tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC January 10, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm EST
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molinari and plitd cal analyst, ed randell and columnist frank rooney. jon huntsman held his ç170 event last night in front of a standing room only crowd. >> can you feel a bit of momentum in the air? >> jon huntsman, can you feel the momentum in the air. joining us now from manchester peter alexander, peter what is the word on the street up there in new hampshire? >> you were just looking at jon huntsman and i had a kmans to speak to him yesterday and he as he know has been here since june, he is hoping to be the come back kid, he does not have to finish first but a second or strong third place finish, away from the rest of the pack may be
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enough to help him define his campaign going forward. romney was looking for a strong win and has shot himself in the foot some would say in the last 24 hours. a rocky road for him. most recently he said i like being able to fire people, he was speaking of companies that provide bad service is but to hear a candidate saying i like to fire people could be a problem for him. voter turn out here should be significant, it could be more than 250,000 people, it would be more than 2008. 40% of the voters here are independent, they are allowed to register to vote in the republican party tonight, they will lely play a key role in this as well. if you look at the numbers that we have, sthethis small communi giving romney and huntsman two
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votes each and the democrats have a chance to vote today, they would have more organization than anyone else in the state. president obama beating everyone with three votes. >> i'm surprised they could get those votes counted that quickly. 21st century is a big thing. thank you for the intelligence. my panel, before we take a look at the legal made chinese american currency i want to get to the suffolk poll, ron paul has slipped two points. romney is at 37% with a four-point increase. gingrich is at 9%. we say this state is unlike any other state in the union, it's a different message that the campaigns have had since iowa
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a and, and,alice i want your view on that. hillary clinton pulled an upset in her campaign, she won by 3% over obama. he was leading in the polls before that. we have these poker chips, who is bidding on for a win tonight in new hampshire. we will start with you alice. >> okay, first of all, the republican party will be the overall winner because they are going to vote for who will be the next president of the united, any of the men up there on that stage will be theç betr occupant than who is in the white house. but, given the current polling -- >> all of the above is not an option. >> well, given the current polling data, romney is by far
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ahead to be the winner. and it looks like huntsman did the right thing by putting m manpower in new hampshire. and ron paul behind him. >> give me more. are you betting huntsman as a close second? >> he will be close. the key is the independent vote, as peter said and you said, the independent vote is critical. it helped hillary clinton in '08 and john mccain, he went ahead of romney in the independent vote. the key is where do the independents go today and they may go to -- >> where do you point your poker chips ed randel? >> when was that poll taken? >> i think this morning. >> from last night's sampling?
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if it's from last night and close to be accurate that is good for romney, after his stumbles to still have a 19 point lead, that means even if there's a surge, he will lead by 19 points. that could be a big victory for romney. and number two, huntsman i think will be in second. that is important for him, but look at santorumç he won the ia primary and get no ballots in new hampshire at all, so i'm not sure that the huntsman people should be excited if he comes in a solid second. ron paul will get that 17, 18% vote just about everywhere. but if romney emerges with 19 points i would breathe a big sigh of relief if i was the romney people. >> governor randel you did not
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put money on that? >> i'm very poor, i'm not like mitt romney. >> this is not worth anything. >> i'm also, we are too whimpy about china, so i'm not using any chinese products. >> oh, let's take it to the mat. >> he look, i -- look i think it's a good night for it, as a romney spaurupporter i think it great night for romney. i'm going put it all up and let it ride. >> how much he win by? >> i don't know, 14, 15 points. to both of your analysis, if huntsman comes in second, you go to south carolina and now you have huntsman sort of out of the picture, you have a perry, and a santorum super charged. you continue to split the vote as we move to another state, which is florida who continues to give the momentum to romney.
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as long as the anti-romney candidate does not have a chance to coalesce, mitt romney becomes the nominee. >> i think the key factor!xere is the margin for mitt romney. >> yes. >> i mean people forget that mccarthy did not beat johnson in new hampshire. but because the numbers were so below expectations they felt johnson lost. the key for romney is he has to stay in at least double digits. >> double digits i agree. >> all wins are not created equal. i do not -- >> i'm going to double down on mitt romney. i think that everything that has been said is smart. the poll is great news for r romn romney. in new hampshire his support is clearly strong.
