tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC December 8, 2011 10:00am-11:00am EST
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>> i think romney is a very admirable person. i'm not going to pick a fight over mitt romney. we like mitt and ann. they're terrific people, they have a wonderful people. >> let's they can in with domenico montanaro. good morning. >> good morning. we show early polls where he's not that far from mitt romney either in a matchup with president obama. when it comes to the personal ratings, newt gingrich is net negative in his favorable ratings and mitt romney is a net positive. what that means when you ask somebody do you like this person or not, do you have a positive or a negative impression? newt gingrich is a net negative, and so you know, this is why you see democrats taking aim at mitt romney, because they're trying to take down his image, less people have an opinion, more
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people are undecided about mitt romney, so that's why democrats take aim at him, they know the opinion on newt gingrich is already kind of cemented and that's maybe an indication of who they want to run against, chris. >> it's worth pointing out no one was won the white house since 1960 without carrying two of those three states and the news is not great for barack obama in the head-to-head mashups. >> that's true. pennsylvania the white house will probably take a little bit of solace in noting that pennsylvania looks like he's got some leads over both candidates, where he can do pretty well. ohio and florida certainly very important states. this could be a new battleground map, though, when we talk about hispanics, it's really the most important voting bloc in the country. they've really grown over the last ten years and if president obama is able to pull off colorado and nevada and new mexico in the west, he can insulate himself a little bit where he might not have to win an ohio or a florida, you know,
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where in past elections that was going to be really necessary for a democratic candidate to do so. >> domenico motanaro, thanks so much. let me bring in "washington post" dana milright. is the romney camp freaking out? >> i think that's the formal word. they're finally what they haven't done in a long time, engage themselves. romney was figuring he could sit back out of the fray and let everybody carve themselves and hope no one candidate emerged here. it's not the candidate that he or anybody else expected, so the good news is it's not a very hard one to knock down. they were just at really a very tough conference call this morning with two of romney's allies, just taking apart newt gingrich saying, questioning his character in very personal ways. i think you're going to see a lot more of this right now and that's exactly what happen to be
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done. >> jim talent and john sununu on that conference show, it really shows you how much the romney campaign has had to switch gears. >> they can no longer step back and hope somebody else will do their work for them, that the candidates are going to carved up by themselves. they were saying it in mitt romney's name, that's nasty politics. it gets ugly, going to get uglier but that's exactly what works and that's the politics newt gingrich introduced us to back in '94 so it shouldn't be surprising this is how it's going to end. >> peter: hold on, dana, i want to ask the question why hasn't romney caught fire. he does believe he can market the family values identity. check out his new ad that's running in both iowa and new hampshire. >> i've been married to the same woman for 25, excuse me, i'll get in trouble, for 42 years. i've been in the same church my
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entire life. if i'm president of the united states, i will be true to my family, to my faith and to our country and i in never apologize for the united states of america. >> joining dana and me now is danny perkins, president of the family research council. >> good morning, chris. >> you heard this ad, "i'm going to be true to my family and my faith." is that a clear shot at newt gingrich? >> i think without question. i think that's turning now to focus on who they see is the rival and that is newt gingrich who does not have the same record when it comes to his marriages and family and that's a very subtle message especially to iowa where social conservative voters were very important in those caucuses coming up in january. >> dana, do you think people care he had an extramarital affair, that calisa is his third wife? >> i think they care but they have more antipathy towards mitt romney why is why we see romney can't get beyond the 20% to 25%.
