tv News Nation MSNBC November 18, 2010 2:00pm-3:00pm EST
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>> i look at myself every morning, and i have never blamed staff, my family, or anyone for my irresponsible behavior as it relates to violation -- >> a serious punishment recommended for new york congressman charlie rangel for violating house rules, despite the 80-year-old's plea for mercy. get it done. several senators send the message about don't ask, don't tell. pass it during the lame duck session. congressman barney frank will join the "news nation" to talk about this and other developing stories out of washington. then excessive force. did one woman's dispute with an offduty officer at a popular restaurant go too far? we'll show you more of this tape. plus, is facebook -- could it lead to trouble if you're married? why one pastor is telling couples to get off the social networking site. it is our "news nation" gut check. i'm tamron hall. the news nation is following
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fast moving results in the penalty phase. right now house ethics panel is meeting behind closed doors to decide on a punishment for rangel who was found guilty on 11 of 13 violences. the deliberations started a half hour ago. the committee's chief council is recommending sen sure. he in so many ways asked for mercy. >> he did ask for mercyç to a degree, tamron. simply saying he realizes he did things wrong, that his accounts was quite sloppy and saying he had nobody to blame but himself. the clip you played. he was also somewhat defiant to the end, saying if he had the opportunity to bring forth some witnesses, then perhaps the folks in the ethics committee would have a different opinion of him. it's ironic, tamron. on monday he stormed out of the trial saying because he did not
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have counsel, he did not want to go forward. after a two-year investigation, his colleagues decided the trial would go guard. especially since he asked for it for many, many months. an interesting development was mr. rangel came under really aggressive questioning. m m m mr. bonner from alabama said if someone in the private sector did not pay taxes for 17 years they would be held to a really high standard. another from texas asked why mr. rangel would not be considered corrupt. remember earlier in the week he said he was not corrupt and did not try to enrich himself personally. he felt if you didn't pay your faxes on a villa, that in fact you were corrupt. putting politics in there. that is what the recommendation was. the last time it happened was 1983. who is was given one after
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having an inappropriate with a 17-year-old male page. it is not a common occurrence here. that would be big news if charlie rangel does receive that. we should find out later this afternoon what exactly his penalty will be or it could go until tompl. they want to get this done by the end of the week, tamron. >> i want to play one of more of the exchanges you mentioned. let's listen? >> it would really helpç. >> so what is the next move? >> the next move is this ethics committee is meeting now. they will come up with what
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exactly the punishment will be. they will make the announcement. if it is a censure, then he will be scensured in the coming week. if it were to go to expulsion, that would require a vote of the house. it will be interesting to see how it plays out forward going on, tamron. the house just completed a vote on the three-month extension of federal unemployment insurance. 258-154. did not garner the two-thirds needed to pass. this is similar to what happened earlier this year when the house voted to restore unemployment insurance as a suspension vote. this largely happened because of a lack of republican support to pass the three-month extension of federal unemployment. again, we are hoping to speak with congressman barney frank here very shortly. he was in the vote.
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we'll get more of his thoughts on what happened in this situation and other developing news on the hill. also, new developments in the fight to repeal don't ask, don't tell. senate majority leader harry reid says he will call for a vote next month on the legislation that banned gays from openly serving in the military. earlier today a group of democratic senators urged their colleagues to vote in favor of the repeal. during a news conference just a short time ago, they called it a systematic corrosive charade that threatens national security. >> there is no way we can win the war on terror if we are frittering away so much talent that is absolutely key to getting into those parts of the world that represent the greatest threats. >> joining me now, nbc news producer ken strickland. it appears thatç harry reid is following up on a promise he made to bring this up for a vote. where do things stand right now?
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at least for the republicans? >> it's still an uphill battle. there are basically three key things we're going to get to watch to find out whether or not don't ask, don't tell, can in fact be repealed. first and foremost. a report from the pentagon on trying to repeal don't ask, don't tell. that report is due to get to secretary gates, secretary of defense on december 1st. how long does it take to get from secretary gates hand to the public and members of congress? second thing that happened, carl levin, the chairman of the senate armed services committee wants to have hearings on the report. when do those hearings occur, who testifies, and what comes out of the hearings? more importantly, he'll have to have 60 votes to break the filibuster on the underlying bill. it's a defense authorization bill. it's a huge bill, hundreds of pages. the bill by itself, even when there's not controversial measures takes a week to two to pass. in the event from the tape you played earlier. joe lieberman, a senior member
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of the armed services committee says he is confident they were 60 votes. he named dick loouger, a republican. that means a number of limits offered, plenty of time to debate. as long as that happened, they thought they had the 60 votes. but that's a tough sale. there have been smaller bills that have died because they cannot have a fair and open process according to republicans. so we need to watch those things. john mccain says it's a tough sale to get it done by the end of the year. >> regarding the report. we've already had details leaked out. i believe it's 70% of the 400,000 men and women serving say they would be fine with repealing don't ask, don't tell.
