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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  February 22, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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can he show confidence without hubris? can he bring the down the the same level of confidence in him that he has in himself? can he be one of us even as he leads us. and can he get the combination of good policy and good luck to bring the jobless rate down because if he can't, this election could still fall into the hands of the other side. that's "hardball" for now. "politics nation" with al sharpton starts right now. welcome to "politics nation." i'm al sharpton. tonight's lead -- they picked a fight with the wrong people. virginia governor bob mcdonnell is feeling the heat. the state of virginia was poised to pass one of the most extreme pieces of anti-abortion legislation this country has ever seen. a bill some called state-sponsored rape. a bill that could force women seeking abortions to undergo physically invasive ultrasounds,
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even if they didn't want it. even if their doctor didn't request it. as recently as last week, governor bob mcdonnell signaled he'd sign it. last month, he praised him. >> i actually was the original sponsor of that bill about ten years ago to give a woman the right to know all the information before she makes the choice. i think it gives full information. an ultrasound is used -- it's modern technology, the costs have been driven down. to be able to have that information before making what most people would say is a very important, serious life-changing decision, i think is appropriate. >> so last month, he thought it was appropriate. and just this week, republican delegate ben cline said, quote, the governor is strongly pro-life and i think he would hold consistent in his support for this bill. in response, more than 1,000 pro-choice citizens came out to
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the state capitol in richmond to protest the bill. and in a huge turn around late this afternoon, governor mcdonnell blinked. and he retreated. his statement read, quote, no woman in virginia will have to undergo an invasive ultrasound involuntarily. and only an external ultrasound will be required. but let's be clear. this is a victory. the outcry against this radical bill forced governor mcdonnell who wants to become the gop vice presidential pick. it forced him to walk it back. but mcdonnell's bill, which he reportedly wrote himself still requires an ultrasound, even for rape victims, just not an invasive one. this is still extreme. this is why the fight is just beginning and the protests and the media spotlight is shining bright on radical policies and
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the people of virginia are being heard. >> pretty embarrassing and pretty appalling. it makes me pretty embarrassed to be a virginian. it's terrifying what they are trying to do. >> these representatives are supposed to be here to do things that the citizens want. and look around. i don't think too many citizens want this. >> how can they get away with putting a probe in a woman's vagina and having it pass? i can't imagine there's any woman that would believe that that is acceptable. >> we've seen this overreach all over the country from wisconsin to ohio, to indiana, to michigan. now it's clear governor mcdonnell sees the wave coming. joining me now from richmond, virginia, delegate vivian watts, a democrat from fairfax county and in washington, laura bassett, reporter for the huffington post. she is writing about how the birth control-centered gender swar boosting democratic
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campaigns. great to have both of you with us. delegate watts, let me start with you. how did this all go down? what happened here? what are you hearing in virginia tonight? >> well, the governor walked it down. it was only a very small step back from the brink. he mentioned in the clip that you used that women have a right to know, well, anyone in elective office has a duty to understand. and although we have a new bill before us in ten minutes, we were told to -- that we had to vote on that bill. we could not take it off the floor for real study and the bill that he drafted, his bill, is full of mistakes. is full of insensitivities and lack of knowledge. you mentioned the one. someone who has rape still has to go through an ultrasound.
