tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC October 27, 2011 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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the taxpayer has to be represented at the table. not big on collective bargaining. at the same time, you have 40 or 50 years of bad decisions made by republicans and democrats -- >> got to run. we'll get you back on the program. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. time for the "rachel maddow show." rachel, great to have you always after this program. great to see you. thanks for staying at home the next hour. this show has been on the air about three years now. in that time our staff developed weird skills. skills like spotting fake crowds and models employed for political purposes. so like the newt gingrich campaign website showing this group of fresh faced americans all looking excitedly toward newt gingrich for the answers. but the other things that we found them doing were things like talking on their cell phones all at once and engaging in various pate ree riotic activities all at once and looking up at the sky for no apparent reason. these are all stock photos of
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this crowd available for purchase. also when the koch brothers wanted to make it look like firefighters were going to one of their rallies for republicans ahead of the 2010 elections, they purchased this picture of firemen buddies from the website there's a ton of these things. yesterday we thought we had found the most unusual one, maybe the best one ever. when a blog called good as you figured out this anti-gay website in new hampshire hadn't just bought a picture of a fake supposedly anti-gay crowd from a stock photo website, they actually stole the crowd from a picture of a barack obama campaign rally in columbus, ohio, in 2008. we thought that was maybe the best innovation in the fake model, fake crowd field ever. but today we have managed to top that. it is also a koch brothers ad. it's an americans for prosperity ad in support of republican governor scott back walker of
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wisconsin and his union busting bill that brought wisconsinites into the streets. the koch brothers want you to know despite the complaining from the firefighters and teachers and stuff, they want you to know that really everything is fine in wisconsin. watch. >> they told us the sky would fall and wisconsin would end as we know it, but the sky's still there and wisconsin is stronger than ever. >> now, wait. look at these folks. this is the best thing ever. we've done so many of these. this is the best one ever. this is an innovation in this field. i did not know that you could buy stock photos that move. you see the family right here? watch this. watch. see? same family. so is this a real wisconsin family that's really excited about how awesome wisconsin is now that scott walker has gotten rid of union rights? are they super psyched about how the sky hasn't fallen in wisconsin? no, what these folks are is family on bridge waves. you can find them at a part of
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been for that state. the real people of wisconsin were really not happy with scott walker and republicans in that state stripping away their union rights. particularly because wisconsin is where a lot of america's union rights were born because people fought for their rights. then wisconsin republicans elected in 2010 got rid of them. people were not happy about that in wisconsin. i doubt that anybody in wisconsin is happy about soaring unemployment rates there under governor scott walker. but now real people, not the nice family on bridge waving fake people at, but real wisconsinites are angry enough that they are trying to re-call governor scott walker. governors in the state kicked off the start of their campaign to try to remove governor walker from office. over the next few weeks, walker's opponents will be holding a series of public rallies and meetings across the state all leading up to november 15th. that will be the official start of a 60-day effort to collect more than 540 signatures to get governor scott walker of wisconsin recalled. "the wisconsin press" is
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starting to float potential democratic candidates to run against mr. walker should the recall effort be successful. the names include former democratic congressman, dave obey, kathleen falk and john erkenbach who you recognize as a guest on this show. the koch brother funded populated by models it's working campaign, the real wisconsinites are going to launch the campaign under the banner it's not working. the effort against scott walker in wisconsin has an obvious parallel in nearby ohio where people mad about the union stripping bill there don't have the power to recall their governor but have the ability to recall that law and it looks like they might do. the latest polling out of the buckeye state showing ohioans want to repeal ohio's union stripping bill there by a 25-point margin. anger with the republican governor who pushed that law through has also dropped his approval rating, dropped john
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kasich's approval rating down to 36%. the polling firm conducting that poll noting in their summary, "the good news if there is good news in this survey for governor kasich is that he has another three years until he faces re-election." again, governor scott walker in wisconsin does not have that three-year luxury. if they succeed in getting walker on the ballot, dragging that union stripping law behind him, wisconsinites will have a chance to vote him out of office probably sometime early next year. and so the koch brothers have scott walker's back. the koch brothers will buy as many fake families waving from as many fake bridges as they need to in order to make it look like somebody supports their union stripping governor. they've also got the real scott walker out tonight speaking at a heritage foundation event in des moines, iowa. the heritage foundation, of course, a koch brothers funded enterprise. scott walker is trying to burnish his image nationwide and across the state of wisconsin from his koch brother
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billionaire benefactors. trying to make it look like it's working, which is the name of their campaign, trying to make it look like it's working when you stripped everybody's rights and everybody's mad at you and unemployment in your state is going up, trying to make it look like, that doesn't just mean pr. it means trying to look busy in the state capitol. for the second time since he's been governor though he's not bothering to stay in the state, tonight, for example, scott walker has called the wisconsin legislature back for a special legislative session that is focused on jobs, jobs, jobs. we talked about this last week. they have branded this jobs centric, jobs focused, jobs, jobs, jobs, all about jobs, very special legislative jobs session. they have branded it back to work wisconsin. as we noted last week, one of the things they are doing in their make it look like you're working on jobs back to work wisconsin special legislative session, one of the things they did was work on getting rid of sex ed. jobs, jobs, jobs.
