tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC January 9, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EST
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brzenzinski, there it is. >> a full bodied hug and it's making the spectate lores uncomfortable. >> i learned that mitt romney will get either 35% or 40%. >> what have you learned? >> i learned that mitt romney is dog trained. >> thank you to everyone here, this has been a wonderful crowd, and come back tomorrow, except for the guy wearing the ugly cap over here. if it's way too early willie what time is it? >> stick around for the daily run down with chuck. just hours ago before the voting begins here in new hampshire, mitt romney maintains the big lead, but second place is the big guest.
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in a state that prides itself on surprising pundits and ignoring conventional wisdom, it's actually still a ball game for second. during the final debate before the vote. rivals landed more than a few solid punches. john huntsman had his greatest showing yet. and while the political world has its eyes on new hampshire, a lot of people in washington buzzing about, you can call an eyebrow raising new book about the obama's life in the white house. it's monday january 9, 2012, this is a special edition of the daily run down. coming to you from manchester, new hampshire. in search of the new hampshire surprise, could the state that made bill clinton the come back kid, that rode in henry cabot lodge one time. pat buchanan, a national
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reputation. each of the candidates now vying for second place in the granite state is hoping to cut into mitt romney's double-digit lead. romney has 41% of voters, ron paul's support is eroding and huntsman moved into third place. with time running out for romney's rivals to stop him from turning from front runner to de facto nominee, they piled on him in the msnbc face book debate. >> if his record was so good why didn't you run for reelect none if it was that great, why did you bail out? we want someone who's going to stand up and fight for the conservative principles and not bail out and not run to the left of ted kennedy. >> i didn't go there to begin a political career. >> run again? that would be about me. i was trying to help get the state in as best shape as i possibly could.
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you've got a surprised look on your face. hold on, it's still my time. >> are you going to tell people you're not going to run for re-election for president if you win? >> rick, it's still my time. >> whenever he's playing time keeper, it's not good for governor romney. >> newt gingrich calls romney out for not being a politician. >> i know it doesn't mean anything to you that you're the front-runner, but can we drop a little bit of the pious bologna? just level with the american people, you've been running at least since the 1990s. >> and after 14 sub par debates, romney did have a good day. >> the person who should represent our party running against president obama is not someone who called him a remarkable leader and went to be his ambassador in china.
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>> this nation is divided, david, because of attitudes like that. >> the exchange started when jon huntsman started out saying i want to respond to something last night, referring to the saturday night debate. never good when it takes you ten hours to come up with a response. but on this one he did show up and seemed to have some ready barbs back. gingrich teased, attacking romney for his work. the "new york times" reports this morning that winning our future will spend $3.4 million in south carolina on ads created from this movie focusing on the romney-bain connection. finally two things to watch for in this battle for second place. will conservatives coalesce? >> if south carolina doesn't stand up and say we want a conservative on the ticket,
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ladies and gentlemen, we very well may not have one. coalesce, don't divide, coalesce around the candidate who's got the track record to be able to carry the message with conviction. >> or will ron paul and jon huntsman, will one of them b win the battle for independence? huntsman gained ground when he says expect a surprise. >> will's a lot of blue sky in this race. 75% of the voters who turned out said no how, no thanks to the establishment of the front-runner and i believe the same is true here in new hampshire. >> we shall see, by the way, a little note here, ron paul's campaign confirmed what a lot of us thought might be the case, not really going to campaign in florida, florida is winner take all, and therefore a closed primary. that means no democrats can go and vote. no same-day registration. paul is going to focus on the
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caucus states when the debate is over. as mitt romney reminded us, politics ain't bean bags, so we have got two guy who is loved the bean bag this morning. mike murphy, a long-time republican strategist, john sununu, the second or junior? >> we all go by our middle names. >> okay you're john e sununu. >> i proudly endorse. >> are you going to vote. >> yes, absolutely. >> is it fair to say you are a -- >> you haven't donated any money or anything. >> no, i have not donated any money. but i like him a lot. i worked for him at one time. >> senator, let's start with you, this is your home state, the history of the new hampshire primary, actually, it would be
