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tv   NOW With Alex Wagner  MSNBC  April 16, 2012 12:40pm-12:59pm EDT

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when you get unlimited messaging. rethink possible. president obama's march fund-raising numbers are in and show sla he and the democratic national committee raised a combined $53 million. nearly all of the donations were $250 or less but according to new reports, big donors are the ones with front row seats at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. bill burton i have to ask you about this first. we're talking about a "new york times" sunday article yesterday. 75% of donor who's gave between $100,000 and -- or $120,000 to the dnc or the obama victory fund visits the white house, not the same, not true for lower dollar donors. what do you make of that? how do you respond to that? >> well, i think that the notion that this tells the story of the transparency and the reform that president obama brought to the white house is misleading because you look at what the
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president did. he created a whole new realm of transparency by telling everyone who comes to the white house. the whole reason that we know who is on that list is because of a policy that the president put forward. weighened to make sure people had the chance to finds out who is visiting the white house. >> visitor logs. >> if it weren't for that, we wouldn't know. whereas with mitt romney, we don't know who's bundling donations for him. there's a real difference on this and the transparency the president brought to the white house is something no president before him had done. when i was working for him, it was sometimes a real pain to tell these stories who was coming and who was going. it was important to the president he be transparent about his dealings with the american people and he has been and this is the result. >> it certainly does show some line, however inex-electricable it may be between the folks with money in that town or this town and the white house. >> and who is surprised? would anyone please raise their hands, money buys action ses. money has always bought access
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until you get major campaign reform and if heaven were to create public financing we might resolve this problem. but republicans and democrats alike have been basically bought and paid for for generations. >> i don't agree with that necessarily but i would say how about doing an analysis of all the big republican donor who's visit this had white house? because the bottom line is that -- >> just pointing to the republicans as if it's an excuse. let's be honest. obama administration came in with a lot of promises, achieved some of them but clearly whether it's the lobbyists coming in as part of a donor meeting or the meeting at caribou coffee house, or whether it's. >> obama cannot pass reform without congress. >> or whether it's bringing in advisers when he said he wanted to get new blood, there have been shortcomings. we point to mitt romney and the things he's done wrongs but we can say the president fell short in some respects. >> the bright line was crossed
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not with these meetings with some people are lobbyists and some people influenced, the bright line was crossed when he named bill daley as his chief of staff. he wasn't a registered lobbyist but he ran the lobbying operations for a major financial institution. at that point, the promise that lobbyists would not run the white house was fundamentally broken with. >> take a step back here. >> wait a second. so the question is what do lobbyists or influence peddlers get for this money and that's where the story breaks down, right? did bill daley do anything to help banks? the answer is we're not quite sure what he did. you know, there are all sorts of -- there needs to be a quid pro quo to make the scandal and corruption work. we have yet to see that. there are all sorts of reasons why the obama administration has failed to live up to promises but hard to say that it's been in the pocket of business business. >> if you listen to what wall street and big money is saying about the president hardly seems like a quid pro quo. bill burton, you're going to be releasing super pac numbers for
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march. was it a good month for you? >> it's the months keep getting better and i think that the fact that we have the resources to put together the kind of ad campaign we're starting today to help tell the story of mitt romney and who he is and where he is ontachs is telling about how we're doing. >> a fascinating yarn, the story of mitt romney. coming up, eric cantor faces new criticism about his donation to a group focused on ousting congressional incumbents. awkward probably doesn't begin to describe the mood in congress all next in what now. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote.
