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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  May 11, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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we're learning he is apparently someone that says he doesn't remember a high school bullies incident that five witnesses do remember. romney is allegedly to held down a screaming classmate and cut off his hair for scissors. he apologized for something he says he doesn't remember doing. >> i did stupid things in high school. if anyone feels that they were offended by that, i certainly apologize for that. >> but a very different reaction comes from someone else involved in the incident. a classmate that held the victim's arms and legs stels abc news "it's a haunting memory when you see somebody who is simply different taken down that way, and testify if iing when you see that look in their eye, you never forget it."
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he said he held his legs like a pack of dogs. haunting for some, but for romney it's a pr headache and a political campaign. this week we saw mitt romney fail to rise to the occasion. back in 1994, romney said he would be better than ted kennedy for gay rights. tomorrow he will speak at liberty university, a school that bans gay students. earlier this week, romney took credit for the auto bailout. >> the auto companies needed to go through bankruptcy before government help, and that's finally what president did, so i'll take a lot of credit for the fact that this industry has come back. >> does the same mitt romney, who in 2008 thought we should let detroit go bankrupt, really
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think he deserves credit for saving the auto industry? for all of these things it's a question of character. i'm not the only one who is amazed by willard, joe cline who covered many elections says "romney has a near perfect record of cowardice and lies. it shows enormous disrespect for the intelligence of the public. joining me now is a political analyst, and the author of revival, a struggle for survival in the obama white house, and also joining me is bob franken, thank you for joining us tonight. richard, do you see a pattern in how romney responds to events this week? >> well, it's been a terrible week for him. there is a pattern right now in his nonapologies.
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the whole construction, if anyone was offended then i'm sorry. it's not facing up to what should be a relatively easy story for him to dispatch. if he had a convincing life story to recount, he could butt that 17 or 18-year-old period into context. he can say he found purpose and got serious with his life. but it is troubling. it wasn't just the kid he pinned down, what about the blind teacher that he walked into a closed door. abuse of someone who is visually impaired is not a prank as he tried to describe it in these nonapologies. he has to come up with a better account for that period in his life because biography is character. >> bob, i think that's the problem here. all of us could say why go back to someone 18 years old, what they did in life, but the reaction, his response, is like
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i don't remember, even when graphic details are described by others that were there. people are saying wait,out don't remember? i'm sorry i o fenned someone, i think that's the question that we're dealing with. >> first of all the claim that he doesn't remember could feed the imflaegs many people have, that he is either a liar or a deceiver. that is a matter of degree. this is not the first instance where his credibility has been questioned. beyond that, to dismiss as richard said, all of this as a prank or a lie. we're talking about what was arguably criminal assault. and if he did republican it, it should not just be an apology,
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but he should be ashamed if these stories are true. somebody who is a bully as we now know could have a negative influence on a person's whole life. the victim of this assault is somebody who drifted through the rest of life and died of liver cancer. you would think they should carry a scarlet b on his head until he apologizes. >> what was interesting to me, again, not just going back to the 18-year-old, what caught my attention is when he was questioned, the seriousness of this as outlined, let me show you his first reaction. this was on the front page of the washington post, and here was his reaction when he was asked on radio about this? >> you know i don't remember that incident, i'll tell you, i certainly don't believe that i, and i can't speak for other
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people of course, thought the fellow was homosexual. but for the teasing and taunts, that's a long time ago. for me it's about 48 years ago. so i, again if i said anything offensive, i'm sorry about that. >> richard, he is laughing through it. he is dismissing it, and saying if anything i said -- when he is looking at the front page of the washington post saying he assaulted a guy, led a blind teacher into a door, what is he talking about if there is something ie said, you're directly being told this by people that went to school with you. not the response you expect out of a leader. >> remember all of this is happening at a time when his campaign had been trying to knock down their story. so it's not like they didn't know this was coming. the bigger problem is not just
