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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  February 8, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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compartments, sharg himself with jacqueline and his political confederates in another, his social pals in another, his affairs in yet another. his religious beliefs in still another compartment. he was a flawed hero. but looking coldly at history and what he did, a hero nonetheless. and that's "hardball" for you. "politics nation" with al sharpton starts right now. welcome to "politics nation." i'm al sharpton. tonight's lead -- boston, we have a problem. mitt romney is stumbling. the republican party is deeply divided. and could be on the verge of civil war. willard, first saw signs of trouble in florida. he won big there, but 38% of voters said they still wanted someone else to run. last night proved that point. willard lost all three battles -- colorado, minnesota and missouri.
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at this point in the race, he's won fewer states than rick santorum. rick santorum, the man who appeals to conservatives by saying things like this. >> i don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money. >> you know, contraception is okay. it's not okay. it's a license to do things in the sexual -- in the sexual realm. >> -- thinking that health care is something you should get and not have to pay for. >> him? really, republicans? and because romney doesn't appeal to the far right, last night, he didn't just lose. he lost badly. in colorado, romney got 46% less of the vote than he did when he ran in 2008. in missouri, he got over 100,000 less votes than he did four years ago. 63% less. and in minnesota, he got nearly
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70% less votes than he did the last time around. this despite the fact that he had the backing of former minnesota governor tim pawlenty. so what does willard have to say about all of this? >> well, i think we'd expect that a long process, as you've heard me say over some months now, as you know, we didn't devote a lot of money and time to the states yesterday. >> willard, money can't buy love. and all the money in the world isn't buying the republican conservative base for you. joining me now, former pennsylvania governor ed rendell, now an nbc political analyst and chip saltsman who is a republican strategist and who was mike huckabee's campaign manager in 2008. it's great to have both of you on this evening. >> good to be with you. >> good to be with you, rev. >> governor rendell, let me start with you. are we looking at a republican civil war here?
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>> well, possibly, but i think what we're looking at is, and for the first time, i'm beginning to think there's a possibility. i still believe that romney will win enough states and as the only candidate with the money to compete across the board that he probably will have enough delegates to be the nominee. but i think we're looking at the possibility of the republicans going without someone having 50% of the delegates. >> let me get your audio a little straight because something is with your audio. let me go to chip while they straighten you out. chip, you have said, i believe, that this all comes down to super tuesday. why are you saying that if you said it, and what happens if super tuesday romney doesn't clear the deck and do a clean sweep? >> well, first, reverend sharpton, i'm not sure you can ever get governor rendell straightened out, but you all should try. >> and that wasn't fair, but go ahead. >> that's okay.
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hey, i said give it a shot. do the best you can. >> i sort of agree with him. >> my mother probably would agree with you about me. but super tuesday will be so important because you've got so many states on the board. you'll have to have money, organization. senator santorum did a great job last night. he put three big wins on the board. he shows he has passion. he talks about the issues very well. people respond to him. governor romney is going to have to come back and say what's my case to be the best candidate to barack obama. i don't see this as a republican civil war. i see this as a republican primary that's going to make us stronger in november to beat barack obama. >> you ran against him. you ran mike huckabee's campaign against romney. is romney a better candidate now, and if so why is he not connecting with the base? he is literally lost more than he's won. >> you know, i think it's a little bit tough looking at those numbers from last year because you have different pools of votes. but there are different set-ups. missouri did not award any delegates last night. so it wasn't kind of as
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important. they'll award their delegates next month. the enthusiasm here for a lot of different voters to come out, not as much. maybe more conservative leaning voters to go out. taking nothing away from senator santorum. from four years ago, i think mitt romney has made great strides. i think he is a better candidate than he was. he was probably not my first choice to run for president. mike huckby was my first choice but he's not running. but i he think has been so disciplined over the first year of this campaign, and i think now he's taken a couple of strong shots to the jaw. we're going to see if he can take a punch. if he can take that punch and come back, he'll be a stronger nominee for it. >> governor rendell, when you say -- when you hear people say, as chip is saying, that less people came out in missouri, i mean, less people have come out in all of these primaries. where is this great voter turnout that can't wait to vote against president obama? i mean, are the republicans in
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denial? they are flopping when it comes to showing that people are just biting to go out and get rid of the president. >> only in south carolina was republican turnout up from four years ago. and that's really a very, very damaging thing for them to deal with. secondly, i agree with what chip said about missouri, but colorado is shocking. for governor romney to get so many fewer votes than he did four years ago in colorado when he got 60% of the overall vote is really shocking. and i think what's happening is governor romney is starting to pay the price, one, for the negative campaign. you look at the favorable ratings that rick santorum has, because he hasn't done any negative ads and gingrich and romney. they are paying for the mean and mean-spirited, negative campaigns they've run. that's number one. and number two, the just constant series of gaffes that governor romney has made which are mystifying to me because she he was a good businessman and a good governor.
