tv The Ed Show MSNBC February 17, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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country. >> that is pat buchanan at the 1992 republican national convention and he's never changed. it's pat buchanan yesterday, today and tomorrow. but for all kind of reasons, personal and professional, i will miss him. that is "hardball" thank you for being with us, "the ed show" with ed schultz starts right now. good evening, americans, welcome to "the ed show" from new york, the republican war on women's health rages on. rick santorum is in the center of it. >> more race cyst attacks on the nba's newest sensation and scott walker he got some bad news from a judge today. good news for us. this is "the ed show," let's get to work. this is the same gotcha politics you get from the media and i'm not playing that game i'm not responsible for any comment anybody who supports me makes. >> radical rick santorum is a complete hypocrite on women's health and tonight we'll show you why. >> contraception is okay it's
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not okay. it's a license. to do things. >> jan schakowski and now's terry o'neill have reaction. >> lizz winstead share her thoughts on the republican war on women. mitt romney was against the loan that saved the automobile industry. but he had no problem taking federal funs to save the olympics. >> that is estimated to be $1.3 billion. that is outrageous. mr. president. >> as the jeremy lin story gets better, asian stereotypes come up. a look at racism and asian america americans. >> one year ago tonight was a historic night for the 99% movement. we'll take a trip down memory lane. good to have you with us tonight, folks, thanks for watching. the republican party hostility toward women's issue is not
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slowing down. in fact it's in high gear. now the party is losing support and candidates under fire. rick santorum had to back away from an outrageous comment about female contraception about foster friess. >> that was a stupid joke, i'm not responsible for every bad joke someone i happen to know or supports me tells. >> was he wrong to say that, do you agree with him? >> obviously i don't agree with the premise, it was a joke, a stupid joke, was bad taste. and i don't know what your preoccupation with that is. >> santorum was asked about the friess comment on cbs this morning, this is so sarah palin, he tried to turn himself in the victim. >> when you quote a supporter of mine who tells a bad off-color joke and some how i'm responsible for that, that is gotcha. >> nobody said you were
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responsible. they said how would you characterize it and what had you said to him, not you were responsible. to understand how you differ from what this person said. so let me quote you. >> i have to respond to every supporter, look, this is what you guys do. you don't do this, you don't do this with president obama, in fact with president obama what you did was you went out and defended him against someone who he sat in a church for for 20 years and defended him that he can't possibly believe what he listened to for 20 years. this is a double standard, this what is you're pulling off i'll call you on it. >> santorum needs history lesson. the jeremiah wright fire storm, barack obama in 2008 had to give a speech on race to calm this nation down. santorum can try to dodge the issue but there are two things he has trouble hiding from. foster friess is the top donor
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supporting the guy, santorum is getting grilled because his big money guy said this. >> in the contraception thing my gosh it's such inexpensive back in my days, they used bayer aspirin, put it between their knees, it wasn't that costly. >> here is another thing santorum can't hide from. his own comments. >> one of the things i will talk about that no president has talked about before is i think the dangers of contra accept hundred in this country. the whole sexual libertine idea, many in the christian faith have said it's okay, it's not okay. it's a license to do things in the sexual, in the sexual realm that is counter to what -- how things are supposed to be. >> the candidate leading national polls for the republican nomination is openly opposed contraception. this is not a good sign for the republican party. it's just as bad as the all male panel called to testify about
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contraception by republicans in congress yesterday. democratic senator patty murray can't believe this is happening in 2012. >> for millions of american women, reading the news this morning was like stepping in a time machine and going back 50 years. for many women and men waking up to the news this morning may seem like there is a swift and sudden attack on women's health care but i'm here on the floor of the senate to tell you all there is nothing sudden about it. there is nothing new about the republican attacks on our family planning decisions. >> the senator from washington is absolutely right. republicans in congress have introduced anti-women legislation since they took over the house last year. they passed a bill to eliminate funding for family planning and defund planned parenthood. they tried to eliminate exceptions for the health of the mother and anti-abortion legislation. they tried to remove caps on out of pocket health care expenses, in fact republicans think they can rally their social
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conservative bases by really leaning hard on these issues. but they are alienating the public. this is starting to look like the replay of the terri schiavo case when the government tried to intrude on the family private tragedy. now they are intruding on all women across america and they are on the wrong side and it might cost them in november big time. it's shocking that this is just on and on and on for the republicans. get your cell phones out i want to know what you think. tonight's question, will the republican war on women hurt them at the polls in november? text a for yes, b for no, to 622639. go to our blog at, we'll bring you results later in the show. joining me tonight is congress woman jan schakowski of illinois and terry o'neill, president of the national organization for women.
