tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 10, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm EDT
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and opinion writer for "washington post" jonathan. this is an emotional debate for many. does the president have that emotion on his side or did he just evolve himself out of a job come november. >> we'll find out come november. i don't think so. this is clearly a politically gutsy move, a politically risky move. but when you're dealing with issues of civil rights and people's rights, it requires leadership. it requires leadership especially when, you know, people need to be led to the just solution even before they are ready to. that's why what the president did was so significant. i think it might inure to his benefit for folks that thought the president was being too cute by saying he was evolving yet he
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had all these actions, considerable actions he's taken on behalf of gay and lesbians to equate quality and fairness but wouldn't come out and say he supported marriage equality. i think by doing what he did yesterday, the president makes it clear his words now match his deeds. >> all right. so you talk about leadership, leadership being that of casting vision, getting people to rise up to where you need them to be. karen, joe biden said on "meet the press" the president sets the policpolicy. in this case did the vice president set policy because the president had to follow suit. >> admitting perhaps vice president biden got a little bit ahead of things. but i want to add another thing into this conversation, because i think the more -- if you take a step back, this may have been a stroke of genius. you've got mitt romney this weekend speaking at the commencement at liberty university. that is a crowd that will expect red meat from mitt romney on this particular issue. if he delivers that red meat,
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that pushes him farther to the right. i think we're going to see the right wing continue to crank out the negativism and extremes we've seen, probably go too far. what does that do? makes it harder for romney to appeal to independents. a genius move on the president's part in addition to being a courageous thing to do. >> you and your dad support the candidate that is mitt romney for the republican nomination. you, however, are very outspoken and advocate for lgbt rights. you said talk is cheap and the president is playing it safe. i do want to show everybody mitt romney opposes same-sex marriage, opposes civil unions. let's take a look at this. >> my view is that marriage itself is a relationship between a man and a woman. that's my own preference. i know other people have differing views. this is a very tender and sensitive topic as are many social issues. but i have the same view that i've had since -- well, since
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running for office. >> so megan as a marriage equality supporter that is on the right, how do you reconcile being in support of this candidate and also speak to others because there are lots of other people on the right like you that do support marriage equality. how do you reconcile supporting a candidate like mitt romney who is a person who changed his stance but changed it to go even further than that of president bush on this issue? >> i like many americans, i don't have the luxury of being a one issue voter. is gay marriage and legislagbt important to me? yes. i do think president obama made a courageous announcement. i never know if i'm allowed to saying gay marriage, we're back to marriage equality. band in north carolina. thirty states constitutions of their states gay people don't have a right to marry. there's a culture war waged. as much as i think president obama did make a courageous move, there's still a lot of work to be done. >> megan, you make a great point
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here. karen i want to throw this out to you. we talk about the roll of african-americans and what they played in the roll of passing in north carolina, the voting there two to one to put the wording into the constitution of north carolina that marriage is between one man and one woman. you have family there, encouraged them to get out and defeat this. you also talked about the fact interracial marriage was outlawed in north carolina. do you think the president's decision is going to affect african-american turnout in those states like north carolina where he won 95% of the black vote back in '08. >> i think african-americans are going to -- even those who may disagree with the president on this issue and frankly any voter who disagrees with the president on this issue, i think at the end of the day they will respect the fact this was a decision he made from his heart and on his beliefs and values and they will still vote for him. i don't think african-americans are going to not vote for president obama because of this issue. i think people who don't respect
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the decision and don't agree with him weren't likely to vote for him anyway. with regard to african-americans, the irony of all this is it was my mom's side, the white side of the family, north carolinians i was trying to get out there. with regard to african-americans and that side of my family, i think like so many other issues, it is that person-to-person relationship, more and more people know people who are gay, know people who are in love and say wait a second, why should the government regulate who gets to love who and who is willing to make that commitment. that's how we change things. not by laws but interpersonal reactions. i think just as we used to know that marriage could only be between one white man and one white woman, now we know that's not right. hopefully our hearts can change and more people will say that same-sex marriage is something we should support. >> jonathan, let's look at this from the states in november.
