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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  June 7, 2011 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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he did it. now congressman anthony weiner faces a cold reception from his democratic colleagues, an ethics investigation and must face the court of public opinion. and who are the six women weiner now admits were the objects of his unsavory
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interest? the challenge ahead for president obama? what new poll numbers say about his re-election chances from someone who has worked inside the white house? what would you do if you found out you were on the hook for half a million dollars? well, guess what? good morning, i'm chris jansing. congressman anthony weiner says he will cooperate fully with the house ethics investigation. after half an hour of giving answers at an extraordinary and extraordinarily uncomfortable press conference the once rising democratic star managed to raise many more questions about years of sexually charged exchanges on twitter and facebook. >> i -- i am deeply regretting what i have done. last friday night i tweeted a photograph of myself that i intended to send as a direct message as part of a joke to a woman in seattle. to be clear the picture was of me and i sent it. i am deeply sorry for the pain
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that has caused my wife, huma and our family. i don't know what i was thinking. this was a destructive thing to do. i'm apologetic for doing it, but i'm not resigning, and i'm going to try very hard to go back to work a better person and a better man. >> it was just ten days ago that weiner's lies started spiraling out of control. he did interview after interview insisting he did not send out a lewd photo but his cryptic responses seemed to just make things worse. >> i can't say with servitude. my system was hacked. pictures can be manipulated, dropped in and inserted. this has turned into an international whodunit. i think this was a prank. i'm treating it like a prank. this twitter picture is a hack or prank someone posted on my page. the photo doesn't look familiar but a lot of picture looking at this stuff are cautioning me
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stuff gets manipulated. >> luke russert has been following this stuff throughout from capitol hill. nancy pelosi has called for an ethics investigation. how much trouble might he be in? >> reporter: potentially a lot, chris. as you mentioned there are a lot of questions that came out of yesterday's press conference in new york city. bun that he actually admitted to having an improper relationship over electronic mediums with six women over the past three years. the question is, though, chris, did any of those improper texts e-mails or phone calls occur while he was actually at his congressional office or while he was using a congressional telephone, a congressional e-mail system, a congressional computer. weiner went out of his yesterday saying he believes he did not do any of those things. if he did he could find himself in trouble with the house ethics committee. what is the time line? nancy pelosi asked the ethics committee to investigate congressman weiner and there will be an intense exhaustive investigation into what he did within his office in regards to
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contacting women but look, it seems every hour there's a new scandal with respective weiner, allegedly he told a porn star named ginger lee to call his pr team if there is problems in terms of how his message could come out with their relationship so he's going to have to answer a lot of things in the meantime and if he doesn't, surely the house ethics committee will find them. chris? >> luke russert, thank you so much. joseph de geneva former u.s. attorney and independent counsel represents the other side in investigative matters. haven't seen new a while, joe, good to see. good morning. >> nice to see you, chris. thanks for having me. >> i want to read from the house ethics manual at the top, "members should conduct themselves at all times in a manner that reflects credibility on the house." here's what anthony weiner said yesterday about whether he broke the rules. >> i don't see anything that i did that violated any rules of the house. i don't see anything that i did that certainly violated my oath
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of office to uphold the constitution. i engaged in inappropriate online conversation with people that included photographs and it was a mistake to do that, but i didn't, i don't believe that i did anything that violates any law or any rule. >> from somebody who knows how this works very closely, was this an ethics violation, joe? >> i don't think there's any question about it. you see the problem that congressman weiner is going to have he started this process off by lying. he lied not only to the media in private places, but he lied in his office when he brought a series of reporters in for personal interviews in his capitol hill office. he used something that is paid for by public money to lie not only to the public but to everyone and so bottom line is he's already violated the house ethics rules doing that and if he used a telephone or blackberry paid for by house funds to do any of this activity that's a violation of the house
