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tv   The Rachel Maddow Show  MSNBC  May 9, 2012 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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are set to double this summer unless congress takes action. republicans were set to let that happen last month, to let student loan rates double. after public pressure from president obama, mitt romney, the republican candidate and the republicans in the house of representatives changed their mind. they dropped their previous position. they said they would agree to act to keep student loan rates where they are. as of today, apparently the deal is off. they filibustered the deal to keep student loan rates from going up. if this does not get fixed, everybody's student loans across the country will double their interest rate this summer. you can thank massachusetts senator scott brown for that. a vulnerable incumbent like scott brown sided with the republican filibuster on this issue. just incredible. also, incredible, the long
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awaited endorsement of mitt romney for president by the last contender left standing. rick santorum's endorsement was sent out last night in the middle of the night in an e maim. no press conference. no announcement. as endorsements go, this was a full octave below low key. it's like the lowest note. it was almost imperceptible to the human ear. also, mitt romney caused a national case of whiplash on the car industry. after he lost to john mccain in the republican primary in 2008 after he dropped out, the only thing he made further headlines for that year as him coming out
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as super against the bail out. now in today's news he says he wants to take a lot of credit for the government bailout of the auto industry, the bail out which he opposed. >> the auto companies needed to go through bankruptcy before government help. that's what the president did. that was the right course that i argued for from the beginning. i'll take a lot of credit for the fact that this industry has come back. >> i'll take a lot of credit. we'll have more on that coming up. today was a day of surprising and big news about politics. in the midst of all this surprising and big news about politics today, in the midst of all of that some actual politics broke out. today is election day in four states. in none of the states holding republican presidential primaries today is there any doubt that mitt romney will win. in the great state of west virginia, it should be noted there's a democratic candidate who is not president obama on the ballot.
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he's keith judd, a convicted felon in prison in texas. he paid his $2500 filing pea and he was on the ballot today in west virginia for president. yeah, even with mr. judd, not much suspense in the west virginia voting today. in indiana, a very consequential on the republican race. nbc news can predict that dick lugar lost his seat. richard mourdock is state treasurer. he's run three times before and lost each time. all the people left on the tea party side of things decided that richard mourdock is the guy they wanted to dump money on and end the 36 year career of senator lugar.
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he's never been controversial in indiana. he's won past elections by more than 30-point margins. in 2006, he won by 75 points. the democrats didn't run somebody against him. he got 87% of the vote. in terms of policy, he's always been just a mainstream conservative. one in expertise in foreign policy and arms control. those are not always very partisan things. they are the kind of political issues on which there's room for bipartisan agreement, which is why senator lugar turned up in a campaign. >> the single most important national security we face is the nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorist. i reached out to senator dick lugar to help lock down weapons. we have to lead the entire world
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to reduce that threat. >> for democratic candidate saying and showing that you crossed partisan lines to work on a substantive issue of policy, that's worth bragging about. putting that in a campaign ad as a democrat. you might win a red state like indiana. if you are a republican, even being seen as on the receiving end of bipartisan out reach as you can see from tonight's result, that is political suicide. the successful primary challenger to senator lugar today has an 0-3 record running for congress. he says that social security and medicare are unconstitutional. he'll be off the republican side and this man richard mourdock is replacing them. they are excited to turn the seat blue now that they will no longer have to run against a respective mainstream
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conservative who can win by over 30 points every time like dick lugar. democrats say richard as this year's ken buck. someone who the tea party love who is the state will be horrified by come time for the general election. if the democrats are right, meet this guy. meet joe donnelly. he's the democrat against whom richard mourdock will be running. in north carolina, the focus is on an amendment to ban gay marriage in the state of north carolina even though it's already banned there. much of the campaign against the aents-gay amendment has focused on the fact that it's language would not just ban marriage rights for same sex couple, it would ban all legal rights for all unmarried couples in the state. there are hundreds of thousands of unmarried couples who have some recognized legal status whether it's around child
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custody or police and prosecutor being able to protect you against domestic violence. that point about unmarried couples who aren't gay, that point said the anti-gay amendment will hurt them in north carolina by making the state an unattractive place to recruit top talent to work, those arguments and not the gay rights arguments were the focus of this robo call from bill clinton. >> i'm calling to urge you to vote against amendment one. fp it passes it won't change north carolina's law on marriage. what it will change is north carolina's ability to keep good businesses, attract new jobs and attract and keep talented entrepreneurs. if it passes, your ability to get those jobs will be weakened. losing one job to amendment one is too big a risk it would take
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away health insurance from children and take away domestic violence protection from women. the real affect of the law is not to keep the traditional definition of law. the real affect of law will be to hurt families and drive away jobs. north carolina can do better. again, this is bill clinton asking you to vote against amendment one. thanks. >> bill clinton's robo call against amendment one. the side that bill clinton was advocated tlp the against with 43% of the vote. 57% of the vote coming if favor of the anti-gay amendment in north carolina. before tonight, over the past 15 years there have been 33 statewide votes on marriage rights for same sex couples. 33 votes in the state. 33 votes, 32 which have gone against gay rights.
