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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  December 27, 2011 10:00am-11:00am EST

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of candidates or one of their super pacs, so far $10 million having been spent in this state alone so far this month. a lot of that money is being spend by rick perry's campaign, close to $3 million, nine ads already out. the story today is the e-mail that was sent out by newt ging arrive where he was attacking mitt romney, saying in the language, can we trust a massachusetts moderate to enact a conservatee agenda? the fight between the two of them will be one of the story lines people will be keeping a close eye on, for the next week. 28 delegates at stake. there are 22 separate chances in this state today to meet and greet individual candidates. iowans often get to shake their hands two or three times.
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michele bachmann with ten stops today as she tries to visit all 99 counties in the state. isms what sense are you getting, peter, from you can thatting to folks? >> reporter: i think it depends on who you ask. i think a lot of people are sick. it's impossible to miss these campaign ads, and certainly not all of positive. there are plenty of other negative attacks from paul as well. bare-fisted coming out today, but the truth is iowa is still iowa the undecided. a lot of people are only beginning to make up their mind. i think that's given hope to rick santorum. people say if the weather is bad, the conservatives will come out in force and people like rick santorum may have stronger number. >> the anti-romney vote, will it dough ales around a candidate?
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we shall see. peter alexander, thank you very much. i want to bridge in michael steele and julian epstein. good morning, happy holidays. >> good morning. michael, we got the first indication that he may be changing. it's titled fact sheet, and they say can we trust a massachusetts moderate to enact a conservative agenda? was this inevitable? >> yeah, chris, you know it was. you can only hold out for so long. >> and apparently so long is a couple weeks. >> but think about it. it's been a couple weeks since he's been at that level where you've had close to $7, $8 million of negative advertising. after a point it begins to hurt and you realize you have to push
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back. as much as people complain and don't like it, it is effective, it does bring down your numbers. newt has seen this happen, seen his behind, shall we say, exposed, and he's got to cover it now. he's going to try to do that in the next seven days in a way that allow him to at least save some ground that he's gained here in iowa. but it's tough. he's got to do something at this point. you can't sit back, take the incoming and smile. >> up to this point there's been five or six different people who have been on top offal polls in iowa. and mitt romney basically ignoring it, not competing there, now he's up with this ad blitz about really going after the voters there. smart strategy? >> well, as you've said before if mitt romney were voting
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against bernie madoff he probably wouldn't get more than 25 percent of the vote, but if you're anyone else -- if santorum surging, if ron paul surges, and they take the votes away from gingrich, that's good news for romney. gingrich is really the only real threat left standing for the romney campaign. but, you know, at some point you've got to question the iowa voters here. it's almost like they've had the t-shiver acquires i'm in love with stupid" it's almost like they've been wearing the t-shirt since august. first they start dating michele bachmann when turns out to be an empty suit, then rick perry, who sounds a bit like the rainman when he debate, and now it's newt gingrich who has more ghosts of christmas past than scrooge. the real question here is, have the iowa voters come to the point where they're willing to vote for electability, or are
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they still litigating what seems to be the old culture wars, which is exactly what newt gingrich's e-mail is trying to go into. to your point, i guess that's the question. will the evan yell cals split, michael, and there you go, all of a sudden mitt romney saves the day for the republican party. he has a bus tour he's launching today, and all the monies he's throwing at the tiesing. >> i don't know how much of the day will be saved here. i think the fact of the matter is mitt romney doesn't have a lot to cheer about even if he wins iowa, because he's been polls at about 25% among the republican base. number two, rick santorum, who's spent a lot of time on the ground -- >> but rick san tore will not get the nomination. >> but my point is the thing about iowa is becoming much more
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of an outlier about -- the policy are changing. there's less of that. michele bachmann was bragging about organizing in 91 of the 99 counties, and no one has gotten close to that. the whole thing that is changed, and i think it's changing for the better. this is a very evolves process, chez very healthy, i think, for the party, because it's got to come to grips with who they are and what they fundamentally believe in. not one core segment will drive this nomination, i don't think. >> but -- that's a great point. there's been a lot written about, julian, the fact there's a lot less focus on the old-fashioned retail campaigning, and we are in the
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last week, mitt romney t. gingrich, bachmann, perry have bus campaigns going, and we're talking about a really small audience, what, 119,000 iowaen voted in 2008, so what's your strategy if you're any of these folks, what's your closing argument? who do you aim it at? >> they can switch the votes in the middle of the caucus. so it's a very, very fluid process, including when the actual ballots are being cast. again if you're romney, your strategy has to be an ant-gingrich strategy, which seems to be working. it seems the iowa voters are taking a close look at newt gingrich and the closer they look, they don't like what they see, gingrich is really the only
