tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC February 10, 2012 1:00pm-2:00pm EST
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register this afternoon. we announced two weeks ago that we were finalizing the rule. we were always going to do the work to put the final register out and that will be done this afternoon. i think this is a very good balance to strike where women's health services really, for the first time ever in history, and andrea, you and i have talked about women's health a lot. you know, what we know right now is that women often have insurance policies that don't cover their health needs, which means they pay more out-of-pocket and companies charge them more for those policies. so the passage of the affordable care act and the benefits coming to women across america are huge, that was a core principal and respecting religious liberty and making sure that employers that had an objection to this agenda did not have to violate their faith beliefs, but they cannot make a decision about if
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women can have this service. >> you had the former chief of staff bill daley,ç catholic, j biden, catholic, men who had great political skills and they said that this was to create a fire storm with the independenter voters with swing states and pennsylvania and michigan and ohio, is this a gender war inside the white house? >> well, i was not involved in those conversations, what i can tell you is that the president felt strongly that preventive health services should not be determined how much money women have or who their employer is, or where they work, they should make their own determination. >> what about the fact that the vice president and bill daley and others advising the president were against the ri e original rule making, they warned this would happen. >> at the end of the day, this
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is a balance that respects the religious liberty of employers but doesn't let those employers determine this very important health benefit for women, nurses, university professors and janitors and lschools and universities should make their own determination, that is what we are doing today and it an important step forward. >> thank you very much secretary sebelius, and now to the conservative political action conference and mitt romney facing the crowd. >> also acknowledge president obama. he is the conservative moments top recruiter. turns out he really is a goodç community organizer. i just don't think this is the community he planned on organizing but he did. you know, today we really are poised for victory in november.
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the pundits and the pollsters are saying that we can win the election but we have to tell the nation why we should win the election. it up to us to prove that we are really ready to step forward and lead this country. and this election is not just about getting more votes defeating barack obama, it one step toward the ultimate goal of saving america. of course, we can defeat barack obama. that is the easy part. believe me november 6th will be the easiest day that our next president will face, this country we love is in jeopardy. and it more than justice economic statistics it the pain that so many of us feel in our hearts. for three years we have suffered through the problem of a weak leader and the bankrupt
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ideology. i'm convinced that if we do our job, if we lead with conviction and integrity, that history will record the obama presidency as the last gasp of liberalism's great failure and a turning point for the conservative era to come. but it not enough forç us to sw how they failed. we also have to prove how we will and deserve to lead. and so i'm here to ask you today to stand with me, shoulder and shoulder as we go forward to fight for mirramerica. now is a time to reaffirm what it means to be conservative and why this must be our greatest hour as conservatives. america is like no other country in the history of the earth. the very heart of american
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conservativism is the idea that the hinges in the constitution and declaration of independence are uniquely powerful and defining. some seem the hand of providence in the crafting of the principals, and some credit the founders. many like me see both at play. but conservatives all agree that departing from these founding principals, would represent a departure from the greatness of america, from our mission, from our freedom, from our prosperitity, from our purpose. i know that the president will give get it. conservatives are proud to cling to our guns and our religion, but we are also proud to dricli to our constitution. the wisdom of our founding documents is that they see the
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nation's prosperity not as a product of government but as the product of individualç citizens each pursuing happiness. the key to the success of the american experiment is this, america doesn't just exist for the people, it has been made exceptional by the people. it is this brilliance, a free people pursuing their own dreams, achieving success in their own ways, that is what has propelled america and has made us to be the most prosper us nation and powerful nation on the earth. those on both sides of the aisle have forgotten this, if they knew it at all. when the politicians came to
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washington, they became creatures of washington. they begin to see government as the answer to every challenge and the solution for every problem. at every turn, they try to substitute the heavy hand of government for free citizens and free enterprises operating in a free manner. they feel they can do better than a free people exercising their free will and this president is the poster child. he is the poster child for the arrogance of government. and so as i say across this country, this election really is about a battle for the soul of america. and it going to come down to a choice, theç choice between whether we want a nation to be of and by washington or a nation of and by a free people. and we conservatives believe in
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freedom and free people and free enterpri enterprises. now, as conservatives we are united by a set of core convictions. not everyone has taken the same path to get here. there are college students at this conference who are reading burke and -- [ applause ] >> my guess is some of you have gotten here by reading burke and hyatt, you could have told me that they were infielders for the detroit tigers some of you work in think tanks or you follow some of the writings of the conservative writering in the past. i salute all of you in achieving your vision of conservatism.
