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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  October 12, 2011 10:29am-10:59am EDT

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and highlights. now in a delightful foam. just three shakes, foam it, love it! it's foamtastic! new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. your right color. yeah, i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth! welcome back to "jansing & co." i'm weather channel meteorologist carl parker. we've got our eyes on a couple weather systems this morning. one of them in the middle of the country actually brought some severe weather to dallas last night. about 4,000 people without power there. another system now in the northeast bringing some rain into the area. we don't think it's going to be really heavy. for the most part, not enough to cause flooding. this is lighter rain from new york back through much of pennsylvania. there is a heavier batch now coming into the d.c. area.
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it's not quite enough to cause flooding. so good news there. there's the forecast for today. 62 in new york. 75 in raleigh. beautiful through a lot of the southeast. clouds finally beginning to move out. some chance of severe weather in the midsouth. much cooler across the northern plains. only 69 in the twin cities. and in the west lovely weather those it's getting a lot hotter. 98 degrees in phoenix. that's above average and 75 in san francisco. also, watching jova moving into mexico. still a hurricane, and it's going to produce most likely torrential rain across mountainous terrain in western mexico. chris, back to you. >> all right, carl, thank you so much. sudden change of course. the nigerian man accused of trying to blow up a plane with a bomb in his underwear was pleaded guilty. abdulmutallab's attorney surprised the court in the second day of the trial with that announcement of a guilty plea. the judge is reviewing the charge, could possibly look at
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pen penalties with abdulmutallab. mara, i understand these folks from occupy wall street are trying to go global. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely, they are. if you look on facebook or and those kinds of social networking sites, you can see there are hundreds of pages devoted to this. they already have somewhat of a presence all over the world, and what they're planning is on saturday to try to coordinate all of that support and just to ask people from all around the world, from those groups around the world, to come out on one day and protest together. here in new york they are planning a big event. they are planning to end up in times square to essentially get out the same message they have been espousing since day one, which is there's inequality in the united states and it's something they want to address.
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you can see the tarps behind me. they're calling it a rain day. they're battening down the hatches. they can't have tents so they're trying to cover everything up and stay dry. >> out there where it looks like the weather has turned. thank you so much. as the prosecution case against dr. conrad murray winds down, jurors heard more of those tapes from his police interrogation that took place just two days after michael jackson died. during the interview, murray describes jackson's kids' heartbreaking reactions when they learned their dad has died. >> dr. murray h you said you save a lot of patients, you know. you save people with heart attacks and you couldn't save my dad. . you know, i will wake up in the morning and i won't be able to see my daddy. >> there was a graphic photo of michael jackson in the morgue. the mother of missing 10-month-old lisa irwin just hours before she vanished. debra bradley is seen shopping with an unidentified man but
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police say the tape doesn't tell them much. meantime, irwin's family has hired a private investigator to help fd her. >> i know everybody is watching this family and watching this house and that's fair. keep one eye on them, but also keep the other eye out on the streets, in every place because there is a bad guy out there. >> stanton spoke after an unsuccessful police search of a 40-foot deep well near the irwin home. nothing was found there. and it's not exactly a call for help you get every day. massachusetts police with a 911 call from a couple at a local farm who said they were lost in a corn maze and needed help getting out. >> hi, i just called. i'm still stuck at conners farms. i don't see anybody. i'm really scared. it's really dark and we've got a 3 week old baby with us. >> just relax, calm down. your husband is with you, right?
