tv Politics Nation MSNBC December 14, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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greatest stockpile of nuclear weapons. you don't give wmd in a crunch or even when things get edge gee to be himself a weapon of mass destruction. america needs many things but a nuclear armed newt gingrich is not one of them. that's all for "hardball." class warfare. you've got that right. mitt romney is on a whirl wind tour in the big apple. new york's top 1 percenters. rock the vote. the nation's top lawyer signal he's ready to join the fight to stop the right-wing war on voting. thomas kemp. president obama does.
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>> welcome home. welcome home. welcome home. >> welcome to "politics nation." i'm al sharpton. the party of the 1% keeps kissing up to the 1%. today, willard mitt romney came to new york and mr. monopoly man managed to hit all of the big banks hot spots. his first stop, breakfast at an exclusive chipriani restaurant. it was attended by none other than ron paulson, a man who personally made $3.7 million betting on the mortgage crisis. willard's next stop, a lunch at the wall dor if astoria, hosted by a jpmorgan chase banker. and to cap off the day, a private dinner on park avenue hosted by another one of the
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world's biggest banker. but, of course, this is no surprise. willard may flip and he may flop but he's always been consistent on his love for big money. from back when he was posing with money at bayne capital to the present day. >> corporations are people, my friend. we can raise taxes -- of course they are. everything corporations earn goes to the people. where do you think it goes? whose pockets? human beings, my friend. >> corporations aren't human beings, willard. but he's not the only one with 1% dreams. newt brags about his big money speeches. >> i was charging $50,000 a speech and the amount was going up, not down. >> here's another thing that you
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are not seeing. an overwhelming number majority says this economy is out of balance and caters to the rich. that's 87% of democrats, 79% of independents, and even 61% of gop no.s. look at those numbers. equality matters in this country and frankly and pennsylvania governor and dana milbank, for the washington post, thanks to both of you for being here tonight. the fight for economic equality is a hot button issue in the country. will newt and willard's disconnect on this ultimately bring them down? let me ask you first, governor. >> yeah, i think, al, it's a huge problem for both republican front-runners and it's a problem
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of their own making but also a problem of republican congress. look at what happened on the so-called jobs bill, extending the payroll deduction tax cut and unemployment compensation benefits. republicans answered how to pay for that was to slash benefits from 99 weeks to 59 weeks and to make sure that there's no additional tax cut that they just extend the current one, not what president obama wants to do to give an extra $500 to middle class families. the democrats solution is to sur plas millionaires on income above $1 million. fair as fair can be. overwhelmingly supported by the american people. republicans in congress reject it. the candidates reject it and that's what is going to bring them down. this is a winnable election for the republicans but they are going to be brought down on the issue of fundamental fairness.
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>> dana, i also think that they don't understand the fundamentals of the fight against economic and equality. look at this interview at the washington post today, dana, mitt romney called him a member of the 1% even if obama does technically belong to this group. isn't that a shameless attack? i mean, the president has never hid the fact that he made a lot of money. the question is, where your policies are directed, not where your personal income status may be. look at what the president says even if mit and others call the president a member of the 1%. look at what the president says about our values and where we ought to be going. >> reverend, i think -- >> we're asking people like me to pay our fair share so middle class families can get a tax
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cut. and i believe most americans are doing their part, somewhere along the line somebody gave me the chance and i want to do the same thing for the young people coming up now. >> dana, that doesn't sound like the president has hid the fact he makes a large income. what relevance did that have to whether or not you want to see economic equality? in fact, he should be giving more credit since he's fighting against his own income record. >> right, this is america. nobody begrudges anybody for making a lot of money. one, where did their money come from and are they doing something for people in exchange for that money? in the case of gingrich, he said he made a lot of that money by playing on his connections with government. whether it's the money from freddie mac or the fact that he was playing on his government experience to make $60,000 a pop for the speeches and is there
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some quid pro quo, people filling up their campaign treasuries, people giving them so much money to play on their government experience. are they expecting something in exchange for that. and then when you look at all of the goodies that are routinely headed out to wall street, the answer in the aggregate has to be yes. i think the tea party has been taken over, has basically been taken over by the u.s. chamber of commerce and other corporate interests and becomes a huge problem for others in the election. >> governor, they are bickering even among themselves. let me show you this. romney goes after newt and says that newt gingrich is a very wealthy man and he has -- let me play you the tape. >> sure. >> let me let willard speak for himself. >> newt gingrich has his wealth
