tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC February 1, 2012 1:00pm-2:00pm EST
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was dead in june and july and gone after iowa, i want to reassure them tonight. we're going to contest every place and we're going to win and we'll be the nominee in august. >> lifting the vaieil, the millionaire donors behind the super pac ads. plus bowe with another plan to survive the housing market. >> it is wrong for anyone to suggest that the only thing to do is shut for the housing market to hit bottom. i refuse to accept that, and 'zo the american people. >> and michelle obama tries to get jay leno to eat his veggies, and she decides which candidate has the voice. >> that was completely spontaneous. i didn't even hear about it until it got on youtube.
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but he does have a beautiful voice, and he sings to me all the time. >> really. >> yes. >> now, did you hear mitt romney sing? what did you think? >> i saw it in the green room. >> right, right. >> it's beautiful. >> beautiful. >> and it is america's song and it's a song that's meant to be song by every american. >> good day. i'm andrea mitchell live in washington. in our daily fix, mitt romney heads to minnesota and nevada today with a head of steam as the republican race moves on to the caucus states that are next on the calendar. key to romney's decisive victory in florida, women who made up about half of the electorate picked him by 24 points over newt gingrich. romney also won by 25 points among hispanic voters. one out of seven republicans who went to the polls yesterday. chris is here in person at the
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table. >> hello. >> the gender gap was huge. >> yeah. >> that's a very big deal, going behind those number, what did we think was in play? >> well, look. in south carolina, the run-up to south carolina, a lot of talk open marriage, it was part of the discussion. it didn't hurt him. i think newt gingrich would have won with all of that stuff in florida. i don't know that it would have won him with that kind of gap of gap. when you win it by 24 points you're going to win a lot of elections. >> look at the map. look at where the state is divided. the panhandle, which is georgia as much as it is florida, was all newt gingrich, and the rest of the state, mitt romney. >> what's interesting, first of all, i love that map. second of all, the green in southern florida, miami-dade
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county in particular, we talked about this. mitt romney lost by 52 votes to john mccain. remember, rudy giuliani ran for president. >> rudy giuliani remembers. >> yeah, absolutely. he won the race this time around. it shows you in in kwas he's the mccabe figure. they may not like the comparison but he is the mccain figure. the centrist, campaign candidate, and he's doing enough among conservatives. i would point out he won self-identified republicans. he's doing enough, i think, to really restart his momentum. >> but when you look at the conservative vote as the numbers for people who identify themselves as being very conservative, he still has a problem there. he hasn't made the deal. >> and if that number stood out to me as well as strongly supportive of the tea party. he lost them to newt gingrich as well. the question is how big is it.
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there's a clear segment on the ideological right of who is still not comfortable with mitt romney. but i would point out those people were not comfortable with john mccain either in 2008. at some point it becomes conclusive that even though there is some holdouts, that they will eventually get behind mitt romney because they don't like barack obama and they believe that mitt romney will eventually be the guy who can beat him, electability, the biggest factor in exit polling. mitt romney won overwhelmingly. he has to hope that argument wins out because he may never convince the people on the right he's one of them. >> chris cillizza, you're one of us. and mitt romney says his decisive win in florida proves he can win over those conservative voters and that he's ready to go toe to toe with president obama. >> i think the back and forth and even the attacks have been helpful because what's going to come from barack obama will be the same, just a heck of a lot more of it and having people
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have a chance to see what the trurkt is, i think is a positive thing. any questions by support of the conservatives was cleared up last night in florida. people who call themselves conservative and very conservative overwhelmingly supported my campaign. tea partiers supported my campaign. so i'm hoping i can convince people in minnesota, nevada, arizona, colorado, i've got to get a lot of support from many in my parties. >> kevin is an adviser to the romney campaign. first of all, congratulations. it was a big win. >> a big win with a long way to go. >> again, his comment he made about not caring about poor people. he was on the plane right now and talking to reporters, including our own garrett. you have to take the whole stens. i said throughout the campaign my focus, my concern, my energies is going to be devoted to helping middle income people.