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tonight that very consistent streak of what happens when you ask for a majority vote on minority rights appears headed that direction in north carolina. the last major race is in wisconsin where democrats are choosing their candidate to run in the recall election against scott walker on june 5th. at this hour we do not have any results heading into tonight's voting. tom barrett was favored. he is facing good competition from kathleen falk. the winner will have less than a month to put together a statewide run against governor walker. he's been raising millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars for a long time now. a lot of it from out of state conservative groups. democrats and other opponents do not think they will be able to out gun him in the money department. keep in mind that to get him on the ballot to be recalled in the first place, opponents of scott walker got nearly a million
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signatures. in order to get those million signatures, they had an army of 35,000 volunteers collecting those one million anti-scott walker signatures. what the forces may lack in money and now in time heading into this june 5th race, the forces may make it up in terms of organization and sheer kick the bum out enthusiasm. i am among those that think the recall election will be the most significant election in the country this year other than the presidential election. it's a huge deal for what it means for wisconsin and what it means for residents around the country. that said, depending on where you are, elections in north carolina are huge. a huge deal for civil rights and how the gay marriage issue is being address and tonight's election in indiana. this means that no matter who wins in november, indiana is about to have a junior senator instead of the dean of the delegation.
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this has been a big day in politics. joining us is steve. the senate is governed by old and complicated rules. not just in favor of your national issues but for your home state. what did the republican party lose tonight? >> the republican party is moving away from that tradition and moving slowly but steadily. this is something that is happening. it's now a trend in the senate where the bottom line for any republican who wants to serve in the senate absolutely rigid party. no pragmatism. no reaching the the other side's president. if you breach that, if you violate that not on a regular basis but one or two profile
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instances, then you'll face the wrath of your party in a primary. it's more than being about dick lugar. he wasn't going to be around the senate that much longer. the message they take is if i don't want to have what happened to dick lugar happen to me then i'll think twice about going to the white house to work on this bill. that's the chilling affect. >> the race in north carolina is called. amendment one according to the associated press will pass. it not only doubly bans already banned gay marriage but denies any sort of legal recognition to any form of bond between an unmarried couple. there had been, i think, wishful
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thinking on the part of the no on one forces that the change in opinion polling on the issue of same sex marriage rights might make north carolina an exception to this horrible losing streak that gay rights have. is it impossible to imagine that a statewide ballot measure could ever go the other direction or is this something where the polling numbers can presage future different outcomes? >> i think it can in certain instances and certain states. at the national level there was a gallup poll that said it's 50% in favor of gay marriage. 48% opposed. that's nationally. when you start looking at swing states that are more conservative, north carolina being one of them, that number is going to fall lower. it's going to fall lower in ohio. it's going to be higher in place like new jersey. chris christie has been forced to deal with gay marriage. his solution has been i don't want to deal with this myself. i want to put this on the
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ballot. it's put democrats in an interesting position. there's the principle of we don't want to put minority rights to a majority vote. if you put it on the ballot, it might pass. >> there was a pro-gay marriage measure put to a vote. the same people who lost that vote in 2009, is seeking to put it on the ballot for this november for 2012. that will be the first time that the pro-gay right side has sought out a vote. one they think they might be able to win. when you got a record of now 33-1 against you, i tend to be skeptical that it might work in maine. you see the advocates thinking about this differently. >> the pace of change different. i wrote a piece about this. they are all in favor of gay marriage.
