tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC November 22, 2010 12:00pm-1:00pm EST
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activity so that that report can be shared nationally and we can identify broader trends. we are in the process of expanding sar across the nation for all law enforcement officers and center analysts so they have the best training available and they know the latest tactics and trends and trade schedules. let me just wait a minute. >> just wait a minute before boarding the train if you will, please. >> so, again, this is homeland security, janet napolitano, at the trenton train station, talking about the awareness campaign. if you see something, say something. definitely wants americans to report anything they see that seems out of the ordinary that could be suspicious. it is a campaign that's been running in new york city for quite some time and now broadening out. >> the point is, if you see something, say something.
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that's for individuals, suspicious activity reporting is a different type of training being offered to front line law enforcement personnel. so we are grateful for the efforts and the partnership we have with the state of new jersey. we are grateful for the support senator lautenberg has offered to the department of homeland security and we look forward to our efforts moving forward. now, let me end this by introducing lieutenant colonel hatfield to talk about new jersey's efforts. colonel? >> thank you. >> again, janette pnapolitano, the homeland security secretary, on a day where the big news we are covering is the patdowns at the airport. >> not only did they search me once. they pulled me into another room and searched me again. i just felt dirty. >> some passengers call it aggressive, invasive, even assaulting. >> if we go to cavity search with rubber gloves, i will have a problem there.
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>> marlene mccarthy was already a victim and survived her breast cancer. she didn't want more radiation from the full-body scanner. she opted for a patdown instead. >> having the tsa agent come and cup the breast prosthesis to move it around and confirm it is really there, that was too humiliating. >> some tsa screeners are complaining online. it is not comfortable to come to work knowing full well that my hands will be feeling another man's private parts. secretary of state, hillary clinton, said she would try to skip the pat-downs too. >> would you submit to one of these pat-downs? >> not if i could avoid it. who would? >> president obama says he is listening. >> what i said to the tsa is that you have to constantly refine and measure whether what we are doing is the only way to assure the american people's safety.
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>> the president should call them in today and ask them to perform the procedure on him and then we'll have a new policy by tomorrow. >> the tsa chief is already signaling, there is room for change. >> the bottom line is, with he know everybody is going to get home safely. how can we work in partnership with the traveling public to accomplish that. >> we have homeland security officials out now in trenton, new jersey, so far, no comment from the homeland security secretary on airport security. let's go to nbc's tom costello at reagan national airport while we wait and see whether this is something that the secretary will address. what is the tsa planning to do with those aggressive procedures at the airports. >> i think they are suggesting that there is room to tweak this but at the moment, they are standing by rather firmly these pat-downs. they point out they are not for the typical traveler and only a small tracks of travelers have a pat-down. generally, it is people who
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decide they don't want to go through the full body scanners. >> just one second. she has just been asked about these screenings. let's go back to janet napolitano. >> it is designed to prevent. i will hold on just a minute. let me hold on just a minute. >> once again, the announcements there at the trenton train station interrupting somewhat what the homeland security secretary has to say about screenings at the nation's airport. she is out there to tout the "if you see something, say something" campaign. this is the airport screening problems are the big topic of conversation nationwide. >> look, there is a continued threat against aviation involving those who seek to smuggle powders and gels that can be used as explosives on airplanes. the new technology is designed to help us identify those individuals. this is after many layers of security. it is not the only layer of
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security that we have. the pat-down procedures are designed to help resolve issues that arise during that screening process. point of fact, it is only a small percentage of passengers that get patted down. nonetheless, i think we all understand the concerns americans have about that. it is something new. most americans are not used to a real law enforcement pat-down like that. as we move forward, of course, we will listen to concerns. of course, we will make adjustments or changes when called upon but not changes or adjustments that will affect the becauseic operational capability that we need to have to make sure that air travel remains safe. so we will move through this. we ask travelers, again, this is a shared responsibility. if you see something, say something is a shared