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doesn't ha hinder çopposition? >> it's a good question. bier coincidence i was walking with john mccain. i said, carl levin said they're going do have hearings. he said the report itself is flawed. it doesn't address the impact of what it will have on the troops. as far as john mccain is concerned, if the report is flawed, how do you get support to pass the bill overall? >> i have to bring up this nbc poll here. you have 50% think gays should serve openly in the military. that's where people stand right now. it was 40% in january. again, how do you factor this into the debate as far as lawmakers listening to the people? >> tamron, it really comes down to the votes. obviously the members of congress listen to the constituents. it's a game of procedure. a game of numbers, a game of strategy. can harry reid find the strategy to get 60 votes? can he convince republicans that
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the debate will be open and fair? if he can, they'll do it. if he can't, and in the past that's been a tough sell, it remain thos be seen. up hill climb to get it done this year. >> that's the theme. uphill. thank you very much. greatly appreciate you joining us. general motors is trading on new york stock exchange for the first time since entering bankruptcy protection last year. it was quickly follow d by the rev of a camaro engine. then it quickly jumped to almost $36 a share. and haiti's massive outbreak of cholera is linked to a case
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found in florida. the florida case is the first in the u.s. connected to the spread of cholera in haiti that already killed more than a thousand people. a woman contracted the disease after visiting family in the quake-ravaged country.ç mark potter joins me live from miami. this is a story that we're following, but all health experts say it's not passed person to person. >> absolutely right. there's no great concern in florida. they say it is possible in a few cases for a person to person transmission. highly unlikely, but it can happen. they're looking at several suspected cases. but only one has been confirmed. the one kwlour you're talking about. her case is nothing to worry about. they don't see a big spread beyond that right now. it is possible that more people
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will be found with the disease. people from haiti living in the state. many travel back and forth. they could contract the disease and bring it here. a spread is highly unlikely. the conditions for the spread are not right. the waters are clean. the sewage is treated properly. that's a water-bourn illness. a few cases here and there will likely be the worst of itment the man first detainee from guantanamo gay to stand trial here in the united states. we'll have the latest on this story. also lisa murkowski is the apparent winner of the alaska senate race. was this win a defeat for sarah palin? take a look at this video. this is an offduty police officer and a 54-year-old grandmother.
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welcome back to "news nation." this could undermine president obama's plan to hold similar trials for other gitmo detainees. ghailani was found guilty of one conspiracy charged. he was cleared of 284 other charges including multiple murder and attempted murder charges. those stem from the alleged role in the 1998 u.s. embassy bombings in tanzania and kenya that killed 224 people, including 12 americans. edith barkley's father and brother were killed in that bombing. >> it's a travesty. my store was a clear diplomat for 0 years.
