right, savannah. joe miller saying he's not conceding just yet, even though a lot of people in alaska including the gop branch in alaska are urging him to concede. this has been an incredible race for lisa murkowski from the start. miller beat her in the gop primary, bolstered by the support of the tea party and sarah palin, and then she decided to run as a write-in candidate, even though a lot of people told her she couldn't win. now with all the votes counted she is vesting joe miller by more than 10,000 votes. miller is arguing a lot of those ballots shouldn't count because her name was misspelled. even if you toss out the contested ballots, murkowski is still beating miller by more than 2,000 votes. however, despite all this, miller says he may ask for a recounted. >> there's a statutory right to a recount if that percentage is less than 1%. it's looking like that's where
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it's going to come out. >> i think he needs to look very critically at the numbers. if you count all of the ballots that wrote in lisa murkowski, it's a 10,000-plus advantage to me. no recount is going to help him gain that. >> reporter: now, no word on whether that recount will actually happen, but lisa murkowski is poised to make history. she's on the verge of becoming the second person since 1954 to win a senate seat through a write-in candidacy. the first person was strom thurmond. savannah? >> all right, kristen welker in anchorage, alaska for us. kristen, we hope you get to come home for thanksgiving. i think you will. thanks very much. well done. all right. now that the dust has settled from the midterms, americans are getting a clearer idea of how the political landscape has changed according to the brand new nbc/"wall street journal" poll, nearly two-thirds of people feel positive about how the election went. 33% have a negative feeling
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about the result. even so, the vast majority believe little will change. only 22% say that there will be a big difference going forward. 73% don't expect much change to take place at all. how about this for a blow to president obama? 52% of people say they'd rather have congress, in particular the republicans, setting the policy agenda for the country as opposed to the president. 39% said that -- savannah, after a midterm election, this is what the voighters said. they said we want a check on government. they said the same thing after '94, after '06. what's difference here is speaker to be boehner said the president sets the agenda. the public says no, no, we put you in charge, we want you to set the agenda. it could be interesting to see how voters judge this and how house republicans respond. >> in some ways it looks like the white house is waiting to see what republicans do -- >> okay, you wanted the ball. go for it.
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>> one result of the election that will have huge ramifications for 2012 and beyond, republican governors greatly increase their numbers and their meeting to plot strategy today in california which is where we find our nbc news deputy political director mark murray. what is the talk in california? >> reporter: good morning, chuck and savannah. greetings from san diego which is a lovely place, but also dark here on the west coast right now. yesterday at the republican governors association, it was all about showcasing the young talent. the gubernatorial candidates like nikki haley, the governor elect of south carolina, governor elect brian sandoval of nevada as well as governor elect suzanna martinez, who add diversity to the gop. today we're going to look at some of the people who might be eyeing the 2012 presidential race, haley barbour, tim pawlenty, mitch daniels and also newt gingrich will be speaking here. one other story is the drama of
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rnc chair michael steele. will he remain as rnc chair after his political director resigns, citing mismanagement at the republican national committee. yesterday governor tim pawlenty cited that resignation as well as the report that the director sent raised some concerns. take a listen. >> i haven't taken a position on that. but there's a letter i think somebody wrote that was executive director or something, outlines a series of concerns about the rn krfrnlc. it concerns me a great deal in terms of the concerns raised in that letter. think there will be a healthy discussion over the next few months about the rnc and the future direction of it. >> reporter: now, haley barber was more definitive telling politico there will be a new rnc chair next year. so we'll wait and see. certainly not a ringing endorsement for michael steele.