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candidate standing who has a chance of taking i think the nomination away from romney. you look at the last four primaries, you had bush in '92, dole? '96, bush in 2000, xwush in 2004, and mccain in 2008. it seems the party at the end of the day goes for the establishment candidate who is electable. that doesn't seem to be the wade iowa voters have been going right now. to michael's point. democrats, when we went for candidates ike mike due caucus in 1998, there was an xi stenchal shift, where we needed a centrist moderate candidate, we went with bill clinton. and he set the stage for reps for the next few years. republicans don't seem to have gone through that process. we need a guy who with ride into
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the future and win this election as a moderate, as a guy who can appeal to independents. the question is, and i think michael is exactly right, the question is whether they'll get to that in went primaries. i agree with michael. iowa will turn out to be an outlier election. we'll get the view directly from the romney campaign. the press secretary will join me live at 10:30 eastern right here. along with the waves in hawaii president obama's approval rating is swelling. for the first time since july, more people approve than disapprove. kristin welker joins us from honolulu. the white house has a billing decision to make on whether yemen's outgoing president can come to the u.s. for medical
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treatment. tell us where that stands. >> reporter: good morning. this is a very big decision. the white house saying it is still very much in the process of trying to determine exact how to handle this. we have a statement that was released by white house deputy press secretary josh earnest just yesterday saying u.s. officials are continuing to consider president saleh's request, but initial reports that permission has already been granted are not true. he was injured after an attack on his compound during the summer, and there are conditions the u.s. wants to be -- there's no indication that those conditions have actually been met. just to give you some background, of course, yemen is one of the arab spring countries. back in february we saw demonstrators take to the streets and start to rise up in
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protest against saleh's rule. the government retaliated and accused of killing hundreds of those protesters. so the u.s. doesn't want to be seen as providing a safe haven or refuge for someone accused of essentially having a hand in those deaths. on the other hand, saleh has agreed to hand over power to his vice president. so there is a thought if the united states allows him into the country for medical treatment, it could allow for the process -- the transition process to take place more smoothly, alex. >> kristin welker -- >> or chris, rather. it's still early. sorry. >> it is very early, what are you five, six hours different? >> reporter: five. >> thank you for getting up for us. >> reporter: thank you, chris. sorry. it's worst mentioning that -- on suspected al qaeda cells, so that's part of this whole equation, too. now we should say al qaeda is
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claiming responsibility for last week's wave of deadly attacks in baghdad. 69 people killed there. the claim there made no mention of the u.s. troop withdrawal.
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rick santorum was hunting for an endorsement doning a bright, bright orange jacket and cap. he went pheasant hunting with congressman king. santorum didn't get king's endorsement, but he did bag a black pheasant and quail. >> not a particularly great day to do town hall meetings, so i thought we would do something fun, something i enjoy doing, and i know the folks here in iowa enjoy doing it also, with good friend. it was an opportunity for me to get out and participate in a
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sport that i know is a popular one here in the state of iowa. mitt romney is starting his day in newspaper newspaper, talking to volunteers. later this afternoon he'll fly to iowa to kick off his bus tour, but he did spent the morning attacking his president. >> his view is we should change america. he said he was going to fundamentally change america. i don't like the direction it's taking. according to research in "wall street journal," newt gingrich used to be supportive of massachusetts governor mitt romney's health care player, april 2006, a newspaper he wrote we agree entirely with romney and michigan legislators or goal should be 100% insurance coverage for all americans. touting his accomplishments in debates and in tv ads. >> i believe bold ideas and new
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solutions will unleash america's creative -- our budget was balanced and 11 million jobs were created. >> politico's maggy has beenerman is taking a closer look. good to see you. it was a fascinating article. do they think it's been so long that people have forgotten? >> i think it's interesting, newt gingrich did a town hole two weeks ago and talked about the glory days of bill clinton's presidency, and how he understood the bipartisan gestures. this man is credited with the fact he was quick off of a plane or not meat to -- you know, this is revisionist history, certainly another part of clinton supporters. gingrich supporters says it does take two to tango, but this i think has been an intent presentation. >> i want to play what bill
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clinton had to say on the "today" show about all this. >> do you believe that gingrich deserved the credit he's taking for balancing the budget when you were president? >> not really, but i think he did work with me to pass some good budgets. >> so, he was in a position of power, he was there, he got ridden out pretty much on a rail, so what's the strategy? seriously, by the gingrich campaign in doing this? >> sure, the strategy is he has to point to something concrete and say i do have this record, this is why i know what i'm doing. it's interesting, though, because part of his pitch isitis also an outsider. he doesn't have that much else that he can point to. he's been making money as a consultant for the past ten years.