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normally you think that's a quintessence of a positive ad, it's because people know about newt gingrich and his multiple wives that can be seen as an attack on him. it's a safe line for romney to take since it's an entirely positive ad. >> says faith, he says church, it does evoke christianity but of course he doesn't talk about being mormon very often. is that still an issue for mitt romney? >> well, i think dana's point is right in that what newt is doing is trying to be the callive to mitt romney and mitt's problem is not with his faith. the fact he's a mormon may be a factor for some. the greater problem he has is with his record as governor and the positions that he took that are contrary to where social conservatives are on many issues. he has embraced a conservative
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platform now or did strongly in the last go-round but they're not comfortable with him and that's showing in the polls because he cannot get above that 25%. >> let me play another ad, this one is from rick perry. let's take a look. >> i'm not ashamed to admit that i'm a christian but you don't need to be in the pew every sunday to know there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military, but our kids can't openly celebrate christmas or pray in school. as president, i'll end obama's war on religion. >> so what's he doing here, dana? >> it's december, so it's time to truck out the war on christmas thing, which goes to rest for the other 11 months of the year. rick perry is in big trouble. organize ublly arguably he's completely finished and this is a last ditch effort to wake people up in iowa and get them going. whatever he's doing to win over a few voters in the republican
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caucus in iowa he's definitely going to alienate the middle of america should he get beyond iowa. >> i thank both of you for being with us, dana milbank and tony perkins, we breesh it. you'll see eric holder live in washington, d.c., gone before the house judiciary hearing in the department of justice about u.s. agents laundering mexican, sorry, he's been under attack for their fast and furious operations for smuggled guns into regions where they would likely end up in the hands of drug cartels. let's listen to the testimony. >> -- the exceptionally difficult challenge is that law enforcement agencies can confront working to disrupt illegal firearms. it appears to be a deeply flawed effort to respond to the challenges as we work to avoid future losses and further mistake it is is unfortunate some have used inflammatory and inappropriate rhetoric about one
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particular tragedy that occurred near the southwest border in an effort to score political points. nearly one yearning working to protect his fellow citizens, u.s. customs and border protection agent brian terry was vie rently murdered in arizona. we all should feel outrage about his death and as i have communicated directly to agent terry's family we're dedicated to pursuing justice on his behalf. the department is also working to answer questions that the terry family has raised including whether and how firearms connected to fast and furious end up with mexican drug cart cartels. in her independent review i expect the department's acting inspector-general to answer the questions. justice department employees have been working tirelessly to identify, to locate and to provide relevant information to this committee and to the two other committees that are investigating fast and furious, all while preserving the integrity of our ongoing criminal investigations and
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prosecutions. the department has been fully cooperative and responsive in its dealings with congress. i have answered questions in the house and senate on four occasions concerning this matter. to date we are providing almost 5,000 pages of documents for congressional investigators to do. we have scheduled witness interviews and testified at public hearings and just last week we provided an unprecedented access to internal deliberative documents to explain how inaccurate information was initially conveyed to congress. now these documents demonstrate justice department personnel relied on information provided by supervisors from the components in the best position to know the relevant facts. we now know that some information provided by those supervisors was inaccurate. now i understand that in subsequent interviews with congressional investigators, these supervisors have stated that they did not know at the time that information provided in a letter to congressional
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leaders earlier this year was inaccurate. the documents produced to date also belie the remarkable knowings that the operation was conceived by department leader as some have claimed. it is my understanding the department leaders were not informed about the tactics of the operation until the tactics were made public and as is customary turned to those with supervisory responsibility over the operation in an effort to learn facts. but what is clear is that disrupting the dangerous flow of firearms along the southwest border and putting an end to the violence that has claimed far too many lives is and will continue to be a top priority for this department of justice. this year alone we have led successful investigation into the murders of united states citizens in mexico, created new cartel targeting progressi inprd