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if the president loses in november, is the lgbt community pegged with it, it's their fault? >> no. no. if the president loses in november, it will be because people are cranky about the economy, they don't think things are moving in the right direction. they don't think he's doing the job to get america back to work and they don't think he's the one to move them forward. as we talk about on all of our shows on msnbc, we write all the time, the issue that is forefront in people's minds when they go into the voting booth is on the economy, how am i feeling, my neighbors feeling, my relatives feeling. so you know, the president makes this historic decision today. it's a wonderful thing that he did. ultimately people are going to vote their pocketbooks. >> megan, i want to get this out to you quickly, as we said in the opening hours after the president made that ground breaking announcement, we have the house voting on a panel in the house voting to ban same-sex
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marriage on u.s. military bases republican led. how do you think these two are going to be able to meet up and come to some sort of compromise as we move forward and try to figure out where all this is going to fall in the rearview mirror of american history. >> anyone that's against marriage equality at this point is fighting a losing battle no matter who you are. times are changing, we're evolving. right now we're seeing sort of the last attempt to stop marriage equality from happening. i think it's depressing but i think it highlights exactly what is wrong right now with this movement. it's a culture war going on. we have to talk to people about -- not just about love but civil rightsf you're a strict constitutionalist, why gay marriage and why lgbt rights should apply to you a lot more angles to be taken. a small issue i had with the president's speech, interview was about that. >> life, liberty, the pursuit of happy, happy to have you. thanks to all three of you for taking time. >> thanks, thomas. >> thank you.
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the next phase of the "we do" campaign kicks into high gear in north carolina. lgbt couples will request marriage licenses in eight counties in the tarheel state knowing their actions will be turned doubt. their actions call for full rights and equality. online petition on calling for appeal of amendment one, has 20,000 signatures, a similar calling to move the convention out of charlotte has gathered 20,000 signatures. the dnc has not issued a statement on that. joining me now is the reverend jasmine beach ferrera, chairman of "we do." i want your reaction. do you think there would be a different discussion about amendment one today if the president had given that interview to robin roberts 24 hours before north carolinians went out to vote. >> it's great to be with you, thomas. what we're focused on right now is first feeling very heartened by president obama's affirmation
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of marriage equality. it sends an incredibly powerful message. yet at the same time as we're touring north carolina with the we do campaign, what we're seeing each day as couples take this action and request marriage licenses and are denied is that the reality here is that we're second class citizens still, not just when it comes to marriage but also in terms of employment, housing, family protections. and so we see president obama's announcement as a significant step forward in our country and yet there's a lot of work to do to move towards the goal of full equality under federal law for lgbt people. that's precisely why we're redoing the we do campaign. we're planning for many years actually. >> reverend when we talk about we do, what it is about is described as this peaceful movement using love to protest inequality. now that the votes have been counted, what is the plan to go ahead and try to change hearts and minds. you say this is something you have been trying to organize and put together for sometime.
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people getting to know what we do is about didn't work on tuesday. >> well, the we do campaign is just getting started actually. we're going to be growing across the southern states in the years to come. the premise behind this is it's about real people taking action in the communities they live in to resist laws in their opinion are unjust and need change. we also believe the mechanism to get equal rights to lgbt people in the south is on the federal level. through the we do campaign, what we show is what happens when a discriminatory law on the books and now in the constitution in all southern states, what it looks like when that's enforced and hurts real people. these laws are invisible to a lot of folks who aren't directly impacted by them. if you're an lgbt person in the south like i am or like the couples and families we work with every day, these laws are part of our daily reality and the harms of these laws are part of our daily life.
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>> reverend jasmine beach ferrera, thank you for coming on and sharing insights with the we do campaign. appreciate it. >> thank you very much. stick around. this conversation is far from over. coming up singer and activist cyndi lauper, out and married chely wright and wilson cruz who played the first openly gay teen character on tv and followed in his character's footsteps. $15 million man. that's right. george clooney holding a fund-raiser tonight on the west coast possibly shattering campaign fund-raising records. plus manhunt for one of the fbi's most wanted. this man accused of kidnapping a mother, her three daughters, and killing two of them. why he might be sparing the lives of the two youngest girls. for three hours a week, i'm a coach.
