tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC January 5, 2012 10:00am-11:00am EST
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good morning. i'm chris jansing. so what do you do now if you're a conservative republican, a member of the tea party, say, and the window of opportunity is closing to find an alternative to mitt romney? rick santorum show there had just might be room for someone else and voters outside of iowa seem to agree because he raised $1 million overnight. his super pac is raking in cash, too and getting ads up in south carolina. of course, besides romney, santorum still competing with ron paul with newt gingrich, jon huntsman, even rick perry, who, of course, first signalled he might be leaving the race and then said he is heading to south carolina. kiki mcclaine is a democratic
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strategist who worked for hillary clinton john kerry and al gore and former congresswoman susan molinari is now supporting mitt romney. good morning. >> good morning. >> so, kiki, politico is reporting that a group of conservatives are huddling in texas to try to unite around the conservative base around one candidate because, frankly, they just hate mitt romney so much and don't want to split their vote between rick santorum and newt gingrich. realistically, what can they do at this point? >> they can decide where to put resources. i think what it is a demonstration those folks meeting at the super ultraright-wing conservative meeting there think about what the fall on the general election looks like and look up and say people respect quite there for mitt romney, look up and the conservatives say we don't know what kind of leader to expect. there is a lot of flip-flopping. we don't know who he will be. they look at the comparative in a general election someone against barack obama, developed
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credible accomplishments, we are about to fall off a kplif but make sure we shore up our banking system, wall street doesn't get to it's own ticket and at the end of the day he said in 2008, if i get a chance to go into pakistan and get osama bin laden, i'm gonna do it and he did t. >> oh, okay. so let me get back to the republican side -- >> a general look like. >> the republican -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> kiki points out the problem and we all know what the problem seems to be for your guy, mitt romney, susan, that is that he may have won in iowa but 75% of the republicans there didn't vote for him and gene robinson writes, i'm quoting, "the iowa campaign proved what pollsters have been telling us all along. republicans just don't like mitt romney very much." so, are you worried about a push to get someone else? >> you know what, i'm not. i do have to say kiki, i really don't think those guys in texas are huddling because they think barack obama has been such a great president. i think they look at the record
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and see, you know, record unemployment that is not going down and deficit spending that continues to rise and no leadership and they want to make sure there is a serious opponent to president obama. that being said, i think the fact that mitt romney a few weeks ago wasn't even playing in iowa and was able to come in with the momentum to allow him to win, albeit by eight vote we now go to new hampshire, going go to new hampshire, probably win overwhelmingly and south carolina that is going to be a split. what you see by super tuesday is mitt romney, a very strong, very credible, very formidable candidate against president barack obama. look, from a strictly strategic standpoint, having all these, you know, conservatives in the race and uberconservatives, because mitt romney is certainly very conservative, along with ron paul, is mitt romney's dream. allows him to play to his strengths and they can continue to fracture. >> susan is right about that. >> republicans seem united. let me play this for you. >> i think in terms of beating
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obama, having a clearly defined conservative is vastly more likely to win than having somebody who is confused. >> rick santorum is ready to take on barack obama and restore america's greatness. >> i believe that he is the one who can defeat barack obama and be president of the united states. >> in the end, do you think, keek kirk after all this hand wringing, and all this fracturing and this split in the republican party, frankly most of them are going to unite behind whoever the candidate is? >> i think it's gonna be a while. i think there's a couple things that go into play on this just on the practical side the first is there's a favorite son element going on in new hampshire now. i don't know how much of a bump or stabilizer new hampshire becomes for romney. >> people look at history and the they say nobody has won both iowa and new hampshire. he does that he goes into south carolina with a certain amount of momentum. >> but he also hasn't been able to grow his support. so, i think susan is right south carolina becomes important, then florida right after it.