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great to have both of you tonight. >> thank you, ed. >> congress woman capsulize what has happened in washington. it has been in, a word, bizarre. >> well, actually that picture of all men testifying about contraception and women has gone viral all over the country, and the very idea that they are so out of touch, that they didn't even realize that having an all male panel talking about this and the chairman of the committee is sticking to his guns. this wasn't about women. this is about something else. this is about religious freedom and separation of church and state, et cetera, you know, they may be the majority, the men that is, in republican men in the congress, but the majority of voters are women. women across this country are so offended. let me just say rick santorum lost an opportunity to say that was an offensive joke, it
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shouldn't have been told, it's reprehensible, but actually rick santorum believes that women should just keep their knees together. that is his way of birth control. so i guess he's on friess' side. >> terri, what happens if the people get political power, what kind of country would it be for women in america? >> rick santorum signed the personhood pledge, this is a pledge if elected presz dent he will do everything he can to pass laws that would recognize as a person a fertilized egg. this would outlaw all abortion, it would outlaw most or many of the most popular forms of birth control. it would even criminalize in vitro fertilization and stem cell research. honestly i don't think the people will gain power. the people of this country don't want birth krcontrol politicize
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breast cancer politicized, i think what is turning people off is this constant attempt to politicize things that the people of this country accept, want, use like birth control, they don't want this -- there is going to be a tsunami against this, i think in november. >> the conservative movement in the country the right wing has the inate ability to twist the facts, confuse people and turn the issues upside down and confuse voters, and i know they are playing to their base but there is probably people out there that are wondering is this really true what they are saying, let's take a second look at this. my question on that, congress woman, when do the democrats and i would hope the republican women would come along with you, but men need to get involved in this as well, when does the medical community start speaking out? i had a phone call on my talk show about a single father who has two girls, saying that when
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she was developing and very important years she was bleeding, cramps and the medicine was the pill. and this is what she did. when does the medical community step up and tell the facts and make it an issue in politics, what do you say? >> i think they would be very happy to. the 57,000 person strong college of obstetricians and gynecologists has come out strongly in favor of the president's regulations, and so i think if the doctors were asked i would like to hear them more -- >> don't you think that is the next step? >> i think it is important but i just want to tell you i agree with terry, that when nearly 100% of women use birth control, no one of the female gender is confused about that right now out there. there may be some, but i really
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think, of course it would be great for the doctors and by the way there have been many men, democratic men who have stood with us very strongly mike quigley, congressman from illinois left the hearing as well, he was so offended by the way it looked. but i tell you we need more women's voices still, talking about it. on the talk shows this morning i heard all panels of men, even men who are on our side. come on, get the women's voices out there. >> the polls show the public is especially with the women on all of this issue. there is no question this is where the numbers are at right now. and but why are the republicans hitting this so hard, terry? why do you think is it because the economy is good, there are other good things happening out there, now all of a sudden women are the target of the republicans? >> you know, ed, ever since the 2010 elections, women's par is
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the -- participation plummeted, since the republicans swept in power in the house of representatives and so many states they have absolutely been engaged in overreach after overreach. they passed a law in the house that stopped in the senate to convert medicare to a private voucher system. what an overreach. they passed a law to criminalize abortion even allowing hospitals to let a pregnant woman die rather than perform a life-saving abortion. i can't really tell you why they are doing what they are doing this is of a piece with what they have been done since they came in power in 2010 and honestly, i think there is going to be a fundamental shift away from that in 2012, this is fwhoot tnot what the american people want. >> jan schakowski, terry o'neill, thanks for being on the program. >> answer the question at the
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bottom of the screen. mitt romney is a hypocrite, no question about that. his salt lakes city olympics got plenty of government help, wasn't whining then. mike papantonio and goldie taylor join me on the gop race. linsanity marchs on, some people don't understand why an image of him popping out of a fortune cookie is racist. eric liu joins me, stay with us.
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coming up, rick santorum still leads mitt romney in michigan. and grab as big endorsement in ohio. goldie taylor and mike papantonio will join me for the discussion next. it's been one year since the wisconsin 14 fled the state in protest the governor, we'll look how they changed the political landscape. >> lizs winstead will be here later. we're right back.