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but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels
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new revelations today from the mother-in-law suspected kidnapper and murderer adam mayes. she's offering a possible motive for mayes crimes that have now put him at the top of the fbi's most wanted list. >> the reason they were arguing so much was because there were two little girls he was absolutely obsessed with. he was claiming those two children were his. >> a $175,000 reward is being offered for mayes who police say is armed and dangerous. authorities are not commenting on the theory that he killed the tennessee woman and her 14-year-old daughter in order to kidnap the woman's two youngest daughter now 12-year-old alexandria and 8-year-old kyliyah who plays believe to be in the custody of mayes. i'm joined by analyst, former fbi profiler clint van zandt. this is a complicated story. police say he was a close friend
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of the bain family and took the two sisters in the process of dumping the two older daughters and joanne bain in mississippi. is this what the mother-in-law claims it's about, the unrealistic relationship or what he believes he has with the two family members. >> the motive sounds logical, thomas. as you and i talked yesterday, i felt there was probably some type of special relationship, either real or believed, between the subject adam mayes here and the two children that he's believed so have with him this 8 and 12-year-old. whether he believes there's biological children, as you know there's allegations there may have been a relationship between him and the little girls' mother. that will be sorted out in the future by the authorities. right now, of course, what's the all important thing is the safety of these two little girls. if they are still with adam mayes, he has the ability to
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resolve this. if he believes these little girls are his, surely he would want them to live and would want them to be sachlt fe. he has the ability to do that today. >> stand by with me, i have an agent in charge in the memphis decision. he's in charge in this case. explain to us where the investigation is, where are you focusing. as i understand it, there are a span of six different states potentially where mayes could be right now. >> yeah. just yesterday we announced adam mayes as one of our fbi 10 most wanted fugitives. that was a huge milestone in the case to get him on the top ten list. that essentially increases our resources across the nation. we believe that adam mayes could be anywhere at this particular time. >> what was the last place someone has a visual of seeing mayes with these two girls. >> adam mayes was last seen in
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mississippi in union county. >> when we talk about the fact that he made the top ten list, what is it that put him on the list in what is it, the credentials or criteria that he was able to achieve to be able to make that infamous list? >> that list is usually reserved for those violent criminals who commit just really egregious crimes and whose ability to flee exceeds that of a local area. so by that we have all the resources of the other federal agencies involved in this and also with local authorities throughout the states. >> agent ford, when it comes to mayes and his family members, and we're also hearing now his outspoken mother-in-law, how much insight have they been able to provide into the relationship or the perception of the relationship that mayes believes he has with this 12 and 8-year-old? >> i cannot provide specific details on any conversations we've had with witnesses or
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other family members but i can tell you we are receiving a lot of tips into our 1-800- number. i want to urge the public to din to send in information. no matter how big or small it could help. >> agent ford, former profiler clint van zandt, gentlemen, thanks so much for keeping us updated on the story. we'll follow the mayes story. al qaeda brags about new bomb making capabilities. what we know about their abilities and the man that makes them. remember this, we told you about the russian plane that disappeared in thin air yesterday? it was found today. details ahead in the news. [ male announcer ] with six indulgently layered desserts,
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point for the man accused of killing jennifer hudson's mother, brother and nephew. jurors deliberated into the night after dramatic closing arguments that left the oscar win are in tears. those jurors completely sequestered until they reach a verdict in this high-profile murder case. the plane has been found but no survivors. a rescue team in indonesia discovering bodies near the site where a russian super jet carrying people on board for an exhibition site crashed into the side of a mountain. you'll recall it went missing off radar and there was no sign of it. friends, family and fans will pay their final respects to nfl legend junior seau. a funeral service will be held following a public celebration of life. an event where speakers will share stories about the 20-year veteran linebacker. seau died last week from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in his california home. take a look at this. it was just a short time ago the flame that will burn during the