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we have a safety net to the poofrmt if there are holes in it, i'll repair it. he's trying to explain it but it's sort of an ouch moment. as an adviser are there times where you wish he didn't say things like the poor can take care of themselves? >> look. even as a spokesman, after a staffer, i've had my own moments so i recognize the pressures of the campaign. i think what's really important for the people out there pay ag tension is whether or not governor romney has focused and talked on the economy and what he plans to do to fix it. he has talked about helping everybody at all income levels and that's really important. i think the campaign -- i think what he was talking about was the emphasis that he's placing on helping the middle class, that the middle class has had a very rough time because of -- >> but he seems to be saying the rich can take care of themselves, the poor can take care of themselves, inartfully phrased. here with the housing crisis, democrats, harry reid, they're greeting him with this, quote,
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something he said to the las vegas review jushl editor kwal board meeting back in november, quote, don't try and stop the foreclosure process, let it run its course, hit rock bottom, let it turn around and come back up. now, again, in pure economic terms, yeah, that's what has to happen. there has to be a winding out brks u that's not, as a candidate, what you want to communicate. he seems to be not communicating the concern about the people who are under water. >> i think he's going to continue during that campaign when he talks about free markets and what we need to do to help bring back the private sector so that everybody is seeing more jobs created, we're seeing a greater degree of prosperity, that way people can get back into their homes or can start paying mortgages in a better way, i think that's also going to be complemented with his plan for helping the overall economy. what he can do to help people of all income levels. businesses big and small need to get back to creating jobs so
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that the american people again can feel a sense of economic security. and think that's where his focus remains is helping people up and down the income level because that's what's most important to him. we're looking at the entire economy and what he can do. i think the big contrast we're going to continue to draw during that campaign is president obama, he wants to put his faith in the government. i think governor romney has said he wants to put his faith back into the american people, back into the private sector. >> how disappointing is it to you that newt gingrich is not ready to give up, rick santorum is out there. this is rick santorum talking about how nasty and negative this race was with all of the romney super pac money. >> the american public does not want to see two or three candidates get into a mud -- you know, a mud wrestling match where everybody walks away dirty and not in a position to be able to represent our party proudly. we're going to have differences on the issues and we need to talk about those differences on
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the issues, but what we saw in the last few weeks in the state of florida is not something that's going to help us win this election. >> does the republican brand get hurt with all of the negative campaigning? >> i think the difference is you can't judge campaigns just by ads. i think you have a also judge campaigns on whether or not they're reaching out to voters, what they would do for the future. and i think governor romney did very well in florida. take the ads aside. in every ad he had, he talks about it -- >> you can't escape the ads. >> that's only one part of how you reach voters. i get all the clips from boston, and, you know, a lot of the local coverage in florida focused what governor romney was doing to reach out to florida voters about the economy. what are you going to do to bring back jobs, how he was going to help the housing market down there, which was struggling. i think when people recognize that message that they saw from governor romney, that's kwhie they supported him. in campaigns you have to draw
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contrasts and sometimes they're more easily drawn with ads. but the focus he's had is what he would do as president, what he would do to help people in the future. and because of that, we saw the pools last night. we saw the judgment that the florida voters gave him, and it was a positive one. >> well, a big victory for you guys and now we move on. on to the caucus states. and newt gingrich is moving on. he says he's not dropping ow out and will be back in florida for the republican convention. how does he bounce back? texas congressman michael bridges. thanks so much for being with us. why is newt gingrich hanging on given the trouncing that he took and difficulty in raising money. where is the play for newt gingrich, especially in february? >> you know, we've had four primaries.