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telling his life story because there are all of these holes in it. it's what he takes from it. if people connect these pieces of story to his position, and now he understands why corporations are people, because maybe people aren't really people for him. that's the narrative of his values this underpins. >> let me go back to you on another big story this week. the president came out and said that he agrees, you know, with marriage equality, same sex marriage. in the past, willard mitt romney said i'll be bet tore gays than ted kennedy, who he was running against. but tomorrow, he is speaking at an anti-gay university, liberty university, that forbids openly gay students, and even banned a democratic club for supporting same sex marriage and lbgt
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rights. you couldn't have a more contrasting point of view, and withdrew from a cpac in 2010 to protest include of a gay rights group. how do you read this contrast and give me the politics of it, bob. >> he seems to be going to the friendly confines of a university noted for it's gay hatered. he has more than once now grovelled before the social conservatives with their hatred of days. and there is an obvious connection, there seems to be a pattern that he is still following some of the same impulses he had in school, and that is to say a relationship with homosexuals. >> let me go to you richard, i want to ask you quickly, we show
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you this pole, look at how people view the president in terms of likeability all around compared to willard mitt romney. caring about average people, 52% to 22. compassion and understands average people, 52 to 23. consistent, stands up for beliefs, 41 to 30. this is an nbc wall street journal poll showing how people think of both of them. >> look, this election will be decided on the economy. so there are other things that trump all of those issues. voters are being asked to vote on character issues. likeability is not the most important thing out there, but you have to live with them in your living room for four years
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and they will represent your idea of what this country stands for. if you're failing on those, no matter what your economic policy is, you're in trouble. >> thank you both for your time tonight, have a great weekend. >> thanks. >> still ahead, president obama hits the road and offers up sop tough love for willard and his fellow republicans. >> they think these same baddies will lead to different results than last time. we remember, we're not going back there, we're moving this country forward. we're moving forward. >> plus, it's the video everyone is talking about. a newly elected scott walker caught on tape telling a billionaire donor his secret plan to "divide and conquer" unions. we're live in wisconsin. and a powerful defense of voting rights in america from a living
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legend in congress. it's a must see. i'm freaking out man, he's on my back about providing for his little girl. hey don't worry, e-trade's got a totally new investing dashboard. everything's on one page. i'm watching you. oh yeah? well i'm watching you, watching him. [ male announcer ] try the new 360 investing dashboard at e-trade. ♪ power surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8. i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn.
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you should have an option, just like with car insurance. that is a really great price. sentenced to 20 years in prison for firing a gun where no one got hurt. it happened in florida today. the top academic performers surprised some people. so did the country that came in 17th place. let's raise the bar and elevate our academic standards. let's do what's best for our students-by investing in our teachers. let's solve this. i'm here with carol, flo, and karen for a girls night out talking about activia.
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i tried it and my body felt so right, for a change. and then there's you... why should i try it? my system gets out of sorts but that comes with age, right? wouldn't you like to feel great? just because we're in that over 50... what does that mean? are we done? activia helps regulate your digestive system when eaten daily. these could be our best years yet. activia >> we're back with the video that just might sing governor scott walker in wisconsin.
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the video was shot by a documentary filmmaker showing a newly elected governor in january of last year talking to a billionaire supporter right before revealing his union busting budget cut. >> any chance we'll get to be a completely red state, get rid of the unions, be right to work? what can we do to help you. >> we're going to start in a couple weeks. the first step is we're going to deal with collective bargaining for all public employees, divide and conquer. >> amazing, can we see that again? >> we'll deal with collective bargaining for all public employees, divide and conquer. >> we always thought the talk of tripping unions to balance the budget and create jobs was a
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joke. now we know for shurs his plan to destroy unions. >> joining me now is state senator chris lawson, and a member of the profession firefighters of wisconsin and a democratic leader. state senator larson, what's your response to this video? >> it's not surprising for most of us that worked across from scott walker for a few years. he always tried to divide, in this case, dividing public sector workers against themselves. and dividing the middle class against itself. it's no surprise he's trying to divide us, it's a question of whether we will be conquered or not. >> but it may not be a surprise, but let me push you a little on this senator.
