tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC July 4, 2011 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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i've been provoked for over a year. this has been building and building and building. sometimes this is the only way people listen. >> this is the end of the line. this is level six. so he's not going to leave this prison. all the bad apples are here. >> take a cat and you put it in a corner, throw a pit bull in there, you back him in the corner, he's going to react. he's going to come out of the corner, you know.
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the penitentiary of new mexico houses both low level and maximum security inmates. the most dangerous and notorious are held in level six. >> you want to make me look like the monster. i've been here two and a half years. i never did nothing. i don't disrespect nobody. cause no problems or nothing. but because i'm small and i can slip out any time i want. i'm a problem. >> i got locked up when i was
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about 10 and a half. i got grand theft auto. i've been to probably over 30 prisons. probably around 20 in florida. six or seven in oklahoma. three here. i don't get in trouble. i don't disrespect anybody. cops come at my door. i'm always yes, sir, no is ir. yes, ma'am, no, machl. i don't disrespect nobody. i made my mistakes and did stupid stuff when i was young. i hurt somebody to where they went to the hospital and later on dying later on, but never been charged with murder. a lot of people the first thing they think about me is they think about something like mcguyver because i stabbed somebody with some jolly ranchers. i took a bunch of jolly rangers off the canteen, melted it down into a cone, let it get hard like a rock and it's like a piece of glass. it's actually stronger than
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glass. i could slip this cuff right now and stab that cop. but why? what's he ever did to me? nothing. i just -- i believe in karma. you do good, good things happen. you do bad, bad thins come to get you. i've been in here so long that if i was to get to the street, i wouldn't even know how to act. >> how much time do you think you're going to spend, more time in prison? >> i'll never get out. i'll never get out of prison. i'll be here for the rest of my life. they think that i'm going to flip out. they think i'm going to flip out and hurt somebody. i go crazy every day. just being here. do i think i'm going to hurt somebody? that's -- that's pretty much -- a fact eventually it's going to end up happening. this is prison. this isn't kindergarten.
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not everybody gets along. >> today, chris has a hearing that could affect his custody level and security status. >> christopher, you know why you're here. >> transfer custody review. >> initially you were placed in level six for posing a threat to the security of the institution. you self-admitted being in an altercation with another inmate after a cell search two homemade weapons for found in your cell. you do have an extensive history of violent behavior and assaults while incar rated in oklahoma department of corrections. however, here you are an ideal inmate. based on your file, you can go back to general population here in new mexico. we're going to do the recommendation to release you to level five, however, cbc classification bureau is going to make the ultimate decision. do you have any other questions for us at this time? >> no.
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>> you want to go to level five? >> level two, level three. >> do you want to go to g.p.? >> according to your file you can. okay. >> have a good day. all right. we've got you. >> here's your paperwork. >> certainly he deserves to be moved. he has had clear conduct since he's been here. he hasn't done anything. he hasn't hurt anyone. he is so small that he can slip his handcuffs. and he's shown us that. >> according to his file, he's set up to go clear conduct in his conduct reports no behavior log notations. paperwise, he's eligible to be released from level six. >> our feeling is that we'd like to see them try to make it in a less restrictive area. that is our hope.