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surprising if there were no surprises. >> absolutely. i think that's a great phrase number one, and one of the things that deliver a surprise at some level. is that most of the undecided voter also break not for mitt romney, who's at about 40%. >> plus or minus a couple of points. >> well noechbltknown. i don't think they'll break for ron paul. they have known who they're voting for a long, long time. and it appears, you know, from a couple of the more recent polls that john huntsman might be picking up a little bit more momentum among those undecided votes. >> going back to my lifetime of working on these, you know, covering these races since '92, is that pollsters are always trying to mess with the independent dial. this is not a balanced sample,
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it's always a random sample. and in 2000, they didn't know as many independents were coming. that's why a neck and neck race went to a blowout. that's the issue here, right. >> primary polling is hard because you don't really know who's there, and at the end now because of row bow calls, hey, come to our event. the phone's ringing off the hook and people don't answer it. so the polling is overrated. romney's got a cap here and ron paul has a cap. now romney has a cap you want to have. i think he's going to have about 45 or 56. but he's going to win and winning new hampshire is a big deal. all i really care about now is a second place race. that's basically, will somebody other than ron paul win? >> it seemed that santorum, who went to some of the events before high school. boy, you could see the working
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class catholic guy starting to work and maybe he can coalesce some conservatives. i feel like if you watch the events, he's still getting more enthusiastic crowds. >> i think his crowds or enthusiastic. people are interested. people are going to see these candidates even if they're not going to support them, because they like to listen to them, they like to see them. so the enthusiasm is there. i think you have santorum and gingrich in some ways pulling votes from one another. >> there's a little bit of vying, do you think it gets to 30, 35 combined? >> no, not 35. you might have one 15, 16, you might have one 10, 12. >> but there's still a hardcore conservative vote that's somewhere between 25 and 32? >> it's hard to say. and on the independent votes, things that makes it tough, two things, one, the number that
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part t participate. >> i know the obama campaign is trying to get a big number. >> it will be skewed toward republicans. but the other important fact is that independents in new hampshire going from the far right to the far left. there are conservatives, there are liberals and everything in between. and you can't just assume that they're all in the middle between democrats and republicans. they'll go for romney, they'll go for ron paul. a lot of independents going for ron paul. and jon huntsman will probably get more. >> i want to play a clip of romney during the debate. it's a rhetoric win. >> mr. speaker, citizenship has always been on my mind and i happened to see my dpad run for governor when he was 54 years
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old. he had good advice to me. he said never get involved in politics if you have to win an election to pay a mortgage. >> my key was responding to the pious bologna line, this idea that he was always looking to run for president. it does seem like romney tweaks sort of his history a little bit. revises it. no big lies or anything. but it's these little tweaks. and people go, why are you saying that? you don't need to say that. what's going on here. >> what he's trying to say is that he's proud to having got into politic it. but because the media is obsessed with pious warfare, whenever mitt romney talks about wealth, it's going to be a mistake. we have all got the electron microscope on mitt, he's going win this primary, he won iowa and even if he finishes a tight second in a tougher terrain for
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him, i think he's going to win florida. he can keep losing like theis al the way to the election. >> a year ago could you have imagined that the last attacks on mitt romney would have been about capitalism and not health care? >> it doesn't surprised me at all, in part because he's got a record, it's a record admit being in capital, some succeed, and some fail. and that's the nature of capitalism. it's always frustrating when a business doesn't succeed, a restaurant, a store, a shop, big or smauchlt. >> and you personally those? >> and that's part of his legacy, one way or another, both success and failure and it's going to be part of the general election. >> with respect to health care in south carolina, it's the new new hampshire and that's the state that romney may win.
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>> notice i didn't make you predict second place. i just don't like doing that to people. >> huntsman. >> there you go, it will be that way for about 12 hours. >> nothing for south carolina for him. that's the problem, where does he go. >> where does he go from there? >> the republican rivals, rick santorum tries to cut into the double-digit lead here. we have got representatives actually from all three candidates right here to game out the race. a little surrogate debate. if the obama is on the ballot th this. but first, a look ahead at the president's schedule. we shall see. davs mavericks make it in dirk visits the white house. [ male announcer ] how about we make a big change for just a little money? let's start with a paint we know can do the job. new glidden duo paint plus primer.