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>> nbc deputy political director mark murray in lovely san diego. enjoy this tough assignment out there, buddy. it's interesting. they have to fix the rnc problem. the rga was able to paper over those problems because there were races in 27 states. in 2012, races in only 11 states. opening bell just 20 minutes away. wall street is buzzing about the return of general motors. 17 months after filing for bankruptcy gm is about to unveil its new ipo, potentially the most profitable in corporate history. so with us now cnbc's becky quick. becky, how soon would gm get back into the dow jones average, become one of the 30 big companies again? >> that's the question we've been asking all week. that's actually something we're dieing to find out because gm when it went into this chapter 11 bankruptcy, got kicked out of the dow jones industrial average. but with this new ip o it will probably have a market capitalization of about $22
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billion to $23 billion. that will make it much bigger than those in the dow jones industrial average now. this is a his tore day today chuck and savannah. gm is the iconic mayor dan company back from the dead. it's going to be listing on the new york stock exchange, trading opening up in about 19 minutes, not that we're counting or anything. everybody is trying to find out where the stock is going to kickoff trading. it kaemg in pricing at the high end of expectations, $33 a shaefr. we spoke earlier with steven rattner t auto czar responsible for restructuring the company. he said he wouldn't be surprised to see this stock trade up 10, 15, 20% attend of the day today. that's going to have people asking questions, too. the government is giving up a huge chunk, going from 61% ownership to 33% ownership. good news for the american taxpayer if it does well. it means that, first of all, we'll be getting back a lot of
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the money that the government put in the first time around. we put in $49.5 billion. you don't want to see too much left on the table and think the government got short solicited. they'll be getting rid of that stake with time. they're expecting to see the stock trade higher. the question about where it goes today and beyond, we'll be watching this closely, just a if few minutes away. it's been bleeding over into the futures. probably an open at the start of trade of about 100 points higher for the dow jones industrial average after a couple of disdisappointing days. we got good news on the weekly jobless claims. 439 jobless claims over the last week which again sounds terrible, but it's the second week in a row that number has fallen below 450,000. that's a very key level that the markets watch, that the government watches, as you hope to sort of chip away at the unemployment rate. chuck and savannah.
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>> all relative. becky quick with a big day in the market. thank you. coming up, does the new leader of the republican governors association have texas-sized political ambitions? up next "the daily rundown" interview with texas governor rick perry out with a new book, new job and stirring up 2012 rumors. speaking of books, it isn't out yet. of course, there are leaks. who does sarah palin take aim at in her new book? we'll check it out with msnbc's norah o'donnell. first a look at the president's schedule. meeting with congressional democratic leaders. republicans are coming on another day. he's going to drop by this meeting about the s.t.a.r.t. treaty. this is the daily run down on msnbc. ♪ [ upbeat instrumental ]
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if you were the governor of texas and you consider yourself a smart and thoughtful man, when you go to washington, do they calcify your brain? >> when they cross the potomac river, something happened from time to time. there's like a virus that is -- maybe they spew it out. >> well, texas governor rick perry t next chairman, by the way, of the republican governors association. he's out with a new book and taking his small government message on the road. >> this week he's in san diego where 18 current and 15 incumbent republican governors are celebrating their wins and charting out the next steps for the party. governor perry author of "fed up" joins us this morning. thank you for being with us. >> good morning, savannah. >> let's talk about your case of being fed up with the federal government. i'm going to take an example out of the news. you look at the gm bailout today, an example of huge federal intervention, a bailout of a private company, and yet
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today gm is still around, going to do its ipo. taxpayers in a position to get back a big chunk of that money and potentially millions of jobs saved. does that in any way diminish your feeling that washington should have a much diminished role? >> no. as a matter of fact, it probably is a good exhibit of why government should not be involved in the private sector. the fact of the matter is those jobs would not have been lost. they may have been transitioned by private sector acquisition of gm. but the idea that some company is too big to fail and that the federal government, which is not very well known for running anything very good -- if the postal system is their example of how you run things or if defending and securing our border is another example, actually, those are two things the federal government should be trying to do instead of running private sector companies or taking over other aspects that the state should be running. >> just so i understand you, you're not saying if gm had gone
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bankrupt, no jobs would be lost? >> i don't know if there would be jobs lost or not. at the end of the day, that's how the process is supposed to work f. you have a company that is not profitable and it goes through bankruptcy. it shakes out. i hope nobody is working under the premise that you cannot lose your job in america because of irresponsible activity or because the market turns down. that's the reality of the world. we need to be responsible individuals and stand up and say this is the way the world works. it's not some fairy land where government is there to protect every job all the time. that's nonsense. >> governor, your predecessor of texas, george w. bush, had this say to say about immigration when he was governor. he said family values don't stop at the rio grande river. immigration is not a problem to be solved, it's a sign of a successful nation. new americans are to be welcomed as neighbors. explain the difference between your position on immigration and
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former president bush's. >> from the standpoint of our relationship with mexico and the immigrants, there is not a lot of difference there. my brother-in-law is hispanic. we marry each other. we do business with -- mexico is our number one trading partner. here is the difference. since george bush left over the course of the last two years in particular, the violence along the border, the drug cartel is taking operational control. that's the great concern of americans, is that you have a situation on our border where american citizens are being killed. you didn't see that back when george bush was the governor. frankly, it's the federal government's abject failure of putting the boots on the ground, the technology in the air to defeat the drug cartel threat and the other illegal activities. that's the real focus we need to be on. you can't have immigration reform in this country until you secure the border. >> would you add kaetd military government on the mexican side of the border to help plaxico in this drug war?
