tv The Ed Show MSNBC November 16, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am EST
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one recognized me from the howard stern show and that's have i'm alive. >> kathy griffin is performing in atlantic city. >> i can see you fist pump pump atlantic city. >> have the last word on line. the rachel -- no, no, the ed show tsh. >> there's something on next. >> yeah, next. ed. good evening, americans, welcome to "the ed show" tonight live from washington, d.c. the judge who allowed jerry sandusky to walk the streets after being charged with 40 counts of sexual abuse on children has been taken off the case. sandusky's interview with nbc has motivated a victim who is now willing to testify. congress is now looking at federal standards. this is "the ed show." let's get to work. >> well, in retrospect, i, you know, i shouldn't have showered with those kids. >> that interview could cost
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jerry sandusky big-time. new developments from the victims. the judge who let sandusky walk and new questions tonight about pennsylvania's governor and joe paterno. congresswoman sheila jackson lee wants new federal laws to stop abuse. she's here tonight. and actor david keith is a spokesman for the national association to protect children. he says pennsylvania's attorney general isn't doing her job. he's here to explain. is the $1.6 million figure correct? >> i don't know. we're going back to check. >> sounds like a whole lot moreç than being a historian. >> explosive new details on freddie mac and the republican front-runner. newt gingrich is spinning harder than ever. >> well, look, i was speaker of the house and a strategic adviser. and karl rove loses his cool on the 99% protesters. >> you can go ahead and stand in line and have the courage to ask any damn question you want, or you can continue to show that you are a buffoon. >> we'll show you the tape.
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good evening, folks. good to have you with us tonight. jerry sandusky's interview with nbc brought unintended consequences. the alleged victims are more determined than ever to pursue charges against him. a lawyer representing one of the victims has gone on record saying "mr. sandusky suggested in some of his comments about the victims that maybe people were backing off." "my client heard that and has dug in his heels. he was absolutely more than ready to follow through with this. he wants him to know that he fully intends to testify. he was severely sexually assaulted by mr. sandusky." it was sandusky's lawyer who had said he expected alleged victims to come forward and say this never happened. sandusky, himself, claimed his innocence in the interview with bob costas the other night. >> what are you willing to concede that you've done that was wrong and you wish you had not done it? >> well, in retrospect, i, you
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know, i shouldn't have showered with those kids. and, so -- >> that's it? >> yeah, well, that's what hits me the most. >> are you a pedophile? >> no. >> are you sexually attracted to young boys, to underaged boys? >> am i sexually attracted to underaged boys? >> yes. >> sexually attracted, you know, i enjoy young people.ç i love to be around them. i -- but no, i'm not sexually attracted to young boys. >> and the story continues. today, the pennsylvania court system took action in the case. the judge who freed sandusky on $100,000 bail has been removed from the case. judge leslie dutchot had numerous ties to the second mile charity founded by sandusky. today the pennsylvania court system appointed a different
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judge to preside over sandusky's preliminary hearing. the statement from the court read "judge robert e. scott has no known connections with pennsylvania state university, the second mile charity nor any officers or representatives from these entities." get your cell phones out, folks. i want to know what you think on this issue tonight. question is, did sandusky and his lawyer make a mistake by speaking out on television? text "a" for yes, text "b" for no to 622639. our blog is there for you at we'll bring you the results later on. we have three very strong interviews and experts on this tonight that are very involved in the story. joining me first by phone is attorney jeff anderson who specializes in child sexual abuse cases and is representing some of sandusky's accusers. mr. anderson, good to you with us tonight. the first question right off the top has to be, what was the reaction of your client when sandusky came out and spoke to
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bob costas on television? >> well, as soon as that was aired, there was an immediate from our clients and the ç survivors, just fury and confusion and despair that he could, first, be free, and second, deny the rape of so many kids for so many years. >> did you say unequivocally -- mr. anderson, can you say tonight they definitely will testify against sandusky in court? >> oh, there's no question about that, that these kinds of denials have emboldened the survivors to not only come forward but to -- it really emboldened them to do whatever they can to make sure that other kids are not harmed the way they were. and as long as he is on the
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street and in denial, other kids are at risk and as long as this institution and penn state continues the practices of the past in the future, other kids are at risk. so absolutely -- >> the lawyer -- i want to -- okay. the lawyer for jerry sandusky said this today. i want you to listen. >> two of the individuals we believe are listed in that eight-person presentment, are now grown, they're in their 20s. and jerry tells me that they're friends. in fact, two of them he says had dinner with him and his wife as recently as this past summer. so we have to sort all this out. >> mr. anderson, are any of the alleged victims that you've spoken with considering themselves friends of jerry sandusky? >> well, i'm not going to get into the details of the people with whom i've spoken who are survivors, but i will say that the assertions made that there ç was some kind of friendship is