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the other thing that's different this year is historically, the republican primaries have had winner take all, meaning you get all the delegates if you win there are different rules in every state now. democrats have done it that way a long time, teams are used to dealing with that. that makes this a very different practical execution of a campaign. anybody that predicts to you other than the fact that splintered support gives romney an edge but not momentum for a general that is a challenge for him and -- >> with all due respect to my friend kiki, she was able to deliver a wonderful television commercial for president obama when she was one of senator clinton's, you know, chief cheerleaders and assistants and played a very important role in that campaign and was able to unify presidential parties, presidential campaigns 99% of the time, unless there's a third party candidate are really able to unify around a candidate. >> are you worried about that, given the numbers that we're seeing, susan? are you worried about the
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possibility of a third party getting in, taking votes away from mitt romney, given the fact that in spite of people believing he, by far, has the best chance to beat barack obama, it doesn't seem like that many are willing to vote for him. he does seem stuck at that 25%. >> and i think it's early. i think we have only had one caucus. i think as we start to see the momentum and people start to see that you know, he is really somebody who rolls up his sleeves and has the gravitas to take on president obama, and that's what all the polls are showing that people think he has the gravitas to, first of all, be president of the united states, which is very important, but also to take on president obama, i am not worried. i think that as this campaign continues to go on. you know what, i think the more people challenge mitt romney, the better candidate he has become and he has sort of grown in that position to the person that we know who is able to right the olympics and make a very blue state like massachusetts into a fiscally responsible state. >> susan molinari, speaking like the mitt romney supporter she
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is. i thank you. good to see you. kiki, thank you as well. >> thanks. now, we want to tell but that poll that you just saw that 65% saying that they think mitt romney is strongest, again, that cnn poll. it was taken after iowa and romney still has a commanding lead but rick santorum has moved up to fourth place with 10% in new hampshire. i'm joined now by the director of the marist poll. lee, good to see you. how are you this morning? >> good morning, chris, how are you? >> i know you are working on another poll for us, i think going to come out on saturday. so here is my question, with all the twists and turns -- >> friday. it will be out on friday. >> oh, tomorrow? great. >> yeah. >> we have seen all these twists and turns in recent months, how difficult is it to get an accurate read on where voters are right now? >> well, i mean, the pollster will tell you, as will we, these polls are snapshots, we are shooting at a moving target. the campaigns don't stop after we complete our polls but what
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we see is in iowa, which is a very difficult polling environment, so few people participate in the caucuses that the polls really told a very solid narrative about the rises -- the rise and decline of all these different candidates finally ending in a photo finish for santorum surging. so i think the polls have been very successful so far. keep our fingers crossed as we go into new hampshire. >> polling the first time after we have had one contest. john huntsman, maybe wishful thinking, people in new hampshire don't care about what iowans did. is that true or all right santorum momentum carry over? i guess the question is there a kind of bandwagon effect? >> sleclearly what iowa does, i doesn't make a candidate, it breaks some, bachmann get out, gingrich is not doing as well as sap tore rum is right now. so, it does create some dynamic but new hampshire voters often
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correct what iowa did rather than momentum way, some kind of bounce. the big thing going into new hampshire, of course is mitt romney's margin what everybody is looking at. he got 32% last time in new hampshire. the question right now, polling around 40. is he able to win new hampshire handily? the expectations are set quite high, certainly higher than what happened in iowa for him. >> you know, he has been strong with voters, we looked iowa polls, looking for experience and elect ability. santorum scored better with values-oriented voters. what you be looking at in the new poll? what will be some of the telling snubs >> that is exactly it. i think we are talking -- talking about romney, experience and elect ability, santorum, talking about values, ideology, conservatism. the difference between new hampshire and iowa is night and day in terms of the electorate. new hampshire is much less conservative. there are far fewer evangelical christians, far fewer tea party
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supporters, so all things being equal it is a better place for mitt romney, aside from the fact that he was governor of massachusetts and they know him. store, is a very different environment for these candidates than the iowa caucus was, let alone in new hampshire, the turnout is more and that also favors romney, very interested. is there going to be a bounce for santorum as they get to know him? he is relatively unknown. he has five days -- >> there was a funny q & a, lee, in iowa, they asked a santorum staffer, you know, how are you doing, a couple days before the actual caucuses? the answer is, i don't know, we can't afford polling. tell us, because we are almost out of time, internal polling the campaigns do and what would they be looking for right at this point? >> they are looking for the margin and whether there is any movement and the very same issues the public polls are looking at. you talk about how quick it s in 1980 when george bush upset ronald reagan in iowa, there were 36 days between iowa and new hampshire and that's when