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>> i think we have to use every aspect of law enforcement that we have including the military. i think you have the same situation as you had in colombia. obviously mexico has to approve any type of assistance that we can give them. but the fact of the matter is these are people who will highly motivated with money. they are vicious. they are armed to the teeth. and i want to see them defeated. any means that we can to run these people off our border and save american lives we need to be engaged in. >> in your book you are very tough on a very popular federal program, and that is social security. at one point you refer to it as a ponzi scheme. in fact, you say -- you write ponzi schemes like the one that sent bernie madoff to prison are illegal in the country for a reason. the unsustainable fiscal sanity is the true legacy of social security and the new deal. are you advocating -- would you
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get rid of social security if you could wave a magic wand? >> my children are in their mid 20s. they know for a fact social security is not going to be around. they know it is a ponzi scheme. i don't know why you call it a popular program. you ask a 20-something-year-old what do you think about social security, and they will laugh at you. when you have a very small group paying in to pay a very large group, that's a ponzi scheme. that's what it is. americans need to stand up and admit that we have medicaid, medicare and social security, $106 trillion of unfunded liability and zero dollars set aside to pay for it. that's what washington, d.c. has to deal with and fix this. governor perry, before we let you go, a political matter. you not come out and said that michael steele should go as the head of the rnc. you have, houfr, strongly supported nick ayers as a potential candidate. don't be coy.
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do you think michael steele should step down or not run again? >> i don't have a vote on the committee. nick is very capable, strong leader, heck of a fund-raiser and did a great job for rga. if the committee has characteristics of an individual they're looking for, nick would probably fit that characteristics. but the fact is, we're focused on how to turn washington back out of our business in the states at the rga meeting. that's the focus of this meeting as it should be. it's pretty exciting to have these new members up here talking about how they're going to work with the congressional delegation to get washington pushed back into that box called the united states constitution. >> reading your book, governor. to me it's pretty obvious you're thinking ability running for president. you have a couple fun winks and nods at new hampshire and the fact it's a no-tax state. what is your timeline for making the decision about whether or not to run for president in 2012? >> i wouldn't have written that book if i was going to run for
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the presidency of the united states. obviously you haven't read it all. i'm not interested in being the president of the united states. i've said that for the last two years. >> shermanesque? >> i'm consistent in my positions. >> shermanesque? >> shermanesque. help me on that one. >> meaning if drafted, i will not run. if nominated -- if drafted i -- if elected, i will not serve. >> how about pearlyesque, and the fact of the matter is i don't want to be the president of the united states. i've got the best job in america. actually -- >> well, don't say the producer didn't warn us, chuck. we ran out the clock on that one. >> governor pearly, that was not intentional. perryesque statement. we will take him at his word. still ahead, sarah palin unloads. the former vp nominee and tea party darling is taking shots at
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everyone from president obama to levi johnston and the contestants on nch american idol". first our washington speak, mike tomorrow targeting, in politics a way of slicing and dicing the data. to shape a message that appeals to direct interests. chuck, i'm sure you have a multitude of examples. >> i'll do this. not just doing dechl graphics and saying how are single white women going to vote? it's more like how do single white women who own volkswagens and watch ""american idol"" going to vote? we'll tell you more about micro targeting. it's being used to boost ticket sales in pro hockey. if you have some washington speak you'd like clarified, send us an e-mail at daily rundown nice, not getting swindled. um...where are we? don't just think about it. put lendingtree to the test. get the best deal, or $1,000.
