tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC November 7, 2011 10:00am-11:00am EST
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good morning. i'm chris jansing. there bringing news. we have just learned there will be a news conference later this afternoon, a 40 woman claiming she was sexually harassed by herman cain will give us the first first-hand account. her lawyer is gloria allred. jim is politico's executive editor and white house correspondent for npr. gentlemen, good morning. >> good morning. >> well, jim, herman cain wants this to go away but clearly that's not going to happen. so what do you think is next
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here? >> well, i think we need to see what happens at this press conference this afternoon. again, in politico's reporting we've confirmed a reported extensively on two vircht cases. there's this third woman who's been reported on by the associated press and the "wall street journal." we have not confirmed that third woman. and apparently there will be this fourth woman coming out with her attorney today to talk in some detail about the case. we do not have any details on that case at this moment. what it tells you, what all of this tells you, is the issue is not going away. i think karl rove was on tv this morning again talking about how herman cain has to come forward and provide more detail. there's a totality of allegations against him, demands further explanation. that's what you're hearing from a lot of republicans. he might want to put it behind him. i don't think the press of any some of his opponents in the race is going to let him put it behind him.
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>> even after he said he's not going to talk about it anymore, there he was on an interview on fox blaming the kerry campaign once again. let me play for you what he had to say about the way he's handled the crisis. >> it got off to a little bit of a bumpy start. i knew there was nothing to these baseless claims. i knew that. even though i may not have responded on monday morning as crisply and precise as i did later in the day, i would do it all over again if i had to. >> and you know, even though, ari, he gets cheered in front of a very conservative awed yeps when he blames the liberal media, is that likely to work for him? sglel wi >> well, it's going to become more difficult when we hear a first-hand account from a woman this afternoon, the accounts we have heard so far has been anonymous through an attorney. if we get the accuser this afternoon telling her own first-hand story that will make it more difficult for him not to respond in most depth and more
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detail. last week i spoke to a senior republican senator and said, how do you think herman cain has done in responding to these? and the senator said, i think he's responded like a normal human being which is not what you need from a president. you need a president who will respond differently than a normal human being. >> there's an interesting picture because you wonder what the other candidates are thinking right now, jim. t"the new york times" over the weekend painted a picture that mitt romney is the establishment guy, collecting endorsements and money doing it the old-fashioned way. if there is a picnic to go to, a local candidate to support, he seems to be doing it. i mean, in the end, is he just sit back, watch everything else unfold, and do things the old-fashioned way and show they still work? >> i think that's what he's been doing so far and so far it's been work for him. on friday romney and cain did back-to-back speeches in washington. it xleexemplifies what the differences are. the audience clapped politely.
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herman cain came out with fiery rhetoric and had them cheering on their feet. >> jim, at the same time, romney is going to start this strategy i'm the only guy who can beat barack obama. let me play for you what jon huntsman said on "meet the press." >> there are flip-flops on relates to trust. i don't know if he can go on and beat president obama given his record. when there is a question about whether you're running for the white house or running for the waffle house, you've got a real problem with the american people. >> so, jim, we're one year away from actual voting. mitt romney has not caught fire for sure. is there still an opening for somebody else if, as it appears, things just continue to get worse for herman cain? >> well, there's not just an opening, there's a very wide opening. if you think about the public polling, mitt romney almost never gets above 25% in national
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polls among republicans or in key states among republicans. so that means 75% of people who are paying attention to this race and are going to likely vote in a republican primary don't want him. haven't warmed to him. the guy has been running professionally for five years and they still don't like him. there's a massive opening. >> could it be a newt gingrich, would it be a jon huntsman? >> it would have to be somebody we thought was done. it would have to be somebody to the right of him that disqualifies jon huntsman who do you think hs run to the right of mitt romney. it would have to be a newt gingrich or recalibrated rick perry or herman cain if he survives he's sexual harassment allegations and regains his footing politically. any of those candidates with emerge as the alternative to romney. there's no doubt that romney has played the hand about as well as he can. he knows conservatives are never going to love him and he knows that a lot of folks in the establishment will never grow to love i'm but he wants people to