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it's mystifying, but those constant series of gaffes are starting to hurt him. it's cumulative. that and the negatives. and i said -- you didn't hear me, rev. i said for the first time, i'm beginning to believe, and i never would have said this about modern elections, but there maymay not be a republican with 50% of the delegates going into tampa. they may turn to a jeb bush or somebody like that to be the nominee. it's still unlikely. governor romney does have a chance to recoup. he's got the most money. he's got in the northern states, i think the best message. we'll see. i think for the first time, the weak sentenness is so apparent see something we never expected to see. >> chip, pleat gilet me give yo benefit of the doubt that romney pulls it out and is the nominee. let's get to this message in the north in terms of republican primaries.
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he's saying job creating. he's challenging the president job creators. and the job creator theme that he's use, let me raise you a "washington post" article that reports as massachusetts governor, romney had an unremarkable record on jobs. this is the jobs candidate. the unemployment rate fell in massachusetts only because people were leaving the work force in droves under romney's term. just one state had a bigger drop in its labor force during the same period. that was louisiana which was hit by hurricane katrina during that time. how does he run as a job creator when he served as governor and this was what he did. he didn't create jobs in massachusetts. >> well, i think his record would disagree with that article from "the washington post." it's going to shock you, reverend, when most republicans and most people around the country don't look to "the washington post" to be their
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encyclopedia. >> we're not talking about the opinion page. we're talking about facts. >> i think the facts o s oar. >> the numbers went down in the employment numbers. >> governor romney did create jobs in massachusetts, but the more importantly, he tried to create an environment that the private sector could create jobs. that's what the argument is going to be in november is you have barack obama, an administration that really truly believes that government creates jobs. and i think governor romney and i would say governor rendell to a point believes that governors and people in the government should create an environment with lower taxes, less regulation so the private sector and current jobs can create more jobs, not the government. that's true growth. that's how we get better. that's how we get a better economy, more jobs. that's how unemployment goes down is when the private sector does this work. government's job is to create an environment with lower taxes and less regulation. >> if the private sector, because of the romney's governorship had such a great environment, then why were
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people leaving the state in droves? i mean, chip, you -- >> i would say this. as governor, he had a lot of good bills not able to pass by a legislature 85% democrat. he was swimming upstream every step of the way. he did it through regulations. >> so he created the environment but he didn't create them because the democrats didn't create the bill. so. >> so did he create the environment or did he not create the environment? >> he tried his best to create the environment. he understands how you create an environment to create jobs and that's what we want in a government. i don't want anyone in the government to think the government creates jobs. i want them to create an environment that's lower taxes, less regulation so i as a job creator or you as a job creator can go out, have a great idea, start a business, raise capital and put everything on the line to be successful. and that's what made this country great, not government regulations. >> governor rendell, let me go to you because clearly chip was saying he created an environment but he didn't. let me go to you.
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did last night hurt the republicans, governor? >> well, sure. the best thing for the republican party would have been for governor romney to twin two of those three primaries and take a giant step toward locking this up early. the longer this goes on, the worse it's going to be. you know, chip is a good soldier, and he echos the party line, but anybody who thinks that this debacle, this republican primary season and caucus season has made them stronger for the fall is delusional. this has created in the minds of independent voters a party that's just out of control. we saw a clown circus for most of the year. governor romney, the one supposedly stable, strong candidate that appeals to conservatives and moderates has made gaffe after gaffe. the negativity of the campaign is coming home to roost. i believe that rick santorum won in colorado, especially in colorado, because he was likable. he's a likable guy. because he has a clear message.
