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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  December 22, 2011 2:00pm-3:00pm EST

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movement from house republicans o are surrounded by dems and frustrated americans. how does it end? a series of deadly bombings in iraq, the first major violent incidents since the troops left that country. were they timed for troops to leave in recent decisions made by iraq's prime minister? unfairly targeted, bank of america alleges countrywide financial targeted blacks and hispanics steering them into riskier loans than whites. best buy and the giant delivers bad news for customers who performed on line. your order has been canceled. . i'm tamron hall and we are following developing news over the fight over the payroll tax cut. president obama lashed out at
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house republican who is are refusing to pass a bipartisan bill to extend the cut for two mouse e months. he was surrounded by people who surrounded to the white house question, what does $40 mean to you? one said losing $40 account mean no heat for their home. most people think the house should pass this extension. >> enough is enough. people standing with me today can't afford any more games. they can't afford to lose $1,000 because of some ridiculous washington standoff. >> republican minority leader mitch mcconnell said the house should pass an extension that locks in the thousands of keystone pipeline jobs and prevents disruption in payroll tax holiday. both sides have been publicly bickering say they both want a year long extension and claim the solution is simple.
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>> he can bring his dog up here. we are pet-friendly. again, it will not take a long time. we can probably resolve the differences within an hour. >> speaker boehner and the house republicans have the power to go up and open the doors and pass the bill. >> joining me now, kelly o'donnell. let's talk about the tone. it's hard to believe this is taken seriously when you have people like congressman kantor referring to the president taking his dog bo out for a holiday trip. people are saying $40 means heat and $40 means gas to get back and forth to work. >> the tone is heard in different ways depending on the context. had there been real americans standing there talking about what $40 means, kantor would not have used the kidding about bo the dog. the bigger picture is what mcconnell did. a dual track and embraced by the president, very rare for that to
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happen publicly that the president gave credit to mitch mcconnell and what he is doing is reminding conservatives about what they thought they had won. that's the keystone pipeline project that they were excited about when this was big news last week. he is trying to change the conversation a bit. applying greater pressure on house republicans who are not yet ready to move forward on this. breaking with boehner publicly is an opportunity for boehner to try to convince his members to move on this. at the same time there is the risk of appearing to have more of a fraction within the republican party. when we listen to the rhetoric, they try to playoff of the holiday themes and sometimes they fist pump. you get a range that was and when people are talking about what matters to them, it gets more serious and everyone is looking for what the end game is here. there seem to be some movement, but nothing that points to a
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deal just yet. >> what would we categorize as movement? >> when mcconnell comes out and separates himself from boehner, there is never daylight between the two of them politically until today. that's an important step. it is a signal to house republicans that the pressure is building and they are going to have to find a way to claim a small victory. he brings up keystone pipeline and move forward. if you are looking at this the way we are in incremental steps and reading every crumb, liveing it 24 hours a day, that was an important step. does it mean that there is a resolution for the people at home? not yet. we are trying to watch the trend and it seems there is greater pressure. >> there is not daylight between the two of them, but they are not nearly as strong as what we heard from senator mccain on this issue and pushing the house republicans. there could be more daylight if they so choose to have that.
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appreciate it. now to decision 2012 where newt gingrich and mitt romney are trading jabs over who can take the pressure over being a candidate. it started when gingrich slammed romney and romneying issed that gingrich couldn't take the heat from obama's hell's kitchen. they are going a step further and challenging romney to a one on one debate with no moderator. >> for he wants to test the heat, i will meet him anywhere in iowa one on one 90 minutes with no moderator. he wants to tie up the kitchen? >> just a short time ago, mitt romney responded to newt gingrich's challenge of a debate. >> until it's narrowed down and other people are no longer a part of the process and hopefully if i'm still part of the process, i will keep
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respecting the others and keep debating on the schedule we have. >> let's bring in the "news nation" panel, msnbc contributor and talk show host, a democratic stralt gist and spokesperson for hillary clinton's presidential campaign. michael, i will start with you and we have breaking news. confirming that bush 41 is backing romney for president and admits he is not gingrich's biggest advocate. does it matter and is this expected? >> it's a reinforcement to the republicans who lined up to governor romney. the world of bush 41 and i don't know that he is going to move the needle necessarily with those we have been talking about who here to for have been reluct apt to embrace romney. those who moved from herman cain to michele bachmann and everybody except going to romney. it's a great thing and ought to
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help him. >> a few more comments from the former problem. i think romney is the best choice to us. i like perry, but he doesn't seem to be going anywhere. she not surge forward. it sounds like perry would have been his second choice. newt wouldn't even have been his skt choice. >> when you think about the thing you just read, at least going down the final stretch or the iowa caucuses, romney might be the only man left standing. not because people are voting for him, but simply through a process of elimination, he is the cooler head and the way he responded to all of the jabs he is receiving has been calm and collected. it is a way to say to the american public, i'm the grown up in the room and steady and i'm the person you can trust.