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reagan was able to recover. santorum doesn't have anywhere near that to build on this momentum. he has to raise money. he has to make his case. they know romney. they don't know santorum. there's a lot to happen in a very compressed time. we are going to be monitoring very closely. >> it is great to see you, thank you so much, dr. lee miringoff. >> my pleasure, chris. good to so u as president obama wraps up his campaign machine, his target is mitt romney. is the white house already set on an obama/romney race in the signs are there and we will show them to you coming up. mitt romney is slamming president obama for, these are his words, chicago-style politics. he is criticizing the president's decision to recess appoint richard cordray as director of the consumer protection bureau. romney issued this statement, sadly, instead of focussing on economic growth, he is once again focussing on creating more regulation, more government and more washington gridlock. rick santorum also weighing in he said during an interview a short time ago on the radio --
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>> so, what he has basically done is i'm above the rules are, the president of the united states says. i can do whatever i want when the people demand my action. boy, that sounds a lot less like america and a lot more like some banana republic. >> nbc's mike viqueira is live at the white house. obviously, mike, the white house expected this kind of response from the republicans. what are they saying? >> i think they actually welcomed that kind of response from republicans. what they want republicans to and do i think part of the plan here is for people like the presidential candidates, rick santorum and mitt romney as well as the congressional leaders here in washington, john boehner and mitch mcconnell who called it an illegitimate power grab they want them to raise their hands and fuss about process because every minute your opposition, this is an axiom in washington, is fussing about process, you are wing the argument because people tune that out. the president is looking bold. i think the lead story in the "washington post" today said in a bold move.
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that is exactly what the white house want, this is an unprecedented move, no question about that the congress is not technically in recess. they come in every three days, they drop the gavel, they wave their happeneds a little bit, all takes about one minute, but they stayed in session technically just so the president would be blocked from making just this kind of appointment. the white house has called those sessions a sham and a gimmick. constitutional scholars are now in an uproar debating this back and forth there's no question that ultimately it is going to go to the courts but the bottom line is the president is seeing to his bay, consolidating his base, firing up that base by defying republicans and appointing richard cordray to head this consumer financial protection bureau, something very dear to president supporters. >> mike viqueira on the lawn of the white house. thank you, mike. >> okay. tell you about this major political battle brewing in the hoosier state. the first political shots have been fired over new right-to-work proposal. the republican legislature in indiana pushing hard for a right-to-work law that, if
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passed, would weaken unions. you will remember this was a huge issue in wisconsin last year and sparked massive protests and caused members of the legislature there to flee the state. ok! who gets occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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mitt romney really trying to fire up crowds in new hampshire yesterday. at the end of this rally with john mccain, maybe he got a little overly excited about getting people to the polls. >> thank you so much for being here tonight t is an honor to be with you in peter borrow again and we will see you on the 10th of july -- june -- january! ha ha ha! >> 10th of january. jon huntsman spent the day trying to convince the people of new hampshire that endorsements don't matter. and here's his new ad. >> we are getting screwed as
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americans. we have an economic deficit in this country and we have a trust deficit. >> can you say that? the ad is being paid for by a mix of campaign donation and by huntsman's wife, mary kay. and what do rick santorum and ron paul have in common? apparently at least one supporter. >> i love my nephew. i have 35 niece and nephews. so one out of 35 niece and nephews is pretty good as far as i'm concerned. he's ron paul supporter, god bless him. i mean, it's a phase. i underer stand it. >> pretty good answer to that, actually. mitt romney and president obama are trading attacks almost as if the race is set. first, the president's campaign team is playing offense, calling mitt romney's eight-vote iowa win proof that he is "a weak front-runner." and now, mitt romney has a new ad running in south carolina. >> you're seeing a president adopt policies which affect our economy based not upon what's