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feel safe about his candidacy and safe about his chances in beating president obama. he's done that. but in doing that, in being careful and in being carefully calibrated, he doesn't excite anybody. very rarely do you run into any of them who says, yes, i'm a romney guy, i'm a romney woman, i love the guy. never do you hear that. you are probably never going to hear that and you might not need to hear that. until he can wrap this thing up, extremely vulnerable to somebody who can force republican conservatives to coalesce around an alternative. that hasn't happened. it doesn't mean it won't or can't. >> jim, aro shapiro, thank you. can cain and romney fighting for front-runner status rick perry is trying to claw his way back to the top. steve forbes is the chairman and editor of chief of forbes media. he has endorsed rick per prip good to see you. good morning. >> good morning. >> i think you just heard, you know, reboot, recalibrate. i don't think there's anybody who wouldn't agree with this statement that rick perry has had some problems as of late. what would you tell him to do to
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reboot and recalibrate if there's an opening? >> i think he's doing it now coming out with this flat tax plan, which ask a positive one. he gave a very good energy speech a couple weeks ago. when you have substance you define your own narrative and people start looking beyond the mere super fishalitities to what you're going to pursue if you get the white house. so i think the process is already under way. >> right now so far at least before we heard from this woman a little later today, polls show herman cain holding on to support, even polls tan aftken this issue broke. do you think he can survive this? >> this is going to be one of the test in the campaign, credible candidate, at loose most of the time gets a crisis of one sort or the other and people want to know how they handle it. people want to think, okay, he's got the caliber to withstand the pressures of a campaign and if he gets to the white house, the intense pressures in the white house. so how he does in the next few days will be critical in
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handling the crisis. and, as i say, every campaign goes through it one way or the other, whether it's a position or something else. >> i think you can make the argument that if if these sexual harassment allegations stick, if this woman and other women are credible, for that and a whole host of other reasons that people could come up with, herman cain is going to be gone. why do you think that rick perry slipped so precipitously because he was up in the polls and then went away in the way of michele bachmann before him? >> well, in terms of just a little thing on herman cain, the allegations so far haven't been anything or any worse than what a certain former president want through 20 years ago. and while people are not pleased by the allegations, how you handle them, how you deal with them as clinton did in 1992 and others have done before and since in particular crisis, people judge whether you've got the stuff to be a top tier
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candidate. >> how do you judge how herman cain has handled this? >> he stumbled at the beginning, began to get his footing back in in that interview on fox and we will see how he handles this thing this morning. it's part and parcel what you go through in a campaign. with rick perry, why he stumbled, i think, is in the debates as he will acknowledge himself, he wasn't at the top of his game, and he didn't have the kind of positions that he does today on the flat tax, on energy and other critical issues, and as those issues are put forth in the next few weeks, i think he will do well in iowa. >> i can't let you go, steve, without playing a little clip if you haven't already seen it of the rick perry smoof on satur y "saturday night live." >> it looks like you are just flat out losing it? >> what, the election? i know. i'm losing it really bad. i'm losing. so you've got to run, you've got
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to run, you will definitely win. and my polls go like bbbbbeeeee, ffffff, bbbbb,. >> do you subscribe to the school of all publicity is good publicity? >> i think how you define yourself in terms of having a sense of humor, if the deals with it in a good humored way, that's going to actually rebound to them. remember, clinton had some pretty nasty funny stuff about him. he dealt with it in a good humored way. didn't hurt him at all, actually helped him. showed that he could respond in a good way to the punches that do come your way. >> steve forbes, good to see you. tomorrow we have a special day of coverage planned. big ramp-up to 2012 including a look at the battleground states where hispanics will play a key role. new allegations today against a top herman cain adviser involving charitable money and private jets. those details at 10:30.