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my path to conservatism came from my family, my faith and from my life's work. i was raised in a home that was shaped by and rooted in conservative values. my mother's father came to america from england as a teenager he was alone in this country, but he risked it all for the chance of religious liberty and for economic opportunity. he probably heard about my dad and how proud i am to him, he was born to americanç parents that were living in mexico and then they moved back to the u.s., his dad was a contractor and he went bust more than once, he grew up poor, never had the chance to finish his college degree, but he believed in a country where the circumstances of one's birth were not a barrier to life's achievement and so, with hard work, he became the head of a car company. and then he became governor of the great state of michigan.
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the values that allowed my parents to achieve their dreams are the same values that he instilled in my siblings and me. those are not values that i just talk about, they are values that i live every day. my 42 year marriage to my wife, ann, the life we have built with our five sons. the faith that is part of our life. these conservative constants have shaped my life. if business, if you are not fiscally conservative, you are bankrupt. i mean -- [ applause ] >> i mean, i spent 25 years balancing budgets. eliminating waste and keeping as far away from government as humanly possible.
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i did -- i did some of the very things conservativeism is designed for, i turned around businesses and helped broken ones and i'mç not a shamed to y i was successful in doing it. [ applause ] my family, my faith, my businesses, i know conservatism, because i've lived it, as the governor of massachusetts, i had the unique experience of
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defending conservative principals in the most liberal state in the nation. there are three people from massachusetts here, i appreciate that. when i took office, i was facing a $3 billion deficit and the economy was in a tailspin, even with the legislature that was 85% democrat. we cut taxes 19 times and balancinged the budget. i cast over 800 vetoes. and i cut out entire programs. i erased the deficit and by the way if there was a program or an agency or a department that needed cutting or limb maelimin we did çit. one of the tv personalities said
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mitt romney did not go after the sacred cows, he went after the whole heard. by the way, that skill, learning the the private sector and practiced for four years in massachusetts, where by the way i served in government, i did not inhale, i am still a business guy. that experience -- [ applause ] >> that experience of slimming down, cutting, eliminating, i want to take that to washington. i want to get my hands on washington, d.c. now, you may recall as well, that during my term in office, our conservative values came under attack, less than a year after i took office, the state's supreme court found a right to same-sex marriage in the constitution written by johnedjohn ed
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, adams, i presume he would be surprised. i fought to have a stay on that decision and then pushed for a marriage amendment to our constitution and we lost why one vote and i prohibited out of state couples from coming to our state to get married and then go home. we fought hard and prevented massachusetts from becoming the las vegas of gay marriage. when i'm president,ç i'll defe the defense of marriage act, and i will fight for an amendment to our constitution that defines marriage as a relationship between a man and a women. during my term in office, i also stood up to those that wanted to call into question the very definition of life.
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i vetoed a bill that would have opened the door to cloning and to embryo farming, and i voe toed a bill that would allow girls to drugs. and i defended the right of the catholic church to serve the community in ways that were consistent with their conscious that placed children in a home with a mom and a dad. >> my state was a leading cater of what liberals will be trying to do across the country and are trying do right now. i was a severely conservative republican governor. i understand that the battles we as conservatives must fight
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because i've been on the front line s and expect to be on tho front lines again. here at cpac, i know you understand that,ç you have already supported me and welcomed me. because of my record and my experience in that deep blue state. over the course of this conference, several candidates have either already spoken or will be speaking and they will be seeking your support to help them lead our country. what sets us apart is not our feelings on president obama, what sets us apart is our perspective, our judgment, this election will come down to two very different visions for america. but our more immediate choice will be between candidates of two very different backgrounds. i spent 25 years in business.
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start at the bottom, went on to help create a great american success story. i led an olympics out of the shadows of scandal and was part of helping turn around a state that was crying for leadership. of course, in each endef -- in h situation i worked with great people, but i was the team executive to success and failure laid on my shoulders. when tough decisions had to be made, i made them. it not about getting a bill out of conference or giving a great speech, it's about setting clear goes and overcoming adversity and achieving results. it been sharing credit when times are good and about taking responsibility when they are not. [ applause ]ç i happen to be the only candidate in the race,
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republican or democrat, who has never worked a day in washington. i don't have old scores to settle or decades of cloakroom deals that i have to defend. now as conservatives, you have learned to be skeptical of this this city and it politicians and i think you are right, my wife and i raised five boys and you learn that when you hear an excuse that doesn't make sense, it's because it just doesn't make sense. and let me tell you, any politician that tries on convince you that they hated washington so much that they just could not leave, well that is the same politician that will try to he sell you a bridge to nowhere. this is a moment when our country needs serious change.
