tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC April 10, 2011 11:00am-12:00pm EDT
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11:00 in the east, 8:00 in the west. big news from the white house this morning. just a short time ago we learned president obama will give a presentation on wednesday outlining his strategy to tackle the national debt. on msnbc's "meet the press" it was suggested last week's tough budget battle might help forge compromise in the future. >> obviously things got heated. i think the president's approach was to encourage all parties to come together, not get engaged in the political spit ball fight. we have divided government. it was the first real test. i think trust and understanding was built up between the speaker and the president and the vice president, the senate majority leader. hopefully going forward this can be a model. mike viqueira is the white house correspondent for nbc news. what's going to be in the presentation? they are not stopping the wheels? >> reporter: really. a late night at the 11th hour they made a deal on spending for this year. now they will be onto another huge and larger, more
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consequential battle over the baugt budget that begins this week. it gets confusing, even for me. i watch this stuff every day. the fight that was resolved late friday night was to cut spending for this year. the house and senate are expected to write it up in bill language, vote by wednesday and the president is expected to sign it. on the following day, on thursday, and on friday. the house of representatives will take up an enormous bill to seek to tackle the national debt and republicans have put forward a controversial plan to reduce this country's national debt from 14.2 trillion dollars, try to wrap your mind around that number, where it is now, by $6 trillion. it's controversial because it would restructure medicare and medicaid. it would lower taxes for the wealthy by simplifying the tax code. it would close loopholes, reduce the debt and the deficit over the course of ten years.
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paul ryan is the house republican, chairman of the budget committee. he was on meet the press as well explaining his plan. >> the problem with a bunch of tax increases, the president raised taxes and is calling for a new increase. you slow economic grouchlt we want job creation, economic growth. that's why if you go down the tax increase path you're sacrificing the economy. especially when the fact that the problem we have is spending, not taxes. >> reporter: -- the president would certainly not sign it but it's a starting point. the president will come forward wednesday. we'll see what he has to see and what his approach will be to tackle the politically risky entitlement programs like medicare, medicaid and perhaps social security. >> thank you very much. a lot going on at the white
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house. >> absolutely. >> catch the full interview here on msnbc at 2:00 p.m. on "meet the press." incredible video of an apparent tornado ripping parts of an iowa town to shreds. it struck in mapleton te stairwaying several buildings in the downtown area. it ripped the roof of a local high school. it touched down around 7:20 p.m. local time. no one was seriously hurt. another apparent tornado touched down in a nearby town causing minor damage there. meanwhile, residents in north dakota and minnesota are on edge as a tense situation unfolds there. all the melting snow caused the red river to rise for the past several days. it is causing flooding in fargo and moorhead, minnesota. sandbags and other preparations helped protect most businesses so far. >> most of everybody else around here has had to put up permanent
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dikes already. the ones that are left here yet down the line, they are doing real good. not having much problem. >> the river appears to be leveling off the in the fargo area. but it may not be over yet in that region or places close by. alex, they were saying it hit 39 feet. that's a huge crest. i was thinking it's like four stories high. will we see more weather to help them avert it in. >> we are going to see more rain coming into these areas. we may be talking about it cresting a bit, it may be coming down. rivers may come back with more rain coming in. le all thanks to this storm system in the plains and mitd west. it will organize into the afternoon. we'll see more energy coming out of the west and that will kick start more storm this is afternoon. already quite a bit of action through the great lakes this
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morning. that has begun to wane and weaken. to the west, lighter showers in place. that will change. bigger storms on the way out there for us. here's our system. our area of low pressure, plenty of moisture and warm air feeding into it. we'll see storms that could be strong to severe. tornado risk out there will be there for you. damaging winds as well as hail. right along the cold frontal boundary to texas, the risk for stronger storms. we are not done for today. tomorrow it works east. now we're talking all the way up from new england down to the gulf coast the risk for stronger storms and some of the same risks out there for us. tornado risk may be lower but not zero. we want to keep our forward up, but the main risk tomorrow will be the damaging winds and hail. a large area, big real estate we'll concentrate on for the risk of severe weather. we'll be busy.