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>> yes, but my baby. >> i understand. a police officer is on the way. >> the farm's owner say it usually takes about an hour for people to find their way out. actress and u.n. goodwill ambassador angelina jolie is in libya to show her solidarity with the people there. she toured the destruction in m misrata. >> a lot of the people who are a part of the solution and are working in positions of the military and you find that just before the revolution they had retired or they were running restaurants or they were selling baby clothes and they have all quit their jobs and they're working here now on behalf of their country. >> during her visit, jolie will also help agencies deliver aid and meet with u.n. representatives. country star hank williams jr. telling the ladies on "the view" why he made the comments he did about president obama and hitler. we'll have it for you when we go down to the wire in 20. big announcement this morning from general motors. it plans to sell its first all
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electric car starting in 2013. cnbc's mandy drury is here with what's moving your money. tell us about the new chevy spark. >> yeah, the chevy spark. you said it, chris. gm has confirmed it will sell the old electric version of the spark in the u.s. in 2013. if you live in a big congested city, gm says this small plug in, battery powered car is for you. it will be sold here as well as in certain markets worldwide. we don't know of the battery range except it will be according to bl. m extremely competitive. you might know they've got their first battery powered car which was the chevrolet vole and thsc. >> and let's talk about a reprieve for not just tony the tiger and toucan sam, but snap, crackle, and pop. >> the government officials are
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saying they're fine tuning guidelines for marketing food to children, but they say they won't push the food industry to get rid of those very popular and very colorful cartoon characters we all know and love that we see on the cereal boxes anytime soon at least. nonetheless, the government is working to convince food companies to try to at least curb junk food marketing to children. the food industry has hit back and they're complaining the guidelines are just too broad. >> mand yip dry drury, thank yo much. with prices at the supermarket going up and up, many people have been turning to the warehouse clubs for some relief but it's about to get more expensive to be a member. starting next month a basic membership at costco goes up from $50 to $55. bj's raised its fee earlier in the year. so far sam's club is not raising its $40 fee. here is the big question. richard lui, is it still worth it to join one of these clubs? >> how much do you have to spend to do this? good morning to you first. it is worth it in short if
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estimates by consumer reports and the warehouse clubs are right. all you have to do is spend between $25 and $400 and your owe membership is essentially free. memberships are as low as $15 for a short 15-week holiday special at sam's club. normal membership that tends to be $35 to $55 in that dollar range there for you. business membership is at the same price as regular but allows resale, multiple cards. premium membership topping $100 still worth it if you spend over $400 a year not including the rebates and rewards that come with it. that's the breakdown. many know about club gas prices. they're around 3% to 4% cheaper. but there are savings some don't think about. house insurance, save up to 10% on that. costco saying you can save $485. movies, buy a ticket ten pack, save 30% on that. need a new car, save 10% with no haggling. and checking accounts, you can get higher interest rates as well. pricier items are getting the treatment, too, the club
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treatment. a die monday crusted cartier watch normally over $48,000. you can find it at the club and save almost $15,000. luxury luggage, save over $100 at costco. how about a cessna jet, normally $2.7 million, i am not joking with you here, you probably heard about it before. outside $2.7 million, same price. what you get is a lifetime club membership and you get moved to the top of the waiting list for that jet. don't forget the basics as well where you can save over 60% off retail like eggs. responding to tighter wallets. that glass of wine after work, alcohol savings are found at some clubs. even fine wines. and, of course, good old-fashioned waffles, 60 of
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them in a bundle. and like those waffles, warehouse club membership fees, though higher, are something we simply won't let go. >> 60 waffles. >> 60 at once. >> thank you so much. in my little new york apartment. i'm just going to put them in the closets. >> they'll be everywhere. >> how about the girl scouts? they're getting an update. scouts will be able to earn new badges in activities like digital filmmaking, web design, and financial literacy. you go, girls. the more traditional badges like cooking and first aid are not going to go away though. this is first major update for the girl scout badges since 1987. i'm not a number. i'm not a line item on a budget. and i'm definitely not a pushover. but i am a voter. so washington... before you even think about cutting my medicare and social security benefits... here's a number you should remember. 50 million.
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we are 50 million seniors who earned our benefits... and you will be hearing from us... today and on election day. ♪ [ male announcer ] that onion after taste after you again? new crest complete with scope dual blast technology blasts away bad breath germs and food after tastes. new crest complete with scope dual blast. blast your way to fresh breath. [ female announcer ] starbucks via® is planted the same... ♪ ...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. ♪ it only makes sense it would taste the same. so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via® ready brew. we promise you'll love it or we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via® taste promise. look for it at starbucks stores and where you buy groceries.
