tv Politics Nation MSNBC March 19, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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through illinois and the rest of the country increasingly sure of only one thing, it doesn't want what the republicans are offering. perhaps history will tell us why. that is hb for now, thanks for being with us. "politicsnation" with al sharpton begins now. welcome to "politicsnation," i'm al sharpton, tonight, the shooting death of trayvon martin. three weeks ago he was shot and killed walking back to his father's girlfriend's house in a gated community near orlando. but still, there has been no arrest even though the police know who shot him. george szimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain, says he shot in self-defense. but the young man was unarmed. he was going home after buying
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an iced tea and skittles candy. we'll talk to trayvon's father and get a live report from the scene. first, the police have finally released the 911 tapes in the case, and it creating a shocking heart-breaking picture of what happened that rainy night and they cry out for justice in the case. here is the call that george zimmerman, the shooter, made in the case. >> we had some break ins in my neighborhood, and there is a real suspicious guy that looks like he is up to no good or on drugs or something. >> is he black, white, or hispanic? >> his hand is in his waistband. and he is a black male. >> a black hoody, jeans, he is just starring.
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>> he is just walking around. >> up to no good? looks like he is on drugs or something? trayvon was just walking home from the store carrying candy, not drugs. but zimmerman decided he was suspicious. here is what happened next. >> something is wrong with him. yep. he is coming to check me out. he has something in his hands, i don't know what his deal his. >> they always get away. >> are you following him? >> yeah. >> okay, we don't need you to do that. >> zimmerman follows trayvon even after police told him not to. this self-appointed neighborhood watch leader takes matters into his own hands and then came this chilling frantic call from someone who heard yelling and a gunshot. >> 911, did you need police,
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fire, and medical. maybe both, i'm not sure. someone is screaming outside. >> male or female? >> sounds like a male. >> you don't know why? >> i think they're yelling help, but i don't know. just send somebody quick, please. >> does he look hurt to you? >> i can't see him, i don't want to go out there, i don't know what's going on. >> they're sending someone. >> so you think he is yelling help? >> yes. >> all right, what is your phone number? >> there was just gunshots. >> you just heard gunshots? >> yes. >> how many? >> just one. get down, come here. >> i don't know -- >> help me, help me, that's tough to hear. and more panicked neighbors were calling for help. >> they're wrestling right in
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the back of my porch. >> you just heard one shot go off? >> it was either that or a rock go at the window or something. the guy yelled help and i'm not going out. >> i'm pretty sure the guy is dead out here. and there is a black guy down, it looks like he is shot and dead. >> there's someone screaming, i just heard gunshots. >> okay, do you see anything? i don't need you to go outside. do you see anything, hear squealing or tires or anything? >> no, hurry up, their right outside my house. >> okay. okay, we have police coming in emergency, okay? >> did you see the person who had the gun? >> no, i just heard a loud gunshot, and then the screaming
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stopped. >> okay, we have multiple officers in the area right now. >> no name calling, no incendiary language, just the facts. a young man dead. the assailant says self defense. what is found on the young man? skittles and iced tea. probably cause for an arrest. the assailant told don't follow him and decides to follow him somehow. he's not law enforcement, he's not uniform, he has no league authority or right to intervene or interfere. why has he not been arrested? we're coming from around the country this thursday to sanford florida to stand together. myself and action network, this family has only asked for justice. they have not called anybody
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names. they have acted in a dignified way. they deserve this nation's support, and we're coming to give it to them. joining me live is msnbc news correspondent lily lucciano, where does the case stand tonight? >> well, as we know, reverend sharpton, they cannot find enough evidence to issue an arrest. they're conducting their own investigation and it's up to the state attorney along -- to decide if there is a case or if they should hand it over to a grand jury. >> what evidence do they need to make an arrest? >> they need to prove this was not self-defense and that is what they're evaluating now. the state attorney's office is not commenting on an ongoing
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investigation. >> i would differ with that, they don't have to prove anything, they have to have probably cause. let me ask you this, there was a stand for justice rally today by local law students, what are you seeing in the community down there? >> that's right, today was very impressive, we had from 75 to 100 students, many of them law students from around the state of florida demanding an immediate arrest. i spoke to one of them and s said the assistant state attorney welcomed four of them into his office. he heard their concerns. i was receiving confirmation from the state attorney's office that this happened, and they're listening to their concerns but not releasing any information while the investigation
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continues. of course, we're also hearing pressure from other community leaders from local politician and local congresswoman that has been demanding that the department of justice be involved. nay initiate their own investigation and now the congressional black caucus has joined in demanding an investigation from the department of justice, but the department of justice has not begun that investigation. they said they will not do so in the coming time. their community relation service will hold the meeting tomorrow, but that is not an investigating body. so rising tension here especially to get the federal authorities and federal agencies involved. >> thank you, lilia. let me bring in a writer for "the washington post," jonathan,
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the national black caucus is calling for an immediate arrest. one of the things that is disturbing to me and you raise, is the police are not a judge and jury. they only determine if there is probably cause to make an arrest. if you have a young man dead, and you have no evidence at all that this young man did anything wrong, then what are they waiting on to make an arrest? this seems pretty strange, if not suspicious to me. >> it is strange. one of the things about this case -- how is it possible that a young man could be shot, killed, and the perpetrator, the alleged perpetrator, is allowed to talk to the police, and then is set free? he has moved out of his home. publicly, no one knows where he is. and a lot of things that police, i understand, usually do in
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situations like this, drug and alcohol testing, and more extensive interviewing was never done. and the police have accepted george zimmerman's story and let him go. that's the thing that's -- >> did police really take the place of a jury and a judge? i mean, there's clearly a case here that there is no doubt the young man was killed. there is no doubt by his admission that he did it, and there is no doubt that he was not under life extenuating circumstances unless iced tea and skittles determine that. >> here is the crazy thing about florida law, the stand your ground law, it is very, very broad. it allows people to defend themselves and claim self-defense if they feel they were in danger.
