tv The Ed Show MSNBC March 9, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EST
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new york. it's international women's day and rush limbaugh attacked another woman on his radio show today. the republican war on women and women's health care has become part of their culture. this "the ed show." let's get to work. >> i really truly think that the candidates that are out there today for -- on the republican side would take women back decades. >> the war on women is raging in arizona, georgia, virginia, texas and illinois. 1100 anti-women laws in the past year. the attack on women's health is not stopping. and neither is rush limbaugh. >> it is an out and out lie, complete with your b-i itchy opinion in it. >> today, illinois congresswoman jan schakowsky on the latest from rush limb ball. katrina vanden heuvel on the fight going on around the nation and also two lawmakers who are fighting anti-women legislation with laws targeting men's reproductive health. it is game on for the obama campaign. do. >> we look at the day's headlines or do we remember what
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we as a country have been through? >> obama campaign press secretary ben labolt is here with a sneak preview on the new obama documentary. and sean hannity thinks he has found the smoking hug. >> that hug in the president's association with a radical professor like bell is going to become a hot topic in coming days. right-wing conspiracy theorists fall flat on their face again. gene robinson is here with the latest. good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. today is international women's day. guess how the republicans in counsel operated the occasion. they debated a bill to restrict abortion rights for women. it's yet another bill criminalizing doctors who perform abortions. 129 female democrats in the senate, well, they have had enough. in a letter to speaker boehner, they wrote, "it's time for you to put up an end tight tax on women's health care and to work with the senate to get back to the american people's top priority, creating jobs and
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boosting our economy." the war on women's health care is taking place really all over the country, when you look at it at every level of government. last year this is an astounding number, last year, more than 1100 reproductive health restrictions were introduced in all 50 states, restrictions to abortion rights skyrocketed to record levels in 2011. nine states, count them, nine states voted to reduce funding for family planning programs. texas reduced its reproductive health budget 66%. six states passed restrictions on family planning funds. new hampshire prevented planned parenthood from receiving title x funding. this goes back to 1970, title x. today in atlanta, eight women in the georgia senate walked out of the chamber in protest as republicans passed restrictions on contraceptive funding and abortion services. here come the right-wing shock troops marching, matching, marching and women are on the bull's eye target.
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>> it is not just democratic lawmakers who are fed up. new york state assemblywoman theresa sayward is a republican who is retiring from office this year. >> i do not have a favorite in the presidential race. if i had to vote today, i would vote for obama. >> really? >> absolutely. >> wow. i think there are a number of people in your party who would be surprised to hear that. >> shocked. >> why? >> because i really truly think that the candidates that are out there today for -- on the republican side would take women back decades. >> female lawmakers and voters are revolting against the anti-woman legislation across the country. mean while, the biggest anti-woman voice in america continues to attack. rush limbaugh was back at it again today. this is how he characterized a female "washington post" humor columnist today.
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>> ms. petrie, i don't know who feeds you your information. i have a pretty good guess. but you might -- you might want to double check here because you've written something that's patently false, it is an out and out lie, complete with your b-i itchy opinion in it. and it is untrue. >> the guy can't help himself. rush can't hide his negative altitude toward women. he also can't hide the trouble his show is facing as of late. this is what you heard today, if you were listening to the rush limbaugh radio show in the largest media market in the country. >> we barely scratch ready the service on the eib network today, for example sit tight, the fastest three hours of media roll on right after this. >> that would be dead air. rush claims sponsors have not runaway but silence speaks louder than words. on the abc web stream, the show had five minutes and 33 seconds of dead air where commercials
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are supposed to be. of the 86 ads during the broadcast, 77 of them were unpaid public service announcements donated by the ad council. now, the american heart association has asked for their psas to be pulled from the limbaugh radio show immediately. today, congressman tim ryan of ohio introduced a bill to get limbaugh off the armed services radio network which, of course, plays to our troops. right wingers are still trying to excuse limbaugh for his actions. they are calling for a bill maher to be punished for offensive comments against women and they want the obama-supporting super pac to return bill maher's $1 million donation. bill burnt of priorities usa says the comparison is wrong. >> the notion that there is an equivalence between what a comedian has said over the course of his career whantd de facto leader of the republican party said to sexually degrade a