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>> ordering the pizza as the curtain moves east with the rain. thank you, alex wallace from the weather channel. coming up in a few minutes we'll have a live report from north dakota which alex was talking about there for an update on the flooding situation there that was what so many worried about. crews are struggling to control a brush fire that devoured 125 square miles of land in west texas. it's the largest blaze burning in the country now. both high winds and dry conditions are only making it worse. texas forest officials say the biggest is a stone wall county fire which covered 71,000 acres. this morning the fire has not been contained. investigators saying the fires were sparked by pipe-cutting work. coroners are trying to figure out why a pair of 17le-year-old boys died while scuba diving off the california coast on saturday. authorities say the teens were part of an oceanography class.
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they were in monterey bay when they failed to surface with classmates. after 45 minutes of searching their bodies were found 40 to 50 feet under water. the names haven't been released. in los angeles officials are beefing up security at dodgers stadium after a brutal attack. a fatherer of two was in a coma after being beaten by two men at dodgers stadium in los angeles. the victim was wearing a san francisco giants jersey. that attack has many across the country wondering if they are safe in the stands. nbc's miguel almaguer has more. >> reporter: in san francisco, a moment of silence for giants fan brian showe, the 42-year-old father of two fighting for his life in a los angeles hospital. while leaving opening day at dodgers stadium he was attacked. >> i heard someone yell cuss words and bam we seen brian on the ground. >> reporter: in the parking lot two unidentified men near lly bt
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him to death, likely because he was wearing a giants jersey on the turf of their arch rivals. >> they were being taunted. >> reporter: a paramedic, tonight brian stoue remains in a coma. it's one of the most savage incidents to ever happen here, but certainly not the only one at a pro sporting event. >> unbelievable. where is security? n there is the infamous basket brawl. indiana players attacked detroit fans. >> you have to be kidding me. >> reporter: while in chicago, fans attacked a kansas city coach. from brawls in the bleacherers to fistfights in the stands. even a tennis match resembled what you would expect in a boxing ring. >> it's not just the dodgerdodg. it's soccer, hockey, basketball. we are experiencing a degradation of behavior. >> reporter: long time columnist
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dan shawnessy is covering one of the biggest rivalries in sports. >> red sox and yankees here at fenway park. when you have that mix it's always combustible. people drinking, red sox and yankees fans going at each other. >> reporter: back in los angeles sweeping change is under way. >> on the way home we're talking about what we saw in the stands and the parking lot. it's sick. >> reporter: the sea of dodger blue will see an increased presence of lapd blue. the former l.a. police chief was hired to overhaul security which will include license plate scanners, observation towers, increased lighting and undercover operations. more focus on security off the field so fans can enjoy what's happening on it. miguel almaguer, nbc news, los angeles. >> now back to the midwest and the developing flooding. residents of north dakota and moorhead, minnesota are hoping they have done enough to protect
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themselves from the red river. the waters are near the highest levels ever recorded in history. the river appears to have crested. the only thing standing between many homes and a giant wall of water are piles of sandbags. janel klein is live in minnesota. if they didn't have the two and a half million sandbags they put together what sort of danger would they face? seems obvious, but it's an amazing number of bags. >> it is. it speaks to the hard work of the people here. and to their determination, but also to the experience they have had. this river has flooded in the past. it's notorious for causing damage. because this area is so flat and often gets a lot of snow that spring melt combined with flatter rain causes a lot of flooding. east grand forks flooded badly in 1997. fargo had several squares
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including 2009 with the record at 41 feet. today we crested just over 38 feet. you can see how high the water is in moorhead. fargo is on the other side. this river forms the state border. people on both sides of the river are fighting the flood. again, we are crediting their preparedness for the hard work of the people here. they learned a lesson or two and one was to be ready early. they made 2.5 million sandbags. they are feeling good about where they stand. >> what are we hearing in terms of impact? with the ground saturated there is concern about farming and that part of the economy. what's the economic effects being talked about there? >> it's very big, as you can imagine. not only because of the issues you mentioned, all the devastation that happens when a flood like this occurs and the overland flooding in the fight -- just the manpower and the hours that are spent in
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order to battle this. but also now we are loobing at the economic -- looking at the economic impact of what a permanent protection system would cost. lawmakers don't want to do this every spring and it's not economical. so they are looking at something that would be permanent similar to what east grand forks has. they are hoping to get going on that soon. >> three years in a row dealing with spring flooding. i hope they get a reprieve there. appreciate it, janel klein. coming up, a video reminder of what to do if you suspect a gas leak in the home. two words -- get out. >> reporter: the tsa shows pup any love in a touching tribute. of retirement questions. no problem. td ameritrade has all kinds of answers. call us for quick help opening your new ira. or an in-depth talk with a retirement expert. like me. stop by my branch for a free retirement check-up. retirement hows and how-muches? whens... and what-ifs?
