tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 6, 2011 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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contingency plans in space puts everything else in perspective. now it's time for "the ed show." have a good night. good evening, americans, and welcome to "the ed show" tonight from new york. great to be back with you. this afternoon the president revealed that he will reject a short-term deal on raising the debt ceiling. meanwhile republicans are holding the country's economy hostage, but at least they've agreed to another meeting at the white house. this is "the ed show." let's get to work. >> it's my hope that everybody is going to leave their ultimatums at the door, we'll all leave or political rhetoric at the door.
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>> republicans say no to closing tax loopholes on the wealthy and corporations. tonight, senator bernie sanders unveiled his massive petition calling for shared sacrifice. van jones is asking the questions no republican wants to answer. >> if we are broke, how come only some of are suffering. >> van jones is here tonight. an "ed show" exclusive. last week mitt romney said obama policies shut down allentown metal works. tonight the shop's foreman is saying the opposite. great to be back with you tonight here on the ed show. had a great vacation. i missed you. i'm glad you're with us. president obama broke out the olive branches again today with the republicans. the president took a much different tone on the debt talks than he did last week at the conference when he compared the republicans to his children.
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malia and sasha generally finish their homework a day ahead of time. malia is 13, sasha is 10. it is impressive. they don't wait until the night before. they're not pulling all-nighters. they're 13 and 10. you know, congress can do the same thing. if you know you have to do something, just do it. >> yeah. today the president said he hopes republicans will leave political rhetoric at the door when they come to the white house on thursday. >> it's my hope that everybody is going to leave their ultimatums at the door, we'll all leave our political rhetoric at the door and do what's best for our economy and people. i want to emphasize, i said this in my press conference, this shouldn't come down to the last second. i think it's important for us to
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show the american people and their leaders that we can find common ground and solve our problems in a responsible way. >> you know, hanging around the lake in minnesota, i didn't hear anybody talk about the debt ceiling. nobody was talking about the debt ceiling. we're talking about the debt ceiling, because washington is talking about the debt ceiling. is this really a big deal? later this week as we go through our series of shows now that i'm back, i will show you exactly what it means to have the government shut down because this shutdown is different from the one back in the gingrich years. republicans have no interest in finding my common ground whatsoever. it didn't take boehner very long to get away from happy hour and hammer the remarks. he put out a statement this afternoon. he said the american people are worried about our economy and our future. more than two years after the start of washington democratic stimulus spending spree, they're asking where are the jobs?
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boehner's house let me point out has not passed a single job creation bill or measure since he's had the power. now, nancy pelosi got health care done. she had the gavel and got it done. boehner wants to play golf, and this guy's had the gavel in his hand for six months. where the hell are the jobs? i did hear him talking about that. it's a little soft out there, although we are adding jobs. just think if the republicans were honest brokers? do you think we'd be a little bit better off? this is all about defeating president obama. boehner and the republicans have no interest in raising taxes to eliminate debt. today president obama called for a balanced approach. keep dreaming. >> i believe we need a balanced approach. we need to take on spending in domestic programs, in defense programs, in entitlement programs, and we need to take on spending in the tax code.