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and dramatic reform. so let me tell you exactly what kind of president i'll be. to get america back on track, and to get american's back to work, we need bold and sweeping reforms, these are not management issues, to change washington we have to change the very relationship between government and the citizen, and these are morale choices that will define our nation and define us for generations on come. let me mention a fewç of them. today as you know, we borrow 40 cents of every dollar that we spend, it wreckless and unsustainable and immorale and it will end under my presidency. i'll approach every spending decision, every budget item with these questions, can we afford
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it and if not, is it worth borrowing money from china to pay for it. and on that basis we will get rid of a lot of programs. and as president, i won't just slow the growth rate of government, i'll actually cut the spending of government and i won't just freeze government shares and percentage of the economy, i'll reduce the government share as a total percent of the economy and without raising taxes, or sacrificing america's critical military superiority, i will finally balance the american budget. and as i'm sure you know, that will start with the easiest cut of all. i will eliminate obama care.ç
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let me mention a couple of other things i will do, i'll reduce the size of the federal workforce and for the first time ever, i am going to tie the compensation and benefits of federal workers with workers in the private sector, the principal here is really simple. and that is public employees should not get a better deal than the citizens paying for them. [ applause ]
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as important as it is cutting spending and red tape alone are not going to be enough. in their current form, we are going to have on recognize that social security and medicare are unsustainable, not for the current group of reit witirees e cannot afford these challenges anymore. i'm the only candidate for president that has offered a sweeping specific plan to save medicare and on reform social security. there's those that say you cannot talk straight to the american people and still win an election on these issues. and i say, we can, we must, and i will. what i proposed are sensible, and critical reforms, under my plan, no one nearç retirement age or currently retired will see the changes
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that i am going to describe, the people in the 20s and 30s and early 40s will see changes. and by the way, tax hikes are off the table. we are going to slowly and and gradually raise the retirement age for social security, and we will slow the growth rate in benefits for higher income retiries, and when it comes to medicare, tomorrow's seniors should be able to chose between traditional medicare and a group of private plans and if these -- if these future seniors choose a more expensive plan then they will have to pay the additional cost. take a look at the ryan plan, we are in the same page and same verse on that. i know that this president and his liberal allies will fight me
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on this, but so be it. he will attack with the usual fear tactics but during the president's term we have seen record job losses and record home losses. he will not lecture do us on values as a man whose failure has created so much unnecessary pain for our fellow americans. [ applause ] ours will not be the easy course. but it will be the right course. and i am confident that americans are learning, yearning for a president that will tell them the truth and do what is needed. and let me be clear on this, my
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presidency will be a pro life presidency. on day one, i will reinstate the mexico city policy. i will cut off funding for the united nations population fund that supports china's one-child policy. i'll ensure that organizations like planned parenthood get no more federal support. and i will reverse every single obama regulation that attacks our religious liberty and threatens innocent life in the country. you know this of course, the
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presidency is more than public office, it's a sacred trust. as president, i will honor that thru trust by assuring that america remains the greatest military power to face of the earth.ç i will not be cutting our military budget, it's very simple, if you do not want america to be the strongest nation on earth, i'm not your president. you have that president today. this election is a defining moment for america, and for the conservative movement. make no mistake, we have an opportunity for greatness, but with that opportunity, comes defining responsibility as well. we cannot use this election to refight past battles and reward
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our friends. i know that fundamental change, this moment, demands that we take fresh, bold conservative leadership with real-world solutions based on real-world experience. i will come to washington, and with your help, and guidance and prayers, i'll change washington and then i'll leave washington and go back home to my family and my community that i love. i believe this is a moment that demands that we return to our basic values and principals. we believe life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and we know that pursuing our dreams will make us the mostç powerful
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country in the world. this is our passion and this is why we are conservatives we need to reaffirm the convictions that unite us and go forward, shoulder to shoulder and secure the victory that america so desperately needs and deserves. thank you, god bless america. >> mitt romney concluding his speech, a critical speech given after rick santorum's speech earlier in the day. this was a very important threshold for romney, how do you think he did? >> well, i think he did pretty well. i think that he acknowledged in some ways that he has had to make a change in had his me messaging, he talked about faith and family and business experience, all of the elements of what he argues makes him a conservative on the front lines.
