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tv   The Ed Show  MSNBC  November 8, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am EST

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basically owned republican members of congress. tomorrow on "the last word" that's all going it be on "the last word" tomorrow. a special live election night edition of "the ed show" is up next. good evening, americans. and welcome to "the ed show" tonight live from columbus, ohio. enthusiasm is high in this late hour, in a landslide issue number 2 has been defeated. the union busting senate bill 5 will not become law in the state of ohio. this is a huge victory for the middle class in the state and in america. what do you think about it, guys? you okay with that? if the republicans want to call it class warfare, that's fine. the first battle has been won by the middle class. this is "the ed show." let's get to work.
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more than 2.5 million votes have been counted. with 86% reporting the vote is 39% for issue 2, 61% against it. it is a clear message that has been sent from the middle class from the state of ohio. the people of this state would not let a republican politician and his partisan operatives take away the basic rights of workers. john kasich, governor, this law bans collective bargaining for public worker benefits. it eliminated automatic pay increases. it made it illegal to strike and it did away with arbitration. here's the governor of ohio accepting defeat tonight. >> it's clear that the people have spoken. and, you know, my view is when people speak in a campaign like
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this, in a referendum, you have to listen when you're a public servant. there isn't any question about that. i've heard their voices. i understand their decision. and frankly, i respect what people have to say in an effort like this. and as a result of that, it requires me to take a deep breath, you know, and to spend some time preflecting on what happened here. you know, you have a campaign like this, you give it your best. if you don't win and the people speak in a loud voice, you pay attention to what they have to say. and you think about it and so people ask what will you do if this doesn't fail? i can tell you, now it's a chance for me to catch my breath and try to gather my thoughts together as to what we do next. >> a very conciliatory john
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kasich, governor of ohio, tonight. admitting that he has been on the wrong side of the issue with the people and is now stepping forward saying that he wants to work with the people and as he said, take a deep breath. all of that remains to be seen, because a lot of work still needs to be done across this country. to get rid of the massive income disparity and unfair burden that's been put on the working class in this country. but today, we witnessed a giant step in the correct direction with a 23-point victory for workers' rights in america. joining me tonight, john nichols, washington corresponde correspondent for "the nation" magazine. 88 counties in the state of ohio. 78 counties went for a no vote to repeal senate bill 5. as we take a look at the map of ohio, there it is. the most dominant color against issue 2. there were only pockets of the state that were in favor of issue 2. and we still have some portions
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of the state that have not reported but clearly a massive victory against issue 2. what does this mean? first of all, your response to john kasich's reaction to the vote tonight. >> ed, i covered politics for a long time, and i have rarely seen a governor where he was actually kind of rambling about he has to rethink. people should recognize it's rare in american politics you take somebody as powerful as john kasich and reduce him to saying, i have to rethink and go back over this. >> this is a governor that won with only 49% of the vote. he came in with a very heavy handed attitude saying he wanted to get the unions out of the classroom. he said negotiations were over. he had a real distinct strong at tuesday against workers and over time it somewhat softened, even after the bill was passed. there were a number of republicans who didn't vote for it.