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right for the american worker but instead what's right for their politics. >> richard wolffe is an msnbc political analyst, joanne reid, managing editor of good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> richard, should we be surprise it had seems to be the general election here the way these two are going after each other? >> not really but it is for very different reasons. you know, the obama campaign believes that the other republican candidates have done a terrible job of putting romney through his paces and pointing out his record and going negative on him. so, they feel that they need to step in and do that right now and for romney this is obviously a chance to prove his conservative credentials by taking on obama, which is what is a huge priority for republican voters and not have to deal with some of these tricky questions about the policy flip-flops he has done. so, they want to go at it, but it is still a little bit premature. >> they have got their surrogates out, certainly the president, we heard kiki mclean a little bit earlier and a
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similar line of attack from debbie wasserman schultz yesterday. listen to this. >> demonstrates how little support there is on the republican side and little enthusiasm there is for mitt romney's candidacy and he is limp nothing new hampshire. >> is that a winning argument, do you think, for the democrats at this stage? >> well, i think it's kind of true. mitt romney is sort of a weak front-runner and i think to richard's point they feel like they need to start defining mitt romney now because that is what they think they will be doing in the fall. >> the question is what do you define him as, because there was an article in the "new york times" saying, look, they have got a couple of possibilities here. one is he is the wall street 1%er. he can't relate to average people and the president is the one who is going to fight for the middle class conversely. and then there's also a flip-flopper. can they do both effectively? >> well, i think their main narrative about romney, you don't know who mitt romney is he doesn't have a core. that argument ruled out by david axelrod and others but i think their argument is going to be sort of a hybrid, going to be
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this guy is all over the map in terms of his views because he is trying to avoid the real that he is just a very wealthy man who has made money off of laying people off and outsourcing jobs and that to avoid that he is sort of scrambling around for positions a hybrid but they will try to do both. >> a hybrid, richard, effective, because i guess if you look at some of the very successful republican campaigns in the past, you could argue that they were successful because they got one message, one clear, clean, simple message and they repeated it day after day, week after week, month after month. there was no hybridization there just had a message and they stuck with it? >> yeah, but you're right, but it was about themselves. think back, we are thinking back eight years now to john kerry, another massachusetts politician. what the bush campaign did was they were relentless in defining themselves, about going on the offense and defending america from terrorists. the white house has now got that box around their own message, which is about middle class and
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fighting for the middle class. what the bush campaign did to john kerry, tell me if this sounds familiar, they said he was an elitist, ultraliberal and he was a flip-flopper, they did all of those things and is that similar to mitt romney? i think so >> you know, there's a school of thought, joanne, if you try to paint mitt romney as a moderate that you know exhe is not liked by the republicans and the argument would be then because he is not conservative enough, it hurts you in the general election. >> right r i think that's absolutely true. i think what -- the obama campaign is not going to want to push's moderate. that is what newt gingrich is going to be trying to do so mitt romney has sort of discarded his competition, he thinks he is putting newt gingrich away. that was his main competitor. i think in the republican race you have that. he's a moderate, not conservative enough for us, but on the obama side, they want him to appear to be too conservative on immigration reforms, saying he vetoed the dream act. they want him to appear to be too far to the right and not a moderate. >> let me read to you mitt
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romney's campaign response "president obama's cronies spend more time strategizing about mitt romney than strategizing how to create jobs for the 25 million people out of work." and that comes every day, richard, in their very volume nous e-mails. is that a good counter? >> well, any time they are talking about the economy is good, as long as the economy is not improving. let's see what the jobs numbers do. you know, the economy is improving, albeit slowly and we have seen a pickup in the president's numbers along with consumer confidence. so, at the moment, that's the right thing to do, but four years ago, president obama as a candidate went out very strong on the war in iraq. by the time he got to the general election, people didn't really care anymore. >> richard wolffe, thank you very much. good to see you, joe app reid. >> good to be here. >> appreciate it. president obama is making a push to help america's youth get summer jobs. the white house says it has gotten commitments for 180,000 jobs in the private sector, although it wants even more.
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the president is set to announce his summer jobs plan later today. ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be cool if you took the top down on a crossover? if there were buttons for this? wouldn't it be cool if your car could handle the kids... ♪ ...and the nurburgring? or what if you built a car in tennessee that could change the world? yeah, that would be cool. nissan. innovation for today. innovation for tomorrow. innovation for all.