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he publicly said this was about the budget and other things, and he's not playing at any of these angles as he has to divide and conquer. so he has been very cynically saying to billionaires one thing, and the public that this was about fiscal responsibility -- >> right, it's shocking, again, that we have to find out the truth about what scott walker really thinks by a conversation with a billionaire. he says these things to -- -- end it. as we try to address this, he continues to skirt the issue. he continues to try to answer the question. if right to work legislation hit his desk if he would veto it or sign it. this is truly revealing of his true inventions to divide the state. >> when he was confronted about
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the video today, his response was "it's interesting to me that our opponents want to rehash, replay the debate. i think the vast majority, myself included, want to move on, move forward. he is in the middle of a political battle about this very debate. >> yeah, our people want to move forward in our state, but not with him. if you go back to january and february, our governor used rhetoric like drop the bomb on the unions. now we're hearing divide and conquer? he is breaking up our state. i've been saying divide and conquer for the last year and a half and now we see it's true. firefighters and police officers today strong, and we continue to do so. i'm a firefighter by trade, and
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we bring people together. we respond to people in emergencies and we compromise. and that's what we need in our state right now, and that's why i'm running for lieutenant governor for the state of wisconsin. >> let's go back to the video, let's identify who this lady is in the video. the woman is a big business republican investor. a roofing entrepreneur worth 2.8 billion dollars. she donated $200,000 to republicans since 2008 including tommy thompson, john boehner, and paul ryan. and donated $510,000 to walker's campaign. so this is the lady, senator larson, that he's telling about his plans to divide and con ter
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the unions. a lady that gave him about a half million dollars and he is giving over $200,000 to other leading republicans. >> right, and this is his base, these are the people that he's going to try to appeal to. he's continued to ignore the regular citizens of wisconsin when they were showing up in groups of tens of thousands. but to -- fund his entire campaign. at least she was one of the rich people in the state of wisconsin. two thirds of his money came from other places across the country. he is trying to be a right wing rock star, and that's not what wisconsin wants. wisconsin wants somebody that will bring us together. there is a great picture going around of mayor barret going up to the protestors, shaking their hands, and talking to them.
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that's what we need, not someone looking for ways to divide us. >> let me quickly go to you, the associated press caught him on something that appears to be he has a little problem with the truth, the walker administration projected a budget surplus for the coming year, but the associated press reported from yesterday points out that the nonpartisan bureau owe estimated that they would finish the two year budget period that ends june 30th of 2013 with $143 million deficit. he is trying to put on a rosy picture for the election or what here? >> no doubt, he is trying to get the department of workforce development, under his control, to fudge the numbers. our bureau estimated that in the next ten years, there will be
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$2.3 million in investments. then he balances is on the budgets on the backs of middle class workers in our state. and he says we're the problem. and he created this divide and conquer of the haves and have notes. we have to realize that our governor has been going around seeking national attention to get all of this money. reraised $25 million since january. we see who he is beholden to. we have to get him out of there. this is an investment for the future and our state. >> i have to go, but thank you, he will get a lot of national attention right here on "politicsnation." state senator larson, thank both of you for your time tonight, have a good weekend. >> still ahead, president obama hits the trail and offers mitt romney a lesson in economics.
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>> what governor romney does not seem to get is that a healthy economy doesn't just mean maximizing your own profits through layoffs and unions. you don't make america stronger by shipping jobs or profits overseas. >> today a wok is seasoned to 20 years in prison. ♪ how are things on the west coast? ♪
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we're back with our series here are the jobs. we featured more than 5,000 job openings, and we're happy to report that more than 1,000 people have been hired. almost is brings jobs back to america, giving hope to people out of work for a long time. >> it's been hard, but we're going to make it. >> and tvs will be the beginning. >> absolutely, everyone needs a tv. >> there is growth in manufacturing jobs. since last year, auto makers have added 51,000 jobs, 12,000 were added in the last three months.