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from both sides on capitol hill following the agreement to fund the government for the rest of the year. president obama signing a short-term extension into law saturday. a final version is expected to pass this week. this morning the 79president's senior adviser spoke. >> the president came together with republicans and democrats on behalf of the country in december, led an effort to cut taxes. and now we have come together to cut spending. i think it should give us confidence moving forward. >> joining me now is democratic congressman from washington state jim mcdermott. thanks for stopping by. we heard from david plouffe who said the compromise from the president seemed to show success. would you agree? >> well, i think it depends where you're coming from. in every compromise people walk aw from it saying "they got more than i did." that's a good compromise for the moment but it's setting the stage for what will be a huge
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fight over the debt limit. i think that's where the rubber is really going to meet the road. >> you said a bit of a success. at the same time you voted no for this. >> there were things i didn't like but there were enough votes to get it passed. we kept the government open. the point was the people won. we kept the government open. i was down on the mall yesterday at the national history museum. thousands of people were going in and out of the place. if it were locked it would have been awful. ultimately the american people won. we got it done. >> that were things that are on it that are worse than a shutdown? >> if you look at it now, nobody knows what actually we are going to vote on on thursday. all of the details will be worked on this week. on friday or saturday morning they would extend it to get six
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days to write about around the $33 billion in cuts. we'll see what the cuts are. i don't like to vote on blank checks so i voted no. >> is it possible it may not go through? >> i don't think so. i think everybody knows we have to move on. this is a minor issue. it's really a minor issue compared to the next budget and the debt limit. those are the big ones. the debt limit comes up on the 15th of may and by the 30th of september we have to have another budget for the next year. so we have two huge things. this one's really just like a sunday school picnic. the real war is coming shortly. >> okay, on that note let's play a little bit from paul ryan on "meet the press" earlier. >> tim geithner has been saying he wants this stand alone debt ceiling increase. now he's saying things can go as a part of this. we believe accompanying any debt
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ceiling you need real fiscal reforms, spending cuts and controls going forward so we can deal with the debt in the future. >> okay. so this is round two that you were alluding to to earlier before we play that sound. will you have to give in then to calls to cut more spending in order to get the credit extension? >> it isn't the question of whether there is going to be cuts in spending or not. it's whether we get the social agenda that we got. this one, you know, wiping out npr and wiping out the epa and wiping out family planning, those are the issues that will get mixed up in this thing that are going to make it extremely difficult in mid may. >> how far will you go before you will give support to this? what riders would you accept? >> none of the ones that they have talked about so far. because those should be argued out on their own value. they should not be used as levers. see, what they are doing is saying, you have to pass the
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debt ceiling so let's hang something on there we couldn't get through any other way. well, i'm not voting for that. i will vote to lift the debt ceiling but i won't vote for if it's all messed up with a bunch of social tax on the poor and middle class in this country. >> congressman, based on what we saw over the last three days, what does that portend for this next discussion, the second chapt snr will are you ables push the democrats to a point where they are uncomfortable or critics will say they gave too much? >> it depends how they read the agreement they made. if they think they won by hold out until the very last minute and scaring everybody across the entire country, if they think that was a victory, then they may try it again. i think they lost because turns out they were taking away the
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possibility of health care for women in the district of columbia. that's what the issue turned out to be. it wasn't $30 billion, $35 billion or $40 billion. it was whether or not they got the social agenda changed and they lost. maybe, they said, we should have hung on. maybe we could still get it. this is a political calculation. unfortunately it's really not looking at the fiscal situation of the country. we cannot afford not to raise the debt limit. if we become like iceland who said yesterday we are not going to pay our debts we'll become a third world country. we don't have a choice. we have to raise the debt limit. the question is how much can republicans squeeze out of the process? >> at risk of course is the country's aaa rating now. when we go to borrow money from around the world. that's part of the debate. jim mcdermott from washington state. thank you.
