tv Martin Bashir MSNBC March 8, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EST
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the left is so fed up. they thought they had me. they thought i would be off the air by now. >> the clock is ticking rush. laugh it up. we begin with international women's day and the man who best em bodies their struggle in the u.s. at the moment, rush limbaugh, still as he said, on the air. if you like to buy air time, advertisers are dropping like flies that buzz around the carcass of his views. more than three dozen companies have said good-bye to mr. rush. now senator carl levin hope a really important outlet will also drop, armed forces radio network. >> people run it would see how
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offensive it is and drop it. >> he's wondered why troops are entertained by the likes of katy perry and cheryl crow must suffer from the whip of limbaugh. conservatives done looking the other way have been in the talking points trying out defense line one after the other. they believe they have found the one that works. this whole episode is a lest wing conspiracy ork straited by the white house. they say she is part of the plan that would make the invasion of norman di seem like child's play. bear with me as it requires serious imagination and vast amounts of self-control. republicans contend that a white house knew a one time republican candidate for governor of
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georgia would infiltrate the susan g. komen foundation would push for it. they then surmise that darrell issa would hold a hearing on contraception without one woman on the main panel and rush limbaugh would say something stupid about a georgetown student, one identified by the white house after an exhaustive search as the one woman guaranteed to get under the skin of that sack of skin. the white house knew that limbaugh would demean miss fluke as a prostitute and a slut. they knew she would demand to see nonexistent porno tapes of her. yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is their conspiracy. it's sad but predictable. a wounded beast like the gop is
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bound to lash out in the most unpredictable of ways when it sees itself being outdated and its on view of freedom outdated. that's nothing compared to the wrath of one caller when yours truly dared to speak his name. >> wimp, martin bashir. girly man. little transvestite girl. he's a wimp. he is afraid of women. this pervert. pervert. his wife had five abortions. we love rush limbaugh. he's a real man. not like the little wimpy wuss martin bashir. she didn't leave me her name or number. joining me now is krystal ball and michael eric dyson.
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welcome. you are going up against one of most vile individuals in the media. advertisers are falling aside and yet rush is saying it's not hurting him at all. >> i think you may have uncovered something in your lead in. maybe he's a democrat plant. maybe obama should have put him there 27 years ago. look how its all unfolding. their whole line of attack is ridiculous. you can't defend the statements that limbaugh made. they are indefensible. they can't let it go. they have to find some way to spin this. the first attack was the people who are calling out limbaugh are hypocrites. the second is this bizarre, pathetic conspiracy theory which is nonsenseic larks. he's lost 50 advertisers but
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businesses, mainstream businesses are looking at the landscape and saying we don't want anything to do with this guy. we have a lot of places to take our ad dollars. we don't need to be here endorsing this. >> wen he says he's not bothered by this and it's like losing a couple of french fries. >> i don't know about you but if i get my french fry container and it has 50 fries missing, i'm going to notice. i don't know what size he's oerdsed. >> it's a very super large packet. how close are republicans willing to get to their leading light of the right? what are they going to say when he rings up? yes, i'll go on your show. when john boehner going to appear? >> i think that both you have are right. this is doing tremendous damage. they don't want to acknowledge that. the reality is they should have distanced themselves from limbaugh long before this.
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it amazing it took this kind of tragedy for lush limbaugh's flanks to be exposed. that being the case, i think that for a while boehner and cantor will have to distance themselves for a while thp they are depending upon the american public to do what it does. listen for a while and then go away. when you have people that are focus and vigorous and all of those overekted women that need to be doing something else. >> people like my guest krystal ball. it's people like her that's the problem. >> a leading overeducated woman. those women will continue to hold his feet to the fire. it's not just women. he said he was in solidarity with her. if you are in a country where people who suffer who are not
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like you, you must identify with them. i think all men need to pitch in to this and say we are tired and we are ashamed that a man like rush limbaugh has done this. we must step up to the plate. i think he will lose tremendously. >> that's right. it's not a men/women thing. this is about basic decency. the people that should be most incensed about this are reasonable republicans who is going this guy is hurting our cause. this is not what we want to talk about. i think as we see this thing progress, i think we will see more voices on the right saying, that's not who we are, and we don't want to support this guy any longer. >> what do you think professor dyson of the attempt to explain this by dent of the fox news conspiracy theorist.