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hyundai is part of the trend looking to feel more than 900 jobs this summer. joining me is robert byrd, thank you for copping on the show tonight. >> good evening, al. >> hyundai, i was getting ready to give your opening question to you, they're adding 877 jobs right now in montgomery, right? >> that's right, 877 jobs will be filled by this september, and it's an exciting time. >> tell us about the job, what's the pay scale and what type of experience is needed? >> well it's going to be production and maintenance jobs. the starting salary is $16.25 an hour, for the maintenance it's $22 an hour. >> are these jobs call backs of
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furloughed employees or new jobs? >> these are all new jobs. we have been running two shifts to keep up with demand for our alabama built cars, and we need the third shift to keep up. >> i see this plant is already running over capacity. you're selling cars faster than you can make them. >> yeah, that's true. our stated capacity for the plant was 300,000 vehicles a year. and with this additional shift we'll go up to 345,000. >> we have seen reports that sales are up 10%, and bloomberg report this is could be the best year for auto sales since 2007. what's driving this growth in your opinion. >> i think when you look at the
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overall industry, there's some pent up demand where consumers were holding off purchasing until the economy recovered. i think the industry is in a situation where they're offering fuel economy and efficient vehicles that will drive the sale of vehicles in the future. >> if i want to apply for one of these jobs, how can i apply. >> fortunately we work with aidt, a organization, so they go to to apply. we really want to fill those nearly 900 jobs in our facility by september. there will also be an opportunity when you look at the overall supplier base, they will be adding jobs too. so there will be another 1,000 jobs for suppliers that feed
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parts to our facility. >> thank you for your time, up next, the president firing up the base, and a man he faces in november throws down a challenge for the president. it involves water skiing. [ male announcer ] the inspiring story of how a shipping giant can befriend a forest may seem like the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. [ male announcer ] are you still sleeping?s. just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule.
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the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw! trouble with a car insurance claim. [ dennis ] switch to allstate. their claim service is so good, now it's guaranteed. [ foreman ] so i can trust 'em. unlike randy. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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welcome back to "politicsnation." the president made huge news this week with his historic announcements supporting same sex marriage. but he is not losing sight of his chief priority, helping the country recover from an financial crisis. he defended his record last night and launched tough attacks on mitt romney and the gop. >> a crisis this deep didn't happen overnight, and it will not be solved overnight.
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the last thing we can afford is a return to the policies that got us here in the first place. not now. not with so much at stake. we have come to abandon the changes we have fought for these past few years. we have to move forward to the future that we imagined in 2008 where everybody gets a fair shot, and everybody is doing their fair share, and everybody plays by the same rules. that's the choice in this election, and seattle, that's why i'm running for a second term as president of the united states of america. what governor romney does not seem to get is that a healthy economy doesn't just mean miez miezing your own profits through busting unions. when y when you propose cutting your own taxes and raising them on 1 million families, that's not a recipe for economic growth.
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it's the same agenda they have been pushing for years. it's the same agenda they implemented when they were last in charge of the white house. we remember, we're not going back there, we're moving this country forward. we're moving forward. >> joining me now is erin mcpike, a reporter for real clear politics. thank you both for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> steve, how does the president's message contrast with mitt romney's? >> i would say it's context. what obama is relying on here is that he can convince voters to understand the context of his presidential. romney is going for, look at the
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present day, vote him out if you don't like it. what obama is banking on is, remember what it was like when i walked in. when the economy is really bad, the incumbent gets blamed and that's it. we don't have a modern example of a president walking into office getting a crisis like this one. the other rule is the longer a party is in power, the more the appetite builds to throw them out. it was 12 years of republican rule, it's only been four years at this point. we have not tested a tichgs like this before and i don't know where it will go. >> today willard was in north carolina and he gave his supporters a good look at what his priorities would be. watch this and give your ref action. >> one of the first things he
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did was say that all of the federal projects have to be done by union labor, all right? we believe in freedom in letting people choose whether or not they will be part of unions. i will cut federal spending, cut some programs, like medicaid, housing vouchers, and training programs, i will take those dollars and give them back to the states. one thing i knew those liberals would love, andly get rid of it. >> those are his clear and in my opinion pointed priorities. >> they are, but look. mitt romney's biggest selling point for this campaign, is that he is a budget cutter. he was a budget cutter when he was running the olympics, in the private sector, and as governor.