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spending on certain tax breaks and deductions for the wealthiest of americans. this will require both parties to get out of our comfort zones and both parties to agree on real compromise. i'm ready to do that. i believe there are enough people in each party that are willing to do that. >> boehner and the republicans will never get out of the comfort zones when it comes to taxing the rich. the speaker drew his line in the sand. the legislation the president has asked for cannot pass the house as i've stated repeatedly, the american people simply won't stand for it. once again, boehner has no clue what the hell he's talking about. two-thirds of the american people are with the president of the united states when it comes to raising taxes on americans that make over $250,000 a year. a pugh polls says they want to increase taxes over people that
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have that number. let's get the scorecard out for a moment. republicans have burned the president on the stimulus repeatedly and hood winked him on health care and, of course, they took the president to the cleaners and the democrats to the cleaners in the lame duck session of the congress by extending the bush tax cuts. we can't raise taxes on the job creators. remember that? guess what. here we are in july now of 2011, six, seven months after that lame duck session, and where are we? these job creators ain't investing in the markets. they need to quit playing games with the republicans over this phony debt ceiling debate that no one in the heartland is talking about. in the past republicans have voted to increase the debt limit. this time is no different. the american people don't care about this game played in washington. nobody asked me anything about the debt ceiling when i was hanging out having a cool one on
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vacation. come on. they want to know where the jobs are, and you have the republicans who have the power in the house doing absolutely nothing to help the job market whatsoever. this is a washington insider's dangerous game of chicken, and please don't blink on this. i come back from vacation, and i turn on the tube this afternoon and see the president playing nice with the republicans. what is it that the white house doesn't get about the language that they use? just today rand paul, this new senator from kentucky, says he's going to filibuster everything, absolutely everything. i guess the people of kentucky are talking about the debt ceiling the way he's talking today. he's going to filibuster everything until they get a deal on this. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question. are the republicans negotiating in good faith? text a for yes and b for no. i'm a no tonight.
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you can go to our blog. results are coming up later on in the show. this is the guy i want to talk to off vacation, it's bernie sanders, independent senator from vermont. i see you haven't cooled off at all about this all of this, and i appreciate that. clearly, senator, there was a tone change by the president from the press conference last week and what we heard today in a statement that i have to say really wasn't that meaty. it was kind of like running it up the flagpole to see which way the wind is blowing. was there a change in tone? what was your impression? >> i have no idea, ed, but what i do know is you're absolutely right when you quote polls that say overwhelmingly the american people believe it is insane, it is wrong, it is absurd to balance the budget, to do deficit reduction on the backs of working families, elderly people, children, the sick and the poor. the wealthiest people in this
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phenomenally well. you have major corporations making billions of dollars in profits paying nothing in taxes and sometimes getting a rebate. >> bill clinton was at a think tank in aspen. he said we ought to lower the corporate tax rate. what do you think of that? >> i don't think so. what you want to do is do away with all the loopholes and do away with the absurdity of losing $100 billion a year because these corporations and wealthy people put their money in bermuda and cayman islands. you want to end them getting tax breaks for throwing american workers on the street and moving abroad. we have just in the last weekend over 100,000 people went to my
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website, they signed a letter to the president that said mr. president, stand tall, don't cave. the american people are behind you when you talk about shared sacrifice and not balancing the budget on the most vulnerable people in this country. >> why isn't he doing that? i didn't hear anything about shared sacrifice today. >> get him on your show. i don't know why. i really don't know why. but i do believe that if this president stood tall, went all over the country, we could put the republicans on the defensive, because all over this country, in red states and blue states, people are calling up their congress people and their senators and saying, it is insane to be talking about cutting medicare and medicaid and nutrition when we have the highest rate of childhood poverty in the industrialized world with so many people unemployed. ask the people on top to become american.
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>> here it is. >> i've heard reports that there may be some in congress who want to do just enough to make sure that america avoids defaulting on our debt in the short term, but then wants to kick the can down the road when it it comes to solving the larger problem of our deficit. i don't share that view. i don't think the american people here sent us here to avoid tough problems. it's, in fact, what drives them nuts about washington. when both parties simply take the path of least resistance, and i don't want to do that here. >> where do you stand on that, senator? is it worth a short-term deal to make sure we do pay our bills? >> everything is in the details. of course, you want a long-term solution, but the question is what is that solution going to be? the letter i wrote said that half of the deficit reduction should come from the wealthy and large corporations.
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if the president is prepared to fight for that, let's make that a long-term deal. >> senator, good to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. >> good to be with you. >> for more let's turn to van jones, a senior fellow of progress and the president of rebuild the dream. good to have you with us tonight. how do you rebuild the dream when you have a senator from kentucky saying he will filibuster everything? the climate in washington is toxic and poisonous when it comes to deals like that. >> i applaud you coming back off vacation full of fire. there's nobody in america right now off of capitol hill talking about anything but jobs and the economic pain people are going through right now. we have young veterans coming home that nobody is talking about. what are they coming home to? no jobs, no hope. they had all kinds of support on the military battleground.