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>> welcome. >> in a moment, new challenges for minorities amidst these tough economic times. and the search for a serial killer in new york and the new twist in the investigation. you're watching msnbc sunday. with olay challenge that and give drastic measures a rest. new regenerist night elixir gently resurfaces for the smooth skin of a light chemical peel. sleep tight. regenerist, from olay. what do you see yourself doing after you do retire?
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now to our week-long coverage of a stronger america, the black agenda. when you look at the hot button issues, housing, health care, jobs the numbers show the african-american community is facing a far greater crisis in this economy than white americans, for instance. while 88% of whites have health insurance in the united states, fewer than 80% of african-americans do. 75% of white families own homes, but fewer than 50% of black families do. perhaps the starkest contrast deals with jobs. the median income for black families in america is just over $33,400. for white families it's more than $20,000 higher than that. closer to $55,000.
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i'm joined by the president and ceo of the naacp and the reverend al sharpton hosting "stronger america, the black agenda" with ed schultz who also joins us live now. what's the special going to be about in 30 minutes? >> it's happening at just the right time. we are now discussing real draconian cuts that will affect african-americans in this country across the board. the numbers you reported on will be even at a greater distance if this budget is to go through. at this hour as jim mcdermott said we don't know what is going to get cut. they don't know what they are voting on. it's crucial to go through the facets affecting lower income families and a big portion of black americans. >> reverend sharp ton, as you
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look at that, what do you hope to accomplish in the show? >> we hope to accomplish that where the rubber meets the road is where the people that are disproportionately impacted the most which is the african-american community. what could be something of a sacrifice for others could be devastating for those of us that already start with less in health insurance, median income and other areas. that we need to put on the national consciousness as we discuss what we are doing here because what is all right for some or just tightening the belt for others is more than that for us. you can't tighten your belt when you're left standing in your underwear already. >> how do we address this disproposition dispropositionally? >> we have to build a movement from change from the bottom up. this is a time when prosperity
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is going down and diversity is going up. we have seen movement in this country built on the idea of attacking diversity. it's time for us to focus on how we zero in and attack basic poverty in this country. the concern about cuts is that this budget will be balanced on the backs of poor people. that can't be allowed to happen for the 2012 budget. >> no doubt. we have established what the challenges are. what are the solutions that will be vetted out? >> one solution is to invest. in this budget they want to cut job training for lower income folks looking for a job. why would you do that? the tough question is simple. why? why is it that the republican party wants to cut the personal and corporate income rates 10% yet they want to take it out of the backs of people trying to get ahead in america and compete
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economically, flourish and have the american dream. so this is -- we are at a crossroads in this country when it comes to this budget. this is the conservative budget they have been working for for 25 years and they are now at this moment to go after social programs to separate the income further, to concentrate wealth at the top and right in the center of the discussion is the african-american community. we have to address it. >> reverend, you were debating a lot of these issues. a lot of good thinkerers. what bubbled up from that that can be addressed to talk about the solutions that may come to center? >> what has bubbled up is we have to be in the mix and represent in this discussion. we are opening an office of national action network in washington. we are going around the country with the naacp and urban league. we've got to make sure we are not invisible with those concerns and come with concrete programs. so at one level we are hearing
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we're going to save the pell grants whiches good, but cutting job training is bad. we need to mobilize around that. we cannot allow after decades of teaching the worldle to mobilize and march, the only one in the street now is the tea party. we met, heard from the president. we are honored he came. members of the cabinet. now it's on us to push for accountability and push the envelope. >> ben, the issue of being invisible, or is the issue of action and mobilization? >> these are times to fight, to speak up, to pull in our friends close and fight. let's be clear. the issues aren't just about black people. they are about poor people. we are disproportionately poor. we talk about black folks and the problems in this economy, let's be clear there are brown people hurting, poor white folks hurting. we have to come together and