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go to for more details. i'm bob kearn, president of coit cleaning services. these pictures are the history of my family and they're also the history of coit. we've been in business for 60 years and our greatest asset has always been our people. we use the plum card from american express open to purchase everything we can and with the savings from the early pay discount, we were able to invest back into our business by hiring more great people like ruben here. how can the plum card's trade terms get your business booming? booming is a new employee named ruben. we await the opening bell on
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wall street. becky quick talked about gm's ipo is going to ring the opening bell on wall street wisconsin ear a few seconds away from. i'm sure this is one of the days where the obama administration wants to point to this and say "see, this federal bailout was worth it." let's listen to the opening bell. >> they're revving. >> little sound effects. >> do you get snit revving the motors. no more mr. good wrench. they got rid of that brand oovps. they're narrowing the focus. it's going to almost be valued as much as ford they think after today. >> very interested to see how much money taxpayers get back. still ahead, voters hoping for change. we'll break down the results of our latest poll next. first, what do house republicans and roger maris have
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sarah palin's new book has not even hit stores yet, but the details are starting the leak out. >> when it comes to at least some matters, it appears she'll pull no punches. norah o'donnell has the story. norah, sarah palin book watch now. there's always something with her. >> i know. this is going to start turning into a daily segment. sarah palin has this new book called "america by heart." in it she settles old scores with levi johnston. she praises her daughter's charity and tears apart our talent deprived reality stars on "american idol."
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>> sarah palin is everywhere, on her hit reality show about alaska. >> don't retreat. just reload. >> reporter: on the front cover of "the new york times" magazine and in a new interview with barbara walters for an upcoming special. she admits she's got barack obama in her sights. >> i'm looking at that time lay of the land now and trying to figure that out, if it's a good thing for the country, for the discourse, for my family if it's a good thing. >> if you ran for president, could you beat barack obama? >> i believe so. >> reporter: palin's new book which amazon describes as a celebration of the strengths and virtues that have made this country great, hits stores this week. according to the media blog gawker, palin writes about the personal, including fresh criticism of levi johnston who fathered a child with her daughter bristol: because the new father wasn't there until tend of bristol's lab orr, i helped deliver tripp. i cut the cord between my daughter and her son. >> i hope you're as committed to
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safe sex as those abs. >> reporter: she pradss bristol for preaching abstinence. she dredges up the decades-old controversy over "murphy brown." palin writes i'm biased of course. given a choice of role models between murphy and bristol, i choose bristol. she blames "american idol" for a seemingly endless supply people who can't sing but dill lewded enough to get up in front of the audience and screech out a song anyway. it's bristol getting criticized for lack of talent. this week she advanced to the finals of abc's "dancing with the stars" despite receiving the lowest scores from the judges' panel. >> the judges' scores are important but viewers don't necessarily go by them. they will vote based on who they
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think deserves to go to the next step. >> reporter: conspiracy therapists are accusing the tea party supporters of getting out the vote for bristol. a suggestion bristol denies. >> when people say it's because of the tea party. i think of think of all the people that hate my mom. why don't we talk about that? >> as you can see palin lives in this world between celebrity and politics. back to that "new york times" interview where she talks about 2012, she's also defending her avoiding the national press. she says she talks to reporters all the time at fox news and is on twitter and facebook. she says, quote, i'm not avoiding anything or anybody. i think there's a number of national press corps who are going to hold her to that promise. chuck? >> okay. norah o'donnell, wow. >> we're speechless, norah. >> that good, huh? you liked the piece that much? >> celebrity politician, whatever it is.
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didn't finish her term as governor, something that folks ought to remember. >> tend to gloss over. on capitol hill, meet the new boss. after a big change election. what does that mean? same as the old boss. >> house democrats have voted to bring back pelosi and her leadership team despite her, let's borrow a word, shall lacking in the midterms. listen to this response to a question from luke russert yesterday. >> how would your ratings be if $75 million were spent against you? because they know that i'm the person that can attract the resources both intellectual and otherwise to take us to victory because i have done it before. >> well, pelosi didn't retain that position without a fight voting by secret ballot, 43 of her colleagues backed north carolina congressman heath shuler as the new minority lead sgler by the way, her ratings didn't improve in the new nbc/"wall street journal" poll.