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>> you hit on something because former president bush said in his statement, i just think referring to romney, he's mature and reasonable and not a bomb-thrower. we know where that was going. >> absolutely. think about this statement we have seen him makeover and over and over again with. one exception of challenging someone to a $10,000 bet for the most part. romney has been very steady on his feet. >> let me talk to you about this back and forth newt gingrich upset about the ads taking a beating there. he goes on to again challenge to this one hour, no moderator debate. this is his go to thing when he is back up to the wall. he has been complimented so much that he's a big thinker and excellent debater. that seems to be the strategy a
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lot. >> this is i think one of the fundamental flaws with newt gingrich. the guy can't help but take the bait. he can't help because his ego is so huge, when he is challenged, he has to start poking back. the problem is for gingrich, he is focusing entirely on process. one of the reasons he was surging is because he was speaking to a lot of the principals and a lot of the tea party crowd were finding exciting. he stopped delivering any message and only talking about process. there is nobody happier about that than mitt romney. if they are debating over the process, romney gets a pass on all of his flip flops causing so much trouble for him lout this process. >> let me switch to ron paul. he is leading in iowa and a lot of his supporters said the media have ignored the surge and what he brings to the table. he's got the spotlight and we are talking about the
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newsletters that included racist and anti-semitic articles on his news letter. he was interviewed by cnn and asked about the newsletter. he walked out of an interview. let me play it. we don't have it this moment, but it has been around. i wonder, here he is normally calm and cool even when he is talking about the more controversial ideas and the direction he would like to take the country. is the heat getting to him to use romney and gingrich over who can take the pressure? >> it is an issue litigated last time he ran, but it needs to be litigated every time he runs. the words are insendiary and hateful and think it's hard for people to accept the fact that he was being paid money as a result of subscriptions to thle to do with it entirely. ron paul needs to answer for it.
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>> this is the video of ron paul taking his mike off and leaving the interview. ron paul said listen, this is years ago and i disavowed this and i didn't actually write the articles even though it was on his newsletter. is that enough? >> right now i don't think it is enough because it boils down to a question of moral character. if you think about the statements made in the previous newsletters and you go back to the debate that took place one year ago over and over and over again, ron paul seems to be a person who is apologizing or taking the side of countries like iran over the united states who sort of said that 9/11 might have been the fault of the united states government. >> he said the comments and since then he really improved his number in iowa. these are things that have come up. the newsletter that are back new in the headlines right now, his
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comments regarding iran and the other things not wanting a department of education and the list goes on and on are familiar tunes for him. >> i do think this is his time in the sun. we have seen it with all the candidates. now is his time to come under scrutiny and people will take a very, very close look at all of his statements. after all ron paul is the candidate who said over and over, i am the most consistent and i don't change my mind. it's perfectly reasonable for the american public to ask if you said this or were aligned with this newsletter ten years ago, why should we not believe you have those sentiments? are you a flip flopper or not? >> great pleasure. thank you as well and happy holidays and merry christmas to all of you. days before christmas, a disappointing announcement from best buy and why the electronic retailer said it has to cancel some of the customer orders placed online. plus, a republican congressman
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is now apologizing to the first lady after making rude and appalling comments about her figure. is it enough? it's our "news nation" gut check. a wave of deadly bombings leads to the worst violence the country has seen in months. colonel jack jacobs will join our conversation. [ male announcer ] what can you do with plain white rice? when you pour chunky beef with country vegetables soup over it... you can do dinner. four minutes, around four bucks. campbell's chunky. it's amazing what soup can do. ♪ but you tonight [ male announcer ] this is your moment. ♪ [ male announcer ] build your own unique memories with persona beads. now at zales, the diamond store. have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep.
