tv The Ed Show MSNBC November 22, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am EST
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good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show" tonight from new york. fifth. president obama with taxes in new hampshire, and i love it. she would jackson will join me to talk about the press talk. a little over an hour ago, eight presidential candidates wrapped up their 11th debate in the ç nation's capital. tonight's topic was national security. one of the most heated moments was about immigration. newt gingrich is the front runner in several new polls. tonight he was forced to act like one. there is an interesting response from the obama administration on gingrich's take on illegal immigration. we will bring that to you as well. joining to me tonight is a senior fellow for the center of
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american progress. amice nbc analyst, jim ward with us also author of this book, why will. will make >> crystal ball and joe madison. great to have all of you with us tonight. quite the show put on. boring at times but some interesting twists. let's start with you. was anyone on the stage that prepared to handle national security? >> i think jon huntsman was about the closest because he talked about you need a strategy to deal with the coming threats. he talked about the fact that all of our efforts in afghanistan, the chinese are benefiting from it. he talked about the fact that the united states needs to fix things at home and deal with this deficit, which is also important about social security.
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some down moments about a tomas and the hezbollah being in mexico. i thought overall, if you had to say one of them, a pure presidential, i would say huntsman came the closest. >> here is newt gingrich defending his position on immigration tonight. he says theç united states shod not support all illegal immigrants. >> i don't see how look -- the party that says that it is the party of the family will adopt -- i am prepared to take the heat for saying let's be humane in enforcing the law without giving them citizenship but by finding a way to create legalities so that they are not separated from their families. >> and jim moore, this is something we have not heard from newt gingrich. what does this do for his campaign? is that amnesty? >> it's something akin to what
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rick perry was talking about in terms of tuition for immigration, tuition for immigrants and children of immigrants. within his on very conservative party, and it is a form of amnesty that will cause him some problems and continued the picking on new debt that has started it as he has emerged. i think he will have a tremendous amount of explaining to do because this is essentially saying you are here, you are a good citizen that place taxes, we are not going to mess with you. let's make good citizens out of view. that makes it sound like a fairly smart progressive democrat. >> mark of the atlantic said that the obama campaign loves his answer because they think it will force romney to make a big issue, and it's not a good general election issue to run on. crystal ball, what do you make of that? >> absolutely right.
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now president obama can say even right wing newt gingrich says we need to have a humane immigration policy. you know your party has moved away too far off to the right w9 just mentioning humane immigration in the same sentence is cause for people to attack you and write your political obituary. one thing that is interesting from his opponents is that most of the nitpicking about newt gingrich and freddie mac and all of these things, they have tried to portray as coming from the mainstream media, which has made it difficult for his opponents to take him on on those charges. this is something they will certainly be hitting him for a. >> i think that newt gingrich created a soft underbelly for himself. that is something he will have to deal with. i think that plays right to the latino vote. michelle bachman send out an e-mail sang that gingrich is opening the door to amnesty.
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here it is. >> i'm not going to stt drawing lines about who gets to stay and who gets to go. the principle is that we will not have an amnesty system that says the people that come here legally get to stay for the rest of their life legally. we will have a system that has a car that identifies them as coming here legally. employers will be expected to inspect that card. the number of people that we need to power our industries, whether that's agriculture or high tech. we welcome people in with visa programs and a series of legal programs. focusing a republican debate on amnesty and who we will give it to it's a big mistake. secure our borders and protect legal immigration. >> joe madison, we are seeing a divide between the position of newt gingrich and mr. romney. >> i think that newt gingrich is going to take a hit the market.