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other big story people have been talking about all weekend long, two penn state officials are set to surrender today on charges that they lied to a grand jury about a sex abuse scandal involving a former assistant football coach. jerry san does i can is accused of sexually abusing eight victimses, mostly teenage boys, and it happened over 15 years. he and penn state officials deny the lui is here. >> tough for college ball fans like you and myself. it's one of the most storied college football teams, penn state. one of the most visible coaches jerry sandusky facing a child abuse scandal that is overshadowing legendary accomplishments and stellar season starts. it involves 40 counts from 1994 to 2009. 21 felony, each holding as many as 20 years in prison and 19 misdemeanors. and the allegations, they are graphic. one witness saying he saw
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sandusky having sex with a 10-year-old and another saying he assaulted him in the shower many times. the 23-page state report says that sandusky met his victims at if second mile, a charity that he founded. he allegedly gave one boy clothes and $50 for marijuana. now, sandusky founded his charity in 1997. after 30 years in football then sandusky stopped work at penn state. in 2008 his charity says he stopped working with them in the child programs. a year later a child claimed that he was sexual assaulted during asleepover. the first public incident that was out there. after a two-year state investigation, sandusky was arrested. today two high-ranking officials from penn state are facing arraignment on charges they lied to the investigating grand jury in failing to properly report suspected child abuse. >> this is a much more serious issue than other schools getting on probation for ncaa
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violations. we're talking about the law here. >> he's been aware of these allegations now for over three years. he came back to state college voluntarily. >> now, the report says head coach joe paterno was made aware of one of those incidents in 2002. it said that paterno told athletic director curly at the time was, quote, merely horsing around. lawyers for sandusky deny all charges. they plan to fight this in court. chris, emotional times for a team and town that certainly prides himself for being clean and hardworking. >> all right. richard lui, thank you for that update. if you're world leader how would you respond to rumors you're resigning. maybe a press conference? well, not it taalian barack oba burls scone any. he posted this morning the voices of my resignation are unfounded. reports circulated that he was leaving office so a new
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government could push through economic reform. they have become the focus of the euro zone debt crisis. you got a weather balloon with points? yes, i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] write your story with the citi thankyou premier card, with no point caps, and points that don't expire. get started at who needs internet? hotspot $5! [ indistinct conversations ] i can see who's on my network, people! ♪ you are next. dave, i'm in. yes. ♪ katie, what are you doing, sweetheart? starting a college fund. how long have we been gone? [ male announcer ] get low prices, every day, on the latest 4g phones, starting at $28.88.
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tonight herman cain is scheduled to make an appearance on ""jimmy kimmel live"" and when he showed up this weekend with newt gingrich, oh, it was quite a love fest. >> if you were vice president of the united states, what would you want the president to assign you to do first? >> having studied my good friend dick cheney, i would not go
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hunting. >> check out some of the republican house members who democrats are going after. starting today radio ads will air in 25 gop districts. the hill is reporting that those ads will run for a week and will supplement the drive for 25 ads to take back the house. n. influential tea party sim demint right not endorse anyone in the republican field but he told "the washington post" he's very comfortable supporting any of the candidates. south carolina is a crucial early state on the road to the nomination. against the backdrop of the an increasingly tough nominating fight, the poll finds more than a third say that they're worse off financially than when president obama took office. 3/4 say the country is going in the wrong direction. only 22% say in the right direction. i'm joined now by "washington post" columnist and msnbc contributor ezra klein. good morning. >> can the president win in
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spite of those numbers? if he wins, will it be because the republicans basically messed up? >> we'll see. and i think that with these sorts of numbers, yes, the republicans have to run some something of a mediocre to lackluster campaign. in the head to head numbers against mitt romney much less against anyone else in the primary field president obama tends to do quite well. he's about even with romney and well ahead of the others. this is before anyone like romney has faced the sort of level of attack that obama is going to unleash. so in some ways i think that's really the real lesson. if you're the obama campaign looking at the numbers you're not really going to be running on your record in the way you would hope you would be a couple years ago you're going to be running a brutal negative campaign in order to make this a choice election between you and the republican candidate. >> since you brought it up i want to tell them what the control room to skip the next series of polls and go to the third set of polls here. who do you trust to do a better job? and that was where i thought this poll was interesting because when you look at the economy, obama better than republicans creating jobs equal