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responsibility. we are heading into the a busy holiday travel peer. we all know that. it was during a busy holiday travel period last year at christmas that farouk mutallab tried to blow up a plane because he smuggled on to flight 253 headed to detroit a load of petn, which is an explosive hidden in his underwear. that threat, those kinds of threats have not gone away. our technology has evolved. the processes have evolved to better enable us to protect the traveling public. >> may i just add a couple of words? please? >> that's senator frank lautenberg, who is joining the homeland security secretary there at trenton's train station. you heard her say she wants to be responsive. if the federal government wants to be responsive to changing threat, to the traveling public but that we saw just on
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christmas day a threat from a terrorist who got in with explosives in his underwear. >> whenever possible, we want any patdowns that are deemed necessary to be handled cautiously for all of those that would do the patting down to be trained. madam secretary, to be as noninvasive as possible, "a." "b," the process is still under evolution. the scanners, there are something like 300 employed. the mission is to employ 1,000. so that is going to take some time. hopefully, this very disturbing patdown process is something that we can even minimize further. i think it is appropriate to say that since march, there have been something like over 100
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items of concern for sabotage that were detected. so as the secretary said, the primary mission is to protect the public. we want to make it as comfortable as is humanly possible, whether it is time or personal humiliation that could occur, to be avoided. >> again, we are just watching this news conference where the secretary of homeland security, janet napolitano and new jersey senator, frank lautenberg, intended to talk about a campaign to push public awareness on "see something, say something" but because of the tsa screenings an the outrage about it, the secretary is having to address that. >> so they are in a different situation but, like i said, we many listen. this is all being done for the protection of the traveling public. it is being done in as minimally invasive a way as we think
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appropriate. given the risk and the kinds of things that we want to prevent from manifesting into a reality, that means, we want to make sure the traveling public remains safe and that everybody, that you have confidence, that everybody that's sharing a plane with you has been adequately screened. >> in a lot of cases, your argument that patdowns are optional. i have one case of a woman when it proceeded beyond the point where she gave consent and in san diego, the man was threatened with an $11,000 fine for opting out. are they optional or can you be fined for opting out and will they be imposed on you even if you object? >> obviously, i did not say they were optional in that sense. so i don't know where you got that. listen, very few passengers receive a patdown. those who decide they don't want to go through the walk-through
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metal detector or the new ait machines, there has to be a way to screen them. the way to screen them is with a patdown. then, if an individual -- if there are things that alarm either on the walk-through metal detector or the ait machines, they have to patdown for what caused the alarm. there is a process for each offer those. in the ultimate kind of patdown or the so-called resolution patdown, the passenger has the right to go in a private room, always with a companion, with an inspector of the same gender. so there is a series of processes there designed to make sure that even in that setting we are paying attention to passenger privacy concerns for those who have them. yes. >> there you have it. the secretary of homeland security saying that they want to be responsive to the concerns of the flying public.
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thomas hiden berger is a former airline pilot. his wife, michelle, was a flight attendant aboard an american airlines flight na crashed into the pentagon on 9/11. airline security is a personal matter to you in a way few others could truly understand. what's your sense of how the tsa is aproechiproaching safety? >> well, we all want to have the same thing or the same goal, to have safe skies. not just for myself and my family but for all of us. under fortunately, the procedures that have been recently put in place or magnified, they are here to stay. i think in many respects what is overlooked or missed in all of this is that miss napolitano and the tsa and homeland security, they are being reactive and not being proactive insofar as preventing these explosive devices or other means of
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creating terror above an aircraft from coming into the united states. case in point, everything so far has originated with the exception of the 1920 highbackers on 9/11, every incident originated outside the united states. mrs. napolitano i believe indicated that they have intelligence that would say that they know or have some general idea. why don't they go over there and try to stop it before it gets on an airplane over there. >> they use the christmas day would-be bomber, as an example, who packed the explosives into his underwear. if he had been successful could have taken down that jet. do you think these scanners and the patdowns, can it prevent somebody like this from getting on a plane in the first place? >> just remember, the screening, even with the magnatometer. it defects just what's on the skin or outside the body.