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especially with iowa coming up. i do want toç say one thing abt this debate that bothered me. that is not one of them will be able to stand toe-to-toe with president obama. this is the man who caught bin laden. we have not had incidences on our shores. those that have been attempted, we have caught them. this is the man who made the right decision when it came to libya and throughout this whole debate not one republican gave the president credit for all of the successes that he has had as it relates to national security, but newt gingrich, i guarantee you, is taking a hit tomorrow morning when the polls come out. >> newt gingrich played its mark as far as immigration is concerned. >> not for the right. >> he's going to have to get the latino vote. there will have to be some kind of a play from the republicans
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for the latino vote. when he talked about family and said that people that have been here, you cannot up rig them when they have roots in the community and are contributing to society. jim moore, i find this to be very interesting because net romney did say that opening. we are talking about amnesty. he says i am not going down that road. would there be a political upside for not being pressed on this? >> and there is in the general election because it will help him with hispanic voters. here in texas people have been beating each other up in the republican party and on the right about immigration for years and years. to treat people humanely. i think it is presumptuousç on the part of new to toss this out this early because it presumes that he is going to do well and is likely a nominee.
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>> he was kind of acting like he had this thing wrapped up tonight. he was very confident. for him to go down that road on this position is not only knew what a play to, i think, independence and the latino vote in a big way. mitt romney, he also got some static from ron paul about defense spending. here is is. >> congressman paul, what they are doing is cutting a trillion dollars out of the defense budget, one trillion out of the defense doesn't which is a trillion that we are putting into obama care. he is not the spending us into bankruptcy but spending it foolishly. we need to protect america and our troops and military and stop the all idea of obama care. that is the best way to save money, not the military. >> ron paul wants to respond to that. >> they are not cutting anything out of anything. all this talk is just talk. believe me.
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they are nibbling away at baseline budgeting that is automatic increases, nothing cut against the military. >> mitt romney taking a very condescending look toward congressman ron paul. lawrence, republicans don't like to cut the pentagon budget. it sounded like tonight that nit romney was rather hawkish on the budget and wasn't ready to do that. >> ron paul was more or less correct because what they are doing is slowing the growth. what he did not acknowledge was that we doubled the defense budget in this century. it has gone up for 13 straight years in real terms. we are slowing the growth. it's still going to grow. if i said you are making 50,000 in ten years i will give you 100,000, i will say i can only give you 80,000. that is not a 20% cut, it's
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still going up. romney's examples were also way off the mark. he talked about the f-22. we build 187 of them. to say you cut them is absolutely incorrect. he also talked about the fact that the services want to cut down, the ground forces, by 50,000. you are out of iraq and almost out of afghanistan. you add 100,000 people to those wars. it only makes sense to cut them back. he also ignored the fact that we have been funding the war is separately. money we will save is not going to go to obama care because -- i mean, that was nonsense. >> joe madison, your thoughts on that answer tonight. >> my thoughts on that answer is that we know the military and we have all said that the best systems that they don't even need, that congress is insisting
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because everybody gets a piece of this pie. he is absolutely right. even under a republican president, when colin powell, we just turned two generals talk about that. they cut the military budget specific -- significantly. it is a false argument they brought up today. >> if they do, they will go back to where they were. they will go back to 2007. >> they will have toç deal wit rising health care costs for veterans and for personnel in the pentagon and in the military. this is one of the things that the last secretary of defense, mr. gates, was talking about before he left. this is rick perry and what he thinks about the obama administration's intelligence gathering. this is the administration that killed osama bin laden. >> here's the other issue that i think we'd failed at, that is in our ability to collect
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intelligence around the world the. this administration in particular has been an absolute failure when it comes to extending the dollar and supporting the cia and military intelligence around the world to be able to draw in that intelligence that is going to truly be able to allow us to keep the next terrorist attack from happening on american soil. >> cal in the world does he come to that conclusion? >> is nonsense, the intelligence budget has gone up significantly. we have killed all but -- all the top leaders of al qaeda already. >> the record is very strong. crystal ball, how does he know that we have not collected good intelligence? there are scores that the other administration was not able to