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ethics rules. >> in fact this morning and i hadn't thought about the whole interviews in the office thing but this morning we heard that one of the women involved in this said she had a half an hour phone call with him while he was in his office, a sexually charged conversation. >> right. >> how do they go about investigating this? do they look at phone records? what do they do next? >> they'll do credit cards, phone records, they'll do house vouchers submitted by the members office, electronic receipts from the house, they'll go back, they'll get his scheduling people, they'll get documents from his office, and he must turn over everything. he does not have the right not to cooperate. the only way he cannot cooperate is to resign and he said he's not going to resign. >> this is going to be interesting to watch how this unfolds. joe, always good to see you. thank you. >> thank you, chris. let me bring in political analyst karen finney and michael smerconish, talk show host and msnbc contributor. let me play for you yet again a
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little little piece of what we heard from anthony weiner yesterday. >> it is really true that you know, the smarter better thing to do would just be to tell the truth. my wife has known about some of these online relationships since before we were married and we spoke frankly about them because well we spoke frankly about them but she didn't know until this morning that i had not been telling the truth about whether i posted the twitter posting last week. my staff did not know the actual story here. i had missed them as well. >> michael let me give you an opportunity to speak for your entire sex. why do these guys keep doing this? >> if he had said that ten days ago, call me naive chris, if he had said it ten days ago and taken full ownership of this entire spectacle i'd like to think by now he'd be past this and he would survive. the question that's on my mind is, having committed those acts, what made him think he could get away with it in the internet age
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in which we live? there was no way he was going to leave this unscathed. >> how could you not know? everything is traceable. it's been for ten years we know nothing is private. >> i know, don't you feel after the last couple of months of news, how many times could we say how could he not know or not think he could get caught? it's shocking and disappointing frankly because anthony was a rising star in the democratic party. he was somebody who was very savvy with media, very good on the issues and all of that now is destroyed. >> he was a hero to liberals. >> vutly. >> he could make his case, get on the floor of the house and make his case. >> pelosi actually very quickly called for an ethics investigation, moved that into that process, i'm sure there are plenty of people suggesting to him he ought to step down in the first hours when this all comes out people are in a little bit of denial realizing what their opportunity may or may not be, he probably should step down to make sure it doesn't detract
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from the cause. >> i want to show you something brilliant rachel maddow did last night, put on the lying politicians over the last couple of years, eliot spitzer, eric craig, mark foley, david vitter, john edwards, what separates those who survive who from those who don't? >> taking ownership sooner rather than later is an important step. the debate i've had with the radio audience is whether you are you lined up 535 men, 435 members in the house, 100 in the senate, 535 citizens would you find this bad behavior in the populous. i'm not sure what the answer might be. >> houma is a friend of yours, the congressman's wife. she did not stand up at the press conference yesterday but here is a woman who was by all
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accounts pursued by a lot of men, extremely attractive. you it don't get to be hillary clinton's aide -- why would you cheat on her? >> we've said that time and time again. why would he cheat on her. who among us could say how we would handle something like this unless we were in it. for anthony in the survivability, you take a step back, shut your mouth and let the work speak for you. there's nothing he could say making us feel differently. similarly what clinton did. let the work speak for what he wanted to accomplish.