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less than 21 hours before the polls open in new hampshire, candidates have already started their day, holding breakfast events, congressman charlie bass is co-chair of mitt romney's steering committee. and karen testerman is a conservative acttivist in new hampshire who's supporting senator rick santorum. everybody's very friendly when you guys are on opposing sides. i wanted to meet with speaker gingrich in dairy talking about why shewaited so long to go after mitt romney. >> initially we were really slow for prak kl reasons. i didn't want to get into a
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dance where romney would put up add number 1 and i would answer it. and then romney would put up ad number two and then i would answer. >> are you guys seeing anything here in new hampshire? i don't see three candidates operating on tv. mitt romney, ron paul and jon huntsman. >> the money in the polls has transcended the issues. i came up here two months ago and the first thing newt said to me is don't go negative. >> but speaker gingrich is now gone negative, do you blame him? >> i don't hear anything about any personal stuff. i'm hearing issues stuff and no, i don't blame him at all, he's been savaged in the media by
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mitt romney and he has a right to respond. >> karen, i would say senator santorum came out of iowa with a bunch of momentum, he had a good 36 hours and then it seemed uneven events, getting to the high school student -- i. >> i think you're talking about the college convention and that was a setup. i mean those were college occupiers. >> you're weigh the lines down a little bit. >> he knew he was going to get that kind of a question, any conservative can expect that kind of a question coming out because it's one that's meant to divide and senator santorum has tried to reason with that student. >> you wish he didn't take the bait, then? >> you have no choice but to take the bait at that point and you have to talk to him and these students, i was actually there, these students were not willing to reason and they were not willing to come to a common ground where we can now discuss these issues openly and we
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should have those open discussions. its only to behoove the people of america if we do have those open discussions. >> congressman bass, how concern reasonable doubt you, you are well aware of new hampshire's primary history. >> sure. >> and everybody's conceding the race to mitt romney. well, he's going to win, and then that of course can create sort of this inevitability that leads to laziness and people not showing up. >> i've been worried about this for some time and i have been advising the romney campaign to run like they're three points behind in the polls. and they v all of his workers were doing door to door telephoning and clearly we had a good day yesterday. i think the vote is pretty settled right now, however we're not taking anything for granted in the next 24 hours. you know, a lot has been said about this big undecided vote. i'm beginning to believe that
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that undecideded vote, a lot of that isn't going to vote at all. because we're 21 hours out. and nobody is going to make any of the mistakes in the romney campaign that have been made by prior candidates who have been perceived as being front-runners. in the case of 2000 when he was working with george w. bush, we knew that he was not the front-runner, a lot earlier than now. >> but you didn't know you were 20 points behind. >> we didn't know we were 20 points behind, for sure. >> senator how concerned are you as a conservative here, and karen the same question to you, if there were just one conservative candidate, there would bn wouldn't be a battle for second place. >> certainly everyone has a right to run and that's america. we have -- no one, i think, has an issue with that, it is unfortunate because it is a division of the conservative vote. but i don't look at it that way,
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it's a voter's decision, it's not the candidate's decision. newt gingrich has led the cause, we would still be in the minority in the house right now if it hadn't been for newt gingrich. he's the leader, he's the one who brought the revolution to fruition and i think that's what it's about. >> and what is the. >> i'm looking at background and behavior and how things go. i'm a family person basically and that's where i'm looking at what is going to drive my vote and all of this. and i am looking at who's going to best represent a role model for our children in the future. and i have a real problem with newt newt gingrich and his marriages and his current wife
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being a home breaker in essence and while that shouldn't -- that's one of the things that i look at very seriously, and how is your behavior? yes, i do believe in transformation, but what was your behavior, what is your record? that's what i have to go on. >> and quickly congressman bass, i assume you guys would love for second place to go to anyone was newt gingrich or rick santorum? >> what we're all focussed on is winning in november. mitt romney is the candidate that will beat barack obama in november and as a member of congress, i want to be working in a different administration next year. >> congressman bass, senator smith. karen testerman, thank you all for joining and making your cases. new year, same worries, wall street watching europe this morning. plus a president page turner, a little bombshell book about
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michelle obama striking battles between the east wing and the west wing, sort of old divides in many a white house, and this white house not thrilled that it's become public. today's trivia question, since 1952, three democrats have won the new hampshire primary, who is that? the answer and more coming up on the daily rundown. when i grow up, i want to fix up old houses.
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>> i'm here. i'm with you. and you are the hardest working man in showbiz and in politics, i have to tell you. >> that always is reserved for lester holt. >> you're right, him too. there's a few of you up there. let me tell you about the markets right now. we are looking to open flat. you might take that as a victory lap already this morning. because if you look at the first week of january, the markets hended higher, we saw the dow up and the s&p up. this is the january effect. the first week of january is how the first month goes, and that is how the year goes. we're already dodging some bullets. there was a meeting earlier this morning between angela merkel. and they issued a press
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conference a couple of hours ago, no bad news really coming out of this. every time all these people speak, we hold our breath and wait to see if anything happens with any of the markets. they say there's a good chance that a deal could be reach for the european fiscal compact by the end of the month. >> my favorite predpictor was te winner of the super bowl. >> this gets really tricky because they go back to the teams that had a split. you can twist it a bunch of different ways. >> it's all a dart board sometimes. daily run down will be back in 30 seconds.