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they come to an economic battleground with no support. we have schoolteachers scared they will lose their jobs. all across america the pain is unbelievable. people are sitting on a white hot stove, and these guys in d.c. are stuck on playing stupid games with each other. >> you're right on the mark, van. no question about that. why is it that the white house continues to try to strike deals with the republicans when they know all too well that it's all about the demise of the president? that's the only thing that they are interested in. yet, the president comes out today still looking for a deal. why are they acting like this? >> i'll tell you why they're acting that way. d.c. as a whole is never going to be any better than the american people. it is time for the american people to stand up. you are out there in madison, wisconsin, 150,000 people came out in september 2009 called the tea party movement, and the whole world was shocked. 150,000 people came to d.c. you were out there with 150,000 americans in madison, wisconsin
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alone. there is a movement growing, and this is the most important thing i think folks in d.c. don't understand. they're so busy chasing their own tail in the games being played, look at the american people, though. the biggest protest in the history of montana happened two weeks ago about these cuts. major protests happening in ohio about these cuts. 20,000 people marched down the street protesting. >> they have enough signatures in ohio to go after senate bill 5. >> exactly. >> which is a big deal. >> here's the big story. washington, d.c., surprise, surprise, doesn't get it. the american people aren't stupid. we're not broke or the poorest country in the world. we're the richest country in the world. it's not that the pie is getting smaller. it's that the middle class slice is getting smaller as the pie gets bigger. that's the main issue. these people who continue to let these republicans hold america hostage, this is not about deficit reduction. it would be easy to deal with
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the deficit. go back to bill clinton's tax policy, go back to bill clinton's military expenditures, the deficit is done in ten years. if it's about the deficit, do what the president says. he wants a balanced approach. this is not about deficits. we are not broke. this is about holding american hostage to an extreme agenda. >> do you think the republicans are going to operate in good faith and negotiate in good faith? >> the republicans will do what the american people insist they do. we put up a website. d.c. was stuck on stupid. hundreds of thousands have gone to in a single day and put brilliant, amazing, creative solutions on the table that could be passed on a bipartisan basis and put people back to work. don't worry so much about the letdown from d.c. the american people are smarter than this, and you will see through the course of this
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summer as these cuts come down, the american people stand up this cowardly nonsense will recede. >> thank you for your time tonight. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of screen. i want to know what you think. mitt romney says president obama's economic policies are responsible for a plant closing in allentown, pennsylvania. so we got the former foreman of the plant and mayor of allentown to give 'they're takes. 22,000 minnesotans are out of work as the state government shutdown continues. i'll tell you why one republican presidential candidate thinks a shutdown is a good thing. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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take a close look at this. you got a big dip to go along with the financial collapse of 2008. then a steady increase. in fact, last month it was at its highest point since september of 2008. now, if you look at this graph, you can plainly see employers are hiring more people than they are firing. son of a gun. how about that? it's been that way since early 2010. job creation is the same across the country. now, take a look at this regional breakdown of the job creation index. the green number, of course, tells us the folks that are getting hired and the red number are the folks getting let go. each region of the country is in line with the current national average, meaning there's growth everywhere. all these increases have happened under some guy named president obama. yet there's one republican candidate who wants to be president who just continues to say that president obama made the economy and the recession
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welcome back. mitt romney is having so much fun talking out of both sides of his mouth it's a wonder he finds time to eat. yesterday in new hampshire he went back to a lie about the economy under president obama. >> well, there's no question that the recession was made deeper and more painful for more americans by virtue of the president's plans. the recovery has been slower and more painful for millions of
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americans because of president's failures. he made the recession worse and the recovery more anemic. >> we face extraordinary challenges right now. our president has failed us. the recession is deeper because of our president. it's seen an anemic recovery because of our president. >> i could never go to a republican rally because i'd be screaming at what i just heard. first of all, romney can't decide whether to focus on the recession or the anemic recovery because he's been forced to admit a recovery has been under way. for saying the recession was deeper and more painful because of president obama, it's factually wrong. he's lying. we've shown romney's claim to be false as have other news outlets. that's why romney tried to backtrack on it last week. >> i didn't say that things are worse. what i said was that the economy hasn't turned around. >> a little wordsmithing going on here.
