tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC March 1, 2012 10:00am-11:00am EST
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good morning, i'm chris jansing. president obama is leaving later this hour to give a speech about the economy in new hampshire. he will be highlighting his new optimistic message, america is back. and slow are his recent poll numbers showing his approval back up to 50%. we have seen unemployment slowly drop. but could this be a risky strategy? the u.s. times columnist joins. it is good to see you. i was talking to sam greenberg and he suggested that the president needs to tread lightly on the theme that america is back because frankly we are not
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all the way back. here is what he said. >> it is true 85% of what happens here is whether the economy is being seen as moving on the right track. the president seems to be doing the right thing. he is battling for the right people in that process. >> so, nick, do you think that president is walking a fine line here and maybe a dangerous one. >> i think it is a pretty good strategy as long as the economy continues to be improving. if the overall economy pauses or slows down or if we reach $5 a gallon gasoline then i think it will not look so great. >> stick to it now and pivot if you have to? >> yeah and do it very cautiously. i think right now in democratic circles there is a certain amound of satisfaction for the way things are going. this is all very contingent on the economy continuing to be solid. who knows? >> there are a lot of examples in the past.
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one of the things they are really concerned about on the democratic side is gas prices. we have seen what doom and gloom got jimmy carter. what do you see about the president's message? >> he was the guy who named the reagan democrats, those working class voters who switched to ronald reagan in the 80s. and he knows that we can talk all we want to about the figures, the numbers that show the economy recovering. what really counts is what the average voter feels in their life, their family's life, if their kid is still out of work after having graduated from college. are they paying too much for gasoline prices. that thing hits close to home. that's why it would be rather fool hearted for the president to say happy days are here again if people are paying over $4 a gallon. that sort of thing is cyclical.
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it will probably go down again before the election comes along. president obama always has to be cautiously optimistic right now. >> i think his alternative message is the fight for the middle class. i am going to defend you against the folks who want to favor the high income, that 1%. is that a better message? right now the republicans are doing a good job of preaching that message for them. we do have income stagnation right now. all the publicity going up for the michigan and arizona primaries has been that rick santorum pushing social issues, contraception, etc. and mitt romney committing gaps that only emphasize how wealthy he is and perhaps out of touch with the average voter. those are the kind of stereotypes that don't help them at all. it helps president obama. >> rick santorum was speaking on
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the campaign trail. you know he likes to talk. i heard one mention of the economy. for sure he barely mentioned the economy. he talked about social issues and obama care. here is what mitt romney said about it yesterday. >> rick santorum is a nice guy but an economical light weight. he doesn't understand what it takes to make an economy work on a personal basis. >> good message for mitt romney do you think? >> i think romney is getting dragged down by this, as well. there has always been a gender gap between democrats and republicans. already it seems to be expanding this year. i think that as long as santorum keeps talking and republicans keep talking about issues like the contraception mandate and blunt amendment which snared romney himself and the ultrasound issues that have come up, i wonder if that is not going to be a larger issue that is going to envelope romney, as well. >> and the point of the economy,
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do you want to be the one to be saying doom and gloom? do you want to be the wet blanket when clearly the polls are showing people are feeling better. >> romney keeps emphasizing this point and the risks ahead and he always has a problem at being a little out of touch and a little aloof. it seems more so when he seems about a month behind the news. >> i want to play for you what the republicans have been saying because i think it was pretty predictable what their reaction to the president would be. >> this is an election lb about the direction of america. and the question is, are we going to have a president who understands how to make the economy work for the american people. >> the president of the national education association. they have more than 3 million members. are you the nation's biggest labor union? >> yes, we are. >> the advice we are hearing about the president stick toog message, optimistic outlook for
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america. how are your members feeling? do they think america is coming back? >> we have a long ways to go but it is getting more positive. there are 200,000 less educators working today than there were due to the economic recession. the sad thing is for the students. there are cuts in ap courses, physical education, arts, drama. >> then i'm curious what you have to say about the comments about the president being a snob by suggesting college. that, of course, was not what the president said. he said they should have some training. should the president in your mind be talking more about education? because he has made it part of his speeches before, that education is an economic issue. if america doesn't catch up we are in big trouble here. if we don't educate our students. >> he absolutely focuses on education from the first day he
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campaigned until the state of the union and beyond. he understands from pre k to graduate the power to what public education provides. he is there. he is trying to get jobs money back. programs can be reinstituted for students that need them so drastically. >> there is a lot of talk about the ground game. always important in politics. not sure if it is growing to change because of the superpack money. traditionally you guys were boots on the ground and working phone banks and going door to door and driving people to the polls. >> we need people to vote in this election. 2012 is a very important election. they're talking about two very different americas, the one of the 99% and the one of the 1%. we are going to mobilize our people. we want them to know the facts.