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accomplish. >> there is absolutely no proof and his completely baseless assertion. there were lots of attacks on obama, but they were all vague, he's not a leader or believe in america exceptional lissome, all of these conservative means which are completely false. veryç hard for him to be attacd on foreign-policy because he has been so affected. >> he has run out of ways to shoot himself in the foot. he has nothing to base this on. it's just another way of complaining about the obama administration without any factual support whatsoever. that is obviously very clear. >> let me play this. i thought perry stumbled on his answer about a no-fly zone with syria. >> one of the options is to have a no-fly zone over syria at the same time you are putting those types of sanctions against iran. at that moment, they will understand that america is
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serious. this president refuses to do that, and it's another show of lack of leadership from the president of the united states. >> he is comedy at this point. >> i will make it very short. no one has effectively used drones like president obama. not even boots on the ground, drones, cia, drones, the president has done a masterful job like everybody has said. at minimum cost to life and limb to our service men. >> here is herman cain. he is stuck on the idea that iran has too many mountains for us to do anything. >> if israel attacked iran, to prevent iran from getting nuclear weapons, would you help israel launched the attack or support it otherwise? >> i would first make sure that they had a credible plan for success, clarity of mission, clarity of success. when you talk about attacking
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iran, it is a very mountainous region. if they had aç credible plan tt it appeared as if they could succeed, i would support israel, yes. >> mr. corbett, score that answer for us. >> iran is not that mountainous. all the nuclear sites are underground and disbursed because when they learned back in 1981. the mountains are not the problem. >> thank you all for being with us tonight for analysis. republican debate number 11. the end show, don't be grinch. that is the message president obama is sending to republicans who want to raise taxes on the middle class. sheila jackson-lee will join me. mitt romney, his campaign is now defending its deceptive tactics.
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steve bennett will be here to weigh in. you are watching the and show. ♪ and just let me be [ male announcer ] this is your moment. ♪ your ticket home ♪ [ male announcer ] this is zales, the diamond store. fantastic! [ man ] pro-gresso they fit! okay-y... okay??? i've been eating progresso and now my favorite old okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. this is not how witness protection works! when we set you up with that little hardware store we didn't intend for your face to be everywhere. but fedex office makes it so easy. not only do they ship stuff, they print flyers, brochures -- everything i need to get my name out there. that's the problem. now we need to give you a third identity. you're paul matheson. and you're gonna run your business into the ground. erik gustafson would never do that! there is no erik gustafson. hey that's erik gustafson!!! there is no erik gustafson!!!!! [ male announcer ] small business solutions. fedex. solutions that matter.
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the president is making republicans choose between supporting his jobs plan or raising taxes. she led jackson-lee will join me on that. newt gingrich leads the gop in the goals, but it romney is trying to release a bogus attack ad on president obama. scott walker tries to spin his union busting bill as a worker's right to choose. after hearing make dan kelly the scribe pepper spray as a food product, it's no surprise that fox news viewers are less informed than others. there is a survey to prove it. stay with us. you name it.
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if your members of congress are delivering, you have to send a message. tell them, don't be a branch. and don't vote to raise taxes during holidays. >> president obama in new hampshire urging republican members to support an extension of the payroll tax cut. if they allowed itç to expire next month, middle class hours will see their taxes go up. since republicans hate taxes, they should have no problem supporting this have no problem supporting the taxes, correct? the problem is, the tax cut is part of the president's tax plan, which, of course, republicans oppose. they oppose everything. president obama used the own receipt ter rick against them and needle them on their tax
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pledge to the al mighty, reverend norquist. >> i know republicans like to talk about we're the party of tax cuts. a lot of them have sworn an oath, we're never going to raise taxes on anybody. are they really willing to break their oath on just to raise taxes for politics? i sure hope not. >> i'm joined by sheila jackson lee. congresswoman, thanks to have you with us again. >> thank you. >> you bet. are republicans willing to break their tax pledge just to score political score points? what do you think? >> you know, we're not near water, ed, but i think a whole group of them are trying to walk the plank. i can't understand it. it's baffling, as the president said, to the president, to members of congress, democratic members of congress, and i would venture to say republican members of congress too
