tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC October 5, 2011 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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diabetes testing? it's all the same. nothing changes. then try this. freestyle lite® blood glucose test strip. sure, but it's not gonna-- [beep] wow. yep, that's the patented freestyle zipwik™ design. did it just-- [both] target the blood? yeah, drew it right in. the test starts fast. you need just a third the blood of one touch.® that is different. so freestyle lite test strips make testing... easy? easy. great. call or click-- we'll send you strips and a meter, free. free is good. freestyle lite test strips. call or click today. good morning. i'm chris jansing and we're starting with breaking news out of cupertino, california. you probably know it as the
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headquarters for apple but there's a workplace shooting there today at a mine. here's what we know. an employee opened fire at a meeting at a north california quarry. this is located in the foothills just above cupertino. two people have been killed, four others are injured. it happened early today. you can see it's just getting light there. according to the santa clara county website, the permanente quarry is an aggregate line stone and mining operation. it was a worker there so we would assume know who it is. the latest report says that the suspect is not in custody so this is a very fluid situation. a shooting in cupertino at a workplace, we will keep you posted on that. meantime politics 2012 and it is a whole new ball game in the race for president. with chris christie really saying no, republicans are facing a pretty clear field, or are they? christie's exit may be leaving an open for the straight talking
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herman cain. two new polls with surprising results. cain's star has been soaring and rick perry fading. richard lui is here to take a look at these new poll numbers. good morning, richard. >> good morning, chris. yeah, herman cain may be the october surprise of 2011, or so the polls are starting to show. he had the largest jump in the quinnipiac poll out four hours ago. in just three months he jumped 12 points to 17% in the republican showdown. cain's rise could be a sign of perry's weakness. perry gave back a big portion of his august gain. tea party conservatives perhaps not so confident after his debate performances and stances on immigration. he falls to 14%. it gets worse, though. michele bachmann fades big time, now down to 3%, the second lowest in this poll of nine candidates. front runner like mitt romney seems to be waiting for his competitors to tire out.
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he's regained momentum, moving up to 22% after a drop a month ago. so with christie out and not a choice in this poll it's up to romney to scoop up that energy. prime hunting grounds, the number two spot, the don't knows and no answers at 18%. cain is right behind as you can see right here. a cbs poll in fact saying that he's tied for first with romney. at the bottom way behind back here is paul, santorum and huntsman. when it comes to matchups, perry is gaining on president obama but still behind, as you can see these numbers cross with each other, but romney now overtakes obama in the poll for the very first time. he is now exceeding president obama at 46 to 42% according to quinnipiac. finally for you, chris, the republicans say they are much more enthusiastic, republicans are this year, than democrats. the opposite of 2008 when democrats' enthusiasm was partially credited here with getting president obama to the
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white house. >> yeah, we know that enthusiasm does translate into people knocking on doors and raising money. richard, thank you so much. for almost at hour at his press conference, it was classic chris christie showing the accessible straight talk that has won him so many fans. for example, with people clamoring for you, why not run? >> but in the end, what i've always felt was the right decision remains the right decision today. now is not my time. >> let's bring in our company, journalist and publisher karen hunter and republican strategist boris epstein. if not chris christie, who's time is it? >> mitt romney. this is mitt romney's time. this is a big opportunity for him. you've seen the do not know 18%. he can catch those people and he's ahead. herman cain is doing a good job but he is one of those candidates like bachmann was in midsummer that he's catching hot right now. he'll likely lose a lot. it's romney's to lose right now. >> he still only has the same
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number, he's flat lining. he can't capture the chris christie crowd because he doesn't have the chris christie energy. he hasn't had it, he will not have it and this is wide open. i'm looking for sarah palin to get in. >> rick perry raised $17.1 million in the third quarter. 4 to 6 million ahead of romney. does money talk? >> money is important, but right now romney is the one that has the republican crowd comfortable. and comfort is very important. >> comfort? >> complacent. >> no, no, comfort with your candidate is very important. >> if they were comfortable with him, they would not have been crying for chris christie. >> thank you, chris. >> let's say who the "they" are. the "they" are people supporting perry and now losing confidence in perry. kr christie is good. >> if you're a betting person, bet on black.