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he is facing a skeptical group in that audience, groups that cheered for him four yoears ago when he got out of the race, because he was a alternative to mccain. the view here is that romney has a ceiling, particularly for social conservative support. he made a reference to the story of the take and week about contraceptive. and rick santorum was expansive on that point. the terrain has shifted to more social issues in this nomination fight and it's what is giving santorum more oxygen and has promney fighting again to regai that front-runner status. >> let show a bit of santorum, the you full throated conservative, just about an hour or so earlier than mitt romney at the conservative convention. >> why would an undecided voter vote for a candidate of a party who the party is not excited
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about? [ applause ] we need conservatives now to rally for a conservative to go into november to excite the conservative base. who has supported, in fact the stepchild of obamacare, the person in massachusetts wbuilt the largest government run health care system in the united states. we need somebody that is willing on go out on the issues of the day and build contrast. we will not win because the republican candidate has the most money to beat up their opponent. >> he made it very clear, very clear, who he is campaigning against right there. >> no question about it, really, the best that romney could do later, against san -- santorum
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without mentioning him by name, is saying that he has never worked in the washington and has no cloakroom deals to adhere to. but the point here is,ç contraception situation will play on an issue of is it an issue of government making health care decisions and whether there's a backlash to that. this will focus on the president's health care plan, yet again, that is going to be the debate rick santorum wants to have that debate and we have been saying this for over a year, can mitt romney go into that debate, having passed a similar law that inspired what president obama did with his own health care plan? >> and david, you are perfectly positioned to "meet the press "on saturday. you have it all lined up. great show coming up. >> we will talk to them both about where the issues go from
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here. >> thanks so much, david. and with me, bob shrum, and a romney supporter, thanks to both. first to you, vinn, you saw your candidate among the conservatives and the contrast with rick santorum was pretty striking, it seemed, did it not, that romney was sort of reaching for it, to try you d try to get rhythm? >> i thought he got into the rhythm pretty well. david talked about, he opened up a little bit and talked about his history and his family, the kind of guy that those of us that know him has seen but has not been exposed to the he talked about the issues that conservatives care about, and said all the right hinthings, there's no denies that since the caucuses on tuesday, rick
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santorum is on a surge, but i'm notç concerned. mitt romney did well, i am confident he will be nominated. and i do not think there's going to be a problem exciting people when he is the nominee. >> bob, you have been watching this for a long time. if you take off your democratic hat -- >> and keep it off. >> that will never happen. >> and talk about mitt romney, what is the passion gap. you have worked with candidates that were hard to get some lift to get crowds excited about, is that what you have here with romney? >> no, it's a more difficult situation, he did as well as he could today. he channelled santorum to social issues side of the speech. if you lose to santorum, sound like santorum. two or three weeks after iowa, 65% of democrats were for john kerry and a month later it was 75%, he consolidated the party
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quickly. gore was the only want dacandid win every caucus. romney's problem is coming from the gaffes that makes him look like an unfeeling guy that has a great deal of wealth and from all the flip flops. this is a guy that was attacking the president on a woman's right choose, in his own plan, he had the same provision. >> he said he inherited that provision. bob, let me ask you both, about the president'sç gaffes. you had joe biden and bill daley and a lot of seasoned political guys up against the women, passionate about this, you have the base divided. why couldn't the president have come up with today's compromise, if it does fly, why bob couldn't
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he have come up with that before hand? >> well, as a catholic, i don't care whether it flies past the bishops or not, they will not tell me how to vote or most catholics how to vote. i think it would have been better if they auoffered this i the first place. but if the republicans continue to make a big deal about this, you have 60-year-old guys running campaigning against birth control. romney will not do that once he has the nomination, you'll alienate women voters. >> do you advise romney stops talking about this to avoid alienating the women voters. and this is not about the bishops telling catholics how the to vote, it about whether catholics would like a president that would want the church to