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>> thanks so both of you. congressman weiner's political future is in jeopardy. how do you come back from a humiliating public scandal. more details at the half. an out of control wildfire continues to grow in eastern arizona, prompting more evacuations. the fires are being stoked by windy conditions and dry lightning and they can be seen as far away as iowa. several resort towns have been evacuated. their residents clearly distraught. >> furniture is replaceable, our lives are not and -- oh, i'm going to cry. >> the good news is no serious injuries have been reported. thousands of firefighters from across the country have been called in to battle these fires. the army corps of engineers is racing to prevent a full level yee breach in iowa, could leave the town of hamburg under several feet of water. the missouri river is swelling to record levels because of melting snow, weeks of rain and releases from upstream reserv r
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reservoirs. barriers are being ralised by five feet. testimony about the smell of death. more csi evidence as prosecutors try to prove she proved caylee. ♪
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one of the president's top economic advisers is leaving the white house. austin goolsbee will be going back to his teaching job in chicago. he's the last of the president's core economic team to leave. his replacement will need senate confirmation. history has been made at the casey anthony murder trial. for the first time ever in an american courtroom a forensic expert introduced the novel
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science of owe dar annalysinaly testimony on the stench of death found in the trunk of casey anthony's car. testimony has begun today and nbc's kerry sanders is live in orlando with the latest for us. what is going on this morning? >> reporter: good morning, they're in the 12th day of testimony in this case and the prosecution as you said is continuing its pursuit to present evidence that they say shows that casey anthony murdered her 2-year-old daughter, caylee, and as we're seeing here again this morning, they say much of that evidence lies in the science. on the start of week three in the casey anthony trial, it all comes down to forensics. >> the compounds that have been captured -- nonnutrietive tissue. >> reporter: jurors listened to highly technical evidence, all part of the prosecution's
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attempt to prove that 25-year-old casey anthony murdered her 2-year-old daughter caylee nearly three years ago, the only witness on the stand monday -- >> a small little pellet. >> dr. arpad vaas, expert in decompetition at a tennessee facility known as the body farm and the most discussed chemical of the day, chloroform, which prosecutors say casey used to drug her daughter to she could go out partying. >> the chloroform was shockingly high, unusually high. >> reporter: he testified the chemical was detected in the trunk of casey's car after confiscated in the trunk of caylee. >> we have never seen chloroform in those levels in the 20 years of shooting these samples. >> reporter: samples captured in a rare scientific procedure.
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forensic experts questioned the root of the science. >> to the best of my knowledge there has been no court that has admitted this kind of evidence in a criminal case. >> reporter: back in the courtroom defense attorney jose baez attacked the credibility even more than his unique smell test. >> you also have attempted to put electronic leashes on flies, have you not, sir? >> reporter: a new and novel science full of details that for the average juror might be hard to digest. >> jurors are everyday people, they're not scien tst, they're not molecular biologists. what they do is listen to the witness and make a decision as to whether they can trust that witness or not. >> reporter: for the jurors this is really quite an uphill battle because it is complex science and almost as if they're in the classroom and as you'd remember from school, sometimes when you're taking in a lot of information you need a break and chris that's what they're on right now, taking a break. the one thing they can't do is they can't discuss this amongst
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themselves so for the jurors it's sort of learning as they hear it, learning on their own, and then they'll eventually be able to discuss all of this, but not until the prosecution and the defense has put on all of their case, and of course, that could be several more weeks, maybe six more weeks before they get to that point. >> can you imagine the deliberations. kerer can kerry sanders. president obama loses his post-bin laden bounce. we'll talk with a former white house insider next. weigh in on this and other big news of the day on my twitter page, go to jansingco and shares your thoughts. time for your entrepreneur of the week. lori paren owns two stores in suburban connecticut called roundabout consigner assignments. last year she opened two new
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9% have a negative view of the economy, 59% disapprove of the president's handling of the economy. those numbers are critical in battleground states. bill burton is former deputy white house press secretary. >> good to see you. >> 2:1 americans say the country is seriously on the wrong track, when you look at all of these numbers. what does the white house do with them? >> well i don't think there's a lot of surprises in this poll. the white house didn't need a poll to tell them americans think the economy is in tough shape that americans think the country is moving in the wrong direction. but i will say that the president has created 2 million jobs in this recovery, the economy is moving on the right track but these are hard times and the race is about the future. >> those have been the white house talking points and this is a guy who is quite the communicator. he energized people when he was running for president, made them feel hope, he made them believe
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change was possible, when you look at the numbers, you've got to say, bill, don't you, saying these jobs have been created, the auto industry is doing better, we are making progress. that message isn't working. >> that's the context for what it the discussion will be in this election as we move forward. the election is ultimately a choice. sure the president has created 2 million jobs and yeah there's not enough jobs to make americans feel like everything is okay but he'll be up against a republican, tim pawlenty, mitt romney or michele bachmann. people will want to know do we want to do what's right for our family's future or double down on the economic policies own got us down into the mess we're in now. tim pawlenty is kissing cousins with paul ryan's plan. >> the president's approval numbers dropped points. head to head with mitt romney two polls show him losing against mitt romney.