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here's more. >> the obama administration has not been able to deal with the number one issue that the country was concerned about as he became president. which was the economy. he did not cause the recession, but he made it worse. barack obama has failed america. when he took office, the economy was in recession, and he made it worse and he made it last longer. what this president has done has slowed the economy. he didn't create the recession, but he made it worse and longer. >> 15 months of private sector job growth is making it worse? what school did you go to, mister? of course, mitt is now back to saying obama made the recession deeper. the mittster isn't tied down by the facts. in allentown, pennsylvania he said this.
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>> we're standing on the site of the allentown metal works. this is the place president obama visited a year and a half ago and indicated this was a symbol of the success of his stimulus program. as you look around and see the weeds growing and the windows boarded up, it's more of a symbol of the failure of obama economic policies. >> this, of course, from the man who as governor of massachusetts presided over a state 47th out of 50th in job creation. let's bring in the former foreman of that allentown metal works facility, john harold, and also the mayor of allentown, pennsylvania. great to have you with us tonight. john, let's start with you. i'd like to hear from you. were you the foreman at that plant, and can you tell us why it closed? president obama, was he responsible for that? >> first of all, i wasn't the foreman. i worked in quality control
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there for 16 years, and i worked in the machine shop for another 22 years. i was also the unit president of the steel workers there. >> okay. mitt romney is blaming this plant shutting down on president obama. do you agree with that? >> no, i don't agree with that. at this point this is business as usual, putting the blame on somebody else. at this point you can't blame anybody. >> mayor, governor romney has a political ad of himself at this allentown plant. is there more to the recovery in allentown that you'd like to tell us? >> sure. first off, ed, we don't appreciate mr. romney using the
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closing of this plant as a political prop. there's been so many good things that happened as a result of the intervention of president obama and former governor rendell. we had tremendous job growth in the state. over 15,000 jobs have been created in pennsylvania alone as a result of the recovery act. 44,000 within the last year. in allentown at this very site right across the street we had a new plant open up, 100,000 square feet industrial building that employs about 130 people. we had an old mack truck facility now fully occupied with three new businesses. one makes tactical water systems for the military and another one manufacturing steel and another one that's actually doing form structures manufacturing. so there's a lot of manufacturing still going on here. even in the general vicinity that mr. romney did his press conference on. what's really ironic is that the region as a whole is one of the fastest-growing regions in the state of pennsylvania.