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has governor kasich in your opinion done a 180? can the people of ohio trust him? >> i wouldn't begin to suggest that. john kasich is a pointman for a national agenda to take down organized labor. he will -- i don't believe for a second he's going to abandon all this. he's certainly going to have to rethink. other republican governors across the country are going to look at this message from ohio and be a hell of a lot more cautious taking on organized labor. >> this is not only a message to governor kasich -- what we've seen tonight is a political overreach. there are limits when you want to take it out on the folks that make $40,000, $50,000, go after their health care, go after their pension, limit their right to speak in a workplace. you're going to pay a price for it. does this draw a line in the sand for radical republicans? >> it ought to. you had a situation where in john boehner's home state you had a test of whether you should balance the budget on the backs
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of working people and the people of john boehner's home state said, no way. we don't want that. we cawant to have a fair balancg of our budget that puts the burden on the wealthy people that ought to pay their fair share. >> john nichols, great work. let's turn to my colleague rachel maddow, host of "the rachel maddow show" on msnbc. rachel, your impressions of what's happened tonight across the country? we have seen the governor, a democrat in kentucky, win by 21 points. we see the state of maine tonight has voted to restore same-day registration. and i think it also should be pointed out that in the state of arizona, russell pearson, who wrote the anti-immigration law, is trailing in his rachel, how do you call it? interesting stuff happening out there tonight. >> it is for liberals and democratic minded americans and
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progressive americans and people i think who would put themselves more toward the center of american politics than rather to the right where republican party has really staked a flag this year. this is going to be a night of good cheer. the mississippi personhood amendment, it should also be noted, was defeated. a lot of people thought that anything that could be branded, even remotely antiabortion in mississippi, would pass in a walk. mississippi voters voted that down. it should be noted that this is the thing that would have not just banned abortion outright, it would have also banned birth control. and ivf fertility treatments. mitt romney, the republican front-runner for president said he was in favor of that thing. mississippi voters voted it down. russell pierce in arizona, state senate president, sponsor of sb-sb sb-70 having a rough night tonight. obviously the vote tonight in maine to reinstate voting rights that republicans had done away with and in ohio, all eyes on
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ohio right now. as this definitive vote tonight, just a huge, huge margin by which it was defeated, i did not believe it would be this big a margin, even if issue 2 did lose. it could not be a more definitive statement tonight, ed. >> rachel, i think we have seen the template now clearly developed to fight back on citizens united. the supreme court ruling. we have seen here in ohio an unbelievable effort on the ground. is this the model? what do you think? >> i think that the thing we talked about earlier, ed, about the difference between the democratic base and what the democrats have thought they could rely on to win elections moving forward, is a distinction i think can no longer be lost on national democrats. you actually have to give people something to go vote for. you have to give people something to stand up for. you have to give people something to fight for. if you do it and stand with
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people on issues of fundamental american rights, the people will stand with you. and to see the kind of turnout that ohio saw tonight is a template for democratic victories. i think heading into the 2012 election and beyond. it's the kind of victory that put a senator like sherrod brown from ohio in the senate, frankly. he didn't run as a third way tri an lating democrat. he ran as somebody who's going to stand up for the middle class. we spoke with him earlier tonight. this is a sherrod brown kind of night in ohio. >> you know, rachel, we have seen the approval ratings of the congress just plummet to all-time lows. it's pretty clear, at least the way i see it, that if you stand with workers in 2012, you stand a real good chance of being chosen by the people to go represent them and not the corporations. what do you think this says, if anything, about 2012 and also the 99%ers who have captured the attention of the country? ridiculed early on, still in the streets this night.
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still across this country saying that income disparity and corporate greed is really what it's all about. there's got to be some kind of connection here, what do you think? >> ed, you and i talk about on our shows how much things have changed over the past generation and gone so well for the 1% while for the rest of the country they've really tanked. all of those things have happened without the american people being asked to give an overt yes or no on whether or not that ought to happen. it's been all this subtle stuff. it's been changes to the tax code that were going to benefit everybody by benefiting rich people. it's been changes to rights and changes to access to resources for the middle class that were supposedly going to be good for the economy but really just helped rich people. what we saw happen this year is republicans in the states decided to just do this raw. to just do it without calling it anything else. union right rights, we're takin away. they decided to be blunt about it. when you're going to be blunt about it, it's going to be a
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blunt fight and somebody else taking e ining the other side o fight and in the case of ohio, the vast majority of the state. >> rachel, good to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. i'll see you at the top of the hour. i'm joined by ohio state senator nina turner. congratulations. i know you worked awfully hard on this. your thoughts on victory row tonight? >> the entire nation, when we stand up for working class men and women in this state, they stand up back. the heat was on in ohio. we turned it up as citizens and the citizens stood for working class men and women. >> we heard governor kasich earlier. here's another sound bite from the governor's comments tonight after the election was called. here it is. >> the people have spoken clearly. you don't ignore the public. you know, look, and i also have an obligation to lead. i've been leading since the day i took this office. and i'll continue to do that. part of leading is listening to what, and hearing what people
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have to say to you. >> he says he wants to listen to the people. why wasn't he listening before? what do you expect out of the governor now? >> i'm glad to hear the governor say that now. i wish he would have done that months and months ago before we put all the citizens in this state, especially our working class citizens, through this, the unknown about whether or not they were going to be able to support their families and live out their american dream. it's unfortunate it has come to this. to hear the governor said he is listening, we will see going forward it is my hope that no senate bill 5 light is passed through the general assembly. we have to have our citizens look out for that. >> i think it's important to point out that throughout this entire process, the negativity of senate bill 5 was very strong. way back months ago. and the governor didn't turn then. but now it had to take a vote to turn him. how sincere to you think he is? how do you expect him to listen and work with you now?