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we built crime fighting capacity on both sides of the border by developing new procedures for using evidence gathered in mexico to prosecute gun traffickers in u.s. courts, by training thousands of mexican prosecutors and investigators by successfully fighting to enhancing sentencing guidelines for convicting traffickers to our purchases and by pursuing coordinated multidistrict investigations of gun trafficking rings. despite this progress, we have more to do and each of us has a duty to act and to rise above partisan divisions and politicall motivated gotcha games. the american people deserve better. it is time for a new dialogue about these important issues, one is that is respectful, responsible and factual. this will require us to apply the lessons that we've learned from law enforcement officers like the ones who sit behind me today who protect public safety and our national security every day. in that regard not only did atf acts bring the inappropriate and
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misguided tactics of operation fast and furious to light, they also sounded the alarm for a more effective laws to combat gun trafficking and improve public safety. the a, f agents who testified before the house committee on oversight and government reform this summer explained that the agency's ability to stem the flow of guns from the united states into mexico suffers from a lack of law enforcement tools. one first step congress to provide atf with the tools and authorities that it needs. unfortunately, earlier this year the majority of house members voted to keep law enforcement in the dark when individuals purchased multiple semiautomatic rifles, shotguns and long guns like ak-47s in gun shops in southwest border states. going forward, the hope that we can work together to provide law enforcement agents with the tools that they dels prattly need to protect the country and to ensure their own safety and for their sake we cannot afford
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to allow the tragic mistakes of operation fast and furious to become a political side show or a series of media opportunities, instead we must move forward and recommit ourselves to our shared public safety obl gass. i am willing to work with you in this effort. i look forward to your questions. >> thank you, mr. attorney general. other members are going to ask you about fast and furious so i'm going to pick a different subject and ask you about the extent of justice kagan's involvement with the health care legislation. my first question is this, to your knowledge, did then solicitor general -- >> we're goinging to further listen to the hearing, darr darryl iss aa and eric holder. when we come back, more charges against former football coach jerry sandusky. ♪
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[ female announcer ] we never forget the nearly 12 million cancer survivors in america today... and the countless lives lost. we owe it to them to protect funding for cancer research, prevention and access to care. congress, make cancer a priority and give millions of americans what they need most. what is this shorty? uh, tissues sir, i'm sick. you don't cough, you don't show defeat. give me your war face! raaah! [ male announcer ] halls. a pep talk in every drop. they won't be beat. oh, actually... then i'd be like, you rule! and my kids would be like, you rule! oh, load up the sleigh; this is going to be a great christmas. [ male announcer ] more christmas for your money, guaranteed.
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this is probably not the response chris kristi was expecting in iowa. he had to pause for several minutes as "mitt romney and chris christie serve the corporate 1%." in i had style uniquely his watch as he takes on a group of those occupy protesters. >> hey, listen, you know what? we're used to dealing with jokers like this in new jersey all the time. don't you worry about. their anger is rooted in the fact that they believed in this hope and change garbage. >> well the nominee hasn't been decided yet on the republican side but there's already talk about the vp stakes, for
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instance would rick perry be interested? >> why would you leave being governor of the state of texas to be vice president? >> you'd be next in line to be the president of the united states. >> being vice president is not worth a bucket of warm spit. >> i wonder how dick cheney would feel about that. how about mitt romney as newt gingrich's vp? >> i think the circumstances where he'd certainly be on a list, whether he'd want to or not but he's a very competent person. this is a serious man. i could see -- i would certainly support him if he became the republican nominee. >> and all week we've been telling but tough new voter i.d. laws, supposedly to stop voter fraud but yesterday a florida lawmaker admitted to al sharpton there's been no fraud. >> absolutely. >> peter: how are you giving an improved way of voting when there was nothing wrong? you're securing what? >> because we have -- >> there was no fault. >> we have accountability.
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we're not going to wait for fraud. governments all the time accused of waiting until there's a big problem. we don't need that. we need a clear, precise election process that's well protected that we can verify that the information's correct. >> catch more on the special series "block the vote" today on "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton at 6:00 eastern. accused penn state pedophile jerry sandusky is charged with preying on two more young boys. state police arrested the former football coach at his home yesterday charging him with that abuse bringing the total to ten alleged victims. shockingly, one of the new accusers told the grand jury he screamed for help from sandusky's basement, knowing sandusky's wife was upstairs, about you no one, he says, came to help. the judge has set cash bail at a quarter million dollars. i'm joined by "sports illustrated" senior writer john wortheim, thanks so much. the victim is saying he screamed for help from the basement, what