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woman who engaged in an important debate of our time is crazy. like, there is just no similarity between what rush limbaugh said lying about the argument that ms. fluke was making, a law student at georgetown, and what -- and what a comedian has said in the past. >> the republican war on women's health care, well, it has no comparison. it is happening at the federal, the state and the local level and it is shocking to a lot of people and it is supported by the loudest voices in the right wing media across america. we are going back to the 1970s, '60s, maybe '50s. and it is amazing to me how the republican candidates on the campaign trail continue to done the question about what do they have for women voters in this country? get your cell phones out, i want to know what you think, took radio for a moment. tonight's question, would you rather listen to dead air or rush limbaugh? text a for dead air. text b for rush limbaugh, 622639, go to our blog at
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joining me tonight is congresswoman jan schakowsky of illinois. great to have you with us, congresswoman. when you look at the number of bills that are being introduced at a state level and you see what your colleagues on the other side of the aisle are talking about, where their focus is, what's happening here? >> well, you know, 135 of those bills actually were passed into law last year. about 70% of them to limit a woman's right to an abortion. so you know, happy international women's day. the republicans are celebrating by doubling down on their war on women. it is just remarkable. you know, ed, 60%, over 60% of voters are against the blunt amendment, the one that said that an employer could deny a woman -- actually anyone, something that went -- a health service that went against his moral judgment or his religious beliefs. and that's also true of the majority of independents and even 40% of the republicans don't agree with that. >> congresswoman, do you think
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that this is somewhat of a surrender to president obama in that deep down, they don't think that they can beat president obama so they are going to do everything they can to rally the social conservatives and at least get some more people in the congress, in the senate and in the house that will see the world the way they do? that they are going to get something out of this election and this is the strongest push they have ever made when it comes to attacking abortion rights? >> if that's their strategy, it is pretty ignorant, because it is talking about trimming down the republican party to the lowest number possible, because this is so far out of the mainstream that if they actually think that somehow jim up those people who think it is a smart idea to go after -- to go after women, majority of voter, after all it is ridiculous. >> the other hand, is this an opportunity for the democrats plight zpli it would seem to me, as you just heard the assemblywoman from new york, she said if she was going to vote right now, show with vote for president obama and she is a republican. do you think there will be a lot
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of people like that? >> i do. i think in suburban america that republican women are going to not want to vote for a republican who stands for taking away women's rights. women everywhere are not going to respond to this we are not going to go back, ed, it is simply not going to happen. >> some of the right-wing say democrats are not doing enough to denounce comments made by liberal comment taters about women. how do you respond to that? you were somewhat hounded yesterday by someone with a camera who wanted you to respond. how do you feel about that? >> you know, look, i'm not gonna condone any kind of name calling but that's not what rush limbaugh is simply doing. he is going after women for
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standing up for their rights to -- and access to contraception, going after a young brave woman who went to testify, not a public figure, who stood up to declare the rights of women and her friends. no, this is not just about a name. this is about a policy. this is about an attack on women's rights. >> congresswoman from illinois, jan schakowsky, great to have you with us tonight. thank you. >> thank you, ed. now, let's turn to katrina vanden heuvel, editor, part opener, nation magazine. i want to play this clip from i will bill o'reilly, he said this today about women's contraception being available through title x funding. here it is. >> it's in motion now that if you need birth control and you go to a federal clinic, you get it. that's under title x of the public health act, all right? so there really isn't any -- any problem, you can get it. >> katrina, what's wrong with