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>> prosecutors alleged a 28-year-old was sent to iran on an intelligence mission, but his family has rejected those accusations. the state department has repeatedly demanded the man's release. it comes on the same day that iran confirms reports that it has begun enriching nuclear material at a second underground bunker in iran.
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congresswoman gabby giffords returned to tucson one year after the shooting that killed six people and left her critically wounded. giffords led the crowd in the pledge. the book the obamas alleges feuds between the first lady and the president's staff and says she once told the french first lady that living in the white house was hell and first lady was not interviewed for the book, what really has washington buzzing is that it's the west wing senior staffers, either ex-staffers or current ones. one advisor jeremy jar shut. tony blankly has died.
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he worked as a journalist and a regular commentator on tv. he was 63 years old and just one of the great gentlemen of washington. the guy never would just yell or say bad things about people, just hood a very, very elegant way about him. he'll be missed. 21 hours to go before the new hampshire primary kicks off. and if tradition holds- ---mike murray joins me now from washington and mark, we think we know new hampshire will surprise us, then again it could surprise us by not surprising us. take it away. >> absolutely, chuck, well, with his victory last week in iowa by the narrowest of margins. romney has a chance to pull off something that noer candidate has ever accomplished, winning
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iowa and new hampshire. new hampshire voters headed to the polls on tuesday. the primaries open to republicans and independents. while iowa gets to vote first. the granite state often delivers a different headline. george w. bush carried the hawkeye state, but not the granite state and four years ago, john mccain finished fourth in iowa, but triumphed in new hampshire. one reason behind this trend, new hampshire voters usually don't want to follow in iowa's footsteps. >> new hampshire voters look toward that iowa -- his priorities are not our priorities. >> the latest example came on the democratic side, barack obama's decisive win in iowa in 2008 was followed just days later by his surprising defeat to hillary clinton in new
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hampshire. there's one fairly recent exception to this rule, john kerry rode iowa momentum in 2004 to victory in new hampshire and eventually to the democratic nomination. yet this year, mitt romney who owns a home in new hampshire sits in a strong position of winning both. a recent nbc maris poll finds romney leading in new hampshire by 20 percentage points, he'll compete against a surging rick santorum, as well as ron paul who finished third in iowa. romney's biggest challenge finished third in south carolina full of the same kind of conservative and evangelical voters that he tends to struggle with. three years ago, romney finished fourth in the state. but a big victory in the upcoming new hampshire primary would make romney the overwhelming front-runner for the republican nomination and proved that on the republican side, new hampshire can follow in iowa's footsteps. and, chuck, as we mentioned,
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first read this morning, what new hampshire could end up doing is sending yet another surprise, perhaps in the battle for second place with mitt romney in the lead by 20 percentage points or more in new hampshire. chuck? >> remember, you can finish second and win. just ask bill clinton. on the last full day of campaigning in new hampshire, the republican field is attacking one another and of course president obama, and exiter yesterday, new jersey governor chris christie delivered some of the feiercest attack lines. >> this is the type of disoriented anger, your cynicism and your division is causing in our country, bring our country together, stop dividing it, mr. president. >> with me now, democratic senator jean sheheen from new hampshire. you won garry hart right back in '84. one of the other great upsets in
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new hampshire primary history. what is the obama re-elect doing for the primary tomorrow, what have you guys been doing to try to stir up interest there? >> i think they have been trying to build a field operation that can go into the general election. you know, one of the great points about campaigning in new hampshire is that its grass roots politics, it gives you the opportunity to get out and talk to real people and see what they're thinking and answer tough questions and so having that field operation that can get out to voters is important. >> of all the states president obama carried, maybe other than indiana, his poll numbers here in new hampshire have been in the pits and you can simply say it must be the economy, but this -- actually you guys have 5.2% unemployment. you're basically at full employment. what is the connect -- what's missing here for president obama? >> well, you know, we have had over a year, probably two years
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now of the candidates running for the republican nomination, coming through attacking the president. and he's been in washington governing. and so i think once this campaign engages. we'll know the raeal story. >> i think there's some of that, i think it was a different dynamic, because in 2000 t reason president obama carried new hampshire i think is because of ralph nader taking enough votes away from al gore. that's one of the things about the campaign. it's not just who's at the top in terms of votes, it's always what are the expectations and i think one of the challenges governor romney has here is the