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and because he has stayed away from the negatives which are starting to pile up. people listen to negative ads, but after awhile, they turn on the messenger. and i think mitt romney's greatest challenge is going forward to give people a reason to vote for him. >> i've got to go. i disagree with you on one thing, governor. i don't think chip will agree with you on anything tonight. governor ed rendell and chip saltsman, thank you for your time this evening. >> my pleasure. ahead -- remember all the hype about the president losing his base? some big numbers just out prove that was all just hype. plus, republicans are coming together challenging president obama on birth control. calling in an attack on religion. but their own policies show what hypocrites they are on this one. and they just won't let it go. the conservatives new conspiracy theory behind the clint eastwood
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ad is absolutely outrageous. >> it looked to me like an endorsement of president obama's second term. i think it's one of the great slight of hand political operations of the last generation. [ male announcer ] say goodbye to "ho-hum," and hello to "whoa, yum." use campbell's cream of chicken soup to make easy enchiladas, cheesy chicken & rice, and other chicken dishes that are campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. without the stuff that we make here, you wouldn't be able to walk in your house and flip on your lights. [ brad ] at ge we build turbines that power the world. they go into power plants which take some form of energy, harness it, and turn it into more efficient electricity.
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all polls say the general election in november is going to be real close. this may come down to turnout. are the democrats on the ground, the base, ready to come out and put their shoulder to the wheel and turn out big numbers? we'll talk to the head of the american federation of teachers, randy winegard, next, on just that.
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remember the republican base vowing to be energized to change washington, to come out in record numbers and get the president out of office? well, that energy seems to be losing steam. in the republican voting last night, turnout in all three states was down from 2008. in colorado, it was down 7%. in minnesota, it fell 23%. and in missouri, it absolutely plummeted, down 58%. while the democrats, the one everyone said was losing faith in this president, are gaining
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steam. just look at this. back in july, more republicans than democrats said they were very excited to vote in the presidential election. but today, democratic voters have a four-point enthusiasm advantage over their republican counterparts. all told, democratic voter enthusiasm is up 10% in the last six months while republicans' enthusiasm is stagnant and flattening. the message of fairness is working. >> what's at stake aren't democratic values or republican values, but american values. and we have to reclaim them. >> we're going to push hard to make sure the millionaires -- somebody making over a million dollars a year isn't getting tax breaks and subsidies they don't need. not out of envy but out of a sense of fairness. >> if we work together in a common purpose, we can build an
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economy that gives everybody a fair shot. we can meet this challenge. and we'll remind everybody just why it is the united states of smirk the greatest nation on earth. >> joining me now is randy winegard, the president of the american federation of teachers. the aft just announced they are throwing their full support behind president obama. >> it's great to be there. i'm glad you were replaying the state of the union. that was quite a riveting speech that the president gave, and really talked to the american people about which side are you on. and as you said, reverend sharpton, you know, fairness is winning out now. and that's always been an american value and that's what the president is focused on. how do we create a fair economy so that people who work hard, play by the rules, the american ethos, they get a fair shot at the american dream. >> now it's no secret that the
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president and his administration and teachers have not agreed on everything. why did the aft decide to go behind the president fully yesterday? >> well, you know, our members -- first off, you're right. and there's always been an open door when we don't agree. and we don't agree on some of the policies about how to implement equal opportunity for all kids. but what we do agree about is that this election is about the economy. this election is a choice, not a referendum. and it's about two very different visions of economic policy. one in which you create a climate to really help people get jobs, keep their homes, invest in education and the other, which, you know, whether it's candidate romney or candidate gingrich or candidate santorum, where they basically say you are left on your own, except, of course, if you are a big corporation.