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eliminating all discussion of contraception in wisconsin public schools. this is apparently the republicans' job agenda under scott walker. that wasn't a one-off thing. republicans have been doing their regular republican stuff in this special jobs session and just calling it jobs. because it's a special jobs session. and so last night one democratic legislator had enough and just started live tweeting all of the things republicans were actually working on that they were calling jobs. at 8:14 p.m. last night, for example, democratic representative corey mason tweeted, "debating sjr28, honoring crisis pregnancy centers." crisis pregnancy centers are the religious antiabortion fake health centers where you think you're going to go get medical advice but they lecture you about not having an abortion. that was jobs legislation apparently. also "we have passed a resolution in favor of national adoption awareness month. ajr67." there was also "ab12 which makes it a crime to throw bodily
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substances at peace officers, debated and passed." you have your sex ed, you have your adoption, you have your antiabortion activism being honored, no throwing pee at cops, make your own beer at home. 9:21 p.m. last night, what was going on in the jobs, jobs, jobs legislative session, according to corey mason at the time, "no jobs bills but now we are discussing definition of bicycles." representative mason then tweeting this link. bicycle, bicycle i want to ride my bicycle, bicycle. >> joining us now is the democratic state representative who had been live tweeting the jobs, jobs, definition of bicycle special session in the great state of wisconsin. representative corey mason of racine. thank you very much for joining us tonight.
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>> thanks for having me on, rachel. >> there is a brilliant pr effort under way to try to make it look like the issue of jobs is really the first priority of what's being worked on in your state. by your governor and by republicans in the legislature. from your perspective, what is actually being worked on? >> nothing about jobs. i'm delighted to debate issues about adoption or whether or not you can buy a drink at a county fair or what the definition of a bicycle is, but right now we have a jobs crisis in wisconsin and we're not doing anything in the legislature to address it. >> the effort to recall the governor in wisconsin, if it does in fact get under the ballot, probably has some national implications in the sense that both governor walker and john kasich of ohio have really personified this year's breed of republican politician. the union busting stuff. big, big, big money support from the billionaire koch brothers who have been among governor walker's biggest contributors.