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>> you know, ed, we heard him. we're going to watch the tcher who's watching the watcher. it's up to the citizens to stay alert, stay vigilant. you're right. i was there when they locked our citizens out of the statehouse. i was there when they took some of my republican colleagues off of the committee to get a certain result. so we're not going to pretend like none of that happened. what we are going to do is move forward strong and boldly and hold their feet to the fire to stand up for working class men and women in this state, ed. we can't go back and we won't go back in this state. and we're blazing forward into 2012, 2013, and 2014 for men and women in this state who bring it every single day, ed. they have a right to reap the fruits of their labor and how dare anybody in the state, in this nation, turn their backs on the men and women, our teachers, our firefighters, our social workers, our nurses. how dare they. >> nina turner, the passion of the people, spoken so well by
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state senator nina turner. that's pretty much what it's like all over ohio tonight for the folks who wanted to take down issue number 2 and they did it. great to have you with us. thanks for your time. keep sharing your thoughts with us on twitter @ed show usi using #edshowissue2. we'll be sharing your thoughts tonight. coming up, more reaction to the rejection of issue 2. harold schaitberger, the international association of firefighters and larry handily of the transit union on the victo victory. what does it mean in the big picture? what is the middle class across america saying? we'll hear from congresswoman betty sutton on what this means for the democrats and democracy for america. is it the template to beat citizens united? you're watching "the ed show" live from columbus, ohio. [ coughs ]
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coming up, the defeat of senate bill 5 and a big victory for the unions. larry handily of the emalgamated transit union will join me next. we'll hear from former rnc chairman michael steele. he's weighing in on the latest explosive allegations against herman cain. stay tuned. this is "the ed show" live from lumb b columbus, ohio. ♪ mama said there'd be days like this ♪ ♪ "there'll be days like this," mama said ♪ [ male announcer ] the toughest job on the planet just got a little easier. with one touch technology and even an air scrubber. the nissan quest. innovation for family. innovation for all. get up to $3,050 total savings on the 2011 nissan quest. ♪ try bayer advanced aspirin.
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victory for workers' rights, it doesn't get any better than this. when it comes to the middle class workers. joining me now, larry handily, international president of the transit unit and jack reall, president of firefighters union local 67. congratulations. i know you put your heart and soul into this. a big victory and momentum for organized labor. no question. larry, your thoughts on what happened here tonight. >> first, ed, i obviously want to thank my members and all the members of all the unions for all the work they did to make this happen. also i want you to know on behalf of our members we thank you, ed, for telling this story every day so well and helping us make it happen. it's been a great night for working people all over america. >> i think it's been a real attack on the middle class. i mean, the finances of the country. our treasury is in tough shape. states aren't getting the help. it's the trickle down. it's clear this governor tried to balance the budget on the backs of working people.