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>> his behavior in the coming weeks will help to determine whether or not he's transferred to a lower level. but even inmates in the prison's least restrictive level two dorm still get out of control. >> who said that? who made that comment about that [ bleep ]. we're not going to take any disrespect to the staff. it's not your business what the caseworker does. i catch you to your face calling somebody a [ bleep ], you'll go to level five or level six. do you understand me? >> it's a privilege to be in level two. this is a short term facility. you have to have less than two and a half years to be here. so, you know, that's part of our responsibilities getting them ready to hit the street and go back home. be successful and not come back. with the 18 years that i've
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spent working in the field of corrections, the majority of that time spent with men, there's a respect factor that you get being female especially in the state of new mexico because they view you as mom, sister, grandma, whatever, and they feel like you're going to take care of them because that's how they view the female role. >> i gave you an ua. >> it was dirty. >> it wasn't dirty. it was light pink. >> they think i'm a little more inclined to listen to what they have to say. >> i said, you need to call the lieutenant or sergeant down here to get a second opinion. he didn't want to. he took the cup from me. took the top off and poured the urine out and threw it in the trash. >> it's not a man-to-man 1-2-3 inning where there's a line and who's going to win. you certainly have the right to appeal the report if you've been found guilty. you haven't been found guilty,
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right? >> it works to my advantage because they tend to listen to me. i'm not saying two wrongs don't make a right, okay, but for somebody who hasn't had a report in 11 years and has a family visit in july, i kind of can't tell, you know what i mean? i'd be walking a little bit straighter line. >> not all inmates respect the relative freedoms the level two dorm provides. getting caught for drugs or other prohibitive behavior. >> we received a kite this morning, a confidential note from an inmate that was left under the classification officer's door for the warden basically saying that there are rigs, razor blades, knives all over. what we decided to do is restrict movement in the whole faemt. with we are going to conduct
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shakedowns. we have dogs here. those are the things that we're looking for. any con stra band, of course, also weapons, drugs. watch where you put your hands because if they have drugs that means there are syringes there. we'll also be conducting interviews with inmates that may have some information that they're willing to share with us. or otherwise inmates suspected of having drug activity here in the facility. we take every with the of information that we get seriously because they have the opportunity to hurt each other here. we know it's out there. so our mission is to find it. >> coming up next on "lock up, extended stay", the shakedown begins and the tip pays off. >> i just found a syringe. >> and, he claims he can slip his kufs. he wasn't kidding. >> we knew there was business -- something going to happen.
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so they're stripping the inmates before they get them out of the units. then they're going to be relocated to the swrim to begin the shakedowns in this particular area. we will run the dogs through to detect any narcotics that the dogs may pick up on. >> get it. >> 402, 404 and 419. >> we're supposed to do to the store a get our food and we're stuck in here. they want to see your [ bleep ], lift up your [ bleep ] all types of things. they just came in to shake us down. mess everything up. go back, fix it up.
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same old thing. we lose a lot of stuff like that. our papers, our letters, our personal pictures. >> no smoking, no drugs, nothing here. this is a safe zone. >> i told you. >> it doesn't matter if they get in trouble, why we want to pay for it. they complain that we've got to do our own number. stop making everybody punished. >> what's going on right now? >> they're interviewing. they're probably going to ask what we know about drugs and no comment. they'll get mad at us and we'll come back. >> we know you know something, so you tell us or go to the hole. well let's go to the hole.
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>> lewis. >> let's see what they've got to say. >> what's your name? >> felix lewis. >> can you tell me about any drugs many the unit? >> nope. >> any gang activity? >> there's none of that going on at all. i don't bang at all. >> any violence pend manager the units? >> there's none. this is one of the calmest, less tension place that i've been so far. i've been in every prison in new mexico. it's not bad here. i like it. >> thanks. >> sure. >> take it easy. keep safe. >> all right. thank you. >> do i go back to the unit? >> no, go back in the gym. >> all right. >> the truth of the matter is
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when you get them ice late they will talk to you. i've had two inmates already give information about what's going on in here. this whole idea that there's an inmate code or something isn't always true. there are people that will -- there are actually people in prison that want to do the right thing. they want the clean the place up. we find those people. that's why we do interviews. >> after hours of investigation, officers score a big find in the dorms. proving the inmate tipoff was legitimate. >> i just found a syringe. it's a good find. i've got to go write a report right now.
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>> syringes on your property. >> tell me where they found it? >> in your cubicle, in your dresser in a hat. take off your shirt. >> are you a drug user? >> stand up, take it off all the way. >> and your other one. >> marks there? >> it's from the shower. >> you've got marks here. >> feel it. s the not marks. >> well, we found this in your property, what that means is we're going to probably lock you up. >> i wouldn't have left it there if i was using. >> this was found in your hat and you're telling us it's not
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yours. >> somebody's trying to set me up or something. ? if we go to give you a ua are you going to be clean? >> i should be clean. >> you should be. so there's a question about it. >> you said pretty sure. >> i'm not certain. >> that means -- >> when's the last time you used? >> almost a month, maybe. >> did you shoot up, smoke? >> shot up. >> that's where you shot up there? >> correct. >> who are you buying it from? >> can't say that. >> crazy? >> strip him and ua him and see what we come up with. we're going to lock you up. >> all in all i think it was a successful day. i think we sent a message that we're not going to tolerate any drug use in this level two facility. and that if we find you doing that especially if you find the paraphernalia we're going to lock up and that's exactly what
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education. yount unit four. >> i'm gay. openly gay. and that's the way i live my life and i wasn't going to hide it. people took more of a liking to emany, a trust to me. i wasn't considered a liar like somebody that's hiding it. it's the distrust there. it's all about trust being in prison. >> oh i've had confrontations. i mean, don't get me wrong. i had to fight. i've had to fight quite a few times. they respect you a lot more.