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he also thought that he was fixing, but did not understand that there are various types of miscarriages. and he is forcing a woman who is going through a miscarriage, but the body has not totally expelled the unviable fetus, she is going to have to listen to the nonexistent heartbeat. she is going to have to look at that ultrasound before she can get the medical attention that is dictated. it is still an insult to women's intelligence and to our need to have good medical services and work directly with our doctors. >> now delegate watts, this governor, mcdonnell, had been advocating this extreme measure that he's trying to say he walked back somewhat today even before he was governor. there's no doubt that if -- >> he was. >> the protests in media
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attention made him step back. but you're saying that he stepped back but not nearly far enough what he's proposing, like i said, this should still be vetoed. let me read a statement of david england, also a delegate in virginia mean said this new bill which we are told governor bob mcdonnell personally wrote creates more problems. his bill bullies women with medically unnecessary waiting periods and ultrasound requirements, even requiring rape victims and women suffering miscarriages have ultrasound images placed in their medical records. and you are telling me you were only given ten minutes to read this? >> that is correct. it was put on our desk still hot out of the copying machine. it supposedly was drafted by the governor with a couple of other members. we have no idea who those members were. we have no idea whether there
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were medical people who could guide the shaping of this so at least we dealt appropriately with miscarriages. and i continue to be concerned that this bill is particularly punitive on women who are working women, women who are poor women, who are still being forced to take two days off in work because of these convoluted procedures for which there is no medical necessity. >> that's totally outrageous. laura, what are we looking at here. i mean, this has awakened women all over the country. the women's movement is up in arms and so are any clear-thinking men. money is pouring in. i mean, it seems that this governor went all the way off the deep end trying to act like he's coming halfway back but he really is -- has left this with a very insulting kind dove of d as you go fix it kind of bill
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that really doesn't fix anything. >> when your bill makes it on to the late night comedy circuit that you have a bad bill. tim kaine was out in virginia saying this bill has made virginia the laughing stock of the nation. i think it has. and the compromise bill that mcdonnell put forth today is worse than the original because it mandates in very early pregnancy, before a transabdominal ultrasound would even work, would even do anything. it mandates a woman undergo that procedure. so it's gone from being an invasive and unnecessary procedure to just completely useless and unnecessary procedure. let's keep in mind that governor mcdonnell ran on the campaign slogan, bob's for jobs. i'm not sure what this bill is doing to create jobs for virginians. >> let me ask you, delegate watts, when you see this, clearly they are responding to the protests and the outcry. but it seems to be more changing their positioning and posturing than their policy and
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legislation. what is going to happen now? how do we keep the resistance up? how do we back him all the way off. the house has passed this bill that he has proposed today. the senate is almost guaranteed to pass it. what's next? how do we stop it? >> you have put your finger right on it, al. the right light of this -- of an embarrassing degree of focus on virginia making us the laughing stock has made a significant difference in pulling back on this one visible aspect. but it doesn't make the bill and the assault on women's freedom and women's health care the getting in the way between the woman and her doctor, between a couple who is trying to get pregnant and their god and what they are having to go through. we need that continued focus of
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people like yourself who realize that this assault on basic human freedoms is not what this country is about. it's s not what virginia, the founding of this country, should be about. and it's embarrassing. >> now, laura, let me ask you quickly because i'm going to run out of time, but i need to ask you the politics of this. i was showing footage while the delegate watts was speaking of the governor with mitt romney and willard mitt romney is getting ready now for a debate tonight. what will this mean lilttl poli? will this help the democrats by energizing women and seeing another state with another republican governor come with some outrageously right wing reactionary proposals? >> it absolutely helps the democrats. women's groups and democratic campaigns have been profiting enormously off of the culture war in the past couple of weeks. first, susan g. komen defunded
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planned parenthood and then we're talking about fighting against contraception coverage. this is not 1950 anymore. this is 2012. mcdonnell has national aspirations. there's been talks he'll be on the ticket with mitt. i think this is really going to hurt his chances. >> now, laura you wrote and i'm quoting laura to laura, a debate that began with the straightforward constitutional question of what the government could instruct religious institutions to do with respect to health care coverage has become the most galvanizing political issue for democrats since the president introduced his jobs act last fall. that is a big claim, laura. >> it is a big claim. and i think it's true. you know, i have never seen women this riled up. it's like a re-awakening of the women's rights movement. and it's really amazing to watch. and it's around the issue ever birth control which nobody would have ever expected. but i think that it's, you know, a point for obama, definitely. >> well, the reason i think it's