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these terrorists have become over the years very sophisticated, very refined. if we find one way of defecting it, they will go to the next level to try to circumvent that. what's always left now are just, i mean i hate to say it, are the body cavities. the patdowns and the body screening will not detect anything that's internally in the body. >> so are you saying that the tsa should ditch those methods? >> i wouldn't say ditch but refine them a little bit so we can ensure that it is safe for each and every one of us to travel. >> what would you then recommend? if you think that the government is being reactive instead of proactive, in terms of screening, in terms of going to the airport and ensuring that the plane you get on is safe, what would you tell the tsa and the federal government? >> i would say, have them copy exactly what the israeli
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government and alal does in terms of how their air transportation system and their passengers are treated. it is steps of verbal, auditory screening before you even get to the point of going through a magnatometer or body scanner. >> 2078 mathomas, you have a pe perspective on this. only a a heartbreaking loss. i am sorry for that loss. i appreciate your sharing your opinions with us today. thank you. >> thank you. should the public opinion influence security procedures? i would like to hear your thoughts on this. reach me at a former first lady takes a jab at sarah palin. a krit can says the metal of honor is fem dinized.
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i'll explain. [ manager ] you know... i've been looking at the numbers, and i think our campus is spending too much money on printing. i'd like to put you in charge of cutting costs. calm down. i know that it is not your job. what i'm saying... excuse me? alright, fine. no, you don't have to do it. ok? [ male announcer ] notre dame knows it's better for xerox to control its printing costs. so they can focus on winning on and off the field. [ manager ] are you sure i can't talk -- ok, no, i get it. [ male announcer ] with xerox, you're ready for real business. ♪ i'm gonna get my hair cut ♪ even if i have to cut it myself ♪ ♪ i'm gonna get my hair cut ♪ even if i have to cut it myself ♪
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♪ but it makes me out of breath ♪ ♪ when you say ♪ ♪ love is a game -♪ a game for two -[ ring ] ♪ love is a game i want to play with you ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing the dell streak 5 pocket tablet exclusively at and best buy. whoa! that achy cold needs alka-seltzer plus! it rushes multiple cold fighters, plus a powerful pain reliever, wherever you need it! [ both ] ♪ oh what a relief it is! both cost the same, but only the pringles superstack can makes everything pop! ♪ hey [ male announcer ] same cost but a lot more fun. everything pops with the pringles superstack can!
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breaking news. a verdict in the chandra levee dril. returns with a verdict for inwar won decay. this is the man that was charged in her death. she disappeared in 2001. she had been romantically linked with then congressman, gary condit. police say they should have spent less time focusing on condit and working to find shan chandra levy's killer. they have reached a verdict in the killing. we are waiting to hear whether they have announced the verdict. it is not a surprise or crisis. north korea reportedly has a new nungle facility it secretly
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built to enrich uranium. an american scientist said he toured the plan and was stunned as how sophisticated it was. j jim jim is at the pentagon. >> we are hearing from pentagon officials that they were not surprised at this. they knew they were interested in enriching uranium and was pursuing that. i think they have been somewhat surprised by the scope thoof th operation. as that nuclear scientist from stan do standa stanford said he was stunned by the many, many centrifuges. they were somewhat surprised at how far along and sophisticated
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the north korean operation may be. >> thanks, jim. we grow to politics daley. an activist for the christian right blasts the medal of honor as feminized. xlen tay tore, brian fisher doesn't think it is masculine enough for the medal. fisher asks, when are we going to start awarding it for soldiers that kill people and break things so our families can sleep safely at night. >> the l.a. county coroner wants to revive sales in their gift shop. toe tags, water bottles marked bodily fluids and t-shirts sporting the outline of a body. sales have been, dead. auditors suggested a marketing firm to revive the sales.
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a stark warning. tigers could be extinct in 12 years if they are not protected. the "huffington post" is all over the tiger summit hosted by tiger lover, vladimir putin. they say only 3200 tigers remain and they could disappear entirely by 2022. that's the chinese year of the tiger. the massive cats are threatened by humans encroaching on their habitat and by hunting by poachers. don't forget mrs. collier.