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fight now. >> ben, thank you so much. reverend al sharpton, thank you. looking forward to this in 30 minutes. stick around for "a stronger america: the black agenda." today at noon eastern on msnbc. we'll be right back. most calciu. aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. citracal. ♪ that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪ ♪ i like it, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪ that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪ ♪ i like it [ male announcer ] introducing mio -- a revolutionary liquid water enhancer. add a little. add a lot. ♪ for a drink that's just the way you like it. ♪ i like it, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪ that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪ [ male announcer ] make it yours. make it mio. ♪
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it's only been two years, but it's done more in two years than most cars do in a lifetime. welcome back to msnbc. the 2011 budget plan was passed just yesterday and congress is planning to take up next year's number. paul ryan who chairs the budget committee tells nbc news he expect it is gop plan for 2012 to pass the republican caucus on friday. top white house officials are not impressed though. >> the congressional republican plan, for instance, would give the average millionaire a $200,000 cut while asking the average senior to pay $6,000 more for health care. it cuts our energy investments at a time we are dealing with
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high gas prices by 70%. we are obviously not to sign on with that approach. >> all right. amy stoddard is here from the hill and thank you for stopping by. i want to start with you. is this sellable, this $200,000, this reduction for the average millionaire and the increase of what can amount to $6,000 for senior citizens? >> well, it's going to be sellable to the republican conference that stayed with house speaker john boehner. -- republicans like tax kucuts d spending cuts. it pleased the conservative ranks threatening to bolt and possibly prompt a government shut down. you're going to see a strong house vote. republicans will hang together
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on that. it is not something that can pass the senate or be signed into law. the debate will unfold. the battle continues. >> perhaps speaker boehner satisfied conservatives concerned about the issue. it may not pass the senate but will it be sellable to the public as they listen to the message cominging from the republicans here? >> i think it will be sellable to republican primary voters who will be taking a shot at electing or choosing not to elect the republican members in the house. that's what they are doing. look, this is kind of the first salvo that house republicans are making. like we saw in the previous budget deal this is a debate. they will probably end up in the middle again. >> talking about a salvo. let's listen to paul ryan earlier ton "meet the press." >> we need a clean break from the politics of the past. both parties do this. both use hyper rhetoric, all of
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the demagoguery. we have political process and don't fix the problems but we have a debt problem staring us in the face. >> do you think we'll see a cut from the past and it's only two days ago? >> i do. i understand president obama will unveil a plan for systemic changes in our tax code and budgeting this week, hoping to address long-term drivers of debt. the republicans have come out already with a plan, again, that's not likely to be signed into law but a bold plan. both parties agree this is a potent political issue. the time has come to address it. democrats are lagging behind republicans on this. i think we are going to see some bipartisan effort. the fight will be very dramatic. i'm sure very, very partisan in the end. i think both parties are going to try to come together and talk about cuts to the system that can change the trajectory of deficit and debt that's come to
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be such a crisis. >> so part one is theoretically done. we'll move to part two which is the debt ceiling and then part three which is the 2012 budget. shira, do we think they are going to go up to the last hour, as we saw in the last situation? >> well, if history is precedence they went up to the last hour on friday night. i don't think it will be that close to the debt ceiling. i think they will continue to work on the budget. it may not go to the final hour literally like it did friday night but they will work close to the line. it doesn't seem they are agreeing on much already. there is not a lot of middle ground, ways to work from it. it will be a long process cut close, but not that close like friday night. >> it makes for a show when you talk about political theater. thank you so much on this sunday. >> thanks. over seas, more protesters in cairo. on saturday thousands of
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demonstrators barricaded themselves in cairo's central square followed by an army attack that killed a person and injured 71. hundreds of soldiers stormed the square. protesters are angry at the post mubarak transition and they want the current defense minister to step down. thousands continue to stage anti-government protests in syria and activists say the consequences have been deadly so far. the syrian national organization says 26 demonstrators were killed on saturday. the uprising of syria began three weeks ago and has been getting more intense with each passing week. friday marking the single bloodiest day of the protest with 37 killed around the country. a major escalation in the battle for control in reviewry coast as forces attacked the president elect's headquarters. the u.s. condemn it is attacks with the current leader refusing to step down despite losing an
