tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC May 14, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT
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analyst and georgetown professor milissa rehberger michael eric dyson. president obama launched a potential game-changer releasing a two-minute ad in five swing states that is paints romney as a greedy corporate raider featuring is workers from tc steel a company that went bankrupt after it was bought by bain capital leading to 750 people losing their jobs. >> bain capital walked away with a lot of money. we view mitt romney as a job destroyer. >> to get up on national tv and bragging about making jobs when he destroyed thousands of people's careers, lifetimes -- >> the romney campaign fired back with a statement this morning saying romney was no longer working at bain when the layoffs took place adding 13 we welcome is the obama campaign's attempt to pivot back to jobs and a discussion of their failed record. mitt romney helped create more jobs in his private sector is
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experience and more jobs as governor of massachusetts than president obama has for the entire nation." is meanwhile this morning, protesters swarmed into president obama's campaign headquarters in chicago. the demonstrators are calling for a week without capitalism and scheduled the protests to correspond with the upcoming nato summit in the chicago this weekend. matt, welcome to the program. >> thank you for having me. >> i'll ask you the first question out of the gate here. do you think the having seen some of the add presumably having seen the ad, is this a fair argument for the president to make? >> i'm all for criticizing mitt romney for his time at bain. barack obama took more money from wall street in 2008 than any two presidential candidates in history put together. who doll we think is financing all these new factors in india and china, companies like goldman sachs, obama's number one private campaign contributor. if he wants to go there, he's going to score points because
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romney did work at a firm that did fire people but in the larger issue, i think he's vulnerable there, as well. >> you have made the point that president obama is cozy with wall street. a lot of wall street doesn't feel brotherly love or they say they don't coming from the white house. what will steve ratner said this morning regarding the ad. >> i think the ad is unfair. i think look, mitt romney made a mistake ever talking about the fact he created 100,000 jobs. bain capital's job was not to the create 100,000 jobs. this is part of capitalism, part of life. i don't think there's anything bain capital did that they need to be embarrassed about. >> so folks on my right here, is this al issue? does this go back to the talking point that president obama is an enemy of capitalism and trying to debunk the systems upon which this country is built? jimmy you're chuckling as you are wont to do. >> this theory that the
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president's control the economy per se is foolish. barack obama doesn't create jobs. harry reid doesn't create jobs. john boehner doesn't create jobs. people in private companies and publicly traded companies create jobs. they also destroy jobs. i think ratner's right. i think it's completely unfair for the president of the united states to put out an ad and say something along the lines of mitt romney did this. by the way, ted kennedy ran the same ad when romney ran against him. >> rick perry i believe also ran similar ads, newt gingrich had similar ads. >> it's simple. you're in the private sector. you're going to create jobs and get rid of jobs as the economy dictates it. so in politics, nothing is fair. i think this is a little bit disingenuous here. the obama people will get mad at me for saying this. >> if we're talking about mitt romney, he is to some degree i think a cipher in terms of the america public's full understanding of his record.
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and i think this is a turning point in the race insofar as it's the first time the white house has said look, he was a corporate raider. he is a bad guy. and this is sort of working on the line of logic that the more the american public gets it know about the mitt romney, the less is they'll like him. >> romney keeps saying he's basically going to govern the way he ran bain. there's a question when he cuts fat he's cutting into muscle. the reason it's important whether or not it's fair is that it shows when you cut too much whether those are to public social service programs or that is in the private sector, you can impact people's lives. it clarifies that for people who would otherwise not what you understand someone at bain capital does. >> michael, when you see those workers who say look, these were good paying middle class jobs, these guys, why did they have to end them effectively? they have so much money. why couldn't we get a fair shot effectively. >> that's a good point.
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that's independent of whether or not bain capital was the b bane of romney's existence. here's a guy who did what didn't have to be done. this wasn't exigency occasioned by the states, i'm cutting buts because i'm governing now. this is private profit. those workers have a right to say that. now, you can argue with the obama administration although i'm happy to see them stand up, fight back, shoot at mr. romney as a target and to suggest that you know, this is the business we've chosen. and if this is the business we've chosen, this is the capital in i with we trade, then we've got to get to business. these were jobs that didn't have to be lost and is the obama administration has to stand up for worker who have lost jobs that didn't have to be shredded in this economy. >> the entire idea that the productivity is going to go up and the economy's going to get back on track goes back to this idea that middle class workers have no stake in that.