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that won't fly with voters. >> we've talked about social media and the instant ads that go up, but almost anybody can become an opposition researcher. when you look at what we just saw with what newt gingrich had to say, i mean, there's almost nothing that can stay hidden anymore. you can't just hope that something that happened in the pass isn't going to come out. >> that's right. everything comes up. one of the odder things this cycle has been how late these ron paul letters that he has to answer for -- >> that was odd, where basically he says that the extreme cyst groups that support him, he doesn't support them, but he's not going to disavow. >> that's right. he had these newsletters written under his name. he said he didn't write them them, but it was the ron paul newsletter. you're absolutely right, though,
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that everything else is fair game and comes up easily with a google search. it's not hard anymore. >> if you're trying to win over conservatives and you bring up the name bill clinton, do you want to be associated with a moderate or, gasp, liberal? >> he's trying to present himself as a centrist person, go beyond the bickering and fighting. that then gives his points something to seize on. and this has been a knock on newt gingrich for the last 13 years. newt gingrich's new tack, is now attacking mitt romney as a massachusetts moderate. the problem is this issue with the health care letter where hi favored romney care when it first passed, it's very easy to say the same thing about him. that's a not a problem. >> maggie, you have your son
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here? >> he's 6. >> you heard it first, he's going to be president someday. he's so smart. >> thank you. >> thank you. the group called anonymous stole thousands of credit card numbers and the personal data of stratford group this morning, they took the money to make donations. he bradley manning is accused of providing confidential information to wikileaks.
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well, we all know that retail is very important to the economic recovery. the post-holiday shopping blitz is on. retailers are hoping you start to redeem some of the estimated, get in number, $28 billion worth of gift cards received as presents this year. mandy drury is here with what's
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moving your money. big discounts, you know, you can make that gift card stretch. >> you really can, and you won't be the only one if you go. the week after christmas is typically one of the bus jest times for gift card redemptions. there are a lot of people wanting to wash in. $41 billion worth of gift cards have gone unredeemed apparently since 2005. don't ask me how they get those numbers, but about 58% of people wanted gift cards this holiday season, and about 80% of consumers bought gift cards. that's up from 77% last year. who are the big winners? traditionally the big names like walmart, amazon and apple, so ka-ching ka-ching for them. >> this surprised me. so many people were out, you you would think that restaurant are packed as well, but they're offering deals as well?
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>> apparently this isn't the time they would snowstormally do it, because people are willing to spend a little more coin on eating out, but this year dining chains are pushing the holidays. you can really cherry pick your stores based on the deals that are out there. chili's, and applebee's using more discounts and advertising a marketing, really catering to the cost-conscious consumers. just to make you feel really hungry, applebee's is offering its sizzling entrees for as low as $8.88. chili's is pushing 30 days of daily deals. in november 61% of americans said they did plan to spend less on eating out in the next six months. there is a bit of a disconnect with what we're hearing about the make rho economy, which is that it's getting incrementally better, but there are still a lot of people out there watching
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their purses, and keeping that uncertain tone. >> we always say we're going to cook more, but end up going out. >> 'tis the season to be jolly and eat a lot. >> thank you so much. >> no worries. the record holiday sales numbers, saling is being forced to close more than 100 of their stores and k-marts. there was a drop in clothing and consumer electronics sales during this holiday season there. oh it's clearance time!
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yeah, our low prices are even lower. we need to teach her how to walk. she is taking up valuable cart space. aren't you, honey?
