tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC February 15, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm EST
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let's go now! >> bill rhoden, great to have you with us. that is "the ed show," listen to me on sirius channel 127 monday through friday, 12:00 to 3:00, like "the ed show" on facebook. rachel, did you play basketball? >> i did. >> could you hit the three? >> here is the thing about the three. one thing to make that shot, another thing to sit there for ten seconds, calmly looking around and playing the crowd like they are wrapped around your finger until you calmly with one half second left, sink the three. that was astonishing. >> the nba needs a good story, he's a great story. >> if you do end up going to a knicks game and need a chaperone, i'm just saying. >> i tell you what it's a deal, we're going. >> thanks, ed. >> thanks, rachel. thanks at home for staying with us for the next hour. before this year, before this
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year, 2012, in the modern history of american politics there had never before been a presidential nominating contest that was reversed after the fact where a state declared candidate x was the winner of the state and then that state changed their mind. before this year, in iowa, that had never happened before. now, it may have happened twice. hey, beltway media over here! this is not a ron paul conspiracy theory i don't want to discuss delegate allocation. the ron paul candidacy is not what this is about. i think that republicans in the state of maine may end up having to withdraw their declaration that mitt romney won the state of maine. the same way republicans had to do in iowa last month. remember what happened in iowa was that on the night of the caucuses we stayed up until what felt like dawn, waiting for the iowa republican party to report
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its results and then at 2:30 eastern time the chairman of the party said there was finally a result. >> i can report with 1770 p precincting reporting, mitt romney received 30,015 votes, rick santorum received 30,007 votes. congratulations to governor mitt romney, winner of the 2012 iowa caucuses. >> so on caucus night, in iowa the iowa republican chairman says mitt romney won by 8 votes. 8 votes out of 120,000 cast. no provision for a recount with a result that choice, the republican party of iowa said that was the result and they said they would certify it and make it official within two weeks. two weeks later the party said they still didn't have an official certified result, then once they had gone past the deadline the state chairman said
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actually turns out iowa was a tie, or maybe nobody knows who won iowa this year. then the chairman went on a radio show and said rick santorum won. and then the state republican party came out with a new line yes, rick santorum won, not mitt romney like they said before, and not a tie or who knows like they said that morning, but rick santorum the winner, the result tonights were reversed rick santorum won, more than two weeks after iowa republicans actually voted and were told the opposite result. it was crazy, right? what happened in iowa this year was crazy, that had never before happened in modern american presidential politics, with you the impact of that, effect of that screw-up by the iowa republican party on the overall presidential nominating process, honestly mostly just affected iowa. frankly made it seem like maybe iowa should not be trusted to be first in the country anymore with the attention and money that status brings. costs the chairman his job, he resigned in disgrace over the
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caucus debacle. in terms how it affected the race, how it affected who would get the nomination for president in 2012 it was a big deal rick santorum got that close to mitt romney in iowa week later, the romney campaign tried to make a big deal out of the fact he won iowa and new hampshire, unprecedented in republican politics. in fact would still be unprecedented accomplishment because still nobody has done it. mitt romney did not win iowa. had the iowa result been clear the night of the caucus, had the iowa republican party not screwed it up, had rick santorum been declared the winner that night i'm not sure that would have had a huge effect on the overall race anyway. iowa republicans are seen as having kind of a mike huckabee problem. iowa republicans pick guys like mike huckabee and rick santorum, has no effect on the overall race it's iowa, kind of irrelevant, another case for iowa not going first at least on
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the republican side. in iowa, historical terms it was amazing that iowa republicans screwed up their caucuses so badly they wrongly reported the results and had to flip them after the fact. historically amazing. but in terms of the impact of the race, not so much. now though, if another state pulls an iowa, that would have a huge impact on the narrative of the race. therefore, it would have a big impact on who is likely to get the republican nomination for president. i think that is where we are right now. heading in the maine caucuses this past weekend, mitt romney supposedly the front-runner for the nomination, lost straight races, not in places like iowa, he lost in minnesota, which mitt romney won in 2008. not only did he lose minnesota this time, he lost every single county in the state and came in not second but third in the state. mitt romney also in 2008 had cleaned up in colorado. with 60% of the vote there.