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he does need a double digit win and i think he will get it. after he gets it, it will be hard to generate suspence moving forward. >> he doesn't have a lot of money. >> he has the ability to have a lot of money. >> if his dad wants to cut him a check. >> i'm going to put my money forward to jon huntsman and learn how to say jon hunts man surge in chinese tomorrow morning. and i'll change it to whoever actually wins. look, if jon p hunthuntsman, if shrinks romney's lead, i do not think -- yet still there are question marks hangingç over h campaign because there was not a big enough win. >> at the end of the day a win is a win, whether it's a double
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digit or what it is. looking forward and into south carolina and florida, he has a ten-point lead in south carolina and about six or seven point lead. and that is helpful. the timing of the poll is critical too. people in new hampshire wait to the last minute to make up their mind. the timing of to poll is critical, the people in new hampshire have heard the bain information. it's not making the impact that others would like. they are waiting for the last minute. that is the good thing, they want to meet the candidates not once, twice, but 3 tithree time. >> i wonder if waiting means that they are not satisfied with the choices. americans are saying they want more choices. we will talk about bain pain, what we know about mitt romney's record and what it means to his
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campaign, that is all next on "now." ♪ ♪ what started as a whisper every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing. there's an insurance company that does that, too. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth!
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bain çcapital. joining us now from new hampshire is patricia murphy, she is the editor and founder of citizen jane politics. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you, i have missed you since saturday. sfwli have missed you too. >> to some agree we talked about mitt romney's quote yesterday saying i like to fire people that work for me. and we knew it would get pick up. but what surprised me is how much his republican candidates are piling on. it's looking like a problem. >> it's surprising to see the republican candidates twisting themselves around to attack romney for a capitalist activity. it's confusing for the voters here and it's not sinking in as
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much as we thought it might. the polls are not showing that it will hurt him a lot. the place we know it will hurt him is a contest with democrats in the general election saying that you like to fire people even if it was taken out of text, it was, i was there, i don't think that was what he meant but we know what he said he will hang himself with his own words. i would caution the republicans to not get down on capitalism or their own base will not be excited about it. >> memo to the republican party, you may not want to impune capitalism. to the panel, i wonder as conservatives how you react to this. we talked about the self ç canabalizing party. this may not be the best strategy. >> i have on agree.
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as a romney supporter, they decided that this with this 30 minute video that they are making to go after, mitt romney, you have people like rush limbaugh attacking him and you have others saying that republicans are fauming into michael moore ways. we don't play this way, it's a tactical long-range error that will hurt any of the candidates, especially newt gingrich who has seemed to hang himself with this. those of us that know newt gingrich are not particularly surprised. >> there's two edges, the bain capital, and him saying that he likes to fire people, that will continue to play out. but right now given the polling data, it's not making an impact. as you said, it's a difficult line for the republicans to go
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out and attack him for it. that is the lynch pin for our party. and it was taken out of context. he was referring to, if you do not like this insurance, get another one. that was what he was referring to. >> never the less, he said he likes to fire people. and governor randell is smiling and stacking his poker chips. >> çright, but clear winner is barack obama. >> that is where you put the money. >> i think that mitt romney will be the nominee. and i think he is much better at running things. he is a good governor, he has a terrible candidate, he has a habit of sticking his foot in his mouth, over and over again. this is not the first gaffe. >> he has what a lawyer might say an excited utterance
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problem. what sounds out of context sounds horrible but in context it's fine. he was making a legitimate point. he has a habit of saying things in these nice phrases that feed right into opponents attack ads. >> remember, if he is going to be the nominee and i think it's a good chance he will, they are violating ronald reagan's 11th amendment in ripping him apart and there's just about nothing left for us in the fall. >> the democrats would have done it anyway. >> it's -- >> no, i think actually if romney can keep it together they are doing him a favor. by the time president obama, i mean everything is timing in a presidential campaign, in any campaign. so the fact that this all can get out there and be done, by the time september and october comes, and bain capital comes up again -- >> it's a good dress rehearsal.