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with republicans, protecting the middle class, better than republicans. so, it's so interesting when his job approval ratings are low and yet compared to the republicans, he consistently does well. >> that's exactly right. i sat down with democratic strategist as they're called nowadays. a lot of democrats are worried about romney. this is just private. off the record. being on nehonest with me. there is nothing new orleans one in the republican party i would rather run against than romney. i said, why is that? he's much more credible, he said, in this environment, there is no one who seems more establishment, more identified with the 1% than mitt romney. there is no one who is less suited for this particular moment than mitt romney. and so that's what the democrats are looking at when they look at that poll. they see president obama remaining ahead of their republicans in terms of protecting the middle class and they see republicans likely to nominate a private equity calm tan who ran calm tapt and led a lot of leverage buyouts to be the alternative to president
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obama. again, they can't have the referendum election they want bit looks like they can have a choice election they might benefit from. >> so then, just having this conversation with jim. how who does that leave an opening for? obviously it wouldn't be a jon huntsman who is so much like mitt romney in many ways. would it be a rick perry, a newt ge gingrich? >> i think you have to admire, different parts of the party. i don't know how much attention got paid to this because i was on vacation but on friday he brought out this new medicare plan. more moderate. got away from a lot of the biggest mistakes in the plan but got great reviews from ryan and conservatives in the party. romney is slowly and completely systemically neutralizing almost every element of the republican party that could map a challenge to him. at this point it's very unlikely to be anybody but mitt romney when the end of the campaign is
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here. >> am i going to get you in trouble when i call you saying you were on vacation? >> i was on vacation. >> any particular kind of vacation? >> i was on a wonderful vacation with my new wife. >> congratulations. some people call that a money moon. we're happy for you. she's a lucky girl. >> thank you. dozens of aftershocks have been shaking central oklahoma since saturday's earthquake that toppled chimneys and buckled roads. the quake was oklahoma's strongest in nearly six decades. good news is nobody was hurt.
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wow. what is program even exist? >> the program started out of pure economics to get the people off welfare and it was legal in 32 states. tonight we're highlighting one woman's story in north carolina. our quest to, frankly, set the wrongs of the past right. the serene charm of winfall, north carolina. buried in the stillness of this place it seems time has forgotten a secret shame. >> it was sort of a hush-hush type of thing and records and files were all hidden away. >> reporter: until this past summer when the ugly truth about what happened here and in towns all across north carolina could be hidden no more. >> my heart bleeds every single day. i'm crushed. they cut me open like i was a hog. >> reporter: elaine's story began in winfall, among the cotton fields that rose up to
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meet the tiny two-bedroom house she shared with her grandmother, affectionately known as ms. peaches. >> she just paid special attention to me. and she loved me. >> reporter: but life was about to get worse for the poor, hungry little girl ms. peaches tried to protect. >> i was raped. >> and you were 13. >> i was 13. >> reporter: that brutal rape resulted in a pregnancy. nearly nine months to the day of the assault, she went into labor. >> when i woke up, i woke up with bandages on my stomach. >> meaning what? >> at that time i didn't know what it meant. >> reporter: she had been sterlized, targeted by the state board that ordered that this kind of surgery be performed on thousands of north carolina ns. 7,600 men, women, and children determined by social workers to be feeble minded or per m was
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sterileized. and it was perfectly legal. >> i would like the state to right what was wrong with me. they took something to dearly from me, something that was god given. >> and the real question now is what should the state of north carolina do. it isonly state that has issued an apology. of course, people are asking for reparations, does that mean money, health care forever? that's the big looming question. in a time of economic discontent in this country there's doing to be a pushback to say we don't have the money. people say before we let these people die we have to do more than we just say we're sorry. >> or say your sorry for starters. sounds like there's a pushback on that as well. see the rest of dr. nancy snyderman's report tonight, "rock center," tonight with brian williams. emily's just starting out... and on a budget. like a ramen noodle- every-night budget. she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach.
