tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC November 20, 2010 10:00am-11:00am EST
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year. deadly mistake. authorities take action after the accidental euthanasia of a hero war dog. plus the sky's the limit. we'll introduce you to a new farming concept that could help feed the world. good morning, everyone. i'm alex witt. those advanced patdowns and body scanners at airports. now the tsa has announced it is making a change to those rules. we're joined with all the details. good saturday morning. this new change in policy only affects a really small group of people, right? >> that's right. airline passengers will still be subjected to the rigorous patdowns and the full body scans but not pilots. the tsa is exempting pilots from the advanced procedures though they'll still have to go through metal detectors and have to show company and government issued i.d.s. that has others legs and used
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her hand to go up my skirt, that's when i freaked out. >> passengers against the procedures are staging a boycott on wednesday. that's the day before thanksgiving. they're asking air travelers to refuse to go through the body scanners, forcing tsa agents to perform patdowns and leading to massive slowdowns at security lines. >> the tsa's response to all these passengers who just say it's too invasive, what's that? >> the head of the tsa released a statement saying he is not backing down on the new security measures. he pointed out that only a small
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percentage of airline passengers will get selected for the new patdowns. >> thank you very much. we have major developments overseas that have a big impact here at home. nato officials have agreed on a timepram for afghan forces to aexcuse me control on security in that country. a transition date is set for 2014. afghan president hamid karzai spoke about the deal from lisbon earlier this morning. >> we are confident that the transition will succeed to the afghan authority, leadership and ownership because i found today strong commitment by the international community. >> nbc's mike viqueira is live with us. good sunday morning -- good saturday morning. >> sooner or later. >> this is live what's happening over there in lisbon. conflicting news as to when nato
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combat operations will end? >> as far as combat operations, that's a little bit of a sticking point this morning. a lot of this gets mixed up in the diplomatic niceties and language, the obtuse way of speaking. let's start with the president. president obama is there. you saw hamid karzai, he's also there, meeting altogether with the 28 countries representing nato. the bulk of the fighting forces, as everyone knows, are made up of some 100,000 american men and women in uniform. there are other countries there working with nato. what is at odds here? this 2014 date. you remember at the end of last year, december 1st president obama made that big speech at west point where he said beginning in july of next year, 2011, american troops would begin to be withdrawn from afghanistan. that proved controversial. many considered it to be a mixed message. while not backing away from that 2011 date for a beginning of a
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withdrawal of american forces, the new date is an end to operations or at least handing over the bulk of the responsibility for securing that nation to afghan forces. the secretary general of nato is a man named anders rasmussen. here's what he had to say about that just moments ago. >> i think this is a realistic timetable. and according to that, i don't foresee isaf troops in a combat role beyond 2014. >> now, mr. rasmussen went on to say that a lot of it depends on the security situation. he would not leave the afghan people in the lurch if afghan forces could not fulfill that mission. and sure enough, in an off camera briefing later, u.s. officials said, you know, 2014, yes, we agree to that, but we're not necessarily saying it's going to be a dead stop there for combat operations for international forces and u.s. forces, alex. >> okay. mike viqueira at the white
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house. thank you very much for that vantage point. let's go live to bagram air field in afghanistan. and richard engel. good day to you. give us some context here for the nato decision today. >> this is not what nato forces and nato commanders had been hoping for. you have to remember this war has been going on for nine years already. so then with the prospect of four more years of combat operations, that brings it to 13 years of isaf, which is the code name for nato operations in this country. then followed by a training mission, training missions, alex, can take a long time. four years, five years. if they go to seven years, that means there will be an international military commitment in afghanistan for 20 years and that is, i don't think, what u.s. commanders, the american people or certainly nato forces had expected when they first signed on to this mission after 9/11. >> richard, do all the nato
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forces have to comply as a group or might individual nations just decide to withdraw on their own? >> that could certainly happen. and you could also have troops -- and this is already happening on the ground now -- where different nato partners put different rules on their own individual national troops. so italian troops will be operating who are up in the west by harat. under certain rules. german troops in the north believe they're on a nation building operation not on a combat mission. there are these nato caveats in which certain participating nations will only engage in certain kinds of activities. you could see over time the parliaments of these different contributing nations dialing back not necessarily the numbers of troops on the ground but what those troops are allowed to do. because the general perception is as long as the nato forces aren't actively engaged in
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combat and to put it bluntly, aren't getting killed and aren't getting injured, then the participating nations have much more tolerance for their involvement here. >> have you been able to get anyone to weigh in in terms of troop morale on this. there was the previous deadline set by the obama administration to withdrawal troops in 2011, now the ultimate withdrawal in 2014. any reaction from the troops to that, pro or con? >> i think the troops understood better than perhaps the politicians were explaining it what the july 2011 deadline or turning point or benchmark or whatever you want to call it always meant. and that was supposed to be the beginning of a drawdown. so troops on the ground have always been prepared to be here for this deployment and future deployment. so it's not that they have just been told that their commitment in afghanistan will be significantly longer.