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frightened to say anything, you have heard me say this, i am a citizen of the united states of america, not the united states of norquist. i cannot fathom the signing of a pledge that would, in essence, jeopardize the quality of life for working americans, middle-class americans. the payroll tax, which will expire in ac)u(le of weeks, will, in essence, take a thousand to $1500 out of the pockets of working middle class americans. the president is right, we had an opportunity to pass the jobs bill, to be prepared for the returning veterans to help with infrastructure and, yes, to eliminate taxes on the middle class. by the way, the president has not raised any taxes. >> no, he hasn't. >> on working americans, since coming into office. do the republicans know that? >> well, it's their mantra. this is what they are staking their future on, that they will
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never raise taxes on the 1%. here's what mitt romney had to say about the tax roll last month. >> if the payroll tax cut is not extended, that would mean a tax increase for all americans. what would be the consequences of that? >> what it takes to create jobs is more than just a temporary shift in a tax stimulus. >> so you would be okay seeing a tax cut? >> i don't like temporary little band-aids. >> the average american family would save $1500 with the band-aid. is it vital for americans to be in this situation? >> you know, for those of us who put on our pants every day and count our pennies, i'm unsulted by that comment. get up and get on buses and trains and try to go to work and provide for our families, i'm unsulted by that charge.
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$1,500 going into the pockets of americans, just go in the public, i've been out today visiting with constituents. every penny is one that is valuable. i'veç had people say that somef the charity that they've gotten over the recent holiday has helped them make ends meet. some are still struggling to refinance their home. >> well -- >> don't give me that, mr. romney. it is not a band-aid. and we need to build on the cure, not the band-aid. the payroll is the part of the cure. we need to build on it to provide an absolute cure for america. that is passing the jobs act, building more jobs, putting dollars out into the economy, such as what i've asked over and over from my banks, when i say that, american banks for the flush of money in large corporations. they can do things to help build jobs. >> well, let's talk about the super committee. clearly, the republicans are protecting the threeiest
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americans. they won't serve up any revenue whatsoever. so what happens next? >> i don't want to live in a country when only the sliver of a population has an opportunity a and, frankly, the issue fell on that issue, whether you want a sliver living in america to be successful versus the majority. what we can do now, ed is, go to regular order. we have passed a continuing resolution until december 16th. that means to keep the government open. that means we defended the balance budget and that was one of the elements holding us hostage as it relates to the debt ceiling increase. we've got to go to the drawing board. you know the best way of doing this, let the ways and means committee come together for tax reform and present that to congress. let that be the the appropriations committee andç what are the sensible cuts, ed,
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that would impact -- not to impact the quality of life. i want to hold up a graph. this is a graph of republicans and democrats who are saying no cuts to medicare and social security. >> yeah. >> it means that the democrat rats are not, if you will, speaking in the dark. we can go through the process of appropriations. we can avoid -- and i'd like to talk to the president by allowing that to go forward. i don't think that's the most constructive way to go forward. >> but congresswoman, the bottom line in all of this, and whether the democrats are going to serve up the big three, any kind of cuts whatsoever or any kind of adjustments and reductions, you can't get -- the democrats can't get a dime worth of revenue out of the republicans. and that's where we are right now and it is their party and the action of their party to put us where we are now when it comes to fiscal responsibility.
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thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> i just want americans to grab just a very simple concept here. you may ask, well, how in the hell did we get here? i tell you how we got here. with two wars, big pharma, and the bush tax cuts. nobody had any idea how we would pay nor this when it started in 2003. nobody thought that the tax cuts would have the kind of doom and gloom that it's given our economy. and big farm na, the corporation are controlling the congress and now you've got the republicans saying, you're not going to get any money out of us. by the way, we want to privatize it all. they act as if they are the only ones with the answers. when they had the power, these are the answers theyç gave us. this is why we're in this financial stalemate right now. scott walker is in big trouble. the recall effort against him is beefing up. he's battling up by going on fox
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and lying through his teeth. that puts him in the zone. and, later, new evidence that fox news viewers -- i'm not making this stuff up now. fox news viewers are dumber than everybody else. stay with us. ♪ round, round, get around, i get around ♪ [ female announcer ] new and improved swiffer dusters with dust lock adhesive can clean virtually every surface in your home. ♪ its thousands of fluffy fibers pick up dust here, there, pretty much everywhere.