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do the new accusations do to this case? >> this is another round of stomach-twisting, just horrifying, disturbing allegations. on the other hand, they're very much in keeping with the first grand jury report. this consistent fact pattern of taking these relationships and grooming them and crossing boundaries and incrementally sort of increasing these relationships, using the cache of penn state, the football program, the campus and it's horrifying. it's painful to read these, but in a weird way, this is consistent with the fact pattern so far. it's horrible. >> one of the two accusers says the abuse started in 2005, that would be a couple of years after penn state officials were allegedly told about that terrible incident in a shower at the campus locker room. so could this also have implications for the school for jo paterno? >> yeah, i mean both of the reports, and you know, i don't think by any stretch and if you listen, we're not done with the victims list allegedly, but the two accusers yesterday, these
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were subsequent to the 2002 shower episode and as much as there's liability stemming from this mishandling in 2002, both of these allegations yesterday were subsequent, sure. it's just two more cases that allegedly could have been stopped had there been proper handling. >> jerry sandusky had said he's repeatedly innocent. i want to play his attorney reacting to the new charges outside the courthouse yesterday. >> how would you take it if you are facing the kind of charges he's facing and your life's work is out. you'd be devastated, his children and wife are all devasta devastated. >> attorney fritz is representing three alleged victims including victim four. good morning to you. >> good morning, chris. >> we've heard a lot in recent days from jerry sandusky, denying the sexual abuse, you just heard his lawyer now. let me first get your reaction and maybe what your clients are saying about the denials. >> well the denials only serve
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to revictimize, but in the same breath, they also empower victims and as you said, we're representing victim number four, who will be testifying tuesday, and so certainly with mixed emotions that he testifies, because it is, it's very uneasy for him to tell such intimate details of what happened in front of 250 strangers in a courtroom, but at the same time, he is empowered to speak up by the denials. >> i can't imagine a more difficult thing. is your client ready? >> well, you know, you never know you're ready until you're ready, but we intend to provide full support and we've heard from people from all across the country in support of these victims. one of the things is that his counselor, psychologist will be there, providing help to him as well. >> and tell us a little bit about exactly the purpose of
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this preliminary hearing. >> well, a problemary hearing is simply a determination in a criminal case to find out if there's enough evidence for the matter to proceed to trial. it can, it is often waived in this case. sandusky has a right not to waive it. he didn't waive it, and so the hearing will go forward. i would anticipate, given the number of anticipated witnesses, it may go on more than one day. >> you know, we have talked a lot, john, about the close nature of big time college athletics and how everybody has everybody else's backs. is there any indication, and this is pretty early but i'm not just talking about penn state and not just talking about syracuse, that there's any kind of soul searching or self-evaluation of what happens sometimes, whether it's this or any other protection of things that shouldn't be going on in college athletics? >> i think in the wake of this, i mean this is so horrifying. i think there has been this sort
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of gradual we need to step back and get perspective here. i think initially from talking to people the sense was what happened at penn state was so beyond comprehension, other programs didn't even, they couldn't even relate but as we see these sort of layers of insularity, the factors that make something like this possible there is a sense we need to reevaluate big time college athletics in a sense. >> mr. fritz, we're looking at criminal charges but expect civil cases to go forward as well. >> yes, there's been one that's filed already and i anticipate at the appropriate time there will be a number of lawsuits probably all consolidated in one case, and you know, the bigger picture there is, taking steps to hold anybody accountable in addition to sandusky, and so this is prevented and never happens again. >> jeffrey fritz, thank you so much. john wortheim from "sports illustrated" thank you both.
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develop this morning, fired syracuse basketball coach bernie fine may not face criminal child sex abuse charges but will be looking at a civil suit. at 11:00 a.m. eastern attorneys plan to file that lawsuit. yesterday prosecutors said it was too late to file criminal charges because the statute of limitations has expired. rachael weekes, ceo of school house was manufacturing her products in sri lanka, wanted to bring the jobs stateside so we partnered with mitt's nitts. she is committed to making products made in the usa. for more watch "your business" sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc.