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i mean, obviously what he's done is not popular in the state, but how do you as a democrat compete with the amount of money that he can marshal on his side? >> well, the problem that walker and his agenda has in wisconsin is it's really been an attack on the middle class. starting with the attacks on bargaining rights but then followed by the biggest cuts in public education in the entire country. this week we're doing nothing to address jobs and unfortunately killing the wind energy jobs we could bring to this state. next week, they'll announce removing 53,000 people from badger care, our medicaid program for the working poor in the state. so you can't be that much against so many people in wisconsin and hope to get away with it. i think that's what this recall is going to be about. >> what's the expectation for the 53,000 people who are going to lose their health insurance? is there any provision being made to make sure they can still get care? >> the republicans passed in their state budget a waiver that they want to get from the federal government to instead of, you know, doing something
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about tax fairness and, you know, doing something about the billion dollars worth of tax breaks they give to large corporations, they instead want to take 53,000 people off of health care. and so that's going to leave a lot of working families really desperate to figure out what to do next. >> one of the things that i was struck by in watching your live tweets from the supposed jobs session last night, also what we covered last week about what they've been working on in this jobs session, is that there's sort of a theme. i mean, antiabortion groups being honored, sex ed being rolled back. issues like that that not only aren't about jobs but are about a real specific social conservative agenda. republicans have not been talking to general audiences very much about social conservatism. but from your perspective as a state legislator, is that still very much what they're pushing when it comes time to actually introduce bills? >> we're either doing nonsense things like redefining bicycles or it's the pregnancy crisis center stuff they're honoring. the more important issues
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they're not addressing, the number one issues that people care about, which are getting people back to work. rachel, i had a town hall meeting in my district just monday night where over 100 people showed up who are out of work, looking for work, looking to me and other elected officials and asking, what are you going to do about this? what are you going to do to retrain people who have been displaced by the economy, to give us a fair wage so we can feed our families, so we can access health care that's affordable? to show up the next day at work or debate bicycles or drinking at county fairs or home brewing, none of which are bad issues in and of themselves but do nothing about the jobs crisis in wisconsin. >> state representative corey mason, democrat of racine, wisconsin. thanks very much for your time tonight and your very informative and entertaining twitter feed. >> thank you, rachel. while we all wait for the conservative promised magic of the free market to give us a reprieve from our chronic national economic bummer, tonight's guest on the interview has his own ideas on the subject and on the occupy wall street protests. he's "new york" magazine writer
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breaking news...when you call today, we'll include a free hoveround collapsible grabber with the purchase of your power chair. it reaches, it grabs, it's collapsible and it's portable. it goes wherever you go. get it free while supplies last. call the number on your screen to get your free video, brochure and your free hoveround collapsible grabber. call the number on your screen. this was the burst of joy in the whee predawn hours of the morning at occupy wall street a couple of weeks ago in lower manhattan when news hit that protesters there would not be removed from zucotti park that morning. the confrontation with police had been anticipated that day but thankfully never materialized. i was there at that moment, along with one of our show's producers, janelle smith. despite the one reprieve that one morning, occupy protests in
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new york and around the country have been marked by some violent confrontations with police. in oakland, california, police cleared out protesters from their downtown encampment early tuesday morning. later in the day when protesters returned to reclaim their space, the police response in oakland was fast moving, loud and ultimately violent. it involved tear gas and shooting at the protesters with nonlethal projectiles. oakland police say they only responded with this volume of tear gas because they were hit by protesters with rocks and paint and other objects. police deny charges that they used rubber bullets and flash grenades in return, but one of the people hit with a police projectile of some kind, it is not clear what, was this man, a
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24-year-old marine. iraq war veteran scott olson. this is mr. olson being carried out of the cloud of tear gas, clearly dazed and bleeding from the head. a group called veterans for peace, which mr. olson belongs, told our show today that he has a fractured skull. the hospital he is at in california tells us that scott olson is in critical but stable condition. he reportedly served two tours of duty in iraq in 2006 and in 2007. we'll have more ahead including frank rich on the way the protests are policed directly affecting their political impact. that's coming up.
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the 20% of americans who make the least money in the country have not had a great 30 years. since the late 1970s, the poorest americans have seen their overall income go up just this much. which is not much progress in the richest country on earth. and that's sort of the big picture here. look, over the last 30 years, the more you need your income to rise, the less it rises. right? so that's the bottom 20%. the second 20%. the middle 20%. right? the smallest gains in income over the last three decades have been among those who most need a gain in income. the people who least need it are getting the biggest boost. year after year. this is new out today from the cbo, the congressional budget office, on what american money has been like in the last few decades. this is a problem. i mean, the people who nobody needs to worry about, because they are doing better than anybody else in the country,
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they are the ones who have seen their income rise the most. they are the ones who've been helped the most. wait, hold on. what's that? i'm being told this is not the whole graph. this isn't the whole graph. we got the bottom 20%, the next 20%, the middle 20%, the next 20%. so this part here that shows the richest people in the country, that's not the whole top 20%? that's not the whole thing? okay. this part here that shows how much better off rich people are, how much better off rich people are doing in terms of their income, that apparently only goes up to the 99%. we are missing the top percent. the graph is not complete. if you want to know how the richest 1% of the country, the people who least need a pay raise in the country, how they've done over the last 30 years? we actually have to break that out separately because it distorts all these other numbers. can we do that? can we do that? oh, yeah. okay, whoa. that's just the top 1%. income going like this in general, that is already a problem because that means that
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poor people are doing worse over time compared to richer people. and that's already a problem. that's already backwards. but this, this isn't just a problem. this is actually a whole new idea. okay. graph time. it's actually get up and run to the big graph time. may i stand here? okay. ezra klein made this. and this explains the whole big new idea in america. this is actually a map of the hole in the american dream. this is actually a map of the hole the american dream fell down, never to be heard from again. so this section here, okay, this section here, the late 1940s around the end of world war ii, okay, to the mid 1980s, to ronald reagan time. we got a lot of new economic policies starting ronald reagan time. that time, from about the end of world war ii, through to ronald reagan time, that is the american dream.