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he went on fox news today. >> he is helping to fix the state's budget and because of all that, the opponent, scott walker, hence the unions, are trying to force a recall election. how disappointing is it that you have to worry about a recall and not just worry about the state's business? >> governor, always nice to talk to you. it's not an easy thing that you did but no one can question your leadership. >> with those softball questions, walker felt more than comfortable lying through his teeth about why he's being recalled. >> you've got a core group pushing a core group. they are funding it because they don't linike the fact that i ga publicwapotó7jxrñr employees th chose whether they were going to be part of a union. >> that talking head, that governor from wisconsin is flat out factually wrong. it's not because he gave the employees the right to chose where to join a union or not, he's being recalled because he's
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more worried about his relationship with the coke brothers than the state. he destroyed collective bargaining rights for employees, ignoring the massive public outcry against the bill. walker continued his attack on the middleç class by cutting $6 billion from public education in the state. do you hear that? he promised that these actions would create jobs but last month wisconsin lost more jobs than any other state in the union. we got that? they lost more jobs than any other state in the union. of course, i'm sure kilme asked walker about that during the interview. grich enwanted him to. >> he felt as though lives are getting better and economy is looking sl event. >> and one thing i hope you ask him, how many jobs have been created in that state. >> yeah, how many jobs have been
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created he did not bring up the 9,000 jobs lost in october. who is fox news shielding for? the only shot at surviving a recall is coming up with this sleazy, desperate, psycho talk. mitt romney is so boring that his campaign releases a deceptive and misleading ad i think it was just to get attention. will it backfire? republican voters think newt gingrich lacks strong moral character. now why in the hell would they think that? but he's at the top of six national polls. we're right back. so 12 seconds ago. we should get him a present. thanks for the gift basket. you're welcome. you're welcome. did you see hr just sent out new... rules? cause you're currently in violation of 6 of them. oh yeah, baby? ...and 7. did you guys hear that fred is leaving? so 30 seconds ago. [ noisemakers blow ] [ both ] we'll miss you! oh, facecake!
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see? he's taking his vitamins. new one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups. welcome back to "the ed show." thanks for watching tonight. let's face it, mitt romney is boring. his campaign is like watching paint dry.
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he's behind in the polls, losing to a series of fringe candidates. he needs to develop some, i guess you could say, reckless street cred to earn the respect of the far right wing. they don't like him. lo and behold, here his first campaign ad. >> i am confident that we can steer ourselves out of this crisis. >> who's in charge of the of economy? >> we need to provide relief for homeowners. it's going to take a new direction. if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose. >> well, here's the problem with the last sound bite you just heard right there. it was deliberately taken out of contextç by the romney campaig. barack obama was in fact quoting a strategist from senator john mccain's campaign. >> senator mccain's campaign actually said -- and i quote, if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose. >> well, that ad earned a
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scrambling to defend it, a senior adviser says it's fair. he did say the words. that's his voice. applying that same standard, think progress, put together the mittster's greatest hits. a reminder, mitt romney did say the following words and that is his voice. >> we should just raise everybody's taxes. >> there's nothing unique about the united states. >> the governor knows people. >> this is heartless and immoral. >> let's just raise your taxes a little bit more. a little bit mother. >> let's turn to steve brennan, the writer for the washington monthly. good to have you with us tonight. this is really low rent, is it not? that's my term. what would you call it? >> well, i think that it's
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important for romney -- it was important for romney to try to get his campaign off on a good start. this was his first campaign ad for the entire year. if he was hoping to go for an honest campaign or even an honorable campaign, then this is a huge mistake. obviously it was a blatant lie. he got caught in this blatant lie. he had this defense which was just blisteringly stupid. we have a scandal on our hands. >> isç it a chance that this candidate didn't know that the ad would be produced like this and, if not, what does it say about mitt romney's character? >> well, you know, there's that line in the ad, i'm mitt romney, i approve this message. the importance of that line tells us that romney has certain ownership over this. he can't just wash his hands of it or distance himself. he owns the campaign. it's his message. it's his ad. and so the fact that he got blat