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so how does the president's team combat the kinds of attacks he's been getting from romney and the republicans on his handling of the economy? >> this race is not really engaged and i think people are not really paying attention and don't know a lot about mitt romney or the other candidates but one number in the poll i think is settling to the white house and people who support barack obama is the number 55% of americans think that the president is a strong leader. now if mitt romney is the nominee a guy who has shown himself to a phony on issues that are very important to the american people i this i that people will decide who is the stronger leader for my family, who is on my side. it's hard to believe americans are going to be convinced that mitt romney is the strong leader that they need. >> i also want to ask you, bill, about the anthony weiner situation yesterday. he didn't tell his wife, his own staff by his own admission didn't know until just before the news conference that he had been lying to them. is a politician who handles his own pr scandal on his own quite
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simply a fool? >> he did the right thing by setting the record straight, had a 27-minute press conference. >> ten days later. >> and pelosi said there would be an ethics committee investigation. that's the right thing because the american people and folks in his district could make a determination on the facts and information so i think this is going to run its course and everybody will have the information. >> whether he keeps his job or not and that's still very much an open question do you think that an important voice frankly for the liberal wing of the party has lost its voice? >> well i think it's certainly going to have an impact on how much he can be out there now and certainly have an impact on his future. i think the facts as they come out and as we see in the finality of the ethics committee report will determine just how big a voice he will continue to have but you know i just think that there's a process, it's going to run its course and we'll find out the information. >> bill burton good to see you.
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thank you for coming on. >> good to see you chris. see you soon. missing student mysteries, police believe one was murdered and the other vanished almost without a trace. what happened to the two women. women caught in the anthony weiner scandal come forward. richard lui here to look at who they are. >> he says there are six. how many women have come forward, a day later, who they are and what messages they say they received. the latest on the women caught in the headlines with congressman anthony weiner. hey, dad, think i could drive? i'll tell you what -- when we stop to fill it up. ♪ ♪ [ son ] you realize, it's gotta run out sometime. ♪
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welcome back. oh, the hot summer days. problem is it's still spring. don't tell that to anyone in the southern or middle half of the country. we're in the middle of a very impressive heat wave. it will start pushing east. get ready for your taste of mid summer heat. west coast for you wondering where is the heat?
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you're cool and chilly. everybody else has been hot. forecast for today, temperatures very uncomfortable almost dangerous around chicago. 98 the high, minneapolis, 95 for you and texas temperatures near 100 from dallas to houston to san antonio. as i said it's going to head eastward. look at wednesday's high temperatures, new york 96, d.c. 95, we're still hot in the midwest so this takes a while to move through. the peak of the heat wave and the day chris is looking forward to, 98 on thursday in new york city and chris you promised no the to complain. >> not me. i'm happy about the weather. thank you bill. here is a look at other stories people are talking about right now. nato war planes pounded tripoli today. a rare series of daytime strikes designed to step up pressure on moammar gadhafi to step down from power.
