tv MSNBC Live MSNBC March 29, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm EDT
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more than $80 billion in profits. exxon pocketed nearly $4.7 million every hour. when the price of oil goes up, prices at the pump go up and so do these companies' profits. one analysis shows that every time gas goes up by a penny, these companies usually pocket another $200 million in quarterly profits. meanwhile, these companies pay a lower tax rate than most other companies on their investments, partly because we are giving them billions in tax giveaways every year. now, i want to make clear, we all know that drilling for oil has to be a key part of our overall energy strategy. we want u.s. oil companies to be doing well. we want them to succeed. that's why under my administration, we have opened up millions of acres of federal
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land of waters to oil and gas production, we have quadrupled the number of operating oil rigs to a record high, we have added enough oil and gas pipeline to circle the earth and then some. just yesterday, we announced the next step for potential new oil and gas exploration in the atlantic. the fact is, we are pro he deucing more oil right now than we have in eight years and we are importing less of it as well. for two years in a row, america has bought less oil from other countries than we produce here at home. for the first time in over a decade. so american oil is booming. the oil industry is doing just fine. with record profits and rising production, i'm not worried about the big oil companies. with high oil prices around the world. they have got more than enough
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incentive to produce even more. that's why i think it is time they got by without more help from taxpayers who are already having a tough enough time paying the bills and filling up their gas tanks. i think it is curious some folks in congress who were the first to belittle investments in new sources of energy are the ones that are fighting the hardest to maintain these giveaways for the oil companies. instead of taxpayer giveaways to it an industry that has never been more profitable, we should be using that money to double down on investments in clean energy technologies that have never been more promising, investments in wind power and solar power and biofuels. investments in fuel-efficient cars and trucks and energy efficieefis efficient homes and buildings. that's the future. that's the only way we are going to break this cycle of high gas
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prices that happen year after year after year as the economy is growing. the only time you start seeing lower gas prices is when the economy is doing badly. that's not the kind of pattern that we want to be in. we want the economy doing well and people to be able to afford their energy costs. keep in mind, we can't just drill our way out of this problem. oil production here in the united states is doing very well. it has been doing well even as gas prices are going up. the reason is, because we use more than 20% of the world's oil but we only have 2% of the world's known oil reserves. that means we could drill every drop of american oil tomorrow but we would still have to buy oil from other countries to make up the difference. with he would still have to depend on other countries to meet our energy needs. because it is a world market,
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the fact that we are doing more here in the united states doesn't necessarily help us, because even u.s. oil companies, they are selling that oil on a worldwide market. they are not keeping it just for us. that means if there is rising demand around the world, then the prices are going to go up. that's not the future that i want for america. i don't want folks like these back here and the folks in front of me to have to pay more at the pump every time there is some unrest in the middle east and oil speculators get nervous about whether there is going to be enough supply. i don't want our kids to be held hostage to events on the other side of the world. i want us to control our own destiny. i want us to forge our own future. that's why, as long as i am president, america is going to pursue an all of the above energy strategy, which means we will continue developing our oil
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and gas resources in a row bust and responsible way. it also means that we will keep developing more advanced home grown biofuels, the kinds that are already powering truck fleets across america. we are going to keep investing in clean energy like wind power and solar power that's lighting thousands of homes and creating thousands of jobs and keep manufacturing more cars and trucks to get more miles to the gallon. so you can fill up once every two weeks instead of every week. we are going to keep building more homes and businesses that waste less energy so you are in charge of your own energy bills. we are going to do all of this by harnessing our most inexhaust ible resource. that's the choice we face. that's the choice that is facing congress today. they can vote to spend billions