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he had won colorado in 2008 hugely. this year he lost colorado. mitt romney was so sure he was going to win colorado this year he made sure he was personally in the state of colorado on the night of the caucuses. his campaign reserved a big, big room where he could deliver his colorado victory speech to his supporters. >> i can tell you this room we talked about this a few moments ago, was not even half full it's starting to fill in a little bit but guys, this room is still not full keep in mind we're in the city of denver, this is a large metropolitan area, outside the city limits you have a lot of conservati conservative republicans. mitt romney is not filling the room tonight. >> heading in the maine caucuses that was the narrative of the race for the republican nomination for president. mitt romney losing missouri, losing minnesota badly, which he should have won, and losing colorado which he not only should have won but where he
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obviously thought he was going to win. but ultimately not only did he not win, he couldn't even fill a room. so this was the narrative heading in maine, right? what happened to mitt romney how can he lose gimme states like this? that was the narrative last week. the next contest was maine where if you're mitt romney there is a real risk that narrative about you being unexpected loser, that narrative is not only going to continue it will get worse. >> other good news, too, ongoing caucus in over on the east coast, the state called maine? >> whatever you think about the ron paul campaign, and tactics and prospects, goals, the ron paul campaign has resours and have taken maine, the prospect mitt romney could lose to ron paul would be a devastating next chapter in what was the bad romney narrative heading in maine. the bad romney narrative that he
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wasn't winning places he ought to be winning. mitt romney had to win maine. the republican party in maine this weekend said that he did. i donenn't think he did. i'm not saying someone else won. there is no basis on which the maine republican party can have concluded that mitt romney won there. the results there are not complete yet. the margin of victory for mitt romney is slim. when you have incomplete results and a slim margin, that means you're not supposed to call it until you know all the results. ask iowa. here is a microcosm of the problem. this happened in waldo, county, maine. here is great state of maine, here is waldo county, maine. in waldo there is a town called belfast, as in northern ireland, belfast, maine. local newspaper talked to the guy who ran the republican caucus in the town of belfast. he told them he personally called in the town of belfast's
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caucus results to the state republican party. but when he called the state republican party to report how belfast had voted, the state republican party told him over the phone oh, actually they already have those numbers. really? but i'm the guy calling to you report what the numbers are. you say you already have numbers? what do you have? quoting from the local paper, when the woman on the phone read those tallies back, the belfast chairman said they showed romney winning in belfast. which he knew was not the case. mitt romney did not win belfast. ron paul won belfast. the state republican party planned to give belfast to mitt romney anyway. when belfast complained about that, the belfast chairman was told by the state party "oh, i'll be sure those numbers are are changed." so did the final tally from belfast maine show ron paul winning belfast which in fact belfast says is what happened? no, the numbers did not say that.
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here what is they showed. zero! as in zero votes cast for anybody. it's not like that is what they showed that night at the caucuses, erroneously but resolved since, now they have the real tally, this is what it says according to the state republican party. it's not just belfast. 17 of the 18 towns that caucused together in waldo county turned up blank on the official maine republican party tall list. state republican party has no explanation why that is other than to say it was maybe a clerical error, that they have not corrected. we contacted the maine republican party again today to find out why almost an entire county had their votes erased with no explanation why. we heard nothing back from maine republicans. washington county up in the northeast part of the state says they notified the state republican party they were going to hold their caucuses a week late because of an expected snow storm, they say they were told by the state party that would not affect their vote being counted by the state party.