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>> stand up here on the chair. >> i get up on my knees, honey, you've got me twisted. i am not getting on my knees. >> i'm pretty much trying to keep my head below water a little bit that way i stay out of trouble. i stay out of limelight. i have to remember that this isn't my life and it's not going to be my life. and i want to leave. >> like peaches, every inmate hopes to reduce his security level status and enjoy more freedoms and privileges. these hopes can only become realities in committee. >> i'm going to the conference room with the warden for the committee to make sure that i'm capable and eligible for level one. hey. for level one. >> mr. morgan, come on in. i don't want to go to the farm.
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it's a four foot fence. there's a gate on it. it's pure freedom. >> mr. morgan you know i'm going to interview you today for a possible custody reduction from the level two facility that you're at now to level one. the series of questions that i'd like to ask all right. what's your projected release as you know it right now? >> it's 5-1-2011. i know that you have three points which qualifies you to be at level one facility. tell me what you know about the level one facility? >> it's a work facility, work camp. it's more freedom and it's just able to walk outside and breathe the air whenever you want to do it. >> right. which is a prinl. >> it's a privilege that i feel i've earned in the long run. because i've been in prison for a year and a half, with county and everything it's been almost two and a half years. >> ever received a misconduct report in any of that time? >> no ma'am. >> never had any problems with
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anybody? >> no. >> are you anxious, are you scared a little bit? >> scared and anxious both. a little of both. >> okay. well, from all outward appearances in reviewing your file and talking with you, mr. morgan, i'll make my recommendation to the committee and and i think you're a good candidate for level one. so the committee will give you the final decision, the recommendation will be made to central office to the classification bureau. my representation will be that we send you to level one. >> i appreciate it. >> i clicked my heels together three times and i'm on my way. this is a bump in the road for me. it's perfect. i'm going home. yes. some people it's like hereditary. they stay here. >> lewis, myself and the deputy warden, the captain needs to talk to you many the office. so come on down.
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>> inmate felix lewis when he first got here we gave him a urine test and he was positive for thc. basically came to me and told me he would participate in substabs abuse in i suspended sanctions on that report. i gave him a break. i to my understand he picked up a report on the weekend for tattooing. >> that's correct. >> at this point i want us to impose sanction from the misconduct report. i want to see the tattoos. >> come on in. >> show me the tattoos. >> right there. >> where it's red. >> all these you could feel them. all these -- i don't know if those are notes. >> first of all, i'm disappointed. i mean, all we have in this world is our word. and you came to me and you said, i give you my word.
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you won't have anymore problems. and so then i hear that you're tattooing in the unit. and i see evidence of that on your arms. and so what. i to think? >> i'm giting aimed at. i'm getting shook down more than anody. i'm getting my money counted more than anybody. all of a sudden i've been getting picked on. >> somebody who has suspended sanctions and somebody who wants to be able to visit with their family, and enjoy their daughter, that person should be walking a straight line around here. i don't see you doing that. i don't. and that's why i'm disappointed. i mean, living in level two sa privilege, you know. i don't expect people to be tattooing or using drugs or smoking cigarettes or introducing contraband. that's not going to be tolerated here. especially from somebody who's been given a break.
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>> and once again, felix, no hard feelings, but i do believe that this facility isn't working for you right now. >> am i found guilty of this -- >> your status will change to pending transfer hold for an alternative level two unless they decide to override you to three. >> i'm not going to stay there, six, seven months. >> no. that's not going to happen. >> okay. >> wells, get the porters to pack up his staff and he'll be going to level five. >> felix lewis is not being moved to a higher security level. he is being transferred to the level five facility which acts as an administrative segregation within the penitentiary. coming up, felix attempts to clear his name. >> still red like i told them. >> paechs has planned to transfer to a lower level may have hate a snag. and christopher flex his mcgooifr muscles in the
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i'm chris jansing. here's what's happening. mexico's may vi says an american tourist is dead. eight other people are missing after a tour boat capsized off the coast of baja, california, on sunday. 22 americans were on board. authorities aren't sure if any of the missing are u.s. citizens. jury deliberations underway in the casey anthony murder trial. anthony is facing seven charges including first-degree murder in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, caylee. now back to "lockup." >> inmate chris was approved for a transfer out of level six back to the lower level five.
