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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  May 7, 2011 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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next on msnbc saturday, inside the compound. new details are expect the today about osama bin laden's hideout. plus, who's next? who will be al qaeda's new leader and how will the terror group try to seek revenge? we have a series of live reports and the latest analysis on the death of osama bin laden. also ahead, river rising, the mississippi overflowing its banks and the worse may be yet to come. we'll go live to the flood zone. and wedding plans for a music giant. paul mccartney decides to give marriage another try. good morning, everyone. welcome to msnbc saturday. i'm alex witt. it's 11:00 a.m. here on the east coast, 8:00 a.m. out west. let's get to what's happening right now. in one hour, the pentagon is expected to release new details on osama bin laden and possibly
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video of the terror leader at his compound. they will discuss what they have found in the search through thousands of documents and computer files discovered at bin laden's house in pakistan. meanwhile, "the new york times" reports the obama administration is demanding the names of high-ranking pakistani intelligence operatives to see if they might have had any knowledge of bin laden's wheres about. u.s. officials confirmed a drone strike in yemen targeted an wa anwar al maliki. we turn to nbc chief pentagon correspondent jim miklaszewski. let's get right to it. what do you think will happen an hour from now? what will we learn? >> there are reports out there this morning that the u.s. intelligence officials are prepared to release videos of osama bin laden. they're in the compound in abbottabad. on his daily routine conducting his daily life which in fact was
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pretty restricted, according to some u.s. officials who say he may never have left that compound for the past several years. the reason apparently we're being told that the video is coming out is not only to show what kind of life he was leading but also as sort of a proof that he in fact was there. although as we discussed before, there's very little question about the fact that those u.s. military special operations forces did in fact shoot and kill osama bin laden. >> indeed. let's talk about the pakistan -- the pentagon getting ready for this news conference in about an hour or so. a lost challenges to determine exactly how much to release. what kind of pressure is the pentagon getting? and is there any pressure coming from the white house? >> well, there was some initial pressure to get some of the detail of the operation itself out and some proof that this was
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osama bin laden and it was less than 12 hours that they had all the evidence they needed and photographic comparisons and in fact dna testing that was conducted almost immediately within a couple of hours after he was shot. and then, of course, buried at sea less than 12 hours after he was killed. but i think in terms of the specifics of the operational details and some of the really detailed intelligence that could lead to the arrest of others. i think we're not going to hear too much of that today. probably supporting evidence as to what osama bin laden was up to during his time there at the compound and just how much of a leadership role he did play in anything operational out of al qaeda. >> okay. mick, thank you so much. >> okay, alex. new this morning, one of bin laden's wives says the terror leader lived in the suburbs in pakistan for as many as seven years, which is much longer than originally thought. you combine that with the revelation with the potential release of new video today
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showing osama bin laden walking around his compound. it spells new trouble for the already tense relationship between the u.s. and pakistan. nbc's stephanie gosk is live for us in islamabad. i know today's developments are not going to do anything to end the suspicions that people in pakistan may have known where bin laden was all along. >> reporter: no, it's not. and you know, alex, this wife, the youngest wife of osama bin laden, she's detained right now by pakistani officials. reportedly there are two more whiffs that are with them as well. she's been doing a lot of talking. a pakistani security official talking to nbc news says she's been talking quite a bit. some of the things she says seem obviously wrong and then other things seem a bit more accurate. they described her as sounding shocked and there are reports that she told some of the investigators and questioners that bin laden actually had been in this country for seven years, the first two years being spent in a town south of the town
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where bin laden was actually found, even closer to us here in islamabad, creating even more tension and raising even more questions about how it was the government didn't realize that bin laden was in their midst. something we should take a look at as well, why this information is leaking. this is clearly information that would be damage together government here. there are intelligence officials that are deliberately leaking it. they don't want to be named. it seems on the surface to be an attempt to undermine the civilian government in this country which is already very unpopular here. alex. >> that's a very good point you make. i can pick that up in discussion with analysts. with regard to just the citizens of that town, abbottabad, are they -- i mean, do they weigh in at all about how they teal about having osama bin laden in their midst, was it something they welcomed, were aware of? are afraid and incredulous of at this point? >> reporter: well, you hit it,
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that last word, incredulous. we didn't speak to anyone with the exception of maybe one or two people that actually believed that osama bin laden was ever there, let alone he was killed by navy s.e.a.l.s in that compound. there's this huge level of disbelief. in this country, there is a culture of conspiracy theory. they almost take pride their ability to find conspiracy in just about everything. they don't believe anything officials tell them. when we talked to people that said they didn't believe bin laden was there, i asked them what kind of proof would you need to believe it? and they basically said there isn't much you can do. pictures can be doctored. video can be doctored. one interesting thing, you now have al qaeda coming forward and taliban coming forward confirming that the navy s.e.a.l.s killed the leader in that compound. >> stephanie gosk, thank you. more now on the reports that the pentagon may release new video from those seized from the hideaway.