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now they are being told no matter how they vote this upcoming weekend it's a done deal their vote won't be counted no matter what it is. the town of waterville main in, kennebec county, they voted for ron paul over mitt romney they are recorded as a zero in the republican party's official results. again the margin of victory for mitt romney in maine is only reported to be 194 votes. these anecdote screw ups were reported in iowa after they declared mitt romney was the winner there. remember the iowa republican chairman at the time dismissed all those reports and said those little typos won't change the outcome of iowa's vote. ultimately the outcome was affected by the discrepancies and iowa had to reverse its results and the chairman is out of a job. so far in maine, specifically on the issue of washington county not having votes counted at all, maine's party chairman his line
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that is it's "inconceivable that washington county could have any effect on his declaration that mitt romney won the state of maine." but it doesn't look like mitt romney won the state of maine. it doesn't look like somebody else won it either but the idea maine republicans went and voted and had their votes count and now we have a result? that is not the case. the results are not in. and maine republicans at least some of them are mad about it. we're trying to get one of the republican county chairmen on the show tomorrow night, hard to get a camera, we're working on it. in the meantime after three separate losses heading in maine, knowing another mitt romney loss in maine would have dramatically affected the narrative of 2012 politics for the whole country right now, the rest of us looking at this, the rest of us are left to look at this disaster, the maine republican party pass pulled off and we're left to wonder if this was rigged, just a fiasco?
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we're left to wonder how long they will wait before they sort this out. joining us now is bill nemitz, a columnist, following maine state politics more than 30 years. mr. nemitz, thank you for your type, happy to have you here. >> nice to be here, rachel. >> can you share your latest reporting in terms of what is going on in waldo and washington counties and other places that haven't had their votes totaled? >> the waldo county republicans voted to ask the state committee to formal lly censure the state republican chairman, charlie webster, they wanted him fire, they are going to the committee on march 10th and ask he be censured. in washington county they are going ahead and they will have their caucuses on saturday, and whether the republican party formally counts them or not, they are rest ing assured those
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of us in this business will count. the argument they don't matter is based on their turnout from 2008, in which ron paul didn't do that well, actually. i think what they are failing to take into account this time is the amount of attention focused on washington county is unprecedented, and their turnout come saturday might eclipse the turnout from the state. >> we know patriot claimed margin of victory is 196 votes, that is a billboard for washington county. hey you need 196 vote margin for ron paul if you want to flip the state. gives them a real specific target to aim at if the republican party can be counted on to include those votes or i guess if the country can be counted on to count those votes when we decide who won the state of maine. >> not a lot to do up in washington county this time of year, this is high entertainment for these people, so i think
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come saturday you will see people trooping down to the caucuses who have never been there before, which is what was part of the problem this past weekend. we had a number of people showing up, many of them ron paul supporters, who were not familiar with the process, not familiar with the rules, lay over that a state republican party that didn't do a very good job planning or executing this thing and that leaves us with the mess we have. so all eyes will be on washington county this weekend, and i think those folks will have an outsized impact, not only on maine's ultimate results but as you say, on the whole national narrative here. >> let's say that happens, washington county turns out a ton of people and turn out enough people and enough of a lop-sided result it does at least they retticly flip the overall result for the state. is it your sense that the maine chairman, the state party would honor that? they say they won't but do you think they would say that doesn't matter we're sticking with mitt romney and we don't
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want to hear anything else about it? >> their position has been this, this was essentially ab beauty contest. maine's delegate selection process actually is not materially affected by this. they go to the convention in may, at that state convention they will choose which delegates go do the national convention. right now because of all the problems they had, the republican party is trying desperately to kind of sweep this whole thing behind them, and say essentially it didn't matter anyway. as to whether those votes count, th something that will be brought before the state committee on march 10th and will ultimately be up to them whether to reopen those totals and plug in all the missing numbers, or just call it a day and tell everyone they will see them in may. it's very unclear right now what is going to happen. >> march 10th after super tuesday. bill nemitz, this is