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what did you think of the explanation? >> what the heck is going on here? this is alice in wonderland. this is the world turned upside down where things don't mean what they are supposed to mean. how you can cite a vast left wing experience for the bigotry that's been gurling beneath the surface of rush limbaugh's rhetoric. the reality is those -- as krystal ball said, this is right versus wrong. these are people that are concerned about the interest of all decent american. no american should want to be called names. to have the vicious rhetoric directed at them for expressing themselves. i think the right wing has to step up and say this is not who we are. this is not our pedigre. we are able to engage in civil discourse without resorting the vicious assault of name calling.
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i think it's opened up more of a can of worms than on the left right dialogue. it's opened up about the nay which you are and quality of civility in this country and to what degree our politics will reflect that. >> he was talking there about reasonable people, right or left. here is rick tyler who is saying he will continue to advertise on rush limbaugh's radio show. >> that sounds about right. >> what do you think of that? >> when i was in ohio over the weekend and listening on monday to rush's program. the majority was for republican candidates. they are still, all of these republican candidates, none of them have the courage to stantds up to this guy. it's pathetic. i think romney's response was the most cowardly saying this is the language i wouldn't have used. i think that's disqualified for a presidential candidate to not have the courage to speak out
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against language calling women sluts and prostitutes. he has grand daughters. he has a wife, and he can't take that basic step of decency. >> do you agree with that? do you think it was a critical moment? we know he can't connect with anyo anyone. we know he didn't have any convictions what so ever where he's invited to make an obvious condemnation of wrong doing. >> absolutely right. stunning spinelessness. the inabilities to stand up in the face of a well-known reality and call it for what it is. the inability to make a judgment is apparent. this is not one of those difficult things we have to parse through interpreationatii. this is some straightforward
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this. can you stand against it? i would not have chosen to use those words. how ridiculous is that. how about those ideas. how about those concepts. don't look at the world through the glasses. there are so many more available references and phrases for him to use than this kind of feckless attempt to stand up and say i'm going to be fair here. the caller who was directing it should have been speaking to mitt romney. >> it's clear how afraid of women is. >> i'm pe tri trified as you kn. next, the real front lines in the war on women. stay with us. >> we have three brand new sponsors that will be starting in the next two weeks. obviously, i'm not going to tell you who they are today. [ male announcer ] say goodbye to "ho-hum,"
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plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath ] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people
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when we talk about the right's war on women, it's not just rush limbaugh. it's happening on the front lines in state capitals across the united states. there's increasing concern that republican officials are using the excuse of tight budgets to carry out an take on birth control and the resources of planned parenthood. the biggest attack is underway in texas where close to 200,000 may find that access to breast examines and pap smears have
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been curtailed. joining me is eddie bernice johnson. i still haven't heard the right with any force renounce rush limbaugh. speaker boehner has been quiet. mitt romney seems incapable of condemning the man. do they think this will go away quietly? >> i think that's what they hope. i was one of the women that signed the letter to speaker boehner asking him to denounce this very un-american tiype of behavior. t something that we don't need in this country. this nation does not deserve it. i don't understand why he's still on television or radio. i would just say to the american people do not support miss advertisers. we don't need this. >> the new york times is reporting that 400,000 women in your state alone may one day have no access to basic health
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services. what is going on? you were a nurse. what is going on? >> as of april 1st, this year, there is a great possibility that a state with one of largest numbers of low-income women who only have access through planned parenthood and in locations our state for their mammograms and pap smears will be cut off off because our governor has demanded not to have any dollars flowing to planned parenthood. that is most -- just the most unthinkable thing i can think of. i don't know this governor anymore. i thought i did. i used to have some communication with him. we had some understanding. i don't know whether he's been hurt because he didn't get into the presidential candid si or nomination or what's going on.