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but jack, one thing is for sure, you know, you firefighters obviously got out there and did what you had to do. we never really got any hard numbers of what senate bill 5 was going to do to the budget. what does that tell you? >> it wasn't going to do anything. i mean, that's the fact of the matter is it wasn't going to do anything for state or local budgets. it was just going to hurt the budgets of the working class family. that's all it was going to do. >> where do you think the middle of the road voter is? where do you think the independent voters are on this issue? what did you see when you were out canvassing? what you heard, did it match up with the totals we're seeing tonight? >> oh, absolutely. those people we talked to, whether it was by phone or knocking on their doors, what they wanted to know is, we support you, how do we need to vote? and we told them. and they did it. i mean, they did it, and it just unbelievable victory for our
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guys. >> i want to say this about ohio. what we saw in wisconsin, the unions i think following the people, but i think here in ohio, it's been the people following the unions. i mean, i think there's no doubt that you guys were the first ones that said, hey, time out on this senate bill 5 stuff. this is coming after a voice of the workplace. this is coming after middle class families. what kind of leadership role is organized labor going to have to play if president obama is going to get re-elected? i didn't hear much about presidential politics when i was out and about in toledo and in columbus a few times. this wasn't about presidential politics. your take on all that. >> this really had nothing to do with presidential politics. what this did do is show our members that what they do in the polls matters. they have to think long and hard, how they vote, how it's going to affect their job and the future. i think it's going to make a
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heck of a difference in 2012. i think what it really meant here in the state of ohio is, these people sitting behind me have more votes than corporations and rich ceos. >> larry, what about that? >> well, it's absolutely true, ed. this is democracy in action. this is how it works. more than that, who could have believed ten years ago, i'm from new york, ed, and i watched our members, bus drivers, rescue people on 911, but more significa significantly, the guys sitting here, their brothers and sisters in new york ran up burning buildings, steps to save people's lives. who would have thought ten years later people like kasich could turn around and make them and us the public enemies? that's what's wrong in america ed. >> how do you win over the independent voter on that? do you tell this story, does this story continue on from ohio? >> i absolutely believe it. i think if the average voter in america is starting to understand, they're waking up, understanding what rich people have done here. what congress has done and not done.
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our congress has played to their fiddle and changed all the laws and all the tax rules to help them and to hurt us. this was their next step in their game and we stopped them dead in ohio. >> what i think has to be grabbed by the american people on this is that how could it be that firefighters and police officers and teachers and librarians and nurses, all of a sudden collectively they happen to be the problem with our economy. and if we don't correct these professions, you know, we're not going to be able to balance our budget ever. it is amazing what has happened here in ohio, that there was a template to go after middle class families, go after their wages, go after their voice, go after their future, go after their security, because somebody wanted to balance the budget. now, this is the story that has to be taken across america. this is a mission that the republicans are on. this is a mission that they are on to destroy collective bargaining because many people
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think that the last line of defense for the progressive agenda in this country is organized labor. i think it's very clear what's happening here. and i think what john kasich did tonight, he took the high road in defeat. but governor kasich, you know what you need to do? you need to go visit with the other radical governors that are out there. going up to michigan and visit your buddy, mr. snyder. go on over to wisconsin and tell walker if you want to keep your job, you better tread lightly on the working folk of america. better tell chris christie, he likes to walk around with a tremendous amount of bravado and toss himself around, oh, we cut teachers, we're going to straighten out the teachers union. you're going after the fabric of america. i wonder if the right wing republican governors understand who you're going after. do you really believe that people who make $50,000 a year, that have a goal just to pay off their home, and to have some
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kind of retirement and maybe be able to see the doctor with a little bit of health care, do you really think they're the enemy of the economy in this country? do you really believe that with your heart? do you really believe that you can't go to the wealthiest americans in this country, that these people are the problem? governor, governor, i have a chair for you. it's still here. come talk to your buddy, big eddie. you know, i want to talk to you, mr. kasich. right here. you know, you know, i mean, governor kasich, i understand, i understand it's easy for you to
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stand up in front of the microphone and give a conciliatory speech because you've had a lot of training over on fox news. i understand how you sit down with sean hannity and talk it over about how you've got this grand plan how you're going to do the budget. you have to come talk to other americans. and i know you want to be president of the united states. i know what this is all about. this was all about you going after the unions, this was all about you being the hero. this is all about you going back to washington, not as a congressional member anymore, but as somebody who is going to do the job from the oval office. you're not going to do it if you're going to go with this kind of a power grab. people do matter. the rest of the republican governors out there who think that you can't go a bridge too far, i hope you learned a lesson here tonight, that these 99%ers who are in the street, they have a message for the people in washington. that the 99%ers in the street have the support of these people, the middle classers across america. larry handily, jack reall, thanks for joining us tonight.
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i appreciate it so much. coming up, herman cain says he won't quit the presidential race. even as a second accuser comes public. former rnc chair michael steele weighs in. and john kasich's union busting law goes down in defeat. i'll get reaction from the crowd here in columbus.