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[ male announcer ] it's our biggest clearance event of the year where our prices are even lower. save money. live better. walmart. this is mike seidel, more jansing & company coming up. first an east coast storm, most of it is rain, it will be in new york later this afternoon and there could be severe weather in the southeast, the general snow amounts have been 1 to 2 inches on the fringe. some may see 2 to 4 like cleveland and detroit. here comes that rain into the mason dixon line, and there
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could be delays later today and this evening. right now the only airport showing a delay, about a half hour in atlanta on the east coast. on the west coast we have a delay because of low clouds and ceilings in san francisco of about an hour. again there could be storms this afternoon and this evening, a bit of severe weather. the tornado threat is very low, maybe some straight-line damage. which brings us to the forecast for the final few days of 2011. the sun will be back out in boston. the plains in good shape today, and the storm track will continue to bring rain and mountain snow into seattle, portland and the northern rockies for probably the rest of the year. but the 80 degree weather in most of florida is going to be ending today, chris, and will be back to about 70 degree weather, which is still not too hard to take here in late december. >> thanks so much, mike. >> a check of stories some other people are talking about, yet another tragic twist in the
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heart-breaking morning fire that killed two grandparents and their three granddates. investigators now say the grandfather was found on the roof. he was just outside the window of one of the his granddaughters, apparently trying to save her. he body was found just inside that window. the owner, madonna badger survived. she had to be held back from trying to rush back in. investigators say a bucket of smoldering embers may have sparked the blaze, which droided the $1.7 million home. her 39-year-old baby-sitter, a family friend, told investigators where he body could be found. now, according to a state websi website, there are 15 registered sex offenders in the mobile home park where ilyana lived. that park only has about two dozen homes.
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among the dead, a mayo clinic heart surgeon and technician. the waiting patient is now back on the list waiting for another transplant. prince philip is out of the hospital and back at his family's country estate. he underwent a successful coronary stent procedure. he may scale back from his 300 to 400 public appearances each year. they are safe after using facebook to ask for help while being held hostage for five days. the woman hid in a closet and wrote, i am having a serious problem and me and my son will be dead by morning. well, someone saw that post and called police. her boyfriend is under arrest. george clooney, angelina jolie, lady gaga, who is the most charitable celebrity of 2011? we'll tell you when we go down to the wire in 20. interesting article, by the way in "los angeles times" about
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how president obama is trying to change the conversation from the slow recovering to his fight for the middle class. in the meantime, of course, the republicans are doing battle largely with each other. a week from the caucus there. one of the keys to winning iowa is organization. the candidates have spent more than $10 million just in december just on tv and radio in iowa, but another side is just as important, getting your supporters to actually come to the caucus. nbc's political director mark murray joins us to talk about the retail side of the campaign. good morning. >> good morning, chris. >> is it clear who has the best organization? >> yes, by all indications, it's ron paul. i attended an event he held at iowa state, so a lot of college students. more than 1,000 people showed up to a ron paul speech, very impressive for this point in the iowa caucus stage. however it's important to know
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that the organization that ron paul has doesn't compared to what we saw in 2008 with either hillary clinton, barack obama, john edwards, even mitt romney on the republican side, so ron paul is the best this cycle, but it doesn't compare to 2008. >> here's what mike huckabee had to say about this over the weekend. let me play it. >> i would probably say that mitt romney will end up winning it, today. now, i think, again, ron paul, because of his organization could, and that's where mitt is really at a disadvantage. he doesn't have the devote. if the weather is good, mitt romney is in better shape. if the weather is bad and it's real tough to get out, ron paul will win. >> your devoted followers, in other words, will get there, do you buy that analysis? >> it's hard to predict how the weather will impact a race or not. i will agree with mike huckabee did say, this will probably romney's race to lose.
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why he might not have the organization that ron paul has right now, the people running his organization are the same folks who have -- and the secret to mitt romney hayes success is having the other conservative candidates. that, so mitt romney can end up winning iowa with just about 25 percent, about the number he's been in all the way, and 25% could win you the iowa caucuses. >> we just heard, by the way, that newt gingrich opened another iowa office. i was in ohio over the holidays, i almost drop off the road when i heard this one, he couldn't get enough signatures to get on the ballot. it's tough, but he thought he would be a write-in candidate. that's a state where he's from, he didn't know you couldn't be a write-in candidate. what does that tell you about the organization if they didn't even know that? >> chris, it tells you this campaign hasn't been built for the long haul.
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newt gingrich's rise we saw about a month ago, they actually have been runging this campaign by the site of their pants. to their credit, they qualified for an ohio ballot deadline not too long ago, but were unable to make the virginia ballot. virginia is one of the hardest states in the country. you need some 10 those suggests. other key numbers you needed to meet there. only two republicans did, ron paul and mitt romney. no one else got on the ballot. it is annika indication that newt gingrich's campaign isn't built no the long haul. >> mark murray, always good to see you, my friend. thank you. >> thanks, chris. is it your candidate's race to lose now in iowa? >> we're not going to play the expectations game. you know, iowa's not going to be -- it starts the process, but it's not going to end the process. we're plea pared to go through a 50-state battle.