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the white house said the attacks won't derail iraq's continued progress. 16 bombs including car bombs and one suicide bombing killing at least 69 people four days after the last fern forces left the
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country. the worst violence iraq has seen since the exit may be linked to a power struggle between shiite and sunni politicians. we are joined by retired colonel jack jacobs. they read a statement in part saying the white house is condemning the deadly attacks and such attempts are an attempt to derail progress in the country hoping it will fail. is this a result of our troops leaving or decisions made by prime minister maliki? >> a little bit of both. we decided we were going to leave and have been withdrawing troops for a long time. the power structure had a long time to develop tactics and strategies. we leave and they said no more power sharing. not surprisingly, there is violence. 16 bombs and so many people killed. all coordinate and that could have been planned well in
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advance. we have been leading up to this day. >> al qaeda and sunni insurgents served no agenda other than murder and hatred. no one claimed responsibility, but i have to go back to al maliki's decision to move out and people would be his political enemies. was this a part of a greater plan by him? >> oh, yes, sure. don't forget the sunnis used to be in charge and they are now not. they are trying to turn the whole place and make it a name. consolidation of power in baghdad is a long history and tradition inside iraq. saddam hussein had done it and it's been done back to biblical times. it will be again. whether it's al maliki or someone else of his crew, you can bet the power will be consolidated and it will be done with violence. >> that are brings concern to
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the belief of around 15,000 u.s. personnel will be in the country. >> we have lots of advisers and all of them contractors and at least 5,000 of them and probably more. four military people and most are confined at about 100 acre piece of property in the green zone. we have the largest american embassy in the world in baghdad. the cia director david petraeus is either there or on the way. the ambassador is on the way back. the place was vacated for christmas and they waited until the holidays before they blew the attacks. >> i have to get your quick reaction to the investigation into the air strike that resulted in the deaths of 24 pakistani soldiers. the already fractured relationship took a hit with the incident as well and now it appears at least the u.s. is
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taking some responsibility for what happened there. >> we are saying what is obvious is that we didn't know the two pakistani outposts were there and they didn't know we were having an operation there. this reflects in nothing else the fact that we and the pakastanis do not talk and don't trust them with information. this stuff will continue. we are not going to stop attacking the bad guys over the border and they are not going to give us leeway to do so. this is liable to happen again. >> they are not happy with the report referring to it as a white wash. >> first shots were fired from the pakistani side, but we had americans and afghans on patrol no doubt about that. >> thank you very much. coming up, bank of america agrees to pay a record settlement over claims the countrywide mortgage unit grim
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na discriminate and gave them riskier loans. >> we need a game change and none of these middle age white guys are game changers. >> who is the game changer? we are getting the movie that highlights the drama of the 2008 presidential election. just one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. i took some steep risks in my teens. i'd never ride without one now. and since my doctor prescribed lipitor, i won't go without it for my high cholesterol and my risk of heart attack. why kid myself? diet and exercise weren't lowering my cholesterol enough.
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>> welcome back to "news nation." the children of service members have one thing at the top of their wish list. spending time with their parents pulled a wie by assignment overseas. this dramatic reunion where this soldier disguised himself as a goalie during a hockey game. >> daddy! >> you hear the audience's
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response. this california airman home from afghanistan took the stage at his daughter's dance recital and the stunt drew a standing ovation after his shocked wife joined them on stage. >> daddy! >> in iowa a young girl literally unwraps her president. it is her father home early from iraq hiding in the giant box. he said did you miss me and you saw that nod. a holiday travel glitch is upon us, but fair weather is expected over the weekend. warmer temperatures than normal will ease travel. aaa expect millions are expected to travel by planes today. the number is expected to drop about 10%. we have the weather channel
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headquarters. you have been here in new york and have been warm. it's early nice. >> folks are going to face problems. we could see severe weather with storms rumbling through and have tornado warnings and south of birmingham. shelby county. tomorrow morning, snow here in new england and it's not going to affect the big hubs. new york and boston and it should be rain in the morning hours. we will find snow in the southwest moving into texas and dallas with sunshine and could see residual showers. across portions of the midwest. maybe a few snow showers around cleveland and in the west, denver with delays because of snow moving through the area. should be fine by tomorrow and sunshine around salt lake city and l.a. as well. as we head into your saturday, the snow mixes with rain in the
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central part of the state. rain across the south should innovate the deep south once again by the time we get to christmas day. the rest of the nation looking good. >> coming up, mitt romney said he does not plan on releasing the tax returns. why newt gingrich is focussing on virginia today. mark murray will join me live. plus, stephen colbert explains how close he was having his name on the south carolina gop primary. adam lambert is in jail or landed himself in jail after a fight with his boyfriend. we have the details. we're kind of a quiet couple.