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george zimmerman can say he felt he was in danger. he pulled the trigger, and as we have seen, he did that, said it to the police, and now he is not in jail. he is not answering to law enforcement, and i think it's rather offensive that law enforcement is not saying or talking publicly about this case to -- at a minimum make sure that people who are very, very concerned about this, and concerned about what happened to trayvon martin have the information that they can at least possibly give out. >> the other thing, jonathan, on the stand your ground case, and i think we will be dealing with this thursday at the rally and going forward, that that law has to be challenged and examined, but even if you go by that law, that says anyone not committing a crime can use deadly force if
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threatened by death, once you hear the tape, two things are glaring. one, he was told, zimmerman, not to pursue the guy. second, he said that he was following the guy. if he was following trayvon, how could he feel he was under threat. >> right, he was pursuing him, and with a weapon. >> and 100 pounds heavier than him. >> that's right, trayvon was 17 years old. zimmerman has called the police department 46 times since january of 2011. he was someone by all accounts that i read, viewed himself as a
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approxima proxy cop. >> he wanted to be a policeman, but he himself assaulted a police officer in the past and the young man he killed has no record. >> exactly, one of the stories from "the orlando sun sentinal" said that trayvon majored in cheerfulness and was an a and b student. how does he threaten a man that is older than he is, bigger, and has a weapon. >> next, the family of trayvon martin, what do they say? we'll talk with his father live. that's next.
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trayvon martin's father is fighting for justice for his son. we will talk to him live. that's next. then there was a moment. when i decided to find a way to keep going. go for olympic gold and go to college too. [ male announcer ] every day we help students earn their bachelor's or master's degree for tomorrow's careers. this is your moment. let nothing stand in your way. devry university, proud to support the education of our u.s. olympic team. are you guys okay? yeah. ♪ [ man ] i had a great time. thank you, it was really fun. ♪ [ crash ] i'm going to write down my number, but don't use it. [ laughing ] ♪ [ engine turns over ] [ male announcer ] the all-new subaru impreza®. experience love that lasts.
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♪ the case of trayvon martin calls for justice in many of us from national civil rights groups and national media will be in florida this thursday with a national rally to support this family. joining me now is trayvon's father, tracey martin, and family attorney. tracey, first of all, thank you for joining us, and let me say first and foremost that we give
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our condolences to you for your loss and all of your family. secondly, i must commend you and trayvon's mother for the dignity in which you have handled this extremely difficult situation. >> yes, sir. >> first of all, give people a sense of what the family is calling for, mr. martin? >> first and foremost i would like to thank you for having me on. the family is calling for justice. we don't want our son to be -- we don't want our son's death to be in vain. we're looking for answers. we have not received any answers, can and we just don't understand. i don't have any understanding as to why my son is dead to this day.