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bend to the federal government, it's not going to go away. the president had to back track because of the fire storm and it was well beyond views on people's views on contraception and abortion. to the extent that you are going to allow the catholic church to do the good work that they do. >> make my year, the bishops arç demanding that there's no birth control coverage, and campaign on that and see how you do in states like pennsylvania, philadelphia, all of those places where women may have been voting republican, if romney is smart, he will stop it. >> birth control is not just contraceptive. birth control for many, many women, probably for the majority of women has a lot to do with health. and health where doctors are recommending birth control for women who were at risk. >> and it's available to most women at risk from a variety of sources. the question is, does the catholic church as an
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institution, maybe the mine private or nongovernmental institution providing housing for poor people and assistance for hungry people and living assistance, are they going fto e forced to do something that does not comply with belief? >> they are not. the insurance companies will provide the coverage, not the religiously affiliated institution. >> does that result it iolve it? >> in -- no, it does not resolv anything. >> will the president's compromise on birth control solve solve this? with us, kathleen kennedy town send, good to see you kathleen, we have talked about other issues over the years, how did the white house get into this political situation and have
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they worked themselves out of it? >> i think that the president spokeç well today in which he said number one, he wants to make sure that women have the ability to have contraception. which as you just yourself pointed out are not only can be used for birth control but for all sorts of health issues and two, he spoke about his respect for people who really cared very deeply about the religious liberty issues, who feel very strongly about what the catholic church is doing, and the good news as you may know is that sister carol keane who was so instrumental in getting health care passed, said that she thought this was a great compromise, she is head of the catholic health association, so she saw it as valuable, it resolves the issue, it gives the women the right to get the
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contcon contraception they need and it gives the church the ability to continue with their strong beliefs. >> what do you say to the cardinal c s and bishops that f strongly about this, and others that have written and argued that it affects catholic charities and groups in a bad way? >> think the president gave a year to work this out, rather than waiting a year, he saw people upset immediately, that they strongly felt that their religious liberty had been impinged on and he listened to that because he is a good listener and said, we will change it and make sure that religious liberty will be respected and at the same time, women will get the contraception
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they need. >> cecil richards was to the previous hour from planned parenthood was on, and i wanted to play this. >> this entire thing was blown out of pro portion in my opinion, by bullying, but to me, what this statement does is reaffirm the administration's position on birth control. women deserve it and this is going to get rid of expensive copays and it will be good for women everywhere. >> so you believe this compromise will be acceptable to most members of the church if not the bishops themselves? >> i am not going to speak for the bishops, but the fact that it's acceptable to carol keanene who is head of the catholic health system, that is good. and nuns work in the hospitals
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and run the hospitals and i think they have a lot of credibility on this issue. >> and kathleen, among your other circles, family, friends, what do you think the view is among catholic men and catholic women, do we see a divide, a gender divide among catholics? >> i have to tell you, my mother, who is the mother of 11 children called me and said i'm so glad that you areç saying ts on this issue. so, here is a person who understood the catholic church from the years back and she very strongly supports the president and his position. which i find wonderful. and i think that men, we just had a press conference yesterday with men and women who go to catholic colleges that said, they support women, young men understand that they want women to have their rights to contraception. so i think that at least the younger generation certainly understand this. >> if you have ethel kennedy's
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approval on this, you are good to go. and best to your mother. the massive mortgage settlement is it enough to provide relief. we have that next. [ male announcer ] this is lois. the day starts with arthritis pain... a load of new listings... and two pills. after a morning of walk-ups, it's back to more pain, back to more pills. the evening showings bring more pain and more pills. sealing the deal... when, hang on... her doctor recommended aleve.