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of dollars more in oil subsidies that keep us trapped in the past or they can vote to end these taxpayer subsidies that aren't needed to boost oil production so that we can invest in the future. it's that simple. as long as i am president, i am betting on the future. the people i've talked to around the country, including the people who were behind me here today, they put their faith in the future as well. that's what we do as americans. that's who we are. we innovate. we discover. we seek new solutions to some of our biggest challenges and ultimately because we stick with it, we succeed. i believe that we are going to do that again. today, the american people are going to be watching congress to see if they had that same fate. thank you very much, everybody! [ applause ] >> president barack obama speaking from the rose garden urging congress to vote to end
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what the white house has been calling billions of dollars in taxpayer handouts to the big oil companies. i just want to be specific, though. the democratic sponsored measure will repeal billions of dollars in subsidies currently given to the big companies we all know, bp, exxon, shell, chevron, ccono phillips. mike, when we talk about this, the democrats are willing to talk about this because they want to tie republicans to big oil and the fact this they are letting them get off scot-free. meanwhile, the republicans want to keep reminding everybody that the obama administration is letting gas prices rise in front of their eyes. >> reporter: one of the things the republicans are going to point out over the course of the day as this debate jun foelgds and over the course have the last few days in the senate and the house is that cutting subsidies to oil companies, you have heard the president talk about record profits, $80
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billion last year, will by some bipartisan or nonpartisan accounts anyway, result in a small scale rise in the price of gas. they say it is counsel iter productive at this time. you have heard the president time and time again, political messaging, they say the keys to political messaging are consistency and clarity. consistency, we heard the president use some of the very same phrases he has used time and time again as gas prices have continued to rise. now, 3.92, a national average for the price of regular across the country. he talks about his all of the above energy strategy and the increase in domestic production. he talks about the decrease in dependency on foreign oil that has occurred under his administration. he says drilling is a good thing. at the same time, billions of dal ors to alternative energies. we have to point out that cloture vote, that procedural vote will happen in an hour, perhaps even less. it is not expected to pass. there are sincere or severe political overtones hanging over
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this announcement over the vote in the senate. democrats already running ads for democrats running. dean heller, another republican who aspires to the senate or who is in the senate in nevada. obvious, political overtones. peril as the price of gas continues to rise. >> mike viquiera in the rose garden. newly released police video showing the neighborhood watch volunteer, george zimmerman, on the very night that ended with teen, trayvon martin, dead. this footage shows a handcuffed zimmerman getting out of a patrol car, walking into the sanford police station four hours after the death of a 17-year-old. now, it does not appear to show any of the injuries that zimmerman's defenders claim he received in this life and death struggle. look closely there at the top of his head, because the defenders would say he had a broken nose or deep cuts to the back of his
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head needing stitches. the video doesn't capture visible blood or grass stains on the back of his shirt as alleged as well. attorneys for both sides weighing in on what this video does or does not prove. take a listen. >> there absolutely was some misleading the public when they said his nose was broke and there was blood on the back of his head. there is no blood on his clothes. >> the video is very grainy. i am not sure it has, as far as being able to see the injuries that were recently sustained and later cleaned up. clearly, if the report shows he was cleaned up before he was taken in the squad car. >> now, for the very first time, we are hearing from a member of zimmerman's family, his father, doing a television interview and telling a local fox affiliate in orlando that his son's life was threatened. >> in doing so, his firearm was shown. trayvon martin said something to the effect of, you are going to die now or you are going to die
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tonight. >> a lot of fast-moving developments. joining me now is joey ann read managing editor of the gree yo. she is in sanford, florida. i want to give you a lot of credit for what you have been able to do, breaking details left and right from the very beginning. first, let's get to the surveillance video people can see for their own eyes. one side saying it proved he was not injure. one saying it is grainy. it is poor quality. it proofs nothing. >> reporter: thank you, thomas. i really appreciate that. the big problem i think for zimmerman's side is that his supporters, his surrogates and now his father, who i'm sure didn't see this video before he gave that interview to the fox affiliate, they have described this life and death struggle, almost hand to hand combat between george zimmerman and trayvon martin. when you see four hours or so after the incident, when you see george zimmerman walking under his own power. he gets out of the squad car his hands behind his back, under his own power. he doesn't look visibly injured.