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it is south carolina or bust for rick perry, despite his poor snowing iowa, he decided to keep his campaign alive. former bush white house press secretary ari fleisher had some pithy observations on twitter. rick perry's thought bubble. if newt beats romney up enough, i can win south carolina. mitt romney's thought bubble. thank you, rick, so glad you stayed. nbc's richard lui has some more thoughts on why perry is moving forward. good morning. >> you have any thought bubbles. >> i think people in his own campaign were surprised. >> many people surprised, chris. it looked like he was throwing in the towel, the headlines thought so the "l.a. times," rick perry suspending campaign. dallas morning news, perry suspends bid. and then, there's the "chicago tribune," perry suspending campaign.
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then a spandex-wearing perry tweets a picture saying, "the next leg of the marathon is the palmetto state. here we come, south carolina." >> i just said i was going to reassess last night. yeah. i reassessed. the fact is it was a pretty loosey-goosey process and you had a lot of people who were there that admitted they were democrats, voting in the caucuses. >> a total of 12 hours, maybe the shortest reassessment on record. why stay in? it was a group of influential conservatives wanting one anti-romney candidate to support or influential bush 43 money supporters? his wife, she favored pushing forward. or god. perry said he prayed about that decision. or was it the smell of a south carolina victory? the gop nominee rite of passage. southern states, southern candidate, conservative state, conservative candidate. makes sense. but it also hurts the other conservatives i in the race. rick santorum, whose
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organization is weak, fellow texan ron paul needs a breakthrough win and newt gingrich is licking his wounds. the one person he help, romney, who is fourth in south carolina in '08. for romney, splikt the opposition by four is better than by three, unless this happens again. >> live free or die, victory or death, bring it. >> i can't, the third one, i can't. sorry. oops. >> and then a comparison of him being the tim tebow of the elections, ie, tebow the wildcard game this weekend was their plan? we will see about that. no doubt, perry needs a win here, chris. supporters don't want him to pull a pawlenty and maybe leave the dance a little bit too early. >> can i just make like a grand statement and -- >> sure. >> you can certainly disagree with me. if you are a presidential candidate, just don't wear spandex. >> not a good thing to tweet it if do you wear it. >> i don't know. i don't know. it is sort of like, for me, unless you are in the olympics, you don't wear a speedo. >> lace-ups okay? >> thank you so much, richard
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lui. leave it to steven, i will stay out of the jokes business and leave it to stephen colbert to crack a joke about newt gingrich going after romney. >> newt has the knives out for mitt romney. listen to these not-so-veiled threats he issued last night. >> we are not going to gout and run nasty ads but i do reserve the right to at the time truth. and if the truth seems negative, that may be more a comment on his record than it is on politics. >> oh, mitt, you have made a fatal mistake, you may have wounded newt. but you left him alive. and alone with his first love, hate. >> pointing out some of newt gingrich's missteps, the former speaker trying to claw his way back after falling you from front-runner status and finishing a distant fourth in iowa, now focusing squarely on mitt romney.
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>> governor romney is a moderate massachusetts republican to the left of the vast majority of republicans. i find it amazing the news media continues to say he is the most electable republican when he can't even break out in his own party. >> but, in fact, an article in the national journal suggests that gingrich's missteps amount to political malpractice and major garrett wrote that article. good to see you. >> good to be with you, chris. are you with me on the whole spandex thing? not going to see newt gingrich pictures, are we? >> let us hope not. fervently, let us hope not. >> terrific article, let me read part of it quote. at the heart of gingrich's down fall lay a messy mix of his worst traits, hubris, disorganization and dissane deign for his opponents. throughout his career, gingrich has risen above these flaws. what happened this time? >> a great miscalculation, let be honest, when newt gingrich was a back bench and the house republicans are were trying to
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get a majority, gung rich used negative campaigning, negative terminology, buzz words, inflammatory language to great success against his democratic opponents. he knows the value, the proximate value of negative campaigning. he said in iowa on december 1st i'm going to be the nominee and no one is going to listen to any negative tacks against me that basically ignores all the history that he lived out and he has witnessed watching presidential politics through his entire career. so it was just a vast array of miscalculation on gingrich's part and a degree of arrogance. who declares on december 1st i'm going to be the nominee when not a single vote has been cast in the only the person who believe there is a straight line projection from your polling data then to polling data in the future, newt gingrich should have known better. >> and who thinks in december that they can follow a pledge for nine more months, however long, ten months, i'm going to run a positive campaign? i mean, he is getting tough now and it is clear he is in this, but is it too little too late?