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welcome back to "the ed show." bad week for mitt romney. first he twists himself in knots trying to explain why he was against the loan saving the united states automobile industry. then the dnc comes out with an ad reminding voters about romney's love of government help when he was back running the salt lake city olympics. here's part of it. >> the upcoming 2002 winter olympics that bill is estimated to be $1.3 billion. it's now turned into an incredible pork barrel project
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for the salt lake city and the environs. >> i learned how to deal with the federal government because the support was extraordinary, they provided over $400 million to us. >> republican spent too much money, borrow too much money, ear mark too much. >> you mean the private sector couldn't run the olympics for you mitt-steer? rick santorum surge is holding, according to analysis by nate silver. been ten days, significant because his surge held up longer than his rivals after winning in support for newt gingrich seems to be going from gingrich going to santorum. one of mitt romney's big endorsements in ohio slipped away. attorney general switched from romney to santorum. he said santorum was "human" that is good to know, isn't it?
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santorum may have momentum on his side but still flying off the rails. the latest thing telling the people of north dakota earlier this week that they could be a target of a terrorist attack because there are energy resources there. >> goldie taylor managing of the goldie taylor project and mike papantonio, host of the "ring of fire" radio show. i don't know if the people of north dakota think they are on the terrorism target, goldie we're seeing candidates run over the country tell people they could keep us a heck of a lot safer than everybody else. i want to get to the comment about mitt romney. isn't this the perfect time to revisit the olympics? and the government role here when mitt romney has been railing against the automobile loan all week long, goldie, what do you make of the turn? >> i think it's the perfect time. i mean as much as both private enterprise and government invest like the olympic games to drive
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economic renewal, it is probably a good time to revisit. the fact is mitt romney is running on his business experience and when you take a look at it when you strip it down to what it really is, it's acquiring businesses, looting them of capital and then bankrupting them for his own gain and that what is he has done, put millions of people out of work, he hasn't created a lot of new jobs, a lot of new net jobs and i just fear what he would do if we gave him the reins of the country. >> mike, when he was in charge of the olympics he loved that federal money now it's not a good thing if it will help somebody else. >> well, i know when john mccain who is the guy supposed to be supporting mitt, when he says this is a national disgrace, he was taking taxpayer money, he's taking his money, ed, his tax money, shipping it overseas. mitt romney ships his money to the islands, but he takes u.s. taxpayer money, not only does he ship it to utah, he gives it to his pals, cronies.
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he does the same thing in utah that dick cheney did for halliburton, that is give them no-bid contracts, make them overnight millionaires. the guy out there supporting you when you look at clip what's he had to say about this national disgrace, it's a problem for mitt if somebody will take those clips and make them in good 30 second spot. one thing after another for mitt, it's cumulative after a while, like water torture for mitt. if he doesn't pull through michigan he's in big trouble. >> i think he is. romney said this to a michigan crowd, "i've taken on union bosses before and i'm happy to take them on again. i sure wouldn't give in to the united auto workers." why would he talk like that, goldie, in michigan? he doesn't understand the culture of labor and certainly doesn't follow the news because anybody that does follow the news knows the uaw took a financial hit to make this deal work so they could get back to
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work under the government loan. sort that out for us. >> you know the fact is the bail outs of the auto industry did work. the fact is big labor came to the table with management, negotiated in good faith, they led their way out of this thing, they are paying the american people back, some paid them back, some are right on schedule and so it created thousands and thousands of jobs and that is a good thing, saving the american auto industry. that is like saying that apple pie is a bad, bad thing. so i don't understand mitt romney and how he expects to connect with the people of michigan. it's no wonder ricky the rooster is beating him up there. >> it is interesting that santorum has held the lead longer than anybody else was ten days ago he won missouri, he won minnesota and also colorado, and romney's super pac is escalating attacks on santorum, they will be car pet bombing him here
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soon. will that work in his home state? >> unfortunately, the attacks right now, ed are not just candidate-unique, they are affecting the entire party. this is a party they alienated women, minorities, unions, teachers, immigrants, now the latest thing is you have santorum out there, alien nating people who send kids to public schools. it used to be, ed, this was just an issue of individual attacks, you attack romney, you attack santorum, you attack newt, now all of those attacks are having a cumulative effect on the entire republican party they look like the taliban, ed, this is a party taken on the nature of looking like the taliban. i'm waiting for them to propose burqas for women. it does huge detriment for the republican party. sit back, let them do it, let them go after each other you won't stop it, it will have a big impact in november. >> goldie taylor, mike papantonio, thank you for being
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with us tonight, appreciate it. there is breaking news out of wisconsin tonight, bad news for scott walker, plus it has been one year since the wisconsin 14 hit the load to stop the governor's radical plan, i'll have a few words about that coming up. republicans demonnize entitlements but red states are more reliant on government programs than blue states. we'll tell you why many americans keep voting against their own self-interest.