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for half a million dollars from tiffany's, you're not a middle class american. >> that's amazing given the wealth of mr. willard romney, calling somebody else wealthy. but mr. romney today hit back at newt romney for attacking him on bain capital, all of a sudden bain capital became the response of newt the other day. today he responded. >> in my enterprise, we had the occasion to build tens and thousands of jobs and he doesn't understand the economy if he doesn't understand that sometimes businesses succeed and sometimes fail. to suggest that there's something unamerican, something wrong about investing in enterprise that ultimately doesn't succeed has an enormous lack of understanding of how america works. >> the two leading candidates on
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the republican side is, in my opinion, going to do both of them. >> the good news is, after a little period of time, it does become a problem. they ate themselves alive. and he wants president obama to be re-elected and you're going to enjoy the next three or four months and it's going to go on and on and on. and the point you made, reverend, is the right point. it's not whether you have money or not. it's what you want to do for the country, what are your policies? the greatest plan for the poorest americans ever was roosevelt, one of the richest presidents that we had. but his policies helped bring people back to work, gave people a chance to be secure in their old age and health care and a lot of different things. so it's not the fact that you have money or even the fact that
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you raise money. president obama raised a lot of money on wall street. that didn't stop him from pushing for a strong financial responsibility bill to oversee wall street so what happened two years ago doesn't happen again. so it's not whether you have money. it's what your policies are and the romney-gingrich policies are disgraceful when it comes to economic fairness and justice. >> dana, the american people have said clearly what they want and how they want to deal with it, 87% are democrats. 79 are independents. 61% say the economy is out of balance and favors the rich. can the republicans run a competitive race and even think about winning, ignoring these feelings of the american public, including their own party? >> hard to see how, reverend,
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because they are digging themselves in a deeper and deeper hole. even a lot of conservatives now are getting anxious about the attacks that gingrich is making on romney, saying that it's a socialist argument that he's making going after romney and what he did at bain and the wealthy accumulated. so they are building up a lot of highlight reels right now that make them look out of touch and you can be sure that david axelrod is going to be ready to bring them out in a few minutes. >> governor rendell, you were chair of democratic party. as you watched this fighting back and forth developing now in the second or third day between newt gingrich and willard romney, if this intensifies, it will be difficult for them to bring the party back together and clearly they can talk about sharing a ticket or having a lot of credibility being the surrogate for the other one, whoever wins a nomination. >> yeah, it's going to be very hard for that to happen. and, look, this is all very good for the president and the
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president's re-election. but understand that this land will end in april and then there will be a nominee and there's a little bit of a clean slate. here's what mitt romney said about newt gingrich if he's the nominee or vice versa. we can still bring some of those things up. but democrats should not just assume because these candidates appear to be eating each other alive, that that translates into automatic victory. we've got to press the agenda, make our case, convince the american people that what we want to do in creating jobs is the right path to follow and what they are doing makes no sense at all, to keep pretekting mail nars. >> one of the other things that they have clearly fell into is the messaging against each other, there's clearly the fog now in the american voters'
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minds of what they are running for other than to protects the rich and to protect any tax raise or the rich losing their tax cuts but they become muddied where in this fight where beyond that no one is hearing a clear message other than a bunch of attacking on each other while the president is starting to get his sea legs on his message and start talking to the american people. that's dangerous for them. >> it is. i mean, as governor rendell knows better than most, they can overcome these problems and i don't think we should underestimate their ability to do that. but the nature of the attacks, going after each other is sort of the protected rich guy looking out for the interests of the powerful in washington. there are a lot of truth that rings in the arguments leveled
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by both of these men right now. so that's why it's going to be difficult for them to overcome. it's not the animosity, it's the voracity of the charges that they are bringing down. >> ed rendell and dana milbank, thanks for coming on the show tonight. ahead, nine years after bush's mission accomplished, president obama defines a defining moment in his presidency and it took republicans no time to go negative. >> i believe history will judge this president's leadership with a scorn and disdain that it deserves. >> excuse me, senator mccain? but questioning this president's foreign policy leadership? it's off limits. and a major swing state is pushing a radical voter i.d. law. a top republican admits there's
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no fraud to justify it. one note. one note before i go. i want to say this. msnbc apologizes tonight for reporting earlier today on a blog attempt that compared a phrase used by mitt romney to one once used by the koo klux klan, something i'm passionate about. but someone who has been accused much innuendoes, i agree the blog was improper if you could not nail down all of the facts and this network did the right thing by apologizing. skinny jeans houndstooth snuggie pork pie hat oshkosh socks 5% cash back. right now get 5% cash back at department stores. it pays to discover.