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election last year verified by the united nations. now to great britain where new details are emerging about the royal wedding guest list. the big day is less than three weeks away. some of the names prince william and kate middleton included may surprise you. nbc's keir simmons has more from london. there are a lot of wrinkles to this including inviting exes. >> deciding who to invite and who not to invite to the wedding can be, let's say, a little bit tricky. when it's a royal wedding you can imagine the issues involved. it is the invitations from william and kate's personal lives that have got people talking. >> reporter: many guests people aren't close to or may not know. >> whatever you may think about
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a royal wedding it's all predecide and basically it's a networking business venture. you know, the royal family invite people that you wouldn't necessarily know. the royal family invite people you wouldn't necessarily know. why would they know a king or whatever. >> reporter: there will be many old friends in attendance and former flames. there are tickets for william's ex-girlfriends including jecka craig, his first love and arabella musgrave and some young men said to have been close to kate in the past. then invitations for kate's parents and of course the queen. >> who would have thought she had that many friends. i assume it's because the queen is on facebook. maybe she's been poking people. >> reporter: in a few weeks all will attend perhaps the hottest party of their lives. william and kate are said to be erecting a nightclub inside buckingham palace for a royal knees-up after the ceremony. only the most privileged will get to see it. now, guests at the evening
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entertainment include the queen and the duke of edinborough but it is thought they will leave after dinner to, quote, along the young ones to party. guests who shared in william and kate's past celebrating as they begin their future together. richard? >> thank you. mr. bean making the list, but madonna no. they are four-legged and cute but they are not just getting by on their good looks. we are talking about the sniffer dogs of the transportation safety administration. a new crew of safety pups is under training and their class is honoring the victims of the september 11 terror attacks. each dog is named after one of the 3,000 people who died that day. one is named dolan after lisa dolan's husband bob who started his own military career as a bomb detector. >> this is just such an honor. i can't tell you what an honor it is for me. i have a very special connection with dogs. so it really filled my heart. i teared up.
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>> yeah. experts say it takes at least a year for both dog and handler to work as a team. cute bunch. we'll pause here, but when we come back, a tiger lost in the woods. what's happened to the former lion on the links? ore it begins? heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. prilosec otc uses a unique delayed-release system that protects the medicine as it passes through the stomach's tough acid. then it gets absorbed into the body, turning off many acid-producing pumps at the source. with just one pill a day, you get 24-hour heartburn protection all day and all night. prilosec otc. heartburn gone. power on. and eating well means getting enough whole grain and calcium. general mills big g is the only leading line of kid cereals with at least 8 grams of whole grain and a good source of calcium. help your kids get more of what they need, with general mills kid cereals.
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a propane explosion levelled a house in northern california. police believe leaked propane ignited and caused a massive blast friday. fortunately no one was home or in the area. neighbors say they smelled gas. a grisly series of multiple murders on the shores of long island have police hunting for a serial killer who has been targeting prostitutes. it started in december when investigators discovered four bodies along three days. then last month another body near the shoreline. this week the remains of three more were found. this morning we spoke with
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investigative crime reporter michelle segona about the case and she shared information about where the bodies were found. >> the first four were found about 500 yards away from each other. then the next one was found about a mile away from that east. then the last three were about an eighth of a tenth mile from the fifth and then 1.4 miles from the fifth, that would be the seventh body and the last body was a tenth of a mile east of the seventh. these are specific locations when you map them out. >> detectives and profilers are considering a shocking possibility that their suspect could be someone involved or very familiar with law enforcement. in central arizona, you will all have had a hard time believing it's spring. a foot of snow just fell there and shut down a highway north of flag staff for eight hours. arizona, police say the weather was likely the cause of an accident that killed two people on interstate 40.