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i watched herman cain, i've been reading his book. he's resonating with american people on the right the way romney never would or never could. >> i'm watching chris christie yesterday and i'm thinking again here's a guy who seems not to be on talking points. here's a guy who seems to be answering the question that you asked, speaking in language the american people can understand, but not dumbing it down. >> that's right. >> is herman cain the guy who can capture that? >> yes. >> herman cain has an opportunity to do so if he continues to do as well as he has, if he does not trip up and say this things that he's said in the past that would make him -- that would make the electorate feel uncomfortable with him. if he continues on the path he's been since the florida debate, yes, he can be that candidate. right now safe money says it's romney. >> you had tim pawlenty -- >> oh, we're going back to that? but i did say chris christie wasn't going to run. >> and i said herman cain a month ago. >> you called obama a month ago.
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>> i'm still calling obama. >> and he is plummeting in the polls. >> what happened to michele bachmann? >> she fizzled out. people got excited a year and a half before an election. >> what happened was -- what happened was she showed herself. her slip was showing and people now -- who in the world could vote for her to be president of the united states. she keeps opening her mouth. that's what happened to her. >> she appeals to a very limited part of the republican party. just the right wing of the republican party. she could not broaden her appeal. i said on this show if she doesn't broaden it, she will fizzle out. she didn't broaden her appeal and that's where she is. rick perry has not been able to expand himself beyond the right wing of the republican party. >> do you think he's done? >> oh, he's done. >> he needs to work on himself the next debate. >> he can't up do the damage -- he cannot undo the damage that's been done to him. >> he can undo it by a good performance in the next debate. >> he can't have a good performance. that's not who he is. >> he's a comeback kid, then you can say the texas kid came back but right now it doesn't look
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good for him. >> still interesting. boris epstein, karen hunter, thanks to both of you. not only are the anti-creek protests growing, new york could see the biggest and most organized of these common stragsz from all across the country. but now big labor is also joining in. why? we've got the president of the united steel workers of america live right here in a couple of minutes. the ntsb is trying to figure out what caused that helicopter to crash into new york's east river just moments after takeoff. what followed was a dramatic rescue shown live on local television as the nypd and coast guard tried to rescue five people. survivors clung to the chopper's skids as it began sinking. a tourist from australia who had been in new york celebrating her 40th birthday was killed. police divers were able to save four others, including the pilot. what's next for amanda knox? well, experts say she could get a seven-figure book deal and big money for speaking fees. she may feel the need to help
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her parents, who have gone into substantial debt during the last four years she's been in prison paying legal fees and traveling back and forth to italy. at least for now she wants to enjoy the freedom she has after her murder conviction was overturned. >> i'm really overwhelmed right now. i was looking down from the airplane and it seemed like everything wasn't real. what's important for me to say is just thank you to everyone who's believed in me, who's defended me, who's supported my family. >> well, knox may also be considering whether to fin irher college degree. she was a junior studying when she was arrested. well, this is what a deadly dust storm looks like. one person was killed, 18 others injured in arizona from blinding winds that crossed the desert causing three separate pile-ups involving about 30 cars. that one fatality as well.
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forecasters say more dust storms are likely as long as that doubt continues. an ingredient that works more naturally with your colon than stimulant laxatives, for effective relief of constipation without cramps. thanks. good morning, students. today we're gonna continue... [ female announcer ] starbucks via® is planted the same... ♪ ...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. ♪ it only makes sense it would taste the same. so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via® ready brew. we promise you'll love it or we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via® taste promise. look for it at starbucks stores and where you buy groceries.