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i'm proud to finally say these two words and i know your families agree. welcome home. welcome home. welcome home. >> president obama today at ft. bragg addressing troops who just got home from iraq. the president has ordered all u.s. troops out of iraq by the end of this month. fulfilling his campaign promise to end the war. >> as president, i want to fight on the battlefield. >> many of us tried to stop this war we knew that it would be a mistake. it claimed 4400 american lives
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and left nearly 32,000 wounded. so far, it cost the u.s. $800 billion. money we could have spent on schools, health care, and jobs. by any measure, ending the war is a good thing but some top republicans disagree. dictated by politics and not our national security interests. i believe that history will judge this president's leadership with the scorn and disdain that it deserves. >> the attack is big in the cheney family, too. >> it diminishes the u.s. presence and leverage and in effect is going to significantly alter our position in that part
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of the world. >> he right now is commander in chief and performing dismally with respect to iraq and pulling everybody out. but the americans disagree. even 58% of republicans all support the pullout from iraq. this deadline was originally set by president bush just before leaving office he signed an agreement saying all troops would have to leave by the end of 2011. he probably assumed that deadline would get extended. but president obama made sure it wasn't and that our troops would come home. joining me tonight is patrick murphy, former democratic congressman from pennsylvania and the first veteran of the
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iraq war to serve in congress and msnbc analyst, richard wolf. thanks for joining me tonight. >> thanks for having us on. >> congressman, after nine years why would anyone want to prolong the iraq war? >> well, you know, reverend, this is hypocrisy. politics end at the water's edge except when barack obama ends presidency. all they do is chip away and chip away and chip away. let me tell you something, reverend, when i was a young army captain, my best friend growing up in northeast philadelphia lost his girlfriend and father and i lost a father that i went to college with in the same terrorists attack. we focused on afghanistan. it was dick cheney, george bush,
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and a far right wing extremist that shifted us from afghanistan and invested in iraq, which had nothing to do with 91/11. let me tell you something, those words gave me goose bumps. let me tell you, there's 4400 sons and daughters not coming home and about 32,000 that were wounded that didn't come home with their arms or legs or with some type of disability. >> and as you say that, and i can imagine how you felt, as you got goose bumps and other people that are veterans would have felt, i looked at it as one who would never believe the engagement should have been undertaken in the first place, in the first marches that i was part of, speaking at the rallies, look at the climate that was set, richard wolf. let me show you some of what the
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republicans were saying about this war. some were being attacked or questioning why we were in iraq in the first place. >> but we don't want the smoking cloud to be a mushroom cloud. >> suddam hussein significantly south large amounts of uranium from africa. >> the allies have prevailed. and then as it grew it became more and more popular and then senator barack obama, state
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senator came out against the war, was one of the things that really helped propel and from a political standpoint and was huge and that it was the wrong thing to do. >> as republicans gear up in iowa, what this president as a precedent was the war in iraq, a war he called the dumb war. today as president, he didn't revisit that. the reasons for going to war and how mistaken it was. there is every reason to go back to people like dick cheney who say you have no right to elect the american people because you fail in fact, you're responsible from the worst national security disaster since vietnam in this country and maybe beyond that. in spite of all of that, what we
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heard from the president was someone who had an incredible rapport from the troops, someone who is unthinkable, someone who can have it back and forth with the troops, welcome him home in a commander in chief manner. i think people who criticize him at this point look like they are nibbling at his a ankles, throwing shoes at those that they can't and whatever criticism you level, this president today was presidential, he wasn't speaking as a politician. >> congressman, there are those that are criticizing and trying to demogog this, i believe. >> that's right. and you know what? you know why those troops at north carolina at ft. bragg, you know why they love their commander in chief, because he looked them in the sigh and said, i'm going to bring the
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troops home from iraq where they should have been in the first place and i'm going to refocus on bringing bin laden, the man who murdered 3,000 americans on 9/11 and our troops did that because the commander in chief refocused their efforts on getting a job done and now we're bringing them home from afghanistan as well. >> congressman, i have to go on that one but i thank you and i think that you gave us the passion to end this segment and knowing that this is a great day to see those troops home from christmas. >> god bless these troops. >> congressman murphy, thank you both for your time. >> thank you. ahead, the war between romney and gingrich. it's getting ugly. stay tuned. all energy development comes with some risk,
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o'donnell's participant. he's participating in a big tea party forum this weekend and today he's slamming newt's conservative craig. quote, he has been extraordinarily unreliable leader in the conservative world. not 16 or 17 years ago but in the last two to three years. i think he's shown a level of unreliability as a conservative leader today, end quote. that's right. the architect of universal health care is a tea partyier. the guy who said this nine years ago is now a tea party. >> i think people realize that i'm moderate, my views are progressive, and i'm going to work for the senior citizens or people that have been left behind by those not doing the right job. they are going to vote for me regardless of the party label. >> yep, willard the moderate, the man dodging the tea party is