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my brother was an intern. all these families come from across the country. there are three african-american families. seven caucasian families from all sectors. and these are the people who serve and work in the american embassies worldwide. and our country has an obligation to go after every terrorist who has committed the heinous acts on humanity. and tried them to this the fullest extent of the law. we also feel strongly where to fry the terroristsç should not become a political issue. >> joining me now with more nbc news justice correspondent pete williams. pete, that one charge of conspiracy could leave him behind bars for rest of his life, but it has certainly opened the doors on the best way to handle these cases. >> you're right. it carries a minimum sentence of 20 years. a maximum of life in prison. the sentence has yet to be handed down. the problem for the government here is they wanted a witness to testify who would have said the government claims that this
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person sold ghailani tnt to use in the bombings, which would have made it easier to get convictions on the charges. but the government's knowledge came from the way he was interrogated, which was coercive. and the defense lawyers claimed it was torture. that was not admitted. now that has reignited the question about whether that evidence would have been admissible if this trial had been in the military commission and not a civilian trial. there are several people on capitol hill, republicans saying the answer is obviously yes. the judge in this case looked at that question. and when he denied the ability of this witness to testify, he said it wasn't clear to him whether the military rules would also have barred the same testimony or not. part of the reason for that is we haven't had a lot of experience with the military commissions. so we don't know the answer. now it's interesting that the republicans are saying that they're going to try to pursue
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legislation to force the trials into commission. congress has had very little to say from the beginning about how the cases proceed. if they actually do that, that would be ha huge change for congress. >> pete, thank you very much. i want to bring in nationally syndicated radio talk show host michael smerconish. this is a quote from john boehner regarding the ghailani case. he says this was the wrong one from day one. and yesterday's acquittal on 284 ghailani is further proof it has no overarching strategy to prosecute the war on terror and keep america safe. >> well, i think that mr. boehner's comments presuppose there would have been a different outcome had this gone the way of a nil tear tmilitary. i'm not convinced they would have permitted the evidence to
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come in. in the law we call it the fruit of the poisonous tree. if the means by which the government takes into its possession such evidence are at question, then you can't use it. in this case, the only way he knew they purchased the tnt is because he tortured them. therefore he identified a person they were going to then call on. i'm not sure he would have testified in the other scenario. >> looking at a civilian jury versus a military tribunal, are there differences that would make it prosecute ahead? you also have the independence that comes with a federal bench because the judge is appointed for life. not the case with the military tribunals. the military is called into question because it's perceived as being more biased towards the prosecution. there's not an easy answer.
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if there were, the bush administration would have pursued it during the seven years they had to take a crack at this. >> you bring up the word credibility. now that's happening to the obama administration and the justice department based on this case. do you think it's to re-examine the best way to handle the very important cases. >> i'm hearing it's already become a political football. >> but it has been from the very beginning. the president saying he would close guantanamo bay in a year. >> to lay off on the administration, and i'm not here to carry the administration's water. but the inability to get a conviction in the case because of the evidence that no one can say would have come in in aç military tribunal is unfair. >> what do you think the next best measure or the way moving forward should be at this point? >> the underwear bomber is coming next. a number of these cases are going forward. that is on track to be tried in a similar fashion. another footnote if i may, this
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was put before a federal jury here in new york. that's also been in the background as to where we can hold the trials. >> very interesting. thank you very much. mi michael fills in for chris matthews own hardball at 5:00 and 7:00 on msnbc. tsa is under a lot of scrutiny over the new airport security screenings. i'm going to talk with a blogger who said the technique in her words are sexual molestation. plus, he will soon be the father of the groom, but right now he's the man who will be king. brian williams will join me to talk about his exclusive interview with prince charles. [ thinking ] i know -- i'm going to invent a tool where people can enter the terms of the refinance offer they got from their mortgage guy, and know instantly if they're getting bamboozled. and i will start after lunch...tomorrow. don't just think about it. introducing lendingtree's free "look before you lock" tool.
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the royal wedding for prince william and his fiancee. tomorrow night, "dateline" peels back the curtain for the exclusive look at charles, prince of wales. in the hour-long special the man who will be king, prince charles speaks about his relationship with his sons and how he feels misunderstood by the media. i'm joined by anchor and managing editor of nbc nightly news, brian williams. thank you for coming on and joining us. i have to be formal because we're talking about a king. soon to be king. but did you have any idea during the course of the interview that all of this was happening behind the scenes? >> i tried any way from tuesday. i tried to slip him up, slip him up. they're pretty tight lipped. they keep their families secret. have we switched to katherine?
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>> kate now wants to be called katherine. in the formal announcement, that said katherine. >> that makes sense. >> you have incredible access to prince charles. sorry, everybody. >> you're causing trouble. so we go to his summer home in scotland, the home of the queen mother. and he's refurbished it. and you get to see the private life. you see the boots in if mud room that say will's and harry's. then we talk about his passion, the environment. and he gets angry. he gets revved up about what we're doing to the earth here. you can see it in this one exchange. >> i read "harmony", and the first two sentences, this is a call to revolution. the earth is under attack. are you an optimist? do you fear that we're too far gone? >> there's that awful feeling that maybe we are. >> he sees evidence everywhere
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from melting icecaps to ç illnesses kaued by the food we eat. >> there has to be a more balanced way of looking at things. or we're tipping nature into a position where it's difficult to maintain the viability of our planet. we've ceased to understand, i think anyway, the need that not only do we wake from nature in what she gives us, but we need to give something back. >> this is a genuine passion. >> yeah. for him. i was like, is that angry. i didn't want to judge the level of anger. for him. that's revved up. but you talk to him about the media, his family life in addition to his passion. was he more open than in the past? he's in his 60 rz now. >> 62 years old. and he won't discuss so much becoming king. it involves a discussion of the death of my mother. so that's a pretty good conversation killer right there.