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they were already preparing to be here for quite some time and there is also still, don't forget, the training operation under way in iraq and it's about to get very loud here. i'm on an airfield, and a very large plane is just going by. with that, i'll hand it back to you. t is one of the things we have to deal with. this is, of course, an active combat zone and an active landing strip. >> absolutely. be safe richard engel, thank you so much. more than 10,000 ground zero workers exposed to toxic dust have joined a legal settlement. it wraps up a seven-year fight between new york city and first responders. the workers say they were not properly outfitted for rescue and cleanup efforts and they developed respiratory problems as a result. more than 95% of workers eligible for the settlement agreed to the offer. the u.s. senate is considering separate legislation that could authorize more than $7 billion in medical care and pams to sick
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ground zero workers. a scare at the studio at "dancing with the stars" last night. the fbi is investigating a mysterious white powder after they were found at the mail room of the studio. tmz is reporting that the letter was addressed to bristol palin who was currently a finalist on that show. no one was hurt. watch out, west coast, heavy snow's coming. the first big storm hit california and nevada could drop several feet of snow. that's great news for skiers. the residents in wyoming and montana are also in for a snowy weekend. accumulation began in billings yesterday. let's go karins. >> great saturday morning, alex. today all about the west coast and the stormy weather that they're dealing with. snow in the higher elevations
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and rain for areas that don't typically see a lot of it. if you're waking up with us on the eastern seaboard, the great lakes, tennessee valley down through texas, no problems for you at all today. a little colder than we'd like from chicago to minneapolis. we can deal with the cold. in the west we have the rain and the snow. we have a couple different storm systems that are working their way through the west. it's cold. that means a lot of snow for the higher elevations. great for the ski resorts as we head towards the thanksgiving holiday. los angeles all the way to santa maria, then southwards even down to san diego, we'll see rainfall today. even some snow in the high elevations of the mountains outside of l.a. and especially in the central sierra region. of course, that's ski country out there. tahoe southwards down to yosemite. we're predicting the possibility -- see that little blue area there in the middle
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near the "oh" in san francisco? this is the first big snowfall of the season for them. even l.a. with a chance of rain on and off today. tomorrow doesn't look much better. a murky weekend in much of the west. don't expect anything too treacherous travel wise unless you're heading up to ski country. the outrage over the new tsa patdowns. have we lost sight of the threat terrorists pose. a look at a new poll that shows more americans believe marriage is becoming obsolete. could skri scrapers become the farms of tomorrow? how vertical farming could help change the way we eat.