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this is not the state to turn away these type of dollars for people who need it the most. you know what's also so interesting is that the same people that are against plann n parenthood and family planning are the ones that are against the children once they are born. they do not want to do anything for them. i don't understand it. i really don't especially in a state that has so very many. the state puts up $1 for every $9 that the federal government spends and they are refusing those dollars. >> state auditors are saying the cost to medicare will go up if women are denied these essential services. if contraception prevents the necessity of an abortion and if it's much cheaper in the long run, what is the motivation for pursuing this?
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what is in governor rick perry's mind? >> he says he's anti-abortion but these services are not about abortion. very few of these women that are looking for it. anybody that wants an abortion, will get it. this will not be a deterrent to abortion. people can avoid the need for abortion especially when they cannot afford another child. it's family planning. >> indeed. congresswoman eddie bernice johnson, thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much. i appreciate you continuing to put it before us. the candidates look to the almighty to settle the thing. >> the governor thinks he's now ordained by god to win, then let's just have it out. ♪ [ woman ] dear cat, your hair mixes with pollen and dust.
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today, the white house is gearing up for what's hoped to be some promising unemployment numbers. the february jobs report comes out tomorrow. even today's lower than expected weekly jobs report has done little to dampen growing optimism. joining us is michael viqueira. if tomorrow's report is going as predicted, what will this mean for the president's re-election campaign? does it take up a notch again? yesterday we had david axelrod and so. >> reporter: it's going to be another log on wood under a growing fire on the obama campaign. if you look at it, over the course of the last several months, i believe it was august, the unemployment rate was 9.1%. people were sounding the death for president obama. his campaign looked to be going nowhere, at least facing the an
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uphill struggle. the unemployment rate has sunk. it's down at 8.3. there's some estimates that put it as low as 8.0 tomorrow. there are others saying it may be a little higher than that. we had numbers this morning that sent a mixed signal. republicans said this has to be a referendum on the president's stewardship. they say this is a choice between a republican choice and the president and their respective visions. if you take i way the issue of the economy, it's going to be a big boost if this trend continues to be be president's friend. >> thanks for that. i was thinking it was a battle about contraception. obama's administration rolled out a short film. will you be rolling with the president? >> reporter: no. he's going to be talking about
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the economy, about green energy, some of the solutions he's made. you may not be aware but there are democrats in texas. while he seldom goes there for the sort of events he will be having in virginia. he will be going to houston after his visit in petersburg to raise money in the houston area. they released the trailer yesterday narrated by tom hanks talking about the president's record. the trailer that they released today, the 17-minute video not yet out. the trailer, obvious what they are doing here. they are talking about the uphill battle that the president faced before the inauguration, talked about the high points in the presidency including what's happened in the auto industry.
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tom hanks says look at the headlines of what we as a country have been through over the last three years. a lot of people are looking forward to that video being released. they did something similar four years ago. >> tom hank, i'd rather have michael viqueira. thanks so much. we're following breaking news now in pittsburgh. several people have been shot, including a police officer inside a clinic. police reportedly say five people have been shot and two may have been killed. we'll continue to monitor the stoirp as the afternoon progresses. we'll be right back. what's the matter?
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uh, trouble with a car insurance claim. ah, claim trouble. [ dennis ] you should just switch to allstate, and get their new claim satisfaction guarantee. hey, he's right man. [ dennis ] only allstate puts their money where their mouth is. yup. [ dennis ] claim service so good, it's guaranteed. [ foreman ] so i can always count on them. unlike randy over there. that's one dumb dude. ♪ the new claim satisfaction guarantee. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. smoking gun. morelike naked gun. here are today's top lines. will you stay or will you go now. >> a ten-state gop primary orgy. like most, it involves a bunch of middle age guys who are not appealing to women. >> best chance to nominate a
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conservative is to get in the a one oen one match with governor romney. >> we're staying in this race with all respect to my friend from pennsylvania. there's a big difference between being a good team member and changing the game. >> this race will change again. >> when we win this primary and the primary next door in mississippi. >> if we win mississippi, this will be a two person race. dpl it's going to be impossible for a moderate to win the general election. >> i'm all for him getting out. i'm all for mitt romney. i'm for everybody getting out. i wish president obama would just hand me the thing. >> i had enough trouble figuring out the democratic nominating process let alone the republican. >> the governor thinks he's now ordained by god to win then let's just have it. >> you're right. the good lord would never disrupt the best game of our lives. >> can i hear an amen?