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just moments aago we heard house speaker john boehner and the republicans discuss their tax cut, tying it to the controversial keystone oil pipeline. >> the president says that the american people can't wait on jobs. guess what? we agree wholeheartedly with the president. the keystone pipeline project will create tens of thousands of jobs immediately, it has
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bipartisan support in the house and senate. it's pretty clear that the president's decided to push this decision off for a year conveniently until after his next election. >> the president has said that they need to vote on the extension of the tax cuts, so more to come on that. john boehner, mitch mcconnell, newt gingrich, donald trump or none of the above? who is in charge of the republican agenda? but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! ♪ i think i'm falling ♪ i think i'm falling [ male announcer ] this is your moment. ♪ for you [ male announcer ] this is zales, the diamond store. shop our largest diamond store online anytime at
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and it holds all day. ♪ take the fixodent 12 hour hold challenge. guaranteed, or your money back. ♪ as much as a foot of snow yesterday in preston county, west virginia, four to five inches, central p.a. through albany county, new york. creeks still running high this morning, they'll be coming down by the middle of the day today. welcome back to "jansing & co." i'm weather channel meteorologist carl parker. it's going to be a beautiful weekend for most of the country. let's show you what's advantage on the vapor. the storm moving into the
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canadian maritimes. winds gusted to 79 miles an hour in rhode island this morning, 4:00. still gusting into the 40s in maine and new hampshire. the wind field will be moving out as well. a lot of sunshine across the northeast, a beautiful day, if a bit chilly. a little bit of snow across the northern plains, quiet in the southern plains and the west as well and it looks like that quiet pattern will continue right into the weekend so chris it will be a nice weekend to get out and do last minute holiday shopping. >> thank you, carl. here's a look at other stories people are talking about right now, a helicopter taking people on a tour of a las vegas strip crashed into a mounta mountainside and killed all five people on board. the company has had previous reports of accidents, including a fatal with unin 2003. a new development in the case of michelle parker, her family confirmed police found
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the cell phone they've identified hz heras hers. the last signal was november 17th, the day michelle parker went missing. the future of florida a&m university's president could be in jeopardy, as officials investigate mr. james aymans did enough to enforce anti-hazing policies. the board of trustees is meeting again today to discuss 26-year-old robert champion's death november 19th. he was found dead on the band bus after a football game. alec baldwin tweeted nonstop about getting kicked off that american airlines flight so why is his twitter account silent? we'll explain when we go "down to the wire" in 20. jon cor desizino doesn't kn what happened to the missing money. he's said to testify about mf global, his financial firm that lost hundreds of millions of dollars in customers' money. what are we expecting today,
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eamon? >> reporter: they're in the preliminary stage of the hearing you he is going to give this 21-page statement astonishing a lot of observers thinking that corzine would take the fifth because there's about $1.2 billion missing in customer funds, that's not supposed to happen at one of the firms. it did happen in this case. corzine is going to apologize but say he was as stunned as anybody to find out there was money missing here at mf global and he's going to say he does not know where that money is, and interestingly enough, he ends his testimony in the prepared portion of it by saying he is ready to take the committee's questions so we can expect some really tough questions of mr. corzine today, this say republican capitol hill committee and corzine former democratic senator and governor of new jersey. >> thank you so much. >> you bet.
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house republicans plan to release their plan to extend the payroll tax cut for millions of americans but they'd like to include language that would save the controversial keystone oil pipeline. the president says he'll veto that. >> the payroll tax cut is something that house republicans as well as senate republicans should want to do regardless of any other issues. i don't expect to have to veto it because i expect they're going to have enough sense over an capitol hill to do the people's business and not try to load it up with a bunch of politics. >> i'm joined by neil ferguson, best selling author, haar record professor and columnist, his latest book is "civilization: the west and the rest." good morning. >> nice to be with you. >> good to have you here. the american people pretty much fed up with gridlock in washington. now we're seeing this fight over what to do about the extension of the tax cut. how do you see this playing out? >> it is extraordinary to hear the president talking about
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sense on capitol hill and not putting too much politics into a measure to do with the textation. dream on, mr. president. americans are increasingly frustrated between the gridlock between the two parties and it's a ding russ game being played right now because if you look back to the failure of the supercommittee, we're now on course for what will be pretty drastic across-the-board budget cuts in what, is it months or so, the effect of which could be extremely destabilizing to national security, apart from everything else because the defense budget will be very hard hit. what we really need to see is a serious debate about how to bring the u.s. deficit and debt under control. >> but there is a huge pr battle and it really is about right now it seems to me are americans going to have $1,000 taken out of their paychecks come january 1st, and do you think republicans are losing that pr battle right now? >> i'm not sure that they are on this particular issue. it seems to me a weak decision by the president to postpone the
