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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  January 20, 2012 10:00am-11:00am EST

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a good friday morning. i'm in this morning for chris jansen. in one year today, we will be swearing in one of these five men as president, or will we? that's ahead. everyone is talking about what could be the biggest debate moment so far. it was the first question last night about newt gingrich's ex-wife. >> she says you asked her, sir, to enter into an open marriage. would you like to take time to respond to that? >> no, but i will. i think the destructive vicious negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office, and i am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that.
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>> that's the way it started. rich galen was newt gingrich's communication director when he was speaker of the house. karen finney is former dnc communications director. rich, let's start with you. watching the first four minutes, were you thinking, this is it? game over? >> no, but i was thinking this is great tv. i was thinking that. i have no idea how that will play down here in south carolina. newt started this process by attacking the media or at least the moderator in every debate getting an applause line raising a couple thousand bucks, and that kept him going. that was a technique he has used. this was a little more over the top. in john king's defense, that was a question that was on everybody's mind here. he had to ask it. >> he had to ask it because they had been covering it all day on
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the programming, so certainly gingrich knew this was probably the first question prepared as such. >> i'm sure he -- he was ready for it, but gingrich is a great debater, a great speech maker, a great sense of timing. i don't think he was as good monday night, but he was so good monday night, i don't think he could have cleared that bar a second time. >> no one really touched him on the issue after that. here are some of the responses. >> let's get on to the real issues. >> these are issues of our lives and what we did are issues of character for people to consider. >> i think too often all of us are on the receiving ends of attacks from the media. >> he got a standing ovation, gingrich did, when he had that response. the rest backed away. did they have to do that? >> i think they did. a couple things were going on last night. once the other folks saw the reaction quickly realized we're
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not going to go there. if they had been thinking about it, depending on what kind of answer gingrich gave, they certainly dropped it quickly, but there are a couple other points i would make. to some degree, the personal issues do take up too much time on the campaign trail and i do think most voters don't care about that stuff, at the same time the problem for gingrich, he certainly thought those issues with are fair game when he went after bill clinton. it's hard to see him to be so insistent that it's not fair, however, in the christian tradition, people like sinners who repent. i think he's thinking that that will appeal to some parts of the south carolina primary electorate. there's a lot of complicated cultural stuff going on within both his answer and that question. and look it, "morning joe" this morning had a voter saying she's
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still not satisfied, so it does matter. we'll see how it plays out. rick santorum did sort of go that way and backed off on the attacks, but did have good hits yesterday. here's one of them. >> grandiosity has never been a problem with newt gingrich. he handles it very well. i don't want a nominee where i have to worry about looking at the paper the next day and worry about what he's going to say next. that's what i think we're seeing. >> sort of like political a.d.d. how much truth is there to this? >> a lot, but santorum, richard, is in a unique position. he feels himself, or at least did feel himself slipping away from the two front-runners. when you're down to three legitimate candidates, there is no second tier. you're either in with the leaders or out of the race. i think santorum did a good job. the issue he has, i think is
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when he gets weary, he falls back into senate-speak, and you can hear the sound of eyelids drooping. >> there's some truth to that action says, you said, what do you mean? >> having worked with him when he was whip and speaker, that is one of the reasons that his colleagues found it difficult to retain him as speaker, that he would have 15 ideas a day, 12 are benign, two were pretty good, one was deadly. the secret was to keep away from the deadly one. >> karen, the most substantive debate came about health care, also santorum. listen to this. >> governor romney tells a nice story about his plan now. it wasn't his plan when he was in position position to do something. it has been an abject failure and he toad by it.
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>> then speaker gingrich who has been for an individual man dade. was santorum effective, do you think? >> i think he was. that is the criticism of newt gingrich from his own people. he came prepared to go after each person's weakness, romneycare, what have you, wealth issues, the only thing he backed away from was the releasing of taxes. this race is tightening, so he has to stay within the top two, top three.