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awakening of the women's rights movement is it's awakening of those who want to stop the women's rights movement. and that usually wakes up a reaction and as for this show and me, we're with you all the way to keep putting a spotlight on this until the fight is over. delegate vivian watts and lauren bassett, thank you for your time. >> thanks for having us. ahead, as the president fights for fairness, willard romney fights for himself. why his new plan gives to the right and cuts from the middle class. plus -- rick santorum doubles down after saying satan is attacking the united states. but what he said about the president today really disturbs me. and the economy is up. but he's singing the blues. ♪ baby don't you wanna go
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♪ same old place sweet home chicago ♪ >> not bad, mr. president. more on that ahead. you're watching "politics nation" on msnbc. mid grade dark roast forest fresh full tank brain freeze cake donettes rolling hot dogs bag of ice anti-freeze wash and dry diesel self-serve fix a flat jumper cables 5% cashback right now, get 5% cashback at gas stations. it pays to discover. hey. did you guys hear... ...that mary got engaged? that's so 42 seconds ago. thanks for the flowers guys. [ both ] you're welcome. oooh are you guys signing up for the free massage? [ both ] so 32 seconds ago. hey guys you hear frank's cat is sick? yeah, we heard. wanna sign the card? did you know the guys from china are in the office... [ speaking chinese ] [ male announcer ] stay a step ahead
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willard romney's tax plan is out. surprise, surprise. he gives himself a tax cut. and all of his rich friends.
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welcome back. today, mitt romney rolled out his new tax plan. and, surprise, surprise, it gives a big tax cut to mitt romney. his new plan would lower rates across the board by 20% adding up to about $10 trillion over ten years. this is on top of extending the massive giveaway to the rich known as the bush tax cuts. in fact, this whole plan is just the bush tax cuts on steroids. the american people don't want this. they want fairness. which is why romney is trying to disguise his plan by adopting the language of occupy wall street. >> i am going to limit the deductions and exemptions particularly for high income folks. we're going to cut back on that so that we make sure the top 1% keeps paying the current share
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they're paying or more. >> willard, you expect us to believe that now you're suddenly worried about making sure the 1% pay their fair share? now you're worried about fairness? i don't think so. and experts don't think so either. the folks at citizens for tax justice tells us that a person earning a million dollars next year would get more than $80,000 in tax cuts from romney's plan. republicans want to avoid this conversation. they literally don't even want to talk about it. check out what romney supporter chris christie said about warren buffett's view that the rich should pay more in taxes. >> he should just write a check and shut up, really. and just contribute. the fact of the matter is that i'm tired of hearing about it. if he wants to give the government more money, he's got the ability to write a check. go ahead and write it. >> joining me now is former ohio
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governor ted strickland. just today he was named co-chair of president obama's re-election campaign. thanks for being here tonight. >> reverend al, good to be with you. >> governor, good to have you here. let me ask you. do you think a lot of republicans wish we would just shut up about fairness and economic justice and go away? >> absolutely. some republicans. some right wing republicans may want that, but the vast majority of america's working families understand that what we have is unfairness. and the president came out with a plan today that i think will increase our tax fairness and our tax obligations. and one of the things that's excites me about the president's plan, he wants to lower the tax rate for manufacturers to 25%. and to lower the corporate tax cut significantly from 35% to 28% while closing the loopholes that so many special interests, including the oil companies, are
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currently getting. and he's taking away the subsidies, reverend al, for those companies that move jobs out of america offshore. so i think the president is on the right track. mitt romney is just going to do more of what he's always done, and that's advocate for the very rich. >> so the president says let's bring the corporate tax down to 28%. let's bring manufacturers down to 25%. but we have to close the loophole and we're going to stop giving things to those that take jobs out of the country. on the other side, willard is saying, let's give a 20% tax cut across the board on top of the tax cut the rich already have so they get two bites at the tax cut apple while the middle class and others basically are somewhere lingering trying to make ends meet. and this is the tax picture that they want to project to america and say this will make the country better economically? >> reverend al, this is a man
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who opposed the salvation of the auto industry and how is he going to come to ohio and go to youngstown and cleveland and toledo and claim he's for job creation when if he had had his way, the american auto industry and the hundreds of thousands of jobs associated with it would be gone today. mitt romney has got some real problems in explaining himself to states like michigan and ohio and other auto-producing states. i think the american people understand who is on their side, reverend al. and it's not mitt romney and it's not rick santorum and it's certainly not newt gingrich. but president obama is fighting every day to protect the working middle class in this country and that's why i think he's going to be re-elected. and i'm so proud to be one of his federal co-chairs. >> well, let's look at some polls to see if you're right. if you look at the polls with the question that's raised, the