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evan coleman is an nbc news terrorism analyst and joins me here on this set. 50 good morning to you. >> good morning. >> why release this potentially -- well, it could be inflammatory new video, anything with osama bin laden, given stephanie gosk's description right there, people and what you know about them, why release video at all? >> there's three primary reasons i think. first of all, the united states wants to show the world that osama bin laden really was in this compound. al qaeda may have issued a statement acknowledging this, the taliban may have issued a statement acknowledging this. let's face it, there are conspiracy theorists that won't believe any of this, will refuse to believe this. it gets harder and harder when you see the real evidence, especially video evidence, right? >> right. >> there are other reasons. when you look back to zarqawi, he appeared in a video. he fired an american machine gun. very shortly thereafter, the pentagon released footage they seeds from a compound where it showed the outtakes from this.
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the outtakes showed a much, much different image. zarqawi was fumbling with the rifle, he wasn't able to shoot it properly. he looked like an idiot. really i think that's part of it. so far all the video we have of bin laden has been very complimentary to him. it's time we have to demystify this person and show him as he really was. i think we're about to see the more mundane side of osama bin laden. >> interesting. >> i don't think it's terribly complimentary or i don't think the cia would be releasing this footage. >> that's a good point, per spekt thrive. with regard to the average person, you heard stephanie talking about and you're echoing the sentiments, a lot of the people right there in abbottabad do not believe osama bin laden was either living there nor that he's been killed. how much does the united states government and officials, how much do we care what people in abbottabad think? and if so, if we do care, why? >> pakistan is an exceptionally
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corrupt country. i understand that people there have grown to be very suspicious of anything that the government says. in fact, i'm very suspicious what the pakistani government says. >> right. >> we need to try to reach out to the pakistani public. there's a vast gulf of misunderstanding between ordinary pakistanis and the united states. there are ordinary pakistanis who are somehow convinced that the united states poses more of a threat to them than osama bin laden, than any other threat, the pakistani taliban. it's just wrong. this is not just a u.s. perspective, the threat to pakistan is from the pakistani taliban, is from al qaeda, it's from islamic militants trying to overthrow the government. you have secular pakistani politicians trying to make peace with them or a truce with them. that's not how this works. we need to somehow communicate this to the pakistanis. we tried a variety of different methods. we offered them money and f-16 fighter jets. none of these messages seem to be getting through. it's very troubling. this say country that has nuclear weapons.