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that was until today. >> christopher this morning when i was escorting him he told me to make sure i didn't have a rookie with him. make sure that i came and then he said to watch myself. >> usually when he tells us, we knew that it was business. there was something going to happen. >> his intention was to assault the inmate directly ahead of him. >> if i had it my way, he would have been dead. >> what happened? high? >> he threatened my life and walk around. something i had to do. i didn't have a choice. >> what did you do? >> slipped the handcuffs and tried to get somebody. >> how? >> i just pop my thumb and then i slide it down. tried to rush the guy. the guy turned the corner and i
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guess was gone. me and the sarge grabbed me when i did it and wrestled and went to the ground. i just laid there and let him put the handcuffs on me. got up and walked to medical. >> after we took him to medical, he got stripped and he had a shank on him. >> what we have here is an imp vised weapon that was removed from chris. he attempted to assault an inmate earlier today. he claims that he has had issues with one of our prison gang that's been giving him some strife over the last couple weeks. he actually fabricated this out of a piece of a pencil sharpener. you can see the rivet right in there. he attached a paper clip to it and ran it back with some plastic cellophane on it and put a rubber band around it. so make it more easy to handle specifically when it gets full
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of blood if you were to slice somebody. >> how did you get the weapon out there? >> how did i get it out there today? i put it in my mouth. >> fortunately the officers that were escorting this individual were able to maintain control of him through the use of a skon trant strap. this is a weapon that can be used to inflict serious bodily harm. they did a good job today. >> i don't just go and try to hurt somebody for no reason. i don't go looking for trouble. i just want to do my time and i want to do my time in peace. people leave me alone. i'll leave them alone. you're not going to hear me kicking and screaming the doors. i don't do stuff like that. >> were you provoked today? >> i've been provoked for over a year. this has been building and building and building and building. sometimes this is the only way people listen. >> hello.
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i'm the deputy warden. >> i've been up for the last two days straight because of this. it's not something that you can just go to the cops and say i feel like somebody's going to kill me, can you help me. then you're going to have a lot more problems than you've already got. sometimes you feel like if somebody's going to harm you, you have to harm them. >> do me a favor, do your interviews and we'll see where we'll put this guy. we'll leave him here in medical for a while. see what they say. there's two things i'm concerned with. one, he's being recommended to go to level five. he may not want to go because he's got problems and he's paranoid. so this may have been kind of a pc move. i don't know if that's truth or not. the other thing is maybe they do want to get them. i know they don't like him. is he fabricating weapons because they really want to come
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and get him or doing it because it's him. >> the security intelligence unit interviews other levelics inmates to determine what was really behind his actions. meanwhile, chris is moved to a new cell. >> ordegreea you've got to lose some weight. damn near crushed me. >> what did you guys find out about -- >> he wasn't going to be a victim. there's reason to believe that he was potentially going to be a aggressor. he knew it and it was a i'm going to get you before you get me situation. unfrm for christopher, the other inmate is a known associate of one of our validated prison gangs, which basically means that he not only has a problem with that individual, he has a problem with the rest of them as well. >> it's always a tough situation when you troy to assault another inmate. there's going to be some repercussions somewhere down the
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line. you don't know what he's going to try to do or someone is going to try to do with him. he's going to experience problems in prison. >> this is end of the line this is level six. he's not going to leave this prison. all the bad apples are here. >> still ahead, the deputy warden tries to convince him to reveal how he slips his cuffs. >> it's my safety net. >> plus, devon tries to help felix beat his tattoo charges. >> i'm being targeted. i'm being picked on and it sucks.
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verdict on his transfer to a lower level prison, peaches keeps himself busy with his in prison charity work. >> you know about the sapgss. what happens if you don't provide the 9 90 days? >> they did a random ua on a bunch of people. a lot of dirty uas. failure to do uas. they use. >> he's a good representative. he's gotten a lot of them dismisses or dropped or sus penned sanctions. >> i took that one and gave one not even 24 hours later and it was clean. that one was one where i couldn't. i tried in the cup. i couldn't go. i had just gone before i went over there. >> i was pretty much appointed by all the inmates to do. it's probably because i'm educated. i know what's going on.