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we can't compete with those with the huge amount of money that is going into the superpacks. >> a number of the superpack people and republicans have said on this program that the unions are the democrats answer to the superpack, that you guys have always given the democrats an unfair advantage and they are not very happy about the fact that you are able to take money from people they say are republicans. take the dues, money and give it to campaigns. >> we do not use dues money to give to candidates. they are all voluntary contributions. we do communicate with our members. we want them to know the clear choices between the candidates. to know which ones can provide for a mitd -- middle class. i gut live my dream for 23 years. i taught high school math and i know how i got there.
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it was through hard work and public education. i want that vehicle available to every child in america. >> you have written about this before. what about this whole education message as an economic message for the president? >> i'm interested in what dennis was saying because at the end of the day obama administration has been tougher on teacher's unions than i think democrats have been. i think there is dissatisfaction towards arty dunkin. >> didn't the nea put out 15 points of things they thought the president could do better. >> i believe in president obama's vision for america and the role public education plays. what i don't want is someone running in the office of president who has a very different vision for public education. >> i interrupted you. >> this is interesting. maybe it's a vision for what we are going to see in november that clearly liberal ranks have
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not been all that happy with president obama but maybe we're seeing a broader effort. once you look at the alternatives then maybe president obama seems a much better choice. >> if these folks get fired up and the unions get fired up and more traditional democrat constituencies get fired up, will its impact be diminished this year because of the superpack money? because so many ads are on the air and because of social media? >> i don't think the is going to be diminished. this is more of the same of the way elections usually work. the corporations complain about the unions but they are able to raise tremendous amounts of money for their candidates. the unions provide the manpower and woman power on the streets, working the phone banks, etc. that has been a life blood of the democratic party for decades. the education piece, more and
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more parent on the right and the left we are seeing more reports that show the new class structure in america is based on education. if you have a high school diploma but nothing beyond that you are going to have income stagnation. if you have a college diploma you will make twice as much money in your working life. if you have a master's degree more money. that is the new divide. it is not as easy for the blue collar family to get their kid into college as it was when i was going to college. >> and i wonder if it is something that is truly going to resonate because i keep thinking back to that poll from last year where for the first time americans of our generation that that our children might not do better than they did. the whole idea of the american dream going away. >> i think that americans are increasingly aware of the fact that historically we had a great
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advantage in mass education. we had the advantage in mass education. and then in the 1970s that basically stopped. right now by some counts this is the first generation that is no more likely to graduate from high school than their parents generation. and growing evidence of the links talked about between education outcomes and economic outcomes, longevity. it is hard to see how we chip away at poverty in this country unless you improve education. >> you definitely could be optimistic if we felt the education system was working more. thank you for coming in. and it's a monster issue being debated right now on capitol hill before republicans and
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democrats alike go on the record on the ongoing contraceptive controversy. today we have learned that the tornado that ripped through harrisburg, illinois, was an ef 4 thatpaction winds of 180 miles per hour. 12 people were killed in yesterday's severe storm outbreak across the midwest. half of them were in harrisburg, illinois. that's where lester holt is this morning. how are people there doing? >> this is the day they come out, the sun is out with boxes and pickup trucks and try to pick up the pieces of their lives. i was in there a short while ago. a guy was getting up for work and went in the bathroom and came skpout the roof was ripped off, the house crumbling around him. he got his wife, daughter and two grandchildren in another room. they all survived. the rest of the family was trapped for a while.
