tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 1, 2011 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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now, when he or she was given free reign. i salute you, your work is the best new thing in the world today. now time for "the ed show." good night. good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show." i'm reverend al sharp ton in for ed shultz. mitt romney tries to walk back his comments on obama running the economy, but it seems like he just made it worse nor himself. we'll show you all his latest campaign trail live and give you the facts. this is "the ed show." and as ed would say, let's get to work. >> the president is the a nice guy, and i know he's trying, but he doesn't understand how the economy works. >> mitt romney tries to embarrass the president in his stump speech today. he failed. we'll show you how.
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>> we won! >> stephen colbert's election victory sheds light on a real campaign problem. we'll explain. and the glenn beck era is over. >> you will pray for the time when i was only on the air for one hour every day. >> oh, i'm praying for you, glenn. tonight, my eulogy for the glenn beck program. today, republican presidential kanld mitt romney finally reversed himself on a factually untrue claim that president barack obama had made the economy worse. but in order to do that, he had to lie again. >> i didn't say things are worse. what i said was the economy hasn't turned around.
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>> what was that governor romney? here's what he said in new hampshire just four days ago. >> the obama administration has not been able to deal with the number one issue that the country was concerned about as he became president, which was the economy. he did not cause the recession, but he made it worse. >> and just so there's no confusion, romney said it two other times this month in his presidential announcement and the recent republican debate. >> barack obama has failed america. when he took office the economy was in recession and he made it worse and he made it last longer. >> what this president has done as slowed the economy. he didn't create the recession, but he made it worse and longer. >> you heard that. so let's listen one more time to what romney said today.
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>> i didn't say that things are worse. what i said was that the economy hasn't turned around. >> romney tried to use one lie to fix another lie. nice try. as for stage craft, romney has got it down. >> we are stand on the side of the allentown metal works. this was the place that president obama visited about a year and a half ago and indicated that this was a symbol of the success of his stimulus program. and as you look around and see the weeds growing and the windows boarded up, you can see that it's more a symbol of the failure of obama's economic policies. >> but again, the truth gets in the way. a close analysis shows the plant closed not because of federal stimulus spending but because there wasn't enough stimulus spending. there wasn't enough spending on infrastructure to keep this plant alive.
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and remember, the stimulus was one third tax cuts, and the republicans still didn't vote for it. but romney is all about blaming the president and getting in some digs after obama's own news conference. >> and the president's time has been focused on playing golf and campaigning, campaigning in pennsylvania today, and blaming. the president ought to be in washington, meeting with republicans, meeting with democrats. >> and at other times, romney spoke with a smiling con da sengs. >> the spt a nice guy, but he doesn't understand how the economy works. i spent 25 years in the private sector. i know why jobs leave. i know why they come. >> oh, he knows all right, since as a businessman, his idea of building up a business was leveraged buyouts that lay off workers.
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and while he was governor of massachusetts the state ranked 47th in job growth. that's 47 out of 50. but, of course, romney thinks the president's time is up. of. >> three years he's been in office. this is the third year in his four-year term. he said on "the today show" in february 2009, he said look, if i can't turn the economy around in three years, then mine is a one-year proposition. well, i'm going to collect on that promise. >> there's a reason why that might sound slightly familiar. >> in february, 2009, president obama was very confident that his economic policies would turn the country around within a year. he said, and i quote, a year from now, i think people are going to see that we're starting to make progress. if i don't have this done in three year, then there's going to be a one-term proposition.
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well, mr. president, your policies haven't worked. spending our way out of the recession hasn't worked. and so, mr. president, we take you at your word. >> romney even complained about how much money the president's campaign might end up raising. >> he's going to raise $1 billion? we're not going to raise anywhere near that kind of money. >> thanks for the financial disclosure, governor, but if you could raise that money, you certainly would. besides, you don't need it with groups like karl rove's crossroads to fill in the gaps and then some. let's turn to nbc news political analyst and former governor of the state of pennsylvania, ed rendell. thanks for joining us tonight. >> reverend sharpton, pleasure to be with you. >> it's hard to know where to begin. romney threw so much out there. let's begin with the claims about the allentown plant. what's your response to that? >> well, your analysis was exactly right.