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it is -- it has declined in its job loss. we're about 8.4% lower than the national average, and mack truck even, which has been a symbol of some of the recession's decline, actually added 125 jobs within the last year. >> all right. so, mayor, what do you make of mitt romney standing in front of that plant saying that plant is shut down because of president obama? >> i think it's wrong. i mean, i understand why he's flip flopping. he's flip flopping because he's wrong. if you just look at his statements, he has to backtrack because he was wrong on the facts. he's wrong about the facts in this particular plant. he's wrong about the facts and he's tainting the city of allentown and the entire region. he's wrong on the facts of pennsylvania and the facts about this country. you said it yourself many times. we've added jobs. over 238,000 manufacturing jobs
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have been added since 2009 in this country. i don't know where mitt romney is getting in his statistics, but he better get his facts straight. if he wants to help this company, maybe he should stop the shipping of foreign steel into this country. that would help smaller metal manufacturing companies. i don't see that as part of his platform either, do you? >> i don't. i was going to ask you as a mayor, have you heard anything from mitt romney that he would bring forward any kind of economic policy that says allentown, pennsylvania could look forward to it? what have you heard from him. >> i haven't heard anything about his economic policy. he hasn't put forth what his policy would be. if you're in a glass house, you shouldn't throw stones. you quoted the fact before the segment. he ranked 47 out of 50 states under mitt romney's leadership, that was massachusetts. 47 out of 50 in job growth. the other ones further behind were michigan, ohio and
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louisiana. two rust belt states and one that was hit by a hurricane. so he has no policy, he has no track record to basically stand there in front of this plant and talk about that he's going to bring jobs. you know, manufacturing jobs in massachusetts under mitt romney was twice that below the national average. so, you know, if you look at what the president has done, that our president has done over the course of the last couple years, bringing jobs to pennsylvania mostly because of the stimulus act, you know, we have seen tremendous growth right here in allentown. we got a new $80 million bridge going up, a new arena being built. we have this massive growth in the health care industry, and we have manufacturing jobs now coming back. >> it sounds good to me. >> for him to sit there and say that this is a part of the decline is just erroneous. >> john harold and the mayor, great to have you with us tonight. thanks so much.
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republicans keep saying president obama's health care plan is destroying america, but in reality, folks, it's already saving people money. the verdict is in. a florida jury decides the fate of casey anthony, but the media already convicted her. we're right back. announcer ] anan the netwo. a living, breathing intelligence that's helping drive the future of business. in here, inventory can be taught to learn.
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president's health care law is already saving people money? you don't hear that anywhere, do you? especially on the republican platform. on friday the obama administration reduced the premiums on its pre-existing condition insurance plans in 17 states and in the district of columbia. some states saw the rates drop as much as 40%. the changes were made to comply with parts of the health care law requiring cost of the pre-existing condition plan to be similar to individual policy rates in each state. here's an example of what the change means. take the state of virginia, for example. in virginia a 55-year-old will pay less than $300. $200 is a huge saving to working families, don't you think? maybe some of the republicans want to challenge those rates. they run around the country saying it will destroy the
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country, when in reality the law has provided a lifeline to people who are rejected by the private insurance companies. of course, there are still many people across the country who don't have access to health care and need it, and that's why we're getting into gear again. msnbc and "the ed show" are teaming up with the national association of free clinics to hold a health care clinic on august 29th in new orleans, and i'll be there. the donations made through msnbc over the past two years have helped stage seven clinics, which have provided health care for some 13,000 patients and the ones that i saw there desperately needed it. this is a donation that will certainly go to a fabulous cause and save lives. to donate please go to or go to our website or text the word "health" to 50555 and donate $10.
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we'd appreciate it. tim pawlenty says he was the winner of the last minnesota shutdown. another governor says why it might turn pawlenty into a big-time loser. rick santorum gives president obama credit for creating 240 million jobs? his mathematical ignorance puts him in the zone, next.een reli ig pain for over 100 years. and today, we're re-inventing aspirin for pain relief. with new extra-strength bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles so it enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief right to the site of your tough pain. ♪ in fact, it's clinically proven to relieve pain twice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. extra strength pain relief, twice as fast.
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well, we got a shutdown of the government up there in minnesota. minnesotans spent the fourth of july unable to go to the state parks or use the highway rest areas or get a lottery ticket, which makes money for the state. the state's government shutdown put 22,000 people out of work and left many government services unavailable. democratic governor mark dayton won't give the republican lawmakers what they want. they want to balance the state's
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budget by cutting services instead of taxing the state's millionaires. now, today a bipartisan commission was announced by the former republican governor of the state and former vice president walter mondale. they say the commission they formed will find an alternative by the end of the week. i thought that's what elected officials were supposed to do, but it's good to have them involved. another former republican governor of minnesota is urging the budget crisis for his own personal gain. tim pawlenty has a new ad on the air in iowa declaring victory during a similar government shutdown he orchestrated in 2005. >> the government shut down? why? tim pawlenty wouldn't accept the spending demands. result? pawlenty won. >> he left minnesota with a budget deficit more than a billion dollars higher than when he took office, and now the people of minnesota are feeling the consequences.