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economy is out of balance and favors the rich, 87% of democrats say it is. 79% of independents say it's out of balance and favors the rich. and 61% of republicans. now when you go to the national poll on the 2012 matchup, president obama is ahead of mitt romney, 51% to 43%. but let me show something to you that is of particular interest to you coming from the midwest, being the former governor of ohio. let's go right to the swing state, rust belt states. iowa, ohio, pennsylvania, wisconsin. president obama, 42%, romney 41%. and this was where the republicans felt that the president was vulnerable. it doesn't seem that that's the case, according to the latest polls. >> you know, the american people, and especially the people in the industrial midwest
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understand that when the president became president, in the very month that he became president, this country lost almost 800,000 jobs. and he stopped the bleeding. he saved the auto industry. he kept us from sliding into a deep depression. the economy is slowly coming back and the president has us on the right track. and what romney and gingrich and that crowd wants to do, basically is to take us back to the old policies that brought us this deep recession. and the american people, i think, have their eyes open now. they know who their friends are. >> you're right, governor. they have their eyes open. i'm going to have to hold it right there. thank you for coming on again tonight. congratulations on your appointment and thanks for your time. >> thank you reverend al. ahead -- rick santorum doubled down those satan comments. and then he talked about the president. it was disturbing. and on a lighter note, the
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welcome back to "politics nation." rick santorum is standing by a controversial speech from 2008 in which he said satan is attacking the united states. >> the father of lies has his sights on what you would think the father of lies, satan, would have his sights on. a good, decent, powerful, influential country. the united states of america. >> yes, he's defending those comments. he just doesn't want anyone to talk about them. >> it's absurd. guys, these are questions that are not relevant to what's being discussed in america today. >> talking about it is absurd? it's not relevant? sorry, mr. santorum. you can't have it both ways. you can't ignore your questionable rhetoric, not when
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you continue to spout disgusting, divisive falsehoods about the president. >> we see a president who is systematically trying to crush the traditional judo christian principles. >> the president is trying to crush christian principles? and that is what he said today. that tape is today. you continue to say and promote inflammatory ideas and even your own party is calling you out. >> listen. i think anyone you say as a presidential candidate is relevant. it's by definition relevant. you are asking to be president of the united states. so i don't think he's right about that. >> i never thought i'd say this, but you're right, governor christie. and he's not the only one questioning santorum's past ugly comments. >> he is rigid and a homophobic. he believes that gays and
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lesbians, he mentioned in a interview in 2003 about bestiality and gays and lesbians. i think that's disgusting. to me, it's startling, and borders on disgust. >> mr. santorum saying a lot of disgusting things. i just wish his own party could talk some sense into him. joining me now is michael eric dison, msnbc political analyst. georgetown university professor and an ordained baptist minister who received a ph.d. in religion from princeton university. and aaron mcpike, reporter from real clear politics. thank you both for being here. professor and, erin, i didn't get all your credentials. i just want people to understand that professor dison has the stature to talk about religion. we all know how brilliant you are. but let me start with you, professor, reverend, theologian
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dison. rick santorum thinks his 2008 comments are not relevant about satan. and he continues to question the president's faith. isn't that an incredible double standard? >> it is. you were a preaching prodigy. you've been preaching since you were a little boy. you've been reared in this tradition that respects faith, the integritev theology and the gospel of belief. i'm an ordained minister for over 30 years. this is an assault upon the integrity of a person's faith. that's a private matter in terms of what one transacts, one's relationship between one's self and god. how can you question the legitimacy of somebody else's faith. reverend franklin graham doing the same thing. he thinks santorum is a christian and newt gingrich is a christian but he defers to the bar differently when he says i don't know if obama is a christian. this is just ridiculous. it is most un-christian-like. it's the most pathetic denial of christian principles of civility, of desense eof
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acknowledac -- decency and being humbled. my bible tells me, don't look at somebody else. look at yourself. it's me, oh, me, oh, me o lord standing at your knee in prayer. >> erin, let me ask you. this is what santorum said today about the president making this country more dangerous place by refusing to stand up to evil. listen to this. >> he's making this place a much more dangerous -- making the world a much more dangerous place. our president refuses to call evil evil. refuses to even name it. refuses to confront it. tries to appease and cajole it. >> how does that play to the public who may not even be religious. what do you think when you have a presidential candidate saying