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welcome back to "jansing and company." i'm weather channel meteorologist charm parker. let's take a look at the storm that is now coming through the plains. and you can see there's already some wet weather and some stormy weather this morning. that is only going to grow maiding into the afternoon. pretty large severe weather threat in areas that do need the rain. the greatest tornado threat is going to be in north texas around the red river valley. that is going to be towards this afternoon. line of storms through dallas as well. heaviest of rain will be to the north of the drought areas. we will get some of the drought areas, three to five inches in kansas city. that reaching up into chicago as well. in the meantime, beautiful day for the east coast. 61 in new york. 70 in atlanta. these are above average temperatures going to get a lot colder later in the week in the wake of that system. there again your rain in the mid of the country, 77 in dallas. watch out for that severe weather. on the back side of the system we'll be talking about snow. several inches of snow in southeast colorado with a lot of wind. there you see a beautiful day in
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los angeles. about 64, chris, for the afternoon high there. back to you. >> that is beautiful. thank you, carl. here's a look at other stories people are talking about right now. nearly half of 7 to 12th graders in the u.s. have been sks welly harassed. the american association of university students survey found that more girls reported more than boys. unwelcome sexual behavior that takes place in person or electronically. deliberations resumes in an hour from now in the trial of michael jackson's frey. on friday they failed to reach a verdict on a sole count of involuntary manslaughter for giving jackson a lethal bose of propofol. if convicted murray could get four years behind bars and ban fred practicing medicine. lindsay lohan checks in and out of jail. released from an over-crowded los angeles county jail this morning just five hours after arriving to serve a supposed 30-day sentence for violating probation.
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this is her fifth jail sentence since being arrested in 2007. nba commissioner david stern has given the players union an ultimatum. accept his deal that offers them up to 51% of basketball related income or let the offer drop to 47% by wednesday. the proposal came after negotiations this weekend. a deal that the union says is not acceptable to players. justin bieber is set to prove once and for all he's not the daddy of a baby boy as claimed in a paternity suit. more when we go down to the wire in 20. well, the crisis in greece now appears to be contained. on to itly. the next european country with money problems that have been putting the u.s. recovery at risk. cnbc's melissa francis is here with "what's moving your money." what's next? >> focus immediately turned to italy as soon as this greek crisis wsolved.
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prime minister berlusconi went on facebook to deny rumors. you watch the way markets reacted overnight and you saw a lot of selling in italian debt overnight as investors got nervous they wouldn't be able to pay back their debt after hearing about berlusconi potentially stepping down. investors do not trust him at the helm of this country to make the tough decisions. that's what we're seeing today. the markets are negative. just sitting around and watching the european crisis unfold. if we solve this problem in italy it will turn immediately to spain. this is a never ending saga. >> speaking of never ending saga, new numbers on wall street, profits and salaries. this is from a "washington post" analysis. boy, they just keep coming. >> yeah. absolutely. we have those numbers if you want to put them up. it shows how wall street profited more under the obama administration, $85.52 billion versus the bush administration. you can see it right there. there's a whole bunch of. s why this is possible and they go back and forth about this. on one hand you can say that the
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obama administration is really favored wall street by putting so much cheap money out there with what they've done with the federal reserve. i think a lot of banks would battle back and say, no, it hasn't been easy. look at dodd fringe. the rule that eliminating prop trading. both sides a have an argument here. when you look at the raw numbers it doesn't look good for obama's relationship with wall street, on one hand calling them fat cats and on the other hand they're doing better than ever. >> wouldn't a doubt. you've got an credibly high salaries for them. nerve ending. >> we would like to have those. absolutely. what was it, the average salary is up 16%, bonuses on wall street stand at $20.8 billion for this year. so a pretty penny to say the least, right? >> cnbc's melissa francis, thank you so much. more trouble for herman cain's campaign. a complaint filed with the irs accuses one of his top campaign aides of misusing money from a charity to pay for private jets, travel, and computers.