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>> here's what the "news nation" is following now on the trail. why newt gingrich is spending so much time in virginia.
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why mitt romney is not planning on releasing his tax returns. bank of america agrees to pay hundreds of millions of dollars over claims the countrywide mortgage unit gave riskier loans to black and hispanic customers. infamill is yanked off of store shelves in the wake of a child's death. >> insulting the first lady, a congressman apologizes after appalling remarks about michelle obama. is it enough? it's our gut check. following developing news in decision 2012. george h.w. bush is backing mitt romney for president. we got the word from our colleague at nbc. is this a major surprise. >> it's not a big surprise. just a couple of weeks ago, mitt romney ended up sitting down with george h.w. bush. the two were photographed into
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it was an event that george h.w. bush has not had with the other candidates. more importantly, this is yet another sign of how the establishment is all rallying to mitt romney's side. we have a prominent senator and members of congress, but mitt romney is racking up the endorsements and the latest one is h.w. bush. the establishment is on romney's side, but in 2010 it didn't always get its way in the primaries. >> part of the statement said i think romney is the best choice. i like perry, but he doesn't team to be going anywhere. you can talk about the perry line but he said romney was not a bomb thrower. that's a part of the story line that the establishment and others against newt gingrich want to keep in the minds of people in iowa. >> right. make no mistake it was a shot at newt gingrich and it is clearly how the establishment is lining
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up with mitt romney. they believe that newt gingrich is a bomb thrower and can't be trusted given his days as speaker during the 1990s in the house of representatives. it shouldn't be surprising that that's the argument that the romney campaign wants to make. >> well the me talk to you about many things revealed in the interview this chuck todd did. one of the things was his decision not to release his tax form. what do we make of this? >> one, the obama campaign is making much of it. the spokesman was tweeting about it earlier today. this is something that mitt romney said he will not release his tax records. one of the reasons why is when you look at the tax records, mitt romney is not paying the full 35% of his next tax rate. it could be coming with capital gains and other things like
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that. we have been walking about the warren buffett rule and doesn't pay the 35%. he pays substantially less and democrats would love to seize on that. >> moving on to newt gingrich in virginia. in less than 24 hours, why is he so laser focused there? >> it's all about scrambling to get on the ballot and they happened to get on the states where they need 10,000 signatures. the word we get covering newt gingrich said he was going to make it the deadline. you don't make it officially until they count all the signatures and make sure they are all valid. another example of how newt gingrich's campaign has been on the fly. they made an important ballot deadline and can they do it in virginia. >> a tax cut extension, we talked a lot about the "wall street journal." they talked about the chaotic
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handling may in fact help president obama's reelection and newt gingrich as well as mitt romney really not wanting to get in the middle of this and they seem to want to comment on everything else. >> just the silence has been deafening, one, from the candidates and also from mitch mcconnell and the statement he put out agreeing with senate majority leader harry reid and the democrats. everything points to house republicans have been back to a corner and everybody outside the caucus feels like the house republicans are making a mistake on this issue. there is a lot of time to go and this could play out and democrats have the obvious advantage here. >> thank you and a great pleasure having you on. new information on the military hazing that may have driven a soldier to commit suicide. that tops our stories. according to the pentagon, the eight soldiers changed in connection with his death have been transferred to another base in afghanistan.