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my favorite is of war of the egos. they were going at it last night. >> every vote santorum picked up i think comes out of gingrich's side. so when they were going toe to toe, as you described, that was good for romney, i thought. >> rich galen, karen finney, thank you for your time today. one guy not on stage was comedian stephen colbert, who is mounting a mock campaign for president. >> ma'am, who will you be voting for? >> i will be voting for leadershipen cain. >> 9-9-9. >> a vote for cain is a vote for colbe colbert. let's bring in always good to speak with you, chairman. when we look at the goggle searches, that's been surging over 260% in south carolina just the past week. some are saying he's mocking the election process. might he actually sway 1% or 2% to herman cain? what do you think?
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>> i doubt it. i think he's funny, and in many ways he's highlighting some of the problems, and him and jan stewart had a pretty good skit last night. a lot of this stuff is a mess. i think it's probably good for the system. listen, all of this, a top primary, a bit of drama, colbert, i think it's good for our party and much better than an old boring process where no one is baying attention. how do you think iowa handled the process? they were kind of stammering yesterday on whether to call the winner santorum or not. should they still be first to
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vote? >> they're a protected state in the rules of the rnc, so i believe that iowa should remain first. that's what happens when you're such a close race. so, you know, sometimes when you have a close race and it's raidsor thin, some of these process things come out, and i think the chairman there and the party will there do their best to make it a little more precise the next time. >> what's your thought here? did this change anything for santorum? or is it too late? >> i'm not sure, richard, what's going to happen. i think it will be close. quite frankly down here in south carolina they don't want party chairs telling them what to do. that is the opposite they want.
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they want to make the addition, and we have a quite frankly what i believe, richard is we need to defeat barack obama to save america. i believe it's true, and i think most of our voters feel the same way. >> so next the state of the union address. mitch daniels we're now hearing giving the republican response on tuesday. a lot of folks have been interesting for him to run for president earlier on. could he be headed for a broken convention? >> i doubt that, richard. if that's the case, this is a long road, just the start, not the finish. it's a race to a majority of delegates, then it will be a long process. i don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. i this i it worked well for barack obama and hillary clinton
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while we were asleep on the republican side with our nominee for months, the democrats were fighting it out. they were nervous about that, and it turned out barack obama won pretty easily. i think most importantly this will be a referendum on barack obama. did he fulfill the promises he made to the american people? yes or no. if he did, he gets reelected. if he didn't, he loses. that's what this election is about. re reince thank you very much. the president made four stops s. including one at the home of 9 director spike lee, but he really shined at a fund-raiser at the apollo. ♪ i am ♪ so in love with you >> that was not dubbed in.
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that was the president flexing his golden pipes singing al green's "let's stay together" with green out there in the audience. quite the crooner you are, mr. president. ♪ i ♪ i'm so in love with you look! the phillips' lady! we have to thank you for the advice on phillips' caplets. magnesium, right? you bet! phillips' caplets use magnesium. works more naturally than stimulant laxatives... for gentle relief of occasional constipation. can i get an autograph? [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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a big endorsement for mitt romney. bob mcdonald just got on board. he'll fly to south carolina to campaign with romney this afternoon. in a statement, he said -- we need a governor to serve as our next president. check out this picture of the president. it certainly looks like he's kissing this woman on the lips. so did he? let's go to the videotape. he plants to peckers squarely on her cheek.