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that plant didn't close because of the stimulus. it closed because we didn't invest enough money in infrastructure in the stimulus. you know, you said reverend sharpton that 33% of the stimulus was tax cuts. it was actually 40%. out of $870 billion, and the republicans always like to rail and say, we spent $870 billion! well, actually $350 billion of it was tax cuts. >> 40%. >> 40%. so that's number one. we should have had more infrastructure spending. and, in fact, barbara boxer and senator senator inhofe tried to look at stimulus itself. in the first full year of the stimulus, 2009, orders for steel
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out of the pennsylvania's steel plants increased by 43%. concrete, 40%, asphalt, 51%. those workers that had been laid off were recalled because of stimulus. >> wow. >> stimulus invested $31 billion into the state of pennsylvania, and because of it, our economy grew and turned around. pennsylvania today has a 7.4% unemployment rate, almost two whole points less than the national average, and i think the healthiest of any of the industrial states because of stimulus, because we invested state money on top of stimulus, because we invested in our own growth. >> and this is the spend -- >> he does not know what he's talking about. >> and this is the state he stood and said this today in front of this plant really, distorting the facts of what you're laying out, and you were the governor at that time. mitt romney and run republicans seem to be arguing that if we had done nothing and give more tax cuts to wealthy, since those
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tax cuts have been in place for ten years. can you tell me how that would work? >> well, i'm mystified. you know, the republicans say if we cut tax, that will create jobs. but the only period of great job growth we've had in the last quarter of a century was right after bill clinton raised taxes on the top 2% of the people in this country. the republicans were screaming and yelling, we're going to kill -- we can't tax the job creators. it's going to kill the economy. what happened, as you know, 23 million new jobs created. >> president clinton raised taxes and we were able to create jobs. >> took off. the economy took off. so it's basically a tremendous fallacy. there's no ifs, ands or buts about it. and look, the ceo, which is nonpartisan has said that the stimulus kept the unemployment rate.
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without it, it would have been a point or two points higher. without it, we would be looking at 10, maybe 11% unemployment. and in pennsylvania, the council of economic advisers said that stimulus spending either created or retained, help retained 136,000 jobs. >> now, let me ask you, governor, they are saying, the republicans basically, have been saying that nothing should have been done, no stimulus. if nothing had been done, your point is that unemployment would be even higher and more of these types of plants would have closeded? >> absolutely. and it's not just my assertion, reverend sharpton, it's the cbo. the cbo has said it loud and clear and definitively. and interestingly, governor romney in january of '09 on cnn and december of '08 on "meet the press" said he was in favor of stimulus spending. not surprising, is it? >> well, flip flopping has been a long habit of his, i think.
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>> not surprising. >> ed rendell, thank you for your time tonight. let's bring in a staff representative of the united steelworkers, steve raisley. mitt romney says the allentown metal works is a symbol of barack obama's failed economic pollys. what do you make of think? >> failed economic policies, but not president obama's. his predecessor. the economy for years had been going south and it hurt not only this manufacturing plant, but its customers, sup pliepers and everybody else. >> really? well, romney makes it sound like bush economics had nothing to do with hurting a plant like allentown. what do you say to that?
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>> bush economics had a lot to do with that. not only economics, but failed foreign policy agreements we've reached with various foreign countries. we're working right now to try to reach another agreement with colombia, which is going to do nothing but take manufacturing and jobs away from not only the steel industry but every other industry in the united states. mitt romney was out there today in front of this closed plant. to your knowledge, has mitt romney ever shown up for the middle class wage earner in this country? any actual clear, actual show of support? >> never. in fact, we just went through downtown metal works, there were two politicians that helped us out. i didn't have to go to them, they came to me. one was senator kasey, gave us a lot of help, and governor rendell helped us a great deal getting taa certification for my members so they could get additional benefits, health care
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and various other things that working people need. >> steve raisley of the united steelworkers, thank you for your team tonight. coming up, michelle bachmann's husband says he's her wife's strategist. also tonight, the debt ceiling deadline is getting closer, but the republicans are playing a game of chicken with the nation's future. with president obama successfully strike a deal? and later, my duet with bootsy collins. you're watching "the ed show." toin balance after 50, i switched to a complete multivitamin with more. only one a day women's 50+ advantage has ginkgo for memory and concentration,
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and have helped over 13,000 patients receive care. to make a donation or to learn more about volunteering at the new orleans clinic, visit their website at you can also text health to 50555 to make a $10 donation by phone. up next, the latest outrageous bachmann comments. only this time they're not from michele, but her husband.