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>> come to the gas station. i don't think the president likes this. >> some politician trotting out some three-point plan for $2 gas. >> there's a well known history of association between barack obama and radical figures. >> i think the one smoking gun here, the only smoking gun here, there are two smoking guns. ♪ am i a man or am i a muppet >> let's get to it this afternoon. joining us is david corn. it was billed as an earth shattering bombshell that would reduce watergate to a sunday picnic. last night the video was played. you see president obama introducing derrick bell, the first tenured law professor at
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harvard during an equality rally in 1991. the conspiracy is that obama ally charles ogletree joked about hiding the tape during the election. derrick bell is the jeremiah wright of academia. this one surely falls short of his standards, doesn't it. >> i'd like to order a big nothing burger with nothing on the side. i can't imagine a scoop being less scoopy than this. i hate to say this, i think the big scoop they have here is that barack obama once hugged a black man. >> that's still pretty offensive to some of them. >> they keep -- the serious issue that they are trying to raise is that barack obama has hung out with black radical who
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is have a racial driven view of the world and that's affected his policies in, i don't know, bailing out detroit. it's the breitbart group that tries to racify politics with this big nothing burger that's ir relevant in what's going on. they are the ones that seem completely obsessed with obama and race. >> the two characters that appeared representing the breitbart company in this video last night kept saying that the media has been very easy towards the president on these issues. i can recollect myself and others covering story and challenging the president on issu issues. this is nonsense? >> sure. >> what do you mean sure?
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>> he's gragreeing with you. >> i think there's sort of a miscalculation that the right made very early on when barack obama became a national figure and the face of democratic party. they just decided he had too, for whatever reason, he had to be somebody was one of radicalism. what they have never been able to wrap their aheads around is that this guy is defined by pragmatism. if you want to look at the substance of what this guy has done, you can make a conservative case against this, this and that. you can be much mr outraged from the left at the direction because there's been so much compromise he passed health care reform that was friendly to insurance companies. >> it didn't contain a public option as many people wished it did. >> none of this has never registered to the right and cause them to reassess.
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>> is this because they have dressed this president and however he chooses to dress himself is irrelevant. they put the clothes on him and he's going to wear those regardless. >> he's trying. i don't think anybody will be voting based oen a 1990 tape based on bha he did as a law student in terms of promoting a tenured professor. i think this is just a tremendous waste of time. not accusing your producers of doing anything wrong, but it's stunning to me they can't get handle on this. they are going back to the old buttons. back in 2008, there was a great rumor there was a great white tape that they had of michelle obama going on about whitey and the man and that would just sink obama. she was like angela davis or
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something. the tape didn't exist. she probably never said anything about that. ever since then the breitbartians have been after something like that. it's not even an ounce of blubber. >> i recesent the fact that i'v wasted my time. we are grateful for your contribution and it's important that we set the record straight. thank you. next, pat roberterson says legal it. really. more than one member of congress agrees. stay with us. ♪ ♪ let me get that door for you... [ man ] i loved my first car... sometimes the door gets stuck... oh sure. ooh! [ man ] ...and then, i didn't. um... [ sighs ] [ man ] so, i got a car
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only hertz gives you a carfirmation. hey. this is challenger. i'll be waiting for you in stall 5. it confirms your reservation and the location your car is in, the moment you land. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. i see your cup of joe goes with you. how nice of joe to, how you say, have your back. try something different. a delicious gevalia kaffe, or as i like to say, a cup of johan. will johan power walk the mall with you? i don't think so. but he will spend time rubbing your feet, discussing your feelings. ♪ joe may have your back, but johan has your feet. gevalia. meet me in the coffee aisle. an update on some breaking news in pittsburgh. a swat team is on the scene of a host age situation that