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now running to them. why? because now he needs a new nbc poll shows 70% of republicans consider themselves conservatives. 57% see newt as conservative. but only 29% see willard as conservative. but the big question is, can romney get conservative to believe he's one of them. joining me now is judson phillips, founder of the tea party nation. thanks for being here tonight. >> hey, al, thanks for inviting me. >> willard romney, tea party, do you buy it? >> that's the laugh of the day. you know, in the conservative movement, a lot of times we refer to mitt romney as mit for brains. but, no, he's not a part of the tea party. he has turned up his nose at us
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on more times than i can count and now the only time he shows any interest in the tea party movement is when we need the votes. we were born in the dark, but it wasn't last night. >> well, he's come out for the paul ryan budget plan, he's come out and demonized poor children, he's come out and said a lot of things that you guys agree with. is it too little, too late, is it that you believe he's disingenuous? what do you say? >> nobody believes a woshd that mitt romney says. he has taken at least two positions on everything that he's ever stood for, maybe more than that. 1994 he was a liberal. more liberal than ted kennedy. in 2002, he's a liberal. he's a progressive, and now suddenly he wants to claim that he's a conservative and newt gingrich is not? i don't think so. newt gingrich has a conservative
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record. mitt romney has a liberal record. tell mitt to be honest and we'll let the voters decide. >> ultimately, if he's a nominee, that's what it will come down to. according to the polls, newt gingrich loses to president obama by an 11-point spread. how are you going to beat president obama with a guy that polls this far behind at this point and president obama hasn't even formally started campaigning yet? >> you know, as i recall, about this time in 1979, 1980, there was a guy named ronald reagan that polled really bad and a presidential debate and the best
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debate in history, once those debates are heard, the american people will decide very clearly who they want running in this country and i think it's going to be newt gingrich. >> so are you saying that if romney gets the nomination, you will not support him? will you support a third-party candidate? >> no, i don't want to go after a third-party candidate. but i've always said my strategy is to make sure that mitt romney is not the nominee. but if he is -- i'm going to press you on this. if he wins the nomination, what do you do, judson? >> oh, al, you're ruining my christmas, man. truth of the matter is, i don't know. we have done surveys on tea party nation with some of our members and between one-third and one-half of the conservatives we surveyed say that if mitt romney is the nominee, they are not voting for it. so the gop has a huge problem
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they need to deal with. if mitt romney is the nominee, there are a lot of conservatives that are going to stay home. >> let me give you this little gift. you can put this under the tree. when i was a kid, james brown was like my father. he brought me to the white house. had he a meeting with ronald reagan. president obama sent me and newt gingrich on tour five cities about education. a little gift. newt romney is no ronald reagan. i'm not a conservative but i'll tell you that. judson, thanks for being on the show tonight. >> al, thank you for having me and merry christmas. >> the same to you and your family. joining me now is washington reporter who also writes for the election 2012 blog. nia, you just heard it. the right doesn't like willard. any chance they are going to come around, in your opinion? >> you know, i think judson basically summed up that
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question with laughter. he basically said the tea party folks won't come around. they essentially said it would come to christmas if mitt romney was trying to make this play. i've covered mitt romney. i've went to a couple of rallies of his for the tea party. and, of course, he had quite frankly been ducking the tea party for a while. he did finally make it to one of these rallies but could barry bring himself to say the word tea party in his speeches. so i think now he's up against newt gingrich, who is clearly a favorite of tea party and he's doing two things, and that is he is pulling he's not going to be able to win with newt gingrich.
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>> and he's really, really trying to reinvent himself as this ultra conservative. and the thing that becomes interesting about this is his defenders, his supporters say, well, yes, he did some things that looked moderate in massachusetts but he had what he was dealing with in ted kennedy land. but then you could say, if he did that then, maybe that's what he is doing now. once you say you will bend or break what you believe, when does anyone know what you believe? >> thas essentially what christine o'donnell had said. she said that he's been consistent since he's changed his mind. but, again, you know, who knows why he's changes his mind? i do think that his campaign hasn't really solved the issue of what -- an exclamation of why he's changed his mind. and in fairness, i think they
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have the same problem. >> let me ask you this. you've been to south carolina lately. what is the feel there on the ground? >> i was there last week. big crowds offer newt gingrich. there is a lit news test for what is a conservative came up from a questioner down in south carolina. i think mitt romney is going to have trouble in south carolina answering that question. you see in the polls that he's down double digits in south carolina and i think newt gingrich's real positive i think attribute down in the south is that he's a southerner. he's a catholic and he's had some problems in his personal life. i think it will hurt. i don't think people like to necessarily bring this up but it will hurt him in the south, mitt romney, because he's a mormon.