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this distance here, this is the american dream. because this blue line is median income in america, and, yeah, it wobbles a little bit, but it's basically going up. it is an a fairly, fairly steady climb. and this other line, this one, this line is the income growth of the top 1%. the richest people in the country. now, their income from the end of world war ii, up until reagan time, is growing, but it is not growing as fast as the income of the rest of the country. and that's good, right? they're already doing great. they are the top 1%. they are already the richest people in the country. during the people that we can call, during the period that we can call the american dream, the richest 1% of the country is still rich. and in fact, is getting richer over time. but they are not pulling away from the rest of the country. in fact, everybody is moving on up together. yay for rich people. and yay for everybody else, too. but then starting here, starting in the mid 1980s, starting in reagan time, it flips around.
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and the people who are already the richest 1% of the country, they cross over and they take off running. getting richer way, way, way faster than everybody else. leaving everybody else behind. this is new. the red line being on top of the blue line, this is new. this is a new thing in america. the american dream was anybody can make it. that is no longer the dream. if you already have made it, sure, you can make it to the stratosphere, but if you are not already up in that top 1%, you are not going anywhere. that is new. that's not the way america used to be. and you know why that is? you know what that is? that's policy. policy matters. the cbo in mapping this change over the last 30 years, with the top 1% richest people in the country have doubled their share of our national income, explained today that what has done this is policy. what happened to the american dream? well, over these past 30 years, "the equalizing effect of
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federal taxes was smaller." taxes stopped equalizing the benefits of living in our american economy and instead started shoveling all the benefits up to the people who already have the most money. the private sector followed suit, frankly. executive pay went through the roof. workers pay not so much. again, this is not something that has been happening gradually over the life span of america as a country. this is something that's been happening gradually over the life span of me. this is something that has just happened in the last generation. this is a new thing in america. if you ask americans, americans do not like it. the new "new york times"/cbs poll says two-thirds of americans want wealth, wealth and income to be distributing more evenly in our country. 66% say they want that. incidentally, there's also some really, really partisan news in that poll as well. when you ask americans about whose interests the obama administration is acting in, it's pretty evenly divided among people who think he's favoring the rich, favorering the poor, fovoring the poor.
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if you ask the same question about republicans in congress, you get a very, very strikingly partisan answer. only 9% of people think that republican policies help the middle class. 69% of people say republican policies, the policies of republicans in congress, help the rich. and, again, the rich are doing great. really great. the rich are doing greater than great. greater than they've ever done ever. so today waking up to this new data in the newspaper, the republican party put out its congressional budget guy, congressman paul ryan. paul ryan famous for his kill medicare budget. right? which a huge majority of republicans voted for in congress. to say they put paul ryan out today on the day this news breaks, to say that democrats pushing more populous democratic policies, repealing the bush tax cuts for the richest people. criticizing republican policies for just helping the rich. paul ryan out today saying with that kind of rhetoric, democrats are dividing the country.