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it is remarkable more people didn't die. the six victims were all in this particular neighborhood. it came through the south part of harrisburg. winds 180 miles per hour. it cut about a mile swath through this town, about a 200 yard wide path. the hospital nearby had enough warning and got patients away from the windows. got them in the basement. only minor injuries there. about 100 people in all were hurt in this community. you know this storm system started cooking off tuesday evening on to wednesday. there were deaths as far away as tennessee. the officials here tell me they have accounted for everyone. it is a town of only about 9,000 people. they have completed the search. they are comfortable now that six people is the official death toll. i talked to another woman who last night the picket fence was
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left outside her home. mickey told me she and her husband road out the storm inside a bathroom. you were in the bathroom. when it was over you walk out of the bathroom and what did you discover? >> the house is gone. >> reporter: no roof? >> no roof. all gone. >> reporter: how did you survive? >> we were all alive. i just think that god looked after us. if you see our house, the roof and all the stuff was gone everywhere but icn the bedroom where we were. >> reporter: the weather folks telling thus the system could be heating up again for another stretch of storms on friday. >> thank you so much, lester. we appreciate it. the contraception controversy boiling over again. debbie will be here right after this. oh! [ baby crying ]
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♪ what started as a whisper ♪ every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing. ♪ slowly turned to a scream ♪ there's an insurance company that does that, too. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? ♪ amen, omen crisp, clear, untouched. that's why there's brita, to make the water we drink, taste a little more, perfect. reduce lead and other impurities with the advanced filtration system of brita.
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there was no federal mandate for these services prior to the next hour the senate will vote on a birth control bill. the blunt amendment would allow any from opting out. this proposal isn't limited to contraception nor limited to any preventive service. any could restrict access. this is dangerous and wrong. the obama administration believes decisions about medical care should be made by a woman and her doctor. joining me debbie shults. what do you make of this vote today?
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>> the majority of employers are men. so you are in this bill in the blunt rubio bill, allowing male bosses to decide what kinds of health care services women in america or anyone is going to have access to. so whether that's an ultrasound or contraception or a checkup or mammograms or anything. mitt romney yesterday started out saying that he was opposed to bosses getting involved in their employees health care decisions or opposed to contraception decisions being made by bosses. and then inside of an hour flip-flopped and his spokesperson said he is in favor of the bill. >> this was the original
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question which he said he misunderstood. this was his answer. >> i'm not for the bill. the idea of presidential candidates getting into questions about contraception within a relationship between a man and woman and husband and wife i'm not going there. >> conservatives went crazy and said he thought he was asking about some piece of legislation in the ohio legislature. this is being viewed as something that can be an important wedge issue. the republicans think it can work for them. what do you think about that? >> mitt romney is so beholded to the extremists and tea party in the republican party that he couldn't hold on to a position that made sense that is reasonable for more than an hour because as soon as the conservative right wing extremist and his party objected they made up something that is absolutely unbelievable if you listen to the way he answered the question.
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mitt romney has no conviction. so he is willing to say or do anything to get elected. >> are you concerned at all? there is a new poll that shows the american people trust the president to make the right decision about this. we know where the tea party stands on this. you know where conservatives stand on this. is this the kind of issues that can excite the republican base and get people to the polls? i think the overwhelming majority of americans do not think that what the bill says which is that bosses get to decide based on whatever objection they have, what kinds of health care their female employees can have, any health care, mammograms, contraception, ultrasounds, checkups. that should not be a decision between her employer and employee, a boss and the worker. it should be between a doctor and their patients.