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nbc national investigative correspondent michael is here on these money problems. >> right. the money problems obviously haven't gotten as much attention as the sexual harassment allegations but they could raise po additional headaches for the cain campaign. what this involves is a non-profit charity called prosperity usa that was being run by cain's top aide, mark block, and these financial documents that were leaked last week to a milwaukee journal do appear to show financial transactions going from the non-profit to -- prosperity usa to the cain presidential campaign to pay for chartered aircraft and for iripads. non-profits can not contribute to presidential campaigns. additional issue on top of that is the connections between
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prosperity usa, the group that mark block, the campaign chief of staff, was running and the cope brothers. you remember thspeech that cain gave on friday about prosperity founded by the two oil billionaires, david and charles koch, he embraced the koch brothers saying they're brothers from another mother, getting a big response from the crowd. but the koch brothers and their group of americans for prosperity had financial dealings and was helping to fund prosperity usa. so there does -- could be or what looks like a money trail going from the koch brothers' outfit to the group in wisconsin to the campaign. union groups around the country will be closely watching a critical vote in ohio tomorrow, one that could provide a window to the 20 12 election.
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the residents will r. being asked to toss out a republican law that stripped most of the woe workers of their bargaining rights. i'm joined now by the governor. the numbers are certainly on the side of repeal, 57% in the latest poll i saw. are you surprised? >> not at all. i'm not surprised because the people of ohio recognize unfairness when they see it. and senate bill 5 is an unfair piece of legislation that penalize nurses and firefighters and teachers and other public employees for economic circumstances quite frankly that they didn't cause and aren't responsible for. i'm not at all surprised that the people of ohio are going to do the right thing tomorrow and vote in large numbers to repeal this legislation. >> you know what the argument is on the other side. all across the country cash strapped states are struggling to figure out ways to balance their budget and the governor warns he's going to have a tough time holding the line on
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spending if this law is repe repealed. does he have a point? >> well, this law has very little to do with our fiscal circumstances. it has everything to do with governor k governor's effort to disarm the democratic party and to break the back of organized labor. this governor's approval rating in this latest poll you just mentioned i think is 33%. and even republicans are turning against this draconian legislation of the latest poll which shows 30% of republicans are going to reject the governor's initiative, independents by large margins. tomorrow we're going have a resounding victory for ohio's middle classworking families. it could, in fact, have major implications for what happens in ohio in the presidential election and the senate election in 2012. >> we all know how important
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ohio is to the presidential election. it's always a key battleground state. >> that's right. >> but do you think it has implications? is it sort of a view into america right now? do you think if this vote goes the way the polls would indicate and resoundingly ohio ans reject it, do you think it says something bigger for ohio in 2012. >> i think it does. i think this vote in ohio is an example of people coming together and saying, you know, we've had it. we're not going to be pushed any farther. we're not going to be made scapegoats for problems that occurred on wall street for an economy that went down the tubes through no fault of -- i mean, let's face it. firefighter, teacher, police officers, these people don't make a lot of money. at best, they have modest middle class lifestyle. and yet they are being made the scapegoa scapegoats. and that's happening across the country.
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and i think middle classworking people are now standing up for themselves and fighting back. i think that's going to be reflected as people go to the polls not just to tomorrow in ohio but in 2012 as people elect a president and members of the house and the senate and state legislators. people are just sick and tired of being disrespected in the way that this legislation here in ohio disrespects working people. and i am very encouraged by the reaction that we're seeing in ohio. quite frankly, i am very proud of my state as i talk with you this morning, because this initiative, which we call the citizens veto, i think will send a message that the power brokers, those who would move us toward a nation that is basically an alagarchy controlled by the rich and rel
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connected, that's not the kind of democracy we want and not the kind we want going forward because we're finally standing up for ourselves as working folks. >> governor strickland, thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. don't nor get ed shultz is in ohio ahead of tomorrow's big labor vote. let's talk weekend box office. "puss in boots" took in $33 million. number two week at number one. "tower heist" starring eddie murphy and ben stiller, lower than expected. a very "heralding christmas" came in three. follow the wings.