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the flip-flopping mitt will not necessarily play well in south carolina. people in south carolina -- >> i want you to help me with this. we're running out of time and i needed to ask you this. in an interview with the "new york times," willard called newt zanny. >> zain knee is not what we need in a president. it's great in a talk radio, great in the print, it makes for fun reading. but in terms of a president, we need a leader, someone of sobriety and stability and patience and temperance to think through issues and to be careful in the words that he or she might express because the world listens. >> well, it's getting a little ugly. hearing him attacking so voice
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sif officer rousely, i thoug officer rousely, i thought it's a better strategy for him than to out conservative. harvesting minerals on the moon. i think you'll hear mitt romney doing more of this, going forward. but i think some of this resonates actually with the base. >> thanks for being here tonight. >> thank you. ahead, a passionate defense of voter's rights. america's attorney general is jumping into the fight. stay with us. cuban ca jun raw seafood pizza parlor french fondue tex-mex fro-yo tapas puck chinese takeout taco truck free range chicken pancake stack baked alaska 5% cash back.
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both sides have acknowledged that it's uncommon. politicians may not readily they were elected, only we, the people, can bring about meaningful change. >> eric holder jumping into the controversial issue of voting rights last night in a speech in austin, texas. we've been hitting the issue for months. we marched and vowed to fight suppression. holder's speech is a major
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restricting laws were passed in 14 states. and now republicans in pennsylvania and even though the state calling for it told the associated press he's seen no proof of voter fraud. but now the attorney general means business and so do we. joining me is director and council of the nacp legal defense and educational fund. john, thank you for joining me. >> good to be here. >> you were in austin, texas, where the attorney general made the speech and for a long time we have been dealing with these issues, i have, this show, national network.
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and it had to be sort of fulfilling to you to see a speech made on this? >> it was a very important speech. this is the attorney general giving a special speech in a very special venue all about our democracy and the challenges it faces today in the face of unrelenting efforts across the country to restrict and block the boec >> now, john, you did a speech separate from naacp. all of you marched on saturday. the report basically gives a breakdown of what would happen if these laws went into effect and people talked about how many people would be impacted. people understand this is a real
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threat to democracy. this is really disenfranchising people from the right to vote potentially. >> that's exactly right. in 2008 we saw very, very high turnout and almost no gap across racial lines. and after 2008, what we have seen since is a way of laws that will make it much more difficult that will make a law that will cause fewer african-americans to vote as opposed to white americans, fewer latinos to vote as opposed to white americans. this is a threat to our democracy. we ought to want as many people to vote as possible instead of blocking people. >> some people believe in limiting the vote. some believe it's about race.
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let's be straight up. >> that's true. about the legitimacy after our democracy and we undermine the legitimacy when we undermine things that block the ability of minorities and latinos the ability to vote. >> i sponsored the bill in florida. he wouldn't even limit the challenge. >> i think in the last election we review the process, we're going to have have close elections in florida. we're going to have people from all over the world, all over the country. >> you're not just getting people from all over the country now. is there a reason that there's been fraud or are you saying
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that you're doing this because you think there may be fraud? >> we have to have incredible results and close elections. >> so we gave them the chance. there's no -- i'm on a hard break. thank you for your work. keep fighting. we'll be right back. when you're a sports photographer, things can get out of control pretty quickly. so i like control in the rest of my life... especially my finances. that's why i have slate, with blueprint. i can make a plan to pay off big stuff faster... or avoid interest on everyday things.
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love him or hate him, newt gingrich is an ideas guy. i worked with him on an education reform tour. i've seen him in action. he would write ton tons of ideas down on whiteboards. his idea of space, newt's been obsessed with the final frontier for decades. in fact, back in georgia, they had a nickname for him. newt skywalker. willard romney led the world in
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object newt's passion. >> speaker gingrich and i have a lot of places we disagree. a lunar colony that would mine minerals from the moon. i'm not in favor of spending the money to do that. >> but apparently he's in on all kinds of weird science. really, newt? when do you get the time to talk about these things? aren't you running for president? this fits in with his past hopes for the future of space. number four, building colonies on the moon. number three, creating space ways to light holidays at night. number two, putting lasers in the sky to shoot down lasers.
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