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welcome back to "the ed show" live from columbus. we've been following the other big story of the day. herman cain held a doozy of a press conference. denying all allegations of sexual harassment. cain said he will not drop out of the race. and claims he doesn't remember anything about one of his latest accusers. >> i have never acted inappropriately with anyone, period. the charges and the accusations i absolutely reject. they simply didn't happen. >> the republican front-runner said he'd be willing to take a lie detector test if he had to. also believes that the
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allegations are an attempt to smear his campaign. >> now the democratic machine in america has brought forth a troubled woman to make false accusations. >> meanwhile, just minutes before cain spoke, one of his original accusers went public. karen kraushaar received a settlement from the national restaurant associate in 199. she tells "the new york times" she is considering the idea of a joint press conference with cain's other accusers. joining me now is msnbc analyst and former republican national committee chairman michael steele. great to have you with us. i appreciate your time. there are four accusers now. and now a fifth woman that has come out and there you have cain saying it's a democratic machine. you got to put some sense to this for us. >> i've tried for the last week
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or so to do that myself. even in conversations with mr. cain and his campaign. making it very clear, first off, these allegations are very serious. you cannot dismiss them. you cannot take them lightly. even though they are 12 years old in many cases or 14 years old. there were settlements attached to them. you have to address this. number two, last week, to go out and say that this was the perry campaign doing that and then this evening to say, oh this is the democrats doing that. at this point, america doesn't care how the press got the story or where it came from. it is -- it's out there. it is factual. it's got live human beings, now, that are coming forth. it's not just herman cain speaking to this issue. so i thought tonight's press conference was -- fell a little bit short of the mark. i thought that he needed to really address the particular accusations from miss bialek,
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who had specifics. this story is not going away. it's unfortunate coming on the precipice of the debate that cnbc is going to be hosting. this is going to be front and center. i don't think they need to be talking about this right now. >> basically cain is kaying trust me. i'm a business man and i've been married to my wife for 43 years. now, some of the republicans are starting to step up. senator lisa mur cowy says she's concerned about theal gations. governor haley barbour of mississippi says cain needs to get all the facts in front of the people. are we going to see more republicans publicly questioning cain at this point? and when does he start hurting the republican brand in your opinion? >> i think -- to answer the second question first, i think that's already started. the fact that we're taking up
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time on the show tonight to talk about this instead of what's going on in ohio, based on the leadership that you've shown there and the grassroots movement that's been a part of the public debate since 2009. i think that says a lot about where the state of the campaign is for the party right now. it's not talking about the economy and job creation, the administration, war and peace issues. but, you know, 14-year-old allegations on sexual misbehavior. i hope more republicans will step up and say, look, this has to get behind us not for the sake of cain but for the sake of the country and the conversation, the debate we need to have. this has been adjudicated in some respects. live and die by those facts on behalf of how people perceive it. >> well, it's not he said/she said, it's he said/they said at this point. it's gone from an electronic
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media lynching, that description, to rick perry's fault to now the democratic machine. i think the republicans would probably do themselves well to distance themselves at this point from herman cain in my opinion. michael steele, thanks for your time. you got one more comment? >> i was going to say i agree with that. we've got to get beyond it. and the discipline has been broken. the party's got a problem if this goes on. >> msnbc analyst michael steele earlier this evening. coming up, reaction from ohio congresswoman betty sutton and also jim dean of democracy for america as the middle class celebrates. the gop is already spinning results. and the people of ohio have spoken at the voting booth. this new at&t 4g lte is fast.