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nothing but just deceits and denial. a rape and abuse is often done to the guise of trust and sometimes friendship. so the characterization of this as a friendship is nothing short of outrageous and cannot stand unanswered. the answer of the survivors is, and i speak with and for them, here in pennsylvania and across this country at this time, that that kind of denial cannot stand. >> okay. >> this is the rape of innocent children by a serial predator who belongs behind bars. and the institution that protected them really needs to be a part of stepping up and doing better. >> mr. anderson, i appreciate your time tonight. thanks for confirming that story. >> you're very welcome. now let's bring in matthew mangino, former district attorney of lawrence county, pennsylvania.
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mr. mangino, the change of the judge -- in changing judges, the statement from the court system pointed out that the new judge has absolutely no connections with the school, the charity, or any of its representatives. what's your reaction to this move today? >> well, i think it's a wise move, ed. it appears that the center fyçi county courts had asked that an outside magistrate be appointed. center county has 150,000 people. there are six magistrate judges and four trial judges there. it would be difficult to find somebody who's not an alum, not a donor, not a season ticket holder, not a volunteer or lecturer at penn state. going outside of the county wasç the prudent thing to do. >> i want to ask you about an e-mail that surfaced in which penn state assistant coach mike mcquery said he did have discussions with police about the incident back in 2002, but today state college police chief tom king told nbc news, "absolutely not.
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we don't have any records of him coming to us." what do you make of this? >> well, it's surprising and i think that it makes mike mcquery's testimony before the grand jury a little in question. it's clear from the grand jury presentment that there was a finding that there was no contact by any official, by anybody, reporting this matter to the police or to child protective services. this seems to be a conflict in the testimony and i think it's very important in terms of the case against tim curley and vice president schultz, because the grand jury made a finding that mcquery was credible and they were not. now, if you have a conflict in that testimony that was before the grand jury and what's being said in this e-mail, that runs right to the issue of credibility and it could be a major blow to the case against curley and schultz. >> mr. mangino, thanks for your time tonight.
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i appreciate you joining us here on "the ed show." >> thank you. now to congress. there are a lot of people who are talking about this in the halls of congress. one of them, the chairman of the children's congressional congress, sheila jackson lee from texas, and also you're on the house judiciary committee, so this is a big story for you and many of your colleagues. what is congress going to do, if anything? >> ed, first of all, this is a ç national disaster. i think the magnitude of this needs to be known and needs to be understood. penn state is here. this is a national crisis. i believe that there should be zero tolerance as it relates to a federal policy on sexual child abuse. we know that we deal with child abuse. all of these are indicting against society that you would put our children in jeopardy. but sexual abuse is an act that usually takes children two years
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to report. they're so fearful. what we want to do is to slam the perpetrator, if they receive any iota of federal funds, to cease and assist or spend their federal funding. and institutions like penn state, for example, receive them in many ways. research dollars, dollars that fund special programs, training programs. we don't want to penalize the students through pell grants or scholarships, but we want to say, enough is enough. we're not just talking about academic institutions, state and local governments, prosecutors' officers, police departments. >> we need an overhaul. we need an overhaul of how we deal with child sexual abuse in this country. >> absolutely. >> what about the reporting? there's allegations of a cover-up. one could make the case based on what's been reported. it puts penn state in a real bad light. what about addressing the reporting of alleged sexual abuse? is congress planning on doing
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anything about that? >> absolutely. there are no federal standards. >> should there be? >> i believe there should be. one of our u.s. senators is looking at it. i am looking at it as well. we hope to collaborate on that issue. we hope to collaborate on the unfortunate circumstances of the -- even though it was a state issue -- of the issuance of $100,000 in bond.ç the lack of a monitoring ankle bracelet when this individual is walking amongst children, his house is in the midst of the neighborhood. >> you would want a federal standard set up for bail in dealing with cases like this and should have never gotten to this point? >> a federal standard for reporting and certainly some oversight, piercing and looking over, if we find that state prosecution, state authorities, are not as adequate as they should be. if i might quickly say, here's a very prime example. let me hold up this young lady's face. this is ashley out of texas. she killed herself on monday as i was flying up to washington, d.c.. 18 years old. said she had been sexually abused for all of her life. she sent 144 twitters before she died.