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it has a vast military. it's playing a very important, strategic role in central asia. it's troubling scenario. >> i'm curious. i was reading in islamabad, there's a demonstration by about 300 people that have less to do with the significance of osama bin laden's death than just being generally anti-american. in it's rhetoric and the message they were sending. how does the u.s. go about trying to win over the hearts and minds of the pakistani people? >> it's very difficult. one of the biggest problems we have is that we're fighting against the pakistani government right now. the pakistani government instead coming out and saying, look, osama bin laden is killing innocent pakistanis. it wasn't great to have a violation of our sovereignty but he's our enemy. you have the pakistani government saying this is unacceptable, the americans have violated our borders. >> do you think they're doing that to the pakistani citizens. >> i think they're doing it to a very small minority of people
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who don't like the united states. rather than condemning the united states they should be condemning the pakistani taliban for bombing mosques and killing hundreds of innocent muslims. this is what it's come down to, the pakistani government needs to decide whose side are they on? if they are allied with the united states, they have to make a statement where they indicate that. they can't play these games. these double-dealing games, because it's not good for anyone. it's not good for us and it's not good for them either. >> evan coleman, i know you'll stay with us. >> thank you. >> just a few minutes from now, we'll talk about the political consequences of the demise of osama bin laden. we invite you to watch "meet the press" tomorrow as well. among david gregory guests. tom donilon. we'll hear from new york mayor rudy giuliani, michael chertoff as well as general michael
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hayden. small towns and some urban areas could see extensive flooding from the rising mississippi river and parts of memphis, tennessee are already under water, force something residents to evacuate. >> i don't know what i'm going to do. i have to wait until this water goes down to see what i can do. i've never been in nothing like this. this is all new to me. >> nbc's jay gray is live for us in memphis, right there along beale street. i know we're seeing incredible pictures of the flooding there. how bad is it? can you put it in perspective for us? >> i'll try to, alex. it's bad and getting worse. especially now, we're starting to see some of the rain we talked about during the day here. it's going to fall for a couple of hours were we're told exactly what this area does not need. we're in downtown memphis, standing in the middle of beale street. the mississippi river has come over its banks and into this area. in the suburbs it's even worse. there are entire neighborhoods that are have already been washed away, more than 300 people are in area shelters.
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you can hear the trolley above me, just passing here. so there's still activity downtown. there's an nba playoff game as well. again, there are families suffering right now. yesterday emergency officials went door to door, telling more than a thousand people that it's time to move to higher ground. they say right now, about 2,800 homes and businesses are in the danger zone if you will. that could expand, though, especially if this rain is significant. the crest on the mississippi not expected until some time wednesday at about 48 feet, alex. we still have a ways to go. >> okay, unfortunately so. nbc's jay gray. thank you, jay. we will return to our coverage of the death of osama bin laden in just a moment with the political implications. will president obama benefit in the long run for his gutsy move to get bin laden? also ahead, it's a matter of trust. more questions about who impakistan might have known about bin laden's hideout and whether the u.s. can really trust islamabad to fight terror? and. and who's next in charge?
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we'll take take look at who might become the leader and how that might impact the future. [ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. it's the way to individually brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew, hon. [ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. how about a smile? at, we can design an arrangement that is sure to delight. [ doorbell ] 1-800-flowers. ohh! take our "tote-ally" original, "tote-ally" mom bouquet,
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a stylish gift that fits her perfectly. this mother's day, don't settle for the ordinary. send a creation that's truly her. call, click or come in, and let us arrange a smile for you this mother's day, starting at $29.99.
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there are new details about what was inside bin laden's medicine cabinet, officials say there were no exotic drugs. some medications appear to be for pain or shingles. another drug founded there is typically used to lower high blood pressure. bin laden of course long-time rumored to have kidney failure. the cache of drugs does not show evidence of that or serious health problems. at the top of the hour the pentagon may release new video of osama bin laden recorded while he lived at the compound where he was killed. pentagon officials are expected to discuss new details about his day-to-day life which they gleaned from documents taken from the house. good morning, ann, welcome back.