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those intense security patdowns at the nation's airports. the tsa says it is a necessary measure, but critics argue the searches go too far. former republican senator and potential presidential candidate rick santorum is blasting the new rules. >> i think tsa has gone overboard. if the threat was coming from 92-year-old women, i would expect my mother to go through enhanced search, yes. okay? but that's not where it's coming. and we just need to be smart about it and quit being so politically correct about it. i think it's offensive and i think you'll hopefully see the house try to do something to stop it. >> pat buchanan is an msnbc political strategist and democratic analyst karen finney. good morning to the both of you. pat, do you think we'd be hearing complaints about this if we weren't so far removed from 9/11? >> we'd hear fewer complaints
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about it, alex. you have a very good point. that detroit christmas bomber was carrying the would-be explosive in his underwear. and in saudi arabia, actually an individual came to meet the security minister and he had it in a body cavity and exploded it. so these things are very important. this is why we're getting the enhanced security, but your point is very valid. we haven't had one of these airliners blowing up in a long time killing 300 people. if we did, some of the protests would diminish. but it is very intrusive, invasion of privacy and some of these characters doing it i'm sure go too far. but this is the world and these are the times we live in. >> but karen, rick santorum saying that these things are too invasive. isn't that easy to say that? because in a practical sense we all get slightly creeped out as strangers running their hands up and down different parts of our body. >> at least not without a drink first, right? yeah, it's a little surprising
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to hear rick santorum suggest that we shouldn't do this because if the shoe were on the other foot and this was the bush administration, we'd be saying we got to do everything we can. i agree with pat that these are the times we live in. the tsa, frankly, and the homeland security folks have really handled this very poorly in that from the beginning they sort of dismissed people's concerns and complaints as an overreaction. and i think most of us would probably be more able and better receptive to this kind of screening if from the beginning they acknowledge that, you know what, sometimes these things do happen and like these cases of women who have had breast cancer who have had to show their prosthetics. that seems a little out of control there. if they had acknowledged -- and maybe they can look at things they can do to improve training to suggest that perhaps there are instances where it's a little too much and maybe there are adjustments that can be made.
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>> that's the politician there. with rick santorum being the one who says this, this is a republican who would be saying this at a time when if something did happen, this would be under the democrats's watch. it is easier coming from a republican than a democrat? >> i'm sure that the department of homeland security is under janet napolitano and this is obama administration having a reputation for being a big, intrusive government. this feeds right into it. no doubt about that. you know over in britain, what did they hit, the subway lines and the buses? and in some places in israel they go into malls and things like that. and there are no checkpoints there to check individuals. you know, it just something i'm afraid we're going to have to live with. but honestly, i guess it's those scanners, more people will go for the scanner rather than will go for this groping? >> do you think so? do you think people will live with these scanners because as they get rolled out into more
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and more airports, that's your option. either the scanner or the patdown. and there are some airports that if you go to one and you're going to the traditional metal detector machines, you're not going to get as an alternative, an enhanced patdown, shall we say? >> probably more people will opt for the scanners, although some have concerns about the levels of radiation. that will continue to be questions that people have. at the end of the day, we all want to be safe. but again there's a way that tsa and homeland security can do this so that we don't feel it's inappropriate. i hate to say this, but sometimes the people who are doing, you know, these patdowns, which is a very mild term, or looking through our stuff, it's totally inappropriate. i've had people comment on items in my bag. you feel so powerful and so angry. and at the same time you're angry that the terrorists have gotten us to this point and angry that someone has so much power over you that if you say or report them as being
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inappropriate, then you're going to be on some list or something. you got to find a better solution. >> i completely know about that. but with regard to the people who are doing the patdowns and the screenings, the tsa says they've been trained. they know what they're doing. >> let me say this. there's one area that i do agree with santorum on, we have to do a little more profiling. cops when they're looking for suspects, we've all seen the movies where they're up on a staircase and looking down at a railway station and say there he is. they're profiling the crowd. when you get little old ladies and other people and children and stuff like that, you can make a judgment as to what the likelihood is that this is the guy. usually it almost is a guy although there have been a couple of women in moscow. so i do think there ought to be some kind of commonsense profiling of people getting on airliners. >> i think we have to be careful about that, though. you would think that children and grandmothers are probably not going to be the people bringing things on a plane, but
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again, these terrorists are very smart. who would have thought somebody would bring it in in their underwear certainly. we've got to stay a step ahead. but there's got to be a way that we balance our safety and security with, you know, people not feeling like they're being groped. >> i got to tell you -- >> almost all the terrorists i know, even the young women that did the things in moscow, they're relatively young. they're between 20 and 36 and almost all males, and so it seems to me that you can use common sense in who you pull out of the line. >> we'll see. much ado about this, that's for sure. >> see you. >> thank you. >> >> a new development in the case of a war hero dog mistakenly euthanized. those details in a moment. ♪ [ male announcer ] you know her. we know diamonds. together we'll make her holiday.