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that? >> well, first of all, the four republican candidates running for president want to eliminate title x. title x is mostly used, ed, for cervical breast cancer screening, for hiv and other sexually transmitted diseases. >> for low-income women. >> for low-income women. >> yeah. >> so we are witnessing an attempt to roll back a program that has provided access to health care for low-income women in this country and the congressional research service a year ago estimated that if you did away with title x, a program, ed, by the way created with the support of republican president richard nixon and senior george bush. >> since 1970. >> since 1970. this is the bulwark, this is the ballast that has helped low-income women. it's crazy to me that in this year, we are having a debate about contraception, an issue which should have been resolved but also we are witnessing a targeting of not only women but low-income women in an attempt to roll back access to health
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care. >> what do you make of the number? i was told 1100 bills on states across the country. i was astounded at that number. >> this has been -- you know, what we are seeing right now is a conversation this country has needed to have. unfortunately, it is happening with terrible gop overreach with a party that wants to roll back time and roll back women's access to health care but this has been going on. >> will they pay a price for it politically? >> they will pay a price because the framing work, so to speak, shows a majority, not just women, a majority of people see this as about women's health, not religious liberty. and they see the republicans as freedom limiters. and i think we are seeing a backlash among women. and you see it among the -- lisa murkowski. >> she voted for it. >> she repented. even republican women use birth control you are seeing moderate and independent republican women, you could see it in the primaries this past week, where you saw the gender gap for a rick santorum who has been flogging this so hard. >> the blunt amendment was when
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the transportation bill, so was the post office, it is amazing what they are doing. i want to play more. here's more of o'reilly today. and i want your reaction. >> the centers for disease control basically categorized things and they say this is a malady this is a medical condition, and this isn't. and so viagra comes under the government's guidelines for medical condition. contraception doesn't. >> naturally. >> how can he defend the double-standard. >> until now, accident know bill o'reilly has standard. i see he has double standard. we have heard this bs before. contraception is central to women's health and their ability to be part of an economy, to control their family's welfare. it is a terrible double standard but one that comes, ed, from men dominating a political process and i think it's important now, this is a pivotal moment for women to take back their power and i understand there are many different kinds of women in this country, low-income women, by the way, don't get heard much from, but those eight women
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walking out in georgia, in the state senate, state legislature, we are going to see a lot more of that because this, again, is going to be women's historic year as 1992 was when clarence thomas and anita hill had their square-off and the republican and democratic men on the judiciary committee didn't stand up for women's rights broadly. instead of having this discussion, ed, i wish we were having a discussion about some of the real problems and priorities in this country, that would include women's economic justice and advancement. and that is linked to this that's linked to this. >> it s 98% of republicans in the house voted against the lily led better bill. amazing. katrina, great to have you with us tonight. thank you. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of your screen, share your thoughts on twitter. we always want to know what you think. coming up, democrats are fighting back in the republican war on women's health. two lawmakers who introduced legislation governing men's
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sexual health will join me next. later, bill o'reilly's latest spin on gas prices. his latest tall tale caught on camera. and we have got the shocking video to prove him wrong. you won't want to miss it stay with us. we are right back. ♪ uhh! [ alyson ] just keep walking... ♪ oh, come on! ♪ ugh, again! [ sniffs ] that's what i'm talkin' about. [ female announcer ] new head & shoulders green apple, with an enticing scent. works on the scalp for up to 100% flake-free hair that's irresistibly fragrant. [ both laugh ] [ female announcer ] new head & shoulders green apple.
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coming up, republicans' war on women's health care has female legislators fighting back. pay attention, guys. i've got a couple of women introducing men's health care bills. they will join me next. the obama re-election campaign wants you to see this video touting the president's accomplishments. i will speak with the campaign's national press secretary, ben labolt, to tell us what it is all about. and republicans are fear mongering about war with iran. colonel lawrence wilkerson will weigh in on their scare tactics later in this hour. share your thoughts on twitter, using you the hash tag ed show. we will be right back.
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i'm trying to do is protect vulnerable men. policy making men on the right have taken great care to ensure women are protected and i thought it only fair that we protect the greatest gender, men, in this country. >> last night on this show, ohio state senator nina turner discussed a bill she introduced requiring men to get psychological testing before receiving erectile dysfunction drugs. the purpose of the was to point out the inequality and sexism of 1100 laws attacking women's health and reproductive rights.