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reporter for "the washington post." >> good morning. thanks. >> this new video could reinforce bin laden's death to the skeptics. is this how president obama saw all of this playing out, allowing him to withhold the gruesome photos of osama bin laden? >> we've been told that the white house saw video, no audio of the raid. he got a personal briefing from the navy s.e.a.l.s, complete with a replica of the mansion in abbottabad. there's no lingering questions in the minds of the people in the administration. the question is, are there questions among other people? perhaps not in the united states where i think most people are willing to take the word of the president on something this huge but around the world. those are questions that the administration, of course, would want to put to rest. >> here's why there may be questions around the world. as you remember, there were a series of revisions made by the white house, all the details of
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the mission in the immediate aftermath. when it comes to handling the targeting and killing of bin laden, what kind of a score do you give the president? >> look, it was tough for them in the sense they wanted to get information out quickly. they were obviously excited and they wanted to give a tick tock, we reporters say what's the tick tock. we use it as a verb. they wanted to give us the tick tock in the first 24 hours. they did. some of the most compelling details turned out not to be true. i suspect there are people in the administration the next time something like this happens would want to wait, hold their fire and then release it. it's an old crime reporting lesson. you don't ever release it right away. you wait until you know what you're talking about. that said, on the overall score, i don't think anyone will give them demerits for the underlying accomplishment, the killing of bin laden. and whatever our disagreements with the way it was handled at the end of the day, they
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succeeded. >> in the first republican primary debate that was held on thursday, tim pawlenty criticized president obama's policy, criticizing the enhanced interrogation methods. that is by some accounts partly what led to have the information they used to make this raid on osama bin laden. do you see this being an effective attack leading up to the 2012 election? >> i can see this being something through the republican primary, which hasn't taken off, this has been a conversation within the republican party since obama really took office. we've heard dick cheney and his daughter among others, criticizing the president for not appreciating the value of those interrogations. and the white house has stood firm. there's nobody in the administration that we are aware of rethinking their decision to stop those kinds of interrogations. whether that actually plays out during a general election,
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especially in the absence of a ticking time bomb scenario. we're talking about information that is many years old now that was perhaps used in some important ways to lead to this. that's a very contentious assertion at this point. i don't think there's any kind of consensus that but for water boarding they wouldn't have had the information to get bin laden. there are many in the intelligence community saying we could have gotten this anyway. the most important information came out through regular interrogation later on. this will be an ongoing debate. it's hard to see it tipping the election. >> thanks so much. >> thank you. still ahead in our focus on bin laden's demise, can the u.s. fight terrorism without pakistan? and who's going to take bin laden's place? up next, a music giant plans to say i do for a third time. we'll tell you who. there you see him. you're watching "msnbc saturday." ♪ i like it, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪ that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪
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fight back. fight plaque. niaspan. his last marriage ended on a sour note.
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that's not stopping paul mccartney from saying i do for a third time. he's reportedly engaged. let's go live to london. kyra simmons has the details. who is he engaged to? any word on when they plan to get married? >> not yet. we've just done one wedding here in london and we're on to the next one. sir paul mccartney is virtually royalty here. this is the front page of one of our newspapers, "macca to wed for the third time." he's told friends he couldn't be happier. they think this one is going to be all right. friends describe them as the perfect couple. when sir paul mccartney appeared with nancy shevell last week, he had already asked her to marry him. they met at the exclusive
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hamptons where they both own houses. the british newspapers this morning splashing the news across the front pages. sir paul declaring once again that he needs somebody. this is not just anybody. nancy shevell gets along well with sir mccartney's children. she's a new york businesswoman with her own fortune. today, sir paul's many fans wishing him well. >> i wish paul mccartney and his new wife a lot of luck. and at least this time he's picked one with her own money. >> reporter: paul mccartney's first wife, linda, died of breast cancer in 1998. they had been together for almost 30 years. that hugely successful marriage was followed by one that could hardly have been less so. a year after he lost linda he found love with former model heather mills. they were married in 2002 but it all ended very publicly.