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welcome back to "the ed show." breaking news out of wisconsin tonight. first, i want to turn the clock back. it was a year ago in madison the streets were crawling with protesters. they were upset, big time, that governor walker was trying to take their money and bust their unions in the name of solving what was a phony budget crisis. scott walker's budget repair bill was nothing but a surprise attack. he didn't campaign on it, tens of thousands showed up in the capital to try to stop it. walker could get away with it because republicans had majorities in both and senate. the only thing, the only thing that could stop this radical movemen and radical bill from becoming a law was 14 sensenato. in order to pass walker's bill, in the senate, in the state
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senate, republicans needed just one democrat, just one democrat present to vote. so, every single senate democrat left the state. republicans couldn't find the now famous wisconsin 14. but a year ago tonight, we found them in an illinois hotel. >> we're here today to slow down the steam rolling process that our young governor has adopted. he's attempting in five days to eliminate and do away with what the state has accomplished in 50 to 100 years. what we're going to do is slow the process down, give the people of the state an opportunity to talk to their representatives, to talk to the executive, to let the public know what they feel about it and to slow up what this outrageo rs dictatorial governor is doing to us.
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>> that man has been in the led ledge lay tur longer than anybody in the country. they werevillified. fox news put them on a wanted poster as if they were criminals. the republicans sent state troopers to the senators homes trying to intimidate them. your wife is at hope, cops at the door, call your husband, those conversations took play. the wisconsin 14 used peaceful, civil disobedience while their governor joked about beating them with a prank caller. >> if they want to yell at me for an hour, i'm used to that, i can deal with that but i'm not negotiating. >> bring a baseball bat. >> i have one in my office. i got a slugger with my name on it. >> oh, the infamous conversation with the kocher. the wisconsin 14 played a vital
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role, a wubuilding block for 99 movement. tonight, a year later, i have the following news to read to mark miller, lena taylor, tilan the rest. the longest serving state legislator, fred risser. >> a dane county judge said he would not give governor scott walker additional time to review recall petitions against him. that keeps in place a february 27th deadline. this what is democracy looks like. we're appealing to our audience right now. we want the most offensive hackie lin-type joke. >> where is the line when it comes to racism and asian americans?
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jeremy lin is smashing stereotypes but not for everyone. that discussion, next. ezra klein breaks down today's big vote on the payroll tax cut extention, that is ahead. the republican war on women's health is in full swing. and they don't want to let women have a voice. >> i was so stunned when the chairman made the decision to not allow me to speak. >> daily show cocreator lizs winstead will have reaction.
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star weekend, the nba added lin to the freshman versus sophomores game, after he scored 136 points in his first five starts, the most by any nba player in decades. there has unfortunately been stupid, insensitive, ugly side to this success story as well. the msg network showed this image following the knicks game wednesday night, a fan created the image of lin coming out of a fortune cookie and msg chose to show the picture. now a radio sports show in san francisco has gone further. the nick and artie show on knbr urged listeners to call in with the most racist jokes they could think of. >> we're appealing to our audience right now, we want the most offensive hackie lin-type joke that you can think of. >> we can't do them but you can. zblchbl something like this is a bad example, i don't know, an
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known kn -- anthony will take over for lin rg the laundry. >> a few seconds earlier the hosts were talking about how lin is an all american success story. so why follow up with something so stupid. he said we are appealing to aur audience. joining me is eric liu, former policy advisor under president clinton and author of the "accidental asian, notes of a native speaker" mr. liu, my friend and colleague said this about the graphic. >> last night on "the ed show" msg ran a promo says good fortune, different rules for asians, that is racist, how do you feel about that?