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but question. if and when he becomes king, he's got all these passions, all these projects. part of the point is does he redesign the job of the monoarch? does he take this with him? there's no rule book? and they're not supposed to be involved in policies. but he just might change that. times change. his son william is supposed to be king next. william will bring a different generation of rule to the monarchy. so we'll let everybody get to know him over the course of this conversation. >> i'm very much looking forward to it i can't wait to see this. >> very nice to have me on. if he could see the kicks tamron is wearing today, it would give special relationship a whole new meaning. >> but then i have to tell them about the jeans you wore to interview bruce springsteen. this isn't nightly news. this is cable. >> tell them when the special is
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on. >> you can catch the four-hour long dateline special, the man who will be king, tomorrow night that will be followed immediately by "harmony" and you can see brian williams on nbc nightly news weeknights at 6:30. don't miss it. i'd like one of those desserts and some coffee. - sure, cake or pie? - pie. - apple or cherry? - cherry. . cream. some use hydrogenated oil. reddi-wip uses real dairy cream. nothing's more real than reddi-wip. reddi-wip uses real dairy cream. [ male announcer ] don't let aches anslow you down. morning introducing bayer am. its dual-action formula delivers extra strength pain relief, plus it fights fatigue. so get up and get going with new bayer am, the morning pain reliever. [ ted ] for years, i was just a brewer. until one of the guys brought in some fresh bread that he'd made from our pale ale. and from that first bite,
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welcome back. we are following developing news on "news nation." this is a live picture of where the house ethics committee earlier recommended that veteran congressman charlie rangel be censured for financial misconduct as lawmakers are nearing a close of the hearing. we're waiting to hear the financial decision of charlie rangel's fate. in the meantime, massachusetts democratic congressman barney frank is joining us, currently the chair of the house services
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committee. thank you for joining us. we greatly appreciate it. we're waiting on breaking news regarding charlie rangel. i know you've been busy with a vote, is censure the appropriate punishment here? how does he recover at this point? >> i haven't read the recommendations, and it will be a mistake to comment until i do. >> that's fair. what about the house vote forç unemployment benefits for so many americans out of work yet again blocked by republicans. what is your feeling at this point as americans wonder if anything will get done to benefit them? >> i share their frustration. what we are seeing is an assertion of a very right-wing ideology taking over on the republican side that unfortunately is indifferent to the damage. voting comes from the theory that the people who receive unemployment are kind of lazy and not motivated and if you
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alleviate dire financial circumstances of their families, these are people with children who have to be fed and other needs, that somehow they won't want to go to work. that's an outrageous for a lot of people. the notion that people are taking less is simply wrong. unemployment conversation is a classical way to fight a recession. as people move their jobs, they can't spend and buy food and clothing and other things. what you do is to this put money money in the hands of people who are going to spend it. this is a republican double whammy. there were republican policies under george bush that caused this terrible recession. i think this is one of the coolest things i've seen. it illustrates how right-wing
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the republican has gotten with the tea party and others in control because you did not have unemployment compensation. it's a sad day for people in need. >> there was a similar vote earlier in the year. republicans also blocked. but look at the midterm elections. heavily in favor of republicans who now control the house. we just did an nbc poll that said most americans have positive feelings. 48% have positive feelings about the gop taking control of the house. we have 7 #% who believe little if anything will change. what's your response to those numbers? >> i think part of the problem is there hasn't been sufficient focus on those things. ironically the republicans are benefitting if from the obstruction. yes, people are angry about higher unemployment and the party in power tends the be blamed for it.
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even though the republicans have been blocking some of these measures. i think we have to do a better job of letting people know what's happening. there was a question on the poll, should we extend unemployment benefits for those who can't find work because of the terrible recession. there's a disconnect. i'm not an expert in public opinion. >> i don't want to do that. i asked you to come on because i want your opinion. but i would like you to react these things that include story lines of old new leadership that after this -- what the president referred to as a shellacking for republicans the. how do you convince the people watching you at home that there will be an improvement for democrats? >> because what we're talking about is the economic reality. i do think the economy is starting to recover.