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developed a after a shooting. five people have been shot including a plifr. two people are reportedly dead. there's conflicting information as to how many shooters are involved. we'll continue to monitor this story as it develops during the hour. legalization of marijuana has been sung about by peter tosh. who would have thought that pat roberterson would support the idea. that's the same pat roberterson who during one of worst tornadoes in years said this. god didn't send the tornadoes. god set up a world in which certain currents interfere and interact with other currents. if enough people were praying, he would intervene. he is now intervening on the case for legalizing marijuana. >> the kings little hero when i said we ought to decriminalize the possession of marijuana. i think it's shocking how many of these young people wind up in
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prison and get turned into hard core criminals because they have a possession of a very small amount of controlled substance. the whole thing is crazy. >> barbara lee is a democrat from california. last summer she joined ron paul and barley frank in cosponing a bill that would allow states to legalize marijuana. >> good afternoon. >> i want to talk about some encouraging news on the economy, but i wonder if i could get your response for pat roberterson. have we reached a tipping point? >> he's right. i'm sure people in california especially in my district are pleased to hear this. also, just as it relates to medical marijuana, patients should have access to medical marijuana. this is 2012. i think that the country needs to move on. >> now, let's turn to the economy, if we may for a moment.
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we're expecting jobs numbers tomorrow. the president yesterday was at a truck manufacturing plant speaking about strategies for job creation. today a jobs bill has gone through the house and actually been passed in a bipartisan fashion. are things beginning to look up for us? >> i'm cautiously optimistic. the private sector is increasing jobs. we see a slight dip in the unemployment rate. martin, let me tell you, there are nearly three million people who is unemployment benefits will run out by the end of the year. the length of time that people can be on unemployment has been shortened. we've got to create jobs and we must create jobs quickly. people do not want to be on unemployment. the working poor are just barely hanging on. we have 50 million people living in poverty. when you look at the huge budget
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cuts in the public sector with local and state governments and with our federal government, you see many, many, many minorities and people who is achieved the middle class being impacted by these huge budget cuts. there's some hope. i think the economy is going in the right direction. we have a long way to go. >> many of your colleagues across the aisle would prefer to reduce the amount of time people can be on unemployment benefit. >> they did. that's why i could thot support the recent legislation that was passed. here we have people that have hit what is 99 weeks no longer eligible for unemployment benefits. they want to work. they can't get a job. these are the 99ers. now as a result of this bill that was passed we have a reduction in unemployment compensation. people will be shocked when they try to apply and they find its
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run out. we need to increase the length of time. we have to create jobs. this is a bridge over troubled waters. job fairs around the country. 0 thousands and thousands of people lines up. they want to work. we've got to do something to help create jobs. until we create those jobs and we've got to get the tea party republicans to believe the direct investment in job creation make sense. these people will need some help. we need to increase the length of time people can stay on unemployment, not decrease it. i'm concerned about what is getting ready to take place. >> thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> thank you. very happy to be with you. we're looking at rally here.
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six world powers have urged iran to begin what's called a serious dialogue on its nuclear program. the united states, france, germany, russia, china and the united ki d kingdom have called iran to cooperate fully. michael is director of research and senior foireign policy. since there's so much confusion about the exact state of iran's nuclear program, is there a
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sense that accessing this particular part in military development site, which i believe is south of tehran, do you believe that would reveal the true state of affairs? >> no. it would be a useful inkrement of information. we know that are making progress enriching more uranium. that's the hardest single thing to do to have a nuclear weapon. how to do smefk things to make that warheader operational, that would confirm what many suspect is they want a bomb and they are actively pursuing one. even if they are not working on it, they are getting closer to a bomb by the enrichment process. that's case.