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we want to update you quickly on that breaking news, a workplace shooting in northern california. it is in cupertino. it's a mine, a mining operation. now four people said to be dead according to kntv. they say the gunman is on the loose, apparently an employee of that mining operation, possibly that person has an ak-47 assault rifle so we'll keep our eyes on that developing situation. back to politics now where democrats have gotten the "w" in west virginia for governor. >> this victory, ladies and gentlemen, it's not about me. it's about you out there. it's about you. >> and that is earl ray tomblin after he won the special election. he's been acting governor since
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joe manchin stepped down to be in the u.s. senate. michele bachmann's campaign staff needed to jump in after she got the facts wrong on the campaign trail. >> we have something like 250,000 donors to our campaign. that's a tremendous amount of donors, and our average donation is $50. >> she meant 250,000 donors over the course of her entire political career. in texas yesterday, president obama channelled the gipper again. >> let me tell you something. years ago a great american had a different view, that he thought it was crazy that certain tax loopholes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing while a bus driver was paying 10% of his salary. it wasn't a democrat, wasn't some crazy socialist, it was ronald reagan. it was ronald reagan.
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>> meantime all the concern over the economy is sparking yet more nationwide protests and arrests in the group occupy wall street. >> we are the 99%. we are the 99%. >> there are some real-life stories behind that chant. people who feel like they're doing everything right but still can't make it. joining me, msnbc policy analyst, ezra klein. good to have you in studio. you're going to be going down there a little later on but who are these 99%? >> there's this great website called we are the 99% and they are sending in pictures of themselves holding these handwritten signs. >> we've got some pictures to show people. >> and they're really effective. what you're hearing these people saying over and over again, it sounds so radical, occupy wall street. these are just people who are struggling. they're buried under college debt, under home debt, they're working two jobs. suddenly their workplace closed down. they're people who tried to do
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the things we told them to do to get ahead in today's economy and it's simply not working for them. when you read it that way, when you see that that is what is animating a lot of this movement, you begin to get the sense it could grow quite a bit larger than people are expecting. >> it's one of the things we talked about when there were all these european demonstrations. what would it take for americans to get fed up and say i'm mad as hell and won't take it anymore. is that this? >> i was talking to a very smart guy and he made the point that people think the great organizations, the activism and the great depression happened immediately. that things crashed in '29 and then we had a big national movement. that wasn't how it was. as late as 1932 you had people writing and saying why aren't people getting out there, why aren't people in the streets. the answer is they were hoping things would get better. it wasn't until 1934 when it became clear that we were stagnating in this economy and things weren't getting better for average americans that you saw the type of organization and movement that we associate with
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that whole new deal period. as this solidifies into a long stag nation, it's fairly predictable we'll see if not this, then other things emerge that are more activism driven. >> if you can stand by, i want to just add another element to this, ezra. adding to those real people, support from labor unions, because those protests against wall street are gaining momentum. thousands of people as we said expected to march in new york city today. we have been seeing protests across the country and hearing from people across the country. >> this is a beginning of a people's movement, a people's revolution, nonviolent if you will, in this country. >> it's for all of you who are tired of watching the banks get bailed out while we get sold out. >> wealth disparity, corporate personhood, these things are unacceptable while millions are on the streets starving. >> we as north carolinans have
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to stand up against the braank corruption. >> there's the rich and the poor. and the rich are stepping on your necks but this is called an uprising and we are taking back what is ours. >> leo gerard is the international president of the united steel workers of america. good morning, thanks for joining us. tell me why your union is getting behind this movement? >> well, we're getting behind it for some pretty simple reasons. just like those young college kids that have two masters degrees and can't find a job, because of wall street corruption we've got millions of people that lost their homes and can't find a home, we've got millions of workers who lost their job because the factory closed because wall street got those factories to move to china with bad trade deals, we've got workers that have lost their pension because of the wall street collapse and then they see these wall street guys lining their pockets with big bonuses, we're part of the 99% that's being left behind by an economy that has got the support of the republican party and catering to the ultra rich. >> and yet you see how difficult