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so even though mitt romney would argue theoretically he made the economy better, that doesn't mean anything for a middle class worker. >> he doesn't fundamentally understand the apply the of the unemployed. this is what he said regarding the bank of america protests a few days ago. unfortunately, a lot of young folks haven't had if the opportunity to the really understand how the economy works and what it takes to put people to work in real jobs and why we will have banks and what banks do. i understand it's a very understandable sentiment if you don't find a job and you can't see rising incomes. you're going to be angry and looking for someone to blame but the. ern to blame is the president and the old school liberals that have not gotten this economy turned around. >> i think he's completely wrong. i think the reason people are protesting at bank of america is people are starting to understand how the economy works. look, everybody always said after the crash how we can't pick on wall street and these banks. they're incredibly productive, what they do is valuable.
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any idiot can borrow from the government at 0% and lend it to us at 5% and make money. it takes money from the government for free, lends it back to the government at 3% interest and it makes profits. where is our share of all that? >> it's amazing to me he's blaming the economy on old school liberals and failed policies. >> well, >> america's corporations are sitting on $2 trillion in cash. cash. 2 trillion dollars. and last month they created 112,000 jobs? really that to me is un-american. >> now we know his strategy to engage people sunday 30 is to belittle us by calling us stupid. >> he has not yet said we need to go take a bath. i want to close out on this. >> you the canning your hair is next. >> this really shocked me. in the "new york times" this weekend. the trauma amongst older unemployed workers studies show that 50 to 100% increase in the death rate for older males after they lose their jobs. there are various reasons for
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this rise in mortality. one is suicides. strong links between unemployment and cancer with unemployed men facing a 258% risk higher risk of dying from the disease. long-term unemployed 27 weeks or more looking for work, 5.18 million people, 43.1% of the unemployed people in this country. a huge tragedy and that is it. >> yeah, because chronic unemployment leads to chronic health problems. you don't catch the disease early enough, you go to the emergency ward and use it as health care maintenance. the disease has progressed metasized and you're sunk even further and then you don't have money to help those people out in your family who face those health crises. it doesn't surprise me at all. >> it was "the wall street journal" pointed out a few months ago not dealing with the long-term unemployed we have the amputated a part of the american electorate that will maybe never work again. if president he bill clinton was dubbed the first black
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president, should president obama be known as the first gay president? we will dig deep near the impact of his endorsement into same-sex marriage next on "now." let's play indoors this weekend. all we need is a couple of gallons of our hardest-working paint... ...from the home depot. the place that gives us more top-rated brands than anywhere else... prices that won't shake up our budget. let's make a one-wall statement... ...or tackle a total room takeover ...with paint that'll get the job done in fewer trips up and down the ladder. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. the number one brand of paint just got better. starting at $24.96.
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president obama is in new york city right now where later today, he will attend an lgbt fund-raiser hosted by openly gay entertainer ricky martin. if you walk by the magazine stands this morning, there is no doubt the president is now married to the fight for gay rights. the cover of the latest new yorker shows the white house was rainbow pillars, the new issue of "newsweek" shows the president with a rainbow halo and just this morning the drudge report featured the headline i
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have permission to do this no, they didn't. i was snapping. jimmy, i will read to you an op-ed by kathleen parker in the "washington post." she says his statement carries symbolically but changes nothing. but saying he thinks the issue should remain with the states he is taking a conservative states' rights position and bassing the buck. his announcement was fundamen l fundamentally meaningless. does he have a right to wear the halo? >> i have a problem with the theory that will he will is the first gay president just like i had a problem with bill clinton being the first black president. come on. i think kathleen, she's also from could you tell carolina is right to a degree in that it doesn't change anything with regard to can i get married right now. the answer is no, i can't. but did the president move the dime? yes, did he in a big way. and by the way, as i tweetsed the other day, this is the first
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president to say that he thinks that gharnlg should abequal right. it's landmark. what has he done? nothing. >> michael eric dyson -- bill clinton, tony morrison in the new yorker called big clinton the first black president because of his relationship with the black community. >> right. >> and perhaps on that level, president obama kom be called the first gay president so far as he has moved the ball forward in terms of american presidents on gay rights, civil rights. >> no doubt. till you get one, you've got to borrow one. we didn't have a black president, we had to use bill clinton. mama, with a streak in her hair going to the racetrack born poor, eating mcdonald's and so on. so i think in this sense gay as a signy fire for his identification with the beleaguered and those vulnerableable to state rebuff, yes, in that sense, of course, they should claim him. you say maybe kathleen parker is right, maybe you're right that substantively and