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an employee in arizona has are fired after euthanizing a dog that saved soldiers back in afghanistan. the female shepherd mix known as target frightened a suicide bomber inside a military base and potentially saved dozens of soldiers' lives. target was then brought to the phoenix area by the sergeant after his tour of duty ended. last friday the dog escaped from the family's backyard. she didn't have a tag or a microchip and eventually wound up in a county pound. young found target's picture on the website friday, but when he showed up to claim her on monday, she'd already been put down. beauty editors are raving. the clinical results are astounding. olay professional pro-x. read all about it at
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[ male announcer ] what does it take to excel in today's business world? our professors know. because they've been there. and they work closely with business leaders to develop curriculum to meet the needs of top businesses. which means when our graduates walk in the room, they're not only prepared... they're prepared to lead. devry university's keller graduate school of management. learn how to grow the business of you at i'm alex witt and here are the top stories at the bottom of the hour. a winter storm pounds the western u.s. parts of northern california and nevada are seeing up to six feet of snow in higher elevations. parts of wyoming and montana are also seeing up to two feet of snow. more snow's in store for washington state and oregon. iran says it successfully
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test fired an air defense missile today during military exercises. iranian state television showed video reporting to show other successful air missile launches. pope benedict created 24 new cardinals. many were archbishops of cities across asia, africa and the americas. funeral services are scheduled tomorrow for rorks onni chacin. she was shot in her car after leaving a movie premiere. now the mayor says that he believes the shots came if an suv. michelle, good morning. >> good morning, alex. >> let's talk about the mayor's theory. what are you hearing about a possible suv and a police investigation? >> he came out the other day and said that the angle from which the bullets were fired appeared to be possibly from an suv in the area because of the height and how it went through the vehicle and actually hit ronni,
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through her passenger side window. and so investigators who have been working on this case from the beverly hills police department have backed away from that and said, look, we kind of want to keep an open mind. we want to be able to put this information out there. we want our tips to be not so much focused on an suv but any type of vehicle. when i spoke to a watch commander at the beverly hills police department, she told me that this case is wide open. at this point there's a $125,000 reward leading to information. and they need everything at this time. >> michelle, the hollywood reporter quoting an unnamed beverly hills official police say the killing was planned in advance. do we know how many bullets were found in ronni chasen's body? many shots, one bullet? if it was an advance plan, how does that affect the search for suspects? >> there have been many reports that there were multiple shots
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fired. actually some of the 911 calls came in report folks in the community had reported hearing multiple shots. and so we're not exactly sure how many exactly hit her body. but you know, at this time, what investigators are doing is they're kind of closing in the timeline. they're seeing in the community, who called 911, at what point? at what time did her vehicle hit that pole and kind of backtracking from that particular point. if this was a planned attack on her, it may be -- i'm not going to say easier, but investigators may have a place to start from, who had any problems with her, where they can go from there and take from the middle of the investigation and working their way out as opposed to it being some srt of random drive-by in a beverly hills neighborhood. >> what kind of neighborhood is this? does that just mean it's beautiful and tony and safe? >> multimillion dollar homes.