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♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way. learn more at hi, everyone, coming up on news nation, the president made a statement on this battle with the birth control and religion institutions -- they were going to join me live and we will talk about it and plus, mitt romney threw out plenty of red meat, but will it help him secure more than a few rounds of applause, and the controversy over the new make up ad, some are upset about
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it. there are decidedly mixed reviews for the administration's $25 billion settlement for alleged foreclosure abuses. mr. secretary, thank you for joining me, i want to point out that some of the critics are saying that people will get $2,000 when they are soç underwater and they have lost so much. and that this will not of course, effect fannie mae, freddie may, how do you help those that are outside the circle of the settlement? >> andrea, first of all, just specifically on the question of the $2,000, i am glad you asked about it, because there's a lot of misunderstanding about that. for many home owners that were harmed by these horrible practices, they may have had
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fees assessed or had their paperwork lost. but they did not lose their homes because of the abuses. and for most of them, this kind of payment, a simple, almost class action approach, where anyone who was foreclosed on during that period gets an automatic payment. there's a separate process available through the federal regulators as a result of the investigations, home owners can go in and present the facts. if they lost their home, they can get 50,000, or whatever, if in fact that was what the harm was. the other thing to remember, look, these servicing practices were a problem but they did not cause the crisis, what caused the crisis of the origination of the loans. the servicing made it work but it was not the cause of the crisis, so you have to put the
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$30 billion into the perspective of it is an important step forward but it only one step and we are going to be aggressive aboutç going after the other violations that really caused the meltdown. >> is it true that the five banks controlled 7% of all out standing single family mortgages? >> actually, the five control 2/3 of all mortgages that are serviced today and with the additional nine, it gets up to 3/4, it's the largest pay out of the financial institutions of the entire crisis, it's the largest joint, state/federal settlement in the history of the country, but it's just one step, and that is why the president announced not only a task force to look at origination and securitization of the attorney's general, he has announced at the state of the union, a universal
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refinancing program, he has announced additional steps to help fannie mae and freddie mac, you have to see it in the context of a comprehensive plan that the president talked about in the last few weeks. >> thank you for joining us today. >> and what political story will make headlines in the next 24 hours that is next on "andrea mitchell reports." stay with us. [ male announcer ] let's level the playing field. take the privileged investing tools of wall street and make them simple, intuitive, and available to all. distill all that data. make information instinctual, visual. introducing trade architect, td ameritrade's empowering web-based trading platform. take control of your portfolio today. trade commission-free for 60 days, and we'll throw in up $600 when you open an account. trade commission-free for 60 days, [ whooping ]
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which political story will make headlines in the next 24 hours. susan page joins me. we have cpac there. you have newt gingrich coming up this afternoon. what more could you want? >> then you have the page caucuses reporting in saturday night. that's the best chance ron paul may have to win a state. you have sarah palin closing out the cpac conference tomorrow afternoon. she's been no friend of mitt
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romney. does she weigh in in favor to endorse rick santorum or say something that helpsç effect ts race which is so much more contention than when he thought before. >> she could put her finger on the scale. in the past ron paul and his supporters have packed cpac and got support. he hasn't been there. does rick santorum rise to the front? they haven't been in gingrich's corner. >> they change the way you vote in the straw poll to make it harder for the ron paul people to pack the hall. a victory with santorum with this audience, that would really resonate. you saw rom making a big effort to reach out to this group that has not been that friendly to his candidacy. >> mitt romney trying to talk the talk. do you think that worked today for him? >> here is what i thought was the key. rick santorum came out and said don't do the pragmatic thing.
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it leads to a hollow victory. the very first words out of mitt romney's mouth is we are poised to win. that's the debate for a lot of conservativ conservatives. go with their heart that might lead them to rick santorum or go with their hand to mitt romney that might led as the more electable candidate. that's a debate in the next 24 hours. . >> thank you very much. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." a personal note, since the very day we went on the air four years ago i've had one person at the helm. no matter where in the world we traveled. my anchor. she's been the brain of the brawn pullingç us together. she's getting a much deserved new assignment at nbc nightly news. she's not going far. just down the hall pr for now we're going to have to say happy trails be p a million thanks for
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everything. now to tamron hall at "news nation." tamron. now that i'm crying, i can't carry on. that was beautiful and so kind of you. you're so right. everything is spot on. it's great to have strong women on your side. thanks and congratulations jen. coming up, the president announced a common sense solution to the battle over his policy on bifrth control. will it put an end to the backlash. governor tim cain is one that came out against the president this week. what is he saying now. mitt romney threw out a few pieces of red meat. will it help secure more than a few rounds of applause?
1:56 pm
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reaction is coming in from all sides in response to what president obama is calling a common sense solution to the raging battle of a contraception that put the president at odds with the catholic church and some one his own party. the president is changing course saying religionly affiliated institutions who object to providing birth control coverage will not be required to provide or pay for it. rather the insurance companies will pay for it directly. the president acknowledged how it turned into political football. >> i understand how some folks want to treat this as another political wedge issue, but it shouldn't be. religious liberty will be protected and a law that provides preventive care will not discriminate against women.ç >> joining me live from the white house is kristen welker. the president saying this should not have been presented as a wedge issue. you have some point out
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