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do you see any road back for him at all? >> i don't see a road back for him. now, it is possible in new hampshire that this cranky aggressively negative newt gingrich could take hold, but the problem is he arrives in new hampshire with what is a failed result, dropping from first to fourth, no one, some organization, but not nearly enough, and he doesn't have the money to put ads on the air, so the only way he can get into the mix is the two debates this weekend. that's one possibility. the other is to get earned media attention. well, the reporters of new hampshire are going to be focus on mitt romney, rick santorum, john huntman and rick perry you to a degree and others. newt gingrich is going to have to fight for that airspace. the only way he is going to get it is to be as aggressively negative as he can about romney that will get him some headlines but not quite sure it will get him any votes. >> folks on both sides of the aisle who believe rick perry may have run one of the worst
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presidential campaigns in history and you write about how he had that oops moment we just saw where he couldn't remember all the agencies he was gonna close, failed to remember them, but make no mistake, you write, gingrich did much worse than perry. you really think that? >> well, look, rick perry was leading in september and he began the process of losing in october/november. newt gingrich was leading in december. he was on the cusp of doing something important and valuable in iowa and building real momentum to new hampshire and south carolina. i think when you're much closer and you have a history that he has and a record to call upon and all the things he is now saying about governor romney he could have said in iowa, not necessarily negative, just saying, look, i'm the republican you can believe in the conservative who has the record go back to 1994 i wrote about this also at national journal, when newt gingrich was building a republican majority, very important to conservatives in 1994, part of the history of the party, mitt romney saying i don't want to be any part of it i don't agree with the contract
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with america, i'm not a bush/reagan republican, i don't want to draw a contrast between republicans and democrats. bringing it up now feels late and sort of out of the context of the campaign that he could have run in iowa and i think for that reason, yes, rick perry said, oops, he has wasted a lot of money but i think newt gingrich was closer to building something and he let it all slip away. >> speaking of a dollar short, that was rick santorum until like yesterday when he raised $1 million. i just want to get your opinion really quickly on him, people keep coming up to me and a lot of folks frankly don't know that much about rick santorum say could he be the real deal, co-pull this off? what i say is you know, look, mitt romney's got money, he's got organization, even with $1 million, rick santorum has very little of either comparatively. but this has been such a weird race. so there be like a super shocker? could he hang in here for a while? >> yes, co-hang in for a while but i don't think that
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will constitute a super shocker, you have to look at romney and the fundamentals of a national presidential campaign, money, organization and institutional clout. mitt romney is not the love but he has all three of those. rick santorum doesn't he is going to be an interesting factor but i don't think a defeating factor where mitt romney is concerned. >> thank you so much, major garrett, good to sue. >> my pleasure, chris. we want to talk more about this, whether rick santorum can essentially go to zero to 60 a million bucks, maybe that says he can. rel talk about it next. do your lashes want volume or length? how about both? with covergirl lashblast fusion. a mascara for lashes that want it all... all at once. our biggest brush meets our fiberstretch formula to bring you a blast of volume and length. lashes that want it all want lashblast fusion.