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london olympic games was lit in greece at the birth place of the ancient olympics. really cool, right? the lighting kicks off the start of the torch relay that will finish with the opening ceremony coming up july 27th. the triangleler torch will hilt the fact it's hosting the olympics for the third time. >> it was moving, it was historic and it was a great day for our country. >> i believe marriage is the union of one man and one woman. the president and democrats can talk about all this all they want. >> reaction from the left and right house leaders weighing in president's support of marriage equality. what it all means for our nation's youth. joining me next, two singers who make young singers for the lgbt community. we'll speak with cyndi lauper and chely wright. prosecution in the john
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edwards today expected to rest without calling the woman at the center of it all, rielle hunter. ♪ you make me happy when skies are gray ♪ [ female announcer ] you know exactly what it takes to make them feel better. ♪ you make me happy [ female announcer ] that's why you choose children's tylenol. the same brand your mom trusted for you when you were young. ♪ how much i love you [ humming ] [ female announcer ] children's tylenol, the #1 brand of pain and fever relief recommended by pediatricians and used by moms decade after decade. [ humming ] got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. mmm-hmm. and just leave your phone in your purse. i don't want you texting, all right? daddy...ok! ok, here you go. be careful. thanks dad. call me -- but not while you're driving. ♪ [ dad ] we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. ♪
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what i believe is that marriage is between a man and a woman. >> i would have supported and will continue to support a civil union that provides all the benefits that are available for a legally sanctioned marriage. >> my feelings about this are constantly evolving. i struggle with this. >> the evolution of the president now complete. was the vote in north carolina on amendment one the straw that broke the president's stance on marriage equality or was it something a little more personal, conversations with his very own family. he talked about his daughters sasha and malia and their role they played in his stance in what he now feels about same-sex marriage. >> malia and sasha, they have friends whose parents are same-sex couples. it wouldn't dawn on them somehow their friends parents would be
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treated differently. frankly, that's the kind of thing that prompts a change in perspective. >> that reference turns out to be very apt. young people are very much at the heart of the sea change in attitudes on same-sex marriage. joining me singer activist and founder of the true colors fund cyndi lauper and chely wright, gay rights activist, country music star, two women very involved with lgbt. it's my honor to have you. we talked about the lighthouse, established, opened up as a safe haven for kits in the lgbt community. how do you think the president's endorsement is going to change the endorsement allowing for kids in this country to feel like they have a place, not second class citizens as they figure out their sexual identities. >> it's really important. the president made a bold and risky move to basically come out for us. and especially for young people. they now have a message from the
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lead are of our country that their dignity, their integrity and their equality matters. it's unprecedented. it was an emotional day for a lot of people. i think he just saved a bunch of lives. >> cyndi lauper, you're in washington, d.c. you established the true colors fund. that is a group that advocates on behalf of lgbtu, how big of a step do you think it is for lgbt rights and as chely says saving thousands of lives in this country. >> well, you know, these kids at adolescent are at a very fragile moment in their life. i couldn't have been prouder of my president yesterday. i would want to continue to work to get him re-elected. i think what what he did was he made a population which is pretty substantial, because up to 40% of the kids on the street
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are lgbt homeless. they are gay or transgender. also in any given year, just to give awe number, kids on the street go from 500,000 to 1.6 million. that's a large, large population. up to 40% is quite a bit. i'm here to lobby and to bring, shine a light on senator kerry's belize putting forth which will reconnect the family, kind of preventive medicine, so to speak, to bring the family together before they get thrown out. being a parent myself, although my kid is still a kid and he, you know, doesn't have that
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issue, but i work in the community and i see this a lot. i see kids on the street. you know, with the progress of the true colors house i got to talk to the kids and their story. basically a lot of times you feel invisible when nobody wants to acknowledge you. now the president has made invisible people feel more visible and acknowledged. i believe inspiration of church and state, and i think that it's awesome that here is a person who has his own personal beliefs -- i mean, i think he evolved because of life. we share a stories. >> he's definitely evolved. he's made the full evolution on this. chely as we talked about this and have done stories over the last two years especially for suicide rates for lgbt, covering them almost weekly, mounting up month by month.