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>> are people paying that much attention to in? >> absolutely not. >> i think that the white house is going to have a pile of opposition. it's a rowdy panel here. >> there'sç just about known i pennsylvania who is paying attention to south carolina, and pennsylvania for a republican to win, he has to get the reagan blue collar democrats because we have a million more democrats in pennsylvania than republicans. let me tell you that bain capital stuff, i disagree with it. they have probably created for jobs net than they lost. but it will resonate with the blue collar democrats. >> i think it's less about the details of bain capital, it's hard nor voters to follow whether jobs were lost or gained. it's his tone. what would worry me right now
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are the excited utterances. >> let me ask you since you are in new hampshire, romney has had a vague response to this. let's listen to him. >> free enterprise will be on trial, i thought it would come from the president and the democrats to left, but instead it's coming from speaker gingrich and apparently others. i started at the bottom, i came out of school and i got an entry level position like the other people that were freshly minted mbas. >> is anybody guying the notion of mitt romney stocking shelves at staples and getting a pink slip given his lineage? >> i could not put myself in his scared little shoes. he told a joke about givingç h
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inheritance money to his kids and grandkids. there's a populaceed anger at the base of the republican party, there's a place to go with this anger. i don't think that the republicans are playing it right right now, there's a place to find it and they are not doing it right. >> the good thing about patricia, she is out there and she is good at being with the crowd and not just talking to candidates. >> she is our favorite. >> she is great. and she is able to talk to the people also and get a pulse of the people, and i think she is right this there are issues that have come up that they have to address. given the fact that these just came up, romney is great at responding and he needs to be given time. the polling is showing that it's not making that big of an issue here in new hampshire but as we move to south carolina and as you said pennsylvania, they have
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to do serious -- >> you do not -- >> john united working class people. >> you are talking about the comment during the comment during the debate, his father said is, if you ever need your mortgage money, don't run for office. that could be heard as if you are not rich don't run for office. >> you can bet that this will come to play as we get nasty in south carolina. after the break, what is really to minds of americans. we will do tuesday afternoon quarterbacking, that is next on "now." you name it.
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saturday's nfl game the candidates have beenç playing political football all season, but are voters more interested in watching the field than going to the voting booth. governor, we were talking about this early heier in the segment, are people paying attention in the primaries? >> absolutely not. absolutely not. the state where they are taking place and the political activists, they watched the debates. activists on both sides. but that is about a half a percentage of the population. >> 32 million tuned into the game and frank rooney you were tuning into both? >> this is one of those moments in life when i'm so happy for the dvr, i can watch one in real time. >> which one did you watch in real time. >> football. >> it will be interesting to see how much the bain stuff sticks to romney on the national stage, i'm sure the white house is keane for it to not stick to him until the race.
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after tim tebow hit his touchdown on sunday, made his touchdown, 9400 tweets per second. >> does that say something about football or tim tebow or both, he is a growing phenomnon himself. >> there was another oops moment. we go back to the gingrich thinking it was the wrong sport. every candidate has their oops moment, you have to give them a base. >> tim tebow -- maybe under his eye black. >> you know, what tim tebow does, hes th s thçhe has the p wrist. >> how nasty will south carolina is get, that is next on "now." [ female announcer ] to get a professional cleaning system you could spend as much as $200. olay says challenge that with an instrument that cleanses
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. iowa and new hampshire, they are aç winnowing process, sout carolina picks presidents. that is what you do. >> that was rick perry in south carolina, he is doing his pregame warm up before his rivals land in the state tomorrow. that is his favorite rick perry shot. he is stretching it out in spandex, let's talk about south carolina. it's a very, very different field than new hampshire. >> politics is a blood sport in south carolina, people will take off the gloves. people in '08 with huckabee, we had people dressed up to bracket his events. they will be all kinds of people bracketing the events. it will get nasty and that is what is part of the fun. >> that is what is part of the fun. patricia murphy, you are a daughter of the south.
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what is it about new hampshire that is so nasty. >> south carolina. >> fake christmas cards reported to be from romney were sent out before the brochure siting mormon passages. and others, let's not forget bill clinton's commenteds about jessie jackson. what is it about south carolina that brings our politicians to the farther side of nasty? >> this is layout water necessary. this is where no road is too low to follow to getç to the nomination. on the one hand, these are the most conservative voters i talk to all year, they are evangelical, they are small government. there's a little populace twist here and to other hand, this is
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a state with an open primary. anybody can vote in this election. i think that is why john mccain pulled out in 2008. nobody thought that he would win down there or ma mccain could win in south carolina. a state more conservative than he is. there's a big question mark as to what will happen in south carolina. because it's so conservative, i do have concerns for mitt romney down there. i think that the mormonism, if it's a problem for him, will be a brob in south carolina, this is where the fight to not be mitt romney, it will be ugly, it will be in mailers and flyer st church and on people's windshields. nobody knows how it will turn out. >> we were talking about mitt romney's chances and you sounded bullish. >> not bullish, but i do not think it will be a severe defeat. there's no coalescing.
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mitt romney will get thinks his vote. it will be more like iowa than new hampshire will get his vote. but will anybody be up close to him. if he wins another slim victory in south carolina because there's no coalescing, well, eventually, he has racked up enough wins that you have to say -- >> the moneyç dries up for anybody else and the momentum starts for him and he keeps going. >> we are talking about the bible belt and i expect rick santorum to do well there. and we will see good numbers for gingrich being from neighboring georgia. so the bible belt will play a big part in south carolina. so -- >> do you think the mormon question is an issue? >> it was in '08 and this is the bible belt and politics will take that belt off and hit you over the head.