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2012 election is now also than a year ago. is the president face an all up hill battle over this economy? meanwhile, bill clinton is out with a new book, suggestions on how president obama can turn around the u.s. economy. and he also reveals what their relationship is really like. then take a look at these. these injuries, a texas man beaten, stabbed and thrown into a fire all for being gay. will his alleged assailants being charge with hate crimes? that's in the next hour. chris? >> thomas, thank you. the department of justice is investigating whether alabama's tough new immigration law is violating children's civil rights by denying them access to public education? superintendents in 39 districts have one week to give the department of justice detailed information about who is enrolled in their schools. including the race and national origin of every child who has withdrawn since that law passed in september. bam obama's attorney general says the federal government has now legal right to that information.
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i'm joined now by dr. eric mackey, the director of school supposed superintendents of alabama. thank you for joining us. as we know, the department of justice just issued a statement, the assistant attorney general, saying that they're concerned the state's new immigration law may chill or discourage young people in taking part of public education. as you hear from your sup superintenden superintenden superintendents, what's happening? >> well, we don't think that it really has chilled things off. what we saw was initially just a couple days after the law went into effect, there was a decline in enrollment in some districts but i shouldn't say decline in enrollment but decline in participation but then most of those students came back. we've not seen a really precipitous drop in enrollment across the state. and the information the justice department has asked for is very difficult to gather. we're hope that the attorney general will be able to support alabama schools and intervene. >> i have not been able to find any comprehensive numbers about
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absences, about children withdrawing from school. some anecdotal evidence has been concerning for sure. do you have some definitive numbers? >> for instance, in one of our larger districts in the state, the day after the local judge let the law into go into effect, absenteeism went from, say, 32 hispanic students to about 300 the next day. but then within two days it had normalized and so we began again think that there was misinformation early on and students and parents didn't know exactly what was going on. but of course that section, section 28, has been enjoined now anyway so it's no long area part of the law that's in effect and schools are kn s ars are no any information on students in regard to the new law section 28. >> what about the largest effect on the learning environment and so many reports, and i've read from newspapers across alabama about how scared the students are, how scared their parents
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are. what are you hearing from superintendents about that? >> well, we think the bigger problems for school , for instance, driving. there's now a big provision about folks being caught without a driver's license if they're not legal immigrants in the state, they can be immediately arrested and charged and held indefinitely. so there are a lot of immigrants that are just staying off the roads. well, that is a problem with them getting to school if they've been -- if their parents have been driving them to school. what happens what's happened in our case is superintendents have worked with the local frp transportation folks to make sure school buses are running in every area, everybody for students who previously didn't choose to ride the bus, now they can ride the bus to school. we're doing our part to make sure every child in alabama, whether they're here illegally or not, gets an education every
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day that school is open. >> dr. eric mackey, director of school superintendents in alabama, thank you for your time, sir. the "today" show kicked off "where in the world is matt lauer." today's tweet of the day comes from that. we're in one of the most amazing countries that i've been to in the ten years of doing this series. i wouldn't do that. get married?
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the result of baby. kim kardashian flew to minnesota to see kris. >> i got divorced. >> kim's fairytale divorce. tune in for a storybook ceremony as kim kardashian sign the divorce papers. >> it's been really hard. all week we've just been crying and crying and posing and crying. >> what do you think about this? robert de niro will play bernie madoff, hbo bought the rights to the tell-all book "truth and consequences" and will make it into a move any. a canadian den test bought the beatle's tooth and it came with a cavity. cute animal video of the
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day. cute baby bear caught up in a tree in virginia. where is his mommy? looks like we will never know because the cub climbed down and ran off and is lost in the woods. speaking of heights, 500 performers walked a tight robe in brussels. why? first ever tightrope convention. of course. that wraps up this hour of "jansing and company." thomas roberts is up next. i'll see you back here tomorrow. ♪ [ female announcer ] we never forget the nearly 12 million cancer survivors in america today... and the countless lives lost. we owe it to them to protect funding for cancer research, prevention and access to care. congress, make cancer a priority and give millions of americans what they need most.
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