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expectations are very high for him. >> it's funny, you say that, just as an observer, what surprised you about this primary? i can tell you just personally, i can't believe i haven't seen any attack ads, and that's sort of different for a new hampshire primary. what surprised you. >> there hasn't been the same level of grass roots activity. my husband and i went through the seacoast and we only saw two signs, going through durham, dover and ports smichlt there's still republicans there and campaigns in a primary always wanted to get out to all republicans and there are a lot of independents and there are going to be a lot of independents voting in this election. >> what is it that president obama has to do to sort of win back some of these independents. off the economy is not sour here, what is it that he needs to -- what message does he need to send to new hampshire voters
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that says, hey, wait a minute, come back to me. >> i think he needs to talk about his vision for the future of america, for the importance of supporting those policies that help middle class families, whether it's pell grants so kids can go to college, or whether it's supporting efforts that will help with job creation. >> one of the real successes in the obama administration was the support for the auto industry. we have over 20,000 jobs that are based on the auto industry. it's big industry here, a lot of jobs and a big industry around the country, we need to talk about those difrences and one there's a republican nominee, i think that will happen. >> you brought up the division issue, you bring that up because you haven't -- he needs you to start doing it? >> i think when people really examine what the vision is of whoever the republican nominee
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is, versus the vision that president obama has for our future, they describe two very different americas. and americas where are you going to support policies that help the 1% at the top? or are you going to support the 99%. i think that's the difference. >> what do you say to the argument that democrats are playing class warfare. >> it's not class warfare, it's about which are the policies that are really going to help with job creation in this country, which are the policies that are going to help middle class families because that's been the real backbone of the country. what are the policies that are going to give people confident that our future is going to be as promising as our past. >> you were the subject of two straight weeks of -- thanks for coming on. >> nice to be here. >> and enjoy being an observer at the new hampshire primary.
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the big political panel joins me here in new hampshire, less than 21 hours, actually we're about 12, 15, 18 hours until the votes are cast. harts location and dixville north. the soup of the day, other than the crow that a lot of west wing staffers might feel like they're feeling today. they'll also be crying in their lentil soup. you're watching the daily rundown only on msnbc. 0 a.m. sc. the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be. ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way.
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>> can you believe it? it was only five years ago today. in 2007, when steve jobs inveiled the iphone and, well, it's never been the same since. we're all talking to our iphones. conservatives call left behind a single romney conservative challenger, candidates are not making its particularly easy. >> you need some people to prdr out of this race? >> it would be nice if everybody did. sure, if everybody wants to sail, rick's the guy, i would take it. >> i have never quit a day in my life, i have never quit in the face of adversity and i'm not about to quit on the future of america. >> i'm too old to be the come back kid. >> karen is a national political
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correspondent for "the washington post." and senior editor for the national review and a columnist for bloomberg view. we're all doing our new hampshire hedge today. it's well, you know, you want a write in. >> this state has a history of surprises. >> because we all, there is no worse state to poll other than the iowa than the new hampshire primary. first of all there's a lot of bad pollsters that release a lot of these polls, but it's getting that independent vote right. no one's actually sure. it is obviously a battle for second place, but what is it that you feel that is the question you don't know the answer to? >> i don't know whether rick santorum has really been able to tap into what he was able to do in iowa, it's an important question for him. the second is whether jon huntsman can come out of here with enough of a vote that he can figure out a way to go in
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regard. >> people don't forget it was today the mon before the new hampshire primaries that senator clinton teared up. he brought senator santorum, here's what he side to my colleague andrea mitchell after the debate yesterday. >> our plan here has always been just to run the ricace, we haveo expectation to win here. we said from the beginning that south carolina is where we had the best chance of winning and new hampshire was simply to keep the process going. >> what does he need to do to keep the process going? >> i think he needs to put in a showing that will be deemed by the great deemer to be credible. but i asked him about this, because a lot of people were really surprised that he is spending so much time and so much effort here. and he said, you know, look, there's a long history of people who think they can go around and