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that must have been taken at just the right angle. good short, though. an endorsement from herman cain yesterday. >> here is my unconventional endorsement -- not a candidate seeking the nomination, not someone that's not running. my unconventional endorsement is -- the people. we the people of this nation are still in charge. cain is back, this afternoon campaigning with stephen colbert. >> he has a plan so fine, they called it 9-9-9. the mad max of the flat tax. herman cain has qualities i admire. he's a family man, pro-business and has something i don't think
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i'll ever have -- a place on the south carolina ballot. >> the last 24 hours have been a wild rite in this campaign. rick perry dropped out and threw support behind newt gingrich. it turns out rick sap tomorrow really won i had what. peter alexander is covering the romney campaign and ron mott is with the gingrich campaign. good afternoon to both of you, my friends. peter, you've been following mitt romney after last night's debate performance. are they a little worried here? >> i think it's a good question. you know, they say to us, senior advisers tell us specifically that they have always viewed this with the long view. they've seen this as the big picture. while a lot of people just viewed 24 hours they had the potential with a win to put this race to bed to be the nominee, they recognize that has changed. that's why they would say they have tried to redue expectation,
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but they feel confident they are the stronge candidate to compete. you mentioned that governor mcdonald has come out endorsing mitt romney. mitt romney and ron paul, by the way, the only two candidates on the primary ballot right now. they believe as this thing goes forward, they still are the candidate to beat. >> ron, to you, does gingrich feel like he hit that home run right now, that he's got the momentum to take south carolina? >> he's had one of those weeks, every pitch that seems to be thrown at him goes yard. he hit that out of the park, and then last night the debate was over after the first few minutes. he knocked that one out of the park. it's still flying. so his swagger is back. that swagger he had about a month before the iowa caucuses. he lost that in iowa, didn't have it in new hampshire, he brought it back to the south, his home turf and he's delivering here. he knows which buttons to push
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here in the south with the conservative voters. those people will poll for him tomorrow. whether he wins, we'll just have to see. >> we thought we would make history perhaps as early as tomorrow if romney became the first to ever win the first three, now there's history that could be made, three separate candidates could win each of the first three states. that's never happened before as well. >> ron, talking about this possibility of these exceptions, these new differences that peter is describing, should we have a third different winner, how does south carolina's energy compare, compared to the other two states iowa and new hampshire? >> it's electric. it's electric here. newt gingrich, his his home turf, it's his house, as they say in sports. he thinks he's going to win. he's been saying all week if he wins, he thinks he'll win it all, of course that was before the pro-romney super pacs hit the air.
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he's had a tough week, but he seems to have past the test so far this week. >> what are you watching the next 24 hours? >> i was thinking it will be like the next hour of "sportscenter." obviously i think this will go right down to the wire. there's an electric atmosphere surrounding newt gingrich. mitt romney is trying to create that as well. a win is a win, though, as we witnessed in iowa. and if they can squeeze by in this state, they fee very strongly. about 143,000 mention of the gop have already voted by absentee ballot, more than voted in iowa, so it's a given number, and it could have been an impact. >> as always, my friends, peter,
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ron, thank you. now, if mitt romney were a stock, you might want to sell. we'll explain that. and the dead lie fires in reno forced vice president joe biden to cut short a speech. that and the stories people are talking about, next. is to keep it whole for better nutrition. and that's what they do with great grains cereal. see the seam on the wheat grain? same as on the flake. because great grains steams and bakes the actual whole grain. now check out the other guy's flake. hello, no seam. because it's more processed. now, which do you suppose has better nutrition for you? mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil now and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach. ♪
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here's a look at other stores people are talking about. six u.s. marines have died in a helicopter crash in southern afghanistan. officials say there were no signs of enemy activity in the area. this is the worst crash since last august when 30 soldiers died after that chopper came down. that grounded cruise ship off italy's tuesday cam coast is shifting again, forcing crews to stop their search for 2 is people who are still missing. officials say divers are ready to go back in once the conditions are safe. firefighters are wokking to hold the line on a fast-moving brush fire. the flames destroyed more that 20 homes and forced evacuation.
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it's being fanned by wind gusts that reached 82 miles an hour. one person was found debt in the fire area. several sites are backed up this morning after being hacked allegedly by the group known as anonymous. they say it was in retaliation official arrested four and charged its founder with violaten piracy laws. this is one talented group of dogs, able to bark a tune. we go down to the wire at 10:50 a.m. quite a melody. the best news to come off laus night 'debate may be weyrich santorum did so well. i'll explain. join us for the best political coverage for the south carolina primary all day live saturday only on msnbc. other makeup can sit on your skin, so it looks but trublend has skin twin technology to actually merge with your skin.