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that's a huge extreme divide between president obama and his excellent accomplishment in passing the affordable care act and then giving access to health care, free preventive wellness like contraception and mammograms to women. and republicans in the bill supported by mitt romney who believe bosses should be able to make decisions based on their moral objections on what kinds of health care their employees should have. >> let me play what senator roy blunt said yesterday. >> this is the amendment that would allow religious belief or moral conviction to be an important factor in whether or not people comply with new health care mandates. this is not about a specific procedure. it's about a faith principle that the first amendment guarantees. >> you heard him about religious
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believes and moral conviction. >> so the other day remember rick santorum used the example of a woman having amniocentesis and tried to tie it to abortion. so under the bill if a male boss objected, had a moral objection to it, women who it is recommended in terms of the health care recommendations for women over 35 years old to have an amniocentesis when they are pregnant to make sure the pregnancy is okay, if their boss objected they couldn't have coverage for that medicily recommended procedure. that is unacceptable. a boss should not decide based on their moral objection what kinds of health care their employees can have. >> i know you rearranged your meetings so that you could come
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on the program today to talk about this. thanks. >> good to see you. mitt romney was trying to show his softer side loosening up a bit on the campaign trail and one ohio voter asked him if he has a heart. you'll want to hear how he answers that coming up straight ahead. i had enough of feeling embarrassed about my skin. [ designer ] enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone --
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and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer up to 9 months. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel.
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everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. a judge admits he sent a racist email about president obama comparing african americans to dogs. he says it was not meant to become public and insists he is not a racist. he was appointed to the federal circuit court 2008. later today maryland will sign a same sex marriage law. romney says it is hard to get to know someone through sound bytes and debates. >> by far the most important
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thing in my life is my wife. ann and i fell in love young. we are still in love. we have a marriage still filled with love. her happiness is my happiness. i care more about that than anything in the world. >> the president and first lady entertained 200 military guests. general martin dempsey and the vice president had an ongoing joke about singing. >> do not sing. don't even think about singing at this event. she said besides, the president has a better voice. >> and he does have one hell of a voice. >> i came because i was expecting a duet tonight. >> i do have to say despite the advice i thought dempsey was going to burst into song. you have not lived until you
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hear him belt out an irish baled. his voice is better than mine. >> general dempsey likes to sing "new york, new york". >> 424 delegates are at stake. this is the biggest one day hall so far so it will have an impact on this race and the path moving forward. i am joined by jeff berman. great to see you. good morning. >> good morning, chris. how are you? >> i'm great. all of those delegates. this is red meat for political junkies like me. supertuesday. must win states. tell me who has to win what. >> in 2007 and 2008 we looked at super tuesday, also.
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there is really only one standard for super tuesday and that's winning the most states and the most delegates. this is the largest voting day of the year, the closest we come to a national election during the primaries. and so this is a very important voting day. of course, there are ten states voting. three of them governor romney has an advantage on that would be massachusetts, his home state, virginia where the major candidates are not on the ballot except for ron paul and, of course, vermont which neighbors massachusetts. what you have is the contest is going to focus on the other seven states and that's four major primaries including all important ohio plus you have the three caucus states. those will test the candidates organization and the grass roots support. >> santorum leading in ohio and tennessee. it's going to be an interesting
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day. obviously people keep asking me how long this is going to go on. let's look beyond super tuesday. what are the other critical must win states? >> after super tuesday there are a series of states in march. depending on how the candidates come out of super tuesday, who has the momentum, those other states are very important. and then we get into several clusters of states in april, may and even into early june. >> one of the things i love about these things and as i travelled on various campaigns no republican has ever won the presidency without winning ohio. let's look at the president, barack obama general election. what are the must win states for him. there are places he has to win. >> the president has actually a very broad battlefield for
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november. we're looking add the upper south where you have virginia and north carolina. you have the west and southwest where there are several states in play. and then, of course, the midwest. of course, in addition you always have florida and new hampshire. so there are a number of very important states. the president has a lot of strength in each of these regions. >> if it was going to come down to a state this year, we have said florida, ohio. what is your best guess? what is it going to be this year? >> i'm not sure it comes down to one state. i don't think we are necessarily looking at a repeat of 2000 or 2004. if you look at 2008 the president had broad strength. i believe he has a very good chance of achieving broad strength skand not focusing on y one state in 2012. here is some interesting
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news. wall street bonuses are actually shrinking. wait until you hear how much those traders and executives are still getting. we'll check in with what is moving your money next. ♪ ♪ what started as a whisper every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing. there's an insurance company that does that, too. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? the day starts with arthritis pain... a load of new listings... and two pills. after a morning of walk-ups, it's back to more pain, back to more pills. the evening showings bring more pain and more pills. sealing the deal... when, hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. it can relieve pain all day with fewer pills than tylenol.