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some of the 30 explosions were believed to be targeting gadhafi's compound. right now president obama and german chancellor and angela merkel are meeting behind closed door. the two are expected to hold talks about nato and afghanistan operations. they'll hold a joint news conference in an hour. and tonight they'll host a lavish state dinner. volunteers are searching for missing lauren spierer. the 20-year-old last seen around 4:30 friday morning walking toward her apartment after a night out with friends. her parents are frantic. >> somebody knows where she is. and if you had a thread of decency, i'm begging, you know. somebody snows where she is. i just want them to help us. >> there's only one focus and that's finding lauren. >> i'm just praying that we find
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her and i can't let myself go to a place other than being hopeful and positive. >> lauren's parents says she has a heart condition that requires medication. in northern california police say forensic evidence leads them to believe the disappearance of michele le is a homicide. her family believes she is alive and want the fbi take over the investigation. le was last seen may 27th when she took a work break and never returned. this photo truly amazing but what is it exactly? well, we'll explain and show you more stunning images when we go down to the wire in 20 minutes. a lot of surprises from congressman weiner's press conference yesterday, six women, he says he was involved with online over the past three years. some of those women are coming forward, others have been keeping their distance. richard lui is here to break it all down for us. good morning. >> good morning, chris. of the six, two women have
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reached out to the press saying they are part of these six. meghan broussard, a 26-year-old single mother from texas is one of them. abc news saying she provided dozens of photos, e-mail messages, and cell phone call logs chronicle a sexually charged relationship going back to april 20th of this year. radar online, lisa weiss saying she had a sexting relationship with congressman weiner, the online publication saying the 40-year-old las vegas black jack dealer shared over 200 exchanges including explicit last august. the rest, three, four, five and six, they have not come forward saying they are part of this group as of yet. going back a week this picture of a man in boxer shorts started it all, 21-year-old jeannette cordova from seattle a college
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student received the picture via twitter. she was also one of the only 198 people that weiner followed at the time. this is her here, gennette cordova. "he had six inappropriate relationships with women online the last three years. if it wasn't clear, i was not one of them." finally chris, here is the woman who was not part of all of this but is part of all of this. >> i apologize to my wife and our family. my wife is a remarkable woman. she's not responsible for any of this. >> huma abedin is weiner's wife of less than one year, close aide to secretary of state hillary rodham clinton. that and having former president clinton officiate over their wedding made weiner an honorary member of one of the leading families, those are the women this hour in the headlines with
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congressman anthony weiner. >> richard thank you so much. we have seen this before and seemingly they never learn, politicians lying themselves into a corner. weiner did interview after interview denying doing anything wrong. >> i then continued with that story to stick to that story which was a hugely regrettable mistake. you know when you say something like that that's so wrong, i was embarrassed, and i didn't want it to lead to other embarrassing things, and i did it, it was a dumb thing to do, to try to tell lies about it because it just led to more lies. >> marvetberry tee tow's clients included mariah carey, kim catrell, amongst more. he didn't tell his wife or his staff so he had no one to talk to. how hard is it for someone in the middle of something like this to make a good judgment?
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>> it's very difficult. you have to weigh what decisions you make based on good information and he wasn't clear and able to be truthful about his revelations at all throughout the process. >> he had nobody to bounce this off of. >> not at all. he clearly didn't get good guidance. he clearly came forward with a proactive strategy only he came forward proactive and was being defensive, being arrogant, being very cocky in his delivery and he had too many interviews. he should have come forward with the truthful revelation and this would have gone away. he came forward with a lie. he was not honest. >> one of the things that occurred to me yesterday and as a member of the media you applaud him for answering all the questions, on the other hand, he just seemed to raise a lot more questions. you know when he said well he can't be 100% sure essentially how old all the women are, he assumes unless they fibbed none of them was underage. seemed he opened up more avenues of questions. >> he absolutely did.
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normally typically a press conference is to dispel any inappropriate behavior. he had interview after interview. prior to the press conferences, and he never ever dispelled the inappropriate behavior. >> what does he do now? >> now he has to focus on getting back to the business of being a politician and really building that trust of the fundamental foundation of a politician's career is the ability to be trusted by the folks that you are entrusted to serve and to inflect change on their behalf. at this point he's not credible so he really has to retreat, go away and focus on recalibrating his career towards emerging a more credible individual, a more credible, authentic politician. right now he's dishonest and seen as a liar. >> marvet britto, good to see you, thanks. is the u.s. really in an economic recovery? hear just how many americans don't think so and we'll talk
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about what it means for president obama's re-election. plus how you can get a glimpse of kate middleton's royal wedding dress in person, that and more when we go "down to the wire" straight ahead. we want to know what you think about the stories we're covering. find us on facebook. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing purina one beyond a new food for your cat or dog. a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work. booking a flight by itself is an uh-oh.