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countless extraordinary headlines spoke of a couple at war and when they divorced in 2008, mills was awarded a $50 million settlement. mccartney's latest engagement is to an altogether nu different woman. she is 51. he is 68. asked about his relationship recently, sir paul replied, i just like being in love. it is after all all you need. >> it is not clear when or where sir paul proposed but it is reported that nancy said yes immediately. alex while he's said to be worth more than $300 million, her wealth apparently is valued at almost $200 million. it's pretty unlikely they'll have to sign any kind of wedding prenup. they are apparently though, planning to marry as soon as possible. >> pretty suitably matched on that front. they're a good-looking couple. hope they're both happy. thanks, keir simmons. we may learn more at a
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pentagon briefing coming our way in about half an hour. video may be shown. in just a moment, can president obama confidently work with pakistan to fighter iter in the future? you're watching "msnbc saturday." to brew everyone's favorite cup in under a minute. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. [ woman speaking chinese ] thank you. do you have an english menu? no english. [ speaking chinese ] [ gasps, speaks chinese ] do you guys like dumplings? i love dumplings. working with a partner you can trust is always a good decision. massmutual -- let our financial professionals help you reach your goals.
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this mother's day, don't settle for the ordinary. send a creation that's truly her. call, click or come in, and let us arrange a smile for you this mother's day, starting at $29.99. president obama's getting praise from across the aisle in the republican weekly address, senator scott brown commended the president's decision to order the mission on bin laden, calling it a fine moment for our country. but he also gave credit to obama's predecessor. >> bin laden's killing was the result of coordinated efforts going back many years. it was the dramatic conclusion of patient intelligence gathering, begun long before. and the work of a military that's second to none. this was the pledge of president george w. bush in the days after 9/11. and he kept it. in seven years of relentless, decisive action against the al qaeda network.
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>> athena jones is at the white house for us. good morning once again to you, athena. how about the white house in terms of the way it handled the sharing of the credit for the mission? how have they done that? >> reporter: good morning, alex. i think the white house would say they've given due credit to president bush. of course, he was the first person to launch this massive manhunt and to begin tracking down the kind of people who could help lead to bin laden ultimately, interviewing detainees and that sort of thing. you heard some of that in senator scott brown. both sides are happy that bin laden has been tracked down and killed. there has been some concern on the republican side that president bush hasn't been given enough credit. i think the white house would disagree. certainly the president has said this has been a long journey, this has been a 9 1/2 year, 10-year effort to track down bin laden since september 11th. the u.s. has been looking for him since before that. you didn't hear senator brown talk specifically about enhanced interrogation techniques but that's another issue that's come up among debate around here.
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you heard vice president dick cheney assert earlier in the week that some of the interview tactics may have led to some of the clues that led the u.s. intelligence officials to bin laden. the white house has really pushed back against that. they say there's no single piece of information that's been vital, apart from the address of the compound. there's no single piece of information you could say came from this one source that may have been interview with enhance techniques. and so they're saying that it's not just that. they don't wa . j jay carney was asked if president obama was still against enhanced techniques? he said, yes, he does oppose that. since 9/11, the strategic partnership between the united states and pakistan has been critical to the war on terror. while the u.s. has sent billions of dollars of aid to pakistan,
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the alliance has not always been a happy one. now with the killing of bin laden on pakistani soil, there's more strain on the relationship than ever. let's bring in michael hersch, chief correspondent at the national journal. michael comes to us live from washington. good morning. good to see you. >> good morning with alex. >> we have the "new york times" reporting that the white house is investigating officials of the pakistani government that might have known about bin laden's compound. how might this affect the two countries moving forward? >> i think in the end it's not going to change thatch because we've been down this road before with pakistan. there's been a decade of tensions, pushing and pulling, prodding the pakistanis to help more u.s. government intelligence officials have known the pakistanis while they helped in turning over some terrorists would be reluctant to be seen as turning over someone with a profile of bin laden,