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>> and whip you with it. i'm scared to go south carolina. >> but they know at this point that he was a mormon. he was there in 2008. at this point in the campaign, no matter how little attention people are paying they know certain things. they know he is a mormon. it's hard to believe that the numbers he has right now will slip on that account. >> in politics we say, people that vote against mitt romney because he was a mormon would not vote for him if he was a mormon. >> so they have problems with his record in massachusetts and a whole lot else. >> i had people tell me i had to worry because i was for gun control. and i was the mayor of philadelphia, they were not voting for me anyway. >> they suspected you off the bat. >> patricia, i can tell you are trying to get in here. we are sorry you are not here with us. let's talk about money.
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newt gingrich has a bigç subpoa pac ad. how does jon hunts man compete here in the state if at all? >> it will be so tough for huntsman. his chance is to get people to vote in the primary. people that love huntsman are people that don't love barack obama anymore. that is the spacek occupy in south carolina. i don't know if that is that big of a space. this is rick perry's last stand, he has to dump the rest of his money in here. he has to run away with the conservative vote in iowa, or i don't see how he continues in the race. >> it will be interesting to see in perry will be able to make a last stand there and the santorum issue, with money and resources, the campaign is overwhelmed. and you know, you get the sense that the candidate is tired.
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they are excited but the idea to carry momentum forward is a stretch. >> if he has a bump in terms of winning, maybe money will follow him. you have newt gingrich doing the dirty work for the rest of the campaign in terms of the heavy attacks against romney. it will be an interesting test case for the way the rest of the primary season will carry out. >> all the candidates are tired but in terms of getting a bump out of new hampshire and into south carolina, typically the money doesn'tç make as great a income you get from the media bump. getting the earned media jumping out of new hampshire will make a big difference where in south
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carolina god and guns will make a big difference. >> the reporter that everyone wants to have follow them is patricia murphy who we thank for joining us. we look forward to more dispatches from south carolina. >> thank you, alex. >> we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur.
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day-to-day basis. i wonder, what you guys feel, what is the net net damage that the administration will have to recover from? >> from the book? >> yes. >> zero. voters don't care about any of that. >> from a bill daley standpoint, there's a message. it is inside baseball that the white house has kind of given up on the relationship with business. that is why he was brought in, he was going to be the guy that could deal with congress and hiring jack lou who is well respected in washington and probably not a stupid hire because if it shows the focus will be on budget and balancing the budget and all those fiscal issues, nonetheless, it says from the obama administration, game on, we are not goingç to take 2012 and we are in a political environment and bill daley who was hired to make nice with business is no longer with us. >> what we are hearing more is
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that it will turn more to a campaign. being the president, we will change from this to campaigning, we will shift the message and shift to middle class language and what daley did is alienate people inside and outside the white house. that is why the president looked to pluff to help his council. >> i'm sure the administration would say, that one of the reasons they are focussed to campaign messages is because of the congress not playing ball on any legislation. i wonder, when we talk about the daley thing, who is happier to see him go, it's a message that the administration is changing to a campaign and he is not trying governor. but democrats did not like daley either. >> senator harry reid is
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celebrating. >> this happens with every administration. there's a bigger question, since rahm emanuel left, we have not seen a lot of productive things happen between obama and congress, now we were coming into an election year and who will get blame for problems and does the obama administration have somebody on the inside who can get the best relationship possible with congress for the best production? >> i think he has made clear from his statementwl the president, over the last few weeks that he intends to not develop a good relationship with congress, he will run against congress. there are things they have to achieve obviously. payroll tax and so many other fiscal issues before the campaign. when you take your leadership and you exhibit it by giving partisan speeches as opposed to setting the leaders of the party down to try to figure out the next move, you are saying the campaign has started and the republicans have noway to
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respond. >> that is easy to take, but you have the republican leader of the senate say the most important thing to them is not unemployment or creating jobs is to make sure that barack obama is a one-term president. that was long before the president -- >> it's to try the make things different. >> if nothing, even the basic stuff gets done, it could go down to everyone's negative effect. it could create a mood, yeah, congressmen go and obama goes too. it's a dangerous game. >> there were reports and you guys understand, he was, you know, in the administration, he is the gate keeper for the president and -- >> chief of staff. >> and you are having gate keepers and he kept that ring of influence too small. and clearly the president wants to seek council from outside of that. and he alienated people on both
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sides of the aisle in congress. it was his idea to have the joint session of congress on the night of a gop debate which caused a problem. so they changed it. clearly the president did not appreciate hisç council and looking more towards shifting to campaign mode. >> and the debt ceiling problem that left a long weekend. there's a lot of talk, ed, and the obama book sort of touches on this, about the isolation of the white house. when we look at the bill daley appointment and some of the comments that michelle obama is apparently to have made according to jodi cantor in her book. does the president need to look beyond the chicago team as he goes to 2012? >> sure, i think that everyone does, everyone in office makes a mistake, just surrounding themselves with people they are familiar with. to go back to frank's point. strife in administration is not
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bad. i loved it when several cabinet members disagreed, you get the best ideas. this is all inside baseball. rahm emanuel was the most famous of obama's chief of staff. what percentage of americans could have answered the question, who is the president's chief of staff, while he was there, one or 2%? >> now they know he is the mayor of chicago. >> difference. >> what now? suns out, guns out. santorum's sweater vest hits the market. that is next on "now." coming up next, live from new hampshire, who will win second place? we will get the latest on the ground game with john sununu and inside the white house çshake-, former secretary, that is in less than 15 minutes, join us.