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pick their states and that strategy almost always fails. you've got to run everywhere. >> it's a good point, john mccain is the first guy not to be able to pull it off. but even he didn't fully skip iowa, he at least showed up in the campaign rather than he did in 2000. but let me ask you this, between gingrich and santorum, i mean santorum has to beat gingrich here, doesn't he? >> if santorum had come from having a tie in iowa to a second place showing in new hampshire i think he would have a strong claim to be the guy that conservatives can consolidate around, but if he is fourth, a loss in new hampshire will end up hurting him. >> there's a lot of romney supporters saying you people in the media are trying to give him life that he doesn't deserve. >> i think jon huntsman -- he's
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certainly getting attention in the final few days because he's spent all his time here and everybody knows it's a make or break. he's not john mccain, but he seems to have a little bit of movement, he had a good debate on sunday, and a pretty decent debate on saturday. >> what ee's interesting here i that there's only three campaigns that are actually advertising more so than huntsman himself. but those are the only three campaigns you see on tv. >> it's also the in fact that you don't see very many signs compared to previous years and you don't feel like there was the kind of carpet bombing that you felt in iowa. it was in part that all of the campaigns have decided it's going to be south carolina this time. >> at the debite yesterday, did
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you think -- it was the first one that romney took more incoming than anybody else. there wasn't anybody sharing the incoming the way it previous debates. damage? >> i think a lot of damage was self-inflicted. i think romney gave poor responses to the questions about why he didn't run for re-election in 2006. the question about the super fact. that more than the attacks is increasing doubts about him. >> and if you need an election to pay your mortgage -- >> that was part of his response on running for office. >> trivia time. we ask since 1952 three democrats have won the new hampshire primary more than once. who are they? the answers is kefauver, lyndon johnson and jimmy carter. president obama is going to win his first new hampshire primary tomorrow. we'll be back tomorrow. you're watching "the daily rundown" on msnbc.
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>> i don't think he feels it. he experiences it the way so many of you do and i do by virtue of having lived in the real world. i know what it's like to worry about what it is like to get fired. there are times i worried if i would get a pink slip. >> let's bring back the panel. the narrative coming out of here from mitt romney, some of the answers were obviously and he piled on it with pink slip line. when did he almost feel like he would get fired or get a pink slip and he couldn't come up with an instance. in al gore in 2000, it's revision of history, embellish, whatever you want to call it, when we're here with the microscope, it develops a pattern. >> part of the issue for him is he's clearly in a great position
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to win the nomination, but there are doubt that will linger he's if the nominee. they elected two massachusetts politicians with sterling records but wouldn't connect with the american people. the question is are the republicans headed in that same direction. >> like gore to caucus, it's that same -- he's so trying to connect that he ends up talking about love canal and love story in a way. that's going to start firing up. he was taken out of context. it's that weird trying too hard. >> exactly. you know, quite frankly it's a problem that barack obama has occasionally had too. it will be sort of interesting to see if this ends up being the general election. >> how concerned are you about this developing narrative of mitt romney? >> go back to the 2008 exit polls. the thing that really crushed
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republicans was that question, is he in touch with people like you and does he care like people with you? romney has a real vulnerability on this that the obama people are going to exploit if he's the nominee. >> they're going to try. that time in the show. >> voters of new hampshire are putting on another terrific primary. they are out. they are out in force. putting candidates through the paces. >> they are being as nice about this as iowans. they are thinki ithanking us fog up again. >> tony blankley who died yesterday morning was a consistently thoughtful and interesting political observer. his book "american grit" is well worth the read. >> and a gentleman. that was amazing. >> sentimental and sad over tony blankley. i also think independent voters. are they going to come out tomorrow or not? >> and who are they this time? thank you all. that's it for this edition of "the daily rundown." tomorrow on the show, primary day. we'll be right here in new
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hampshire as votes are being cast and who wins? coming up next, "jancing and company." and then at 1:00, andrea mitchell reports. see you later. bye-bye. what is this shorty? uh, tissues sir, i'm sick. you don't cough, you don't show defeat. give me your war face! raaah! [ male announcer ] halls. a pep talk in every drop. which shirt feels more expensive? that one's softer. [ female announcer ] actually, it's the same t-shirt. really... [ female announcer ] but this one was washed in downy. why spend a lot of money when you can just use downy? [ female announcer ] ultra downy with silktouch, it's an upgrade in a bottle. and you are me. we've got to stand up if we're going to be free. [ susan ] we've got to stand up... ♪ if we're gonna be free [ brian ] if you want it... [ lindsey ] you got it. [ derrick ] i believe.
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