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a military investigation found he was subjected to racial slurs and attacks before his death in october. closing arguments wrapped up in the hearing connected to the leak of hundreds of thousands of top create documents. prosecutors accuse bradley manning of aiding the enemy, bithey claim the army is trying to strong arm his client. wal-mart voluntarily pulled a batch of infant formula from the shelves after tests show it may be linked to the death of a missouri infant. the powder was given to the infant and they said the batch tested negative for the bacteria before shfs shipped. they are working to pinpoint the source. >> the justice department call it the nation's largest settlement ever over residential fair lending practices. bank of america agreed to pay $335 million over allegations
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that count rye wide financial discriminated against borrowers. the alleged discrimination happened between 2004 and 2007. before bank of america bought countrywide. eric holder said the settlement sends a strong message. >> today's justice department and all the departments behind me will not hesitate to move aggressively in holding lenders including the nation's largest accountable for misconduct. >> joining me now is the contributor for it's a pleasure to have you on. >> always a pleasure. >> when are the housing bubble first burst in 2008, there were a lot of people on the radio and they allege it was because of african-american and hispanic people getting homes they knew they could not afford and put the blame on mi nnoritieminorit.
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now it's revealed a lot of people who could have qualified for low interest loans were given loans solely based on their race. >> that was the problem. we heard over and over again from the industry and also those who apologized. they said wait a minute, it's not our fault. we didn't make someone sign on the dotted line and make someone come to us and say we need the loan. the government was mandated. we find out because of the aggressive action and my hats off to eric holder and by the way, other state attorney generals have weighed in on this saying no, b of a and country wide at the time and many other lending institutions, you were guilty and steered people like african-americans and hispanics to sell prime loan when is you knew they were competent, qualify and could qualify and were eligible for regular loans. if that's not discrimination
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with a vengeance, i don't know what is. >> go ahead. >> i was going to say the good thing was in reading the statements that officials at bank of america and the lending institutions f you read between the lines, they agree. they say we goofed. we screwed up. we in fact did in fact do essentially what we should not have done, namely practiced blatant discrimination and you have to pay for it. >> they do have to pay $335 million, but should that make consumers feel better? as i was about to say, i don't have to tell you. you talked to anyone, african-american and hispanic, they will share with you a personal story or some story. i felt they gave me a far worse deal than they would give a white customer or the feeling or having proof that the price was jacked up when they came in. this obviously gives you something on paper, but that feeling and sentiment exists
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that in some cases you get the short end of the stick. >> yeah and i think what we are saying is can you put a price, really a price tag and a dollar amount on the pain and the suffering and the anxiety that many families went through. as a matter of fact one of the statements from the justice didn't just tank the housing crisis, but hurt entire communities. i would go a step further and not only hurt communities, but devastate entire families. by the way, even years later, this was a period of three years in 2004 to 2007, four years later, we see the effects and the crisis. we are still feeling and hearing about the personal pain that this blatant practice calls. you are right. the personal pain can never be measured by dollars. >> thank you so much for your time. we appreciate it. coming up, a side of prince
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william we probably haven't seen before. did you see him shakeing it off. this was his dance partner at a charity event. kate looking on. wow! i'm impressed. there is a lot going on today. there things we thought you should know. congressman is apologizing to first lady michelle obama after making inappropriate comments about her figure. he was overheard retelling the comments he made at a church event. the republican reportedly said "she lectures us on eating right while she has a large posterior herself." they said he was referring to the food initiative and doesn't think she should tell americans what to eat. we will ask you to weigh in. should he take it a step further and as you see there, there is a full view of the congressman's figure. >> anthony wiener's wife gave
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birth to a baby boy who was born yesterday at 7 pounds 5 ounces. when he resigned earlier this year amid an embarrassing sex scandal. he offered to pay for south carolina's primary in an ad written in the statement state newspaper and republican officials were close to accepting money from his super pack to get the naming rights for the state's primary. they denied they were ever close to a deal. we are getting a look at the depiction of the election. the game change is set to debut in march. they are getting a glimpse of julianne moore's portrayal of sarah palin. . >> i would be honored to accept your nomination for vice president of the united states. g children holiday joy, and while it doesn't travel by sleigh or reindeer,
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coming up at the top of the hour, the president makes the case for why americans cannot handle another $40 hit to their wallet and mitch mcconnell said congress must act. can they refuse a vote? a bush breaks for romney and ann versus calista. the potential first lines club gets in the act on the campaign trail. >> best buy won't be able to lead to a problem redeeming on line orders made in november and and december. we will talk about hot items and the back eye for best buy. that is not a good thing. >> this said the profit margin was dun due to the heavy sdounding. this may be what they are going
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to see as they report earnings. we got so accustomed to sales and that will impact the profit margins. santa is being joined by the santa anas. >> you are very clever today. thank you. let's talk about the hot gifts. i love the cosmetics and nail polish and things that are so popular. >> you will find out shortly, but we have been looking and going down to the wire. they are saying the things people are say iing about gift cards and cash. we are seeing that what's hot are buzz words like fashionista and budget fashionista and designer clothes. listen to this. >> cosmetics is an area that outperforms in tough economic times. it's a quick fix. >> people tell us they are more
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inclined to give a lottery ticket. 19% said they plan to give a lotly ticket up from 16%. >> wow. >> that i have never heard from. where are shoppers going right now? sporting goods stores have seen a 20% jump in activity and the same for shoes. the specialty is up 19%. the difference between regular shoes and athletic footwear. she likes to scratch them off. if you give them the ticket, do you have to split the money because you performed it? >> yeah. this could create true friction. >> that are could ruin christmas. >> if i give my mother a lottery ticket, she is splitting it.