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things like this? >> in terms of a general election audience if he were to get that far, comments like that just don't really gel with reality in part because the thing that president obama has been most successful in doing is trying to root out evil. you know, as far as terrorists are concerned. president obama was the one who authorized the attack on osama bin laden that took him out. and so if you want to go that direction with it, it doesn't really work. >> now, erin, when you say that it doesn't really work, that he plays to a certain side, i'll give you an example of why i think you might be right. he did get one defender, sarah palin. let me show you what she said today. >> for these main stream media characters to get all wee-weeed up over that.
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have they ever attended a sunday school class and ever heard this terminology before? and that's why they just got so -- just whacked out about this speech. >> and that was last night, by the way, not today. but i mean, this is what you're talking about. these people that tor the far right palin types. maybe this appeals to them? >> i think it does. and i would remind you that when rick perry was campaigning in december and trying to have a comeback in iowa, he told his audiences that they needed to think about a person of faith and that it was better to have a person of faith be in office than not. and, you know, i think one of the things you are seeing with rick santorum here is playing to that a little bit because he is so religious and christian conservatives are a very big part of the republican base. i talked to a prominent romney supporter just last night who said, you know, he thinks that
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he's a little bit worried for romney's sake that santorum is going so far to the right in making these appeals because republican voters across the country who are part of that far right base haven't been excited about the field but some of these things that rick santorum is saying are things they agree with and they are starting to get more excited about him for these reasons. >> now, dr. dyson, he has given, mr. romney, possibly something else to worry about. because some of his advisers raised the question today, why is mormonism off the table? why is mormonism off limits? i'm not saying it's a similar issue in the campaign. but we're having to spend days answering questions about rick's faith which is then an open -- which he's been open about, but romney will turn on a dime when you talk about religion. that's a quote. so is he trying to do a bank
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shot to the president and really trying to bring in some mormonism and some anti-mormonism feeling in this? >> absolutely. this is devoutly anti-mormon. it seems to me. it's really trying to call into question the character and integrity of mitt romney's faith. mitt romney has indicated that, look, we're the church of the latter day saints. we believe in jesus christ. we believe the bible and accept jesus. we have our own book in the like. others say they don't consider them part of christianity. they've seen squabbles within relidgeios tribes and traditions. no doubt he's trying to hit at the president and mitt romney in one fell swoop. >> now erin, one thing also because he goes all over the place. in 2002, let me give you an example. he said something really questionable about the catholic church in the sex scandal that is no surprise it was worse in a liberal academic city like boston. let me show you the quote. while it's no excuse for this
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scandal, it's no surprise that boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in america, lies at the center of the storm. i mean, i think that -- that's the first time i ever heard that based on liberalism and academic community had something to do with the sex scandals in the catholic church. so, i mean, he seems to take nothing sacred other than what he believes in his own personal way. >> well, look. you know, republicans are no fans of massachusetts. and that's a reason why mitt romney doesn't really talk about massachusetts and doesn't really talk about his time as governor because republicans do think that massachusetts is sort of a scary place that's overrun with liberals. think ted kennedy. so that's -- i don't know exactly how you want to make the religious thread there but i think that's all part of it. and also, al, i would point out that rick santorum made another
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speech at the end of 2010 that was in many ways the opposite of the speech that jfk gave on his catholicism when running for president a long time ago. and essentially saying he thought that religion should govern candidates and a president going forward, which is, you know, not what mitt romney was saying when he campaigned the last time in 2007 and he was saying, his religion wouldn't overtake his duties as a president. so they do have a difference of opinion on this. and i think we'll probably see a lot of that come up in the debate tonight about exactly how religion would govern them in a presidential role. >> all right. well, we have to go. but, erin, you always leave me confused. they don't like massachusetts? i thought the original tea party was boston? michael eric dyson, erin mcpike, thanks for coming on the show tonight. still ahead -- mitt romney's last stand. he's fighting to hold his own in the final debate before a
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primary that could make or break his campaign. and we'll compare the president's singing to some other musical adventures by famous politicians. stay with us. today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond.