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the other issue is blood. you don't see blood on the person of george zimmerman. if he shot trayvon martin at such close range because he was on top of him literally pinning him down when the gun was fired, where is the blood? where is the blood from a broken nose? i have a cousin that boxes. when you break your nose, your nose pours blood. even if you were treated briefly at the scene of the incident, how is he still not having any blood on his body. >> this video comes on the heels of a "miami herald" report that a sanford detective wanted to charge him with manslaughter. you also broke the news that billy, sanford's police chief, was on the scene at the night of trayvon's shooting. >> reporter: well, thomas, that's the other thing that's strange here. we are talking about a sunday night. something like between 7:30 and 8:00 at night, you have a shooting of assume edly two
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unknown people. the police chief shows up at the scene of the shooting. the lead investigator, the guy who supervises the other criminal investigators shows up at the scene and the two of them have an in-person consultation at the scene or at the police station with the state attorney who later would get the case. this is a pretty high-level delegation to make a decision about a murder case unless the person is prominent or unless there was an officer involved. >> just like peeling back the layers of an onion. has been all over this story. check out their website. you want to bring in congresswoman coryn brown, who has been on outspoken defender for trayvon martin and his family. you were at an eye vent with his parents in washington last night. did you get a chance to speak with them about the surveillance video or the new developments in this case? if so, what's their reaction? >> no, i didn't get a chance to
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talk with them. i will probably see them sunday at a rally in miami. they are going to have a huge rally i think it is going to be from 4:00 until. i will probably see them sunday. let's go back to what has happened in sanford, because that's the area that i represent. i am terribly disappointed as how this case have been handled every step of the way. it has just been the worst disaster for law enforcement that a case have been handled this poorly. you talk about how the shooter was looking but the point is, how come the clothes was not secure, how come the crime scene wasn't secure. you drug tested young martin but yet you didn't drug test zimmerman. you didn't test him for drugs or alcohol. you didn't give him a lie detector test. you took his word for it. clearly, you know, people have to feel that the criminal
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justice system is fair and it treats everyone fairly. when i talk to the residents, when i talk to people on the hill, there is a perception that the criminal justice system is not working. that is unacceptable. >> congresswoman, how does the release of the surveillance footage help or hurt the reported version of events? >> clearly, there are so many discrepancies. why have you not given him a lie detector test? that is why i have asked for the justice department to come in and do a thorough independent investigation. we are finding out all of this because of you, the media. we would not know all of this. this would have been just another young black man shot and killed by a self-appointed -- i keep hearing that he was the community watchman or something.
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he was self-appointed, not trained. he had no business getting out the car, no business confronting him. the police department told him to stand down. we on the way. why did he not do that? >> florida congresswoman, a lot of answers still to come. we will keep at it. congresswoman coryn brown. thanks for your time this morning. we appreciate it. the story we haven't told you about this morning, the president's health care law, is it on life support? is the supreme court headed for a bipartisan 5-4 split? will the justices decide maybe to throw this out. that jetblue pilot's mid-flight meltdown may have been more serious than anyone thought. what is being done to stop something like this from ever happening again. [ artis brown ] america is facing some tough challenges right now.
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two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy.