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welcome back. time for "what now?!" >> eric cantor may soon face tough questions from lawmakers about a $25,000 donation he made to a group dedicated to ousting incumbents. sam, a veteran they'remaker says anonymously of course, it's a serious breach of trust and sends a signal to the rest of us
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if we don't fall 100% in line, they will come after you. >> i'm still trying to get a sense of why he did this. it seems like such a roll of the dice. if the donations work, fine, your hand is strengthened. you seem like a real boss and you might be, but -- >> i think he seems like a boss already in his own mind. >> what if it backfires? why would anyone in your caucus trust you after that? i'm still trying to figure out what is going on here. >> orrin hatch, there are a few that have begun to build defenses against the tea party in the right. even bob bennett is making reappearances in terms of his revolvement. so i think we're sort of at that moment. will the tea party sustain the kind of strength to make an event like this make cantor do something like this, or are the rhinos, the supply moderate conservatives about to come in and get. >> why do you make the donation in the first place? >> i guess in a bid to not associate himself with john
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boehner and show he's from a different side of the tracks. we're all pretty well aware of that. speaking of wine knows, catherine, i'll go to you, richard. you probably want to comment on this first. while touring a zoo in st. louis on friday, newt gingrich was bitten by a penguin. >> to which i have to ask, was penguin okay? >> see i knew you'd have a witty rejoinder. newt gingrich is still in this race. apparently -- >> and looking for votes in a zoo. what could be more sensible. >> doesn't have the penguin vote >> he walked out on an interview after the first question. >> i got an alert he had an interview with a student newspaper in many north carolina and mid-way through the first question, decides to cut it off which is what an aspiring is presidential candidate. >> once you're bitten by a penguin, maybe all bets are off, bill. >> students can be really zany these days. >> i'm moving on to my last thing to talk about, which is that a new pew project internet
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study finds one in five adults doesn't use the internet at all. that is shocking to me. of those not online, 59% are seniors, 60% adults who didn't complete high school, an 40% are those with incomes under $30,000 and 54% are those are disabilities. >> it just goes to show there's a lot of different folks that you're trying to reach. i would be interested to know what percentage of those folks voted in the 2008 election and what part of the electorate they make up. but different people get their information different ways and this is probably not as funny as you were looking for but it's important for campaigns to realize that. >> sometimes it doesn't have to be funny though. >> the conversation is the infrastructure conversation. go to europe, it's really fast. public access for economic benefit for the entire nation we should have you baseline, wireless internet coverage around the united states. >> and yet, we do not and are not very close to getting it at all. oh, well. we'll leave it there.
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penguin bites aside, thanks again to richard, sam, catherine and bill. that's all for now. i'll see you back here tomorrow at noon eastern/9:00 a.m. eastern when i'm joined by carole king, robert costa and eric bates. you can findous at dpfacebook. hello, andrea. >> hey, alex. thanks so much. we are highlighting the battleground battle here in colorado, the swing states. the democratic governor john hickenlooper will be joining us as we also kick off education nation with the governor. also joining me ambassador susan rice on the failed north korea rocket launch and a new u.n. presidential statement on that. and former iran hostage sarah shourd will be with me. andrea mitchell live from colorado coming up next. i'm bill karins with your
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business travel forecast on this monday. what a crazy monday it's going to be. summer-like heat with record highs in new england. snow in northern minnesota. rain down along the gulf coast and more and i in the northwest. but boston today, boston marathon, 88 degrees, warmest temperature ever for the boston marathon. thunderstorms possible atlanta and detroit. [ female announcer ] lactaid milk is easy to digest. it's real milk full of calcium and vitamin d. and tastes simply delicious. for those of us with lactose intolerance... lactaid® milk. the original 100% lactose-free milk.
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you know, those farmers, those foragers, those fishermen.... for me, it's really about building this extraordinary community. american express is passionate about the same thing. they're one of those partners that i would really rely on whether it's finding new customers, or, a new location for my next restaurant. when we all come together, my restaurants, my partners, and the community amazing things happen. to me, that's the membership effect. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," live from battleground colorado where barack obama lit up the sky four years ago.
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can he do it again? it's the first stop on our tour of swing states. and it's here that we kick off education nation today with the state's democratic governor john hickenlooper. then scandal in cartagena. the investigations are launched into 11 secret service agents, officers and supervisors. plus u.s. military personnel accused of soliciting prostitutes when supposed to be preparing for president obama's arrival. >> if it turns outs that some of the allegations that have been made in the press are confirmed, then of course, i'll be angry. mitt romney unplugged. the likely nominee gives donors a sneak peek how he plans to win back hispanics after his anti-immigration stance during the primaries. and also, which agencies he'd like to cut. and "dancing with the stars." hillary clinton finds her latin beat in colombia, yes, at a popular night spot called of all
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things cafe havana. is that a policy preview? >> i'm andrea mitchell live in denver. in our daily fix today, we are kicking off the tour of eight battlegrou


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