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security systems, i would imagine, within these properties. so i'm sure investigators have gone home to home to figure out if any of those particular security systems may saw a vehicle, possibly an suv, any sort of suspect and/or description. i've been in this part of los angeles before near sunset boulevard. it's very nice. normally there aren't any problems. this does not appear to be some sort of random attack at this time. but again, we're going to keep an open mind. so if you have any information, pick up the phone, call the beverly hills police department. contact crimestoppers. you can always remain anonymous. >> good advice there, michelle sigona. a major development concerning those controversial patdowns and revealing body scanners at the airports. the tsa has aloud pilots to bypass by showing i.d.s instead. several passengers remain frustrated saying the techniques are just too invasive. >> it's an invasion of my
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personal space, my body. >> i just feel violated. >> used her hand to go up my skirt. >> is this just going to take us down to eventually, well, we can't scan you, you will come in, take all your clothes off. >> joining me now is tom blank, former head of tsa security policy. good morning, tom. >> hi, alex. >> first of all, can you share with me the point of view of the tsa here? >> well, the point of view of the tsa is that they're chargeded with a security mission and that security mission is to prevent explosives from getting through the checkpoints and getting on to aircraft, passenger aircraft blowing them out of the sky. they've got to assess their vulnerabilities and determine how they can best go about defeeting the terrorists. in this particular time frame, they've determined that the body imaging equipment gives them an advantage over the bad guys and
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that in order to resolve any alarms and to increase the reliability and certainty of the process, the aggressive patdown is what's warranted right now. >> tom, do you get a sense that the tsa would prefer to have people go through the body scanners that reveal so much as opposed to the patdown techniques? >> i think that they would prefer that people go through the body scanners. and let's keep in mind that right now the body scanners do offer provasy protections. the face is blurred and there are other parts of the body that are not clearly seen. the person doing the reviewing is removed from the checkpoint. but i do believe that that is what they would prefer because in deference to customer service, the body scanner, if you do an alarm, allows them to input through the checkpoint. >> you just said that the person doing the screening is not right there, like we've become so
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accustomed to those people screening your luggage, they're right there. these people that are reading these body scanners, they're not sitting right there so they can look at you, okay, we just saw everything? >> that's right. >> oh. >> they're in a remote location in a room. they're looking at those images. they're communicating via telephone, radio, with the screener that is at the checkpoint physically standing next to you. and if there is an alarm perceived or a concern by the reviewing screener, then that person would be referred for the patdown. but the people at the checkpoint are not seeing the image of anyone's body. >> see, now, that makes a big difference. even just during the commercials prior to talking to you, that's what i was saying to my floor crew. if you remove somebody and you don't have somebody checking you out as you walk through there, where is the concern about the invasion of privacy? are these pictures stored, tom? can they be stored for later use
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and appear on some internet. >> they're not stored. the equipment that tsa has deployed has had the capability to store have been technically disabled. they have an om budsman, the department of homeland security has privacy officials. there's no less than 86 subcommittees that have oversight responsibility and jurisdiction. so tsa is certainly a scrutinized and watched agency for just about everything it does. >> look at the time of year. people are traveling with their kids. do these rules apply to children? >> children under 12 are exempt from the screening process, so that shouldn't be a problem. and i do think that everybody should keep in mind that this is a heavy travel season. it is also a season that we know historically where terrorist chatter goes up. there is an enhanced risk out there right now. what it really takes is tsa and
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the traveling public cooperating with each other to make sure that the passenger experience is best for everyone. >> bottom line, if people go through the scanner, will that keep the pacing of this crazy, hectic travel season a bit more on target? >> absolutely. it will. >> thank you for all that. tom blank, appreciate it. >> thank you. new this morning, nato has formally agreed to hand over control of security to the afghans in 2014. this is in line with the president's plan for u.s. forces who are slated to begin withdrawing from afghanistan next july. i spoke with barry mccaffrey who said the turnover date reflects good political strategy on the part of the president. >> the president had to keep his nato allies in the game. and a bunch of them are withdrawing. the canadians are coming out, the dutch, the germans maybe next, the uk is talking about withdraw withdrawals. so this was a message well
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received in europe. and then secondly, the american people have had it. this is an $8 billion a month war. we had to reassure the american people there was some exit strategy. it is unrelated, i would argue, however, to what's actually going on in afghanistan. >> we have a new report from richard engel about the base there in afghanistan. that's coming your way at the top of the hour. >> fierce criticism is heating up with lawmakers crying foul in the trial of ahmad ghailani. he was convicted on one count of conspiracy in connection with the car bombings in kenya and tanzania. 224 people were killed in those attacks. republicans are citing this verdict as proof that terrorism suspects should be tried in military courts. edith lost her brother julian and jay in those bombings. i'm sure it's a continued pain
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for you. what went through your mind when you heard that verdict? >> complete stunned. you know, as families, we sat in that courtroom and listened to the same evidence that each of the jurors listened to. and we cannot understand how the jury came to their decision. absolutely stunned. it's quite a travesty for us. >> so you did not -- as you were listening to the court proceedings, you did not see how this might play out this way? you're like what were they inking in the jury room deliberations? >> we're absolutely appalled. we do know clearly when we were sitting there, there were many stipulations that were considered fact by both sides. a lot of that information was not discussed during the trial, but it was at the disposal of the jurors. they were able to go back and read that. so it's quite possible that they chose not to look at all the information before them. we don't know. we certainly hope that if they had questions that they asked
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questions if there was any confusion. but we're absolutely stunned. we do not see this, though, as a failure or as a reason not to try these people in a federal court. we think ghailani, it was most appropriate to have him in federal court. he was part of the original indictment in 2001, where our federal court system successfully tried and convicted four members of al qaeda for these embassy bombings and they're serving life sentences without the possibility of parole. and we know ghailani will not be out on the street any time soon. he's still a threat to our society. so we do have comfort in that. but we would have preferred certainly to see him found guilty on all counts because he's guilty of much more than conspiracy. and certainly as families we don't want to see this become a political issue as to where these terrorists should be tried. >> okay. so you're going on record. you prefer federal courts as opposed to military courts. >> for ghailani, for ghailani. he was in the original indictment.