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since you gave them 24 hours prior -- >> 24 hours after. >> after. >> i enjoy what i'm doing. it enjoy helping people. it keeps my day baysy. >> peaches isn't the only game in town. devon lyman heads to level five to help his friend felix lewis in his defense against a tattoo charge. >> what's up stupid? >> we have a hearing today. an inmate has a misconduct report for a tattoo. he had a fresh tattoo. this is a regular scheduled hearing of the penitentiary of new mexico being heard on 5-6-80. at 2:20 p.m. i'm the officer, will tib mate state his name around number for
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the officer. do you wish to be assisted by staff member or other inmate? >> devon lyman. >> do you need an interpreter to assist you in presenting your defense? >> si. no. >> do you wish to call on any witness's whose testimony is relevant. ? >> there's no witnesses. >> you've been charged with category eight paragraph 30 tattooing and/or possessing of ta fooing paraphernalia. do you admit or deny? >> deny. >> do you wish to present your version of the incident or remain silent? >> my version. i was in the unit and i was called out. they told me that they received information that i had received new tattoos. they asked me if that was true. i said, no. so i stripped and they seen my tattoo right here that has red ink in it. and they said that it was a new tattoo. i told him to look more closely that testifies red ink.
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and they weren't insistent that it was new. four days later i'm in the hole. phd my second major. never had a major before the last one. but i don't understand why i'm locked down and still they said the redness was evidence that my tattoo was new. and it's still red. because it's red ink. there's nothing i could do to change that. >> do you or your represent v have any motions or considerations to present. >> his arm is still red. >> your motion is -- >> do mismiss it. -- to dismiss it. >> stick your arm out there. >> looks like you've been
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scratching it. >> i haven't been scratching it. my arms are dry enough. i don't got no lotion. look. i'm telling you. >> any considerations? >> consider what document considerations? >> any considerations considerations would be if i were to find you guilty you want me to take into consideration that you have clear conduct or you're a model inmate. >> i don't know about model inmate, but if you look in eight years i've never had a major report except for one. i don't have any extensive disciplinary history. i'm being singled out. i'm being targeted. i'm being picked on. and it sucks. >> okay. >> i'm review the evidence, your
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report and testimony and make my decision. my decision is subject to the review and revision by the deputy warden. they may approve, reduce or modify my decision. do you understand? >> yo you understand everything that's been said during the course of the hearing? >> yes. >> the case is completed. you're hereby excused from this hearing. >> is it dismiss snd. >> not yet. i've got to go review all this -- his best case scenario would be that i dismiss the report. his worst case scenario he'll stay many the hole for the suspended sanctions on top of whatever i give him and he'll lose whatever good time. i'm really not sure at this point. i have ten working days to make my decision. the deputy warden has five working days to sign it and to serve him. >> am i going to get shot if i go out there? >> we're going to try to keep you safe? >> 410 tower. >> the day peaches has been
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waiting for has finally arrived. he's about to receive the final verdict in his request for a transfer to a lower level prison. >> how's it going today, kenneth? >> good. >> mr. morgan we called you in today to give you the results of the committee action, the decision made by the classification bureau on the recent committee that was held and the review that was done for your possible transfer to a level one facility. unfortunately, at this point, the classification bureau is not willing to approve the transfer because of the time frame still left. your projected release date. so we wanted to take this opportunity to let you know. >> okay. >> so how long until i can reapply again? >> patrick? >> six months, we'll go ahead and re-evaluate you to make sure in between now and then you don't pick up any reports. and just keep earning your good time. we'll get you there eventually.
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we really will. i'll work really hard to get you there. >> do you have any other questions for us? >> no. all right. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> the classification bureau will review inmates that don't meet the time criteria, but he's a model inmate here. so we referred him early. and they took into consideration all of our criteria that we recommended him. and have decided not to override or consider him for early transfer. >> i'm [ bleep ] i want to go to the farm. there's nothing i can do about it. the ball's in their court. i can't just walk out. i'll be patient and wait until they let me go. >> but rather than give up all hope, peaches gets back to business as usual. >> this is my job for the day. i make a certain amount of money an hour. >> how much are you talking about? >> how much hourry? >> 75 cents.