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it is to get anything done. do you think really these protests can make a difference? >> i think they're going to make a huge difference because i think you'll see them spread all over the country. people understand why we're in this mess. they understand this was brought to us by the people on wall street and they also understand the republicans are doing everything they can to make sure that we don't get out of this mess. they're stopping everything that this president is trying to do and as one of my friends said to me, republicans want to keep millions out of work so they can get one man's job. we're not going there in a political sense, we're going there to say enough is enough. private sector workers, public sector workers, we didn't cause this mess but we're the ones taking it on the chin and wall street is pretending they had nothing to do with it and they're lining their pockets and people are just saying, like you said, hell, no, i'm not taking this anymore. >> i don't know that you can deny the passion, but this movement doesn't seem to have a clear leader, no clear focus message, certainly on a national
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level the way we traditionally look at these kind of muchoveme. >> i think the problem is people want to look at it traditionally. these aren't traditional times. the technology that's there, the way we can communicate with each other, the way we can make decisions, this doesn't have to be led by one individual. this has to be a grassroots movement. people rising up from the bottom and saying collectively we've had enough. and whether it's people losing their pensions, people losing their homes, kids with two masters degrees that can't pay off their school loans, it's equivalent to a first mortgage but still can't find a job, people that are fed up with the military budgets we have while we can't support people in their homes, people that are fed up with the watch of industrial jobs going overseas. we used to have 25% of the economy is manufacturing. now it's down to 8. how do you get out of this mess if you're not making anything? all of these issues are going to come to this fruition and it's not going to need a leader. the issues are the leader. >> leo gerard, that you for
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talking with us. >> my pleasure. >> ezra, do you agree with him? do you think these protests can make a difference? >> certainly they can make a ki difference. i think back to the early days of the tea party and people laughed. there were people with pointy hats and they had wigs on. the beginning of the protests are always chaotic. that's how they -- sort of a radical group that creates room for the mainstream to say something they have been wanting to say for a while so the question is whether or not this is able to make that same transition. if it does, one thing i've been noticing talking to these people, there's a real mirror image. there's a skepticism of power in the tea party, an anger that sort of the government and the politicians they feel have made bad decisions and done fine. similarly there's an anger at the banks. the tea party people are not big fans of the banks. if these things continue going on i wouldn't be surprised if in certain actions, certain activism actions, you wouldn't see some collaboration down the road between the two groups.
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>> thanks, ezra. we will see you back here tomorrow. by the way, tamron hall will be down on wall street for her show live at 2:00 eastern time, so stay tuned for that. well, as homer would say, duh. and the trouble is dough, the money kind, was that a bad impersonation? the cast of the simpsons is under threat this morning. take a 45% pay cut they're being told or risk being cancelled. fox television says just can't afford the simpsons at its current cost. negotiations to save homer, bart and company are now under way. time for the your business entrepreneur of the week. mobile medical international, a builder of mobile surgical units, hit hard times in its first years of operations. owner rick cochran asked employees to work without pay, maintaining their health insurance. soon business boomed and the company was named the sba's 2011 small business of the year. for more, watch "your business" sunday mornings at 7:30 on
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what are you hearing, peter? >> reporter: chris, good morning to you. investigators right now are trying to make a plan about what exactly to do next today. they have 30 to 40 detectives on stand-by with the intention of searching again today, but so far no suspects and no strong leads. we'll tell you how this all went down. the family of this 10-month-old girl, lisa irwin, says overnight hours from monday night to tuesday morning their 10-month-old daughter simply disappeared, was snatched from inside the crib inside that home there. initially reports suggested that an intruder may have entered through one of the windows in the home. at this time police are still considering that as well as many other options right now. as we noted, few leads. they have searched the neighborhood, speaking to neighbors here. the best lead so far came from one neighbor who said in those overnight hours monday night to tuesday morning this man says he saw a man carrying a young child, a young baby in a diaper in the neighborhood, but so far little more information about
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that. the parents in this case have been cooperating with police. they were with investigators until roughly 10:30 last night. they have not made a public statement so far. important to note, there was an amber alert here immediately after this missing report came in. that lasted for 12 hours, then it was cancelled. it does not diminish the effort to try to find this child. they said they did that because they didn't want to dilute the process and they said the urgency in those first 12 hours had passed and at this point they're just looking for help from tips from the community. >> oh, boy. peter alexander, thank you so much. i'm told we're getting some updated information on that breaking story out of cupertino, california, where a mining operation was violated by violence this morning. at least three people are dead. we will get more for you coming up after the break. the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition.