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what respond enters said to us it's time to hit the reset button. it's what they're telling us now in this new poll. >> while americans say they want to cut government's red ink. it turns out they don't want to make sacrifices necessarily to get it down. we're joined by our poll centers. let's s.t.a.r.t. with this meta question which was, all right, folks, do you think this next year, will it be about division or unity. bill, i can't say this result surprised me. >> no. people know that there's going to be conflict in washington. they presume this is going to be -- >> they voted for conflict in some sense. >> that's right. 60% said they're happy we have divided government. that's what the american people want. they want republicans to keep an eye on democrats. they want the president to keep an eye on republicans and us to slug it out. they're expecting conflict. >> alan, another question that
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popped out was they wanted, after they results they want congress to set the agenda, not the president after two years. frankly the president setting the agenda. that is not a surprise given how they voted. but you're on the democratic side of this. how should the white house take that from the public? >> well, they voted for change in two elections in a row. obama wasn't on the ballot. voters are happy with the choice they made. most think this was a positive election. they're looking for a new direction. obama hasn't changed and the congress has changed. that's why they're looking to congress to lead. what the white house should do is lead anyway. let's talk about a couple of results. number one, this is potentially good news for the white house, bill, in the sense that 60% now say the worst is behind us as far as the recession is concerned. let's look at another result on the bush tax cuts. what do you make of this? 49% end the cuts for the
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wealthy. 46% extend at least temporarily. >> just so you know, bill, it's sort of like 49% picked a choice that said ending for the wealthy, so division right down the middle. >> it is a division. part of the trouble for the obama administration is on health care and tax policy, the intensity is on the other side, meaning people who say they want to continue the tax cuts going forward for everyone in the country at least for two or three years or forever, permanently, those folks are a lot more intense. it reflects this close division. but i do think the most important thing is that change in the survey where the number of people saying the worst is ahead of us dropped from 75% two years ago to 35% in this poll. thank goodness. i will be very happy after this long dark economic period that things are getting better in public mood. >> allan, cutting spending was one of the number one reasons
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folks voted in this election. this new debt commission proposal that came out fell flat with voters. 40% said it was a bad idea. 25% said it was a good idea. even when you ask about the specifics, about spending cuts, 70% income fortable. tax hikes, 59% uncomfortable. raising the le tirmt age, 57% uncomfortable. basically the americmayo ameril wants its cake and wants to eat it, too. >> this is a case of where the public is contradict kt itself. we need leaders to lead. the republicans are talking about an adult conversation. i think that's a positive development. if that's republican coat for pivoting from an election where they campaigned against daxes to the realities where both tax increases and reductions in spending are going to be necessary to avoid a default. but the pollsters are never going to get this right.
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bill and i and peter hart are going to ask questions to say do you want tax increases? no. do you want spending reductions? no. the question we should be asking is do you want 25% unemployment and the default of u.s. government? if the answer to that is no, take that as a mandate for adult leaders to lead. >> our pollsters, thank you so much. let's do our trivia. what do house republicans and roger maris have in common? >> it's the magic number 61. roger maris hit 61 home runs and is still the single season all-time leader in the minds of some. of course, he did it in 1961. house republicans so far netted 61 seats in the midterm election. yesterday john boehner was elected -- will be elected the 61st speaker of the house. guess what? it happened on his 61st birthday. there you go. the magic of 61 numerology on "the daily rundown." >> bet on it, if you can go to
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your two-number lotto. coming up, politics on ice. what hockey is learning from another blood sport. first, from the cold to the hot t white house soup of the day chicken chilli today. you're watching "the daily rundown." >> chilli is not a soup. we've got to go through this. it's not a soup. don't let aches and pains in the morning slow you down. introducing bayer am. its dual-action formula delivers extra strength pain relief, plus it fights fatigue. so get up and get going with new bayer am, the morning pain reliever. took some foolish risks as a teenager. but i was still taking a foolish risk with my cholesterol.
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politics and hockey. we've seen these two together before. remember sarah palin and her pit bull hockey moms? now new jersey's pro hockey team, the devils are taking a page from politics to put people in the seats. >> the team that turned to a long-time republican strategist to help them increase ticket sales by using the same methods campaign used to target potential voters and supporters.