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>> now, attorney krump, we spoke and worked on civil rights cases, i can't for the life of me understand how they can justify not making an arrest. arrest does not mean conviction, but there is probably cause here even with this law that we would question. this is a national outrage to many of us. >> you're absolutely right, reverend sharpton. they have so much evidence to just make an arrest. we have three witnesses now that has come forward to say that the voice you hear crying out for help before you hear that definite gunshot, is trayvon martin's voice. you hear what zimmerman's voice sounds like, it is distinctly
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different. they all know that is trayvon martin. and it makes no sense whatsoever. everyone is america wants to know when this man will be charged. he had a gun, and trayvon had a bag of skittles. we thank you especially reverend sharpton and to everyone saying we cannot stand for this. saying that you can kill a little minority child and nothing happens to you. george zimmerman is free as a jay bird. >> this could be anyone. and when you look at this law where they're saying if you feel you're under threat you can use deadly force, first of all the law is outrageous, and second of all, the law that i have on the
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screen, but anyone not committing a crime can you deadly force. but there was nothing threatening that we have seen in any of this from your son. and for this young man to be dead, and this man to pursue him, he is not a policeman, we do not even no if your son knew who or what he was or if your son felt threatened. to turn around and make him the victim is something that we cannot sit by and allow to happen. we have to stand with your family. >> and to call mr. zimmerman the victim is a slap in the face to me and my family. it's a slap in the face to our community. my son was being attacked. he wasn't aggressive in this instance, and the police department is trying to make george zimmerman out to be the
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victim. and the victim is clear, trayvon martin who is dead in the grave. >> give me a sense of what kind of young man your son was. >> he was very outgoing young man. he was an upbeat individual. i tried my best to groom him to be a upstanding citizen, to be that man that society doesn't want us to be. i wanted him to explore things, you know. he had dreams of being an aviation mechanic. he never had a run in with the law. i was molding my son to be a young man and that was taken away from me, taken away from his mother, and it's
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devastating. >> attorney crump, it has been called that this be investigated as a hate crime. someone asked me today about race. i don't know zimmerman, i'm not calling him awe name, but i have to question if the police department there, if it was reversed would have been as reluctant to make an arrest if it had been the other way around. i do not, for the life of me, we have seen tycoons and imf taken off a plane and arrested, and later we see whether or not there was an indictment. what is going on there locally, and why does it seem like they're allowing probably cause to be dismissed and they're trying this in the secrecy of the police department? >> reverend sharpton, you're
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absolutely right, there's enough probably cause here. it's one of those things when you really look at it, race is the elephant in the room. nobody really wants to talk about it, nobody feels comfortable talking about it, but we know two things. number one, if trayvon martin would have been the shooter, he would have been arrested day one, hour one, right there on the spot, and he would still be in jail today. his father and mother would have to talk to him through a glass window. number two, if trayvon martin had been a white child, do you think the police would have not ran a background check on george zimmerman, they did not even run a background check on him. they took his word even though he just shot a human being in
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cold blood. they knew that he had skittles, ice e ed tea and a phone. and you have to ask if they would have done this any way else if it was anything but a minority child. >> we want you to know, mr. martin that you're not alone. and i don't believe in drive by activism, and we will be there until it's resolved. thank you, i know it's painful for you to have to keep doing the interviews, but thank you for coming forward tonight and we'll see you later this week in florida. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back.
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increasing it? >> no, not at this time. i think it's high enough as it is. >> i don't think the government should set prices on wages in any way, shape, or form. >> the current minimum wage is just above the poverty line for a single person. a person will make just over $15,000 a year. none of them make anywhere near the minimum wage. one of the candidate's net wo-- congratulates to the missouri republicans, at least you'll win one race this fall. to see if it worked. [ woman ] take a deep breath. tell me what you smell. something fresh. a beach. a clean house. my new car. [ woman ] go ahead and take your blindfolds off. oh! [ laughs ]
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something has come easy. even his supporters don't seem all that supportive. >> obviously mitt romney will tell you first of all he has to do a better job. >> gee, what a ringing endorsement, but the truth is, romney is working on doing a better job. he knows he has to connect better with voters. and what better way to do that the than posing for pictures with giant pictures. >> these pancakes as my win in puerto rico. can i take one of these? not the super big one. the car is only a chevy suv. >> those jokes are almost as flat as the pancakes.
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but they have found a new issue. an infamous drive with seamus on the roof of the car. >> all i will say is the issues of character are important in this election and we need to look at all of those issues and determine if that's the kind of person you want to be president of the united states. >> the real joke is romney's failure on the central issue of this campaign. >> i believe the economy is coming back by the way. we'll see what happens, it's had ups and downs. >> keep saying the economy is improving. the more credit you give president obama, the more your whole rational for running seems funny. joining me now is a columnist for, and erin mcpipe, a reporter for real clear politics.