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in education itself, the president has always been out there saying we have to get education opportunity for all kids. but sometimes we think we have to really focus on what front line educators. the people who make a difference in kids' lives every day are saying about teaching and learning and less on the issues like competition and accountability. more on teaching and learning and less on how you measure it. >> now we hear that some people are disappointed in democratic base, but i think a lot of what is going on and you have your ear to the ground, randi is that they almost are frightened by the other side, and i think some of the enthusiasm we're seeing, as you said, people see the choice, they are saying, wait a minute. this -- we may have some disagreement but there's a whole different world view that has been expressed by the other side. is that what you're hearing, and how do we deal with those that are disappointed in -- on the
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democratic base side? >> i think that there's been disappointment because people put a huge amount of faith in barack obama to be able to have a magic wand and change what was ten years of reckless economic policies and which are still lingering. we are still feeling and really main stream is reeling from the effects of this last recession. poverty is up. the middle class is down. and so i think people have this faith that everything would change quickly. and it didn't, although the president has really tried to stimulate the economy and to change things. i think what you are also seeing, reverend sharpton is that people see the overreach in places like ohio, in places like wisconsin, in places like florida and places like indiana where these newer republican governors use the angst of the anxiety that people were feeling, but they used it to cut
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people's rights, to create voter suppression. in wisconsin, for example it was not about whether or not we had to make budget cuts and pension cuts in order to try to deal with the budget. what walker did was he cut people's voice. he cut their rights. and didn't create one new job. >> isn't that really what has happened, randi is when a lot of dissatisfaction, when a lot of disaffection was being expressed, the tea party republicans seized on that. took control of the congress and some state houses. and then used that control to go after unions, go after working middle class, to go after people and really, in many ways, i think, we're beginning to see it backfire because people began to be awakened by the fact they had empowered people that absolutely wanted to eradicate the things we all took for granted, like labor rights and voting rights and civil rights. >> exactly. >> and gender rights.
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>> because these rights oar these are american values. america is always about giving people opportunity. giving people rights. creating a climate so we all can prosp prosper, not taking rights away. and what happened is that in the guise of, well, we have to deal with budget cuts. cuts that workers never created. workers in america did not create the recklessness in the economy in the housing market at wall street, but they used it to say we're cutting other people's rights. we're dividing americans from americans. and i think people are seeing that. now, you know, it's -- we still have to work hard. and it doesn't mean that we all agree on everything. but, you know, this election is about what economic future do we want? and do we want a future that re-creates and rebuilds a middle class, that invests in schools. that keeps people in their homes. that builds bridges and tunnels and creates that american dream
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we want. >> all right. thank you, randi. randi winegarden, thanks for joining us. still ahead -- republicans are driving themselves crazy over that clint eastwood ad. now they are talking about subliminal messages. i'm serious. ♪ [ woman ] i was ready for my trip, but my smile wasn't. [ female announcer ] new crest 3d white intensive professional effects whitestrips. it goes below the enamel surface to whiten as well as
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the republican effort to
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for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. welcome back to "politics nation." with the economy getting better, republicans are going back to their old reliable. the culture wars. they are trying to attack president obama using social issues. today, they are accusing him of waging a war on religion because of his new policy requiring employers provide insurance for birth control. >> if the president does not reverse the department's attack on religious freedom, then the congress acting on behalf of the american people and the constitution, that we're sworn to uphold and defend, must. this attack by the federal government on religious freedom in our country must not stand and will not stand. >> but this isn't an attack on religious freedom. the american think -- the american people think it's the
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right thing to do. 55% of all americans, including 58% of catholics, think employers should provide contraception coverage to their employees. so once again, republicans find themselves on the wrong side of public opinion and now democrats are hitting back. >> women in this country are tired of being treated like a political football by republicans in congress who have tried continually and are continuing to try to take away their benefits, to take away their rights. women deserve to be respected. they don't want congressmen and senators, whether you are the speaker of the house or the republican leader telling you what to think and what to do. we will use every legislative tool at our disposal to protect the women of america. >> joining me now, congresswoman jan schakowsky, democrat from
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illinois. congressman is this fight more about politics than policy? >> well, it's certainly very serious for women if the republicans are going to try to stop access to contraceptives for all women with no copays no matter where they work. that was the idea of this preventive service for women. a health care service. a basic health care service that 98% of catholic women and 99% of all women in america use. and 28 states already require that there not be a total religious -- that religious institutions like hospitals and universities provide this service. so for women, this is a serious battle. i hope that the republicans will -- and especially, we hear a lot from men on this, will understand how important it is to the women of america. >> now congresswoman, you talked
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about the 28 states that already have it. and there are eight states that has it without exemptions. but i think that the framing of this is a little disturbing to me. if i am a person that lives and works in an area that does not get a lot of services and, therefore, i get a job that i badly need at a hospital that is run by religious institution, don't i as a woman have the right to want to be covered just like someone across town that may have different options for jobs? isn't this really about protecting people's rights that work in these facilities that are not necessarily of the religious belief or member of that church. isn't it their rights at stakes here, not the institution's rights? >> absolutely, and thank you for that. that's right. that these women who are secretaries or nurses or orderlies or changing beds, they are -- this is their job.