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welcome back to "the ed show" from columbus, ohio. after the overwhelming defeat of governor john kasich's union-busting law. joining us tonight, ohio congresswoman betty sutton. jim dean is with us, the chair of democracy for america. also congressman tim ryan. great to have all of you with us tonight. the effort to defeat this senate bill has been fantastic but we should also point on the fact that there was tremendous effort to make sure that senate bill 5 stayed in place. this was a defeat tonight for the coke brothers. it was a defeat tonight for liv cheney. she was involved. sarah palin was involved. pat boone was involved. a number of republican governors were involved. they were the losers. fox news came here with hannity. that didn't do any good. rush limbaugh said the people of ohio were going to rape themselves to pay public
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employees. and herman cain did a robo call. so none of that had any effect. you had these national politicians, these national professional fund-raisers for issues get involved. and they were pushed aside by the ohio middle classers. that's what they -- but the workers of this state. congresswoman betty sutton, your response to what happened tonight? >> we have seen the power of the people. we know -- we know that so much money was poured in here. we know that top 1%, they control so much influence and power in this country. but, but, they only control 1% of the vote and we showed them what we can do here in ohio. >> well, you know, a lot of this is happening because the state needs money and of course they want to destroy the unions for future effort and winning
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elections. no question about that. but there's another guy from ohio that's pretty well set in washington and that's the speaker of the house. how can he -- now, he has gone around -- he has gone around the country, press conference after press conference in washington, talking about what the american people want. can you tell speaker baner tonight what the american people want? >> the american people want jobs! they want jobs! they want jobs! i think it's pretty clear, the people have spoken, they know that the answer to our problems is getting america back to work. i hope governor kasich hears us. i hope speaker boehner hears us and gets to work on putting america back to work. >> jim dean, democracy for america, we've already heard governor kasich come out and say, hey, i got the message, you know, we're going to do something about it, going to work together. do you think we'll see a different governor kasich in this state?
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>> well, you know, we hear this talk all the time from republican leadership. they start -- the minute they get this kind of action going in a place like here in ohio, they start talking about bipartisanship a lot and, you know, the fact is we've got to keep pushing this. this is the beginning. this night is the begin. it's not the end. we're going to have to keep fight. we're going to have to keep fighting for worker's rights and the right to make a living. >> i want you to listen to the spin. here it is. >> issue to collective bargaining shut down. governor kasich no doubt disah pointed tonight. >> i'm sure he's disappointed. it's a state issue. i'm from wisconsin. obviously, much different outcome. i think the bigger issue nationally out of ohio is obviously issue three, which really puts obama on the ballot. his keystone peace legislation obama care goes down in a major way. i think that's what an's personalized nationally.
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what you can glean from ohio if you want to take anything out of that state tonight. >> congressman ryan, is this a state issue or is there a bigger picture in play here? >> that's what i'd be saying if i just got my rear end kicked too. 50% of the people voting on issue 3 didn't really know what it was. this was all about issue 2. this was all aboutcollective bargaining. this was all about trying to destroy the unions. the most informed voter was v e voting on this issue and they lost. that's the bottom line here. >> listen to the rnc chair there trying to make it a par rackial issue. it's a state issue. is he signaling that the republicans in washington aren't going to be paying attention to this at all and it's going to be same obstruction that we've seen? >> he wants it to be -- he wants it to be a state issue but it's a national issue because this is happening all over the country. and we sent a signal here. i think a model, as you said, for how to defeat something like
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this. you get the working class people together. you get them working together. you do the grunt work that's necessary during the campaign. knocking on the doors. grassroots effort. it works every time. so they got the money. we got the votes. >> you know, interesting statistic put together by our team tonight. they caught this. more people voted no on issue 2 tonight than voted for john kasich in 2010. jim dean, what's the template now? what's different about ohio than maybe some other elections? >> well, i think it's -- the biggest thing here is we've got to keep talking to our family, friends and neighbors about issues like this and especially i want to really thank the folks who worked tirelessly on phone banks. there was a big disinformation campaign out there to confuse voters. it was these folks here that did the door knocking and canvassing
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to make sure they got that vote right. that's what we got to keep doing in other states. there's going to be lots of opportunities to do this. we got two recall elections coming up. we got a lot of forward thinking legislation in states. >> betty sutton, i want to know, congresswoman, what's your next conversation with john boehner going to be like? >> i hope that he watched the results tonight. we're going to ask him and we're going to ask him is he finally going to hear the voice of the people and get focused on putting people back to work. >> great to have you with us. congresswoman betty sutton, congressman tim ryan of ohio, and jim dean, thank you. coming up, jack is back with perspective from the firefighters here in ohio. stay tuned. we're right back. to be more environmentally aware, we are now printing on the back sides of used paper and we switched to fedex cause a lot of their packaging contains recycled materials. tell them what else fedex does. well we're now using more electric trucks
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here in columbus, ohio where folks are celebrating a victory. the voters of ohio have spoken and have rejected governor john kasich's union-busting law. hannity, where are you tonight? this is where it's happening. oh, wrong party. big political blow for the republicans. we'll have more from our crowd. new stride whitemint is a hit but it lasts too long. how do we get people to chew another piece? i got this one. oh hey. [ male announcer ] spit it out. or yeti will find you. [ grunts ] i like him. thanks ryan. [ male announcer ] new stride whitemint. the ridiculously long lasting gum. fagoan y ohod ar [ nn s at o fagoan y
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welcome back to the ed show. we're in columbus ohio. i'm joined by local 67 and b bowser. gentlemen, welcome. >> thank you. >> we're just going to get this out of the way right away. bowser, give us the song on a no vote on issue 2. >> the song i've been singing all week.