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senator turner is not the only state using this strategy. similar bills have been introduced in at least eight other states. in virginia, state senator janet howell introduced an amendment to the controversial ultrasound bill requiring men to undergo a rectal exam and cardiac stress test before getting erectile dysfunction drugs. in illinois, state representative kelly cassidy suggested men should have to watch a video showing the treatment for persistent erections before being allowed to pop a viagra pill. in georgia, a bill was introduced outlawing most vasectomies, saying thousands of children are being deprived of birth because of them. i have to tell you tonight, 30 years in the business, i didn't think aid ever read anything like this, but this is what the news is all about in america in 2012. i find it amazing. let's turn to the authors of these two bills, i mentioned
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illinois state representative kelly cassidy because wuss and state senator howell. i appreciate you both being with us on this subject. i can't believe this is what it is all about in america right now for women's health care. senator howell, what inspired you to introduce this legislation, a rectal exam and cardiac stress test? >> well, i was just so angry about the ultrasound bill that was in this virginia senate. it was requiring women to have transvaginal probes before they could have an abortion. these -- totally medically unnecessary costly demeaning procedure. i thought let's have a little gender equity and let's have the men have digital rectal exams. >> how do you think this is going to be received? >> actually, it's had a great reception. it has gone viral. it led to all sorts of jokes
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about virginia and what the republicans were trying to do to women. so, the bill, even though we didn't have the votes to defeat the bill in the first place you can -- place, the governor was forced to modify the bill, it has passed but no longer requires transvaginal probes. it's still a terrible bill, but it's not as bad as it would have been. >> representative cassidy, what reaction have yogotten from your bill in illinois, video of persistent erection treatment. i understand it shows exactly what men are going to go through if they have an erection more than four hours. what's the purpose here? >> well, you know, if, as is presupposed in the ultrasound opportunity act, which is one of the better titles i've heard, you know, the premise of that bill is that women are fundamentally incapable of
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making that decision with their doctor without help from their legislators. i believe that we need to ensure that men have that same opportunity to view the potential side effects of erectile disfunction treatment. if we -- if we don't believe women can make these decisions then we must not believe that men can either. >> and there are some who see your legislation as ridiculous while legislation about women's reproductive rights is so widespread. you think that this is going to be a real attention getter? do you think this will back off the right-wing and their social agenda? >> well, earlier in the show, there was discussion of 1992 and when women were just so anger and so outraged and how women came out in such enormous numbers and that's what i'm seeing here. it is -- it is stunning to me that we are still having this conversation, that -- that we have it established that women and doctors can do this on their
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own. and so i think the -- weather it has an impact on this bill or other bills in the country is less clear than the fact that it will have an impact on how women vote. >> and i want to get both of your take on this. senator howell, is this a turning point for women on this issue? >> oh, i -- i definitely think that it is. the forces against women's reproductive health have overreached and people are reacting, but i have been interested in the reaction i've gotten from mine, which i believe was the first of this kind of an amendment. i've received as many e-mails from men who are outraged by what's being done to women as i have from women. >> how about you, kelly? is this a big turning point socially in america right now that will have a big political impact?
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>> i certainly hope so. we keep having this battle over and over again, with he keep refighting it, gain working in chicago over 20 years ago and we had the year of the woman in 1992, and i was working on reproductive rights then. i have been working on reproductive rights and women's equality as long as i can remember. i'm sure we could find some grade school friends who will tell stories of me standing up to them then and we keep having to refight the same battles that is the most frustrating. yeah the response has been really overwhelmingly positive and balanced by gender. i'm getting reactions all over the state and the country from folks who are frustrated as well and glad to see folks standing up and fighting back. >> illinois state representative kelly cassidy and virginia state senator janet howell, i appreciate your time tonight. thanks so much. president obama's campaign
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is touting his accomplishments with a new film. we will preview it and talk to ben labolt of the obama re-election campaign. that's coming up next. and it's the al capone vault story all over again. well, not really, but it is sean hannity uncovering the obama video you have already seen and we have got an "ed show" exclusive that you won't want to miss. eugene robinson will be with me. stay right here. we will be right back.
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welcome to "the ed show." president obama's re-election team wants to remind voters how far we have come since the inauguration when the country was on the edge of an economic cliff. next week, the campaign will release a 17-minute film about the president's accomplishments in his first term. here's a preview. >> do we look at the day's headlines or do we remember what we, as a country, have been through? >> what was described in that meeting was an economic crisis beyond anything anybody had imagined. >> if the auto industry goes down, what happens to america's factory base? what happens to johns in america? what happens to the whole midwest? >> of course, the president has been on a roll lately, 23 consecutive months of private sector job growth, winning a battle with the gop on extending