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romney has two. it's on to the next state, the next primaries. don't forget the delicate counting is still in its infancy. this thing still has a way to go. some of the rule were put in place which i actually support means there's going to be an awarding to the delegates after the florida vote and the reality is speaker gingrich is in this for the long haul and think he's in for the long haul for the right reasons. i mean it's just a sound bite. here is a guy who was speaker of the house when the country create 11 million onnew jobs. here's fa guy who was the speaker of the house when he balanced the budget. he has a track record, proven his ability and he has that communicative ability. it's almost magical when it occurs. the speaker has that ability to transform lead into gold. i've got to tell you, he's in it for the long haul and i'm with
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him every step of the way. >> speaking of new rules, there ee 's a tradition wherever one loses calls the winner and congratulates him. let me show you late bit of mitt romney on with matt lauer today. >> he didn't call. i called him after south carolina, his win there, but he didn't call again last night. the other candidates all called but i don't know. i guess speaker gingrich doesn't have our phone number. >> what's to be gained by not calling and congratulating the winner? how bitter has this thing gotten? >> i can only recall one time in nigh ten races for congress where i was called by an opponent congratulating me on the win, so it's -- you know, it's one of those things. we're making a big deal out of something that isn't a big deal, quite honestly, when you have an unemployment rate, where the cbo says the real unemployment rate is closer to 10%. that's what people want to be hearing about. they're not interesting in any
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feud between these individuals. they're interested in who has the positive solutions going forward and thing that is congressman gingrich. >> what about the gender gap? you've gotten in credible numbers where women supported romney, 52 to 28 over newt gingrich. that is a very big hurdle to climb. >> yet in the primary before in south carolina, that was actually skewed the other way. i think the effects of the advertising probably did play a role there. you know, look, it's tough. when you get $17 million dropped on your head, all of it negative, it's tough to overcome that, but the speaker will readjust and he will -- he will overcome that problem, i feel quite certain. >> congressman, thank you very much. thanks for joining us today. >> narng you. >> and will president obama find sunshine in florida? we'll talk to the democratic state chair there. plus, houses under water. the foreclosure crisis up next. and have a question you want me to answer? join me every monday for a live web chat between 2:15 and 2:45
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eastern online. this is "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. at liberty mutual, we know how much you count on your car, and how much the people in your life count on you. that's why we offer accident forgiveness, where your price won't increase due to your first accident. we also offer a hassle-free lifetime repair guarantee, where the repairs made on your car are guaranteed for life, or they're on us.
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. mitt romney turned in such a strong showing across the board in florida. the question now for democrats is if romney gets the nomination, how is president obama going to match up in florida in a general election. rod smith is chairman of the florida democratic party and joins me now. thank you very much for being with us. this was a really big win for romney across all parts of the state, obviously stronger than places in the panhandle. key groups, women, moderates, conservativ conservativ conservatives exseptemb conservatives except for the
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very conservative. >> let's not lose sight of the fact that mitt romney didn't carry 50% of florida in a closed republican primary. i think the most telling thing is that he outspent his opponent by $17 million to about $4 million and by doing so they drove down the voter participation by 14% from the last primary. i think the reality of the negative campaigning, if these guys could have stayed in florida, i would have welcomed them. the longer they stayed here and ran ads, the better we look. i told someone the other day, we can campaign on bin laden is dead and gulf of mexim is hirin. less than 1% of the ads run by romney campaign were positive. an interesting note as i looked aet the map today, in those markets that are small media markets where there was not the
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infiltration of negative ads against the speaker in the panhandle and north central florida, the speaker did very well, and think that that bodes well for the president in florida. as a matter of fact, during that campaign, the president's numbers spigot in terms of independent voters while the positive -- excuse me, the negative for mitt romney from the day he started this campaign in florida till the day he left went from 29 to 42 among independent voters. as you know, primary voters decide candidates. they don't decide who wins the election. i always believed that romney had a problem connecting with voters. i still do. i think it was -- it is a state that is resource driven and in that sense i thought he had a great advantage and a negative message. i don't think that wins the election. i think the president had a great week last week and i like where we are. >> ron, i know that messaging is coordinated but joe biden
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interestingly said the exact same thing you said or said a minute or so ago that gm is hiring and bin laden is dead. is that the message of the day? >> i actually got it from my wife. i don't know. it came from dee dee, so i have to tell you. she said it the other night and i loved it. >> she loved it and joe biden is saying the same thing now we know whom to credit. thank you very much rod smith. up next, the political briefing. the primary race heading west. and if it is wednesday, we've got election returns. [ male announcer ] we know you don't wait until the end of the quarter to think about your money... ♪ that right now, you want to know where you are, and where you'd like to be. we know you'd like to see the same information your advisor does so you can get a deeper understanding of what's going on with your portfolio. we know all this because we asked you, and what we heard helped us create pnc wealth insight, a smarter way to work with your pnc advisor, so you can make better decisions and live achievement.