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i was like huh? i missed that. >> to me -- i think -- >> my point was not there is different rules for asians. let me make that very clear. race is race, dignity is dignity i'll let you answer that question, mr. liu. >> ed, thank you for having me on, i want to pull back a half-step and say this is awesome, this is awesome we're having this conversation in the first place, the whole phenomenon is a great thing for all people, not just for asian americans but all americans, that radio clip you were playing earlier from the talk show, not by accident. the kind of call for offensive jokes followed right after they were acknowledging that this is a great american success story, because these two things are often right in combination, just when america is really opening up and living up to its promise and letting folks of all
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different kind of back grounds in positions of prominent and authorize and success, that you get this kind of churn, the ugly under side of fear and anxiety from a lot of folks, what does this mean for me. it doesn't surprise me -- >> how do you combat it? >> i think a couple things, ed. in the first place, let's celebrate what is going on here, to me, amplifying and amplifying again millions of people, we're not just talking about asian americans, certainly i and my fellow asian americans are over the moon about how this is unfolding but celebrating the fact people of every background in this country are seeing themselves in an asian american. seeing themselves in, identifying with that person. that is a new thing in our pop culture. is that going to solve racism, no, i want to amplify that. the second thing i think we have
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to remember is context. context is everything. just aweek or two ago you talked alot about this on msnbc, pete hoekstra, republican candidate aired this incredibly insensitive race-baiting ad, a woman of chinese descent we take your job away, our economy very good, things like. that something like that is so obviously patently wrong, something like the call on this talk radio show you were talking about is so patently wrong we have to come down hard on that, that is not just asian americans, anybody who thinks about people simply having their own dignity. we have to come down hard. >> it hits every platform, even in entertainment. here is how conan o'brien skewed the stupidity of them using the image. >> they showed other graphics i thought were more offensive.
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i don't know why they weren't talking about. this one that said, he does the math to win. yeah. then, there was this one that said "taking opponents to the cleaners." >> what is your reaction to that? >> well, ed, i saw that clip and it's a reminder when we talk about race in this country, context is everything. context is everything. conan o'brien was doing a sketch he set up saying that msg had done this insensitive thing with the fortune cookie, so you knew he was now making fun of people who do that aennd rolling with that. if you heard the jokes about taking you to the cleaners or the other things, doing the math, if you heard those on the talk radio show where it was openly baiting and openly saying hey folk, hey non-asian folks how can we gather around and make fun of asians, that is a different context. you have to distinguish between those two thing and also hold in
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our heads two things at once, america is opening up, things are happening where you can have a jeremy lin as an american hero and at the same time you have the dark under side we have to be vigilant about, identifying and calling on. >> well, it's more than interesting discussion, i think, and we have to evolve as a society if we don't have the discussion we won't evolve. i guess maybe the part of the discussion here in new york should be is the kids a good as walt frazier, that would be a good one. >> the kid can play ball. >> no doubt about that. >> great to have you with us tonight, mr. liu, appreciate it. almost half of social security recipients don't think they are participating in a government program. that's right. republicans love statistics like that. ezra klein of the washington post he has it next with the explanation. you only need one. two times stronger than the leading value brand, they win this test.
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puffs ultra soft & strong, they always impress. trouble with a car insurance claim. [ dennis ] switch to allstate. their claim service is so good, now it's guaranteed. [ foreman ] so i can trust 'em. unlike randy. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. [ camera shutter clicks ] ♪ [ male announcer ] it's hard to resist the craveable nature of a nature valley sweet & salty nut bar. how the republicans attack the social safety net.
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republicans say they are the party of self-sufficiency, independence, individualism, you pull yourselves up by your boot straps. that is if you have boots. you don't rely on any of this government money. social programs, that is for slackers out there, you know? but hold the phone. in 2010, 48.5% of americans, almost half of the entire population of the united states received government benefits. and republican states are more reliant than democrats states. resident of the ten most conservative state received 21.2% of income from government programs. in the ten most liberal states, the number was 17.1%. recipients of government aid
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keep voting for republicans against their own self-interest. part of the reason is because significant portion of the population does not understand what a government program is. really? 44% of social security recipients, 4 #% of unemployment recipients said they have not used a government program. really? almost half of the people who collect these entitlements do not recognize they are using government programs. and republican candidates, they feed off their lack of awareness. >> even if we could afford the ever expanding payments entitlement society it's a fundamental corruption of the american people. >> i will work every day to try to make washington d.c. as inconsequential in your life as i can. >> it is the left which is abandon and be trade the poor,
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because the safety net is a spider web and traps people in dependency. >> deluding ourself if we embrace a dependency cull tufrm. >> if the naacp invites me i'll go and talk why the african american community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps. >> i don't want to make black people's live better by giving them someone else's money. >> we're joined by ezra klein and columnist for "the washington poe". >> ezra, how can so many people not understand what a government program is and whether they are in it or not? >> the person who has done the great work is a cornell scientist name suzanne metler. what she found is whether or not you think you're on a government program is about how the government is designed. so take program like welfare you have to go in an office and apply and the whole means testing, you know you're on a government program. at many points it's made for