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michelle bachmann and her family have benefited from the programs she denounced. christian counseling clinic, run by her husband, has collected annual medicaid payments totalling over $137,000 since 2005. this on top of $24,000 the clinic received in federal and state funds from a state grant. now the bachmann campaign is responding to that report. a spokeswoman telling cnn, quote, medicaid is a valuable
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form of insurance for many americans and it would be discriminatory not to accept medicaid as a form of payment. as a state-sponsored counseling service, bachmann and associates has a responsibility to provide medicaid and medical assistance, regardless of the patient's financial situation. as the "minnesota independent" reports, the clinic has been previously accused of engaging in treatment at changing one's sexual orientation. dr. marcus bachmann denies this, but has been very vocal on his views about homosexuality. here's a radio interview he gave just last year. >> we have to understand, barbarians need to be educated. they need to be disciplined, and
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just because someone feels it or thinks it doesn't mean that we're supposeded to go down that road. that's what's called the sinful nature. >> joining me now is john nichols, washington correspondent of "the nation" magazine and the one and only professor of sociology at jork georgetown university and author of "can you hear now" michael eric dyson. good evening, gentlemen. >> good evening. >> the bachmann campaign has not responded to her husband's remarks. is this a badge of honor or will it hurt her in the long run? >> you're asking the right question. it's a complicated game that michelle bachmann is playing. on the surface, when she goes on national programs, tv interview, she tries to appear relatively moderate, but she's really appealing to some pretty base instincts on the part of
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particularly iowa caucusgoers. that's a state where a lot of the people who do go to the caucuses tend to be extremely conservative in their views towards gays and lesbians, as well as their views on abortion rights. and frankly, i think that even as she speaks about issues like slavery and some of the race issues that have come up so far, she's played a lot of games politically, refusing to deny things, refusing to back off, even when she makes mistakes. and thing at the national political level, we see this as a bungling, but there's a second level of communication to her base that i think may actually be going rather well for her. >> let me ask you dr. dyson, one would only imagine what would happen if a democrat candidate's spouse said something similar. do you see anyone coming forward, though, and asking michele bachmann to disavow her husband's remarks? >> that's a great point,
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reverend sharpton, i have seen no one coming forward to say this is wrong, to call gay, lesbian, transgender people barbarians is ludicrous and a touch of barbarism. so say they must be altered in their orientation is to really foresake the ultimate commitment to counseling truth, which is to suggest that you take the patient as she or he is. you try to help them towards a more healthy role, but you don't try to change who they are. you try to help them able to become the best people they can become. but to have a preordained belief that homosexuality itself is a sin, dr. bachmann talked about the sinful nature of homosexuality, really mitigates against the kind of therapeutic redemption that would be edifying. i think if a democrat had said this, if something progressive had said this, they would be called upon to renounce their statements and then perhaps even to resign themselves to not participating in the highest level of american politics.
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i think it's a double standard here and they need to be called on it. >> well, let me give you something else, dr. dyson, this just came in. you haven't heard this. this just came in. herman cain towards "the new york times" magazine that the media is scared that a real black man might run against barack obama. he went on to say, and i'm quoting him now, a real black man is not timid with his decisions. what do you think of that? >> we know that president obama has been assaulted recently by many people claiming he's not a real black man and he shows just how real he is. we talk about hip-hoppers who engage in the politics of authenticity, saying they are the only real black men or black people and we castigate them, we suggest to them that we should be critical of their viewpoints because they don't have a kind of litmus test to determine real
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blackness or a copyright on it. herman cain cannot possibly suggest that he is the only, quote, real black man and that obama is afraid of a real black man. he's as real a black man as we might continue to conjure. he continues every day to act as president of america. he's not ashamed of his african-american roots. he continues to enliven the conversation around issues important to african-american people. one can be critical about him not being forthcoming about that, but one cannot suggest that he's not a real black man. and that kind of personal assault is part of the vitriolic attack upon a person when people lack serious substantive arguments. it seems to me that mr. cain lacks a serious argument.