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here's the key in all of this. this is the first state to do a government shutdown. what do you think other republican governors are doing right now? you think this is going to be, say, a microcosm? they shut her down in minnesota, and look what happened. let's shut us down, whatever state we're in. joining me tonight is arnie carlson. good to have you with us tonight. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> do you think it can be presented as a possible microcosm that people are watching minnesota and this shutdown of the government? what's your take on that? >> i think both vice president mondale and me are very, very concerned about that. i think our viewpoint is minnesota will rapidly become nationalized by a variety of interest groups coming in with large amounts of money and will ultimately paralyze our
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political system from making decisions. >> this was tim pawlenty's statement about this commission you put together with six other people along with walter mondale. he said walter mondale ran for president among a platform for higher taxes. it should be a surprise to no one they support more spending and higher taxes in minnesota. we did it the right way for the last eight years with dramatically lower spending and tack cuts. did he do it the right way. >> let me put it very simply. if any governor feels he did it the right way, then the question is why do we have the $5.1 billion deficit? we know this much. in minnesota we elected a new governor. he took office in january. we elected a new legislature, and they took office in january. how in the world can we blame them? whatever we may think of how they perform, the reality is they did not create the problem. that was created prior to their
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ascendency. but the goal that both vice president mondale and i have in creating this committee and senator durenburger in california enthusiastically joins us in this effort. that's to create a very talented, competent group of people working with the state department of management and budget and trying to come out within the next couple of days, two, three days with a proposition that gives the people of minnesota a third alternative so they can look at the governor's budget, they can look at the legislature's budget, they can look at the alternative budget and prayerfully bring this to an end. >> do you think this is going to work? this is what lawmakers are supposed to do. they're supposed to get together and do it. why does it it take this outside group to do it, and how effective do you think it will be? >> well, the honest truth is that all institutions at some point suffer from gridlock, and so it's not uncommon to bring in
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mediaters or certain kinds of negotiating techniques ajude indicate a dispute. >> they favor an accommodation of taxing and spending cuts to resolve this. what do you make of that. >> they would much prefer a balanced approach. here's the problem we're in both in minnesota and nationally. i thought bill frenzel a very capable retired republican legislator from suburban minneapolis said it very well. that is that we have a left, we have a right, but the big center is getting smaller and smaller. it's the center that brings a legislative body to compromise. that's missing. >> it looks like the republicans in minnesota are playing out of the national playbook for the republicans. they just are not going to allow
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anybody's taxes to go up. in fact, they're talking about decreasing the tax obligation in that state. i think it is a template, and i think this is a story to watch. governor, great to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. >> ed, let me add one thing if i can. >> we'll do it again some other time. i appreciate your help. last month rick santorum said a liberal conspiracy was preventing students from learning about american history. now he seems to need help with basic math, and i don't think in -- you can't blame this one on the liberals, can he? psychotalk is next.
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governor a rotten bastard. i hate to see what his enemies have to say about him. you're watching "the ed show" on msnbc. msnbc. stay with us. actually, head &s is for more than dandruff. it gives me a healthy scalp and great looking hair. does it do anything else for you? no? no? yes. [ male announcer ] head & shoulders. 7 benefits. 1 bottle. is best absorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. new citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal. with other top companies. with an esurance quote, you know you're getting a great deal. you can thank our tech team for that. sure, i'll let them know. bye-bye. aha! anything you want to share? with the tech team? oh, i'm dating that girl in accounting.