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the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits, unveiling more help for homeowners across america and winning a fight over women's health in which republican leaders look reactionary and afraid to stand up to rush limbaugh. i'm joined by ben labolt, national press secretary for the obama re-election campaign. good to have you with us tonight. i have seen the excerpts, haven't seen it going to be releasing it soon it is intense, isn't it? >> yeah, this is about the tough calls this the president made in the face of historic challenges the past three years but also about the journey that the nation has been on. we were losing 750,000 jobs a month when the president took office. the auto industry was on the brink shortly thereafter. the markets were crashing and we have now created more than 3.7 million private sector jobs, we have passed wall street reform to prevent another financial crisis from happening and, you know, certainly made significant progress on the foreign policy front, ending the war in iraq in
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a responsible way and taking the fight to al qaeda. this documentary will actually take you in the room, into the decisionmaking behind the decision to get bin laden. >> it sounds like it is a big reminder to the country what a nosedive we were on when president obama stepped in the oval office s that in a nutshell, to document how far we have come since then, hoping that is going to be enough to turn back a lot of money that's going to be thrown at this campaign when it comes to citizens united. what about all that? >> you are right about the money. special interests have said they are going to spend $500 until an attempt to defeat the president. the koch brothers, oil companies out there, billionaire oil executives are going to spend $200 million alone. american crossroads, karl rove's group says it will spend $300 million. and you know what this is about. this is about oil and gas companies trying to maintain their subsidies. >> ben what are your expectations? how many people do you think are going to watch the full 17 minutes and how impactful do you
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think it is going to be? >> well, my hope is that 17 minutes suspect too much time to ask, if another campaign releases a 17-minute documentary, i will reserve 17 minutes of my time, but our supporters across the country will be screening this next week. in some cases it will be right there in their homes. some cases, it will be in local restaurants and even in movie theaters across the country. >> here is one of mitt romney's favorite lines criticizing the president. here it s. >> when he took office, the economy was in recession, he need worse and he need last longer. >> will the president obama push back hard on this line? that's what romney is going to use often? >> is certainly intellectually dishonest. we were losing 750,000 jobs a month and the entire economy was on the brink when the president took office and we have created more than 3.7 million private sector jobs. >> sure h. >> the question why mitt romney
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is trying to run as a job creator. take a look at his record in massachusetts. 47th out of 50th in job creation, manufacturing jobs declined at twice the national average after he cut funding for the manufacturing extension partnership and as a corporate buyout specialist in the private sector, he profited off of bankrupting companies and outsourcing jobs. >> does it help when mitt romney displays such a stunning lack of leadership on everything from his tax plan that he says can't be scored to failing to stand up to rush limbaugh and make a real judgment about what is acceptable vernacular on talk radio to the point where it's not insulting? what about all that? >> you raise an important point about the tax plan, which hasn't gotten a lot of attention. his tax plan, which would extend and expand tax breaks for the wealthiest american he is and large corporations, costs $5 trillion. and he is telling the american people he will not explain how he is going to pay for that before election day and he has two options, raise the deficit by $5 trillion or cut programs that are essential to the middle class that would mean a 40% cut to social security for current workers and in terms of
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limbaugh, i mean, this is --? a manifestation of where the republican party is right now. instead of -- instead of focusing on the issues the american people are focused on, creating jobs and restoring economic security for the middle class -- >> that's what it's about. >> actually had a debate over rolling back the rights of women to make their own decisions about their -- about their health care. are we really having that debate in 2012? >> well, i think i got it figured out. 17 minutes is one bag of popcorn. ben, way to go good to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. >> thanks, ed. derek bell was the jeremiah wright of academia and barack obama embraced him and endorsed his views. >> sean hannity and his gang try and fail to paint president as a leftist radical. >> is there a lot to this, it gets very complicated but i think it's easy to explain. >> the "washington post" gene
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robinson on the nonscandal known as huggie scare. >> america will be at risk and someday, nuclear weaponry will be used. republicans are trying to scare votes out of americans but the president is having none of it. >> what's said on the campaign trail, those folks don't have a lot of responsibilities. >> colonel lawrence wilkerson will give it to us straight on war mongering republicans.
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sean hannity had the cable news exclusive last night, an exclusive of video that had already been posted online about nine hours earlier and broadcast in a pbs documentary four years ago. that's still considered an exclusive in hannity's world. >> let's watch this. >> open up your hearts and your minds to the words of professor derek bell. >> yes, it's true, 20 years ago, when he was president of the harvard law review, barack obama
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hugged a man. his name, professor derek bell. now, at the time, mr. bell was protesting harvard's failure to hire a minority faculty. in the video, then the very young barack obama introduces him and then hugs him. the cycles of the right-wing blog per andrew bright bart went on the show to explain the truly shocking nature of this hug. >> the one smoking gun here, only smoking gun here, there are two smoking guns, actually. >> there might have been three smoking guns. fortunately, sean haven't was able to guide the coversation into more familiar territory. >> we have what was said by then-student barack obama. we have who he was associating with, controversial association again, radical, i would even argue and the president's association with a radical professor.