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i want to talk about the ligke e lighthouse in missouri. how is it doing? when you see amendment one in north carolina, knowing the south as you do, what do you think it takes to change hearts and minds to bring people to tolerance. >> the like me lighthouse is doing well. we're still finding our way within the community to engage and assist the other great advocacy organization there. we're two months old being open and, again, finding our way. people are coming from other states and many other counties just to be there and use our resources. as far as what happened in north carolina, i was here with you shortly after he traveled to the capital last year of north carolina to lobby and to try to keep this horrific amendment off of the ballot, which unfortunately we failed to do that. we see that there's a lot of progress to be made in north carolina. you know, cindy made a great point about the president's evolution. i know people are taking shots
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at him about that. i will say in the president's statement yesterday, he cited that the reason this evolution happened -- and i do believe passionately it was a true evolution. the reason he came around, if you will, is because gays and lesbians somehow became interwoven into his consciousness and his life, whether by people making pilgrimages to the white house like i did to share my story with the administration or a more natural organic way. his kids go to school with people who have same sex parents. when the storytelling and when lives are interwoven into a person's life, it's awfully hard to not understand love. i think the president did a bold, risky thing. i will do everything i can to ensure this president has a second term. >> chely wright, great to have you. cyndi, we know you have the wind at your back after the
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president's announcement yesterday. good luck. we appreciate both of you time. >> hi, cnydi. thank you for everything. >> you're doing great. it is wrap-up day for the prosecution in the john edwards criminal trial. once again the ghost of his late wife is looming large. the jury hearing about the heartbreaking impact of his cheating on elizabeth edwards during her final days. meantime the state will rest without call rielle hunter to the stand. joining me from greensboro, north carolina is north carolina's former deputy attorney general hampton dillin ger. >> nothing on the political side, leo, a key in the edwards '08 campaign saying once edwards dropped out he was focused not just on being appointed attorney general but ultimately john
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edwards wanted to be justice edwards and appointed to the supreme court. of course that's not happening. >> hampton, when we talk about rielle hunter and the prosecution about to rest, what is the likelihood she will be called as a witness and this time around coming out in force for the defense? >> i think the defense will start their case and see how it's going. there's going to be a very strenuous argument later today from the defense for the judge to throw this case out as a matter of law. it's a typical motion. it's rarely granted. you're going to see heated exchanges on both sides to see where the defense even has to make their case. the government trying to end with a bang with a bombshell. it's been more of a whimper this morning. it's been phone records, political testimony. it will end with tapes from edwards in august '08 on another network lying about paternity but little to show edwards knew these payments constituted an election law crime. >> hampton, experts and opinion
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out of court yesterday say jennifer palmieri was hands down the most powerful witness to take the stand. palmieri remind everybody works in the white house now but she's there testifying about her time working with edwards as an aide. how did her testimony help or hurt? >> well, she had something for both sides. for the government she put john edwards in a room in october '07 when fred, his supporter and friend, was talking about supporting rielle hunter in some way, keeping her close. but she also gave the most riveting testimony of the trial talking about elizabeth edwards on her deathbed wanting john edwards by her side after all he had done, elizabeth wanted john edwards there and he was there. it put edwards for the first time in a positive life. >> hampton, thank you. we appreciate it. we'll let you get back into that courtroom. talk to you later. coming up, everybody. george clooney's star-studded fund-raiser.
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open to the public, actor nelson cruz next. pippa middleton reportedly considering leaving london just so she can escape the paparazzi. but her new home might not be paparazzi-free. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. lastin florida we hadulf's best tomore sun tans...years. in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records down here on the gulf. more people more good times.
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this year we're out to do even better... and now's a great time to start. the sun's out and the beaches are even more relaxing. you can go deep sea fishing or enjoy our world-class restaurants... our hotels and rentals have special deals for the whole family. go golfing, kite boarding, or build the worlds biggest sand sculpture... with the world's best sand. so come on down to mississippi... get yourself down to louisiana... we'll see you in florida... you know you want to come to alabama. the gulf is america's get-a-way... and we're 100 percent ready to see you. come on down and help make 2012 an even better year for the gulf. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids.