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what are your arguments that would suggest that obama is not doing the right thing? but to play the authenticity card, that's for whack rappers and middle of the road entertainers. >> well, he keeps saying, let's not talk about race while he talks about race. so he's not going to bring up race, but he's the real black man. he's not going to bring up race, but the media doesn't like a black conservative. so it's sort of like i'm going to bring it up, what i'm going to mention. >> it's interesting. he should put that -- the godfather pizza stuff is great, it might work there, but certainly doesn't work within the broad spectrum of the american politics and i think people will see that ultimately. >> who do you think he's playing to dr. dyson? do you think he's trying to gear up the conservatives into feeling like i'm taking this guy on? and i'm -- what is his end game here? >> yeah. that's a great point, reverend sharpton. i think what he's trying to do is say look, because it's been perceived that barack obama is offlimits, that president obama, we can't talk about him as a black person because the media is hyper sensitive, the liberal media won't allow us to interrogate him to the same degree we would somebody else, so now her man cain steps in as a symbolic representative of the fear of republicans but now the
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courage of republicans to step forward and say we're going to take president obama on. so denouncing race and then pretending he won't speak about it, he uses it to attack obama. he's trying to show he's the strong man needed in the republican party. >> thank you for joining us. we have more proof that wall street traders are responsible for high gas prices. but will the latest news lead to proper regulation? and steve colbert takes on the federal election commission and wins. we'll play his victory speech coming up.
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>> expensive speculation by wall street traders is driving the high cost of gasoline, but republicans always say there are no studies to prove the connection between speculation and high prices. it doesn't matter to them that the president has acknowledged the problem. >> it is true that a lot of what's driving oil prices up right now is not the lack of supply. there's enough supply. the problem is that oil is sold on these world markets and speculators and people make various bets. >> even the ceo of exxonmobil admitted to a congressional
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hearing that speculators add about $30 to each cost of each barrel. goldman sachs told its investors the same thing. >> that's what you do here. >> and even house republican leader eric cantor was filmed telling a room full of spectators that republicans will block regulations that prevent their ability to bet online. but despite all of this congressional republicans still say there's no study to prove a link between speculation and high prices -- until today. a new report by researchers at the university of massachusetts elmhurst says speculation has caused a surge in gas prices all year. in may, customers paid an additional 83 cents per gallon because of speculator. that adds up to more than $1 billion across the country. the report calls on the
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commodity futures trading commission to put a trading limit in place. the chairman gary gisner has rejected previous calls for position limits. president obama wants to ends up a subsidies and close tax loopholes to reduce the deficit, but republicans won't budge. can a deal be struck? and glenn beck has spent the last 29 months predicting the end of the world, but the only thing that's ended is glenn beck's tv show. just one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health.
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republicans are insisting on a balanced budget amendment to lock in spending cuts and prevent any taxes on the rich. senate democrats say they are united on a budget plan that protects entitlement programs. meanwhile, attack ads paid for by karl rove's political action committee are claiming that any tax increase will harm the economy. but one of rove's biggest donors isn't buying it. home depot founder told lou dobbs, the richest americans should be making sacrifices. >> we've got to take some pain. >> what kind of pain? >> well, i say this as a devout republican. i think in these negotiations, i think number one guys like me, i've said this before, there's a caveat. i shouldn't get social security.
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>> okay. >> i should pay more taxes. but all the money generated out of those actions should be entirely devoted to paying down debt. >> joining me tonight is laura flander, host of grit tv on free speech, tv and editor of the book "at the tea party." and in florida we're joined by mack papantonio. >> there's not going to be a deal here because the republican party is owned and operated by corporate america. and corporate america has told mcdonnell and boehner not to budge on issues like $80 billion subsidies for big oil factory farms and weapons peddlers. they've been told don't budge on $100 billion that america lauzs every year on offshore banking
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that corporations want to take advantage of. what they've been told they can do is decimate social security, decimate medicare, decimate domestic programs, as long as those domestic programs don't benefit corporate america. we know the truth. the truth is ronald reagan, this mythical icon hero of the republicans raised the debt ceiling 17 times. you had george bush the boy who raised the debt ceiling seven times after he squandered $500 billion -- >> but they don't seem to mention that in this last few little few weeks. >> you know what i think -- >> let me ask you, laura. i want to ask you this, though. secretary treasure tim geithner is saying he will step down after the debt ceiling debate is resolved. >> some say this is about making the democratic side look weeker at this point, but i think there will be a deal eventually. there's even talk today about
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some kind of deal. they want to bring this up again right before the next election, right before, you know, a year and a half from now. there is, as i see it right now, a, really a debate between a deal and a dance. this dance is serving both parties. so there's no deal getting done right now. the republicans do not have a jobs plan. they have this deficit drama and the democrats out there are holding hearings. that's what they want to talk about -- >> the democrats have questioned the debt ceiling's constitutionality. are they going to pursue that? >> that's not the topic. what's it going to take to create jobs here. are these business people or bullies? >> but mike, talking about business people. business people don't want us to default on the debt. when are business leaders going to step up and deal with this?