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sky through most of the eastern half of the country. we do have a big storm coming into the west. along with that there's going to be quite a bit of rain and snow and wind. these are wind advisories in blue. winds gusting to 50 miles an hour in the mountains near los angeles and san diego. these are winter storm warnings in the sierra. could be some snow around lake tahoe, 12 to 20 inches in the highest elevations and obviously plenty of rain coming into the l.a. basin as well. also a lot of wind today in the northeast as the low continues to lift out. winds gusting to 35 miles an hour in boston. otherwise not bad at all. look at the temperatures, 74 in pittsburgh, nice change from the weekend. 87 in tampa. really warm weather building into the northern plains. that 86 in minneapolis, 30 degrees above average. there is your rain and snow across the west that's going to continue for the next few days. chris, back to you. >> thank you so much, carl. speaking of the west coast, northern california getting some new information from our folks there at kntv. they have confirmed three people have been killed at the shooting in a mining operation in
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cupertino, but they do hear that there may be a fourth. we do know eight people in all were shot. we believe the gunman, a worker there, is still at large. they know who he is but have not released his name. and contacted police somehow on a police radio to say that he was going to shoot more people. so obviously a dangerous and volatile situation there. we will keep you posted on that. here's a look at some other stories that people are talking about right now. another high-profile victory in the u.s.-led war on terror. nato officials confirming now that a senior leader of a notorious taliban affiliate was killed on tuesday. the militant leader known as dilawar was a leading weapons supplier and known for coordinating attacks on afghan forces. a new pew opinion poll shows 50% feel that the war in afghanistan was worth it, 44% say the iraq war was worth it, eight in ten post 9/11 veterans
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believe the american public has little or no understanding of the problems facing those in the military. former defense secretary donald rumsfeld on the defensive in an interview with al jazeera english. rumsfeld seemed to take issue with the interviewer himself. the network's d.c. bureau chief. >> why should i do everything you want and you won't do a thing i want. that gives you the privilege to do what you want? >> seriously. >> what do you mean seriously? i'm being serious. this is worthless. this is not an interview. >> rumsfeld did do another interview with al jazeera's david frost in which he praised the network. health officials say the death toll from the cantaloupe listeria outbreak is now at 18. the cdc confirms 120 people in 20 different states have been sickened, making it the deadliest outbreak in nearly a decade. call it the strain of soul singing success. mega singing superstar adele has
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called off a concert tour for the second time this year because of throat problems. in june it was laryngitis. now she's on vocal rest for a hemorrhage in her vocal cords. adele writes that she is truly devastated having to cancel the ten-city sold-out dates but she was warned that doing it would risk permanent damage to her voice. well, what's the connection between mariah carey and justin bieber? we'll tell you when we go down to the wire in 20. so much for the iphone 5. after months of hype and speculation, apple disappointed legions of fans when it unveiled the iphone 4s yesterday. basically it's a souped-up model of the previous version. mandy drury is here with what's moving your money. so what's been the buzz in the last 24 hours on the new iphone? >> well, chris, it's really hard to put apple and misstep in the same sentence but the buzz is that the real letdown by apple with this launch may open a door to rival smartphone makers that
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they could exploit to gain more market share. in fact shares of samsung, htc, and all of apple's rivals were all higher after apple unveiled the iphone 4s. it is identical in form to the previous model. disappointing fans who had caused hope for a thinner or bigger screen design. nonetheless analysts are saying that apple has decided to keep older iphone models and slash their prices which means they may gain ground in the lower end or emerging markets and that's where traditionally nokia and erickson have dominated. we're just weeks away from halloween, but we are spending how much on costumes this year? >> on costumes alone, spending is expected to reach $1 billion. that is up from $840 million last year or a jump of 19%. apparently 44% of those celebrating halloween will dress up in a costume, yours truly included. last year only about 40% said