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and they certainly deserve to have the same health care as everyone else in the country just because they work for a hospital that is sponsored by a religious organization. absolutely they should have that. and let's remember, reverend al, she's are hospitals that work in the public space. they get funding from the federal government, medicare, medicaid kinds of funding, and they should be treating their employees like all employees. basic health care services should be provided to them. and that minimally is access to contraception. and, you know, reverend al, 58% of women who use a birth control pill, use it not only to prevent a pregnancy but for other reasons, other health care reasons. and so are these women going to be denied access to that basic care? >> now, you raised something interesting because i am an activist and i believe in taking
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a stand, but you stand by what you believe, but you pay the consequences. if these institutions are getting federal money as you say, medicaid money, how can they then tell the government that the government must not follow the law. i want your money government, but you must do what i say, not i must do what you say, even though i'm taking federal government money from taxpayers that may not believe in my religion. >> exactly. you know, we've already exempted 335,000 churches and houses of worship from this rule because most of the people who work there are of the same religion. but when you've got these kinds of institutions that are widely available to all kinds of employees and all kinds of users of different faiths, to impose this on those workers is really discrimination against them. this is not religious discrimination. this is not an attack on religious freedom.
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and you know, if you even want to go there, what about the religious freedom of women to choose for themselves. does the religious freedom of an institution override that of an individual that is associated with that institution? the bishops seem to think so, and fortunately, the obama administration has said no. >> i'm going to have to leave it there. i think you have made it very clear what the issues are tonight. congressman jan schakowsky, thank you for your time. >> thank you so much. conservatives try to go after clint eastwood for his super bowl ad. and just wait until you hear their new tactic. it's outrageous. that's next. ady to work hard for a better future. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries.
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♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. the best way i've heard expressed what's clear in shorthand is, osama bin laden's dead and general motors is alive. that's the best way. >> vice president joe biden making a strong simple case for a second term. and republicans just can't take it. on a whole range of issues. they are in complete denial. refusing to give the president credit for his signature achievements. but this one might take the cake. >> they've got a foreign policy
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that has shown a lot of weakness. i know the president will say, well, we got bin laden. >> putting that aside. >> and the public gives him credit for it. >> they do. but it wouldn't have happened if he had his way. >> it wouldn't have happened if he had his way. >> that makes no sense. president obama did have it his way. and he got bin laden. republicans also can't accept the fact the president is creating jobs. >> and i know the president didn't cause this downturn. this recession. but he didn't make it better either. he made it worse. >> so what i'm suggesting to you today is that we can do better. you know, the american people are still asking a question -- where are the jobs? >> and they definitely can't accept that auto bailout worked, which is why they are driving themselves crazy over clint eastwood's super bowl ad for chrysler. >> to turn something that was a great iconic moment, good feeling moment and turn it into something transparently
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political and makes the white house look like a bunch of cheap chicago pols. joining me is perry bacon jr., political editor at the and msnbc contributor and bill press, nationally syndicated radio host and author of "the obama hate machine, the lies, distortion and personal attacks on the president and who is behind them." great to have you both with us tonight. >> thanks, reverend al. >> perry, republicans just can't let it go, right? this clint eastwood ad i'm talking about. they just can't let it go. >> yes, al. i think at some point the republicans have to concede the president has had some successes. for three years they basically argued everything he's done has been wrong. i think in some way, they have to make a different argument and say here are president obama's values and here is how they are different. it's not working in the light of