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ant blatantly lying affects his integrity and character. >> this may be a an admiral rabl thing by those who cannot stand president obama and wanted to defeat him at all costs politically. would he get some kind of straight support for running an ad like this? >> well, i find it hard to believe that anybody -- any kind of decent voter would say to support the candidate who is lying. i can't imagine that would happen. at least not much. at least let's not hope so. >> we're talking about mitt romney. not many people are talking about mitt romney. not many people have talked about mitt romney. this is what his campaign wants, isn't it? you and i talking about him, just talk about him. you know? what do you think? >> well, i mentioned there might be something to that in terms of the strategy. everyone is saying the ad that they just released. no the only in terms of ad time
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but news agencies are broadcasting it. it's important to realize that the public is being told throughout the day that mitt romney is caught blatantly lying. that's not necessarily something that the campaign wants to be associated with, especially realizing that looking back over the last several weeks that romney has been caught in a series of lies. up reputation for dishonesty, it's hard to shake that once your integrity is undermined. >> speaking of integrity, all of them have denounced the stimulus package and many say the economy would be in worst shape without the stimulus package. it has added as many as three million jobs in the third quarter of this year. will that make a difference to republicans? will they pay attention to that kind of number at all? >> we would like to think so. we would like to think that it has a bearing on the republican
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debate. i think that republicans are so invested in the no eggs thtion that's obviously not the case. given the fact that they are so invested in this, i find it hard to imagine that evidence and reason and facts will have any bearing whatsoever, unfortunately. >> steve benet, this is your graph that we use quite often on evidence "the ed show." it shows president obama, what he has inherited, what he has turned around and the number of consecutive job growth and now the congressional budget office comes out and says that the economy would be in worst places without the stimulus and they've added three million jobs. it pretty much says it all. steve benet, appreciate your time tonight. thank you. bill o'reilly thinks fox hosts are always factually accurate. he's wrong. fox viewers are more miss informed by those that don't watch tv at all. i'm not kidding. at.
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coming up, fox news viewers know less about current events than those that don't watch the news. and despite multiple marriages and being a favor of child labor, newt gingrich continues to lead in the polls. joe mattison and bill press up next in "krvegs" stay with us. ones i've made. ones we've all made. about marriage. children. money. about tomorrow. here's to good decisions.
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watching fox news makes you dumber. no kidding. survey shows people who have no exposure to news media are better informed than people who actually watch fox news. a new study from the university says the folks in chris christie's state of new jersey found some media outlets, especially fox news, lead people to be even less informed than those who say they don't watch any news at all. for example, the study found fox viewers were 18 points less likely to know that egyptians overthrew their government than those who watch no news at all after controlling for other news sources, partisanship, education, and other demographic fek fors. this is just a latest in a series of studies showing that fox viewers are significantly less informed than others on just about every topic, including global warming, health care, the islamic cultural center near ground zero.
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what's next? they clean the schools so they will get back into the shoe factories and assembly lines. you don't even have to pay them a minimum wage. he wanted to bring back orphanages. this is someone who said this year, that we should have a citizenship test before people are allowed to vote. that is a dog whistle. these are the things that you look at newt gingrich and then all of the flip-flips on issues where he used to be for global warming, now he's against it. that is where newt gingrich --? john, does he beat mitt romney? >> no, he is the latest flavor of the month, and i look for ron paul probably afterhiowa to be up there. santorum is probably slapping himself right now wondering when it's his turn. >> we have to run. bill press, joe madison, great to have you
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