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they would dress up. so what's going to be popular? let's take a look here. number one, royal wedding fever lives on. prince william and kate middleton costumes, retail $39.99. the outrageous hats of the wedding guests you might remember, princess beatrice and princess eugenie may also inspire some do it yourself costumes and number two angry birds. costume for both children and adults. none of us have to miss out. and number three, winning. charlie sheen for a near $14.99 you can dress up like charlie sheen if you really, really want to. you have a combo of things, mask, wigs, bowling shirts, shirts that say winning and you might be able to get a goddess on each arm as well but the tiger blood is sold separately. >> so costumes for three or four. thank you so much. cnbc's mandy drury. i'm looking forward to halloween and seeing what you go as. >> absolutely. president obama has been hammering republicans as his
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jobs bill stalls in congress and his democratic critics have been loving it. yesterday in texas the president singled out house majority leader eric cantor who he says is stalling efforts to debate his bill. >> right now he won't even let this jobs bill have a vote in the house of representatives. think about that. i mean what's the problem, do they not have the time? they just had a week off. >> well, he's not the president's only problem. just moments ago senate majority leader harry reid hinted at a proposal that would make big changes to the president's payment plan. kristen welker joins us from the white house. kristen, good morning to you. what exactly are the democrats on the hill doing? are they cooperating with the white house? >> reporter: hi there, chris. well, there are some democrats, chris, who don't like the president's pay for plan for this bill. they say they're opposed to the fact that he wants to increase taxes on folks making $250,000 or more so right now senator majority leader harry reid is
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trying to put together a plan that will get more votes in his democratic caucus, and sources on the hill tell me that plan would include a 5% sur tax on millionaires. here's what harry reid had to say just a short while ago on the floor. take a listen. >> democrats have listened to the american people and they have been very, very clear. the american people believe it's time for millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share to help this country thrive. >> reporter: so you hear him mention millionaires and billionaires in that statement there, chris. now, white house officials say, look, they are open to any changes that congress wants to make to the plan as long as it pays for the american jobs act and ensures that everyone pays their fair share, but the question is will this only further alienate republicans. as you know, chris, they have staunchly said that they're not going to support anything that increases taxes on americans. >> and it seems like nothing gets done there unless they're really under the gun. the president wants this done
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this month. what is it, october 5th. is that realistic? >> reporter: you know, it's interesting, chris. that's right, the president called on congress to get something passed by the end of the month. we're actually expecting senate majority leader reid, dick durbin, schumer to hold a news conference a little bit later on this morning and announce that a vote could come as early as next week. but here's the question. will the bill get passed and will it get passed in its entirety? you've heard eric cantor say over and over again that he thinks that this all-or-nothing approach to the american jobs act is just unrealistic. so what is more realistic, chris, is that we might see some votes this month on parts of the american jobs act, things like extending the payroll tax cuts, extending unemployment insurance and also providing tax breaks for companies who hire veterans. but i tell you right now, chris, both sides are accusing each other of playing politics. the american people just aren't buying this. right now only 14% of americans approve of the job that congress is doing. that's according to the latest