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santorum can pull off a surprise showing but just too late and the state too moderate? >> i don't think it is a state too moderate. there are a lot of conner is vat i was in new hampshire who are looking for the alternative to romney. >> and what 64% catholic, 60, 64%? >> 60% catholic. of course, santorum is catholic. there are a lot of single issue voters in new hampshire, even though it is the second least religious state in the country, there are a lot of conservatives turn out on primary day who are going to be looking for that candidate who can be a movement conservative and alternative to romney. there's been a lot of disenchantment with romney this cycle and even though his polling numbers have stayed high, those polls tend to shrink as we get closer to tuesday. >> so, what do you think about these weekend debates? look, we saw how much these debate does shape the early part of this contest, you know, first we thought whether there's too many of them and then people were really paying attention, could this be an opportunity, including on "meet the press" this weekend, for rick santorum to sort of make a first
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impression on people who don't know much about him except he is this surprise second place finish in iowa? >> absolutely. i think it is an opportunity for all the candidates, huntsman included, who is trying to eek up in the polls, take a little bit of the independent vote from romney and seems to be succeeding at that. it is an opportunity for ron paul. it is an opportunity for newt gingrich to try to show that he has got some muscle left, but i think for santorum, what you are seeing today and tomorrow is a schedule packed with retail events. he has mike bandeau, incredible operative in the state, orchestrated the 1996 win for pat buchanan in that win against bob dole in the primary, could you see santorum laying groundwork the next couple of days this set the stage for maybe a strong debate showing this weekend and maybe a surprise on tuesday. >> well, you know what, it wouldn't be the first surprise we have had this campaign season for sure h jennifer donahue, great to have you on the program. thank you. >> thank you, chris. so this sunday morning, set
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your dvrs, the gop candidates will debate on "meet the press," moderated by david gregory and if you have a question you want to ask the candidates, go to our facebook page and submit it the nbc news facebook debate is live from concord, new hampshire, this sunday, 9 a.m. eastern on msnbc and on nbc. okay. remember a time when you didn't use your phone to take a picture? don, looking good as usual. some younger people on my staff looked at me like i was kind of crazy you not the first time, but that's what's behind today's report on eastman kodak. they are preparing, if you can believe it, for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. cnbc's mandy drury is here with what's moving your money. those of us of a certain age remember when we knew what a kodak moment was but this is not a pretty picture, to say the least. >> it is always sad when an american icon like kodak, as you said, a company we not only all know but products when enjoyed growing up goes under. there is rumor this could be about to happen to eastman
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kodak. its shares fell to a new all-time low of 47 cents after "the wall street journal" reported that kodak is preparing for a chapter 11 filing. it does have one thing, chris, and that is its patent portfolio and kodak is hoping to sell 1,100 digital imaging patterns to raise money. so far, here is the problem, there are no takers and shares, if they stay below $1 for six more months, the nyc has wand kodak that its shares would be delisted. >> while kodak is on the verge of bankruptcy, quite a different story at dunkin' donuts, right? >> totally. totally, america is about to run on twice as many duncans. it is planning to double its u.s. locations the next 20 years. it has already got about 7,000 stores nationwide. and with each new store opening, they, i believe, create about an average of 20 to 25 new employees. here is the good bit, at the same time as creating jobs in america, dunkin' just finished streamlining its supply chain which will cut costs as well.
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so, that's, i guess, a happier story than the one before. >> cnbc's mandy drury, thank you very much. >> welcome. music sales were up almost 7% between 2010 and 2011, that's the first jump since 2004. the rise was fueled, in part, due to digital down loads of adele's number one album "21." 2011 saw a 20% increase in the sales of digital albums which more than made up for the 6% drop in cd sales. ♪ you played it to the beat ♪ baby i have no story to be told ♪ greater risk of a stroke. i was worried. i worried about my wife, and my family. bill has the most common type of atrial fibrillation, or afib. it's not caused by a heart valve problem. he was taking warfarin, but i've put him on pradaxa instead. in a clinical trial, pradaxa 150 mgs reduced stroke risk 35% more than warfarin without the need for regular blood tests.