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>> how about for others that are, say, detainees in guantanamo bay there on terrorism related charges? are there other environments in which a military court would be better than federal court? >> you know, quite possibly. this is uncharted waters for our nation. it's something we need to look at closely, but we need to look at it in a reasonable way. people on both sides of the aisle weighing in in a real discussion, but it should not be politicized. these are people's lives. my father was a career diplomat for nearly 30 years. my brother was a college intern. we had many american diplomats there working hard, representing our country abroad and these families now have waited over 12 years for justice in the court system, to see terrorists brought to trial and found guilty and serve life sentences if not put to death. and in addition to that, you know, it's just unfathomable. we don't want to see this become a political issue. >> i know very quickly that you're an advocate for the
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victims of the attacks having pushed for compensation, families receive something similar the that which is going out to the victims of 9/11. where does that stand? >> we have not reached resolution in congress. we've gotten bills through the house three times. the senate is morph a challenge. we have strong support by republicans and democrats and our nation needs to do more. it's not okay to forget americans who were pre-9/11. these embassy bombings were a precursor to 9/11. most americans are unaware of that. the circumstances around that were quite egregious. that embassy was not meeting the security standards required by law at the time. and our intelligence community had members of al qaeda under surveillance two years prior to the embassy bombings yet no measures were taken to increase security at this embassy. we put people in harm's way. africa was not really the focus of resources in terps of security of our braess abroad. and it is not okay. >> edith bartley, thank you for
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talking about this with us so articulately. our sympathies for your loss. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> farming for the future. why skyscrapers could be a crucial piece of the puzzle. ♪ trouble, trouble trouble, trouble ♪ ♪ trouble been doggin' my soul ♪ since the day i was born ♪ worry ♪ oh, worry, worry worry, worry ♪ [ announcer ] when it comes to things you care about, leave nothing to chance. travelers. take the scary out of life. uh! cut! when you're a stunt woman,
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a new farming concept could help feed the world. vertical farming transforms high rise buildings into acres of land available for crops. the musician sting was currently filming a documentary on vertical farming calls it a world changing innovation. dr. dixon is the scientist behind the foundation. he's also the author of "vertical farm, feeding the world in the 21st century." good morning and welcome. it seems like we can -- common sense tells us vertical farming, but what exactly is it? >> if you can imagine a
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one-story greenhouse, and there are lot of those around the world. stack them on top of each other and you have yourself a vertical farm. >> one statistic from your book just 15% of crops in the u.s. reach the plate of consumers and worldwide 70% of planted crops never reach harvest. >> that's correct. >> would vertical farming change that and improve that? >> the efficiency of -- from the seedling to the part that you eat is much more efficient when you can actually watch over it 24 hours a day. >> so one of the things that invade the possibility of doing that, is it pests, is it weather? >> yes. >> it's all that. >> all of it. >> so this would actually control that much better. >> given two choices, you can control everything indoors or you can control nothing outdoors. and that's what the outdoor farmer has to put up with. >> at this point farming consumes 20% of the fossil fuels used annually. how does this cut down on fossil fuel use? >> you don't have to ship your food to where you live because it's produced right where you
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live. >> so new york city, we'd have skyscrapers that are filled with farms? >> yes, but not in wall street, for instance. but you might have them at the air force base or perhaps governor's island which are two big spaces that are going unused right now. >> take a picture of what this would look like. how large a space do you need? for this to be effective? >> how much food do you want? you just have to answer that question first. so one acre of strawberry farming done indoors is equivalent to 30 acres of outdoor strawberry farms. you can convert that back to nature and still your strawberries. >> a typical farmer will get a crop or two a year depending on what they're farming. would this be constantly churning out the food product? >> correct. there's no seasons. there's no weather loss of crops. there's no insect pests to put up with, so you don't have to use pesticides. >> what is the down side here? anything? >> the initial cost of development, i think. like any other new technology