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keystone pipeline decision until after the election. i've just been in canada, they're mad about this because it seems like such a no brainer to build up north america's energy independence, and one of the striking things about the canadian debate, they're looking at china. >> the americans would say on the back of the environment, this is dirty oil, this is a bad idea. >> in this election, it seems to me that jobs and growth are going to trump environmental issues and that's why i think this may be a mistake by the president and shrewd move by the republicans. i'm sure the brinksmanship but at the end one side will blink because we don't want to see the taxes going off at a time when the economy is faltering and the situation in europe is dire. that affects more than just jon corzine. if europe doesn't come to agreements this week i think we'll see another wave of financial crisis, that's going to have a huge impact on the election race and one once again
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jobs and the economy at top of the agenda and the virn mental issues getting driven down. >> you're for mitt romney, why do you think he hasn't caught fire? why can't he squeeze any more than 20% or 25%? >> i think you have to be two different things, you first have to be somebody who wins the nomination which with the republican party in its present mood means appealing to the tea party and that's what mitt romney really isn't good at but you also have to be able to appeal toind pentds, floating voters and the disillusioned democrats to win the presidency and that's where i think mitt romney is the strongest candidate. the trouble with populism and we've got it on both sides, the tea party and wall street, tends to attract candidates who aren't appealing to the middle ground and those candidates tend to lose elections. if the republicans go for practically anybody but romney they're going to end up losing to obama. newt gingrich is somebody i have a great deal of respect for but he is a washington insider, and he has, well one or two skeletons in the cupboard. romney is squeaky clean and i
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think he will appeal to an america in the mood for somebody who knows business and understands the private sector and get the economy working again. that's why i'm backing romney. >> niall fergsuson thank you fo stopping by. >> my pleasure. you probably wouldn't give your kid a twinkie for breakfast but that's exactly how much sugar they're getting in some popular breakfast cereals. cnbc's mandy drury is here with what's moving your money and the results of the new study. who are the cereal offenders, pardoned pun? >> there were 84 brands reviewed by the environmental working grum, chr group, chris, and some of the worst offenders were honey smacks around 56%, that's roughly five teaspoons of sugar. >> 56% sugar in the careeriale? >> yes, as you said roughly the same as one twinkie snack cake, golden crisp, 52, and froot
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loops marshmallow, 48%. my kids have oversized cereal bowls so they're getting in terms of a typical serving size double that amount that i just said and then you also have in terms of other really bad offenders high sugar cereals, cocoa crispies, frosted crisp s crispies, rice kris pis, cap'n crunch. it's unlikely to change any time soon but there are lower options out there, kellogg's mini wheats for the frosted and unfrosted and the cheerios so you don't have to go for the high sugar to get a tasty cereal. >> a new survey is out, enough already with the corporate lingo. >> we all do it, right? >> yes. >> we're all offenders of this. career builder asked more than 5,000 workers which particular
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corporate term, "outside the box" about a third, "low-hanging fruit" i say that all the time, synergy, loop me in, best of breed, incentivize, and mission-critical, which one do you hate the most? >> i would say outside the box. that's probably, i'm with the majority there. very personally it's wrap, which they're telling me now, so cnbc's mandy drury, see you later. thank you so much. >> see you later. we've just got breaking news in from the associated press, they state catholic church is confirming that the pope, pope benedict xvi will visit cuba in the spring. there had been concerns about the pope's health, they say he's been a little slower lately but there you see him, and the
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report is he will visit cuba in the spring. we'll be right back. 360 calories please. i'll have a triple iced 410 calories please. you know what... i'll have this instead. [ female announcer ] swap one thing a day for a yoplait light at around 100 calories. it will add up to amazing. helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health.
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good morning, everybody. i'm thomas roberts. the third alleged victim of former sewer kus university assistant basketball coach bernie fine filing a lawsuit. a live press conference at the top of the hour. and jerry sandusky, cuffed, back in the slammer after more male victims come forward accusing the former penn state coach accused of rape and molestation. family based campaigning trump newt gingrich and return mitt romney to the top of the polls the romney camp hoping so as his political offensive against newt gets personal. that and much more in the next hour. the gop would like for nothing more than to you night behind a single candidate and a lot of the establishment including former vice president dan quayle thinks that should be mitt romney. >> they will come around to him. >> they will. the fact you're endorsing him is a sign that the republican establishment does like mitt romney but aren't we living in
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an anti-establishment world right now? >> i think that the establishment likes mitt romney, the tea party, a lot of the tea party people are for mitt romney, conservatives like mitt romney. mitt romney is the one that can bring the party together. >> but is there really actually more a break between the establishment and the tea party? a showdown between the donald trumps and the karl roves, who is in charge? joining me "new york times" columnest charles blow and jim vandehei. good morning. >> good morning. >> dan quayle thinks mitt romney should be in charge of the gop. >> personally i think it's demons in charge of the gop. not really. >> but not really. >> not really but kind of really. there are four factions t there, there is the establishment, there's anti-establishment, there's the money people, and then there are kind of the charlatans, the trumps of the world who kind of leach off and kind of make money