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it is all about money in south carolina now. craig melvin is live in charleston, craig, you've been talking to voters, and what are they say before they head to the polls tomorrow? >> here's the thing, richard, a lot of voters say they haven't made up their minds just yet. one thing is for sure, unlike primaries past, the voters that have are not being driven solely by social issues. >> a story of greed. >> super pacs have inspect spend millions for ads like these. >> it has more baggage than the airlines. >> reporter: for many of the state's voters, romney's days at bain capital or gingrich areas baggage are not a priority. >> people are hurting, unemployed, we have a lot of mills and factories shut down, people are struggling. >> reporter: the unemployment rate has not been below 9% in
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more than three years, one of the worst in the countries. some say the real unemployment rate is closer to 16%. even the state's lucrative tourism industry has taken a hit. mickey batts runs the grill. >> the amount of money that people are spending is down. >> reporter: statistic state's harsh economic reality has refocused the political debate. in 2008, 60% were evangelical social conservatives. >> this year they're out there, but jobs is competing with those social issues for the top spot in terms of priority when they go in the voting booth. that helps romney. >> reporter: four years ago the former massachusetts governor finished fourth in south
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carolina's primary. a lot has happened since. >> he's been out there four years working hard, running people, raising money and building an organization. >> don fowler has been in the trenches of south carolina politics for nearly four decades. he's all but certain romney wins saturday and rolls on to nomination, but admits gingrich is a fierce competitor with new momentum. >> i know all this business about baggage, but in spite of that, he has done quite well. >> reporter: folks over at the senator for republican leadership conference were here in carlston. a fellow named herman cain pulled up to me about halfway through. afterwards i asked him what he thought about the debate, and he said he didn't miss any of it at all in terms of being a part of it. he said he thought newt gingrich killed it, and he also said if you could get the nomination by just debating, he would be a
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cinch. >> just by aplay and standing ovations as well. craig melvin, who knows that state so well, thank you so much. hold on to your seats. the latest polling in south carolina show newt gingrich closing the gap, but national polls might be behind romney's quiet confidence right now. let's bring in frank newport. romney is really trending down in the last 24 hours, your five-day tracking poll here, and you can see newt gingrich bumping up. some in new data. >> that's right. that's when we release the update every day, and we'll see this gap closing more. romney was up 23 points over newt gingrich. now it will be down about ten points, so clearly things are collapsing. >> and contracting. >> this is national. national. >> got you. historically, have see seen so much movement at this time? and is there any possibility
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that romney might be able to reverse this sort of collapsing? >> anything is possible. we have seen more movement, more roller coaster kind of effect this year than any other republican primary in our history of tracking. down and up, we don't see on here herman cain and rim perry when they were up earlier, so yes, i think anything is possible. or it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility if romney recovers. we'll wait and see. >> the breaking news, we're going to release that information at 1:00. we'll have it right here. and the most religious states in the country gallup ranks south carolina as number 7 right here, iowa 22, 50 new hampshire, but system system 7. how much will that play into the votes tomorrow?