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constitutionally nothing has been done but dag gum, can the folklore, the mythology is where a lot of stuff gets done that is followed up on by the courts. so the fact that he's culturally unleashed a big huge kiss from the white house of legitimacy on the foreheads and other places of the gay imagination, means he's also kissed the american imagination and forced us to deal with things we would not rather not deal with and forced all of us to claim our positions and to stake our positions in regard to this particular issue. >> to that point, what the president should do next is send a constitutional amendment to the congress and ask them to pass it. >> which he certainly is not going to do. >> i'm grateful for what the president's done and i think it's wonderful and moral. separate but equal is not okay. but again, do something about it. don't just tell me you like me. >> presumably jimmy, that's why you're supposed to vote for him in november. in his second term, perhaps he can have an amendment. >> if he does it right now, it's
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very problematic. he might not have the that term. >> i want to talk about the response from the african-american community. first talk about how he arrived at the decision. john heilemann saying it -- he brings in the fund-raising equation which is with chicago terrified by the almost certain prospect of being outspent by the forces of the romney campaign and with wall street having dried up as a source of large yes, sir, the campaign turned increasingly to three sources, hollywood, silicon valley and the gay community. matt, what do you make of that? >> i totally disagree that wall street has completely dried up as a source of largesse. obama has a two to one fund-raising advantage over romney as we speak. >> wall street dollars 2% going to romney or romney super pac from wall street. >> i don't believe that. i'd like to see that wall street heavily favored barack obama by almost two to one in the last election. >> it's true but times have changed.
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we'll talk about jamie dimon and the wall street relationship with the white house. as far as this decision being made for reasons beyond just the moral question and answering it for forcefully, what do you make of that quote, that it's really. >> i don't think we can ascribe motive. if barack obama is the first gay president, he was outed by joe biden essentially. they weren't going to do this it will till joe biden started flapping his gums in front of a reporter i think it's great and i applaud the president for making this decision. it's a profound moral thing that's happened. they have moved the arrow in the right direction. but i can't see this as an -- unless tlan credhey're incredib talented, i don't see this as a rush for campaign cash at all. >> alisha, tony perkins on cbs this weekend, let's play the a little bit of sound from what he said regarding the statement. >> i think that will. barack obama has helped fit
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eighth missing piece of intensity that mitt romney's going to need. i don't think the president did a political cue lus to do this because if he did, he needs to go back to the calculator because it's a bad formula. >> so does this fire up conservatives who needed a reason to vote for romney? >> sure and it fires sup parts of obama's base like young people ho weren't totally fired up about november. you have the smartest political calculators in the room and they decided that this was ultimately going to play to the president's advantage, but i think they were trying to decide whether or not it would do any harm first. once they could check that off the list, once biden pushed them out of the closet, then i think this fund-raising thing is a thing that republicans are spreading because it makes it seem like president obama didn't want to do this and it somehow invalidates what he said. i don't think that is the reason that he came out. >> the it ain't all bad though. the point is that you got six of one and half a dozen of the
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other. it will looks flack veryian that a coercive outing, maybe it was a soft sounding. people can be cynical. but for those who is worried that barack obama didn't have the gumption to figure out the game you're in, this is the game you're in. >> michael, the gallup poll showing 13% say the statement about the gay marriage makes them more likely to vote for president obama, 26% say less likely to vote for obama and 60% says it makes no difference. none of those numbers are parsed for the african 34er7b community. how do you think this plays out on black voters? >> many black voters are upset deeply entrenched in religious beliefs and their understanding of what a gay or transgender senior. i'm an ordained minister and i've been at war against the replication of the bigotry that flows from early epics when
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white people said they believed we being black people were socially interior, worked against us, stood in doorways, lynched us, castrated us with the belief that jesus stood by them. i'm trying to arguing to black people there's a parallel. they get resentful. first of all, martin luther king was borrowing from gandhi. already a brown man informed a black man how to resist a white supremacist regime. so i think this notion of ownership is crazy because the gay rights movement and the environmental movement were inspired by the movement. we have to open up to the broader world to say this is a good thing. >> michael eric dyson, there is a reason you are a baptist preacher. that golden throat was on display. thank you, sir. after the break, romney pitches himself to evangelicals and doesn't mention his mormon faith. how well is he handling or not handling the religious question next on "now." still have doubts about taking aspirin for tough pain?