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fanning out across the country today from colorado, nevada, and minnesota, staking their claims to the next contest and even with mitt romney's decisive win in florida last night his rivals are vowing to carry on. david joins us now. where are we looking now? nevada, there's a clear advantage for mitt romney, is there not? there's a large mormon community and he's expected to be pretty strong. how does that go up against newt gingrich with his prime backer adelson who's one of the most powerful billionaires in nevada. >> i think there's no question that romney goes into nevada with a huge advantage. gingrich has backed expectatio s
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saying they don't have to win. more importantly is going to be the tone of newt gingrich going forward and how harsh is he against mihtt romney because you're hearing enough from the gop leaders. enough is enough. no more personal blistering attacks. but who's going to tell newt to back off, that's the question. >> you could tell newt to back off, but gingrich has not backed off before. and what about rick santorum. he says he doesn't want to get into negativism or mud wrestling. already he's got an ad up tying to tight newt gingrich to mitt romney and nancy pelosi. >> right he's trying to play the card he could be the alternative conservative. i think his case is getting weaker as the primaries are going on. he's spending time in missouri where he's selling pretty well. that's a beauty contest in missouri where delegates aren't going to be apportioned.
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if he can win there, he's hoping to get good headlines, good press, in the case that gingrich completely collapses. >> okay. david, thank you very much for our politico briefing. up next, rick snyder. plus freshman congressman and republican shaun duff fi. does he really not want a ray? four course seafood feast is back. get soup, salad, cheddar bay biscuits, dessert and choose one of 7 entrees. four courses for only $15. offer ends soon. i'm jody gonzalez, red lobster manager and i sea food differently.
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deficits, it shows michigan's economic recovery is on track to outpace all 50 states during the next six months. republican rick snyder from michigan joins me straight from chile. thank you very much and congratulations. this turn around has been a real team effort. republicans and democrats have worked very, very hard. what has been the key factor
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that's led to 11 now down to 9.3%. not great but it's an improvement. >> i appreciate your asking. it's about teamwork. we have a different philosophy. with don't blame anyone for anything, i don't take credit for everything and we find common grounds and solve problems because we have so many solvable problems anned why not focus on that instead of, you know, spending time of deviivis issues. >> we had come out of a florida primary. i didn't wasn't to find out as we head toward michigan and the next races there with big advantages for mitt romney, bosh in michigan, obviously the former son of a michigan governor, are you ready to indoors? >> i'm getting close. i would say in the next week i'll be looking at it. in fact, i told people early on i wouldn't do anything until 30 days before because i stay focused michigan issues primarily. >> well, it's pretty clear that you would end up -- mitt romney
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looks like he is more likely to be the nominee than newt gingrich. it was a very likely. is there any way you would go against mitt romney in his home state? >> again, i'm still coming to a decision. >> i'm going to infer from that that we're going to be hearing for an endorsement for mitt romney from rick snyder but you're not ready to say that. there's a real big issue about this emergency manager law that would actually take power away from the city of detroit. mayor bing is against it, don conyers is against it and john dingell. you've got a lot of democrats who are very against that. have you reached a negotiated solution? >> i think we've got a good law. we put that in place and it dealt with two issues. one is there was no early warning system about financial
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issues. the best thing to do is avoid it. we put in a system to identify issues ahead of time. then the other piece was was we've had emergency management laws going back to governor blanchard some time ago and your only other option would have been bankruptcy. the idea was let's empower them to have more afternoon. get out, get them running their community again. >> doesn't this freeze investment when you have this law hanging over the head of potential investors? some have come in and tried do more in detroit. what is the percentage for them to get in when they see this law hanging over their head? >> i think the law encourages investors to be more proactive in the sense they know it's going to be a shorter time that you're going to have this kind of difficult situation going on. the faster and better you resolve the issue it gives investors more certainability. detroit has so many great things going. we don't talk about that enough. let's get this issue behind us and we'll see detroit make a big