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the crux of what she said was that when she spoke to the police department in this area, in texas, and children's protective service, all those receive federal funds, she felt that they were not doing anything. they were not interested. this has not been investigated, but if these agencies are found in this case, for example, to have shuffled their feet, then they would fall under this legislation. in terms of any federal dollars that come in their direction. >> so we may see a sea change in this country on how we handle child sexual abuse? now, i know obviously you're very involved in it and doing something about it, so is senator casey from pennsylvania. >> absolutely. >> but the conversation in congress, we're going to do something. >> people are appalled. there's a quiet silence because there are a lot of people that are in shock. each day something is coming forward, but, yes, everywhere we have gone, zero tolerance is really catching hold. >> what about the second mile charity? what should happen with this charity? should there be restitution of some form? would you be in favor of maybe
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that charity even dissolving?ç >> restitution, number one, yes. dissolving, absolutely. i feel certainly that there were a lot of good people probably associated with this charity. >> but it's time to shut it down? >> it's too much a mantra, a definition defined by coach sandusky. with that in mind, i don't believe that they can continue winning the confidence of the parents of at-risk boys. let me tell you how offended i am, because being involved with so many children's organizations, it is the trust that parents lend their children to them, particularly the vulnerable population of the impoverished, single moms, families who are divided. they send those children, those boys in particular, let's keep them off of the street. that's what this organization was all about. they violated the trust. you can't hear about something where children have been sexually abused and you say it didn't happen on your premises. they did not act. i'm sorry, your days are numbered, and you really need to
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say good night, thank you, and provide the restitution for these victims. zero tolerance, the victims should be our concern. not even, ed, the hearsay, who said by the assistant coach. it should be the children. >> congresswoman sheila jackson lee, thanks for joining us tonight. >> thank you for having me. >> appreciate it so much. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen. we want to know what you think. share your thoughts on twitter @edshow. every day in this country children are being exploited online. what can we do about it? actor david keith will explain. he's involved. and later, newt gingrich's payday from freddie mac was a lot larger than first reported. even jack abramoff thinks this is a problem for newt. ♪ [ female announcer ] have you ever seen a glacier while sunbathing? why not? have you ever climbed a rock wall in the middle of the ocean? or tried something really wild? why not? it's all possible in the nation of why not. royal caribbean's floating nation where you're free to do anything you want.
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freddie mac paid newt gingrich almost $2 million and newt doesn't remember it? now jack abramoff is saying the newtster won't survive this controversy. this new at&t 4g lte is fast. did you hear sam... promoted to director? so 12 seconds ago. we should get him a present. thanks for the gift basket. you're welcome. you're welcome. did you see hr just sent out new... rules? cause you're currently in violation of 6 of them. oh yeah, baby? ...and 7. did you guys hear that fred is leaving? so 30 seconds ago. [ noisemakers blow ] [ both ] we'll miss you! oh, facecake! there's some leftover cake. [ male announcer ] the new htc vivid. stay a step ahead with at&t 4g lte, with speeds up to 10x faster than 3g. ♪ two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs.