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but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. cleaning better doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna...use these. ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] unlike mops, swiffer can maneuver into tight spaces and its wet mopping cloths can clean better in half the time. mom? ♪ ahhhh! ahhhh! no it's mommy! [ female announcer ] swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. ♪ and i thought "i can't do this, it's just too hard." then there was a moment. when i decided to find a way to keep going. go for olympic gold and go to college too. [ male announcer ] every day we help students earn
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their bachelor's or master's degree for tomorrow's careers. this is your moment. let nothing stand in your way. devry university, proud to support the education of our u.s. olympic team. so of course you remember that new jersey tanning mom. look at that face, how can you forget? she might have to resort to spray tanning from now on. several tanning salons have banned patricia krentcil. she's pled not guilty to child endangerment. this is what got her the headlines originally. she was accused of taking her 6-year-old daughter to the tanning salon and letting her go tanning with her. so back to that big topic we've been talking about today about president obama, his support for marriage equality. now the bigges political fund-raiser in the history of tinseltown to talk about it. $15 million bash for president barack obama hosted by oscar winning actor and human rights activist george clooney.
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the rnc is criticizing this hollywood hobnob. reince priebus said -- meantime clooney is also expected some unwelcomed guest, a series of protests outside his house. joined by actor and lgbt activist nelson cruz to talk about st armageddon. as we talk about political excitement on the right and left about what it means for president obama to come out for marriage equality and doing so, timing is everything, right before he goes out to the west coast to have this star-studded event where he could raise up wards of $15 million. meanwhile going into hollywood is also a homophobic tank in some ways. how do you think this mix is going to go together, hollywood, the homophobia that exists
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there, campaign cash that could be a windfall for president obama. >> i don't think people realize there's homophobia in hollywood. people see hollywood as a liberal bastion. the fact of the matter there's still homophobia in hollywood. we see it in casting. we see it in the way shows are picked to be on network lineups. for the most part the people in the describe, it's not they are homophobic, they are just in their business looking at the bottom line. the politics of people in hollywood are in the right place. >> meanwhile when the president leaves and potentially again with $15 in campaign cash in new york on monday nitricy martin, lgbt and futureo fund combination for the lgbt community, for the latino community, $2500 a head, $5,000 per couple. and if you want to be a chair status, you can pay over $35,000
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to attend and you'll get a picture with the president. >> yeah. >> some people might want it with ricky martin. >> i wouldn't mind it myself. >> how do you think that demographic is going to work in the president's favor. again, timing being everything coming off the heels of what is truly a historic week for the president. >> i think what the president did yesterday was incredibly brave. what he's doing is being a leader on this issue. i think there is still a lot of work to do within the latino and african-american community and he's taking the lead in that. i think by bringing those two communities together we can do a lot of work in changing the hearts and minds of people. it's really about a conversation that we're having with the american public about our lives and how you're affected by the lack of rights and privileges that we have in this country as second class citizens. and so by the president coming out and saying that he is in favor of same-sex marriage, he's taking the ball a little further
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towards the end zone to a day when we do have full rights and privileges. we still live in a country where in 29 states you can still be fired for being gay. you know, we still have on the books things that need to be repealed. we can't overstate the fact what he did goes a long way to validating teenagers and youth, not only gay and lesbian youth but youth being brought up by gay and lesbian parents. so this is a dialogue we're having with the american public and we need to have it within communities of color as well. >> you're making a got point about doma, employment nondiscrimination, don't ask, don't tell, the fact our military service members don't have all the federal privileges they should have. >> yeah. >> with the full repeal. >> i keep telling people, i was incredibly moved by our president, couldn't be more proud.
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at the same time this is not the end game. this was another step in the direction of where we eventually want to be. >> wilson cruz. good to see you. thanks for taking time today. president obama drawing a line in the sand or a line on the etch a sketch. time for the sidebar and abc interview everybody is talking about the president blasted challenger mitt romney who took a little credit for the recovery of the auto industry saying he supplied the idea for a managed bankruptcy. obama's response? >> i think this is one of his etch a sketch moments. i don't think anybody takes that seriously. people remember his position, which was let's let detroit go bankrupt. >> romney may expect his political comments to come back and haunt him but his high school exploits, "washington post" interviewing old romney buddies saying he singled out a long-haired loaner part who and to be gay. he led a pack of boys who pinned
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him down and cut off his hair. in a radio interview romney says he does not recall that prank. he said if he did stupid things he's sorry for it. romney's adviser spoke on our air this morning. >> governor romney doesn't remember that incident at all. it's understandable. it was high school. people who know governor romney and know him and his family know that he is a caring, compassionate person. >> for mitt romney and president obama, it appears it's going to be a fight to the finish in the swing state of ohio. a quinn yack poll shows one point separates the mayor. if you ask ohio voters who they would pick if romney adds home state portman to the ticket, almost the same. dead heat in that hypothetical scenario. another possible vp pick, mark i don't rubio, freshman senator from florida. his words on lamenting the budget battle. >> it's become a theater, become a show.