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washington post" and gallup show mitt romney as the biggest challenge to president obama's relux. romney's strength comes from so many people thinking america is on the wrong track. 57% say the economy has not begun to recover. suggesting there's a very long road ahead. rob reiche was secretary of labor under president clinton and author of "aftershock." professor reich, good morning. women, blacks, young people, older workers are struggling. you call them politically invisible. what's your argument? >> many of the people who are now bearing the brunt of unemployment, chris, and they are middle aged men who have been out of work for more than six months, they are women who were public employees and who have lost their jobs, many of them school teachers, they are single, mothers, minority groups and young people trying to get
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into the workforce, all of these people have very little political clout, they don't have an organization, there's no national association of unemployed workers, they don't have, they don't make political donations. they are actually america's invisible class in a way, and that may be one reason that washington is doing so little about jobs and wages. >> you also write that democrats don't want to admit for obvious reasons that the economy has stalled. actually the bad economy works for the republicans' advantage in 2012 so do you see a way that something does get done in the next 18 months? >> i think it's very important for democrats, the president included, to show america that even if it's hard to get anything through congress, at least he and the democrats are still fighting for jobs and wages. all we hear from washington these days is this big fight over the long-term budget deficit over raising the debt ceiling. well that has nothing to do with jobs and wages today. and as much as republicans would like the public to believe that
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a smaller budget and less of a budget deficit creates more jobs, that's absolutely false. that's a big lie that they are selling over and over again so it's very important the president say to the public look, here is my plan. i want to for example exempt the first $20,000 of income from the payroll tax or i want to make sure the federal government is lending money to states so they don't have to lay off so many people. i'm going to have a new works projects administration like we had during the great depression to put the long-term unemployed to work. there's a long list of things that could be done. maybe they can't, maybe the president couldn't get them through this congress but at least he must show and democrats must show they are fighting for jobs and wages right now. >> professor robert reich good to see you as always. thank you for coming in. >> thanks, chris. on the topic he was talking about the debt, the headline in "usa today," put it over here,
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the u.s. owes a record $62 trillion, they call it unfunded obligations. that means you each and every american household essentially owes more than half a million bucks. take a look at the debt clock ticking up and up while washington can't come to an agreement about how to get it under control before we go bankrupt. congressm maman mack thank you being here. the numbers are so big i can't even wrap my head around it. you proposed a solution at least part of a solution based on a single penny. it sounds implausible. >> it's simple, that's what i love about this plan. republicans, democrats, independents, we take 1%, we cut 1% a year for six years. in the seventh year we cap spending to 18% of gdp which has been what the historical average has been and the eighth year we balance the budget and after ten
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years we cut $7.5 trillion and here is the message that i'm sending. everybody who is watching your show, every american family had to cut their budget at least one penny out of every dollar, every business has had to cut their budget at least one penny out of every dollar and how can the federal government not take one penny out of every federal dollar and make those cuts so we can balance the budget? >> as you know congressman when you ask americans to rebalance the budget yes i have to balance mine, you should balance yours but when you talk specifically about medicare and social security, which make up two-thirds of the unfunded obligations, they're not so crazy about taking those, putting those into the mix of what should be cut. what can congress do about these numbers for these programs that are so popular. >> let me go back to my bill. first we say the congress and the president must work together to make those cuts to make that
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1% cut. if the congress and the president fail to act, then they'll be an across the board cut. no one wants to see an across the board cut. we want to see targeted cuts, we can preserve programs we need to preserve and make sure we get our budget in balance. there's a stick out there to the congress. congress and the president work together, if you do, if you make the requisite cuts everything is fine. if not 1% across the board. >> how do you do that in this political season in i was talking to robert reich and his point is look, for the democrats, they don't want to admit there is this problem. for the republicans it works to their advantage and you are very far apart on how you think you should move forward. can something get done in this political season, which is so highly charged? >> absolutely and more importantly, it has to get done. i think both sides recognize that we cannot continue to spend at this level and the american people have said enough is
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enough. they've had it. if you come down to my district they're up to here. they've have had it with government spending and programs. they've had it to do it at home. they feel like the government has failed them and at the same time the government continues to spend money it doesn't have that it has to borrow. >> sounds like you're saying the government has failed them. >> i think so. when you see the debt and the deficit the way it is today, this is a systemic problem that's not just in this administration, it's gone over a number of different administrations, the american people have said enough is enough, we need to cut our spending, we need to balance our budget and get our fiscal house in order. they've had to do it and the federal government. there's a thing in washington that minutes of congress and the president think that it's washington's money, they forget that this is your money. this is people who are watching the show, it's their money that they've given or the federal government has taken from them.