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thank you very much. >> the future king of england is proving he has serious street cred. you can actually see in the video prince william brushing some dirt off his shoulder. he is not literally. it's a swag dance as in kanye and jay z. swalner full motion. he was along with kate middleton at a center for homeless youth. they baked cookies and spent time with kids before the prince showed off. he has attitude and i understand he was bouncing and doing the whole thing. an "american idol" star jail and hot news with the kardashians and kris humphries. courtney has news and drop it like it's hot. pop goes the editor is with us. >> adam lambert in a lover's quarrel. they are laughing about it now on twitter.
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>> he ended up in jail? >> they were at a club in finland and they got into a lover's spat and took it outside and they started really getting heated. people tried to split it up. >> it was a physical altercation? >> yes. a former miss held sinky got in the says e middle and they were taken to jail and the next day as they tweeted, they said they are laughing it off now. what's jail time among partners? it is serious. this is not the first time he had a bit of a crazy edge with alcohol. back when lady gaga was having a birthday party, he got kicked out. this is a guy who parties a little hard. >> she going to maybe have to give help with these allegations. r.icly is trapped in the cloz set say hip opera.
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it's like a four-day event. you have to stay in your home and watch it. >> he has 32 more chapters and want help financially. they have a clip to explain what this is. this is trapped in the closet. let's see if we can take a look. >> i'm stretching in a bed that don't belong to me and a voice yells good morning, darling from the bathroom. she comes out and kisses me to to my surprise she ain't you and now i have a dumb look on my face about what have i done? >> it is the most crazy thing. >> for gets literal. now i'm in the closet still waiting in the closet. when am i going to get out of this closet? >> into the table, people. it keeps going on with every last detail on what's happening. >> it's crazy, but entertaining. quickly here, the kardashians
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were accused of using a sweat shop. >> three of the lines are saying it's not true, but there is a sweat shop in china. the institute for global labor said they are under aged and brutal conditions, but they are denying it. >> adamantly. >> it's not a good time to be chris humphries. >> the soon to be ex. >> he is voted the most hated nba player. >> here beat lebron james? >> she number two. he was booed as the sportscaster said. he is getting $8 million. >> he is singing. pop goes the week business. >> we will see if i'm ever invited back. >> for the latest, logon to or be a fan of the scoop on facebook. we'll be right back with our explosive gut check. ♪ ♪
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ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ it's nice to be here ♪ it's nice to see you in my bed ♪ ♪ ♪ there are diamonds in her eyes ♪ [ male announcer ] this is your moment. ♪ and they sparkle in the night ♪ ♪ when the moment comes alive [ male announcer ] this is zales, the diamond store.
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>> time now necessary the "news nation" gut check. apologies about the 50 lady's campaign and her body. he was overheard saying "she lectures us on eating right while she has a large posterior herself. he sent a note of apology and saying he regretted his inappropriate comment, but what does your gut tell you. is an apology enough or should the congressman volunteer to promote the first lady's let's move initiative. we can all use a work out. go to "news nation" to cast your vote. my colleague rich's louie is in for martin bashir next.
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