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like yours and mine sometimes wonder where we can meet in common purpose when there are so many differences in cede and theology. surely the answer is that we can meet in service and shared moral convictions about our nation stemming from a common world view. >> that was mitt romney speaking to graduates at liberty university founded by evangelical leader jerry falwell. he had the difficult task this weekend of convincing some of his toughest skeptics that he shares their views. if joining the panel now is mckay cop pins who wrote about the pitch to the truth believers. thanks for joining the program. >> thanks for having me on. >> what do you make of this difficult dance that romney is doing? he did not mention the word mormon once during his speech and is sort of making an appeal to the conservative christian base. >> he came there after you know, six years basically of trying to
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court their support and failing. and now he came to them sort of as their nominee and said, you know, let's let bygones be bygones vote for me is basically his message, right? i don't know if he totally pulled it off. i think that generally speaking, the people i talked to after i was at liberty, they said you know, it was a good speech. he has good speechwriters but i don't want to the pretend that mormons and christians are the same thing, you notes. >> at liberty university, i believe mormonism is still defined as a cult. some of the folks interviewed afterwards, my favorite was the one thing that's going to be the glaring problem is going to be the deity of jesus christ. it's going to be a problem. >> the big whommie. >> there is a bigger question which is how does he tackle had his mormom monism. mckay, you are a young mormon man and he never talks about the religion. yet, some of romney's i think warmest anecdotes are from his
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time as a bishop dealing with the constituents in -- not constituents in the church but fellow church goers tending to the flock as yet he has remained muse mum on the subject institute any mormon sees soemt shades of mormom monism in the way he speaks and interacts with people. he has been shaped by the mormon church. because of these people he spoke to at liberty, because of the evangelical base, he's just not willing to go into it on the campaign trail very much. >> jimmy, does he need to even campaign for the evangelical vote at this point in the public research institute poll shows he's getting 79%, obama's getting 19%. >> yeah, he does. we talked about this in the primaries back late last, what is this may it, back in november we talked about this. he needs to come out of the closet on his religion.
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hate to draw the parallel. why would you not embrace your own religion? it shows that you're a religious person. i don't think that's bade thing when you're courting people that believe in a god that you believe in. i'm an episcopalian, you're a baptist, you're a mormon. i don't know what you are. >> nobody knows what i am. >> it doesn't matter because at the end of the day, people of faith agree with you that you're a person of faith, they probably tend to gravitate toward you. >> i tell you what, i got a p.h.d. in from princeton, i study religion and teach it. i'm a baptist minister. i believe mitt romney is in a very difficult position because he has a particular religious slant on the world deeply problematic. >> for who. >> second to being a muslim. if he were a muslim, he would think it's a no go. they think you're leading people to hell. the bigotry is there.
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>> apologies for the previty here. coming up, jpmorgan says its chief investment officer is out following the company's $2 billion blunder. will the mistakes of one of the wall street's steadier banks lead to increased regulationings from washingtoning? eamon javers joins the conversation next on "now." got it all. here. have a good day, honey. i love you, ok. bye, mom. [ female announcer ] sam's mom is muddling through her allergies. what can she do? she can get answers at walgreens. with guidance and information to help her make informed choices for her allergy needs. like zyrtec -- with the strength of 24-hour zyrtec, you get relief from your worst allergy symptoms, indoors and out. right now, get a 40 count bonus pack for just $19.99. ♪ find answers at walgreens.
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take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. when something happens like what's happened at jpmorgan chase, someone needs to be accountable and part of that is jamie dimon should withdraw from -- should resign from this position of public trust. >> that was massachusetts senate candidate elizabeth warren calling on jamie dimon to quit the board of the new york federal reserve. last week's announcement that chase racked up a $2 billion trading loss has sparked a management shake-up and more
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calls for regulation. this morning, ina drew announced her retirement. joining from us washington is cnbc's eamon javers. always great to seep. >> you thanks for having me into this would seem to be yet another reason to make the case for more regulations, but we already see folks pushing back on that. what's going to happen in terms of regular lagtory reform? >> i don't think much because regulatory reform takes such a long time to happen. by the time we got to the dodd-frank a lot of the reforms pushed through capitol hill were fairly well watered down and were much lower temperature, if you will, than what would have passed in the height of 2008 in the panic as americans really felt like their 401(k)s were varnishing to nothing. here you've got a similar deal. you've got a big headline, a lot of calls for reform. on the time scale that regulation happens in washington, probably not a whole lot down the line.