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who knows, no knows which of them were really desired by congress on their own and which weren't. >> my approach would say if you take the heart out of the statute, the statute is gone. >> justin anderson and scalia casting doubt over the law. it is in the hands of the high court with the future of health care for tens of millions of americans hanging in the balance. pete williams joins me now. a lot of strong back and forth on wednesday. what do the arguments tell us about the future of the law as a whole? >> it is very much in doubt. one of the surprises that emerged from yesterday was the future of how this law expanded the medicaid program. 26 states said that the government went too far with this law by requiring the states to provide coverage to a whole new category of people. that's basically single
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individuals under 65 that are just above the poverty line and would have no other way to get insurance. the state said that went too far. basically, it coerced them because the federal government said, if you don't agree to add this new category in, your only choice is either take it or lose all your medicaid funding. the state said that put them in an unconstitutional position. the justice department, the obama administration said medicaid has always worked that way. every time you expand the coverage, the states take it or leave it and this really isn't that much different. surprising will i, that engaged the justices and put the medicaid part of this law in jeopardy as well. >> it is going to be released, a ruling in june. the speculation will continue until then. pete williams, great to see you this morning. the political stars appear to be lining up for
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front-runner, mitt romney, who holds a strong lead over rick santorum, less than a week away from voting in wisconsin. it has rick santorum plummeting back to earth in his home state where romney could deliver a dagger to the conservative's campaign. romney locking up endorsements from big-name republicans, including a possible running mate who could help him with the hispanic vote. >> it is evidently and increasingly clear that mitt romney is going to be the republican nominee. >> you are endorsing mitt romney? >> i have zero doubt in my mind, that mitt romney will govern as a conservative and that heel be head and shoulders better than the guy who is in the white house right now. >> more now on the 2012 race. our political power panel, ted strickland and current coach for the obama re-election campaign and joe watkins, republican strategist and aid to the first bush white house. marco rubio now in romney's corner officially. everybody kind of knew that.
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there was the endorsement. george h.w. bush making a former endorsement later today in houston. as the party starts to circle the wagon, will voters start to focus lesson the fumbles on more on whether he can better manage the economy than president obama? >> i think mr. romney is likely to emerge as the nominee. he us a deeply flawed nominee. there are questions about his past behavior. why did he have much of his wealth in the cayman islands? the man who wants to be the president of the united states of america. he needs to explain to the people of ohio and to the people of america what he was thinking. i think mr. romney has serious problems in ohio, his opposition to the salvage of the auto industry. i think is a huge problem for him. so i'm ready for this debate to begin. the president is ready for it. the american people will ultimately make the decision. i think the president is in pretty good shape.
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>> let's talk about the much-coveted marco rubio endorsement. if romney chooses him or new mexico governor, martinez, does that change the game or send a strong message to hispanic voters? >> i think it sends a strong message to hispanic and american voters that he would be able to attract people of that caliber to his ticket. rubio is a great guy. our governor does a great job. i know the governor of puerto rico is another person that could be a candidate. a number of good names of people that could run with mitt romney. mitt romney is going to be talking about how po tuto put americans back to work as the obama campaign might. he is going to be focusing on the future of how he put americans back to work and how we keep the gas prices down at the pump. >> i want you to look at both of these numbers. we are talking about pennsylvania and the poll there. is pennsylvania's primary which comes on april 24th, governor,
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the last chance or is it sooner if he doesn't win in wisconsin coming up on april the 3rd? governor, i want to start with you. >> well, i think mr. santorum is really not a viable candidate at this point. if he were to lose pennsylvania, he would be dead in the water, but if i can say a word about immigration and the hispanic vote and mr. romney, this us is a man who says even if congress passed the dream act allowing children who had been brought here as children a path towards citizenship, he has vowed to veto it. how can any hispanic person who cares about that issue ever support mitt romney. i think it is a serious, serious problem for him at this point. >> joe, how do you think the romney campaign will respond to a plau lik a flaw like that? >> any legislation or proposed legislation is subject to change. i know if he drafts one of the fine candidates, whether it be senator rubio or governor
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fortuno or martinez to be his running mate, he will work closely with them to fashion legislation for people to come here legally. i am very have can dent about that. joe watt continues, ted strict land, thanks for your time. >> thank you, thomas. cabin pressure. new charges against the jetblue pilot who had this mid-flight freakout. was his goal more serious than anyone originally thought? if there was a pill to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye-care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. [ male announcer ] ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. now, that's a pill worth taking.