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that's why people get grossed out by politics. that's why people watch the news at night and just don't understand this whole thing. >> federal authorities say they plan to sue arizona sheriff joe arpaio after allegations latinos were racially profiled. the justice department seeking a plan to require better officer training in that region. hi, i just switched jobs, and i want to roll over my old 401(k) into a fidelity ira. man: okay, no problem. it's easy to get started; i can help you with the paperwork. um...this green line
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♪ coming to america >> neil diamond there t music, you never know. it could be a little premature because for now nothing is certain but we are hearing the buzz that the brit who was famous for the curve of her back side as she is for her last name may be considering a move to the big apple. we're talking about pipa
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middleton of course. neil shawn is with us from london. explain the hoopla. where did all of this come from, and is new york city the logical place where pipa might land? >> well, if i was in new york city i would be adopting the position now. what she's going to be doing is launching the book more or less the book she paid a lot of money for called "celebrate" about how to sort of put on the best parties and social skills, she wants to launch it in new york in america because of course she knows the royals are popular there as do her publishers. rather clever. over there if it sells there is more chance of selling more over here too. so brace yourselves. >> so america is ready, i think our paparazzi will be ready. they love a new challenge. let's talk about the reasons why she would consider making at least a transfer to the states
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for a while. more than just the book? >> reporter: well, you know, once again, spot on. basically she's had quite a lot of bad press here. and if you recall the incident when she was at a party in paris, that didn't go down well. she has been told to keep a low profile. i can tell you an exclusive, the next big event with her sister the duchess of cambridge, will be at wimbledon. that's the tennis tournament. she has this pr adviser now, heaven knows what will happen once they get on board. for her, she loves the cult of celebrity, loves being famous. let's be honest. and where better to go after you've experienced london than new york where they are going to adore you. >> famous for being famous. she does have a duchess for a real sister, a prince for a brother-in-law. any news on the duchess and the
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prince? >> reporter: of course, as we still call him here, prince william, yeah. everybody really is talking about you know, when can they expect to hear the sound of tiny feet as it were. the duchess of cambridge, when she goes out for a walk about she gets asked this question. it must be terribly embarrassing if you are a young lady and people are sort of asking you when can we expect to have the throne. it would be nice for the queen's jubilee year if we were to announce she's with child. i'm not placing money but i wouldn't rule it out toward the end of the year. >> urt jewel in the crown. we'll see. neil sean, great to talk to you. that's going to wrap things up for me. you can follow me on twitter@thomas roberts. alex wagner is up next. i know you have a jam-packed hour. >> we do indeed have a jam-packed hour, thomas. we'll talk about mitt romney, his problem with gay marriage and faith, social issues, the
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that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month. the day after he announced he believes same-sex couples should be able to wed, president obama is facing charges of political opportunism and pandering to the base and hailed for his leadership, his courage and the fundamental understanding that in the end those who support equality will be on the right side of history. it's thursday, may 10th and this is "now." joining me today kirk anderson, host of studio 360 radio and author of the forthcoming book due out july 1, "true believers." columnist s.e.cupp, jay
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hogan-gibley and rona fruhar of "time" magazine. president's decision is getting headlines. "the new york times" declared that the president had taken a stand. the "chicago sun-times" front page reads "i do." and in north carolina, two days after it passed a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, one paper says the move is being called risky. joining us now from chicago is national press secretary for president obama's re-election campaign, ben la bold. i have to ask you about the timing. apparently joe biden taped the interview with david gregory, the infamous interview, the meet the press interview on friday. that gave the white house five days to come up with a strategy about what the president was going to do next. why wait until wednesday after there had been a tidal wave of criticism coming at the white
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