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comeback. >> one of the things you're noted for is having a very proactive view about immigration and having provisions to the h 1 b. are you at all concerned that mitt romney has pantsed himself into a corner on immigration as he heads out of these primaries, and in a general election really is going to have to moderate his point of view? >> i encourage everyone to be more proactive on the parts of positive immigration. the one i'ming are focused is the concept of a green card. particularly someone with a ph.d.. right now they come get an education here and then we tell tell to get out. that's dumb. they're actually job creators and in my prior life i did start-up companies trying to keep the faculty members and students here to build companies. i think we should do very narrow legislation to show both sides can work together and create a stem green card because it wows
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be a job crater for all americans. >> thanks so much, governor snyder. to be continued. and florida's exit polls show that if mitt romney becomes the nominee, he still has some work to do to secure tea party votes. joining me now from capitol hill. could you end up supporting him given the votes in florida? >> i have stayed out of the endorsement game right now, but i think you're right in your interview. there's an overwhelming amount of support that's going his way, but i don't foresee myself in engaging in the endorsement process. >> one of the things coming up later today, around 5:00, 5:30, is this congressional pay freeze. tell me what this bill that you've sponsored is all about. >> yes. so i introduced this bill to
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freeze the pay of federal employees. currently the democrats two years ago had introduced a bill that would freeze federal employee pay for two years. all i do is extend it for an additional year. the only difference for my bill compared to the current bill that's in place is that we carve in congressmen and women. so congressmen and women also have their pay frozen as well. to be clear, though, our military is another included in either of the bills. but you might have heard about this, your viewers may have as well. the cbo came out with a report that shows that 16 -- that federal employees make 16% more than their counterparts in the private sector and the american taxpayer right now. they're taking concessions in pay, that ire working reduced hours just to keep their jobs at a time when the american taxpayer isn't getting a pay increase, it doesn't make sense to pay for a pay increase for federal workers. i hope it passes today. hopefully the senate picks it up and we'll get it done.
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>> congressman, let me bring you back to a town hall meeting you had in wisconsin on march 29th of this last year and you're quoted as having six kids. i struggle to meet my bills right now. would it be ease were for me if i get more paychecks? maybe, but at this point i'm not living high on the hog. >> what's your spin on this? you make $174,000. >> i resigned as the ashland county d.a. in june of 2010. so i went seven months without a paycheck. i have six kids and a wife, and that time was difficult. but by no means do i struggle on $174,000 a year. this was just a political move to make it sound like i was talking about my congressional sailry when really i was talking about a difficult time of not having money come in. but, you know, that's just the partisan politics that goes on in this day and age. they'll skew what you say and even get people like you to ask me that question. but the real issue is -- >> actually i just -- this was
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our research. nobody got me to ask that question and i'm glad i gave you chance to explain. >> that was in february. i've received one congressional paycheck. that was the reference. listen. congress is at the top of the pay scale. why would the democrat house, senate, and president, what enthat i institute add two-year pay freeze exclude members of congress? that doesn't make sense. the only difference in my bill as to the current legislation is that i include members of congress. this should be a bipartisan effort, especially for -- >> isn't there a law that says i've covered pay raise votes before. isn't there a law that says if you vote for or against a pay raise it can't apply to the current congress? >> well, right now, the pay of congressmen and women will go up in the next congress unless we vote to do something other than that, and that's my bill right now. that's why i think the democrats should join us and say let's freeze the pay of not just the whole federal sector outside of