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"washington post"/abc news poll. >> kristen welker, thank you so much from the white house. who knew michael jackson's doctor had so much going on in his personal life? prosecutors called three of his girl friends to the stand to show that dr. murray was too busy talking to them when he should have been taking care of jackson. >> i am an actress with the screen actors guild since 1998. >> after that first meeting and your telephone contact with conrad murray, did the two of you spend time together? >> yes. >> he give you his telephone number? >> yes. >> susan is a former prosecutor and trial lawyer. so, as i said, who knew. but what's the prosecution trying to accomplish here? >> well, they're trying to show the jury that this was a person who was not focused on his patient, this is a person who was not focused on medicine, this is a person who was focused really on himself and his very
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busy personal life and i think it is damaging. >> and he was making $150,000 a month. >> he actually never got paid. that contract was never signed. unfortunately, his patient died before the contract got signed. he never got paid. >> the prosecution obviously, then, going after his character, his focus and they're adding that onto what seems to be a very carefully crafted, methodical case. you know, they start with his qualifications as a doctor, what happened in that time after clearly something had gone wrong and now this latest step. what do you think about how it's developing so far? >> i think the prosecution is doing an excellent job. i think their case is going in very well. what ran the risk of being a very technical, dry, scientific, almost boring and hard to follow case isn't playing out that way in the courtroom as all so i give kudos to the prosecution. but we haven't heard from the defense yet. i'm troubled by their defense which is that michael jackson killed himself essentially,
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self-administered the fatal dose and i think that's problematic. >> they contend that it was during a phone call with one of the women that we saw that murray realized that jackson had stopped breathing. so what they're going to do is try to develop a timeline and when he called 911. what's his responsibility, does that go to the conviction if he delayed calling 911? >> i'm not sure that in and of itself, because why would you call a paramedic when you're a cardiac physician? so he could argue, and i think successfully, that he was the treating doctor there, but i think what's difficult is that he was heard to say to one of the body guards, does anybody know cpr. and when he was doing the compressions, he was doing them with one hand, he was doing them wrong. when he was giving mouth-to-mouth, he essentially said i've never done this before but i have to do it for him because he's my friend. does anybody else know how to do it, could somebody lend a hand. if he isn't a physician able to
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render assistance in what was clearly a medical emergency. >> it's been unbelievable so far, not dry at all, susan, always good to have you in, thank you. we'll be right back. living with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... could mean living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you with humira. for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira's proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb.
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daughter's 1st grade teacher who's also her mom. help fund breast cancer programs in your community. redeem your lids today while the number of people who smoke continues to go down in the u.s., overall, experts say, certain professions have higher smoking rates than others. a new report from the cdc reveals people who work in the mining and food service industries are the most likely to smoke, along with construction workers, while educators are the least likely. good morning, everybody. i'm thomas roberts. in the next hour of msnbc, the state of gop presidential hopefuls post chris christie.
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now that the new jersey governor says no, who will the gop throw its weight behind? where does the president's jobs bill go next? senate democrats will hold a press conference. majority leader harry reid is signaling big changes ahead. do you feel iconed over the announcement? apple user are reacting over having to wait just a little bit more. that and much more in the next hour. a stunning new report says cyber security threats against the government have risen a whopping 650% in the past five years and there's a very real threat to consumers and businesses too. it was the topic before the house intelligence committee yesterday. >> the united states faces a significant and ongoing cyber security threat today, one that presents issues of national and economic security. there has been a lot of talk of the prospect of a cyber pearl harbor attack that could shut down critical infrastructure and potentially cause physical damage to the united states.