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>> reporter: if he weren't the captain of a passenger plane carrying 135 people, clayton osbon's apparent breakdown mid-flight on tuesday would be a very private matter. at 35,000 feet, the stakes are very high. a federal criminal complaint now alleges captain osbon started behaving strangely as jetblue flight 191 climbed out of new york bound for las vegas. the complaint states osbon said something to the first officer about being evaluated by someone. then, talked about his church and needing to focus. he asked the first officer to take the controls as he made incoherent comments about religion. then, said things just don't matter. on the radio he yelled at air traffic controllers to be quiet and ad mon uished the first officer for talking on the radio. then, according to the complaint, captain osbon said,
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we need to take a leap of faith and talked about sins in las vegas and said, we are not going to vegas. he abruptly got up, left the cockpit and banged on the restroom door to be let in. with osbon in the restroom, they asked an off-duty captain to enter the cockpit and lock the door. when captain osbon realized he was locked out, he charged the door. >> he was screaming things out like, let me in, let me in. we got to get this plane down. you better start saying the lord's player. we got to get out. we got to get out. >> finally, with half a dozen men holding osbon down, the plane landed safely in amarillo, captain osbon taken into custody. he lived with his wife in georgia and had a pilot's crash pad in new york where his landlady was stunned. >> what could have happened, don't know. i don't know. >> reporter: the faa closely monitors a pilot's health requiring a full medical exam every six months for pilots over the age of 40.
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a variety of mental health conditions will disqualify a pilot from flying. among them, certain anxieties, bipolar and personality disorder and psychosis. the faa allowed it will allow pilots to fly while on certain non-sedating mental health medications. >> the captain now faces up to 20 years in prison for interfering with a flight crew. a look at other stories topping the news. dualing budgets on capitol hill. house members will vote on a democratic budget and vote on paul ryan's budget. this comes on the heels of three budget votes on wednesday for congressional black caucus proposal, the republican amended offering on the summation of numbers in the president's budget and the bipartisan attempt at the simpson-bowles outline all suffered big defeats on the floors. there is question on the house over the future of the
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legislation. california senator, barbara boxer had a message for republicans this morning. >> you karnt have a stronger economy in the infrastructure is falling apart. it is not too late. our message to speaker boehner is, do your job. you are not speaker of the republicans. you are speaker of the house. >> speaker boehner just told reporters, the house republicans had problems with pay-fors in the senate bill. to colorado and the colorado state forest service apologizing for setting a controlled burn that triggered a fatal wild fire outside of denver. the controlled burn was then meant to drive agitation. instead, the fire raged out of control scorching land and killing two people. a search team issing for a woman missing in the fire zone. a new report out from the cdc says about 1 in every 88 kids in the u.s. has autism. that's the highest estimate to date. the autism rate is 25% higher since the last analysis. the largest increases were among his span you can and black
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children. the study also shows autism disorders are five times more common among boys than girls. will ferrell stopped by conan to make a very important announcement. as of 0900 mountain time, paramount pictures and myself, ronald joseph aaron burgundy have come to terms on a sequel to "anchorman." >> the sequel is expected to be released next year. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word. you have yet to master the quiet sneeze. you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts. well, muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour 3.
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like a ramen noodle- every-night budget. she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach. until she heard about the value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. outrage over the death of florida teen, trayvon, continues to boil over. additional rallies are planned in both missouri and california. the u.s. department of justice is investigating trayvon martin's death, whether or not the department is pursuing the case as a hate crime has not
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been revealed. is this investigation reflective of a growing trend under the obama administration. is the d.o.j. more aggressively prosecuting potential hate crimes in the country. joining me this morning is david douglas, a former department of justice attorney with the civil rights division. sir, it is good to have you here. you have prosecuted hate crimes during your career i would like to take a look at a federal hate crime prosecuted. 66 under the first three years of the president obama administration. 49 under the four years of the bush administration. are we seeing a more aggressive on the hate crimes under the 2000 law that expanded protection for americans? >> the change was intended to make it easier for the federal government to bring these kind of cases in really tragic questions. there is no question we are seeing more aggressive use of the statute now. >> i want to talk to you about the trayvon martin case.