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>> well, real business people reverend understand what it means to default on this debt. it's virtually impossible to do what the republicans are threatening. that's why we can't have obama blink. i don't think he's going to blink. i love the way he's talking now. you know what he's doing? he's educating the american public we have an republican party that's become obstructionist because they understand who they owe their loyalty to. it's not the average american, it's corporate america. >> he better not be about to blink, mike. he better not be. >> i'm going to have to blink. i've got to go. thank you, laura flanders and mike papantonio. thank you. comedy central's stephen colbert starts his own superpac. he celebrated with a campaign finance knock knock joke. that's next. [ male announcer ] do you know how you will react
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when someone changes lanes without warning? or when you're distracted? when you're falling asleep at the wheel? do you know how you'll react? lexus can now precisely test the most unpredictable variable in a car -- the driver. when you pursue perfection, you don't just engineer the world's most advanced driving simulator. you engineer amazing. ♪ as you may or may not know, the late, great james brown, godfather of soul is a very special man to me. he was like a father to me. you see a picture of he and i 35 years ago in my early 20s.
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and even though he had been gone for almost five years, the world needs to know that game james brown is still the man. last night on bet's "monique show" bootsy collins and i paid tribute when we debuted a new song, "james brown is still the man." i'm singing, i don't sing. and bootsy is doing the funk. here's a taste from last night. every time we use our art and our music to lift those of us that are down at the bottom, to look towards the top and dream for a better day, i know that's james brown. he's still the man. every time i see a kid -- black, white, asian, latino -- come from nothing and believe they can go somewhere and beat the odds, i know that's james brown. he's still the man.
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see, i can preach on beat. up next, steve colbert's big day and my eulogy for glenn beck's show is coming up. i couldn't cos as a heart attack. the doctor leaned over and said to me, "you just beat the widow-maker." i was put on an aspirin, and it's part of my regimen now. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go see your doctor now.
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moments ago, the federal election commission made their rules. ladies and gentlemen, i'm sorry to say, we won! i am a superpac! i don't know about you, but i do not accept limits on my free speech! i don't know about you, but i do not accept the status quo. but i do accept visa, mastercard, american express. >> that was stephen colbert earlier today, celebrating after the federal elections commission voted to allow him to form a superpac. a type of political committee
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made possible by the citizen united supreme court ruling. a superpac can be used to raise unlimited funds for federal elections, as long as the money isn't spent on specific candidates. the only restriction the fec imposed was he is only promote the superpac on his comedy central show. he responded to those who have questioned his sincerity. >> some people have cynically asked, is this some kind of joke? well, i for one don't think that participating in democracy is a joke. i don't think wanting to know what the rules are is a joke. but i do have one federal election law joke, if if you would like to hear it. knock knock. >> who's there! >> unlimited union and corporate campaign contributions.
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>> unlimited union and corporate campaign contributions who? >> that's the thing. i don't think i should have to tell you. >> for me, let me bring in ryan riley who has been reporting on this story for talking points memo. why is colbert doing this, ryan? >> evening it's part of an elaborate ruse on the commission to poke fun on some of the lack campaign finance regulations that have come up and sort of been an issue in recent months. it's something that a lot of -- you know, some of the good government groups are very concerned about. the implications this decision could have for other politicians. you have a number of politicians who have pacs and they also have their own programming on fox news. you have sarah palin, karl rove who's constantly talking about their superpac on his program. >> what does this tell us about campaign finance law in a post citizens united world?
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>> well, i think there's a lot of good questions that sort of come up because of citizens united. the fec has come under criticism because a lot of people don't think it's enforcing to a great extent. it's not enough disclosures. i think this sort of poked fun at the situation and brought it to a larger audience. this is something the fec typically never has anywhere near this type of size of audience coming out to any of their meetings. i mean, it's usually typically a few reporters and some lawyer so show up. but this is a situation where you had throngs of people standing outside of the commission, and you had lines down the block with people trying to get in. >> but one thing i noted, one commissioner who voted against colbert, what was his reason?