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and get air time off of it. i look at it is more like a diagram, can you bring the circles close together, not just overlap on the margins but can you bring them close enough together that you get a unified enough group that you can win a national election. >> well the indication this morning might be no,'s zpeshlly over this donald trump i am a debate moderator thing and the rnc chairman indicated over the weekend he was having nothing to do with the argument came out and said this just this morning. >> if you're still talking about potentially running as an independent candidate then i think that's a problem. that would be malpractice as an rnc chairman not to believe that that is an issue. >> so jim, he was careful to say i respect donald trump, everyone seems to be careful to say i respect donald trump. what's with that? >> they don't want to alienate
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donald trump, don't want to alienate people who like donald trump and his brand of politics. to your question of who runs the party? no one runs the party right now if. this is not unusual when you don't own the white house, when you don't have an occupant in the white house. the republican party is going through the four-year process to figure out who does run the party. on the one hand you have this establishment waying kind of in waiting. you have karl rove, a lot of former advisers and donors to george w. bush, jeb bush, sort of the establishment and then you have the tea party wing of the party which has been extremely powerful over the last two and a half years inside the republican party, in close races, particularly in the senate, last time around, when there was competitive races for who was going to win the nomination. the tea party prevailed, and so we don't know this contest between newt gingrich and mitt romney will help give us more evidence about who is in control, is it the establishment, is it the money side of the party, or is it the grassroots tea party side of the
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party? nobody knows that answer and the establishment has not spoken with one voice, has not rallied around one candidate. they desperately wanted to. they wanted it to be governor christie, they wanted it to be governor daniels, they would have loved to have had jeb bush, they didn't get their guy. they're trying to figure out can we go with romney even though they're skeptical of him and his politics and a lot have to think whether or not they'd go with newt gingrich because they worked with them and a lot of them were troubled by newt's performance when they worked underneath him or with him in power. >> a tweet says grover norquist is in charge of the gop. >> exactly. what you see among the establishment is them bowing to other interests. even in your intro saying you don't want to offend donald trump. why wouldn't you? what does trump bring to the table at the end of the day? you have to draw a line in the sand someplace and say there are things that we stand for that
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you don't, and when we have to make that clear, and the party has not made that clear. they bowed to some parts of the tea party and some parts of the trump, they bow to norquist, to t the brothers. you can't come across as a single voice, as a unified group and know exactly who you are as a party, as an establishment, and they have not done that and i think that is to their detriment. it's not just the democrats have done this in the past as well, trying to be everything to everyone and having no soul at the end of the day. they are in danger of coming across as having no soul. the fact that they could be, that newt gingrich to be the leading candidate right now means that no one can truly claim those tea party tenant te
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want an outsider, we didn't like the lobbyist and this guy is the ultimate insider and lobbyist and you say you're backing this. none of this has a soul at this point. >> let's be clear, if this were a democratic primary you'd have every democratic candidate bowing to all the liberal interests, to the labor bosses, environmentalists, all of the different components that make up the constituencies of the democratic party so what you have for republicans right now is a very wide open primary process, and it's dominated by activists so of course you're going to bow to a donald trump or grover norquist in a way you wouldn't in a general election. this is not unique to the republican party, it's common to both. >> jim vandehei and charles blow, good to talk to you today. john lennon was shot and killed in new york city on this date back in 1980. he was 40 years old. fans are remembering the beatle on twitter. today's tweet of the day comes from you. missfrankenstein writes, the
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world lost a legend 31 years ago. his message of peace will one day be achieved, give peace a chance. samyarif tweeted in john len none we lost a man who actually imagine us all as better human beings. sorry for the disappointment john. and kate writes rest easy, john len none. i bet you're doing it big up there. [ male announcer ] this is your moment. ♪ your ticket home [ male announcer ] this is zales, the diamond store. take an extra 10 percent off storewide now through sunday. see? he's taking his vitamins. new one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups. i took some steep risks in my teens. i'd never ride without one now. and since my doctor prescribed lipitor, i won't go without it for my high cholesterol and my risk of heart attack.
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newt gingrich in south carolina talking family valless. his fight over that with mitt romney, coming up next with thomas robbest. i'm chris jansing. see you back here tomorrow. [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. ♪ ♪ mom? dad?
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