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the last job numbers were good one. but i don't think the personnel had anything to do with it. i would rather talk about public policy. people get too focused on personalities and didn't focus on the fact that you have a right-wing republican party blocking the extension of fundament unemployment extensions to people in need. part of the problem is republicans are not power in any way. even things they had obstructed. what i hope we'll do is talk about public policy. i don't think the average citizen cares who the leader is of either party. no nobody comes up to me in the streets and says i don't like this or that whip. they talk about unemployment, jobs and getting the economy going. >> we do know a lot of republicans ran against speaker pelosi. i have to transition you to don't ask, don't tell. senator harry reid wants to bring it up for a vote by december in this lame duck session. you have a number of democrats
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who were senators saying this is the time. moving ahead and i want to quote one more poll. 50% think gays should serve openly in the military. >> i guess i don't share the sense that polls should be the fundamental point of discussion. i don't object to you and others talking about polls. my job is to talk about public policy. one is the repeal of don't ask, don't tell. we'll get a test of how tightly the right wing controls the republican party. the president is for repeal. and a majority of the senate was for repeal. because of the filibuster, they fell a couple of votes short. the nest now will be are there any republicans ready, including those who have historically been moderate and supporters of gay and lesbian people.
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harry reid are insistent. and john mccain who is the leading anti-gay crusader said we'll pass the defense bill without it. the speaker said, no, we won't do that. it is clear the policy should be changed. i hope it will be. >> congressman barney frank, thank you for your time. i know you're very busy right now. i greatly appreciate your coming on the "news nation" today. >> you're welcome. i want to take you back to capitol hill. charlie rangel is back in the hearing room. we're waiting to hear the final decision by this ethics panel. >> that refers to one party as much as the other. that being said i think the people of this country have an abiding sense of fairness and justice. while they want to see their institutions protected, they also want to see justice done. and i think that's a very
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important matter to most americans that i know. while it is easy to sit in judgment and criticize, it's a bit more difficult to actually find justice, and we've got to in this çcase, since this is a hearing on sanctions, it's very important that we find justice. and it's justice to the institution. it's justice to the people of the country, but it's justice to someone who has been accused and found guilty. that being said, i would like to ask council -- it's my understanding based on some testimony that i have heard that there has been no finding that
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respondent was guilty of any intent or factual instance of having personal game. is that correct, council? >> with respect to the findings, that's correct. >> okay. >> now in our prudence system, in order to find justice maybe the best way to determine what constitutes justice is the system of precedence. and what precedence had been t set? what went before us? what previous congresses had done in similar circumstances. do i understand there had been four instances of censure in the
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past. is that correct? >> no. the numbers i gave earlier all relate are matters that came out of the committee itself. there are more numbers in the history of the house dating back to the 19th century. >> let's talk about this committee, then. this committee has found four instances of censure. >> we are waiting for the ethics panel to find charlie rangel's fate. they are discussing çcensure. we'll continue to watch this developing story and bring you the latest. we're going to a quick break on "news nation." [ sneezes ] client's here. whoa! that achy cold needs alka-seltzer plus! it rushes multiple cold fighters, plus a powerful pain reliever, wherever you need it! [ both ] ♪ oh what a relief it is!
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two airline pilots are now suing the government, saying the body scanners and pat downs are too invasive. a lawyer for one of those pilots spoke to my colleague, chris jansing this morning and said the procedures violate the constitution. >> what we have here is the government agents bypassing the fourth amendment and conducting unreasonable searches. >> jane hampshire is with us. it's great to have you on. so you blogged about this. you spoke about john tiner, who set off the firestorm when he videoed his pat down or refusal of a pat down in an airplane. now he's being investigated by the tsa for leaving out of the secured area. in the end, where do you stand on this, jane? >> well, the airline pilots association, as you mentioned, it's called being equal to
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sexual molestation. they've told the pilots not to submit to this the screeners because of high levels of radiation coming out of them. >> do you agree with that sexuaç molestation, jane? >> it looks pretty creepy. i haven't had it happen to me. i know mike from the commerce committee had it happen to him and was pretty angry about it. i think these senators and congress people should have to go through this. let's watch it at a congressional session and see if they like it. >> many would agree with the g language creep pi or invasive. but in the end they say it's for our security. i want to play what john pistol said during the tsa hearing just yesterday. >> so if your question is do i understand the sensitivities of people? yes. if you're asking am i going to change the policies, no. because i think that is what is being informed by the latest intelligence, the latest efforts