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i want to run a marathon. i'm going to own my own restaurant. when i grow up, i'm going to start a band. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. thanks, mom. i just want to get my car back. [ female announcer ] discover what's next in your life. get this free travel bag when you join at but my smile wasn't. [ female announcer ] new crest 3d white intensive professional effects whitestrips. it goes below he enamel surface to whiten as well as a five-hundred dollar professional treatment. wow, that's you? [ female announcer ] new intensive professional effects whitestrips. [ femaimmerse yourselfeeling in all over relief that flu all over your body? with alka seltzer plus. it's specially formulated to speed relief to every inch of you. liquidate your flu symptoms with alka seltzer plus. the west min steer dog show
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was this week, everybody else got killed in the ratings. americans may love cable news and presidential politics and the other things on in the evening but frankly they love their pekinese more. hello, malachy. the presidential politics angle of this year's westminster dog show was the dogs against romney protest held outside the event. the protesters arguing that mitt romney is not fit to be president because he once strapped his dog to the roof of the family station wagon and then drove to canada. after the dog got sick in its kennel strapped to the roof of the car, mr. romney pulled in a gas station, hosed the sick dog off and then put him back up there. for the rest of the drive. so, dogs against romney. the obama campaign may be capitalizing on his bad metrics with dog lovers or regardless of shamus, trying to capitalize how much americans love dogs, if you
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go to the website, there is an alarming amount of dog stuff. the splash pain is the beau obama car magnet. a beau tee shirt, color yourself. the obama dog doing sweater. beau obama buttons. dog bandana and dog bowl and barack's best friend dog leash and dog collar. again, who knows if all this stuff is in the memory of shamus romney, may he rest in peace. if romney is the nominee and he picks bob mcdonnell as his vice presidential nominee, personally looks to me like the smart money is on mcdonnell as romney's choice, after our coverage on what is going on in virginia abortion politics and the law that bob mcdonnell said he will
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sign this, law involving mandatory trans vaginal ultrasounds in virginia, a law on the way to his desk now, after that segment, after that coverage last night we got a number of submissions from viewers with potential swag ideas for a presidential ticket that includes governor bob mcdonnell. for example this one, governor bob mcdonnell, swag style, the item in question would be a vaginal ultrasound probe. here is another one, same idea, different message, vaginal ultrasound probe that reads "this violation courtesy of the virginia gop." after those were e-mailed around the project went crazy, this one "if you can read this your government is too close." "small government." the best one for bob mcdonnell's
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hope the neck of the vaginal probe says "i can see the white house from here." if bob mcdonnell is on the residential ticket after what he is doing in virginia right now i think this swag will get made. it won't be made by the romney and mcdonnell campaign but will be made by the electorate, i imagine fired up to vote against bob mcdonnell. the bill in question is one of anti-abortion measures the republican legislature and governor bob mcdonnell are pursuing now that they have complete control of virginia state government. their ultrasound bill would force women seeking an abortion in virginia to under go a medically unnecessary internal vaginal probe and submit to a waiting period thereafter. the virginian pilot newspaper explained how it will work and what it will mean for virginia women. quoting "in order to satisfy the goals of the legislation which includes requirement that a doctor determine the gestational age of the pregnancy, a trans vaginal ultrasound may be the only reliable course.
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under any other circumstances, forcing an unwilling person to submit to a vaginal probing would be a violation beyond imagining. requiring a doctor to commit an act when medically unnecessary and submit to arbitrary waiting period is demand an be a ro abr of medical ethics." our next guest would ask a woman's consent before subjecting her to that medically unnecessary state-orred vaginal probe. it failed by a vote of 64-34. given the option to make the new requirement less innovative, given the option to get a woman's consent before she is vaginally probed by order of bob mcdonnell state government, given the option to make this requirement seemless like punishment for seeking an abortion, physical punishment for seeking an abortion, virginia republicans close not to go there.