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that you suggest. cell phones, televisions, airplanes, those sorts of things, they all cost a lot of money to begin with. it's worth the cost. >> is there a reason this hasn't happened till now? >> a pretty new idea. only on the internet for six years. right now a lot of people are interested in doing it. >> that would include sting who we mentioned. having someone of that high profile, how did he get involve and what is his involvement now? >> he really does want to save the rain forest. so the rain forest is being cut down in favor of farming. if we can prevent that by offering by offering them an alternative to their agriculture, that's the solution. >> what do you see being the biggest obstacle to getting this up and running? >> to be honest with you, there's one up and running now. >> where? where is that one? >> in milwaukee. this guy will alem has a project to make a five story vertical farm. pretty low tech but still very, very efficient. >> that means a lot of eyes will
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be on that one. >> this is true. >> along with the eyes on your book. love the name, french. love and marriage may no longer go hand in hand. why more americans believe it is now becoming obsolete. which provided for their every financial need. [ thunder rumbling ] [ thunder crashing ] and then, in one blinding blink of an eye, their tree had given its last. but with their raymond james financial advisor, they had prepared for even the unthinkable. ♪ and they danced. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. oh, my gosh. [ male announcer ] we know diamonds. oh, my gosh. [ male announcer ] together we'll make her holiday. that's why only zales is the diamond store. where you'll pay no interest if paid in full by january 2012. with crest 3d white professional effects,
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marriage is fast becoming a thing of the past according to a new study by the pew research center. 39% of americans say marriage is becoming obsolete. 58% disagree with that notion. good morning to you. >> good morning, alex. >> so andrew, what is driving americans to drastically change their views on marriage? >> i think people are anxious about marriage and family life. because we've had such enormous changes over the past few decades. marriage just isn't as dominant as it was once. a half century ago, the only respectable way to lead your family life was if you were
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married. people thought you were mentally ill if you weren't married. people are not sure what to make of all of this. >> what you're saying that people aren't just saying marriage is obsolete. in 1960, 68% of american in their 20s were maerried. that is now 30%. why the delay? >> people are staying in school longer, because they're trying to start their careers. but there's a big gap that's emerged. the college educated americans are waiting longer but still marrying and doing well. divorce rate's going down for them. people with less education, the ones having a tougher time getting jobs, they're postponing marriage and may never get around to it because they don't see they'll have the financial stability they need. >> despite all of this, 46% of unmarried americans say they want to get married. unmarried includes widows and divorcees. just 25% say no way. where do you see these numbers heading? >> i think what we're going to see is marriage will remain very
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important. most people will get married. but there will be other alternatives. some people will have children while cohabiting, we'll still see single parents. we'll see a variety of ways to do your family life. let's not say that marriage is going your way. the top choice of everybody, especially if they think they can make it last. >> okay. well, johns hopkins professor andrew cherlin. thank you very much. interesting discussion. appreciate that. >> you're welcome. >> the restaurant chain hooter's comes under fire after a grandmother is put into a headlock. i'm not kidding. look at this video right here. "" ...because on our trips, i always get there faster. see, expedia lets me mix and match airlines. so i can take one airline out... and another home. so with more flight options, i can find the combination that gets me there and back quickest. with a little help from expedia, my friends will think i can be everywhere at once.
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