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800 breast cancer patients who died from the disease, research earth found over one-third of them never had a mammogram. hi, everybody, i'm thomas roberts, coming your way in the next hour of msnbc, not bad money for day of work. after iowa, rick santorum raises $1 million in 18 hours but is this enough to take a swipe at mitt romney? he has maverick mccain at his corner and the wind at his back going into the future and can a group of conservatives plotting in texas stop him? and obama gets bold while republicans in congress get angry. will his recess appointment stand what happened other move does president obama have up his sleeve to get around this congress? melissa harris-perry joins me to sound off. that and more coming your way. chris? >> thank you so much. we are moments away from the pentagon announcing its plan to deal with hundreds of millions of dollars in budget cuts, everything from infrastructure to the economy will be impacted. president obama and defense secretary leon panetta will be
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speaking there, joint appear perhaps at the pentagon. but joining me is retired colonel jack jacobs. what is going tonight big impact from your perspective? >> all services are getting smaller, cutting personnel because you can save money today if you cut personnel. you save money more quickly than cutting program. we are going to cut programs, too. and the army is getting much smaller than everybody anticipated. as a matter of fact, panetta himself said although he is going to cut the army down to a very relatively small size, woe like to see it get smaller yet, down to levels we haven't seen since 2003. >> and continuing a swift -- a shift in focus that we started to see after 9/11, which is more away from conventional forces, more toward special op? >> we didn't like what happened when we sent conventional forces in to occupy areas in afghanistan and iraq, didn't work out well, cost a lot of to money, cost a lot of lives and we have decided that we can take
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care of the bad guys by, a, projecting power, that is by keeping 11 rather than 10 aircraft carriers and projecting power in that way and number two relying on special forces, special operations forces and technical twice get at the bad guys, satellites, remotely piloted vehicle which is destroy the enemy, sight unseen, drone he is and that sort of stuff. much more cheaply than if we have to rely on human beings to occupy ground, costs a lot of money to have people and costs a lot of money to call up people from the guard and reserve and send them out to the field. >> you and i have talked countless times since 9/11 about the need for more specialized training for more special forces. there's been a recruitment effort on, for example, among groups like the navy s.e.a.l.s, the most elite of the elite units but are you worried about the reduction in conventional forces? >> yes. i think -- don't forget, we have got a country of 310 million
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people with worldwide requirements for defense and requirement for worldwide assets. this is a very, very small force. the army, navy and the air force are as small as they have been for -- gonna be for a long, long time. we have to remember one thing that we learned but we keep forgetting and that is it always takes more resources to hold onto an objective than it does to take it in the first place f we believe we are going to have to fight any kind of war using conventional troops, we are going to have to have a conventional force much larger than panetta is planning but we are not, if wither going to cut it down to very, very low levels in order to save money. panetta was hired in the first place to go to the pentagon and to do one thing and one thing only and that is to save money, that is what's going to do. >> kill nell, stay right there we will take a quick break. we are told that the president is on his way, i guess he has not arrived at the pentagon yet but we are waiting for this news conference along with leon panetta. we will be back after this.
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we are keeping our eye on the pentagon where the president should arrive any minute now along with leon panetta, going to be outlining the parameters of these big cuts that you are coming the way of, particularly, obviously the military. jack jacobs you were talking about the fact that even while they are going to reduce conventional forces, they are going to hold onto 11 aircraft carriers, part of it is just this show of force. where? >> very interesting. aircraft carriers have very expensive on an ongoing basis for a wide variety of reasons. people, quilt and so on has to be constantly updated and fuel and all the rest of that stuff. ten aircraft carriers seems to be able to do the deal, why the 11? we are very much concerned about east asia. you know, when china is internally weak it collapses on itself but when it's internally strong, as it is now, it expands. and it surely is expanding now. we want to get an aircraft carrier group into the pacific and keep it there and we are also concerned about korea. the change in leadership in north korea, not very certain
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who is running the place. extremely dangerous time in north korea has been a dangerous adversary in the past, should not forget the korean war still legally is not over. want to get the projection of american power in the pacific, demonstrate to china and korea, north korea in particular that we mean business. >> colonel jack jacobs, always a pleasure to have you sir. we will see you again soon, i'm sure. as we wait for the president, again, we will stay on this for the president and leon panetta that does wrap up this hour of "jansing & co.," i'm chris jansing, thomas roberts will be up here next to bring news this news conference. i will see you back here tomorrow. like many chefs today, i feel the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. and that's what they do with great grains cereal. see the seam on the wheat grain? same as on the flake. because great grains steams and bakes the actual whole grain. now check out the other guy's flake. hello, no seam. because it's more processed. now, which do you suppose
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