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resoundingly. joining us is virginia state delegate david englin, thank you very much for joining us tonight, nice to have you here. >> thanks for having me, rachel. >> let me ask you first, i've gotten anything wrong in the way i explained what the virginia republicans have proposed and moved forward here? i hope i have gotten some of it wrong. >> rachel, you have nailed it and explained it in unfortunately accurate detail. they have passed a law that will require women in most women in the first trimester of a pregnancy, when most abortions occur, to undergo a vaginal penetration ultrasound in order to exercise their constitutional right, and not only that, but they are going to have to be vaginally penetrated based on
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this law without their consent. that's just a horrendous government intrusion. these republicans, they talk all the time about limited government and intrusiveness of government. it's just sheer hypocrisy they are having government intrude on a woman's body without her consent. >> you sponsored this amendment to at least introduce a written consent element to this mandatory probe. were you -- did you think that would pass, were you surprised your amendment was voted down? >> well, i have been at this long enough now to realize that their anti-voice vehemence, this was a sincere attempt to say look, i'm not an idiot, he can do the math. virginia republicans have complete control of the general assembly and the governor's
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mansion, i know this bill will pass, and it will get signed into law. so what i was trying to do was saying if you're going to institute this horrendously invasive requirement, at least get the woman's consent before you force her to undergo vaginal penetration for an -- medically unnecessary purpose. so i was hopeful that enough of my colleagues across the aisle would believe that a woman should not be violated without her consent that the amendment might have a chance at passing, i wasn't surprised that it didn't pass but i was disappointed, because i've heard from many, many women throughout virginia who republican women as well, who may disagree with me on every other political matter but they don't believe that they should be physically violated without their consent and it
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just shocks the conscience this will become the law of the land in virginia. >> there is also the personhood measure on the menu in virginia this year, already passed the house by a big majority, how do you think the electorate will respond to this, i think it's fair to call them extreme measures loosely related to the -- how do you think they would respond if bob mcdonnell gets picked for national office? >> look, i am hoping that governor mcdonnell will see the light and realize in virginia we have a very powerful governor's office. the governor in virginia can put amendments on bills, in most places they can just veto bills or sign bills, in virginia the governor can amend bills, i'm hopeful he will amend the vaginal penetration bill to allow a woman's consent. i'm hopeful he will amend the
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personhood bill to protect contraception because the way the bill is drawn right now it would effectively outlaw most common forms of contraception. i think that if he doesn't do these things, voters in virginia and across the country are going to react very badly to this, because this isn't about republicans and democrats. when you talk with women, regardless of their partisan politics, they support contraception, they support the notion their bodies shouldn't be violated without their consent. these are matters of basic decency. so i'm hopeful governor mcdonnell will do the right thing but i can tell you if he doesn't, i would think that the consequences will be very bad. >> virginia state delegate david englin, thank you for joining us, i wanted to talk to you thank you. >> you're right on rachel can i appreciate you bringing attention to the issue. i wish more people were talking
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about it. it's important. >> thanks, sir. whatever lull you sensed in the grudge match in the great state of wisconsin appears to be over, it's on again. scott walker is swinging back, what that looks like, next. . ok! who gets occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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spending $1.2 million on ads in the great state of michigan. ahead of the primary, $1.2 million for context, do you want to know how much rick santorum and his pac are spending on ads in michigan? romney and his pack, $1.2 million. rick santorum and his pac? $42,000. that data reported by "the washington post" do you want to see what the balance of the spending looks like in a picture? ding! rick santorum is leading mitt romney in michigan in all the recent polls. but mitt romney is also outspending rick santorum in michigan, 29-to-1. why mitt romney has to do that, coming up.
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full capacity. >> that was president obama at the state of the union address last month. here is president obama today in milwaukee at that unionized masterlock plant. the president taking a tour of the plant and delivering a speech in front of a stack of b boxes that said "made in the usa" hyping a company that chose to bring jobs back to the united states. speaking on the floor of the unionized plant. he's there in a state the governor has stripped union rights in the state last year. in this picture it's not just the president running a campaign to stay in office, governor scott walker, republican of wisconsin, is facing being recalled from office before the end of his first term, thanks to wisconsin voters angry with that stripping of union rights in the state. and his big, big cuts to education and much more. on the pro-scott walker side there are ads running in wisconsin now against recalling the governor. in these ads the government
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walker and groups support him describe the governor has having balanced the state's budget. turns out he did not balance the state's budget. this is the headline last week in the milwaukee journal sentinel, state faces $143 million shortfall as tax collections lag. scott walker cut taxes and this crazy thing happens when you cut what has to be paid in taxes. turns out what people pay in taxes gets cut! under scott walker tax collections down, $140 million hole in the state budget. that is jeopardizing his main claim for why he shouldn't be recalled from office which is that he wants to be able to say he balanced the state budget. which he didn't. here is where the magic happens. a robbery told in three headlines. this is better than surveillance camera footage. watch this burglary. headline one, journal sentinel thursday night, state faces $143 million shortfall.