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. the sweater vest is almost as qualifying. >> that is great, let him defenç himself. >> the sweater sales are up around the country. >> not in my house. >> the nra folks said that this is their logo because it's the right to bare arms. >> there you go. >> welcome back, time for what now? rick santorum is offering his supporters a farewell to arms. we see your pun and we raise you one. if you donate $100 you get a free sweater vest. is that the cash that will carry him through the race? >> what kind of sweater are we talking? is it a good value. >> more importantly where is it made? >> i think the senator said is it was mated in the united
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states. >> and 100% cotton. >> how much does it cost if he is giving it away for $100 donation? >> i think actually, this part of rick santorum has been so charming. you have known him from pennsylvania for so long, there's a part of his personality that is charming and i think he has played the sweater vest. >> is there that big a market, i know that steve jobs. >> maybe outside new york city. after the forum in new hampshire in iowa when he first wore it, he became more personalable and more approachable. >> we will see how the sweater does in warmer climates. >> i'll say this to the santorum campaign, just a sweater vest, no çshirt. think about it. >> and your slogan?
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>> guns out, arms out. not these arms. a new campaign in support of president obama, designers, michele obama favorites, rachel roi, a roy, it was run way to change and now it's run way to win. >> so, bare all on democratic side and we have sweater vests. >> it's because republicans are wearing ill-fitted sweater vests. >> the democrats get jimmy choo and we get mr. roger's neighborhood. >> we were at a mitt romney rally in new hampshire and tim pawlenty came out and mitt romney had a nice tan cotton pant, and he looked great.
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>> you have a problem with the candidates and their pants. you had rick perry spandex -- >> no comment on that. apple ceo took home a reported $370 million. -- we talk about çincome equality. >> now do you feed the kids? >> we better start putting all these together and sending them in. >> look, the new york time reports that goldman sachs the pay is lower but they are going to take home $3 million. >> that is $3 million on average? >> yes. >> just so folks understand,
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that is not for all the partners that is on average. >> and i'll put in a republican statement, jack lou did well in the upper income when he worked for city bank. >> you'll not see that in the headlines. i'm all for free market economy. the best person does the best job. with this agreement he was given compensation based on, you know, long-term projection -- >> based on the this. based this machine. >> and he did a great job. >> nearly $400 million is a lot of money. thanks again to our panel. we are sorry we have to cut it off there, that is all for now, i'll see you back here tomorrow, keep it here on msnbc all day, and tune in tonight for special prime time coverage for the voting in new hampshire kicking off at 6:00 p.m. "andrea mitchell reports" is next. greetings andrea, good
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afternoon. >> good afternoon,al he c aa aft of the republican field is fighting for second place. does that matter as we look ahead to south carolina, plus independents account for 40% of voters here, we will see how big a role they will playing for today and the president's reelection bid with governor lynch, "andrea mitchell reports" right here next on msnbc. there's so much to choose from. [ male announcer ] the four course seafood feast is back at red lobster. still just $15. get soup, salad, unlimited cheddar bay biscuits, dessert, and your choice of 7 entrées, like new honey bbq shrimp skewers or shrimp and scallops alfredo. all four courses, just $15. [ jody ] it's really good value. all my guests love it. i'm jody gonzalez, red lobster general manager. and i sea food differently.
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