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discoball since 1974. if a certain alaska teenager wins it, i am pretty sure the world will keep turning. you wouldn't think so by the way everybody is going on about it. michael mustozo, world famous columnist for the village voice and more importantly, an expert on pop culture controversies. should they have named this show, you can't dance. >> or maybe, so you think you have talent, you don't. to be fair to bristol, she is not doing that badly for someone who is not born into an entertainer but she has a lot of energy because she is doing the ab s abstinence. >> my mom points out, if you ever saw this, you would be floored. wow, this is incredible. >> what's the significance if bristol palin walks away with the trophy. >> it is scary to me, because jennifer grey is a real
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entertainer and nobody puts baby in a corner. >> except maybe bristol palin. >> like every contest, there are other agendas at work other than who is the best qualified. >> the rnc has gone on the record, i got the e-mail today, categorically denying it is involved in any whipping operation on behalf of bristol. have you found evidence of a vast right wing conspiracy. >> there was a website called that said they were able to vote over and over again. they are voting on mass. how this is helping the palin family politically, i don't get it. mama grizzly is on her own show about the state she loves so much that she gave them the middle finger when she stepped down. >> this seems to show she is taking a stand against reality show. she hates them. >> so dancing wi"dancing with t
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is a reality show. they have never explained how public shows are weighed. they never announce how many voters the show gets. barbara said, everyone should hush about bristol still on dancing with the stars. they set up the way the show works. it is to vote about your favorite dancer. if you want the best dantser, it should be done by the judges only. like every election, the best does not always win. >> i have to agree with that. on "american idol," the best one never wins. it is always the runner-up. it is the runner-up who is going to get the career and bristol is going to get the footnote, well, she was on "well, you think you've got tall en, well, you don't." i just throw tomatoes. if i shot my tv every time i was upset, i would be living in a mess. >> and then all you are left with is tomatoes on your television. >> good to see you. predictions about sarah palin in a presidential p run
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and who would do better against president obama. could william leapfrog over his daddy to be king. why brits are looking to skip a generation. let's support the small business owners getting our economy booming with the first ever small business saturday. on november 27th, shop small. it's going to be huge. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence] just got more powerful. introducing precise pain relieving cream. it blocks pain signals fast for relief precisely where you need it most. precise. only from the makers of tylenol. precise. it's that time of year. time for campbell's green bean casserole. you'll find the recipe at
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welcome back to msnbc. i'm contessa brewer. robert gates is pushing the did date up of whether senators can vote whether to repeal "don't ask don't tell" before they adjourn. natalee holloway's family is awaiting dna results of a jawbone found on a beach in aruba. her dental records were sent for review. they are getting a $100 billion bailout package in ireland from the european union. this will allow them to shore up their faltering banks. >> harry potter, the first part of the finale, broke the
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franchise reported for biggest week end bringing in $125 million. president obama has already made histories athe first african-american president. his administration might only last one term. a new national poll in quinn incompetent peaback university sad 43% say they would give him another second term. 49% said obama doesn't deserve a second term. nbc news political reporter joins me from washington. does that surprise you. >> we have seen the numbers come down from historic highs when he was first elected. we have to understand that obama has challenges. when you compare him to an actual candidate, the numbers are much tighter. he leads with most and is essentially tied with mitt romney. >> so democrats are still mostly
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supportive of the president. they say, do you want someone other than obama, they say no, 64%. in terms of matching him up, if you put the president against sarah palin, the president comes out on top, 48% of the hypothetical support sarah palin would get, a whopping 40%. the poll suggests, though, that palin would be the candidate. when it is palin versus the other republicans, she beats mitt romney, mike huckabee and newt gingrich, it goes on and on, tim pawlenty, mitch daniels, haley bar bower, john thune all mentioned in this poll is that surprising she tops the list? >> you can't dismiss her. a lot of positives for her, big crowds, lots of enthusiasm, great following. the negatives for her. she could win a republican primary. she absolutely could win a republican primary. we have seen her play in republican primaries during this