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>> so when social unrest and class resentment makes america weaker. the president is barn storming weak states pushing a divisive message that pits one group of americans against another on a basis of class. >> it is true americans are divided on the basis of class. the class division is between the top 1% and everybody else. but saying that, describing that, naming that truth, making a picture of it, saying maybe we should try to fix that, that is not what has created the division. this division is real. it's new. it is a shocking, shocking affront to the american dream. you know, a goldman sachs guy got arrested today, a guy who used to be a goldman sachs board member surrendered to the fbi today. he's connected to the guy from that billionaire hedge fund who got sentenced to 11 years in prison this month. there is a crackdown on illegal activity on wall street right now. but it's not a crackdown on the wall street activity you're
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thinking of. this guy who turned himself in today, he says he's not guilty. the gallion billionaire hedge fund guy who just got sentenced, they got in trouble or alleged trouble as the case may be for the guy no turn who turned himself in today. they got in trouble for an insider trading scheme. the same thing that sent martha stewart to prison. the overall accountability issue of not just wall street crimes like we have always known but the overall accountability issue of what wall street did when they blew up the entire economy, when they caused the manmade recession we are in which came from nowhere but wall street and the banks, that nobody has gotten in trouble for. that has always been negotiations and settlements and bailouts and back to bonuses. the only investigation into whether or not the biblical levels of irresponsibility on wall street might also have been criminal, the only investigation of that is being done by the states. by these crusading liberal attorneys general like eric schneiderman of new york who we had on the show last night and also beau biden, the attorney general in delaware who we hope to have on the show tomorrow. these are the guys who are
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trying to figure out if anybody else should be dragged off of wall street in handcuffs for what they did to this country. not for typical wall street insider trading white collar crime but what happened at the end of the bush presidency that blew up this economy for which we still have not recovered. so far that hasn't happened. you have these two huge things in american politics. these two basic truths. we're grinding through the worst thing we've been through since the great depression and it was man manmade. pfs a catastrophe caused by certain people screwing it up, knowingly, recklessly in a way that did not hurt them at all but really hurt us as a country. we got that. the same time, the mega class those guys are from, they really did shrink the american dream down to the size they could drown it in a bathtub then they drowned it. economic policies that benefit the very, very, very richest people in this country allowed the very, very richest people in
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this country to run off with all of the spoils in this entire past generation leaving everybody else behind. republicans who still support those policies for the very, very richest people, they say now that two-thirds of americans say something is wrong here? republicans are now saying that if you think something's wrong here, you ought to shut up and stop being so divisive, be happy with what you've got. we need to keep helping rich people, maybe help them some more. democrats, of course, are left trying to figure out how to politically capitalize on this, how to take the side of the 99% since republicans are taking the side of the 1%. but frankly the biggest issue facing our country is not the politics of this. the biggest issue facing our country is whether this can be fixed. materially. frank rich joins us next for "the interview."
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a few years after the end of world war i, congress passed a law saying veterans of that war were entitled to a bonus for their service. in 1924 congress said american veterans of the first world war had earned a bonus of $1,000. but here's the catch. it could not be paid for about 20 more years. they couldn't collect it until 1945 or their families could
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collect it upon their death if that came before 1945. along the way, the country felt into the great depression. americans were starving to death. they were on bread lines. and the veterans who knew that thousand dollars was owed to them by the government decided they would much rather collect that now, please. that money was owed to them, they earned it and needed it to feed their families now. in the spring of 1932 in the middle of the great depression, the veterans marched in to washington because they wanted payment of that bonus they had earned in world war i. they were called the bonus army. the bonus army set up as an encampment in washington, d.c., tens of thousands of people in a living political protest. history tells us they kept their instant city clean. they integrated their camp racially which was really quite radical at the time. we know they grew gardens for food. they settled in for as long as it might take to make their point to congress and then president herbert hoover. at least that's what the bonus army hoped. the head of the u.s. army, general douglas macarthur looked out at the peaceful protests of
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the veterans camping out and saw an embarrassment for his commander in chief. mcarthur mustered troops on horseback against the veterans' camp and followed those horses with tanks. the destruction began. >> then troops began to set fire to their wooden shacks. one reporter wrote, "the blaze was so big it lit the whole sky. a nightmare come to life." the president looked out a window of the white house in the direction of the fire then retired for the night. >> and the roaring flames, the fantastic bonus army. that in so disastrously in the shadow of the capitol of the united states of america. >> two u.s. veterans were killed that day, but the movement grew. what does not kill you makes you stronger, they say. news of the raid, the first footage of what had happened reached americans in movie house, in newsreels they used to
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show in theaters before the main feature. as frank rich describes in "new york" magazine, when americans saw the newsreels of mcarthur's army destroying the protest camp, they cheered for the bonus army, they booed general mcarthur. yesterday these images began to reach americans. as the police in oakland, california, breaking up the occupy protests there. occupy oakland. part of the occupy wall street movement is for economic justice. this one in california, the police moved in with batons swinging, they tore down tents and smashed signs. they sent tear gas grenades into the crowd. the cops are also alleged to have fired rubber bullets, something they're denying, despite injuries to protesters that look like they were caused by rubber bullets. frankly, when you look at the footage of this, it rather looked and sounded like a small war. washington, d.c., 1932. the raid on the bonus army. oakland, california, 2011, the raid on occupy oakland, occupy wall street.