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and a lot more - spring per dollar. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. show the yard who's boss, with this cordless black and decker trimmer, just $84.97. tennessee became the last state to get hit by a deadly round of tornadoes yesterday. at least three people were killed in that state after storms claimed a dozen lives going through illinois, kansas and missouri. mike bettis is in bransen, missouri. we know this place for its country music scene but it looks bad there. >> reporter: they took a direct hit here with the tornadoes on the ground for 22 miles. 400 yards wide and had winds up to 130 miles per hour. a lot of the main strip here has been hard hit. i'll tell you what, they worked hard yesterday, all night long and power crews have put up
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brand new power poles. a lot of lights back on here in some businesses that didn't sustain significant amount of damage. they are replacing big poles like this. restaurants like this has significant roof damage that will have to replace air conditioners, as well. the cavalry has arrived. look at the army of volunteers and crews that are here trying to get these businesses back open and on their feet again. the high season here in bransen begins in just a short couple of weeks generally around spring break time that the families come in and last through the summer. a real testament to where they are. the weather here, no fatalities. about three dozen injuries. i think it could have been a lot worse. the mayor tells us they hope to be back on their feet in the next two to three weeks. >> thank you. it's so great to see the volunteers out there. americans do come together when the time is needed.
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let's take a look at other stories people are talking about right now. ohio prosecutors have until today to file official charges against the teenager accused of opening fire. two are still recovering. students plan to return to their school today in a show of solid arity starting with a march from the main square to the high school. this morning a disabled cruise ship finally docked in the island nation. it took three days to get there after a transformer fire, three days that passengers were without power. >> not having enough food, not being able to rest well at night. we had -- the heat is unbearable. we had to spend most of our nights on the top deck of the ship. >> very hot, humid, no light. that was rather difficult. >> many of those passengers will be flown back to italy where the cruise originated. some have decided to stay taking
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a vacation to try to recover from the last one. conservative journalist an brew breichbart has died. gop presidenti aial candidate r santorum just spoke about his death. >> that's shocking. obviously prayers go to him and his family. that's a big shock. what a powerful force. almost you think of anything out there constantly driving and pushing, what a huge loss. >> breitbart leaves behind a wife and four children. wall street bonuses are
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headed for a three year low. mandy, double digit drop i don't think anybody is going to be crying for them. >> wall street cash bonuses for 2011 are broadcast to have fallen 14% to the lowest in three years, not to mention thousands of jobs being lost as tougher regulations are taking a toll on profit. 4,300 jobs were cut. by the end of this year about 10,000 industry jobs are set to disappear. about 14% of new york state tax revenues come from wall street in 2010. that was down from 20% before the crisis where new york city's tax take fell from 13 to less than 7%. i guess at the end of the day everybody suffers. >> but the average bonus is what?
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switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers.
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the add machines were pumping out smoke last week. so far the amount of money spent on ads by special interest groups has exploded since the last presidential election by 1,812%. msnbs's richard louis. >> ron paul's youthful campaign is dead in online video. $3,200 spent says politics with $3.5 million spent. mitt romney is destroying the competition. the president doubles the entire gop field combined. iowa, new hampshire and florida. he was there on web video. politicians are following of all people someone that you have
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interviewed. i'm talking about the old spice guy. hundreds of millions of people gawked at that online campaign. the candidates can't ignore the whopping web ad worth. 30 seconds of online video and the mental impressions and sounds they leave is worth 900,000 words says forester saying all of those words would take you 83 hours if you tried it. that 30 second ad seems like a bargain. for next week supertuesday 10 million is being spent. exsect a chunk of that flooding the web waves. the wall street journal estimates 3 billion in tv ads. this election and they are expecting that much. that is 50%. let me show you the number here. that is 50% more barging into your tv sets than in 2008.