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2010 election. a general election is a different story. one of the big issues for her, number one, they are looking squarely at her negatives, particularly her negatives among independents. she is jun siupside down with t public at large and among independents. that's something in a general election a candidate has to do, win over independents and mod rots. could she win the general election? it's an uphill battle. why? because people look at that number on her negatives, especially with independents. >> dominico, thank for filling in the gaps. let's bring in norah o'donnell. she has a new book coming out. will that do anything to change sarah palin's negatives? >> it will, i think, further boost her popularity with her supporters. if anything, it may be her show on tlc, "sarah palin's alaska" where you see a different side of her that might help round out
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her profile. the cake is already baked in many ways in terms of her approval ratings. there are a lot of people that just don't like her. speaking of that episode last night, it was episode two and also we heard contessa from barbara bush who is now saying she likes sarah palin but she hopes she stays home. listen. >> reporter: in episode two of "sarah palin's alaska," the palins are at home on the range. >> missed it. >> dang it. >> reporter: sarah and todd palin take daughter, bristol, skeet shooting. >> don't retreat. just reload. >> a couple of my girlfriends through me my baby shower right here in the shooting range. >> reporter: meanwhile, barbara bush seems to throw cold water on palin's political ambitions
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in an jun coming interview. >> i think she is very happy in alaska and i hope she will stay there. >> even the conservative magazine "the weekly standard" is going negative on palin. they say they have secured her a spot in the reality tv star pantheon. good for palin. though there is no compelling reason to suggest the rest of us should tag along behind. like it or not, sarah palin and her family are everywhere. tonight begins "dancing with the stars" finale. palin's daughter, bristol, is competing to win it all. this things giving week is no holiday for the palin household. on tuesday, the vote for bristol. >> this is as much a vote for sarah palin ace it is a vote for bristol. >> that very same day, her book, "america by heart" hits
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bookstores. all creating buzz and controversy. last week, the media leaked excerpts infuriating palin, who tweeted, the publishing world is leaking out of context excerpts of my book without my permission. isn't that illegal? just as parts of the book were coming down off gauker, she offered fans their own sneak peek on her facebook page with a call to action. we have to know what makes america exceptional today more than ever because it is under assault more than ever. >> her book tour is going to take her twice to iowa, the side of the first presidential caucus. another presidential contender, mike huckabee, he was in iowa, he said, if palin wants to run for president, quote, she may run away with it. >> contessa? >> we will be watching to see. no doubt, more polls will show us the progress in the days, weeks, and months ahead, thank
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you. today marks the 47th anniversary of the assassination of president john f. kennedy. in dallas, the chief of police will honor temple bowly, the man who discovered the body of slain police officer j.d. tippett 45 minutes after kennedy's assassination. he used a police radio to report that the policeman had been shot. he was killed by lee harvey oswald. closing arguments underway in the money laundering trial of former house leader, tom delay. they say he illegally funded more than $190,000 in corporate donations to a group of legislative races in texas in 2002. delay denies any wrongdoing. he could face life in prison if convicted. new demands on insurance companies to make sure they are spending money on their customers, not just padding their own bottom lines. starting january 1st, health insurance companies must spend at least 80% of the money they collect in premiums on actual
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medical care. it will prevent insurers from spending money from premiums on overhead, marketing and executive bonuses. >> the overhead costs contribute little or nothing to the care of patience and the health of americans. why some level of administrative costs are necessary. we believe they have gotten out of hand. >> this rule is part of the new health care law and it applies to plans that cover about 75 million americans. given all the jokes people are making on twitter and facebook about the airport security groping, you could have predicted s&l would crack a few jokes of its own. >> the tsa. tsa agents are ready and