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at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. we should have a national standard, really a national commitment that every adult, not just on a college campus, not just school settings, but every adult charged with the responsibility to report suspected child abuse to law enforcement. not just up the chain of
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command in an organization. >> that was pennsylvania senator bob casey speaking on the need to protect our children from predators like jerry sandusky. every day in america, pornography featuring kids being sexually abused is shared online. it is sickening and astonishing. it is unbelievable. and it is a major problem in this country. according to one children's task force, the number is staggering. 20,000 child pornographers are identified daily. in many cases, these pornographers are also hands-on offenders. fortunately, many law enforcement agencies across the country can keep track of this type of internet trafficking through a database called roundup. so why are these people still on the street? it is the question of the week in the wake of what's happened at penn state. let's turn to david keith, actor and campaign chairman for protect, the national association to protect children. great to have you with us tonight, david. i appreciate your time. >> thank you, ed. thanks for having me.
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>> you bet. what more should be done on a ç national level in your opinion? what do you see out there in your organization, as strong as it's been in advocacy working against all of this? what more can we do? >> well, the software that law enforcement now has that allows them to monitor the file sharing of child pornographies, the shares back and forth of images is horrific, it's sodomy of babies. very seldom is it just a naked child. only about 1% of the time. that software, that tracking software, now roundup, it used to be fair play, identified hundreds of thousands of computer addresses in the unit states and in pennsylvania 22,000 computer addresses. now, conservatively 40% of the time that they get to the door and go on a knock and talk, see if there's a tricycle on the front porch, there's indeed a victimization. that's about 10,000 sanduskys in pennsylvania right now. and linda kelly, the attorney
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general of pennsylvania, has the audacity to stand on the stage and point her finger at penn state. yes, what they did is wrong. that's only one guy. she's sitting on known leads. we briefed governor tom corbett when he was the attorney general in 2009. he knows the numbers. he knows they have the locations. they don't fund the internet crimes against children task forces appropriately to the problem. those children are sitting there z don't have ncaa football to highlight their plight. >> let's go back to your comment about mr. corbett who was the attorney general, and you briefed him. he's now the governor. has this been a total failure and breakdown of the system? you can unequivocally say the state of pennsylvania andç thi country is simply not doing enough? >> it is maybe the greatest failure in the history of mankind, in my opinion, it is.
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we know where hundreds of thousands of children are sitting being raped and filmed and traded online. 96% of them in their own homes. 96%. stranger danger you hear about all the time, very, very rare. in pennsylvania, linda kelly is pointing her finger at penn state. tell her to go get the other 10,000 sanduskys. she knows where they are. their law enforcement knows where they are. why aren't they going to get it? yes, it's broken down. protect, drafted and pass the protect our children act with joe biden was passed in 2008. congress has yet to fund it. >> what is the main hurdle that law enforcement agencies face when it comes to taking action in situations like this? >> well, resources, of course. money. because they won't break into the coffers and get the money, but the down deep reason, and this is what really breaks my heart, is children don't vote and don't have any money and politicians don't pay much attention to them. they're great photo ops, but that's about it. when it really comes to protecting our children, we're failing at every level. >> david, what's your response to what you're hearing elected officials in congress say that
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they want to do something about this, they want to change the reporting standards for alleged sexual abuse and also tie it to federal funding. what do you make of that? >> i, you know, i'll believe it when i see it. i sat with members of congress for three years and had them in tears, sitting in the office. put their arm around me, thank you for what you're doing, we promise we'll get it done. we got the act passed, but those same people are not funding the protect our children act. it's $400 million over 5 years broken out into these 61 around the country that had to split, until we came around, $15 ç million 61 ways. they're drowning in lack of resources. the regular cops, uniform cops, can't run these cases because they're apples and oranges. it's not like going out on a drug dealer or bank robber. you have to talk to the guy a certain way, run the case a certain way. they're very fragile. so much of it is done on -- is forensics, computer forensics, online forensics and breaking
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down that computer properly without destroying the evidence. the one thing great about just getting the guys for trafficking in child pornography is you never have to put a child on the stand. they go away for good for the amount of images they have. it's the best way to catch the most bad guys. >> and quickly, david, david keith with us, the national association to protect children. i think the obvious question here as we conclude this, what action can parents take, what action can people at home take? >> well, we have that on our website, i want the people of pennsylvania and the rest of the people in this country to go to a website that we just got up and running, it's called it shows the position she's in, the position she's taken and what she's not doing. hammer that website. >> david keith, thanks for your time. thanks for your work. i appreciate it so much. karl rove loses it when he faces off against the 99%ers.