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headline one. headline two, this goes up associated press at 3:00 in the morning friday morning. that mortgage settlement with the big banks? wisconsin homeowners are getting $140 million from that. those are the first two, right? $140 million hole in scott walker's budget and $140 million coming to the state for wisconsin homeowners. what is the third headline? you guessed it. walker and his attorney general say that mortgage settlement that is supposed to go to wisconsin families, they're taking it. they're taking at least a chunk of it for their budget hole. tada! wisconsin's share of that mortgage settlement, is supposed to go to wisconsin families, who got foreclosed on illegally by the banks. the state is being given the banks money so the state can hand it over to the wronged parties here. to the people, to the homeowners. but scott walker is taking tens of millions of dollars of that
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for his budget hole instead. for the budget hole created by his tax breaks. we learned today the effort to keep governor walker in office also includes this. a rally apparently scheduled for friday, remember the so-called brooks brothers riot in florida in 2000 when the republican party bussen and flew in and made a scene at the site where the florida presidential recount was underway, remember that? this year in wisconsin, pro scott walker organizers are asking people to march on the government accountability board in wisconsin. where workers are certifying the million signature petitions that are are expected to put the scott walker recall on the ballot. they want to march on that office. so yeah, the masterlock insourcing american job story has national rest on nance, so does the turn for the weird in wisconsin's own politics. joining now is tammy baldwin,
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democrat representing the second district and running for the open u.s. senate seat in her state. representative baldwin, thank you for being with us, appreciate you having you here. great to join you, rachel. >> does governor walker have the authority to use that mortgage settlement money at his discretion? can doe whatever he wants with it? >> well, there is certainly a portion of the settlement funds that is going through the states, but it is my belief and i'm absolutely outraged by his statement he will use this to plug a hole in his budget. when clearly the purpose of the settlement was to try to start making people whole again after the fraud and illegal activities that these five banks have engaged in. on monday this week, i was in milwaukee on a block, a residential neighborhood devastated by foreclosure.
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and house after house was literally boarded up. and you think about the people who perhaps because they lost jobs, lost homes, but also the people who were victims of fraud, and illegal actions by these mortgage banks, in the process. and then you think of the houses that aren't boarded up, but people who have lost the value of their homes because they are situated in neighborhoods devastated by this mortgage banking and foreclosure crisis. these are the people who deserve to benefit from the settlement funds. these are the people and neighborhoods that ought to be -- you can't make them whole again but at least taking those steps. and so i think scott walker ought to be ashamed of using some of these funds to plug a hole in his budget. >> when you go to a neighborhood like that in milwaukee and talk to people, are people aware this is happening that wisconsin has this money coming to the state that is supposed to be for
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homeowners that the governor is diverting some of it for his own budget problems? are people aware that is happening in the state and how do people feel about it? >> a lot of this has just happened in the past few days, part of our going to neighborhoods and meeting with community leaders who have been at the forefront of helping people in this foreclosure crisis is to get the word out. and frankly, that's really what we have to do across wisconsin and across the country right now. we need people to understand what the terms are of this settlement agreement so that they can get the relief they are due especially if they have been the victims of the wrongdoings of the big five banks. beyond that we still think we can influence scott walker and our attorney general in wisconsin to use these funds for the people harmed. the people who have been devastated by foreclosures in their neighborhoods. and that's just by having people
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speak out. if people want to get involved, one way they can by going to my website, they need to be informed about the terms of the settlement, how they can get what is owed to them through the terms of the settlement but speak out to scott walker about his plans for some of these dollars. >> representative tammy baldwin, democrat of wisconsin second district, and i should say candidate for united states senate from wisconsin, thank you very much for joining us tonight appreciate you helping us both understand it and let people know about the settlement and getting the word out, thank you. >> thank you, rachel. should be noted it was one year ago tonight we first reported on the big union rights protests in wisconsin. what happened over the course of the last year in wisconsin is almost mind-blowing, you never would have believed it happened in that state if you asked anybody two years ago. after the show on the last word, lawrence o'donnell has a
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guest who has an issue with mitt romney. orrin hatch is very, very, very distracted by how much he hates msnbc. he is so distracted by his hatred of msnbc that he can't think straight, at least he can't do basic math. that's next. your finances can't manage themselves. but that doesn't mean they won't try. bring all your finances together with the help of the one person who can. a certified financial planner professional. cfp. let's make a plan. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule.