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thank you for coming on the show. steve, let me start with you. what's the rational for romney's campaign if the economy is improving. >> there isn't much of a rationale, and your setting up that he becomes a nominee and more good economic news comes. so they're saying the economy is improving and unemployment is dropping, but the economy was inevitably going to improve no matter who the president has been and this is a weak and delayed and prolonged recovery and it could be better. history tells you what a hard argument that is to make. you think of walter mondale trying that against ronald reagan. >> and they both lost. >> it works both ways. that cuts across party lines, a good economy. >> erin, let me go to you,
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romney today in a big economic speech said that he has a vision to create jobs and fix the debt. listen. >> i'm running for president in part because i have the experience and the vision to get us out of this mess. i'm offering a real choice and a very different beginning. i have a conservative economic plan that will deliver more jobs, less debt, and smaller government. >> he has the vision and experience, erin, but a little fact check on his claim turns out that he must have blurry vision because he has as bad of a record on jobs as anyone. massachusetts was 47th in job rekrags under romney. his tax proposal when adding 3.4 trillion to the testify sit over ten years. how does it settle this given his experience and background?
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>> you know, al, i don't know. he didn't give a lot of details in that economic speech today. in fact, the speech was strange in that he kept talking about this idea that under the obama administration we have had an assault on economic freedom. i'm not sure what that even means. he is getting further and further away from his message. he turned a $3 billion deficit in massachusetts into a surplus, but he is not saying things like that or getting into the details of his experience that he can use. that's why we will see more economic speeches from him, but all fairly general. so just like steve, i'm not sure how he can make a winning argument with that. >> steve, the "new york times" did a piece that said even if we wins tomorrow, dl is a real
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possibility there could be a convention. it said for the first time in a generation, republicans are preparing that their nomination koild be decided at the national convention rather than on the campaign trail. if that happens, does that mean romney could possibly not be the nominee, or does that mean he wins it at the convention but it weakened at the process. >> i think it's still a remote possibility. it's is more possible than any other cycle at this point, but there's two end games to keep in mind here. one is the deadlock convince scenario where we end up in august in tampa and none of these candidates has or is close to that magic number. i think the more realistic scenario is we get to the end of the process, and romney is short by about 50 or so, and republicans do have the equivalent of super delegates.
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>> thank you for your time this evening. still ahead, disturbing new questions about the soldier accused in that horrific shooting rampage in afganistan. what happened to staff sergeant robert bales. we'll talk to his boyhood friend next. ♪ [ kareem ] i was fascinated by balsa wood airplanes since i was a kid. [ mike ] i always wondered how did an airplane get in the air. at ge aviation, we build jet engines.
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they met with the branch manager and they said, "look, we've got this little hot dog cart, and it's on a really good corner. let's see if we can buy the property." and the branch manager said, "all right, i will take a chance with the two of you." and we've been loyal to bank of america for the last 71 years. achoo! [ male announcer ] but when she used tissues, she went crazy wild. tissue after tissue, she always took a ton. until mom explained with puffs ultra soft & strong, you only need one. two times stronger than the leading value brand, they always win this test. soft non-lotion pillows, they're sure to impress. now the tissue monster had gone away, and puffs ultra soft & strong saved the day. a nose in need deserves puffs ultra soft & strong indeed.
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for those who prefer lotion, try puffs plus lotion. we're back on "politicsnation" with the disturing story of staff sergeant robert bales. bales met with his lawyer for the first time today as he plans to face trial for allegedly murdering 16 civilians including women and children. officials are examining his personal life and military record. the 38-year-old father of two joined the army two months after the 9/11 terror attack. he reportedly suffered a traumatic pran injury and lost
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part of his foot while traveling overseas. while he was overseas, his life was crumbling. he had to take 20 hours of anger management classes for abusing his girlfriend. he was also charged with a hit-and-run accident. he was severely in debt. he had defaulted on one loan and was behind on another. the people that knew him say they can't believe he would commit these acts. >> he was one of my best guys. it just was not him. something bad had to happen to him to cause something like that to happen. >> just moments ago, bale's wife released a statement saying what has been reported is completely out of character of the man i know and admire.
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i cannot shed any light on what happened that night. i too want to know what happened. i want to know how this could be. joining me now from cincinnati is michelle cardell and her brother. they grew up across the street from robert. michael, what went through your mind first when you heard his name. >> i had the same reaction that my sister had when i heard it on the news, my jaw hit the floor. there is no way that is the same bobby that grew up across the street from me, and he was my role model from the time i was two years old until the time i was 24 or 25. someone i always looked up to. very admirable character, just
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an awesome guy. >> michelle, growing up, did he have anger issues, was he aloof and mysterious? was there any swing in his personality that could make you in any way say he was different and capable of doing something like this later in life? >> the exact opposite. growing up, he was the shy quiet one, you ask questions and it was yes, sir, yes, ma'am. he was making sure small children didn't go in the streets, or there was a handicap boy next door, and he would go next door and walk him and help feed him all through high school, and when he went to high school, he drove back from campus just to make sure he was taken care of.