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he doesn't think they have the right to protest. i got a pretty important american document that karl can read. that's next. and later, scary new evidence, it's there, folks. the middle class in this country is declining. you can't deny the numbers. we'll show you. it's gonna be a casual thing. yeah, i'll be right over. [ beep ] ♪ ♪
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talking points during a speech at johns hopkins university when occupy baltimore folks interrupted him. >> karl rove -- >> karl rove! >> is the architect -- >> is the architect. >> the architect of occupy iraq -- >> the architect of occupy iraq. >> you can go ahead and stand in the line and have a courage to ask any damn question you want or you can continue to show that you are a buffoon. who gave you the right to occupy america? nobody. >> of course, the constitution gives them the right to occupy america. the first amendment protects the right of the people peaceably to assemble. i don't expect him to know a lot about the constitution since he helped bush trample all over it for eight years, but rove had more to say. >> we are the 99%! >> no, you're not. >> we are the 99%! >> no, you're not. no, you're not. no, you're not.
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no, you're not. you want to keep jumping up and yelling you're the 99%. how presumptuous and arrogant can you think you are? stop acting like a fascist and start acting like an american. >> karl rove thinks the 99%ers are un-american, fascist and arrogant. let me tell you what arrogant really is. lying about weapons of mass destruction so you can start a war, telling the world you're with us or against us, deciding not to pay for the war, helping explode the national debt. all of that. finally, arrogant is landing on an aircraft carrier wearing a flight suit and standing in front of a banner reading "mission accomplished" eight years before a different ñ the mission. those are just a few examples i had. i could go on. but karl rove to call the 99% movement arrogant is cowardly "psycho talk." newt gingrich's big, fat check from freddie mac is eight
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times bigger than first reported. yowza. what did he report to the irs? congressman tim ryan weighs in on newt's future. herman cain says as president he wouldn't attack iran because there are just too many mountains. michael eric dyson will weigh in on that and how this candidate is imploding. d "impromptu in-law visit." look at mom whipping up some kraft homestyle mac & cheese. sure it's easy to make, but it looks like she's been busting her hump in the kitchen. [ doorbell rings ] let the fireworks begin. [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. what are these guys doing? [ horn honks ] could you please not honk while this guy's telling me about his chevy volt? is that that new... is that the electric car? yeah. but it takes gas too. ask him how much he spends on gas. how much does he spend on gas? how much do you spend on gas? how much do i spend on gas? if i charge regularly, i fill up like once a month. he only has to fill up about once a month.
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recalculating. [ dennis ] dollar for dollar nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate. ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. if you want to put people in jail, i want to second what michele said. you ought to start with barney frank and chris dodd and let's look at the politicians who created the environment, the politicians who profited from the environment and the politicians who put this country in trouble. >> newt gingrich wants politicians who profited from the mortgage crisis to be held accountable. okay. he can start by looking in the mirror. you see, when asked about being paid $300,000 to work with mortgage lender freddie mac, gingrich told the cnbc debate audience he was employed as a historian who told freddie mac what not to do.
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well, today, "bloomberg news" reported gingrich had a relationship with freddie mac for eight years which started after he designed from congress. the "bloomberg report" says gingrich made between -- choke it here, folks -- $1.6 million and $1.8 million in consulting fees. the historical stuff, you know, with the lender. he faced questions about his payday during a campaign stop in iowa. >> we offered strategic advice. m¿ñi finances? >> sure, but i don't know the amounts. >> is it $1.6 million figure correct? >> i don't know. we're going back to check. >> sounds like a whole lot more than being a historian. >> i was speaker of the house and the strategic adviser. >> gingrich told reporters he'd release documents showing how much he earned from freddie mac. this afternoon, his campaign flip-flopped on that promise, releasing only a fact sheet about his consulting work. convicted felon jack abramoff knows a thing or two about beinç
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a disgraced lobbyist. he says this revelation means the end of newt's candidacy. >> i don't know if he'll survive this, to be honest with you. this is a very big thing. >> why? >> because he's doing -- he's engaged in the exact kind of corruption that america disdains. >> let's turn to congressman from ohio, tim ryan. great to have you with us tonight. is abramoff right? >> are you going to make me agree with that? >> he's paid his dues to society, if we can say that. i think this is a wake-up call to every member of congress, that, you know, life after serving may not be that of a lobbyist, because everything you do follows you and newt's living that right now. is abramoff right? could this really kill the candidacy of newt gingrich? >> it seems like it will because it gets to the very heart of the issues that he was talking about, this kind of duplicity.