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so frankly, if we got to the site and saw active war head research, that would be an important tipoff they made a decision to pursue a nuclear bomb. if we don't see anything happen, that won't prove they have given up. they will probably keep the option open regardless. >> i haven't had a chance to about what you thought of the president's comments, particularly this lose and casual talk about iran and a potential conflict is both dangerous, short sided, and foolish. >> well, you know, we're in a dilemma on iran. everything is magnified in the political season. i don't think there's big diversities in our candidates. >> forgive me, but you don't
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think there's a distance? if you listen to mitt romney, he says procrastination ceases. he implies he would perform some military attack. if you listen to rick santorum, he suggests the same. newt gingrich says there's a red line. that sounds to me very different to what the president was saying when he said we need to be careful, thoughtful, and approach this in a sober manner. >> i don't defend the rhetoric of the republican presidential candidates,. i think they are being a bit extreme. but they are avoiding specificity. president obama points o out they talk with a fair amount of resolve verging on bluster, but they don't say, if i was president, i would attack this week. so take this with a grain of salt. the president is correct to push back, but, you know, primary politics are what they are. four years ago, we saw people of my party on the democratic side talking about how fast they would get out of iraq.
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now we have republicans talking about tough they would be with iran. frankly, i don't hear mitt romney saying on day one, i'm going to bomb iran. i'm glad he doesn't say that. until he does, i think the differences here have more to do with campaign primary politics than with real differences in how to handle the crisis. >> in your new book, you examine how the president has had to adapt to ever changing circumstances. particularly in the middle east. what do you think obama the president could teach obama the candidate about the reality of u.s./israel relations now? >> the relations has not been the president's greatest area of success. that's obvious because there's been no progress towards a peace treaty. but as our book shows, i think, explains in a chapter, president
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obama probably made some substantial mistakes in handling this diplomacy. this doesn't mean a perfect american approach would have produced middle east peace. but this may be the area we are most critical of president obama in what's otherwise a reasonably supportive book. so i do think president obama went into office thinking if he told israel, the settlement policy is not acceptable. if he was firm on that, he would lay down a red line to reshape the way they sought the incentives to negotiate seriously. but it did not have that effect. it actually didn't help the united states with either israel or with the palestinians or the arab states. so in that case, i think president obama has learned a lot the hard way on the process. by contrast, even though he was ambitious, he pivoted towards a tougher approach.
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we're pretty complimentary of how he's done that. >> thanks so much for downrequesting us. we'll be right back. sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. i'm making my money do more. i'm consolidating my assets. i'm not paying hidden fees or high commissions. i'm making the most of my money. and seven-dollar trades are just the start. i'm with scottrade. i'm with scottrade. i'm with scottrade. and i'm loving every minute of it. [ rodger riney ] at scottrade, we give you commission-free etfs, no-fee iras and more. come see why more investors are saying...
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no mas pantalones! it's time now to clear the air. we are firmly back in conspiracy theory and serious psychiatric disorders. it feels like the 1980s again. we're being told that rush limbaugh's attacks on a georgetown student were actually part of a mez mer rising and devilish strategy orchestrated by, you guessed it, the white house. >> president obama on the ropes with the economy, and specifically with women voters, gets sandra fluke to create a situati situation. >> sandra fluke at the request of the president manufactured a controversy that included rush limbaugh's comments. this was done so journalists would report on her instead of
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focusing on the economy. right. the last time i heard something as ludicrous as that was in the 1980s when i investigated allegations of so-called ritual satanic abuse involving a woman named lauren stratford. she wrote a remarkable book that claims to tell the entire story of her life. what a life it was. according to her, her father demanded that she take part in the ritual sacrifice of a newborn child. e she refused and he promised to ritually kill a baby for every week until she relented. there was no independent corroboration and her parents said it was nonsense. but she finally gave in after four weeks. i was locked in a metal drum with four babies who had been sacrificed. she says she gave birth to three
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children. two were killed in movies and the third was sacrificed in her presence during a satanic ritual. again, there's no record whatsoever of any pregnancies, no hospital births, nothing to support her claims. but given lauren's success as an author, i'm beginning to wonder if fox news should publish a book. thanks for joining us. the great dylan ratigan is here and ready for his hour. >> the show starts right now. thank you, martin. a potentially very interesting day developing. good afternoon. i'm dylan ratigan. today's big story out of
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