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>> joining me now, the chairman of the house intelligence committee, mike rogers. good morning. >> good morning, chris. how are you. >> as we were talking, you talked a lot about china yesterday saying their attacks are reaching what you called intolerable levels. give us a sense of exactly what they're doing and why has it gotten so bad? >> well, there are normal courses of espionage that two nations engage in and there's been a long history of that. one country tries to determine what the intentions of the military are. this is very different from that. china has engaged in economic espionage. they're trying to steal information, intellectual property. they are trying to steal research & development materials so they can turn it around and use it as an economic predators, if you will, in an international market so it's very unusual. >> what are we going to do about it? >> well, we better step it up. one, i don't think our business community is very well prepared for this and it's very, very sophisticated, their efforts to get into these systems, these
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computer networks, and steal that information. so we need to be able to allow our nsa that covers now dot-gov and dot-mil to share information with the private sector so they can secure themselves. and then i think we need to build an international coalition to put pressure on beijing to knock this off. we would not tolerate somebody walking into a factory, sticking a gun to their head and stealing their blue prints and taking it overseas. we wouldn't put up with it. this is really no different. all they're doing is stealing it electronically. it's the same thing and we need to stand up to make sure that we have long-term economic prosperity and they're not stealing americans' innovation. >> another thing you said yesterday that really got my attention was you said a lot of businesses aren't talking about this because they fear retaliation. what kind of retaliation and from whom? >> well, one thing that we know is that the chinese are very,
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very good and very sophisticated in their cyber espionage. and so what these companies have expressed to us is that, listen, we fear a couple of things. one, reprisals in china itself or we think they will focus what is a very large and growing effort by the chinese to get into these private sector companies, and they think that they'll be the target of that. remember, this is thousands and thousands and thousands of ways they can try to get into these computer networks. they just don't think they can handle it. so they'd rather not have that high-profile attention. but it is a problem, i can tell you, every single day. there is an american company who is compromised through their computer networks and something goes missing. that's what i think we need to talk about and we need to get this international coalition. it's not just us, chris, it's also europe, it's also our friends in asia. they're all becoming victims of a ravenous chinese aggressive cyber espionage, commercial
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espionage program. >> congressman mike rogers, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. celebrities are weighing in on governor chris christie's decision not to run for president, so today's tweet of the day comes from steven colbert. following christie's lead, newt gingrich held a special news conference to announce he's still running for president. alec baldwin tweeted, good, now chris christie and i can hang out. [ ben harper's "amen omen" playing ] we believe doing the right thing never goes unnoticed. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy?
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dancing shocker. shawn young and mariah's new partner. let's go down to the wire. a shocking elimination on "dancing with the stars." >> the couple with the lowest overall combined total and, therefore, leaving right now is -- kristin and mark. >> the audience bead as kristin cavallari left. she said she was surprised but
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had a great time. this fork lift joyride sent a man to prison for four years. he stole the fork lift, road through a field, then a cemetery and caused $23,000 in damage. that rampage happened in july in the u.k. and speaking of things you shouldn't do, '80s actor shawn young put the cat suit back on on david letterman. she was trying to make a joke she's not crazy anymore so someone please hire her to do a movie. you check out the video and you be the judge. an update to bring two old classics into the new age. dale carnegie's how to win friends and influence people will add in the digital age to its title and emily post's etiquette will include advice on how to avoid embarrassing yourself on twitter. the woman famous for being tiger woods' mistress is now married. rachel uchitel got married at the same chapel where britney spears married jason alexander in 2004. all mariah carey wants for
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christmas is justin bieber? the two superstars are teaming up for a song. justin called carey a living legend. his album is due out on november 1st. and that wraps up this hour of "jansing & company." i'm chris jansing. thomas roberts is up next. a special edition of news nation with tamron hall live from the occupy wall street protests in new york city at 2:00 p.m. eastern time right here on msnbc. cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at
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chris christie is out. now can republicans love the ones they're with? a look at who benefits and who loses from christie's refusal to jump into the gop presidential race. president obama calls out congressman eric cantor for blocking his jobs bill. this is can tor reportedly aims for a new vice president job. and new york city chopper crash. this hour the ntsb upgrates the
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