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standing by to give you a little something extra. be thankful this holiday season. >> spending time with a tsa agent couldn't be easier. book a flight departing for any airport. when selected for a full body scanner, say no. you will be pulled aside by a tsa agent and that's when the fun begins. you never know who your agent will be. >> it could be me. >> or me. >> or even me. >> but it's probably going to be us. >> by the way, if you think it is just "saturday night live." it is not. here is doug jones who just e-mailed me. i don't understand the controversy about being patted down. i am headed for the airport. i'm not flying anywhere. i'm just hungry for human contact. doug, thanks for sharing. we are still waiting on word of a royal wedding date. i will get the latest on kate and william's plan. why the pope says, condoms might be okay if you are a male
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prostitute. this is one season you need to spend to save. you need more explanation? wait for it. i'm back in three. we've just received the verdict in the chandra levy case. it is guilty at this point. she disabeappeared in 2002. it looks like the jury has reached the verdict in the trial of ingmar guandika. that verdict is guilty. quick break here. we will be right back. o: ah, th as we all know, geico has been saving people money on rv, camper and trailer insurance... well as motorcycle insurance... gecko: oh...sorry, technical difficulties. boss: uh...what about this? gecko: what's this one do? gecko: um...maybe that one. ♪ dance music boss: ok, let's keep rolling. we're on motorcycle insurance. vo: take fifteen minutes to see how much you can save
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on motorcycle, rv, and camper insurance. ♪ i'm gonna get my hair cut ♪ even if i have to cut it myself ♪ ♪ i'm gonna get my hair cut ♪ even if i have to cut it myself ♪ ♪ but it makes me out of breath ♪ ♪ when you say ♪ ♪ love is a game -♪ a game for two -[ ring ] ♪ love is a game i want to play with you ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing the dell streak 5 pocket tablet exclusively at and best buy. whoa! that achy cold needs alka-seltzer plus! it rushes multiple cold fighters, plus a powerful pain reliever, wherever you need it! [ both ] ♪ oh what a relief it is! but i knew that i was going to need a day job. we actually have a lot of scientists that play music. the creativity, the innovation, there's definitely a tie there. one thing our scientists are working on is carbon capture and storage,
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progresso. hi. we love your weight watchers endorsed soups but my husband looks the way he did 20 years ago. well that's great. you haven't seen him... my other can is ringing. progresso. hey can you tell my wife to relax and enjoy the view? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. a'he he. a new drug made from a chemical in soy appears to
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prevent prostate cancer from spreting. researchers said the chemical has worked in animal studies and is now showing benefits in humans. the next step is to see if the drug can cause cancer cells from spreading out of the prostate. the catholic church says it is okay for male prostitutes to use condoms but not mayor reed people that want to prevent pregnancy. the pope says male hookers may be justified in preventing hiv and aids. he says, condoms are still forbidden for contraception. massive ash clouds billow from a volcano in the southeastern philippines. more than 900 people were forced to flee their homes. a 13-year-old boy from mississippi was briefly detained in china after he staged a protest in tiananmen square. he says he wants north and south korea to reunite and the demilitarized zone to be made into a peace park.
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a british bishop offers a big apology for a rather royal blunder. the reverend pete broadbent said he is sorry for saying prince william and kate's marriage would only last seven years. he like many others got into trouble for what he wrote on facebook. today, he released an official statement. i have conveyed to prince charles, and prince william and kate middleton my sincere distress for the remarks. i realize they were deeply owe fef sieve and i apologize for the hurt caused. i wish prince william and kate middleton a happy and life-long marriage and will hold them in my prayers. the latest rumors have the royal couple tying the knot in april. jessica hey, a friend of kate middleton is in london right now. what is it going to be? is it going to be april? >> reporter: well, who knows. it is all speculation at the moment. that's the word on everyone's
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lips. it is all speculation. i do believe that they are talking about april the 28th or, as i said earlier, in the earlier program, it could be july. it is going to be april or july. either way, they want harry and all of their family to be present. so that's the inclination at the moment. >> one of the big stories grabbing the headline over the weekend was about this poll that shows the british people would prefer for william to be king and just skip over charles all together. here is the poll. 64% who want william to be king. they think that charles and camilla are seen as damaged goods. here you are. you are friends with the young couple. do you think william would make a better king than his dad? >> reporter: william would make a fantastic king and katherine would make a fantastic queen, no doubt about it. they are very strong. they are a great support to each other.