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for negative ads, will santorum and gingrich use tonight to try to take romney all the way down? [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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welcome back to "politics nation." willard mitt romney is at the crossroads tonight. a brand new nbc news poll shows he's feeling the heat in his home state of michigan. where he's leading rick santorum by just two points. the stakes couldn't be higher. and santorum's ready to pounce, which is why they have been swiping at each other on the campaign trail. >> here's a guy that's -- there's a guy that's from outside of washington who was not a senator or congressman. not because he didn't try or want, but he never got elected. >> senator santorum hasn't been as carefully viewed by the american public. i think a tea party would find it interesting that rick
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santorum voted to raise the debt ceiling five times. >> he's run as a liberal, a moderate and conservative pirchlts don't think santorum's track record is that of a fiscal conservative. >> but the fighting is just getting uglier. it's just making them weaker and weaker, even with their own party. 55% of republicans -- 55% now say they wish there was another ka candidate running. as they get weaker, the president is only getting stronger. in michigan, the president is beating romney by 18 points and he's pummeling santorum by a whopping 26 points. so go ahead, guys. keep attacking each other. we'll just sit back and enjoy the show. joining me now, jamal simmons, a democratic communications consultant and political analyst. and jack oie kucinich in arizon where the republicans will be debating tonight. thank you both for being here
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tonight. >> thank you. >> jamal, let me start with you. i want to show you something. rupert murdoch tweeted this earlier this week. it says, quote, santorum is doing great. values really do count in america. win michigan, game over. if romney loses michigan, is it game over for him? >> i don't know if the game is over, but the clock is definitely running out. i think what's going to happen on the republican side is they'll get real nervous because they have been betting on mitt romney having this firewall in michigan and arizona and it looks like the firewall may not hold up. if that happens it's going to be tough for him. it's going to give a lot of people a lot of angst when they have to figure out what to do with mitt romney so damaged. >> now, jackie, you are out there in arizona at the site of the campaign. how tense is it because this is very, very, very high drama tonight on where this debate
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goes. and next tuesday could decide whether or not mitt romney is going to be the inevitable nominee in this or not. how tense -- what is the feeling like? what are the candidates like? >> you know, romney today had unveiled his tax plan. and it was noticeable he didn't mention rick santorum. he didn't mention any of the candidates. he focused on president obama and his tax plan. so his team seemed very confident today. santorum was in his element. he was at a tea party rally in tucson. and you know, was talking to a lot of people that support him. so, you know, and gingrich, i think, had one event today. and ron paul has been kind of quiet today. but romney has the lead right now. a lot of people have already voted. so arizona is not as potential problem for the romney campaign as michigan. everybody is looking at michigan. i bet you see a lot of playing to michigan rather than arizona at the debate. >> now when she says that you see a lot of playing to
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michigan, jamal, today the detroit free press endorsed mitt romney and included in the endorsement a criticism of romney's take on the auto bailout. we disagree with romney on a point vital to michigan help s opposition to the bailout on the auto industry. he advocate forward a more traditional bankruptcy process while we believe the bridge loans provided by the federal government in the fall of 2008 were absolutely essential. so even when he gets the major paper probably in the state's endorsement, they still remind people he told detroit, there go bankrupt. >> absolutely. i grew up in detroit. this is all very close to me and the folks i grew up with. one thing that's very clear is they care about what happens with this auto bailout. what romney did, though, which is really interesting, goes right to the heart of his problem as a republican. he is not this or that. he's trying to be everything to everybody all the time. he's trying to shade off the things he doesn't want people to know about and highlight the