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because of the potential backlash. so we've seen these intentions before. we'll hear a lot of hue and cry in congress about withdrawing or reducing the u.s. aid. i think in the end it probably will not change the relationship all that much. >> it's not going to be surprising the pakistani government will clearly cater to its own citizens first, engaging their reaction and what they want them to do, at least to a degree. going forward, can we count on the cooperation of the pakistani government in the tensions right now are pretty heightened between these two countries. >> unquestionably. this comes on the heels of a very, very rocky several months. you had this american cia contractor, raymond davis in there. >> right. >> and he was sort of ushered out quickly after he killed two pakistanis who allegedly tried to rob him. the isi, the pakistani intelligence service was up in arms over just how much u.s. intelligence and special ops officials are actually there in the country. for this to happen, an extreme
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embarrassment for the pakistani military. here was bin laden right in the middle of where many pakistani military officers lived in abbottabad. things are at a high strain right now. you just had the pakistan army chief say yesterday that this should not happen again. if it does, pakistani, you know, military officials -- i mean, troops may fire on americans if they come across the border. i think a lot of this will be decided if there's cooperation in the months ahead overt pursuit of others like ayman zawahari, the number two al qaeda guy. >> you think things will pretty much stay the same and that would pull into question whether or not the u.s. continues with its foreign aid. we have california democratic u.s. senator dianne feinstein calling on a review of that and even a consideration we repeal that aid to pakistan. but even beyond that, michael, the consequences of a collapsed relationship with that country. what are they and can we fight
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the war on terror without pakistan? >> no. and that's the real issue here. the first thing to remember is, this is a nuclear armed country. the nuclear weapons apparatus of pakistan is considered to be somewhat -- fairly well secure by its military. the military does remain mostly secular though it's shot through with islamist sympathizers. there's really no choice, despite the lack of cooperation we often see from the pakistanis, we can't simply leave this country alone. the stakes are too great. the danger of a failed state, nuclear know-how, materials falling into the hands of terrorists is just too great. there will be threats, there will be hearings, maybe made contingent on better behavior by the pakistanis in the future. you'll see the relationship basically continue. >> michael hersch, many thanks as always. >> thank you. >> we may get new details about
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bin laden's compound at a briefing scheduled for the top of the hour. reports indicate the briefing may include new video of that compound and that video might include bin laden. stay with us for that and much more here on "msnbc saturday." more rain is on the way for memphis. the news could not come at a worst time, though, some of the residents there have been forced to leave their homes because of flooding caused by the rising mississippi river. the forecast from meteorologist bill karins. good morning. >> good saturday morning. we're in the midst of the great flood of 2011 on the mississippi river. it's only going to get worse in the week ahead. we're watching the ohio river at record flood stage. this map shows you where the crest is, the flashing light. that's where the ohio river meets the mississippi river. there's a ton of water coming from the ohio river. that's where the crest is now. it has to go downstream over the next two weeks. water on the mississippi, it is a slow journey down to the gulf of mexico.
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cape girardeau, it's the fourth all-time crest. this is really one of the great floods, being compared to the floods of 1927 and 1937. vicksburg, this should be your all-time highest crest on the 20th of this month we still have another week and a half to two weeks to go before we're done with the great flood of 2011. memphis, thankfully, not a lot of rain in the forecast for you. that's good. it's too late, we saw so much heavy rain in april. there are scattered showers and storms rolling through missouri. we'll have to watch those near the derby this afternoon. your mother's day forecast, scattered storms in the carolinas through areas of virginia and also wet weather in the northern rockies. i don't think it's going to be wet enough to ruin anyone's mother's day plans. hit's miss, summer-like showers for most people. back to you. >> okay, bill karins, thanks for that. the family of the missing tennessee nursing tune who the disappeared last month is urging
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people to search their properties today. holly bobo vanished april 13th. police are still looking but authorities say the search has been scaled back. i'm joined now by investigative crime reporter. good morning to you. >> good morning, alex. >> they believe the person who abducted her, probably local and familiar with the area. does that make sense to you? >> it does in a lot of ways. this is someone who may know the roads very well, obviously someone who could have been very in tune, very in key with holly's schedule, especially that window of opportunity of being able to approach her, to possibly walk her off into the woods or if they had a vehicle right there. to be tibl put her somewhere and put her away from her house very quickly. >> what about the confusion of the initial reports, the brother saw someone dragging her into the woods, then the wording softened, reports saying she was