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>> the south and of course utah, which you don't see here, very religious, that will have a big impact. what's interesting in south carolina they're mostly protestant. the three leading candidates are not tradition at property assistant protestants. and more likely to support both santorum and newt gingrich. mitt romney is more level by church attendance. >> he's still, though, attracting some. >> that's right. he's leveled while the others have skewed, so we'll see what happens. >> as you've been tracking that difference, after we look at iowa and in that inspect, whoever is leading in the polls at that point, they always become the nominee. talk about that. >> could this be the exception? you're absolutely right. on the republican side we would
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say history says romney gets the nomination, but as i mentioned we've had more ups and do you understand in this race, so maybe there will be a change. but again that's what's so fascinating about this race. >> do you think it will set a precedent? >> i don't know. i'm going to wait and see -- >> i'm trying to get you outside that box. >> data are my life, so we'll see. >> intensity and passion. some of the critics have said romney doesn't quite have it. what's some of the data you've seen behind the passion quotient here? >> that's true, he doesn't. our intensity score is 12, herman cain -- >> romney minus 1? >> that's among all americans. when we split it out among republicans, it's only a 12. so none of the candidates really are eliciting a lot of huge passion. >> frank newport, as always,
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thank you. >> my pleasure. ahead, cheers and jeers for mitt romney when he was asked about his yet to be released tax returns. >> you know, i don't know how many years i'll release. i'll take a look at our documents -- and i'll release them. multiple years, i don't know how many, but i'll be happy to do that. i know the democrats want to go after the fact that i've been successful. i'm not going to apologize for being successful. all right. i'm joined by real clear politics reporter erica mcpike and david corn. how uncomfortable was that to waffle it, answering a question he's answered before, and the delivery of the message seems to be very muddled still. >> what's amazing is mitt romney knew that question was going to
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be asked. i mean, it's been one of the few questions asked repeatedly in the past week. every time he gets it, he can't get his bat on the ball. all he had to do was say we will be releasing my taxes. i plan to do it in april, and i will be releasing a bunch of years. that's all he has to say, you know, how many? i don't know, maybe this, maybe that, this guy is just uncomfortable talking about this stuff. he's uncomfortable talking about the amount of taxes he's paid. maybe he's paid actually less than 15%. that's highly possible. he's never declared exactly what he's -- >> he abe been saying "about." his campaign says there's no tax advantage to do doing it that way, so the request el is why do it that way? why not in good old american institutions, so there's a lot there he's still going to have to defend, and it's a bad reflection upon his campaign
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that he can't just sort of have standard answers for these very often questions. >> after all these years, you would think he would have a pat answer on that. it may make voters wonder what he is thinking. how much longer can he hold off releasing the tax returns before it becomes a liability for him? >> it already is a liability. as far as the south carolina primary is concerned, it's already an ingrained thing for voters that he won't do it. you have conservative media saying he should do it now, and his rivals for the gnome nailing saying he should do it before the primary is over, but he's been clear about he won't release the returns until he becomes the nominee, if he did, in april, tax time. you still have conservatives saying -- and his. i want to look at this, david, talking about money here
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and mitt romney. we've been following his stock on, following the price that traders are attributing to a possible win. if you look at this chart here, it follows what happened just left. on the left-hand side, this is early in the morning. on this side, it's at the close of yesterday. let me clear this out here, when rick perry announced that he was dropping out that's whether hi stock went down. this happened right during the debate, perhaps reacting to his performance. is it trending to a point where we play see a gingrich pop? >> i'm just not making any predictions. if the guys at intrade knew
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their stuff all the time, they would be retired living on an unknown island. you know, this past week, i think starting with new hampshire to now, he's come across as mr. 1% not just for the democrats or occupy wall street times, but within the republican party. i think a lot of his own campaign thought it would be a cakewalk. he still will have to come out ahead on saturday, have a good showing in florida to put this thing to bed. so a much more competitive race, but the other thing, remember, it's not just about mitt romney, but it's about newt gingrich. while he may have a pop at the moment. he's the most self-combustible stock on the republican trading floor. so at any moment at any point in time, he could just totally
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emulate on his own accord. this is not a stable political condition at the moment. >> erin, final word, newt gingrich -- that was alluding to what david was mentioning -- the tax run came out, leaf through it, not so many pages given he makes about $3 million, at least in 2010. do you think anything will be made of this, his effective tax rate looks to be about 30%. >> i think those tax returns will be combed over the next few days. florida is a national primary where it takes a lot of spending to get on air waves to air those commercials, which is the reason why gingrich dropped so precipitously, so yes, it's possible mitt romney will lose south carolina to newt gingrich. we're going into florida, which would be a really big primary and mitt romney has the cash to go the long way here.