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he was trying to push it off on senator dodd and barney frank, but in actuality, it sounds eerily similar to the folks on wall street. we kind of knew what was going on, we were telling people not to do it, oh, by the way we'll take the millions dollars on the other side. the american people are going to reject that. >> here's michele bachmann today saying gingrich was a shil for freddie mac. >> whether former speaker gingrich made $300,000 or whether he made $2 million, the point is is that he took money to also influence senior republicans to be favorable toward fannie and freddie. >> what do you make of this? >> well, i'm, as a democrat, i'm enjoying watching. you know, it's nice to watch these guys. i think this is part of the republican primary. no one can agree with the tea party 100%.ç so they all get caught up in one way or another, whether it's on a position or some historical evidence from their own personal background or personal behavior. they get all flip-flopped. that's why you've seen this up and done from these different candidates. michele bachmann who's probably at 5% or 6% in the polls, she's
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attacking them. they'll gang up on newt. we'll see who the next guy or woman is to pop up. >> why would gingrich try to turn freddie mac into a boogeyman for conservativeses if he knew this was in his past? >> it can be anybody's fault but the free market, or but an unregulated wall street. if there's some sort of government agency or quasi government agency or anything to do with the government, they always seem to get the blame. it gets back to this duplicity where you're going to criticize that internally where no one hears you and take money on the other side. that's not going to fly these days. >> here's how fox news is spinning the story today with frank luntz. >> gingrich has no idea what he's in for. he's been the candidate who's been the toughest on the media, specifically targeting them. and the press doesn't like it. if someone gets attacked from "the new york times," the "washington post" stands up for them. the same thing with the cable networks. newt can expect really, really tough grilling.
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>> we should point out frank luntz was reportedly hired by freddie mac in 2005 as well. can newt survive this by saying the press is just out to get him? you know that's coming. >> yeah. no, that's not going to work. he's going to get -- >> well, what's it say about freddie mac? i mean, tells me pretty savvy business operation. they go out and they put the former speaker of the house on the payroll trying to swing republicans that we're doing pretty good stuff. it wasn't too long ago republicans we saying freddie mac has been very vital to our ec]nomy. >> right. >> then they made him the boogeyman. this with newt has come out. this is a democratic playground right now for fodder, isn't it? >> yeah, no, it's great, because they can't seem to get their footing. none of the candidates can seem to get their footing. for example, we have positive things starting to happen in ohio, for example, we've had chrysler, they're going to add 1,100 new jobs, up to 1,100 new jobs in toledo because of the auto bailout. some chinese tariffs that were put on that obama put on. real substantive things that led to job creation in states like
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ohio which are swing states are substantive affecting the lives of human beings in ohio. these guys are sitting here muddling around about fannie and freddie trying to blame them for all the stuff. it's not going to work. they're getting their footing while positive things are starting to happen in things like swing states like ohio. >> thank you on behalf for everybody in ohio for all you did to help us. >> you know, just in the aftermath, to this day, i cannot believe the political miscalculation that john kasich had with the workers of ohio. how could anybody be so disconnected? i mean, we hear it all over the country, the middle class is being decimated and the democrats in your state get it. they don't. >> the coalition united now in ohio is unlike we've ever seen before. police, fire, teachers, building trades, autoworkers, mine workers all across the state, all united knowing who the enemy was. now, karl rove and lynne cheney who funded this issue 2 campaign are going to be the same people who will be funding the campaign next year and they'll remember who was on their team. >> tim ryan, ohio, good to you
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with us. thanks so much. income segregation in america is destroying the middle class and effecting kids' chances of success. but republican policies would only make it worse. california congressman john garamendi joins us to talk about the latest survey. smal l bu sinesses are the smal lifeblood of our communities. on november 26th you can make a huge impact by shopping small on small business saturday. one purchase. one purchase is all it takes. so, pick your favorite local business... and join the movement. i pledge to shop small at big top candy shop. allen's boots... at juno baby store. make the pledge to shop small. please. shop small on small business saturday. i've tried it.