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gm, the unemployment rate, the stimulus going down, osama bin laden. you have to make a different argument for the republicans to win. >> bill, it's a couple of days after the ad and they are still going crazy. look at this reaction again on the ad. this is today's stuff. >> critics say the commercial looks like a blatant promo for the president's re-election campaign. >> to put his face and voice on that ad, which looked very much like it was supporting a second term for president obama. i think it's one of the great slight of hand political operations of the last generation. >> it made me think of subliminal messages. >> subliminal messages? slight of hand? i mean, didn't the auto industry get bailed out, and are we not seeing america starting to come back? i mean, what are they talking about, bill? >> my question to them is, so what's not to like here, okay? general motors is back. bigger than ever. better than ever, producing better cars, factories -- new
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factories opening up, new workers getting jobs. chrysler is back. the american auto industry is back. what is subliminal about that? and what don't they like? i mean, they cannot take yes for an answer, reverend al. that's the problem. you know, what perry said is right. president obama hasn't done everything right but i think whether you are republican or democrat, the fact that unemployment is down to 8.3%, 2.5 million jobs in the last year. 243,000 last month alone. the dow, the highest last friday that it's been in three years. corporate profits are at an all-time high. i mean, that's not a lot to complain about. that's something to be happy about. >> yeah, but, perry, i think all of that that bill said, i would agree. but i think where they lose a lot of credibility is none of that was in clint eastwood's ad. he was talking about the auto industry and detroit coming back. wasn't making a case.
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wasn't doing the unemployment numbers. just talking about how we're proud americans and americans stood through some tough times. they distort that. doesn't this backfire on them? >> i think it does. republicans have to be careful not to seem like they are rooting for higher unemployment. i don't think they are, but they have to be careful not to root for higher unemployment, jobs not coming back. republicans want an optimistic party and an optimistic person to vote for which is why mitt romney on some levels not doing very well either. he attacks gingrich and santorum. he has to do that if he's going to win this election in the primary or against obama if he gets there. now, bill, when you talk on the political side, they are not even winning that argument. polls are showing, when people are asked who do they trust to protect the middle class, "the washington post," apc poll, 55% trust president obama. only 37% trust willard mitt romney. then the poll on who you trust to handle terrorism.
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56% trust president obama. only 36% trust romney. and it is rare that we've seen republicans poll so low in the trust factor on terrorism. >> no, and there you have sean hannity trying to deny that president obama cared about or had anything to do with getting osama bin laden. we remember what george bush said about him. he's just one person and i don't think about him that much anymore. i'm going to echo what perry said. mitt romney, john boehner lose credibility in my opinion when it's all dump, dump, dump on obama, attack, attack, attack obama. they've got to recognize that some things that have happened are good. it's good osama bin laden is gone and good that moammar gadhafi is gone. and the other things i mentioned are good. and it's good that detroit is back for america. not just for obama. >> and i think that in many ways, the extreme, when you take
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the extreme, perry, then i think it -- and it begins to raise questions on things that you might say are very reasonable because people no longer trust the judgment of the people that are talking. >> that's right. romney is right. romney talked about unemployment the other day. the real unemployment rate is still pretty high. a lot of people are underemployed. that's true. and the economy is not perfect. you reduce credibility for that when the party you are representing says things like the president didn't want to capture bin laden. they have to narrow down the criticisms and not seem out of touch of where things are. >> is this bill a sign of desperation? is it that they can't find a message? they're tone deaf? i just can't understand why it's such an approach. >> i think it's clearly desperation on their part because they have no messages as to what they are for. they want to attack obama. yet they see things getting better and they don't know where to turn. i want to mention one thing, al.