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things he does, which is somewhat normal except when it comes to romney he does things like leave out this huge paragraph that is the critique. how can you do that? maybe you quote the first part and nothing else. but you can't put the whole thing in and just take out the one excerpt. romney's problem is nobody knows who he is and people in america when they vote for you for president, they want to have a solid sense of what you've done, who you are and what you're going to do when you leave. >> jackie it is true that when the romney people sent out that endorsement, they omitted, as jamal just said, that paragraph criticizing him about saying detroit should go bankrupt. and they have good reason why. because the nbc news/marist poll shows most michigan voters agreed with the auto bailout. 63% of all michigan voters, including 42% of republican voters in michigan thought the auto bailout was a good idea. how much can this hurt romney
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next tuesday? and how does he deal with it tonight in the debate, jackie? >> you know, i think as far as whether it hurts him, you know, he's doing well with conservative republicans in michigan. so right now we're just -- we're just talking about republicans, i am not sure how much it hurts him. that said, everything depends on the economy as far as the generals stands. as far as the debate, i'm sure he's going to be asked about it tonight. and his argument has been, i wanted a more traditional managed bankruptcy. it's been a tough issue for him. he hasn't been able to find that sweet spot, that answer that really explains his position. why he said what he said. maybe we'll hear that today. maybe he'll finally have an answer that really explains it. >> jamal go ahead. >> before we -- >> can i just add that -- let me just add something really quick. santorum also was against the auto bailout. his number one competitor there, it's not like they're going to go to santorum because they
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don't like where romney stands on it. the two front-runners, both opposed it. >> what has to happen tonight? >> sorry to interrupt. >> what does santorum and gingrich need to do tonight? >> gingrich has to get back in the game. nobody has been talking about gingrich for the last few weeks. he has to find a way to get back in the game. santorum is going to try to punch romney out so he can continue to win. for romney, right now the only county in the state of michigan that allows polling he's in is the richest county in the state, one of the richest counties in the entire country. he's losing grand rapids, all the more conservative parts of the state. he has to get to evangelicals and working class americans if he thinks he's going to win this nomination. >> jackie, there was an item in the huffington post that talked about an interesting dynamic between romney and ron paul that said so far this campaign cycle, the two candidates have had an ain formal alliance with neither of them ever really threatening
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the other. can ron paul help willard out in these last few days? is that part of the calculus here? >> i don't know that it's part of the calculus? when you talk to the two campaigns, they'll tell you they have a very good personal relationship. they actually like each other, which is one of the reasons they haven't been going at each other and there's been a little bit of a back and forth. ron paul went after him in iowa a little bit. not to the xents. but i don't think ron paul is getting out of this race any time soon. i don't think he's going to throw his support to romney quite yet. i think he's going to stick around. he has no reason to get out. >> we'll see this high stakes tonight. jamal simmons and jackie kucinich. it's a tense night for them. i remember 2004, another kucinich, dennis kucinich and i went through a tense night. but not this tense because neither one of us was worried about winning. thank you for your time tonight. when we come back, the president does it again. why his singing helps him connect with real people. stay with us. frank, instead of scratching your way to retirement,
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♪ i -- so in love with you ♪ we all remember that when president obama singing al green last month at the apollo. well, he's done it again. this time at a special night celebrating the blues at the white house with b.b. king and mick jagger. >> i heard you singing al green. so you've got to keep it up now. you can do it. come on. you can do it. >> come on, mr. president, sing. ♪ come on, baby don't you want to go ♪
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