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>> he was on the conservative side. he had some technical questions, but i think broadly he agreed with most of the impetus of the decision. >> but some groups were concerned this ruling would set a dangerous precedent. do they have reason to be worried? >> to a certain extent. what the commission ended up deciding is that they would be allowed to pay for any expenditures on his network alone. so any sort of ads that they would run on the program would be fine. but they couldn't pay without at least disclosing such expenditures on other networks or pay for administrative costs for the pac. >> ryan riley, thanks for joining us. >> thanks so much for having me. >> glenn beck is done at fox. and he peddled conspiracy theories right up to the very end. a trip down memory lane next.
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final show taking hi viewers on a walk down memory lane, celebrating 2 1/2 years of anti-progressive propaganda. >> we've really done some amazing things together. >> 2 1/2 years ago when this program first game on the air, did you even know what progressives really were? i mean, decides car insurance? what was that? dietrich bohnhoffer. andrew jackson. the road to serfdom. >> he left out a lot more of his memorable tv moments like take a look at a few of these. >> this president, i think, has exposed himself as a guy over and over and over again who has a deep-seeded hatred for white people or the white culture.
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>> i feel like president obama is saying you know what, i've got the $3.5 trillion budget we're doing. is this cold? i tonight am going to take you from french fries to riots. nazi tactics are progressive tactics. why would you get a gun? to prepare for tough times. you're not alone. i'm turning into a fricking televangelist. i think i've wasted your time. >> joining me now, senior fellow at media matters. i didn't get invited. i'm sure you had a party over at media matters. where was my invitation? >> we had a party earlier in the week. we had a couple hundred people come over and celebrate the end of glenn beck. >> you had a list of his advertisers and you made -- you helped 27% dip in his ratings.
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i mean, how much of those factors do you think helped lead to the end of his show. >> well, there was a lot of it going on. you played that clip where he called obama a racist. that began this massive ad boycott. fox refused to take responsibility, beck refused to take responsibility and that opened the door to, i think, the most successful ad fwoi cot ever. 300, 400 advertisers told fox no way, we're not going near him. ratdings down pretty dramatically. it didn't make sense to keep him. >> but one of the things that got me, beck always claimed to be a history buff. i want to play you a clip of what he said to me when i was on his show. >> i was thinking about this today with you. you were at martin luther king's elbow. >> no, i was after king. i worked after jackson. >> you didn't -- >> no. i'm only 55. i was 13 when king was killed.
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>> facts clearly escape beck. a lot of people buy into it. how much of this kind of stuff do you think led to his demise? >> i don't think fox were ever embarrassed by glenn beck. i think they decided again it was more of a ratings and revenue and things like that. but what's interesting is that exchange was unusual because there was someone there to fact check him in real time. usually he just goes on and on spouting this nonsense and no one there to say by the way, you got it totally wrong. >> next up, his trip to israel. what happens to him? he says he's going to be bigger than ever. >> no. glenn beck was a nobody before fox news. i'm sure he's going to be a nobody after fox news. >> who is going to be in his time slot? >> they're going to have a whole bunch of people filling in. we'll see if they're committed to frankly the crazy programming
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of glenn beck or if they're going to rein that 5:00 hour in. >> thank you for joining us. let me just say this about glenn beck. i grew up a minister in the civil rights movement, but as you saw earlier, i had the pleasure of being adopted in my teen years by james brown, the godfather of soul. he took me to las vegas and i had never been to vegas as a boy preacher. that wasn't where we would go. and he showed me there was the big show rooms but outside there was the lounges. there were flamboyant acts that played the lounge, but the more seasoned acts of quality played on the main stage inside. i remember last year when we led a big march in washington commemorating dr. king's i have a dream speech, glenn beck was at lincoln memorial with a huge march, tens of thousands of
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people. and a lot of people with me were a little upset as i was at his, in my opinion, not respecting the principles of the speech. but notwithstanding that, i wasn't too concerned about his day in the stun lasting. because of james brown, i knew the difference between those who have a lounge act and those who play the main room. see, the problem glenn is, you have to have something to say to stay. blackboards crying, all of that doesn't work in the main room. that's "the ed show." i'm reverend al sharpton filling in for ed shultz. you can find me every day from 1:00 to 4:00 listings time. go to
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