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this primary election will go well through january -- >> i understand that. i understand that, but the fact of the 345er9 is everyone wants those bragging rights. it's nice to know that at the start you've got people behind you who are enthusiastic. that was the point that mike huckabee was trying to make, and they both said that the enthusiasm you see for a ron paul on the ground you don't see for mitt romney. it's obviously, as you know, it's been the knock on your candidate throughout there, that people just aren't getting excited about him. >> of course we'd like to win iowa. we want to win wherever governor romney hayes name is on the ballot. we have a lot of friends in iowa. we have a lot of strong support and people that want to get out the vote and send people to caucuses and support governor romney's message of jobs and the economy. they realize he's the one candidate that can beat president obama, and then go on to turn this economy around.
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i think those are the things that are important to voters in all of these states, which is what we've been talking about and will continue to talk about with each one of at least throughout the process. >> a senior romney strategist told john heilemann for "new york" magazine, quote, i don't see any scenario where we're not if the nominee. do you agree with that? >> no, we're not taking anything for granted. we have prepared to go the long haul, and we're going to earn every vote. that's why governor romney did a bus tour in city after city. last week we start our bus tour in iowa this week, and we're going to go from town to town, shaking hand after hand trying to earn it, and earn this nomination and go straight to the voters about why governor romney is the best candidate to represent the republican party to go up against barack obama. >> let me bring up some of the questions out there. "the washington post" had a editorial about governor romfully's refusal to release
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tax returns or bundler names, and then the story in "the boston globe" about the unusual purchase of his hard drives when he left schiavo. does your campaign have a transparency problem? >> we disclose everything by law -- >> i don't mean to interrupt you and don't want to be rude, but i would hope that anyone running for president would, frankly, follow the law, so i'm not disputing that you're following the law on this, but -- >> and that's where i'm going. when governor romney was governor of massachusetts, he turned over 700 boxes of documents for the public to view. that was not required by law. and that's the point i was making. governor romney has -- >> why not tax returns? why not bundler names? >> we'll look at the issue of turning over his tax returns when the next tax filing season comes along, and again, you know, all of our donors are disclosed publicly, and anyone
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who wants to review who's donated to the campaign can do so online. >> that's been a subject of conversation, and if so, what's the argument against it? >> again we're disclosing everything as required by law, and it is extensive information, and, you know, we will continue focusing on what's important in this race, which is turning this economy around, getting americans back to work and replacing a president who has failed the middle class, who has failed this economy, putting someone in who can get this -- >> let me ask you finally about, give you a chance to respond to newt gingrich's campaign, sending out the e-mail. can we trust a massachusetts moderate to enact a conservative agenda? obviously going after the conservative vote there in iowa, trying to get folks fired up. what's your response to that? >> speaker gingrich is a desperate candidate trying to
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revive his failing campaign. if you want to talk about someone who's an unreliable conservative. speaker gingrich sat down on a couch with nancy pelosi at the behest of al gore to talk about global warming and support of cap and trade, and when the conservative -- called it right-wing social engineering. he as unreliable conservative, so it's no surprise he's flailing right now, just to try to save his sinks campaign. >> andrea saul, just a week under the iowa caucus. thank you so much. good to see you. happy holidays. >> thank you. you too. the justice department has rejected south carolina's controversial voter i.d. law, the first time they have blocked a -- the justice department says it would prevent african-americans from voting. but south carolina governor nikki haley argues it will
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prevent voter fraud. an appeal is in the works. ♪ ♪ but the second that she shut the door ♪ ♪ girl started blowing up their credit score ♪ ♪ she bought a pizza party for the whole dorm floor ♪ ♪ hundred pounds of makeup at the makeup store ♪ ♪ and a ticket down to spring break in mexico ♪ ♪ but her folks didn't know 'cause her folks didn't go ♪ ♪ to free-credit-score-dot-com hard times for daddy and mom. ♪ v.o.: offer applies with enrollment in now there's no need to hold back. new revolutionary scope dualblast obliterates strong food odors leaving your breath minty fresh. hey. [ male announcer ] so there's no trace of evidence... new scope dualblast.
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fantastic! [ man ] pro-gresso they fit! okay-y... okay??? i've been eating progresso and now my favorite old okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less.
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mris may be unnecessary among patients being treated for back pain. doctors often order an mri before giving patients a steroid injection, but a study at john hopkins found that after three months, there was no difference between patients who got an injection based on mri results and those who got one based on a physical exam only. i'm craig melvin. ahead in our next hour, countdown to iowa. the femme, but one candidate's campaign says he has the nomination all. in an approval ratings boost for president obama.