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how long will tv beat out the web? well, remember 1952. televised conventions were all the rage. the direct connection to voters, chris, that changed. >> i didn't hear anything you said after the old spice guy. i'm kidding. that's unbelievable numbers. let's take a look at some of the ads that are eating up the campaigns millions. chairman of the mass communication school at louisiana state university and author of daisy petals and mushroom clouds. the ad that changed american politics. good to have you back. good morning. >> good morning, chris. >> we talked about romance. now ron paul is attacking mitt romney for the first time in a new ad that targets other rivals, as well. >> one is a serial hypocrit who lobbied for freddie mac before the housing crisis. another a counterfeit
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conservative who opposes right to work. finally a flip-flopper who has been on all sides supported bailouts and provided the blueprint for obama care. >> those are blunt ads but do they work? because i think he has had some of the clubber stats in the campaign but hasn't won a contest. >> paul has had some of the best ads. that is not exactly a new ad. he ran that ad in south carolina. i think this is the effort by paul to get back into the conversation. his alliance with romney isn't doing much for him. i think he needs to sharpen the message and this is an effort to get back in the debate. >> the pro newt gingrich super pack has launched new ads in the super tuesday states. >> mitt romney. >> i looked at mitt romney's record. i can't figure out what he stands for.
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>> i just don't relate to romney. >> he doesn't have the strength to stand up against obama. >> newt gingrich can beat obama. >> not everyone in washington likes newt but maybe that's a good thing. >> interesting message. what do you make of it? >> i really think this is the dying gasp of a personal vendetta that gingrich has. he has really been out of the conversation. he is really only competitive in perhaps georgia his home state and maybe oklahoma. he is trying to get back into the conversation. i don't think he is going to do it. these ads may help santorum more than gingrich. >> rick santorum would love to hear that. we should remind folks these ads aren't just about the republicans. the rnc has released an ad targeting the president. let's play that one.
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>> so there you have the ad accusing the president of being more concerned with fundraising and focusing on the economy although it doesn't mention economic improvement as of late. can this type of ad be effective or do people say didn't we just hear new unemployment numbers that unemployment is down? >> i think they can be effective especially with republican voters. some of this is intended for the larger electorate. the real interesting thing is the extend to which these parties them selves and the super packs and other organizations, the public employees union is spending money on ads attacking mitt romney conceivebly going to help obama. all of these third party groups are helping these candidates and
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uh, trouble with a car insurance claim. ah, claim trouble. [ dennis ] you should just switch to allstate, and get their new claim satisfaction guarantee. hey, he's right man. [ dennis ] only allstate puts their money where their mouth is. yup. [ dennis ] claim service so good, it's guaranteed. [ foreman ] so i can always count on them. unlike randy over there. that's one dumb dude. ♪ the new claim satisfaction guarantee. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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sometimes an idea just works and that was the case on nbc in 1966 when a show about a fictional band, the monkes dibued. all of us were shocked to hear that davy jones died in florida yesterday after a heart attack. he is on the sound track of our youth. davy jones is being remembered on twitter today. neil diamond writes i'm sad to hear about davy jones. it was a thrill for me to have them record some of my early songs. kevin bacon tweeted when i was a
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kid i wanted to be davy jones, a big part of what led me to show biz. davy jones was 66 years old. that wraps up this hour of "jansing and co." i'm jansing. i'll see you again tomorrow. thomas roberts is up next. carfirmation. only hertz gives you a carfirmation. hey. this is challenger. i'll be waiting for you in stall 5. it confirms your reservation and the location your car is in, the moment you land. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. so how much do we owe you? that'll be $973.42. ya know, your rates and fees aren't exactly competitive. who do you think i am, quicken loans? [ spokesman ] when you refinance your mortgage with quicken loans, you'll find that our rates and fees are extremely competitive. because the last thing you want is to spend too much on your mortgage. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. ♪
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developing right now a vote expected to take place any minute on an amendment that would let anyone, employer or employee opt out of parts of a health care plan they don't agree with for religious or moral reasons. it's the issue at the heart of whether free contra september chb coverage should be required. and that's what the cultural wars front and center. mitt romney trying to explain what democrats are calling another flip-flop this time on birth control. then we switch gear
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