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in 1970, 65% of families lived in middle income neighborhoods. but by 2007, only 44% of people lived in middle class areas. now, on the other hand, today, 31% of people live in either very poor or very wealthy neighborhoods. 40 years ago, my friends, 40 years ago. half as many families lived in areas of poverty or affluence. so here we are again. the big eddie chart. this chart shows the growing income gap between the top 1% and the middle class and the wage earners of this country. now, you tell me how we're going to turn this economy around if this chart continues to go in this direction. this report has more evidence showing the income gap growing. the different income levels are becoming increasingly segregated and republicans want to keep the trend going by slashing social programs, cutting taxes for the
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wealthy. you see, the wealthy in this country, well, they just don't have enough money. that's the republican plan. you want to know why people are out in the streets? this is why they're out in the streets. this survey gives us a snapshot in time, exactly where this country has been and where we are going, and the question is, do we have the political will to do something about it? now, i've been out and about all over the country, a lot of digit different cities over the last 60 days. in portland, in denver, in minneapolis, in madison, in ç toledo, in columbus, ohio. the people get it. and they want fairness. and they understand what the 99%ers are saying. joining me now is congressman john garamendi of california. congressman, great to have you with us. >> ed, it's good to be with you. >> the numbers don't lie. how do we turn this around? >> we're going to have to create jobs and create those good middle class jobs that have disappeared. take a look at the manufacturing sector in america. it's lost 40%, 45%.
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20 million jobs. 20 years ago. just over 11 million now. so we've got to turn that around. we can. we have all the tools, we just have to employ those tools which means congress has to act. we've got to get the laws and the policies in place. fail to do that, that's going to get worse. >> well, the middle class americans have the disposable income. and if you see that, a number that's being depleted year after year, how's the economy going to turn around if families majority-wise don't have disposable income? >> they won't. it won't. it will continue to go downward and will continue to be a second-rate country. we can turn it around, but the policies are being written in washington right now. you take a look at the supercommittee. the supercommittee republicans are proposing is to make that chart worse. because they want to give more tax breaks to the super wealthy. they're covering it up in many, many ways, and at the same time, charge the middle class and low
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income more money for their health care, more money for their education. it goes on and on. it is dead wrong. >> i want to mention the effects of the grows income segregation taking place in america. the gap in standardized test scores between poor and rich ç kids is 40% bigger today than it was in 1970. this is about resources. the gap between poor and -- rich and poor kids in college graduation is up more than 50% since the early 1990s. so the high income -- the number of high income college grads has risen from about 33% in the early 1990s to now 50% today. for low-income kids, it's only risen from 5% to 10%. so this -- this is really the conservative social change that they have been working for. >> well, the wealth is going to fewer and fewer. those people are able to pay for a good education.
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they're living in good places, in schools, and they can go to the best colleges. the poor, they're going downward. they're going into those schools that are not performing, they're being pushed out and you take a look at the tuition for education across the united states, it's gone through the roof. and who can afford that? the rich. can the middle class? they're getting pushed down. they can't afford it. we have to change that. and you can't just do it with loans. you've got to do it with tax policy so that those who have enjoyed extraordinary wealth over the last 10 to 15 years, it's time for them to pay their fair share and yet the republicans are going to exactly the opposite way.4idti u$ey wan of taxes that the super wealthy, millionaires -- a $1 million income. good heavens. enough already. >> john garamendi, good to have you with us. congressman from california, here on "the ed show." thanks so much. so why couldn't herman cain answer a simple question about libya? the pizza man says presidents aren't supposed to know anything about foreign policy. really?