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people don't want their economy to be cut. they like the individual programs they have. in one way, good for mitt romney that he is being a little more honest about the programs he wants to cut if he is president, but the people that benefit from some of those programs might not want to vote for him after hearing that. it's unlikely they would anyway, but we know he wants to cut government. >> what about the booing when he talking about the unions? >> right, i mean that -- that is a very partisan divided kind of issue. and of course, unions tend to come out for democrats in large form on election day, and unions will be out for the president in a big way this november. >> now, we got a little news today that could be something that would make people remember what you were talking about,
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steve, about how we got in a crisis. the banking news today from jp morgan chase, they lost $2 billion in six weeks. we don't know other than it affecting jpmorgan and some of the stock, but it reminds us that we felt these companies were infallible, and how they started dropping. how do you think this news plays out politically. >> it reminds us how we got in this mess, but another is what obama might do to keep this from happening again. mitt romney says he will repeal it has president. that is a good talking point that's been a good talking point for romney because he outlines these broad themes. u i'll do away with obama care. that sort of thing. it broadly conceptually that works. the enemy for romney is
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specificity. and this introduces specificity into this. okay, you think you'll do away with this, but dodd frank calls for the implementation of the vocal rule. that would have prevented the news that we got from jpmorgan chase. whether it's health care or bank reform, he is only relying on people going to get rid of things when he has to start being constructive he will get into some trouble. >> erin, when we look at how americans feel about the president's economic policies, the auto bailout, 49% approved. financial reform 44% disapprove. it seems there is ab economic challenge for the president to get his message across. yet when you hear steve talk
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about the news today with jp morgan chase, with romney talking about he would repeal dodd frank, and not really saying why he would not have the vocal rule, which may have avoided this, does this maybe start tipping the president's way. >> i think that's why we're seeing the president talk about certain economic policies in certain places. when he goes to ohio and when he goes to michigan, he's going to be talking about the auto bailout. he saved jobs in both of those states. we'll hear about different reforms in different places. that can tip the president's way, that's true. mitt romney is talking in a broader context, and that can help in national polls, but when you start drilling down in battleground states and polls, the president does better. >> erin mcpooik aand steve, tha.
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up next, sentenced to 20 years for firing a gun when no one got hurt, it happened today in florida, it's outrageous. congresswoman browne confronted the prosecutor about it today. stay us with. you could spend as much as $200. olay says challenge that with an instrument that cleanses as effectively as what's sold by skin professionals for a whole lot less. olay pro x advanced cleansing system. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. yeah, you -- you know, everything can cost upwards of...[ whistles ] i did not want to think about that. relax, relax, relax. look at me, look at me. three words, dad -- e-trade financial consultants. so i can just go talk to 'em?
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there's a shocking case in florida that i want you all to know about. it's raising yet again troubles questions about the state's criminal justice system. 31-year-old mother, marissa alexander was sentenced to 20 years in friday after an incident involving her abusive husband. she says her husband tried to strangle her after a fight in 2010. she got a gun and fired a warning shot into the ceiling. prosecutors say she aimed lower. she says she was in fear for her life and tried to use the stand your ground law in her defense. but a judge rejected that defense saying he didn't think it met the standards of the state's stand your ground law.