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they want something -- >> it got my attention to think every u.s. household owes half a million dollars, that's a lot of money we don't have. a rare appearance from apple icon steve jobs to announce icloud. announced a new operating system for its mobile devices. twitter of course lighting up with excitement. our tweet of the day comes from mark hoppus from blink 182 writes "apple computers i love you. please take all my money and keep me happy and give me fun apps and joy forever." [ male announcer ] a venus razor, covergirl makeup, olay anti-aging cream and rubber spatulas. what's that for? helps me look younger. does it work? mm-hmm. [ snoring ] grandpa's gonna be so happy when he wakes up. yeah. he's gonna look like a baby.
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so imagine driving down the highway and seeing this, yes, it is the fuselage of the u.s.
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airways miracle on the hudson. it's in baltimore. the truck can travel no more than 50 miles per hour and it takes up two lanes. kate's dress, michael's jacket and jen's new man. pictures more out of sci-fi than a work of mother nature, an exploding volcano in chile and the lightning strikes that go with it, absolutely unreal. it's beautiful but terrifying for the people who live there. things are so bad they have to use snow removal equipment to pick up the volcanic ash that's all over the street. if you want to look at cool as michael jackson and his "thriller" video his jacket might be a good place to start. the red and black leather jacket up for sale in l.a. but it will cost you valued at $200,000. you can't buy this dress, but you can drool over it. we're talking about kate middleton's wedding dress deployed at buckingham palace, a
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palace tour opens to the public at the end of july. people are still talking about will and kate at the races this ek would understand, their first public day out since they got married, too bad they watched the queen's horse looz the epsom derby. the new duke and duchess of cambridge said they wanted to do everything themselves but after five weeks they might be overwhelmed. . they're now advertising for servants. ♪ >> those who work, work later. >> the new chrysler ad with dr. dre building on a campaign they started with super bowl with eminem in detroit. they're cruising the streets of l.a. but delivers the same line, this is l.a., this is what we do. thomas roberts, we both lived there so we know. >> we did and that's a cool looking car. >> i think they're good ads.
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>> dr. dre makes anything look good. good morning, everybody. it is the day after, talking about for congressman weiner. he lays bare online indiscretions and social media missteps to a horde of media. can he survive and what will an investigation unveil. europe's e. coli outbreak. are they any closer to finding a cause and the big question has this reached american soil? the odor of death in casey anthony's car continues to be damning evidence in her car. week three of testimony. will casey anthony take the stand? we'll get new the loop after this. in phillips' colon health defended against the bad gas, diarrhea and constipation. ...and? it helped balance her colon. oh, now that's the best part. i love your work. [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice...
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show of support, anthony weiner under fire, are any democrats out there at this defense? teaching ethics, john dean is using his mistakes as a teaching moment for other


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