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either led into the woods. >> the brother was the last person to see his sister. to see his sister walk away from the house, to see his sister with a stranger. his remarks and what he saw is key to this investigation. because he's really the last eyewitness in this particular case. when traumatic things happen, especially during a crime incident, an incident like this, something ha happens to your loved one, you could be disheveled in your thoughts and what you remember. kind of piecing that together. he's not been named a person of interest or a suspect. same with holly's boyfriend or family members. >> police are being very tight-lipped about what they know, michelle. how do you read that? is it that they don't know anything or they may know
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something? >> sometimes in investigations, actually all times in investigations, alex, there with what i like to call golden nuggets which are being held back. they'll release a couple things here and there. as time goes on and the case gets colder, they'll continue to release little bits of information. i think if this case continues to grow colder and we don't know exactly who's responsible for this, you'll see more information come out over a period of time. we all just keep the hope alive that holly is alive and that the right lead will come in to help locate her and bring her home. >> okay, michelle sigona, thanks so much. >> have a good day. >> you, too. coming up at the top of the hour, the pentagon may reveal new details about osama bin laden's life inside his compound in pakistan and reportedly, new home video of bin laden may be shown. stay with us for that and much more here on "msnbc saturday." but i don't think she'd go for a guy like -- [ ping! ] she says she'd love to. [ ping! ] she can't wait to see me. [ ping! ] she's wanted me to ask her out for over a year now!
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trove of handwritten documents and information all found at his pakistani compound. and reports indicate there may be new video of bin laden's compound and of the late terror leader himself. so stay tune ford that at the top of the hour, right here on "msnbc saturday." so in case you didn't know, tomorrow's mother's day. in case you're watching this segment empty-hand we have big-time help for you. we asked our resident moms to come up with last-minute great gift ideas. we're talking to mary ann zellner and alicia ybarbo. you ladies rock. i'm loving this. thank you so much. >> so you love this first mother's day gift idea? >> this i can see why. >> this is fabulous. >> who doesn't flop out their regular pocketbook for a regular tote bag for the summer. >> both sides. >> both sides. >> it's like a famous fabulous
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bag we all covet. >> most resembled one of the most wanted tote bags through the centuries. it's called the together bag by a company called thursday friday. it comes in these two colors and a couple other options. they sell in boutiques across the country. you have to logon to for a location. it's 45 bucks. it's inexpensive and you, too, can be posh. >> very posh. >> i'm thinking you're more sporty than posh, is that the case? >> i am. true story. these are my headphones taken out of my bag this morning. by the time you would untangle these you'll come up with all the excuses in the world you're not going to work out. look at this handy dandy device. it has a zipper. >> that's azoshl. >> it's from it's $39.99. you can get them at urban outfitters. they come in these adorable colors. >> cute.
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>> no more excuses for not working out. >> becan be matchy matchy. >> you have a thing for shoes. you have great ones here. >> jackie kennedy in the '60s make the jack rogers sandals such an iconic summer staple. it's to this day as popular as ever. look at this, it's a waterproof version. it's $68. you can get it from nordstrom. it's so cute. how many scoops of ice cream can you spill on these? nordstrom, $68. >> very adorable. >> sun-loving moms, that is great looking. >> it is. we all saw the beautiful hats last weekend at the royal wedding. >> oh, yes. >> we all know what today is, derby day. white house black market, $68. look at this. >> that's adorable. >> this will be a conversation piece. >> it looks absolutely adorable. it's good looking. you save on the vitamin d and
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all of that. what about what you are wearing? this is part of something you can get your mom. this is sa doshl. >> we love it. royal wedding over but it still doesn't mean you can't treat mom like a queen. this says happy mom. it's by pro mom couture. she's our twitter friend. everything she prouz celebrates motherhood. all sorts of options out there. you can get this at whole foods or logon to our website for other locations. it's 42 bucks. so cute. >> i'm digging this dress. it's bright and fun and it's target, mary ann. >> check it out. this is one of the most beautiful stores in all of new york city. they have partnered with target, a whole resort line. they have pillows, dinnerware, this gorgeous dress, these shoes, $29.99. the stuff is gorgeous and fraction of the cost of normal. >> that rocks. you ladies always hit it out of
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the park for us. love your ideas. it is awfully fun. it is all good. thank you very much, our today moms. >> happy mother's day. >> thank you, girls, you too. the book today's moms, essentials for surviving baby's first year. and for more mother's day ideas, head to the "today" show website, we are extending live coverage to bring a live news conference from the penalty gone about osama bin laden, days of his compound in pakistan. stay with us, you're watching msnbc saturday.