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jamie dimon was certainly concerned about it. one of the first things out of his mouth when he talked was this is going to give ammunition to pundits who say we need more regulations. >> pundits or americans. what about jamie dimon sitting on the new york fed? et saying this morning it's a conflict of interest. do you think his position is endangered? >> elizabeth warren is going to get attention with this call today. a lot of big banks sit on the board of the new york fed. it's set up that way sort of a public private hybrid institution. the question isn't wlpts jamie dimon who now is revealed as someone who doesn't know where his own $2 billion is should be sitting in that position of financial responsibility. he's been one of the leading figures in wall street history if you look at who this is happening to, it's one of the most iconic figures on wall street. it's jamie dimon and lloyd blankfein. that's kind of it in terms of names that resonate across the country.
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for jamie to take this fall is tremendous. i don't know if it's going to force him out of the new york fed or not. that's one of the things reformers are going to call for. >> i want to hope this to our little panel here. matt, you have a great pieces in rolli rolling stone talking about regulatory reform and how to kill it. i want to draw your attention to two elements. one is paul krugman in the times today saying it's clear we need toetd restore the sorts of safeguards that gave us a couple of generations without major banking panics. it's clear that is to everyone except bankers and the politicians is bankroll. krugman making the case for increased regulation in the banking sector and yet on "meet the press" this week,. >> you think we needless
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financial regulation rather than more. >> i think we needless. dodd-frank didn't work. >> dodd-frank didn't work. matt, what do you make of that? >> dodd-frank hasn't had a chance to work. what did work was the glass/steagall act. that was a vet very simple concept that said that commercial banks, investment banks and insurance companies all had to be separate. what that an meant was a federal little insured depository institution like a bank, like chase could not blav like a casino or hedge fund which is the exactly what's going on right now. if we had the volcker rule, a watered down version of the glass/steagall act, we wouldn't have had the problem with this act. glass/steagall worked perfectly for half a century no matter what people on the republican side want to say. it was a simple many rule easy to enforce and we could have it tomorrow if we wanted. >> jimmy, the debate around regulation always shocks me. we've seen one of the greatest economic meltdowns since the great depression. and yet, american attitudes
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towards regulation i think have been in large part effective if not shaped by the republican agenda. a washington post abc news poll from earlier this month, do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the obama's administrations increased regulation of financial institutions, 49% of americans had a favorable impression, 44% unfavorable. basically an even split. >> you there's not a single thing in dodd-frank that has taken the american consumer and 1207d their ability to get money. wait, there was something that wasn't in dodd-frank. that would be america's lenders not lending money. i hate to break the news to the american people, grim lich much brilly, i was a senate staffer then and i helped draft parts that have, that made money more fluid, more liquid so the interstate banking laws became more broad in all 50 states. that's a good something. is the bad thing we also said by the way to matt's point if you
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the have insurance pools or stock pools or commercial or retail pools of mobe, you can put them all together and hence them and it doesn't matter. swing forward to 2008 and look what happened. so there has to be something done. the american people don't have a clue what happens with their money unless they put the thing in the 3467 and it comes out. there's none coming out. >> alex, you strip away all the technical pieces and what you get down to is a debate whether or not you can regulate arrogance and greed in human nature. you seep this with jamie dimon who said just a little while before this $2 billion meltdown that there was no problem with this particular trade. you saw it earlier with mf global and jon corzine. these titans of finance who have terrific reputations as smart, intelligent capable people continue to fall victim to their own hubris of thinking if i'm doing it, it can't be a wrong. and doubling down in the case of
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corzine on a very, very risky trade. some of these guys have an enormous appetite for risk because they think they're going to win every time. >> it's worth mentioning the degradation of the relationship between jamie dimon and the white house. it was interesting in the wednesday interview on "meet the press," jamie dimon would say he would call himself barely a democrat. given how lenient the democrats have been in undermining regulatory reform. >> mentioned as potentially a treasury secretary for barack obama, seen as a democratic player on wall street, now he's saying he can barely tolerate the democratic party. but i think there are some folks inside the white house who can barely tolerate jamie dimon because of the criticism he's leveled at the obama administration. >> eamon javers, the man with all the answers, thank you, sir. after the break, we'll look at the congressional agenda. is the plan on capitol hill to