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military but also congressmen and women and that's what i do here. >> congressman duffy, i'm glad you explained that. thank you very much. >> thank you, andrea. have a good day. >> thank you for being with us. his latest effort to revive the struggling house market today, a proposal he first mentioned in the state of the union address. he put more details out today. he wants to put financing out beyond freddie and fannie. already today house speaker john boehner dismissed the plan as a nonstarter. >> one more time? one more time? how many times have we done this? we even done this at least four times where there's some new government program to help homeowners who have trouble with their mortgages. none of these programs have worked. i don't know why anyone would think that this next idea's going to work. and all they've done is delay
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the clearing of the market. >> gene sperling is the director of the economic council and joins us from the white house. gene, i wanted to ask you about the housing proposal but first i wanted to ask you about the cbo forecast yesterday that the economy is going to recover very slowly with only 2% growth this year and unemployment remaining above 8% for this year and next. what can you in the white house do in the face of such a dismal forecast? >> you do everything you can to strengthen this recovery. that's why the president put forth the american jobs act. that's why we're fighting for the payroll tax cuts so that we can do something about it instead of just having politicians argue about it. that's why the president is trying to make refinancing available. this is really simple common
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sense. why shouldn't a responsible homeowner who has made all of their payments be able to refinance at these historic rates so that they can save $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, have more money to help the family, the economy, the housing market. this is common sense. the last time i checked, republican families as well as democratic families would like the tounlt too refinance and save money when they've been responsible, met their payments and are getting the door closed in their face due to no fault of their own. this would make streamlined easy refinancing available to all of these responsible hard-working na families, and high hope is we can put politics aside and try figuring out how to get to yes for these families. >> how are they going to pay for it? the details i read about, and correct me if i'm wrong is this
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would cost money and you're proposing tax on the big banks. it's something rejected by the same congress. that's why anyone would think it's a nonstart fehr you can't pay for it. >> well, what we've done is this bill, this legislation the president proposes, makes sure that all americans who have had a gse insured loan, fannie or freddie mac loan are able to get the benefits of refinancing. but there are mill whereons of americans as you mentioned who don't know or are just learned for the first time their loan isn't guaranteed by fannie mae or freddie mac and they're wondering why they shouldn't have the opportunity to refinance. this should be simple and clear for all families who are responsible. and the cost, there could be a cost in bringing on, helping millions of more families. but it would be very good for the economy to help families with refinancing, and we're not
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going to make them pay for one penny of the taxpayer money. it just hits the largest banks. but if the speaker and other people want to support this refinancing package and they want to talk to us about ways to pay for it, of course, our door is open. we want to get this done. we want to create this eligibility for up to 14 million families because it's very important for the families to save 3,000 dollars, $4,000, $5,000 a year ongoing. it's going to be good. this really should be something we can work on together this year. >> gene sperling, thanks so much. and looking behind you, what a backdrop. it looks like a fake backdrop. i'm told it is the white house lawn. up next, super pac secrets unveiled. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d.
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hi, everyone. i'm tamron hall. it's not been 24 hours since mitt romney's big victory in florida, and he's already on the ropes after making comments about the very poor. >> i'm not concerned about the very poor. we have a safety net there. if it needs repair, aisle fix it. >> so romney's now trying to clarify his comments that he's not very concerned bd the very poor, but the dye has been cast, according to some, and this may paint him as a person who is out of touch. we'll have romney's latest words on this what some are calling a gaffe. plus, police release new information on tv legend and show host don cornelius. police say what happened at cornelius's home. that's coming up on "newsnation." the other elections of the night, what came through, money. romney was also the winner in super pac donations.