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75 krens better, but that's why we have the farm. you get like $1.25 to $1.50 an hour there. >> peaches, look around you. look how close you are to the front gate. >> uh-huh. >> how does it make you feel? >> the front gate is open, too. i'm here to do my time. you get a lot more years if you run. that's not where i want to go. i'm not here that long. i'm not worried about all that. i'm worried about getting home. i have family. it's a tedious job. somebody's got to do it though. i could just be sitting inside though all day long. next, felix and joni have a heart to heart. >> i guess this is a reality check. >> yes. >> and shiverdecker gives the rookie officer some friendly advice. >> if i feel like i'm in a bad situation, if i have to go through you to save my own ass,
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chris shiverdecker is now a permanent occupant of level six. his ability to slip his cuffs makes him not only dangerous, but a potential educational resource for new officers. >> stop right there. we know you're able to remove your restraints. we want to see if you'll show us a demonstration of how you do it or not. >> no. >> why not? >> this is prison. this is not a playground. >> we want to train these officers on what to look out for. you'd actually be a vital training element in this. we have a new officer in here who knows who you are, and he knows what you are capable of, and i just have one question for you, why won't you participate in assisting these staff members? >> because it is my safety net.
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it is my [ bleep ]ing safety net. but if you can do it, you can do it. >> well, that's my safety net. that's my safety net, you know. i don't [ bleep ] do it just to do it, you know? >> uh-huh. so is this relatively easy for you to do? does it matter how the restraints are put on? >> not really. >> you are double jointed? do you pop your thumb to do it? >> it just depends. i mean. >> so you're telling me if i put those handcuffs on you, you can get out of them? >> if i don't like what's going on, of course, i'm going to do it. you know what i'm saying? i mean, if i feel like i'm in a bad situation and if i have to go through you to save my own ass, then so be it, that's what i'm going to do, you know? sometimes i don't have a choice. >> i'm just asking you for training purposes with this new officer, would you be willing to show us how you do it? no? >> all right. christopher, talk about ow your hair. what happened? >> it was long enough so i could cut it off.
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so i could send it out. >> to? >> locks of love, to the kids who have cancer. you have to wait till you have ten inches. once it grew, i cut it off. >> why though? >> why? why did i do it? i don't know. it's something to do. i mean -- i don't know how you put it. karma. you do bad, you've got to do something good to [ bleep ] level it out. i mean that's the way i see it. >> go ahead and restrain him. >> make that a little bit tighter. hold up, shiverdecker. hold up. check this out. if you can put your finger in there, it's too loose. see how loose it was? >> yes, sir. you can still slip that darn cuff, can't you?
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>> hey, am i getting out of here? >> i found felix lewis guilty. i gave him 15 days seg and 30 days off for good time. >> it's still red like i told them. >> i did minimize the charges because it did look new to me, but i took into account they 'm not an expert on tattoos. >> it is just the ink. i'm not going fight it no more, you know. if if i had no time and no family or nothing, i'd probably try to appeal it and stay here and be done, but i just want to get out of here.
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>> what day did i sign off on? you have 15 days? >> yeah, 15 days. but i got here on the 30th. >> let me talk to the unit manager over here and let him know that i signed off on the report if we can get your status changed if that's what you're eligible for. i mean, i understand. yeah, if this doesn't do it for you and then i'm happy to -- >> that's what i had to see through glass. >> that's not fun. >> no, it wasn't. she was putting her arms out to me and wanted me to grab her, and she's never been to a visit behind glass. and it was hard. >> well, that picture right there, you need to keep that in your mind all of the time. >> all right. any time i ever done time, i have never done time with a kid or -- >> right. >> with a family. >> it makes a difference. you're not the only one that you have to think about anymore. >> i didn't realize that until now. it's harder than i thought. >> well, i'm glad.
1:59 pm
like you said a reality check. >> it is a reality check. but, yeah. >> let me talk to your unit manager so we can get you going on whatever the decision is going to be. pth, mini transfer to another facility. okay? >> all right. ♪ drug dealer doing the same ♪ what you going to do when ♪ i can't help my lady to ♪ help her out none ♪ the system [ bleep ] ♪ losing my mind while i'm wasting my time ♪ ♪ because i was on the grind ♪ i lived a time drug abuse ♪ no surprise you would try a glass pipe ♪ ♪ ♪ all these people love you for you, dog, it's all lies ♪
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