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that's how i read joe biden's comments. this is a guy that's interested for running for president in 2016 of course he's taking steps. that's where the party is. >> it's where people are. the more ambitious democrats, the democrats who see themselves
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as having a longer political horizon. that amendment has passed in north carolina. have a good day, honey. i love you, ok. bye, mom. [ female announcer ] sam's mom is muddling through her allergies. what can she do? she can get answers at walgreens. with guidance and information to help her make informed choices for her allergy needs. like zyrtec -- with the strength of 24-hour rtec, you get relief from your worst allergy symptoms, indoors and out. right now, buy one and get one 50% off. ♪ find answers at walgreens. to have the energy to turn a "to do" list into a memory.
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it's breaking, try to be near andrea mitchell as much as possible. when news break, when there are big developments particularly in the world of politics, andrea mitchell is somehow right at the center of it. her 1:00 p.m. hour had the first interview with republican senator olympia snowe after she announced her retirement. it was the green room where president obama called sandra fluke, the georgetown law student. the story of the susan g. komen story broke wide open on andrea mitchell's 1:00 p.m. show. when big important political stories happen, more often than not they happen on andrea mitchell's show. this is not me doing a commercial. this is my giving you advice for you.
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it happened again yesterday. she interviewed the chairman of republican party and she asked him about that same-sex marriage amendment that's passed today in north carolina. >> i think governor romney and the republican party has been clear. we believe marriage is between one man and one woman. we believe you can't federalize that kind of mandate which is why we believe that individual states can make that decision on their own. they are doing that across the country. we've been clear. >> what you just saw was the chairman of the republican party blowing it. listen to how he describe's mitt romney's position. >> i think governor romney and the republican party has been clear. we believe marriage is between one man and one woman. we believe you can't federalize that kind of mandate. >> you can't federalize that.
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the individual states have to make that decision on their own. no federal mandate defining marriage is the union of one man and one woman. that's my position. that's mitt romney's position so says the chairman of the republican party. the chairman of the republican party made huge news there because he's wrong. there's mitt romney in writing calling for a federal constitution amendment. if you do that federally, that means the states don't get to decide. now everybody has to ask do you mean that mitt romney's changed his position on making marriage a federal issue or did you just misunderstand his position. the republican party disagrees with his position about that or did you misunderstand your own position and you really do agree, in which case if you did misunderstand your own position, how do we believe it is your position? what a mess. it's not just a one off thing.
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this is not just a misspoke sort of thing. i think he might not be very good at his job. i think that at least the republican party keeps making a lot of mistakes. i do not mean this in a personal way. i'm sure he's a nice guy. i'm sure the people that work at the rnc are very nice people. this year, the republican national committee keeps screwing stuff up substantively and badly. they seem to be bad at what they do. here is another example. last week a ahead of president obama's first campaign event in ohio, the rnc held a conference call to attack president obama for failing to create jobs. they stepped all over their own republican message when he was revealed that the call center hosting their obama is bad on u.s. conference call was a call center in the philippines. here is another one. this is what happened last month
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when an rnc spokesman tried to explain mitt romney's economic plan during a radio interview. >> how different is that concept from what were the policies of the bush administration? is this a different program or is that program just updated? >> i think it's that program just updated. >> mitt romney's economic plan is the same as george bush's just updated. that was not a liberal blogger attacking the romney plan. that was the republican party spokesperson apparently trying to help governor romney by saying he's an update of george w. bush. here is another example. when the republican party decided to defend themselves that they were waging war on women. the way they chose to mount their defense was to attack the use of the word war. an rnc spokesman told reporters, quote, i find it offensive that the democratic national committee is using a term like that to describe policy
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differences. it's downright pathetic they would use a term like war when there are millions of americans that have engaged in real war. to use a term like that borders on unpatriotic. it's borderline unpatriotic to use the term war in the context of a policy debate. that turned out to be awkward since the rnc has been accused president obama of waging a war on everything from appalachia to coal. they are bad at this. it's unforced errors over and over again. another example from the whole war on women issue. >> the democrats said we had war on caterpillars then every mainstream outlet would say we had war on caterpillars. >> imagine the strategy session that led to that. i've got it. let's win back women by comparing them to insects. hold on i'm going to say it on
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tv. let's see how it goes. what are you doing? you didn't have to do that. then there was hilary rosen who criticized mr. romney's wife. she criticized her by saying she may not be the best touch to be in touch with women's issues since she didn't have to hold down a job while raising her jobs. in a course of trying to take advantage of that media created scandal the same sean spicer accidentally came out and endorsed gay couples being able to adopt gay children which the republican party opposes as a matter of policy. in his excitement he came out as an rnc spokesman endorsing gay adoption and then he had to take it back by twitter. that's not what i said. there's more.