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two american scenes separated by almost a century. put the old one in color, throw on plaid shirts and you almost could not tell them apart. in his story this week in "new york" magazine, frank rich tells the story of the bonus army and occupy wall street. he titles it "the class war has begun." joining us for "the interview" is frank rich. so glad you could be here. thanks for being here. >> i'm delighted to be here, rachel. >> the scenes in oakland this week were dramatic and upsetting, as we showed earlier tonight, one protester, a young iraq veteran was seriously wounded in oakland last night and was hospitalized. does the use of force change the political impact? >> it seems to. for instance, in new york when this began, bloomberg started out, there were some police actions as we all know, that i think enflamed public opinion, again, sort of as in 1932, in favor of the occupy wall street demonstrators.
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what happened in oakland is horrifying and i think will backfire -- it's certainly not going to put out this movement which just seems to be spreading and whose core issues are gaining in popularity as the polls you've cited tonight show by the minute. >> the right has been trying -- elected republicans, but really even more so from the conservative media, has been trying to demonize the protesters. today started to say they were all a.c.o.r.n. it's nice they brought a.c.o.r.n. back. people like the former fox news host now who's on the internet, i guess, glenn beck was saying these are -- this is a radical movement designed to destroy the american way of life. describing, you know, socialists and islamists and all these other people. they're being derided as anti-american radicals. is that what we should expect or is that something potentially damaging? >> i don't think it is potentially damaging, but interestingly, it's, again, what
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happened with the bonus army during the depression. there was a lot of theories, they were communists. in fact, someone had the theory they were controlled by jewish movie producers at mgm. i love that idea. and secret service was sent in to infiltrate the bonus army, but they couldn't find communists, or they found a few but they mainly found patriotic veterans out of work and desperate at a time, by the way, when, again, there was the highest income inequality until now. that was the biggest period -- 1928 was the last peak of it and and at a time when congress had bailed out banks and railroads, set up a new agency under hoover then adjourned for the summer leaving the bonus army to be, you know, routed. so i think it's going to backfire. i think also that sort of fox news, glenn beck, they're speaking to people who are going to feel this regardless.
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i think it's an echo chamber. the polls have been remarkable on this, because they keep going up. you know, obama stayed away from this. eric cantor on the other side called them mobs when occupy wall street started. bloomberg was very critical. then suddenly there was a "wall street journal"/nbc news poll showing 37% approved. every poll since has gone up. "time" had a poll, 54% of americans approved the principles the protesters are rallying behind. "national journal," higher, the "times" higher, the "times"/cbs poll. it keeps building. >> there are two things at work. the idea what they stand for, anger at the sort of income inequality we were talking about and the sense of unfairness who has gotten ahead and who's getting away with it. there's also the physical reality of the protest. i wonder how important -- how important you see it is that this is a physical presence.
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that this is direct action. that this is not just an idea or a movement in concept but a physical manifestation of this discontent. >> you know, interestingly, i feel it's not always that important. they lit a fire. we live in a world unlike that of 1932 where we have a virtual reality in the form of social networking, different media. we have -- things can move beyond the concrete corporal reality. so i feel in a sense, you know, if you go down to zuccotti park, it's very small. it's much smaller than the encampment of the bonus army, for instance. but it's lit a fire and now it seems that it's sort of taking off on its own. i've been in baltimore and washington the past 24 hours. they both had encampments. obviously this is going on all over the place. oakland is another example. there are many. in europe. in the end, when you look at the polls and see the anger out
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there from people who are not demonstrating at all, this is something that's building beyond the physical presence of people in tents. protesting. >> in seeing the police confrontation, some of these confrontations are terrifying, and certainly the police say they're being provoked in many cases denying use of force. that's obvious in some. like in oakland. a lot are problematic and hard to watch. they're upsetting. people are afraid. that said, i know from early in the protest, i heard this from being there early in the protest, going down to watch. people saying things like, police are part of the 99%, too. i heard people chanting, police need a raise, police need a raise. >> there will always be crazy peek and always be provocateurs in any situation in the united states, no matter who it involves, regardless of politics. but i was last at zuccotti park on sunday night and it was exactly that. the interchange between the police and the protesters there was completely polite, even when there were disagreements about
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whether they should clear a certain passageway. a lot of it was just people talking. almost like a teach-in in the '60s. some people were describing their ideas. some more sophisticated than the others. >> that's talk talking. this discontent, anger, the talk of unfairness, that change of the discussion is the biggest impact we could hope for and it's already happened. >> it's remarkable to what extent it has. >> frank rich, "new york" magazine. your new piece on this is great. thanks for reminding us of the story of the bonus army and connecting those dots. great to have you mere. tonight on "the last word" lawrence interviews -- on this show, we have a high-tech moment of geek involving the high-tech legacy of steve jobs and occupy wall street. it's sort of one of those days. it is a smart phone world mitt romney and that cuts both ways. i will explain.