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then, again, so are camilla and charles. so there is that divide there. the natural progression would be for charles to become the next king, because that's the natural progression of the royal family but there is not much in it, you see. i think that william and kate in the future will become a great king and queen. >> jessica, you are being very polite there. that is probably smart on your part if you want to be invited to the wedding. >> reporter: i hope so. >> is it true that william is now taking control of the wedding and he wants the palace planers and his grandmother to stay out of it? >> absolutely. i think they are both taking control of the wedding. they both want it to be their wedding. of course, the royal family are going to be involved but there is going to be a lot of delegation, a lot of compremize and i think that the royal family are going to respect their wishes. i think katherine and wils are going to organize the willing they want to have. it is going to be in the public eye. it will be personal to them. that's what's important right now. >> jessica, good to talk to you.
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thank you. >> thank you. first lady, michelle obama, is encouraging kids to eat healthy. in about an hour, she will join students from riverside high school in miami to talk about eating more fruits and vegetables. sentencing for the woman accused of attacking leonardo key cap preyo at a party in the hills in 2005. vice president, joseph biden, and his wife will host a military dinner for families of veterans being treated at military hospitals. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪
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not just how you can make sure your privates are covered up but also whether it should be influenced but public opinion. you have mh cole responding, why do we complain about measures designed to keep us safe? >> another tweets, the most fervent supporters of the "patriots act" are the biggest cry-babies of patdowns and body scans. and from hwyst 4 r says, airline security should not be influenced much by public opinion but should be influenced by common sense. he doesn't think that is happening. if you would like to e-mail me, tweet me, facebook me, there are all the ways you can get ahead of me. looks like americans are getting set to shop with more confidence this holiday season. according to new numbers, 57% of shoppers plan to spend as much if not a little bit more than they did last year. so about 3% jump. why the upswing and how does one
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make out like a bandit when you hit the mall? scott is the founder of help save my and in his freshman years of college. you now a lot about saving money. >> absolutely. >> are you inundated with door busters and friends and family discounts? >> it is incredible. retailers are starting early on black friday, considered the largest shopping day of the year. the national retail federation expects 140 million shoppers this week end. best buy will be opening at 5:00 a.m. macy's and jc penney's will be opening up at 4:00 a.m. they want to get the best deal. >> there are a lot experiencing job loss and may be behind in their safls. how do you go forward without breaking the bank? >> leave your credit cards at home. new research showed that 40% of consumers plan to ditch their
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credit cards and use cash only. when using cash, at some point, you will rupp out of cash which will force you to stop shopping. credit cards, there are no boundaries. >> you mentioned bartering. >> always ask the seller, can you do better on the price? the worse they can say is no. you really have nothing to lose. what about free shipping. you shouldn't pay shipping for anywhere, should you? >> says that 85% of retailers plan to offer free shipping online. last thursday, walmart started offering free shipping on some 60,000 items on for free shipping coupon codes, head to free shipping >> i tried to save money. i thought i would make my world famous chicken chili for all my coworkers. they gave it the big thumb's down. they would rather have gift cards to coffee retailers who happened to be downstairs. i'm not sure that saving money
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is in my books this year. >> shoppers are following that. 55% of shoppers say they are going to get gift cards this holiday season. >> thank you for all the great advice. it is great having you on. >> that wraps up this hour for me. i hope you find fantastic deals if you are going out there shopping today. i will see you back here tomorrow, noon eastern. up next, andrea mitchell reports, talking to clint hill, a former secret service agent for president kennedy on the 47th anniversary of kennedy's association. we will be right back. [ male announcer ] opportunity is a powerful force.
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deposit fighting ingredient ever. castrol gtx exceeds the toughest new industry standard. don't let deposits hold your car back. get castrol gtx. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. you need to do the preventative things that you need to do for your heart health. for me, it means an aspirin regimen. before you begin an aspirin regimen. speak to your doctor. right now, andrea mitchell reports. patdown showdown. will the tsa back down in the face of passenger outrage? >> are you actively rethinking this policy? >> yes. we want to look at how
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