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today the rnc has out done themselves. today in response to the huge gap that exists between mitt romney and president obama between latino voter. they held an event highlighting republican party out reach to the hispanic community. according to the rnc he is still deciding what his position is on immigration. take your pick. latino voters mitt romney is hostile or no one knows what he thinks. this is the person who's job it is to reach out to voters from the rnc.
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the rnc is bad at this. whether or not you're in favor of what they are trying to do, they are not good at what they are trying to do. i don't know if this will matter. they won't need the party apparatus. it does seem important that the party apparatus is kind of a mess. i think that he might not be good at the job of running the republican party or maybe there's some secret genius at work that i'm missing with my big, dumb caterpillar girl )93g
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i was in detroit this weekend. i want went to the detroit dinner of the naacp. they gave me an award for the coverage we have done. it was a little overwhelming to receive the award. i have to say the thing that was most overwhelming about the whole event was the size of the room. the naacp annual dinner in detroit is the largest sit down dinner in the entire country. imagine in excess of 10,000 people having dinner at the same time.
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when i was my turn to speak i decided to focus on could see on something in the distant far end. it was like a little fleet of toy cars like little play cards for kids way in the distant far corner of the room. it was as i was leaving the vent with 10,000 people that i realized those were full sized cars and trucks, like a dozen of them parked inside the room. the room so big and so full of people that they looked like they were toys. lesson one of the naacp branch can fill a freaking room. 10,000 people. lesson two, there's no fancy event in detroit that should not have a dozen cars to show off their industry. even the people who said it should be left to die are trying to claim for its success. that's ahead. [ female announcer ] with swiffer wet
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the equity in your home. while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free-- that's right, 60 days risk free-- use promo code "not me". order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands-- a $29 value, free. [click-click] [♪...] back in the middle of the fight over health reform, a gathering of the notables got together to try to pray away health reform.
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they tried to use prayer in the battle of people with preexisting conditions. the leader of the event, the leader of get god to kill health reform is this man. he's founder of the call. this is him on the issue of gay marriage in california. >> what happens in california will release a spirit that is more demonic than islam. a spirit of lawlessness and anarchy and a sexual insanity will be unleashed into the earth. >> is sexual insanity asked people to get together to strike down health reform back in 2009. >> we dare to believe today that you overthrow, overrule kings that you rule in the senate debates. now we stand before you and worship you. the god who answers prayer arise, oh god.
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show mercy and turn this nation to you we pray. in jesus name, break in, break in at this moment as we lift our voices all across america, come, lord hear from heaven and intervene. >> intervene to stop health reform. that was back in 2009. right there with lou during the pray away the health reform event. you recognize those guys. that's sam brownback governor of kansas and jim demint. headlines an effort to stop health reform with prayer. whether or not you like the idea of separation of church and state. on the political right, the increasing hostility with the separation of church and state has manifest and there's been a lot of overtly political sized religion.