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clear to you you're on a government proom due to certain reforms. the next group are things like medicare, social security, unemployment benefits, things you paid in a fund. a lot of folks think it's not a government program, i bought this. now in a lot of cases you're getting more benefit than you ever paid in. but for a lot of those folks, they see it something they have purchased and then a third category which we haven't talked about in the segment, tax breaks, so people are getting the home mortgage interest deduction, health care through employers, we're paying hundreds of billions of dollars for these tax breaks, these are as big as the biggest spending programs we have in the country but almost nobody thinks of them as a government program even though they go to the middle class and the home mortgage interest deduction, upper middle class the prime beneficiaries. three sort of classes here and in some cases the most expensive government programs are not the ones for the poor. they are the ones that don't seem like government programs. >> what do you make of what happened in the house and senate
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to day? they voted to extend the payroll tax holiday and there are democrats out there who are screaming about the fact this is depleting social security. >> i'm not somebody who thinks of social security as trust fund as -- for now the important thing is jobs. it's not building up social security trust fund, it's not closing the deficit in the short run, it's jobs. number one i don't have concerns about social security in terms of the immediate future. the second question there is a belief among liberals that social security is only protected medicare is only protected because everybody pays in. it's what gives it the armor against conservative attacks to pto -- if you look at programs that don't operate like, that medicaid, medicaid, food stamps overtime become much more jernous, not less generous. >> bottom line --
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>> people need more we have expanded the program, i don't see any reason social security or medicare would be in worse shape. >> the big play is for the economy, 23 months of private sector job growth, they want to keep that going, if they had not extended it, there economists think it would have hurt the growth to keep on it a roll president obama is making the long play here, we'll have a lot of conversations about the economy after the election no matter who gets elected you have the bush tax cuts that are going to expire and of course this is going to expire, what they voted on to extend today, will be interesting. great to have you with us, ezra. appreciate your time. in the big finish, daily show host co-creator lizs winstead will help me figure out how a panel of men can be so qualified make decisions about women's health when they don't have any organs.
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syndrome. she needs to take contraception to prevent cysts, unfortunately when companies get involved in deciding whose health needs are legitimate, women's health needs take a back seat. >> that was sandra fluke denied the opportunity to testify before a house committee discussion the obama administration's rule mandating coverage for birth control. instead of her, the committee's chairman called predominantly male witnesses who opposed the policy. nancy pelosi railed against the all-male panel during her weekly briefing. >> imagine a panel on women's health they don't have women on the panel. duh. what is it men don't understand about women's health?
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i think the fact that they did not allow a woman on the panel is symbolic of the whole debate. as to who is making these decisions about women's health. i may at some point be moved to explain biology to my colleagues. >> let's turn to lizz winstead co-creator of the daily show and author of "lizz free or die" a wonderful talent, stand up comic that tours the country you have taken a more than serious approach to. this you have done a planned parenthood tour. what have you seen across the country and when did it start? >> what propelled me to do it was a year ago january when the gop took over the house, and i saw that the first front and center priority was let's defund planned parenthood, when that failed, i watched all these different state houses maneuvering, in 2010 there was 800 pieces of anti-women
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legislation coming up to reconfigure planned parenthood so they had to be like hospital rooms, just taking away affordable health care for women. now it's gotten to a point where this isn't about abortion, this isn't about anything, this seems to be about controlling women, because as i watched that panel of men talk about their conscience and they were people of faith, a, women are both of those things. and every woman who wants to have a full life, which includes being a sexual being, catholic women especially, when they choose to use birth control they are making a conscience choice, not against the church but to say film a person of faith i want to be the person i can be the best parent i can be, the best wife, spouse, i can be. and if that involves me being able to have children when i can be the best mother i can be, then that is a good choice of conscience. >> the chairman said we heard from religious leaders whose positions might not be popular like martin luther king's
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position was not so long ago. he included a picture of martin luther king, what does this tell you? >> it tells me that first of all, that same quote, that martin luther king quote could be used for anyone that you make decisions of conscience that are not always going to be popular. and for him to say martin luther king is an insult to women that you have religious leaders up who say we put a doctrine out you follow. we don't trust that you will make a decision of conscience that you can live with so we have to put an edict down in a secular society, it's really alarming. alarming to every woman i talked to. >> quickly, when you were on the road you found a lot of women that didn't have the right information. >> a lot of women that didn't have the right information, a lot of women struggling every single day and relied on places like planned parenthood for very affordable health care to live their lives, and they didn't have to go broke
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