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she's supporting breast cancer programs for her neighbour's tennis instructor's daughter's 1st grade teacher who's also her mom. help fund breast cancer programs in your community. redeem your lids today
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a quarter of americans say they lose respect for people when they find out they're smokers. a recent gallup poll shows there's more bias towards smokers than 20 years ago when about 15% of americans said they held people who smoke in lower regard. hi, everybody. i'm thomas roberts. in the next hour, last night's gop debate, did chris christie's endorsement of mitt romney change thedynamic? president obama hosting the american latino heritage forum in the white house. will efforts like that one shore up the president's support with hispanic voters? an toe ya antonio villaraigosa will be my guest. thomas, thank you. if there was one endorsement
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republicans wanted it was that blessing from chris christie. the new jersey governor made his pick yesterday. mitt romney for president. but is it because he wants to be vp? n >> he's the best person for the job. it's simply on the merits, and the fact is that we need to make sure that barack obama is a one-term president for america's future. >> reporter: the love fest was life imitating art. here is "saturday night live's" recent spoof. >> he's a nice man in a clean suit that wants to be president. >> life imitating "saturday night live." governor christie, i guess this means you're really not running. >> i've meant it all along. i've meant it all along. this should really finally put it to rest. i want to see mitt romney in the white house in january 2013. >> did he promise you anything? >> giuliaabsolutely nothing? >> vice president christie? >> no. >> would he be on your short
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list. >> he had be on anybody's short list. he may take himself off the list and say he has no interest, but he's one of the leading figures in the republican party. >> would you think you would be a good match? >> we're great friends. we agree on a whole host of issues. >> do you think you'd be a good match? >> i don't know that i'd be anybody's good match in that regard, but ultimately that kind of thing is up to the person who is the presidential nominee to decide who they think is the best person for them and most importantly the best person for the country. >> the good news, governor romney, is you are the front-runner. the bad news is that there has been the feeling in this campaign that republicans were still looking for another candidate to get in the race. why do you think governor romney has faced such a challenge? >> everybody faces that kind of challenge. the fact is governor romney is going to earn it, and he wouldn't want it any other way. to get in here and fight and battle and earn it. >> reporter: one of thotion fitsd those fights, romney's religion.
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>> i have heard worse during my life. i don't get real nervous about what people say, and i think this pastor could say something like that in his church, but in a political setting i think that's a mistake. >> reporter: what does it say about governor perry that he picked this man to introduce him? >> i think governor perry would be wise to repudiate the comments of this pastor in any way he possibly can. >> reporter: what do you give his chances against barack obama? >> he's going to win. >> reporter: no question about it? >> i wouldn't be with him if he wasn't going to win. he's going to win. >> so interesting. let's bring in karen hunter and boris epstein. i have to ask the first question, boris, would it be a dream team if you had mitt romney and chris christie on the ticket? >> we saw what happened with the philadelphia eagles bag the dream team. it would be a strong team. mitt romney will most likely be the nominee.
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he's a strong candidate. he has the public background. that's why chris christie went out and endorsed him. could christie be the nominee, of course. but are there other strong ones like marco rubio. >> does chris christie's enforcement matter? >> i think it hurt chris christie more than it helped romney. he has such a great feeling among republicans. other republicans are not feeling this. they don't like romney. they don't like christie endorsing romney. >> if you look at the polls and the leading states, you look at iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, florida, romney is either first or he's within two or three points -- >> but he's not winning in a way that's exciting. >> chris christie is only going to shore that up. >> he hasn't won over conservatives. >> he hasn't and that's the core
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of the election. he has to win those to win -- >> how can we say if he hasn't won over conservatives if he's leading. >> it's like 23%. >> now it's gone up to four or five. it's still early. there's been no votes. no primaries, no caucuses. >> people are still waiting for somebody else. they wish somebody else would get in. >> they see somebody else in these debates? >> not yesterday. >> it's mitt romney and republicans are not waiting. they see this field and it's going to be romney. >> romney was the winner again. >> home run. >> he killed it. >> he did kill it. >> he killed it in a way of staying within himself. he was the big boy at that table. he was the one that didn't go after -- >> he was the only big boug that can win. huntsman was a big boy as well. >> huntsman just doesn't get the support. gee doesn't have any way of winning. >> the most telling thing was when perry and cain lodged their questions at romney but who did romney ask a question of, michele bachmann? he did not want perry and cain to have another minute of speaking. that was very intelligent.