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voter registration forms as the teacher does each year for her student first register with the state and turn in the completed forms within 48 hours of collecting them. nelson, who believes republican lawmakers enacted the changes to reduce democratic participation in election is calling rick scott to urge him to revamp or repeal the laws in the spring. >> this to me is a direct result on democracy. it's the opposite of making it easier to vote and register to vote. it makes it harder. >> ciccarelli says she is frustrated because she thinks the process penalizes people who are trying to encourage young people to vote. >> i want every person to have a chance to vote. we're fighting in wars so people can have democracy and so when we don't recognize that, that upsets me. >> reporter: her students are just as frustrated. >> i think it will hurt our politics and the youth and for the future of our country i think it will hurt us in the long run.
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>> reporting from the nbc affiliate in orlando, florida on how the new voting rules enacted by florida republicans and rick scott are shaping up in the sunshine state. the office of governor scott declined to the comment for the story. the first scalp of the rules is the civics teacher who had the temerity to offer the high school seniors voter registration forms like she does every year. the county supervisor said when she realize aed she would have to turn in the civics teacher to the state for violating the new voting rules the couldn't supervisor felt sick to her stomach saying this wasn't someone who was going to commit voter fraud. she was doing a good thing. the high school was doing a good thing. >> she was so revolted she wrote her own op ed in the daytona beach journal.
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i go out of my way to avoid controversy and conflict but legislation pass in 2011 session was in my humble opinion to egregious i thought i had to bring it to the attention of all interested citizens. it is not that election county supervisor in florida or senator nelson who you saw outraged in the news clip and frankly not just florida in that changed its rules in the last year to make it harder to register to vote and a loharder to vote. the congressional black caucus met today with eric holder to plead for the justice department to get involved this year after the brennan center estimated they passed laws in a dozen states this year will restrict access to voting for 5 million americans. 5 million americans disproportionately young people, elderly people, the poor and minority voters. so disproportionately democratic leaning voters.
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>> one of the fascinating aspects of the occupy wall street movement is the spirit of technical innovation rising out of the park and all of the places where there are occupy something protests going on. we have talked before about the people's microphone, a brilliant, subversive solution. the problem with communicating
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with hundreds or thousands of people when you are not allowed to use electronically amplified sound. let's listen. in the same vain, protesters have come up with a set of hand signals to solve the problem of ascertaining consensus. a requirement when your move is large and leaderless. so they do hand signal things that allow them to communicate. they have come up with practical solutions of the basic problems of living out in the open far from where you keep your stuff. like a centralized charging station where they can power mobile phones or the people's library staffed by volunteer librarians and even has a reference section and digit am innovation developed for the protester and programmer overlap. a lot of them take the form of smartphone apps and websites like the occupy together page on
4:59 am that helps to put together car pools to occupy wall street events and this is a new one that lets you broadcast your situation quickly to people you have decided need to know about it if you are interested like your family or your lawyer or dog walker. the app is called i'm getting arrested. long before you get arrested you type in the numbers of people you want to be alerted in the event you are taken in. should the cops move in with zip ties in hand, all you have to do is hit one big, can i show it there, one big hard to miss red an white button and everybody on your list get a text that you have been arrested. can i show how it works? do that. click on the button. hold it down and the nice thing it gives you the message, be polite which is a handy reminder if you are in fact getting dragged
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