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in "psychotalk" rick santorum shows his ignorance about the work force and his complete lack of common sense about the numbers. he tried to attack president obama by bringing up a report from the white house counsel of economic advisers. they say the 2009 stimulus created between 2.4 and 3.6 million jobs, okay? but santorum decided to make up some new completely unrealistic numbers of his own. >> we passed a huge stimulus package that has cost american jobs, and that's from the report of his own administration. they claimed in december that by
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the end of last year they created 280 million jobs, and now they're saying they created only 240 million jobs. >> that's not a loss of jobs, senator. that's a smaller aggregation of jobs. you can't go on a national campaign with this kind of math, senator. that's incorrect. >> sure you can. that's not incorrect. >> you don't need to know anything about the stimulus to realize there's nothing remotely correct about what rick santorum said. he claims the stimulus package created 240 million jobs. think about that for a minute. there's only 309 million people in america actually working. the entire work force is only 153 million people. about 14 million of them are unemployed. so if president obama created 240 million jobs, every man, woman and child in america could have a job, and we'd still have to bring in people from other countries to fill all the available positions. rick santorum wants to be elected president of a
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population he knows nothing about. his total ignorance about the american work force is mathematically challenged. "psychotalk." shock and awe in florida today, but not about state housing crisis or high unemployment. liz will reassure me that it's okay not to care about the casey anthony case. [ male announcer ] this is larry... whose long day starts with arthritis pain... and a choice.
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they approved gutting benefits for public workers. one was state senator steven sweeney. supporting the plan was a risky move. chris christie rewarded him rejecting every single of the democrats' proposals through a line-item veto. he said no to programs for the poor and for the disabled. he rejected programs that helps abused kids. he said no to aid for new jersey's struggling cities. he said no to financial assistance for students. sweeney was so shocked by his move he told the new jersey star ledger i wanted to punch him in the head. you know who he reminds me of? mr. potter from it's a wonderful life, the mean old bastard who screws everybody. sweeney plans to schedule a vote to override the governor's vetoes and hopes republicans will do the right thing. sweeney admits his language was over the top but, quote, the
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governor was wrong to hurt people. this is about taking money from poor people and putting it back in your own pocket. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. is now honey nut cheerios! yup, america's favorite. so we're celebrating the honey sweetness, crunchy oats and... hey! don't forget me!! honey nut cheerios. make it your favorite too!
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>> as to the charge of first-degree murder, verdict as to count one, we the jury find the defendant not guilty. >> florida jury delivering their verdict earlier, finding 25-year-old casey anthony not guilty of killing her 2-year-old daughter in 2008. surprising, considering many in the media had predicted a much different outcome. >> we are in a very somber mood right now because the verdict in the casey anthony -- >> you okay? >> help me out here. >> oh, my god! it is a stunning verdict. i think that this is incredible. do i necessarily agree with this verdict? no, i don't. >> apparently just claim there's a zani nanny and it will save your fannie. >> how does a mother go to a wet body contest when her baby is missing?
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>> let me just say, the devil is dancing tonight. >> joining me now is liz winsted. liz, what's your response to all of that reaction by the media? >> well, you know, the reaction to the media maybe because it's putting them dead in their tracks and what to talk about now. oh, my god, she's going home on thursday. we can't follow this nauseating story through sentencing either. you have a young woman, you have hot girl on girl photographs and you have a child that disappeared and a funky trunk. it's a recipe for the journalistically lazy at it's finest. it is a buffet of crap that yet again -- it's so interesting, ed, because i'm writing this book. one of the essays i'm writing about is creating "the daily show" and the climate of the media and what was going on at the time. what was going on at the time we
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launched was wall-to-wall o.j., baby shaking nanny, the versace trial. i'm watching today, this breaks in, no commercials. if more people knew as much about rick scott as they do about casey anthony, florida would be a much better state. >> why are so many fascinated by this? >> does it go back to wow, at least i'm not that bad of a mom. it's a local news story they grab onto. it's sickening. it's a white girl. chris hayes told another story of another guy put on trial who, you know -- it was amazing. so i feel like the stories of great trial redemptions don't get told, and the nature of the hot woman with the photos every time will score. it's sickening. >> thanks for your time tonight. appreciate it.
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