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droid with color for facebook. it's the ultimate status update. get a droid razr maxx by motorola for only $199.99. as the house continues its march to the right, it appears senate republicans are trying to do the same, setting up a scenario that could add to the gridlock that is crippling capitol hill. aliycia, how much more gridlock could there be? harry reid says i used to just talk about the house wing of the tea party but it is over here now. we are now at a place where both of arms of congress are being tied up in legislation that is presumably going to go no where but furthers an ideological agenda. il quote mick mulvaney, a south carolina republican saying we've been kempbd we're not using this as some of us would like to
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which is laying down markers. why aren't we taking up the 3,000th bill of this congress to tell people what we'd do to replace obama care and laying down markers with what we would do with excellence kiv tax reform. >> there's they're pushing back on the violence against women act. i do think you see this tension brewing with mcconnell where they don't know the necessarily how he's going to fit in, whether or not he has the capacity to lead this contingent of his party. at the same time, marco rubio, a tea party darling who for the first time is coming up against the boundaries of being a tea party candidate. he's pushing this d.r.e.a.m. act conservative alternative and can't find any support within his own party. these people are given no room to move. >> jimmy, as a congressional pro, what do you make of the leadership republican leadership in the house and the senate, john boehner who has been under
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fire and under a great deal of pressure and now mitch mcconnell? >> let's start with the speaker. the speaker is in a tough place space, if you will. the reason he's in a really tough place, he's got his number two and number three barking up his tree. you know. >> eric cantor the loudest spark of them all. >> for all intents and purposes, this is the tail wagging the dog. if anybody thinks that's not the case, then go look at -- for example, last week, the house voted to ban gay marriages on military bases and in military schools. really? really? that's going to affect gdp and lower the cost of college tuition. really? so mr. mulvaney from south carolina who i respect is talking about markers. well, he voted for that. so if they actually want to the contribute to something like the bush tax cuts that are going to expire and every american is going to see their taxes go up, debt ceiling, take a vote on that before the end of the year, what else is going to expire. sequestration is coming.
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1.3 -- 2 much $1 trillion. the point is, they have a lot they need to be doing. and they're doing nothing except voting on banning gay marriages on military complexes. >> 93 republicans voted against cantor and steny hoyer's deal to extend the authority of the export impart bank, things in no way controversial are getting held up because the idea of compromise is an anathema" to the republican party. >> the procedural has become the substantive for the tea partiers. they're not having big debates over stuff they is agree with. nothing the other side puts forth can be accepted as a reasonable alternative that we should argue over. so that now you just hold up the whole process because you want to stick your finger in the dam so to speak. >> matt, does this an effect in november? do you think there is is significant blowback, the tea party's effect in congress that, hurts them?
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>> maybe. i have a different view than maybe all of you do. when it comes to the financial deregulatory stuff, there's been a lot of it going on. the jobs act passed the house with 400 votes. it went to the senate, didn't even go through committee. 2 went straight to the floor and got passed there. now a waiver bill coming out of the house going to repeal the derivative stuff. that's going to pass with a ton of votes in the house and go straight through the house and senate, as well. and i think it's a little bit of a misnomer to say there's this is constant combat going on in the house. >> you're painting an even more dire picture. anything that moves the ball forward or is good for the american public gets stopped. >> the self-being is stuff gets put forth as well, it's good for them. >>. let's be honest with those are about, those are all about raising money. democrats are using that to
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raise money from wall street. i get it. let's be clear about something. mitch mcconnell made it clear ta my number one unjob is to defeat barack obama. every single thing that happens in the. >> the is exactly for that reason. everything. >> it will be interesting to see what happens to mitch mcconnell in the intervening. >> eup for re-election after this. >> coming up, they patrol the skies but could unmanned drones soon be headed to a town near you. we'll explain next in what now. >> i'm luke russert. coming up on andrea mitchell reports, the tale of two commencements. we'll hear frrls president obama addressing the graduates at an all woman college in new york. we'll look at the political overtones and the speeches on andrea mitchell reports only on msnbc. may seem like the stuff of fairyales. but if you take away the faces on the trees...