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republican strategist mike due ham is managing director for mercury public affairs. for a lot of people they know the new jersey devils for one thing, putty on seinfeld. you found 11 profiles of typical team fans with micro targeting. describe some of the profiles that you used? >> what we found, chuck, is devils fans are younger than the average consumer. they're a great organization, great amount of success on and off the ice for the last 25 years. what we found is they're building a fan base, baugh that fan base is younger. we found younger fans, maybe just out of college who maybe could go for more inexpensive tickets and other people who maybe had the means to go for longer plans, partial season ticket plans and things of that nature. >> mike, take a step back. the theory is borrowed from toll
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polt ticks, this notion of micro targeting, rather than having a one size fits all pitch, you look for a specific voter or in this case customer? >> exactly. we've done this in politics in the past. certainly it goes back almost ten years now. it was used a lot in 2004. ken mehlman and folks like that. frank see more, a guy who pioneered this. if you're from new jersey, there aren't as many republicans, trying to find independent voters that maybe think more republican or something like tax cuts, talking to them ability issues they care about. we found in politics, it worked. it helped us find new sloeters and done nors. in talking to the devils, a sophisticated organization. they wanted to try it. >> give me an example of a way that devils weren't marketing to fans and after your micro targeting -- in '04 the bush
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campaign famously advertised next to "will and grace" syndication runs because they found passive republican-leaning women watched "will and grace." what's something out of the ordinary you did for the devils here? >> really it was more about not new approaches very specific fa. what we found in looking in north jersey where there were millions of people that acted just like devil fans and really applying some of the techniques that were working with the ticket buyers and making sure that new people were hearing them. >> mike, before we let you go, you're in san diego, hope that fog burns off. let me ask you about your former boss, chris christie. do you think he'll run for president? a lot of people talking about that. >> i don't believe he will. he is a great governor and he's leading by example in terms of cutting taxes and cutting spending and that's what people want to see.
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i'm not surprised people want him to, but pretty definitive about his plans. >> joining us live from san diego this morning, thanks so much. all right, a reminder, everyone, you can follow us on twitter @chucktodd and @savannahguthrie. >> are you a face painter. when you go to the wildcat games do you facepaint? do you put the aa on the cheek? >> it's a paw. >> we'll be right back. es my ey. pull up the price chart. see what the analysts say. as i jump back, cnbc confirms what i thought. pull the trigger -- done. i can even do most of this on my smartphone. really, it's incredible. like nothing i've ever experienced. unleash your investing and trade free for 60 days with e-trade.
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well, before we go, it's time to take a dip in the shallow end and welcome savannah back, actually, from her excellent adventure. that means the shallow end expert is back. before i hand it back to her, we just want to show our viewers a little bit of what they didn't get to see while savannah was away. ten days, four countries, one
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continent and this is what savannah did. it's pretty much the same thing she does when she's here, which is, you know, go through a blackberry and these foreign trips are jam packed with events, live events, hotel ball rooms and no sleep which is a perfect recipe for some behind the scenes bloopers. take a look. >> sticking point -- sorry. that's just not what i want to say. sorry, thank you for your patience. sorry. start over because that kind of sucked. >> hopefully it won't be as flat as my hair. shoot me. four score and some other amount of years ago. nice, bobby with the seven. oh, for the love of pete. they tell me now. cows and cars, now back to you and scene. >> your hand, you do stay consistent there. >> it's a lot of this and a lot of this. >> your swipe is very clear. for the love of pete.
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>> the love of pete -- >> pete williams. >> it's very g-rated. >> no, that is very good. >> chuck is headed off to portugal for the nato summit and we'll see you live on the other side of the world tomorrow. >> they speak some other language there that is not spanish -- >> portuguese. that's it for "daily rundown." coming up next, we'll figure out why savannah two years of portuguese. at 1:00 p.m., don't miss "andrea mitchell reports." we'll see you back here tomorrow, possibly from two cont nents. i'm meteorologist bill karins with your business travel forecast. that incredible wind storm is leaving new england. traveling up and down the east coast should not be a problem.
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temperatures not bad and not see any bad weather as far as rain or snow. in the pacific northwest all the way down to northern california, that's where a storm system is moving in with windy and rainy conditions. have a great day. [ male announcer ] at&t introduces a new windows phone. with beauty... ♪ ...and brains. ♪ a phone that gets you to the stuff you love faster. only from at&t. rethink possible.
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