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michael eric dyson will weigh in on that one and the republican ç field imploding. copd makes it hard to breathe, so i wasn't playing much of a role in my own life, but with advair, i'm breathing better so now i can take the lead on a science adventure. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms
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text survey tonight on "the ed show," i asked, did jerry sandusky and his lawyer make a mistake by speaking out on television? 95% of you said yes. 5% of you said no. herman cain says he wouldn't favor a military strike against iran, but his reason behind it will really surprise you. michael eric dyson joins me for the conversation next. stay with us. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about fees.
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so you agree with president obama on libya, or not? >> okay. libya. >> i tell you what, it's one for the archives, isn't it? that was pizza man herman cain's recipe for success in libya. cain sat down with "the milwaukee journal sentinel." the paper's washington bureau chief, craig gilbert, he was in the room. >> it was weird and it was painful. i think you knew immediately that this was a bad moment that was being captured on videotape. we all know he's had trouble answering questions on foreign policy but libya has come up at debates and he was at a loss. >> the hits just keep on coming. a few months ago the pizza man
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said he was open to the idea of bombing the country of iran. now he says that strategy wouldn't work not because it wouldn't prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon but because iran just has too many mountains. >> would you favor a military strike against iran to stop that country from developing a nuclear capability?ç >> that's not a practical top-tier alternative, and here's why. if you look at the topography of iran, where are you going to strike? it's very mountainous. that's what makes it very difficult. >> following that interview, mr. cain defended his answers. i'm not supposed to know anything about foreign policy. just thought i'd throw that out. i want to talk to commanders on the ground, because you run for president, you need to have the answer. no, you don't. no, you don't. that's just good decision making."
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joining me now, michael eric dyson, msnbc political analyst, professor at georgetown university and author of the book "can you hear me now?" wow, can you hear that? the republican brand, over the decades, they have been the party that has prided themselves on having all the answers when it comes to foreign policies. what's this all about? >> if president obama was leading from behind, then obviously herman cain is leading with no mind. he has no idea about terrain, topography, mountains as the basis for not bombing iran, not disincentivizing their procurement of nuclear weapons, not creating a holocaust that will be hard to stem. it's stunning, ed, that a guy like this could in the name of ronald reagan developing peace through strength, put forth the notion that i'm not supposed to know anything about foreign policy, i'm just supposed to ask the generals on the ground. that's crazy. >> is he getting to the point where he can't be taken serious anymore?
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the other day he said he was going to make henry kissinger his secretary of state if he was elected and turned around and said he was just kidding. ç >> he's kidding too much. he's kidding about this, kidding about that, kidding about fences being electrified. it's very hard to take him seriously. if you're going to run godfather, don't do the pizza stuff, at least look at the film and figure out what your foreign policy and domestic policy should be. >> a tea party leader who was a cain supporter says now, can't do it anymore. it's just -- he's off the rail. >> his own guys are falling away. i was on, you know, earlier on msnbc with justin phillips who said, i like him personally but can't go along with this kind of policy and can't go along with his decision making. >> what does this do to iowa coming up? in the last poll, he was a percentage point ahead. >> i think he continues to plummet. i think that, you know, rick perry by a contrast makes him look good. in the overall field, i think romney wins by default and the more romney keeps on message and cain keeps acting silly and
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making crazy remarks, that only strengthens the default candidacy of romney. >> here's the breaking news from nbc. tomorrow herman cain will sit down with the editorial board of the "new hampshire leader." no cameras will be present. i would say that's a pretty good move. >> that's a good move. the pizza without the trimmings is what mr. cain is in for now. >> here's what barney frank had to say about the republican race earlier. let's play this. here it is. >> i'm reminded of the great fighter joe lewis who was so good they had trouble finding opponents for him in romney's case, he's kind of mediocre. but they still have trouble finding opponents for him. they called it the bum of the month club. >> there it is. he is the bum of the month. i hate to say it. no disrespect to mr. cain, but how can we take you seriously? >> michael eric dyson, always a pleasure.
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