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time for what now. the faa is expected to write rules today on the proper use of lightweight drones by public safety agencies here in the u.s. jimmy, lightweight drones for commercial use. the drones could be used to track drug dealers, find missing children or spy on ex-girlfriends. like is this a good thing or a bad thing. >> i kind of like the theory of public safety. i'm not so sure i like it at the expense of my ability to walk around in my underwear in my house in the middle of the mountains of virginia. that seems to be a problem. look, if it's to go and find drug dealers i got it. for example -- >> the civil liberties question. >> that's the problem. by the way, where are my conservative friends on this? are they going to think this is government overreach in the name of public safety or not? >> matt, we have batted around the idea of drones overseas in sounter terrorism operations. >> legal assassinations.
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>> the idea they would be used here to keep us safe is going to disturb a lot of folks from both sides of the aisle. >> we're apparently killing people without any legal authority overseas with these drones and now they're going to be flying over west virginia and connecticut. haven't these been used to track undocumented immigrants. >> or arpaio. >> yeah. >> it scarce me. it's really -- i hate to drone on and on about it. >> you wanted to use that line. speaking of droning on and on, last which can, we reported that newly elected -- can you really use the word newly? vladimir putin will not be attending the nato summit this weekends. today the white house confirmed president obama will not attend the summit in the russia later this year. if you won't come to my party, i won't come to your party. and endless back and forth.
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>> can you just imagine this would be like part two where he didn't come to our party and now the we went to his party. you don't respect the united states and american exceptionalism. right now president obama is pretty busy. >> what would mitt romney do in in situation? he has a strong aggressive be position vis-a-vis the russians. would he not go? >> i'm not sure. i think mitt would check in with his second in command yet to be named for a player to be traded. and i think that you know, his position has always been about this kind of strong authoritarian leadership from a head not from behind. so the i tended to believe that he would send a representative. >> maybe he would sind an unmannunma -- sind an unmanned drone to the party. >> some say he is a a a drone. >> former president bill clinton discusses xwofl the importance of respect when talking with foreign leadersen and how he would feel if his wife were to
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run for president. when asked who is smarter, he didn't pause and said hillary. >> yes. it reminds me of the attacks from hillary where barack obama is saying what you doing, and he's saying running the world. now we're all finally little accepted she is smarter than barack obama and bill clinton. and bill clinton has now affirmed it for us. >> this is the show where you can say she is so baller. >>-supported barack obama clearly and my wife of course, hillary, but hillary clinton is one of the smartest human beings walking the earth without question. i think that bill clinton is a very smart guy and for him to acknowledge that is only right. >> well, it's unclear what this panel really feels about hillary clinton. >> we love her. >> just kidding. thanks to jimmy is, alicia, matt and michael. i'll see you back here tomorrow at noon eastern when i'm joined by are martin bashir, ari melber, eric baits and lois
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romano. you can find us as with alex. luke russert is in for andrea mitchell. >> we're so smooth. the caps didn't make it but brian boyle from the rangers did. coming up, live coverage of president obama's is commencement address at barnard college in new york. what would john mccain do? how mitt romney's campaign is learning from 2008. details in the he political briefing next on andr"andrea mitchell reports". started to ge. [ female announcer ] got a bad odor in your high-efficiency washer? clean it with tide washing machine cleaner. [ female announcer ] three uses will help remove odor-causing residues and leave your washer clean and fresh. to help maintain your he washer, use tide washing machine cleaner once a month and always wash with tide he detergent, specially formulated for proper he performance. tide washing machine cleaner. clean laundry starts with a clean washer.
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and if he's going to run the country the way he ran our business, i wouldn't want him there. he would be so out of touch with the average person in this country. >> the strategy paid off for romney's opponents in the primary. can it do the same for president obama in the general election. the tale of two commencements. president obama in new york this hour to address the graduates at the all-woman bernard college while romney spent his is weekend delivering the dress at the ultra conservative liberty university in the virginia. the $2 billion blunder. were laws broken as heads roll at jpmorgan. >> we know we were sloppy, we know we were stupid. we don't know if any of that's true yet. >> and roll over bo and shamus. pugsy wins top dog across the pond. good day. i'm luke russert live in washington, d.c. in today for andrea mitchell. if you're daily fix, in early march, barnard college, the new york university
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