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that's the problem with this law. the standards are so vague and open to interpretation that it can be rejected for a case like this and accepted for others. the end result is that this young mother of three children, married to a man with a history of violence against her, will spent 20 years behind bars. corrine brown was there and she was outraged. >> i heard about this case in washington, reporters came to me, and they compared it to what was going on in sanford. and the fact is, if there was a stand your ground case, it's this one. wait a minute. >> sorry. >> and the judge denies stand your ground in the case. in this case, that's right. but my feeling is, that your
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office initially overcharged her in this case. this is my feeling. let me -- we can't try it here. >> this case was about justice, can anyone today honestly say that justice has been done? >> here is congresswoman corrine brown. congresswoman, this was a stunning day to say the least. >> i tell you what, i think i'm a pretty tough lady, and i cried the whole time. here is a woman with a master's degree, never been in any trouble whatsoever. convicted 20 years, no one got hurt. this is unbelievable. and yet, friday, in this same area, jacksonville, florida,
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someone convicted of murder got 15 years. >> and she got 20 years. >> 20 years and no one was hurt. >> let me just, and we did this story a few days ago, but let me just, for thoet who may not have watched, her husband, admitted that he was abusive when he did his deposition in 2010. this is what he said. this is the husband. "i've got five baby mamas, and i put my hands on every last one of them except for one. i physically abused them, physically, emotionally. they never knew what i was thinking, what i would say, or what i might do. the night that she fired these two warning shots, he told her that if i can't have you, nobody will. how is this not standing your ground, congresswoman? >> first of all, it was one shot that was fired. and at the time of that one
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shot, there was a restraining order against him sp. so you tell me -- she had a baby and the baby was nine days old. this is the worst case i have ever experienced in my life. the problem is the judge had no discretion. that's the problem. >> now you have the florida 10-20 law mandated that the judge had to give a harsh sentence once she was convicted. it's a mandatory 20 year prison term when a firearm is discharged in the case of a felon. now you have this law combined with the stand your ground law, this is amazingly unfair as it appears to me on the surface. >> listen, this is what's wrong with the criminal justice
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system. you count on mercy and fairness, and it did not exist today. it did not exist. >> congresswoman, we, i said in the intro, that we dealt with florida, you and i, on the case of having the arrest of george zimmerman, something that we felt was justified. you put out a statement today that says the florida justice system sent two clear messages today. one that is if women who are victims of domestic violence try to protect themselves. just minutes before the incident, her husband said if i can't have you no one will. millions of abused women heard these words, second is that if you're black the justice system will treat you differently. >> i asked for a comprehensive
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study, and the caucus is working on that. basically in talking to the attorneys, there is nowhere they we can find that stand your ground works if you're african-american or black in florida. so we want to find out if it works anywhere. i think 20 other states has it. so this message is that stand your ground is not for african-americans, that's the first thing. and second, where was the mercy. here you have a person, and a lot of times we talk about cases where you have been in trouble. this young lady has a master's degree, never been in any trouble, but what was said is the number of women that came and testified, how they were abused, and kept coming back to the abuse. this young lady had a baby 9-days-old when this transpired. this is unheard of.
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>> florida congresswoman corrine brown, thank you for joining us tonight. i'm sure that all of the stand your ground supporters rallying around mrs. alexander. where were all of the people that screams to us that people had the right to defend themselves. this woman doesn't qualify for your support? i'm against this law and i'm even more against double standard that's are vague and that lock people down. is this what we're doing now?
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we've talked a lot about republican efforts to suppress the vote in this election. this week paul brown of georgia introduced an amendment to gut funding to enforce the voting rights act. specifically the portion of the law that protects mie knotty
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voters. then congressman john lewis rolls to the house floor and offered this powerful emotional critique of the amendment. >> it's shameful that you would come here tonight and say to the department of justice that you must not use one penny, one cent, one dime, one dollar to carry out the mandate. people died for the right to vote. friends of mine, colleagues of mine. >> following that speech, brown withdrew his amendment. when i heard about it, and saw him, i thought about how sunday is mother's day, and when he withdrew it, that was a mother's day gift to those who lost their life fighting for voting rights. i thought about as we celebrated
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mother's day this weekend, it will be the first mother's day they lost my mother. she taught me to stand up for all whites. blacks, latinos, gays, lesbians, everybody deserves those rights. if you have a mother, treat her well, and wish her a happy mother's day from us. if you don't, do what i will do if your mother is gone. make her proud. do something this weekend that will show the world how great your mother is by looking at her product, you and i. thanks for watching, i'm al sharpton, "hardball" starts right now. >> hurray for


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