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>> who surprised you the most, was it perry? he's still taking money in, let's be clear about that, but he seems so disengaged, almost bored. >> i thought he wasn't there for a stretch. we thought maybe he and newt gingrich went out for drinks, we were tweeting about that. like where was he. >> he needed a good showing in the first half of the debate and the second half because the criticism is he falls off in a second half. here he was asleep in the first half and kind of came to later on. he's not a good debater. >> but to say you're not a good debater means you're not necessarily going to be a good president because you have to go up against barack obama. if you can't debate against mitt romney how in the world are you going it debate against barack obama? he's done. can we admit he's done? >> he's not done. if he wins iowa, he's back on a high horse. the next debates between now and iowa matter very little. >> karen and boris, always great to have you on. >> nine, nine, nine, chris.
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>> we got through this whole thing without saying that. >> a million times yesterday. >> let me show you what's going on in san francisco. same thing that's happening in downtown manhattan. this is the occupy wall street folks. they've got a big walk going on, various organizations, labor and community groups, they move the camera, i swear we had a shot closer on. there it goes. zoom a little more. they can't hear me, of course. this is occupy san francisco. hundreds and hundreds of people actually there, not only in san francisco, they're in oakland, they've gone to any number of other suburban communities. we'll keep our eye on it. that is san francisco's financial district. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] the humana walmart-preferred
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let's go down to the wire. hank williams jr. is calling out espn and abc for canning his monday night football song after he compared barack obama to hitler. he explained the comments to the
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ladies of "the view." >> hitler is not a good analogy to use. you could have said stalin, nobody would have been that mad, pol pot, beggenghis khan. >> the flowing locks belong to pittsburgh steeler troy polamalu and his new wax double. the resemblance, of course, is uncanny. even the hair. head and shoulders insured those curls for $1 million after his big shampoo deal. a parrot who would rather hitch a ride on a dog than fly. the german shepherd doesn't seem to mind. they live together in knoxville, tennessee. musician janni has adopted a baby panda in china. officials say they chose him because of the inspiration and harmony his music brings.
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speaking of music and harmony, a group of senior citizens got down as part of a flash mob outside last night's gop presidential debate. the group dancing to "stop in the name of love" protesting entitlement cuts and social security. let's hear it once. ♪ >> the choreography may not be perfectly timed. that's going to wrap up this hour of "jansing & co." i'm chris jansing. thomas roberts is up next and i'll see you back here tomorrow. . and now, thanks to you, 10 communities have more to smile about. what's next? tell us on facebook. [ male announcer ] that onion after taste after you again? new crest complete with scope dual blast technology blasts away bad breath germs and food after tastes. new crest complete with scope dual blast. blast your way to fresh breath.
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the doctor leaned over and said to me, "you just beat the widow-maker." i was put on an aspirin, and it's part of my regimen now. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go see your doctor now. before you begin an aspirin regimen. the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the other guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal.
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taking fire and gig it right back. mitt romney gets hit from all sides at the latest gop presidential debate. is the clock ticking on anyone else to shake his front-runner status? herman cain takes center stage and holds his own against repeated attacks all about his nine, nine, nine plan. >> i think it's a catchy phrase. in fact, i thought it was the price of a pizza when he first heard it. the alleged underwear bomber
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plans to change his plea to guilty in the attempt to blow up an airliner on christmas day. full details on that. also, news this morning in an alleged terror plot that reads more like a hollywood script. a plan to kill saudi arabia's ambassador to washington allegedly hatched and backed by iran. we'll get full details on that for you. hi, everybody. i'm thomas


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