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pro-romney pacs raised more than $31 million. wheel pro-gingrich pacs raised only $2.1 million. but that group got off to a very late state. joining me now is michael isikoff. you've been going through all the numbers. you've been studying this. you are our super pac man. late night indeed because there were late filings, but the key things that jump out at you is this huge romney advantage. also when you look at the numbers, the advantage of romney and other republican super pacs against the priorities usa, which is the bill burton super pac on behalf of president obama. >> in the super pac arena, which under these new rules, thanks to the supreme court ruling, unlimited donations from wealthy donors and corporations to the super pacs, the republicans so far have a big advantage. we saw that last night. the $30 million to the romney super pac. over $50 million to american
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crossroads, the karl rove operation, whose only goal is to get obama out of the white house and defeat democrats in congress. then you look at this -- the democratic side. very little money relatively coming in. bill burton, who runs the priorities usa says 6.7 million total. that includes a secret money arm, by the way, which we don't know the disclosing -- donors to that. these are super pacs. >> they have a nonprofit -- >> nonprofit affiliates in which donors don't even have to be identified at all. so crossroads, you know, tens of millions of dollars, we think, is going through that. and also it appears also through the secret money arm to the democrat democratic, pro-obama super pac. >> let's talk about the biggest players because clearly sheldon
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add elson and you've learned by going through the records some of her children and family members. so there's even more from them than initially met the eye. but $11 million as of december 31st. $8.6 million from heard simmons. billionaire. >> texas billionaire. owns a radioactive dump that got backing from rick perry's administration. he's been a very active donor. he spread his cash around. $7 million to crossroads, the rov rove operation, a million to the perry super pac and when perry started to fade and stumble, another half a million to -- >> who did jeffrey katzenberg give? ? $2 million. >> and jon huntsman senior to jon huntsman jr. >> 70% of the huntsman super pac money came from one guy, huntsman's father.
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harkens back to joe kennedy days when he was hoping to finance his son. >> or others. we've seen that in mayoral races in new york. >> the staggering fact is the size of these what leaps out. i mean, we had the soft money era in the past, $100,000, maybe get a million. now we're getting million dollars routinely and multimillion dollar donations. >> a brave new ugly world. thank you very much. and what political story will be making headlines in the next 24 hours? that's next. this new at&t 4g lte is fast.
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helped broaden the reach of black culture by introducing tv audiences across the country to artists like an wreaths that franklin, marvin gaye and barry white. which political story will make headlines in the next 24 hours? ann corn blume joins us now from the "washington post." we're looking at nevada. you've got the candidates congregating there, saturday's caucuses. a big advantage for mitt romney going in. four years ago, there's 26% of nevada voters in the caucuses were more mon. but you've got sheldon adelson there. this is his big playground, nevada what does that do for newt gingrich? >> that's right. adelson obviously the billionaire super pac donor you were talking about in the last segment. he lives in nevada, his home base. he's a vegas casino owner. but it's not clear that he's going to play in nevada. he hasn't written a check we know of yet for the gingrich super pac. grich has an uphill battle
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having come out of florida with the loss. we'll see what his crowds look like. he's going to arrive for rallies later this afternoon. we'll see whether he has the organization. this has been a big question for newt gingrich whether he could build this and all the other states. mitt romney had that advantage not just in place like nevada where there is this mormon vote but all the other states coming up. >> ron paul is also playing. there. that does it for this edition of andr"andrea mitchell reports." tomorrow on the show, indiana governor mitch daniels, a star in the republican party joining us here. plus south dakota june that you know, a romney supporter. and all things nevada with john rolls ralston from the las vegas sun. my colleague tamron hall has a look what's next on news nation. great job on the election exit polls. >> that ans so much from you. thank you very much. the latest largest breast cancer charity susan g. comen is under
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fire after cutting funding for planned parenthood. they say it is bowing to pressure from anti-abortion activists. hundreds of thousands of women will be ached. what is the kommen organization saying? plus, romney's poor choice of words after saying "i'm not concerned about the very poor." mitt romney is now attempting to clarify his remarks. what exactly did he say? and we'll get the latest on the investigation into the death of "soul train" legend don cornelius, what police are saying at this hour. lounge and an ipad ♪ ♪ made sure his credit score did not go bad ♪ ♪ with a free-credit-score-dot-com ♪ ♪ app that he had ♪ downloaded it in the himalayas ♪ ♪ while meditating like a true playa ♪ ♪ now when he's surfing down in chile'a ♪ ♪ he can see when his score is in danger ♪ ♪ if you're a mobile type on the go ♪ ♪ i suggest you take a tip from my bro ♪ ♪ and download the app that lets you know ♪
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