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forecasters say more snow is on the way later this week. weird weather. all right. here's hoping or rather he's hoping for a career comeback. if you go by his play this weekend, tiger woods is not yet at the top of his game. woods is seven shots behind the leaders of one of the biggest golf tournaments of the year. meanwhile he works hard to rehab his public image after the sex scandals last year. can he return to former glory? thanh truong has more on his struggle to return triumphant. >> reporter: winning the masters is a major feat for any golfer but for tiger woods it mark it is end of a 17 -month-long losig streak and perhaps the return of the master. >> i think perhaps he feels if we were able to get over the hump and win a major championship he could go a long way toward putting all of the criticism behind him. >> reporter: at this year's tournament tiger has shown shades of his former self,
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especially friday during the second round. >> i have been right there in the ball game. i got hot. >> reporter: on saturday though woods fell back missing several putts. going into the final round woods is seven strokes behind the leader. golf's new young gun, 21-year-old rory mcelroy. >> he has to come from behind. that's difficult to do at augusta. if he did it would be great for golf. it would be great for him. he would go a long way again towards getting all of the scandal behind him. >> reporter: until thanksgiving 2009 woods was the number one golfer in the world and the sport's most popular player, but after revelations of sex scandal with multiple mistresses. >> for all that i have done, i am so sorry. >> reporter: tiger began making headlines for personal affairs and subsequent divorce from e lan nordegren rather than his
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professional performance. >> i try each and every day. >> reporter: having won four masters before, augusta has been a special place for woods. the world will be watching today to see if tiger can finally call himself a winner again. thanh truong, nbc news. >> good luck. hot weather may slow him down. it's a painful reminder of today's tough economic times. where you'll find the average price of a gallon of gasoline, more than 90 cents than a year ago. the question is why? why? and how much higher will the price go? best minds s it hit helps the lhe of companipanies like the she smallestt ofof th ththat lets yos your employeloy, pa and custcustomersvate and sharee so you can can unleash tsh the of your mor your peopleople.
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with olay challenge that and give drastic measures a rest. new regenerist night elixir gently resurfaces for the smooth skin of a light chemical peel. sleep tight. regenerist, from olay. how are you getting to a happier place? running there? dancing there? how about eating soup to get there? campbell's soups fill you with good nutrition, farm-grown ingredients, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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police and firefighters in orange county, florida, came to the rescue of a group of baby ducks. police say the ducklings fell through the holes of a drainage gate. mama duck nervously going back and forth there. while four firefighters use a hydraulic lift to raise the great. then after a little help from
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the pool fishing net, the nine ducklings were freed anticipate on their way. the family all back together again quacking. rising gas prices are putting pressure on wallets around the country. right now, drivers are paying $3.76 a gallon. that's a 22-cent jump from last month and nearly $1 more than a year ago. what impact does this have on the economy, the bigger picture. rhonda, at what point, we have to start with this question, does it start to affect the economy, which is already struggling as it is? $4.50? $5? >> it's already affecting places where i live, richard. in washington, d.c., it's already well above $4 a gallon. people are talking about the impact on airline fuel, airline tickets, groceries. so petroleum is in all segments of our economy and it's already at that point where consumers
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are complaining. >> you're an expert on policy. what's the next solution? ethanol? nuclear? >> president obama's solution is really to encourage more renewable energies in the form of nuclear, clean coal, solar, wind power. and he also believes that that's a driver for jobs in the economy. that's why he contributed and asked for billions of dollars in the stimulus package for energy development. >> and that's a main distinction between the george bush administration and their belief in what it can mean for jobs. when we look at those solutions, though, we're talking about decades, right? >> right. whenever you put policy in place with energy policy, it's always going to take a long time to implement that policy. americans are going to be dependent on petroleum for the next 10 to 20 years.
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>> what's the solution now. it seems like we have plenty of supply. is this all because of speculation? can we change that? >> yes, much of it is caused by speculation, frankly people on wall street, driving trading futures. one thing that congress did and could do more of is ask the commodity futures trading commission to change their regulations, providing more transparency for those traders in order to, you know, help regulate. >> give me something specific. what can help? >> well, really a lot of the spike is driven by not only supply and demand, but the switch of fuel right now. we're going into the summer driving season and so refineries have to switch their fuels as well. once commodity future trading commission starts to look at the traders, look at what they're doing, transparency, we'll see some regulation. >> politics, we have to deal with that, reality of the markets and availability of all
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these natural resource, the lack thereof. thanks for giving us clarity. we'll wrap it right there for that. but stay with us for "a stronger america -- the black agenda." have yourself a very good day. if your racing thoughts keep you awake... sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling,
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