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can he keep that momentum in 2012? blocking the vote, getting for a fresh new round of voter i.d. a whole lot more at the top of the hour. >> thank you so much, my friend. republicans spending millions to, and they're trying to seal the deal. that's the reason i've called for a part-time congress. i'm going to get rid of obama-care. ♪ "new york times" media reporter jeremy peters joins me from des moines. good morning. good morning. i have to say again what i was talking about earlier. we're talking about 119,000 republicans voted in 2008. already more than $13 million than spent on tv ads.
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let's start with rick perry. he has spent $4.4 million, this is his latest ad, his 11th. >> if washington is the problem why trust a congressman for fix them. among them they've spend 63 years in congress leaving is with debt earmarks and bailouts. we had need a solution. >> that's the reason i've called for a part-time contingencies. >> these ads have been very negative this year, and traditionally iowans don't like this constant negativity. they see them over and over and over again. are they risking a backlash, do you think? >> i don't think so at all. negative ads have proven very effect i have. just into last week when the poll numbers started to plummet. >> and as we said, he just sent
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out an e-mail, the first opposition e-mail, so you got me on that one. mitt romney also out with a new ad. let's take a look at that one. >> how are you? good to see you. >> that was not -- do we have the romney ad? that was a little glad hasn'ting there. here is the rho many any ad. >> i'm going to do something to government, make it simpler, smaller and smarter, turning programs back to states and finally making government itself more efficient. it is a moral imperative for america to stop spending more money than we take in. >> a lot of all-america pictures there, the kid with the baseball bat. what's the strategy with an ad like that? >> romney's campaign is trying to stay as upbeat as they can, and also trying to portray mitt romney as a conservative businessman. that's the latest catch line.
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they have the luxury of a very well-funded super pac that has been going ferociously negative. so republican any appears to most voters to be taken the high grounds, and then he has his super pac which he's technically not supposed to coordinate with, doing his dirty work. >> remember those pop-up videos from vh-1? check out there from rick santorum. ♪ well, the santorum campaign has spent only $18,000 on tv in iowa. you think they're getting some bang for their buck with that ad? at least it's different. >> it is different. that's the challenge here for a lot of these groups in campaigns
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is cutting through all of the clutter. you can't turn out a television in iowa these days without seeing political advertisements. a lot of people are telling me they're just muting their television. so that's a very gentle one. it has some interesting coded messages, if you will, with the ad referencing the fact that santorum has home-schooled his children and the home-school population is iowa is one that helped capitulate mike huckabee to victory four years ago, and his faith, and his daughter, who is born with a genetic disorder. all of these things are coded, signals if you will, to the evangelical base that rick santorum needs if he's going to pull out a strong showing. >> a lot of people believe he could be the surprise. we shall see. jeremy peters from "new york times," thank you. >> thank you. we'll be right back. what is this shorty? uh, tissues sir, i'm sick.
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you don't cough, you don't show defeat. give me your war face! raaah! [ male announcer ] halls. a pep talk in every drop.
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and the cutest polar bear. let's go down to the wire. santa claus brought an engagement ring for his longtime girlfriend. they've been together since 2007. they have at least one kid, right? a custody battle is brewing over the cavalier king charles spaniel. did anyone see the fake "people" magazine cover circulating on the internet? the photoshopped cover reads "out & proud." "people" says it's absolutely fake. stars using their wealth and power for good. lady gaga tops the list of the most charitable celebrities. justin bieber jumps from number 10 to number 2 on the list. look at ceku, opening his
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eyes for the first time. the month-old polar bear is being produced by humans, because his mother didn't produce enough mill. craig melvin is up next, in today for thomas roberts. i'll see you back here tomorrow. it's water from the drinking fountain at the mall. [ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can come from any faucet anywhere. the brita bottle with the filter inside. ♪ [ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can come from any faucet anywhere. like so many great pioneers before me, guided only by a dream. i'm embarking on a journey of epic proportion. i will travel, from sea to shining sea, through amber waves of grain, and i won't stop until i've helped every driver in america save hundreds on car insurance. well i'm out of the parking lot. that's a good start. geico, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent, or more on car insurance.
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countdown to iowa, 7 days, six candidates all making their closing arguments as undecided voters try to make up their minds. can romney replain the front-runner? and can newt gingrich recover from his ballot debacle in virginia? it could also tank a few campaigns. meanwhile, obama-mentum. for the first time since july, how does this boost his prospects? >> and this congress in for


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