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do you personally believe there will be enough evidence to federally prosecute george zimmerman with a hate crime? >> it is hard to forecast how any investigation goes. there is clearly enough evidence at this stage to open a very serious investigation and as the facts continue to unravel, it is looking more and more like a serious question that could be a viable prosecution, not just as a hate crime but there are other federal statutes that are potentially implicated here. both that could be directed against mr. zimmerman and the police department based on what we have seen in this video. >> speaking just in reference to your career and what you have seen over that career, the outcry we are seeing around the country, not just in florida but the scales of outcries we a hearing from coast to coast about bringing hate charges against zimmerman. how will that play into all of this and hopefully in the pursuit of justice, appease the tensions that are going on. >> i think the fact of an investigation is reassuring to
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people. part of the outrage is that the local police did little and were interested in doing little. i don't think there needs to be a prosecution to apiece tpease public's anger. i suspect we will see a thorough investigation. >> thanks for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> both activists and film critics call it's "r" rating ridiculous. producers agree and they are letting the acclaimed documentary open tomorrow and open without a rating. not all movie chains are on board. they are going to let underage kids with a permission slip or a guardian see the film. regal cinema says it plans to respect the original "r" rating which means no one under 17 will be admitted without a parent. joining me to talk about this is "bully q
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"bully" filmmaker and founder for justice and human rights, carrie kennedy. thanks so much for making time for this. lee, let's talk first about the film, the decision to release it without a rating. good idea or a bad idea and why? >> it was the only option. we tried so hard to move the mpa. we went to capitol hill. we had a screening with chris dodd. it seemed like there was so much energy. half a million people signed this petition. they wouldn't budge. we couldn't release it with an " "r." this is the best way forward. i am hopeful as the pressure mounts, we will see a change from the mta. >> i got to see this movie. i have moo you anti-bullying but. carrie shall the last time you were hear talking about what the center is doing, speak truth to power, part of the curriculum of the rfk center is to take messages directly into the classrooms. would the "bully" movie something that you think you can take in? >> absolutely. this is one of the movies we are advocating for that people
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should see this. we want students. we want teachers, administrators and parents, whole neighborhoods to see this movie, because it is so important for people to understand what bullying is and what they can do to make a difference. >> this takes a look at the old-school stuff that we probably all experienced as kids. most recently in the news over the last couple of years has been the fact that the bullying problem is brought into people's homs through social medi we have the 2010 death of tyler clementi. the other of 2011, jamie road myer and his suicide. >> dozens that haven't risen to the national prominence. >> do you think there needs to be a bully 2 movie focused on the social media aspect and how it per pet tu eights. >> often a lot of cyberbullying is the extension of the
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brick-and-mortar bullying you see in our film. to be sitting here having this conversation, what's interesting is perhaps for the furs timirst we are looking at it as a human rights program. maybe it is not powerful enough to describe what happens to so many kids out there. >> when you think of what we have seen like the rhodemeyer case or tyler clementi, are we doing enough? >> absolutely not. there is so much more we can do. the way we view this is as a human rights issue. in all human rights violation situations, we see actors, the perpetrators, the defenders, the victims and the bystanders and what we are trying to do is make everybody into a defender. you can train people. people are trained to be bullies. they learn that. they are educated to be bullies. you can thain them the way you
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are trained to ride a bicycle or to lift heavier weights. what you can do to stop this. that's what the aim is. >> it is really big for kids to see this movie. parents too. that's the big takeaway i got out when i got out of this. parents need to look at this and know if the kids are being bullied but if they are the bullies. >> we are hearing from families that are gone. we are seeing whole families show up at screenings. they are saying thank you, because you have given us a way to have this conversation, a very tough conversation. it is awkward. our kids want to talk about it. they want to share the decisions they are struggling to make, if they are being bullied. it is a great way to talk about it. >> it is a great piece of film making. lee hirsch, the filmmaker and kerry kennedy. >> the film, "bully" opens on friday. for more information, logon to
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me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say. you have better odds of being struck by lightning over 500 times than you have to win the megamillion dollars. with half a million at at stake people are lining it up. >> it is such an insane amount of money, i don't know where you start. >> first of all, i would join me a nice st. james bible and probably buy anything ems i wanted. >> i'm going back to france.