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by terrorists to kill our people in air, no, i'm not going to change the policies. >> what's your response to that, jane? >> pistol also said that these machines were the best way to prevent what happened with the underwear bomber. that was what they used to justify going around congress telling them they couldn't have it. $25 million in stimulus funds to buy them. the gao did a report that said there's no evidence that these machines would have caught that christmas bomber. so now $173 million worth of these things coming down, and people don't want to use them. it's punitive. these gropes are being done only on people who refuse to go through this. >> they do it on the people who won't go through the scanners. that won't go through the body scanners. now the tsa says they will not do the patdowns on kids younger than 13 years of age. but you have some who say, listen, flying is not a right. it's a luxury, really, quite
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honestly when you look at the price of the tickets when you go into this area, you agree to some security measures that need to be taken. what about that side of the argument? that this is not a the right to fly. >> well, there areç places you can only get be flying. and you're talking levels of radiation that are dangerous for women who are at risk for breast cancer, old people, children. the levels of radiation, dr. david brenner wrote the guidelines. he now says they wouldn't have done it. they originally only wanted to use it in rare cases. now it's going to be primary method they use to screen people. you have michael chernoff telling people this is a fabulous idea not telling people that this is a client of his. they try to intimidate them by
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forcing them to have very unreasonable searches and by prosecuting them. >> and many lawmakers are calling for hearings to further look at the tsa measures when it comes to security screenings. thank you for coming on. we greatly appreciate it. >> thanks, tamron. >> and we're following developing news out of capitol hill. we're waiting to see what the ethics panel decide when it comes to charlie rangel's fate. don't just give me ten or twenty to choose from. come on. td ameritrade introduces commission-free etfs with a difference-- more choice. over a hundred etfs.... ...chosen by the unbiased experts at morningstar associates. let me pick what works for me. for me. for me. the etf market center at td ameritrade. before investing, carefully consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. contact td ameritrade for a prospectus containing this and other information. read it carefully before investing. but basically, i'm a runner.
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we are back with a look at our nation's most committed environmentalists in honor green is universal week. since the 1960s our guest has shown unwaivering dedication to living green. from recycling to composting, ed begley jr. has led byç example. he is here with me in studio. it's good to see you. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for doing all the green things you're doing here.
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>> well, you're the pioneer. everyone talks about your efforts. some say before al gore, ed begley jr. was on this. >> al has been leading for many years. but i have been doing it since 1970. that's 40 years. >> what started this? >> living in smoggy l.a. my dad liked to conserve. he turned off the water. turned off the lights. that's the way you lived. he died a few days before the first earth day. so i was very inclined to do something to honor him. i started doing all this stuff back in 1970. >> so dearly 40 years has it felt like a man on a lonely planet when you look around and just recently green has become cool. but not always. >> it was not cool to ride a bike in 1970. the bell bottoms got caught in the chain. the wind resistance from my afro
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would slow me down. >> but it didn't seem cool back then, but it was all good for my pocketbook, too. so i stayed with it. the recycling, the cheap electric car. very cheap to refuel and maintain. i stayed with all of it. pretty soon i could afford a sola oven. i kelt building until 20 years later i could afford solar electric. >> what is your hope as we move forward? there are people who still debate the warming on the planet and what is to blame for it. what is the next level? >> you can go to the nasa website. put that aside. the people who don't believe it won't believe it no matter what nasa says. let's lessen our dependence and put money in our pockets by doing it smart. >> you certainly led by example. we greatly appreciate you coming on. you have to teach me to come
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compost. >> oh, it's wonderful. >> that does it for this edition of "news nation." i'mç tamron hall. tomorrow on "news nation," chris jenkins of the new york jets explains a huge environmental het the final presentations ♪ ♪ sally, i'm gonna need 40 copies, obviously collated ♪ what's going on? when we're crunched for time, brad combines office celebrations with official business. it's about efficiency. [ courier ] we can help. when you ship with fedex, you can work right up until the last minute. it gives you more time to get stuff done. that's a great idea. ♪ i need to speak with you privately ♪ ♪ i found your resume on the printer ♪ everyone! ♪ i found your resume on the printer ♪ [ male announcer ] we understand.® you need a partner who gives you more time. fedex.
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i'm cenk uygur from the young turks. on today's show we have the cockiest politician of all time. and it's not al green. we also have sarah palin making a rung at obama and. we begin with the president and how the republicans snubbed him by canceling a white house meeting today. it was supposed to be a bipartisan meeting of congressional leaders. instead, just the democrats showed up.
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