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intentional a. that's when jon kyl said something outrageously not true. >> if you want an abortion you go to planned parenthood and that's well over 90% of what planned parenthood does. >> not true. not close to true. it is not well over 90%. it is more like 3%. called out for telling that lie, jon kyl responded with a hall of fame destined for greatness legendary copout. >> you know, i want to give it to you verbatim here. it says his remark was not intended to be a factual statement. >> sure it wasn't true but it was not intended to be a factual statement the. that is why it had the numbers in it. hall of fame excuse, kyl.
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after 18 years in this senate could you pick jon kyl in a lineup of republican senators? almost no one could. everyone remembers the not intended to be a factual statement guy which makes it more amazing a republican senator made jon kyl's same mistake. here's orrin hatch talking about planned parenthood. >> about 90% of what they do is abortion. >> from what with i understand, that's the point, you don't understand. >> tony perkins the family research council guy responds by saying, correct when what senator hatch said is very much not correct. back in reality, 3% of what planned parenthood does is abortions and 3% is not about
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95% unless you just round up everything the to the nearest 95 and it doesn't make sense. we asked senator hatch's office to a response to this. a spokesman e-mailed us to say that senator hatch misspoke. weirdly he also said and i'm not kidding. i'm going to the read it directly here because i'm directly quoting his spokesman. it doesn't take standing in front of the hoover dam wearing a construction hat, a construction hat, it doesn't take standing in front of the hoover dam wearing a construction hat to understand that planned parenthood is the largest abortion provider in america. to be clear, we didn't ask senator hatch for a statement about me or msnbc or construction hats. construction hats, really? randomly senator orrin hatch's senate office volunteered this statement after telling us that senator hatch misspoke about planned percenthood. i don't know what the hoover dam outburst was about from senator
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hatch but he is still admitting his huge mathematical lie about planned parenthood was not intended to be a factual statement. regardless of the rest of this i guess i will take it , i guess i will take it [ male announcer ] imagine facing the day with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaids, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported.
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you can savor 12 exciting lobster entrees, like lobster lover's dream or new maine lobster and shrimp trio. [ doug ] the sweet, succulent meat. that's a good-tasting lobster. [ laura ] i'll eat it any way i can. [ doug ] we're the mclennan family from spruce head, maine, and we sea food differently. we're going to close the show with something i think is worth keeping an eye on. on last night's show, i said one thing worth watching in politics right now is the favorability numbers for mitt romney. regardless of what is going on in each state-by-state contest. if you want to know a snapshot view of the presidential campaign of how it is affecting his chances as a nominee look at his favorable and unfavorable numbers. every graft we have shown on the show has been screwed up tech lick any somehow, but this for
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the record is mitt romney's favorable and unfavorable numbers. the chores reversed and another thing screwing in last night's graph. mitt romney was not particularly liked during 2011. in 2012, the unfavorable number is the dark blue one, going up, right? since republicans started to vote his unfavorability skyrocketed and his favorability is down there with herniated disks and vanilla ice. mitt romney needs to turn that around if he is the republican party's nominee. but it raises a question of whether a long, drawn outprimary process maybe bad for mitt romney. if you look at the way it is going, the longer the race goes on the less people like mitt romney and dramatically so. in to that equation, a new variable was introduced. marcos, the name sake and founder of the website daily coast put out a call for
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something he is calling operation hill lairty. he is calling for liberals to turn out to vote in open caucus states, michigan, vermont and tennessee. they are calling out on liberals to come out and vote for santorum. not because liberals want him to be president obviously but he argues it is in liberal's interest for the republican contest to be dragged out as long as possible. he argued today let's keep the republican clown show going. this is similar 0 to what rush limbaugh asked conservatives to do in with barack obama other hillary clinton and you can argue whether it is right or wrong for people who won't vote for the other party's nominee in any circumstance to take a role in deciding who it is. but you should know this is happening on the left and b, if
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