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>> here it is. ♪ ba bamba bamba bam ding ga dang dang ding ga dong ding no on issue 2 ♪ >> if you're fog to be in the winner's circle, you might as well have fun while you're ther there. >> i said tonight at the end of tonight when this was announced, i wanted to be doing this. and we did it! f >> how do you feel? tell us ho you you really feel about this? >> i feel that i'm so happy to have come here in support of the great people of ohio.
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these extraordinary people, these really wonderful people, the firefighters, the nurse, the teachers, the policemen, the snow plow drivers, everyone. i am so happy to have come here to be part of this. >> i tell you what, the firefighters did one heck of a job. jack, you had a lot of guys who sacrificed and awful lot to make this happen. tell us about it. >> absolutely. we went from basically political passivists to political activists. i got over 30% of my membership participated four or more times during the last two months of this campaign. i have guys who took vacation to canvas. guys who spent every single non-working day doing something, phone working or canvassing. that's what made this a reality. >> they just saw -- they recognized the moment and went
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out and got it done. that's what firefighters do. >> absolutely. our guys -- it doesn't take much. they're not stupid people. they're smart guys, smart guys and gals. they understood the implications of this bill. >> jack, great to have you with us. john, thanks so much. appreciate your time tonight. coming up, tonight's vote is a real victory for the middle class. i'll talk to some folks in the crowd tonight. stay tuned. we'll be right back. ♪
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they're hitting "dream." so that's what i do. i print dreams, baby. [whispering] big dreams. welcome back to the ed show. the people have spoken. you are a 99%er, correct? >> that's correct. >> i thought the 99 prners were non-political. you're here tonight. i'm encouraged. >> the 99%ers are firefighters, police officers and teachers and nurses. the fight of unions are the same fight as the occupiers. we all have the right to collectively come together and organize and say things under one unanimous voice together. that's why we are proud to stand
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with the unions here today. >> this is a victory for the 99% movement? >> absolutely. the issue of the 99 percent movement are occupy movement and issues with the union are the same. people putting down and safe tooling people's voices. we're not going to have it anymore. >> would you agree? >> absolutely. 100%. >> what do you make of this 99% movement and connection. had the 99% movement not been out there, would we have had the same outcome tonight in ohio? >> i'm sure it will be. for people like me, i am a state employee and we have a contract that expires in february. we were asked in the last three year contract to take three unpaid leave days. >> you've already had the haircut. >> if john kasich asks us to do that again, will he -- >> he's making $10,000 more than the last guy, isn't he? making $10,000 more than strickland. are you going to ask him to give
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that up? >> if he wants to do the same thing, he better do that to us. >> what about you? >> i'm a teacher and those guys stepped in my classroom and took my voice away from taking care of my students. it will be the last breath i take to let them take that away from me. >> where do you teach? >> i teach technology in beaver creek, ohio. >> did you know it would turn out hike this tonight? >> i didn't think it would be this big. i'm glad it was. >> it's the teachers, firefighters, the middle classes of america. only time will tell if this message, this vote tonight resonates with people all across america. that's the ed show. i'm ed schultz. rachel maddow takes it from here at the midnight hour. good evening. >> good evening, ed. amazing job in columbus, great job in ohio tonight. great to see you there. thanks to you at home for staying with us. happy election day, so far tonight, in ohio,