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you can look at it as conservative religious politics. you saw that in the health form debate and the presidential campaigns. you may remember rick perriless than half filled reliant stadium for a christian only prayer rally to ask god to fix the economy. >> i'm aware of government limitations when it comes to fix things that are spiritual in nature. that's where prayer comes in. we need it more than ever. with the economy in trouble, communities in crisis, we need god's help. >> then he ran for president. this is a thing in republican politics right now. very conservative republican politicians presenting themselves almost as religious figures using religious language to make their policy advocacy argument, aggressively promoting religiously inform policy making.
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inserting religion into politics. candidates are free to do that. it's part of how they are selling themselves. what about handing over the united states capitol to that kind of project? this is national statuary hall. today it's home to 38 statues. they were all inaugurated in what is national statuary hall. today it can be used for special events like memorial services, receptions for members of congress. it's up to the speaker of house who can have access and for what kind of events. here are the kind of events that are held. inaugural luncheons or a capitol historical society for new members of congress.
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today, there was a different kind of event. today join boehner held it over the a prayer event. it was time to coincide with george washington's inauguration and celebrate how super religious george washington was. among today's prayer at the capitol head lierns was a guy named jim garlo. he's said that gay marriage is part of an attack by satan on the united states. he has compared being gay to not just man on dog like rick santorum said but specifically, man on horse. a guy named david barton was top bill. he said we can't find a cure to aids because gay is god's punishment. >> studies keep proving that. that's why aids have something that haven't discovered a cure
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for because it's the fastest self-mutating virus. it transmutes into something new. they have to start over again. that goes to what god said you're going to bear the consequence offense this homosexual behavior. >> it was al headlined by a woman named alveda king. support for abortion rights is just like supporting terrorism. also top billed was a man named dan cummins. he wrote a book where he argues the separation of church and state is a foreign communist concept. he says people that call themselves progressives are communists. this exists in republican politics. this is part of the way that republicans campaign particularly when they are just campaigning among each other like in a republican primary context. john boehner okayed this event.
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this prayer event organized by people who say that aids is god's punishment for being gay and if you support abortion rights you support terrorism, people who's whole reason for doing this that the church and state are not and should not be separate. john boehner welcomed that event at the united states capitol today. you and i and everyone else in this country owns statuary hall. it was handed over today to a group of people who want religious politics. who want religious governance. joining us now to discuss is the reverend dr. welton gaddy. full disclosure, he's my pal. thank you for being here. >> thanks. >> do you see a difference between using religious events to promote your candidacy and doing something like this today inside the u.s. capitol? >> it's just a bigger version of the former.
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i kind of think we need to start wearing name tags on who is the preacher and who is the politician. the preachers are doing politics and the politicians are trying to preach. rachel, i'm stunned at what happened today. this is a group of people who are the finest in the world as revisionist historians. our nation's history didn't provide them what they wanted for their agenda, so they changed the history. david barton has gone all over this country arguing that in the constitution there is no concept of church, state separation. there is this ongoing myth that
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the founders of our nation were architects trying to bring about a kingdom of god in the united states, a new israel that we are in fact, a christian nation. these people, i like to associate prayer and truth. i don't see the connection on this one. >> when you look at the background of these speakers and when you see the kinds of history that they have with dealing with american history, that you were just describing, does the fact that this appears to be endorsed by john boehner, this territory inside the u.s. capitol was handed over to them, does that send a message of people of varying believes or of people that don't have faith at all. what's the message?
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>> the message is you better watch out and get to understanding the constitution and people that are trying to bring strength and defense to that amendment. these people gathered to pray as with the backdrop the national day of prayer. the national day of prayer on the television, on the screens, all of its publicity says this is for christians. this isn't for the whole nation. this is for christians that pray just like these individuals do. why in the world would the speaker of the house of the united states congress want to to the people all over this nation that the if you're not a christian like these people, your rights are threatened. they have an agenda to make this nation just like them. that is -- there is no place for that in the united states capital.
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>> reverend welton gaddy, pastor for preaching worship in monroe, louisiana, president of the interface alliance. welton, thank you so much for being here to talk with us about it. i appreciate it. still to come, it is hard to believe that just buying a couple of cadillacs saved the american automotive industry, but that's apparently true. that's all it took. that story's next. [ jennifer garner ] why can't strong sunscreen feel great?