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i got to go to france. >> i would have a yacht on the water down in miami and i would never have to mow the grass again. >> we have called in an expert today in an effort to improve our odds on this, richard lus tig, has won the lottery seven times. it is his full-time job. he has written the book on how to increase your chances of winning the lottery. it is good to have you here. what i meant richard, i said, i want some of your luck to rub off on me. you said it is not luck. >> luck has absolutely nothing to do with this. i tell people all the time. people relying on luck are fooling themselves. >> let's talk about your method. when it comes toic picking numbs for the megamillions. you say, don't pick the numbers or pick the numbers. >> pick the numbers. people are naturally lazy. they will go into the store and hand the clerk a couple of bucks and say, here, give me a couple of tickets to tonight's drawing. that's what's called a quick pick. i i know people watching this now are saying what do you mean, i
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always play quick picks. have you won yet? >> there is one personal finance author who wants to tirade against you on twitter. an editor with aol money and finance says the machine picked numbers are better. why would he think they are better? >> my response, how many lottery game prizes has he won. >> how many you have won? >> seven. i'm in the millions. >> okay. so here are a couple of thoughts from twitter, this is big on twitter. one wrote in saying bought $10 of mega million tickets so i'm basically assured a minimum of a million. right? >> no. >> another says so why doesn't someone buy 176 million tickets, they win for sure and triple their money. >> except what happens if there are two or three winners that pick the same numbers. they split it and they will be out. >> this one was funny f. my
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family won we'd get a better house, nice cars, take a vacation and adopt all of angelina's kids. let's talk about this because you diversify, not just mega millions, scratch-offs, all that because you think it's better to play the odds of all of those? >> no, just that you can play one game. my book, i teach people how to increase their chances of winning. and i teach them how to play numbers games, and i also teach them how to play scratch tickets to increase their chances of winning. >> you're not going to tell me how many you're buying for mega millions. >> no. i'm not trying to hide anything. one of the biggest things i preach is set a budget. i don't want people to worry about what joe blow is spending or richard is spending. worry what you can afford. >> seven-time lottery winner, thank you, sir. we'll be right back with more. so, how do you feel about cash back?
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i would not say i'm into it, but let's see where this goes. [ buzzer ] do you like to travel? i'm all about "free travel," babe. that's what i do. [ buzzer ] balance transfers -- you up for that? well... too soon? [ female announcer ] fortunately, there's an easier way with compare hundreds of cards from every major bank, and find the one that's right for you. it's simple. search, compare, and apply.
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up for me. i'll see you back here at 11:00 a.m. eastern w. alex wagner is coming up. have you gotten your lottery tickets? >> i stock pile them. >> i'm hanging out with you. >> i thought we were hanging out regardless. >> anybody looks better with millions of dollars around them. >> that is true, sir. we're going to be talking about big oil, big subsidies, big plans. the president's latest agenda to put the fossil fuel industry on a diet and the latest in the 2012 rate. marco rubio kind of sort of likes mitt romney. former white house policy adviser dr. zeke emmanuel will join us to read the tea leaves on national health care. all that and the latest on president obama and speaker of the house john boehner. all of that when "now" starts in 180 seconds. ♪ ♪ why do you whisper, green grass? ♪
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president obama is calling for an end to big oil and gas subsidies but is he giving republican leadership fuel for fire. it is thursday, march 29th, and this is "now." joining me today from the nation msnbc contributor ari melber. maggie haberman and sam stein of the "huffington post." with gas prices on the rise and oil companies marking record profits president obama wants an end to tax subsidies for the oil industry. republicans say the president's plan will lead to just more pain at the pump. this is what the president and senate minority leader mitch mcconnell had to say. >> i think it's curious some folks in congress who are the first to belittle investments in new sources of energy are the ones that are fighting the hardest to maintain these giveaways for the oil companies. >> that was their brilliant plan
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