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senator from ohio, virginia governor bob mcdonald endorsed him today. neither of the two politicians were talking about endorsing, but now they're coming out for mitt rom n. and you'll see a lot more money go his way, which is why the florida primary will look a lot different on saturday. florida being the water test. thank you both, and have a good weekend. senate majority leader harry reid is postponing a vote, saying he expects a discussion in the coming weeks. reid says the recent events with all of the dwron line protests raised legitimate issues on the house side. lamar smith saying his committee will not take up sopa until, quote there's wider great on a solution. [ male announcer ] capri sun has 25% less sugar
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besides the commonly headh related risk, they're more likely to -- however, the most severely obese older adults are one third less likely to be injured from such a fall. hi, everybody. good morning. i'm thomas. in the next hour, newt gingrich's righteous indignation may help him carry south carolina. the debate performance that everyone is calling a knockout punch. mitt romney falters over an answer about the taxes. what is this that keeping tripping him you will. today calista gingrich. she may by newt's third wife, but is she also the secret weapon for a shot at the white house? thank you, thomas. another quick campaign event
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for president obama. he'll duck out of the white house to the jefferson hotel. last night he was at the apollo. >> the republicans is congress, the candidates running for president, they've got a very specific idea about where they want to take this country. they want to reduce gutting our investments in education, in research and technology. joining me lo receipta sanch sanchez. thank you for being with us today. >> thank you for having me. >> the president very careful to say he was looking at republicans in congress doing this, doing that. do people make the distinction here? >> i think what he's trying to tell people and what people have been gathering is when the republicans are controlling the congress, they are actually blocking many things, or they're
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doing very extreme positions. i believe that's what he's trying to point out when he talks about the republican congress. >> so you think it is going to work now. when you look at every poll for the president at the moment, and these are just some at the moment do you think about this at all? >> of course as a legislator and politician, i understand that polls rarely lie, maybe they're off a little bit or you're not asking directly -- >> you can see how it can bleed over to democratic -- >> absolutely. every congress person should be concerned about what's going on back at home if they've been doing their job, going home and talking to people, letting them know what they've been doing and what the real atmosphere is like in order to work in congress, they should be okay.
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if they haven't done that, they'll have surprises in this election. >> do you see the battle in 2012 as a battle against a do-nothing congress and just simply that? >> i believe that the president is right now gathering the funds he needs to counteract so many other outside things, these super pacs and things we have seen, but i think the next phase will be and should be to go out and talk to the american people state by state, talk to them about the things he has accomplished. we accomplished a lot when nancy pelosi and the the democrats controlled the house of representatives and we had president obama with us. there's a sharp contrast to what we did then versus sort of do nothing. >> congresswoman sanchez, thank you so much.
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we know you'll be back next tuesday. >> absolutely. >> we look forward to seeing you then. >> thank you very much. our tweet of the day is a little look-ahead reminder. sank ore donna hamilton writing -- thought for the day -- presidential inauguration one year from today. you know when i grow up, i'm going to own my own restaurant. i want to be a volunteer firefighter. when i grow up, i want to write a novel. i want to go on a road trip. when i grow up, i'm going to go there. i want to fix up old houses. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. i want to fall in love again. [ female announcer ] discover what's next in your life. get this free travel bag when you join at
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"star wars," dogs t. and beckham bends it. a sneak peek at what we may see during the super bowl. [ barking ] >> are you listening carefully? those are the imperial march from "star wars." it's a new teaser trailer from volkswagen. if you remember, they gave us that popular commercial last super bowl, using the force to start the car. that was a good one. a new video shows us the force of nature tourists got
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as you know, your ex-wife gave an interview. in it she says you came to her in 1999 at a time when you were having an affair. she says you asked her, sir, to
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enter into an open marriage. would you like to take time to respond to that? >> no, but i will. newt goes nuclear, in a debate that just may seal the deal for him in south carolina. mitt romney tripped up by taxes once again. has his campaign gone off the rails? and we all thought this would be the guy, but what if it's this guy facing off with president obama come november? will a newt nomination have him singing all the way back to the white house? ♪ i ♪ i'm so in love with you hi, everybody, great to have you with us. we get straight to it. what a difference 24 hours could make. who would have thought we would be where we a


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