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i expect this from republicans. what troubles me is i hear this same message not giving president obama credit enough from too many liberals and too many progressives who say because we didn't get the public plan option, right, or because we have timothy geithner as treasury secretary, i'm not going to vote this time. i don't trust president obama. i just tell them, get real. make a list of the good things he's done and the things you are disappointed in. the good list is far,ar longer than the other one. >> but don't you think, perry, at the end that with all of the grumbling and some of it very legitimate, that the base, the liberal, progressive base has, at the end of the day as we just said in another segment with randi weingarden o, it's going be a choice they have to make. >> at the end of the day most republicans are going to get behind romney. most democrats will get behind obama and it will depend on how the economy is doing in november 2012. >> well, i think you're right. you're never going to get all you want no matter what.
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i had one sister growing up. one night she says if i can't get the dessert i want, i'm not eating. you know what i said? can i have your chicken? perry bacon joournr., bill pres thank you for your time. up next, health care, jobs, boom. alive and well. the boom is here. and we'll talk to an executive with 1300 openings on our here are the jobs series. that's next. ♪
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♪ spread a little e today ♪ ♪ spread a little love my way ♪ ♪ spread a little something to remember ♪ ♪ ♪ spread a little joy... [ female announcer ] fresh milk and real cream. that's what makes philadelphia. ♪ so spread a little... [ female announcer ] and that's what makes the moment we enjoy it, a little richer. ♪ real belgian chocolate whipped with philadelphia cream cheese. new indulgence. the moment just got a little sweeter.
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now to our ongoing series, here are the jobs, where we try to help people find where there are job openings. tonight, jobs in health care. one article says, quote, if you are looking for guaranteed employment during the next eight years, become a nurse.
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the labor department says the health care industry is growing. and it's expected to keep growing over the next decade. adding more than 5 million new jobs. one reason is the nation's aging population. doctors, nurses, home health aides and health care technicians will be in high demand as the aging baby boomers seek out more care. in january, employers added 33,000 new health care jobs in the health care related area. health care provider is one of those hiring workers all over the country. right now they are looking for more than 1300 jobs. joining me now is brian, the company's senior vice president of resources. thank you for coming on the show tonight. >> thank you very much, al. >> tell us what kind of jobs are available and what kind of jobs are you looking to fill?
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>> well, as you mentioned, al, we have over 1,000 job openings throughout the entire company. close to 2,000 locations here in north america. the primary job categories are over 400 openings for registered nurses. 300 openings for patient care technicians. those are the individuals that help operate our dialysis machines in our clinics. and another 100 openings for clinical managers. with 2,000 locations around north america, we have a lot of different opportunities for a lot of different people. >> are these permanent jobs, and where are the locations at? >> they are all permanent jobs, al, and they are located throughout north america. we have 2,000 locations. it includes about 1800 dialysis clinics. we have two major manufacturing facilities. one in ogden, utah and one in walnut creek, california. also laboratories. one on the east coast in new jersey and another on the west coast in california. and we also have over 30 outpatient surgical centers.
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in addition to a lot of different openings that we have in our corporate office. >> now these are competitive salaries and benefits? >> they are very competitive salaries. and the benefits we have are really great, al. in addition to the usual ones as far as medical care and dental, for our clinicians, up to $5,000 in tuition reimbursement. we have great paid time off. in addition to that, we have a lot of flexibility in the scheduling. also for our clinicians, we'll help them get their certifications if you are patient care tech negs. and if you are a nurse, we'll help you keep your credentials and get continuing ed. >> let's talk about nursing. it's the fastest growing occupation in the country. at the same time, a nursing shortage in some parts of the country. you are trying to hire 400 nurses. what are some of the challenges in hiring qualified nurses. >> the challenges are really all throughout the entire country,
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al. there isn't a place that we don't have a challenge finding nurses. as far as what we're doing, we're trying to find a great opportunity and a great environment for our nurses to work in. and the way we do that, it's a little unique clinical experience. for our dialysis patients, when they come in, they are really part of our family for many, many years. our clinicians see them three times a week for years and years and years. and that's very different from a lot of different clinical environments that the nurses would work in. they build a unique relationship with our patients. and our patients with our clinicians. >> that's


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