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for most of the past decade, mitt romney has been running for president. sometimes that has meant actively campaigning, shaking hands, kissing babies, asking for money. sometimes that has meant playing pretend president from the sidelines, by saying what a hypothetical president romney would do if he were in the white house at that moment. it was in that context that mr. romney, the former governor of massachusetts, made his now really, really famous argument for what the nation should do about the auto industry when it was at its worst. his advice was, let detroit go bankrupt. at the time mr. romney wrote this, his republican party had already lost the white house to democrat barack obama. the outgoing president bush was about a month away from invest billions in chrysler and gm in consultation with that new incoming president. and mitt romney, the son of michigan and the auto industry was having none of it. let detroit go bankrupt, he said, and don't get the lovett "seal their fate with a bailout check." at that time, that seemed like sort of a courageous political stance. wow, mitt romney is so anti-bailout, he is willing to kill the whole american auto industry. that takes a certain kind of courage, right? because if that bailout works. if it it happens and it works, it will be really hard to run for anything ever again once you become the don't bail them out guy. >> there's no question, but if you just write a check that you're going to see these companies go out of business, ultimately. >> bailouts of enterprises that are in trouble, that's not the right way to go. and i know president bush started it with the auto industry. i thought it was a mistake. >> my views with regards to the bailout that whether it was by president bush or by president obama, it was the wrong way to go.
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his way through the swing state of ohio, which happens to have a lot of auto jobs. they look their auto industry jobs in ohio, very well, thank you very much. and they are therefore very much interested in ohio, in mitt romney's super courageous stand against bailing out the industry that their state depends on. but for the guy who said that bailout would never work and it was a mistake and we should let detroit and the car companies go, it turns out that courage
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wasn't the relative concept here for understanding mitt romney. courage, no. chutzpah, yes. >> i pushed the idea of a managed bankruptcy, and finally when that was done and help was given, the companies got back on their feet. so i'll take a lot of credit for the fact that this industry's come back. >> "i'll take a lot of credit." of course, mitt romney would like to take a lot of credit. he's out campaigning in michigan and ohio and indiana, all states where the economy would be unspeakably worse if president bush and president obama had listened to him and turned a cold shoulder to the auto industry. if you were that guy who just said, just let detroit go. if you had sufficient chutzpah, you might try to take credit too for what you were against. but mitt romney is still that guy. >> my view with regards to the bailout was that whether it was by president bush or by president obama, it was the the wrong way to go. >> mr. romney is still that guy
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and on tape he is now trying to take credit for the good done for the country by the people who had the good sense to ignore him in 2008 and 2009. the people who had the good sense to ignore him and reject his advice. chutzpah is one word for that. there are some other words too. it's showtime for savings. excuse me, sir, how much are you charging for your popcorn? $4.00. $4.00. i'm just going to let the people have a choice. $1.00 for popcorn. come and get it. guess we'll make it two. you got it. progressive showed me my options, i'm showing you yours. $1.00, fresh popcorn. enjoy the show. you should have an option, just like with car insurance. that is a really great price.
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it is election day and there is some major political news in tonight's election results. in indiana, longtime u.s. senator dick lugar has lost his seat to a tea party primary challenger. nbc projecting that richard murdoch, the indiana state treasurer, will win the republican primary for senator lugar's seat. in practical political terms, that means democrats have a real shot at retaking that seat with their centrist candidate, congressman joe donnelley. in north carolina, the associated press reporting that voters have passed amendment one, which doubly, triply, quadruply bans already banned gay marriage in that state, as well as all forms of legal
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recognition for all unmarried couples in north carolina. state votes on gay rights were 32 and 1 against gay rights heading into tonight. they're now 33 and 1. and in wisconsin tonight, democrats are choosing their challenger to face republican governor scott walker in the june 5th recall election. at this time, tom barrett leads kathleen faulk 54 to 38%. watch msnbc for the latest poll results. decision day. mitt romney scores primary wins in three states while the senate's longest serving republican is ousted by a tea party rivalries. road haz ard. surveillance video captures a shocking hit and run in new york state. and bidding frenzy.