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>> a well-known history of associations between barack obama and radical figures. derek bell was a radical. this was about radical ideology. he is talking about some very radical things, so radical -- >> this candidate is far more radical, now president, that he is far more radical than he let on. what are people to grab from this more than anything else? is it that barack obama seems to always gravitate toward the most radical people? >> radical. very radical. extremely radical. radical. rad cat. and then some more radical. for once, i think hannity is onto something. in fact, we have our own exclusive video of the president associating with someone who is truly radical. take a look. >> tony hawk, who is the best skateboarder in the world. >> and there's even more evidence of the president's radical association. here is a picture of a totally radical professional skateboarder, tony hawk, skateboarding, can you believe it, inside the white house!
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scooped you on that one, hannity. let's turn to eugene robinson, msnbc political analyst and pulitzer prize-winning columnist and associate editor of the "washington post." glad we got that out of the way. >> radical segment, ed. >> you know what i was thinking when i was watching that last night, because i thought that haven't was going to be producing you the videotape that he has about talking about how president obama didn't want to kill the world's number one terrorist and that would be osama bin laden, but it kind of measured up to what geraldo rivera did 26 years ago with the al capone thing. but suspect this just so trivial reaching? they have nothing else, eugene? >> this is considerably less than the al capone video, actually. what you saw was a student at harvard law school embracing a professor at harvard law school, professor derek bell was, in fact the first tenured african-american professor at harvard law school and thus, off student associating with his professor.
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then this is -- you know, stop the presses. how can we stand for this? >> and of course, he said he gave a speech several weeks before that hug where he said that there was racism in america. can you believe that? >> no, i can't believe that. and ed, how could a guy who is the first black tenured professor at harvard law school, you know, why would he say there was racism? does it -- perhaps occurred to him that he is the first one and therefore, there might be some reason there hadn't been anybody before him in that position? but i guess that's not -- that's not racism, right? >> you would think that fox would be talking about this 24/7, but they are not. do they have egg all over their face? what do you think? >> i mean, come on, how are they going to carry this forward, because it doesn't go anywhere. this is a little clip and there is this little hug and the
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second part of it is that i guess another harvard professor, charles ogletree, said we had to hide that during the camp pay. i'm a friend of charles ogletree, so i guess i'm part of the conspiracy, too. >> that's why you are on this show. that's why you are on this show. they wanted to break that story, too. here is one of bright bart's conspiracy theorists pointing the finger at the media. >> what say mazing about this video in particular is it was seriously open to anyone. this was not hidden. we were actually able to find -- it was hidden by them but it wasn't hidden from the media f media really wanted to do the leg work, they could have found this stuff. that's right if we wanted to do the leg work, we wouldn't have found the videotape on the shelf of a television station that just happen was to a pretty good file system. so how's that for digging for stuff? >> that's really digging to find something that was broadcast to a national audience four years ago, sitting on youtube as well.
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what we have demonstrated what hannity has done, the service he has demonstrated, president obama has associated with black intellectuals. can you imagine that? i guess that is something hannity would never do. >> tell you something that we also found out that that guy named barack obama had a whole lot of talent way back when. as i said to ej deion, one of your colleagues last night on that telecast, i didn't see the tell prompter there i didn't see the tell prompter, that was a pretty good speech. eugene robinson, always a pleasure, thanks for being with us tonight. bill o'reilly tried to pull a fast one on middle america again today. fortunately, big eddie is looking out for you. the latest on o'reilly's spin on gas prices, next.