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coming up in minutes, the pentagon expected to release new details about osama bin laden, his life at the compound in pakistan, possible video of the terrorist leader recorded before he was killed. this information from thousands of documents and computer files confiscated during the raid. meanwhile, new reports this morning about a failed u.s. drone attack targeting radical
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cleric in yemen. the american born cler ig has been mentioned as possible successor to osama bin laden. yes, ma'am nissan u.s. officials say he wasn't hit when a missile was fired at a car in yemen. joining me now, military analyst jack jacobs. another good morning to you. >> good morning. >> clearly the u.s. is continuing the battle against al qaeda, evidence of the drone attack. is he seen as a real successor to bin laden? >> yes, but only in yemen, particularly south yemen, maybe north africa, somalia and so on where there's growing insurgency, it has been difficult to control the growth of al qaeda in that region. he might take over that area. >> what about the report in "the new york times" saying the united states is demanding names of pakistani intelligence officials, they want to see if they had knowledge of osama bin laden being right under their noses. what do you think of that, is it likely to happen? >> they may offer up mid and
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lower level people they know about or can find out about, they are not going to do more. there are people fairly placed in the pakistani intelligence network, and though not at the top of the pakistani government, plenty of sympathizers within the pakistani army and government, sympathizers of al qaeda, and those people are very much worried we already have their names. >> well, that's not the kind of thing that's going to be released though at this news conference coming up, in five, six, seven minutes or so at the pentagon. what do you think we will get? >> i think there will be generic assertions that we have a great deal of information, which we do. large majority of time the team was on the ground in collecting all that stuff, there was so much stuff, first of all, that we had that information and maybe the nature of the information, that perhaps some banking information, names of some of the people and agents involved, perhaps some connections to various governments themselves in a number of countries. perhaps also some plans for
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future action in europe and the united states. probably the former in europe than in the united states. >> do you think capture and killing of osama bin laden gives the u.s. military the chops to withdraw from afghanistan more quickly than previously planned? i know the beginning was supposed to happen in july, some troops will be coming home. might that happen more quickly now? >> i think the president may use this as an opportunity to justify a faster withdrawal from the region, but make no mistake about it, we're going to be keeping people there, we're going to have mobile training teams in the region training special forces and special operations forces that we're going to use for future action. we're going to withdraw conventional troops to a greater or lesser extent, but leaving special operations forces behind in the region. >> speaking of leaving, you're not doing that now. >> i'm not going anywhere. pursuant to your instructions. >> right. i'm telling the colonel what to
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do. although i am asking you kindly to stay. thank you very much. we are expecting to find more about osama bin laden's life in the compound. that pentagon briefing in a few minutes. home video of him at the compound will also be shown. we will take a short break for that briefing. we will be back on an extended edition of msnbc saturday. what do you think about that proglide? yeah, this is great. this thing is fantastic. it feels good on my sensitive skin. i don't feel like i'm shaving. [ male announcer ] fusion proglide is engineered with gillette's thinnest blades ever... it feels like it's doing the work for me. [ male announcer ] it glides for less tug and pull. it was smooth! this was fantastic. i'm having way too much fun with this razor. [ male announcer ] turn shaving into gliding with fusion proglide. i'm a believer. he is a believer! yeah! [ male announcer ] gillette fusion proglide.
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