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we would take him on fishing tournaments and he would help the young children reel in their fish while they screamed, kicked, and hugged bobby. he always stayed in the background, made sure everyone was taken care of, and was very nurturing. there was a protective feeling around him. >> michael, if this is the bobby you and your sister knew, do you think that if, in fact, this proves to be that he is the one that did this heinous crimes, you think something may have happened to traumatize him? or that drastically changed him while he informs the military? what is your hunch? i know you have no way of knowing but what do you think possibly happened here? >> he would have had to have had more than a complete nervous break down. you're talking polar opposites.
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like you mentioned earlier and has been broadcast, this is a guy that even his co said was just an excellent soldier and person to be around. you don't sit there and say that someone is an excellent soldier and excellent person to be around, and is admirable, and is the same person that murders 16 people for no apparent reason. i heard that he had a friend that lost a limb days before, but still that's not enough to push you over the edge. there's no way possible it's the same robert bales. >> michelle, you saw him a couple years ago, how was he accounting then? was he the same bobby you knew or was he different? >> he was the exact same bobby. he made it a point to come in for my father's funeral, and he admired my father very much. there was no talking about
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himself then. it was all about me and michael which, now looking back, that may sound a little selfish, but he wanted to make sure we were c consoled, and that we had mitt his new wife, and that cars were parked out of the way so they could bring the hearse. little things like that. to make sure that our type of grief right there was our time and nobody was interfering with it, and that's what he did at his funeral. so we greatly appreciated that, but he did not talk about himself at all. he made sure he was there for us. >> michelle and michael, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you for having us, we appreciate it. joining me now is a professor of neural psychology at drexel university. he has a book called "military
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psychology." professor, you heard sergeant bales friends say this is nothing like they knew. could he have just snapped? >> he could have just snapped. it's common that friends and relatives talk about a perpetrator that committed a crime in normal terms. most crimes are committed by normal people. it would be very convenient to think of his as being crazy, but people with ptsd or traumatic brain injury and people in the armed services are not typically crazy, so it's entirely possible the stress got to this man. >> we see bales' wife kept a blog and there was an entry finding out that bob did not get
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promoted. could it be combined financial problems, physical, losing part of a foot. could all of this combined have been just something that caused him to just lose it? or cause it to just strike out? >> i believe so. and you know some of the alleged details sound like workplace violence, where somebody who is in a workplace that is in afghanistan, and this man may have experienced so much stress including two traumatic events, roadside bomb exploding, losing part of a foot, but don't underestimate the stress of war itself. it was a fourth deployment. afghanistan is one of the most
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complicated military missions the u.s. has ever launched. so while some people think this man was crazy, it's hard to talk about rational ideas behind the attack, stress, losing it, and not being able to tolerate being in the war anymore. >> you talk about redeployment, one in five troops have been redeployed more than three times. you look at the case of post-traumatic stress disorder, they have skyrocketed since 2001. in 2001 there was -- then 3900, then by '05, 6700 all the way to 2010, 679,000 cases so we have seen a huge increase in ptsd
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cases. >> they're counting them now. in the past they were missed a lot. ptsd or combat stress as we also call it, has been around for the history of war since the civil war it's been talked about, and the world war i, and this war is very stressful, and it's hard to put the troops on the ground, and the only way to get a lot of those soldiers to come there is through redeployment and to put reservists in action. >> i'll have to hold it there. we will be talking more as this case evolves, thank you for your time tonight, eric sizillme rers .
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know it's over when". >> thank you for a fine introduction. rick santorum is down in the polls for the primary in illinois, and he is way behind in delegates. so he is letting loose and going to new levels of absurdity. you know it's over when he says this. >> i don't care what the unemployment rate will be. >> i don't care what the unemployment rate will be. good luck with that strategy. maybe he can blame it on the sun, but you know it's over when he says this about puerto rico. >> you have to speak english. that would be a requirement. it's a requirement that we put on other states. it's a condition for entering the union. >> actually, making english a state's official language is not
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a condition for entering the union. and finally, you really know it's over when he is talking about pornography on the campaign trail. no, folks, i'm not kidding. here is a look at enforcing laws against illegal pornography, america is suffering -- >> yes, folks, this is his new talking point. >> hardcore pornography can be very damaging for young people. pornographers were prosecuted more under the bush administration than they are under the obama administration, so you can draw your conclusion. >> folks, is that the sound of the fat lady singing? >> thanks for joining us for this edition of "you know it's
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