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bill o'reilly claims he is looking out for you, yet here is what he told the folks about gas prices today on "the view." >> americans know the gas prices have nothing to do with obama, it has to do with world affairs. everybody knows that. >> i don't know that. i don't know that. i'm not in that discussion. >> oh, but he does know that. take it from the man himself. >> next time you hear a politician say he will bring down the oil prices, understand it is complete bs. >> what's that spin thing all about in the tape doesn't lie, does it? yet o'reilly wasn't done talking about prices on "the view." >> why are the prices going up? >> every several years, bill, doesn't matter who the president is. >> it doesn't solve the problem of speculation. >> up in of them do darling. that's my point. >> i would solve it, all right? >> now, o'reilly, he has a point about speculation and we talked a lot about that on this show, but four years ago, o'reilly
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offered a few different options to solve high gas prices. >> americans want lower gas prices, cut back, sell those suvs, ride a bike when you can. if every one of us bought 10% less gasoline, prices would fall fast. >> well, there you have it. the clearest evidence yet that bill o'reilly, he simply suspect looking out for you, he is just a huckster and a shill who will twist the facts to fit his conservative ideology. i have always wanted to be on "the view," what do i have to do? lie on this program? next, republicans are playing the fear mongering card one more time. this time, they are ready to go to another war. this time, with iran. colin powell's former chief of staff, colonel lawrence wilkerson, joins me next, stay with us. "the ed show" survey tonight, i asked would you rather listen to
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"the ed show" survey tonight, i asked would you rather listen to dead air or rush limbaugh? 99% of you said dead air. 1% of you said rush limbaugh. coming up, colonel lawrence wilkerson weighs in on the gops fearmongering about iran and what it could mean if a republican wins the white house. stay with us. [ male announcer ] that. right there -- reminds you why you fell in love with her in the first place. and why you still feel the same. but your erectile dysfunction -- that could be a question of blood flow. cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis.
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if barack obama gets re-elected, iran will have a nuclear weapon and the world will change if that's the case. >> that was mitt romney responding to a question from an 11-year-old boy showing republican presidential candidates who will stop at nothing when it comes to fear mongering about iran. they certainly didn't hold back this week in aipac conference or on the campaign trail. >> we need to say to the iranian government, the time is now. you will stop your nuclear production now. if they do not tear down those facilities, we will tear down them ourselves. >> will be ready to engame in diplomacy, but i will be just as ready to engage our military might. >> we should indicate calmly and decisively that any effort to close the straits of hormuz would be considered an act of war and we would eliminate the government of irran. >> well, these guys just can't wait to bomb iran, can they? meanwhile, president obama has
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presidential experience on his side. >> when i see the casualness with which some of these folks talk about war, i'm reminds of the costs involved in war. those who are suggesting or proposing or beating the drums of war should explain clearly to the american people what they think the costs and benefits will be. >> i'm joined tonight by colonel lawrence wilkerson, the former chief of staff of colin powell. colonel, good to have you with us tonight. >> thanks, ed. >> how dangerous is it to have republican candidates or people in a position of leadership out hawking the talk like this. what's your response to all that? >> i think it's -- i think it's dangerous. i listened to what candidate romney said closely and his position didn't differ all that
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much from president obama's, just more starkly put. but when you look at rick santorum and newt gingrich, you get scared, you get frightened. these guys shall as the president so eloquently said you don't have any responsibility and can just mouth off as they will. i think they probably believe what they are saying and so they are very dangerous it is very dangerous talk, just as the president pointed out in his press conference and in his speech to aipac which i thought was fairly powerful. >> president obama has made it clear that all options are on the table when it comes to iran. here he is earlier this week with the israeli prime minister. >> we do believe that there is still a window that allows for a diplomatic resolution to this issue, but ultimately, the iranians regime has to make a decision to move in that direction, a decision that they have not made thus far. i reserve all options and my policy here is not going to be
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one of containment. my policy is prevention of iran obtaining nuclear weapons. >> so he is the most sensible guy in the room but are republicans hoping no one is listening to the president? >> i don't think that's the case. i go all over the country talking here and there and so forth in my academic responsibilities and i hear americans questioning whether or not there's anyone in the republican party who can do anything but a goldwater against president obama. and you know what that means, worst defeat in the history of the republican party. i think they are heading for the same thing. i think the metaphor of a circular firing squad is an apt with unnor group of candidates. >> what about john mccain and other senators talking about taking an air strike against syria? your response to that? >> well, i was on the hill the other day, before we put the full page op ed, as it were, in the "washington post" on monday,
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i was on the hill and one of the reasons i signed the letter that accompanied that op ed is what i was hearing on the hill. and i was with republicans and democrats, staffers and members both in both houses and i was stunned at what i was hearing with regard to iran, but i was also equally stunned at what i was hearing about syria, the level, the depth of ignore perhaps as to what's going on in this country and what any kind of military action by an outside power might do to what's going on was just unbelievable. and john mccain and his remarks of late about entering the fray, as it were, with air power, they come from a man who knows nothing more than air power. never been in day of ground combat in his life. prisoner of war, honorable, courageous man in that respect, but not a man fr the ground combat arms. this is extremely difficult situation. >> colonel lawrence wilkerson, appreciate your time tonight. thank you for joining us on "the ed show."
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